Potential ohne ENDE?
Kein PreMarkt heute.
Es wird so weitergehen wie es am Freitag aufgehört hat.
Ich frag mich nur, ob es jetzt gutes Geld wäre, was ich schlechtem hinterherwerfen würde.
und nicht nur City Group......
.... Die Behörde ist wegen des Hypotheken-Streits derzeit noch in Gesprächen mit anderen Großbanken. Dazu gehören unter anderen die US-Institute Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, und Morgan Stanley sowie das britische Geldhaus Barclays. Experten zufolge könnten auf die Finanzhäuser Zahlungen in Milliardenhöhe zukommen.
In einigen Tagen / Wochen sind wir alle schlauer.
you should really watch lockhart interview. the stock should be shooting up like crazy based on what he says.
i have listed to scroll at these times if you are short of time. he practically says receivership would not happen as he did not chose it either at the time he placed them into c-ship, fannie and freddie could be issuers than guarantors at the very least and the system could look like the way it is 5 years from now and that c-ship would end soon. well that is what my take is reading between the lines as he says he may be deposed in lawsuits so he can only say limited stuff. may be you can post what your take is from the interview.
108:00, no receivership ?
114:00 , talks about jr pfd, hedge funds , value and laughs scornfully
118:00, fannie freddie has lots of skills, cannot be wiped out
118:15: lawsuits, repurchase, question from bofa
122:15 implicit guarantee