US Daten
Der ECRI Weekly Leading Index ging gegenüber der Vorwoche um 0,1 auf 140,2 zurück.
Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)
Die US Massenentlassungen nehmen in 2007 stark zu. Nachdem der Index im Januar schon um 19,5% zugelegt hatte, stiegen die Massenentlassung im Februar um weitere 30% zu, hauptverantwortlich hiefür ist das verarbeitende Gewerbe.
Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)
new home sales kein Käuferinteresse wegen subprime-Krise
Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Verkäufen neuer Häuser ("New Home Sales") für Februar 2007
Die Zahl der Hausverkäufe ist in den USA im Februar um 3,9 % auf 848.000 zurückgegangen. Erwartet wurden 995.000 bis 1,0 Mio. Hausverkäufe. Im Monat zuvor waren 882,000 Hausverkäufe registriert worden. Damit wurde die zuvor veröffentlichte Zahl von 937,000 deutlich nach unten revidiert.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Chicago Fed National Activity Index
Der von der Chicagoer Fed veröffentlichte "National Activity Index" ist im Februar auf 0,03 Punkte gestiegen, nachdem er im Vormonat noch bei -0,72 Zählern (revidiert von -0,74 Punkten) gelegen hatte. Während die Subkomponenten für Produktion und Einkommen hohe positive Beiträge lieferten, rutschten die Komponenten für den Arbeitsmarkt, Konsum und Wohnen ins Minus.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Laut ICSC-Chefökonom Mike Niemira hat sich eine tiefgreifende Änderung der Wetterbedingungen als stützender Faktor für die Einzelhändler erwiesen. Somit stellte sich nach einem langsamen Monatsbeginn eine spürbare Erholung ein.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zum Verbrauchervertrauen ("Consumer Confidence") des Conference Boards für März 2007
Der US-amerikanische Vertrauensindex notiert im März bei 107,2. Erwartet wurde er im Bereich 108,5 bis 109,0. Im Vormonat hatte er bei 111,2 notiert. Damit wurde die ursprüngliche Veröffentlichung von 112,5 nach unten revidiert.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Manufacturing Conditions Survey
March 27, 2007
Manufacturing contraction persisted in March; Expectations edged lower
Manufacturing activity in the central Atlantic region continued to drift lower in March, according to the Richmond Fed’s latest survey. The pace of decline in factory shipments and employment moderated, while declines in new orders and backlogs were more pronounced. Capacity utilization expanded on pace, and delivery times continued to edge higher. In addition, manufacturers reported slightly quicker growth in finished goods inventories.Looking ahead, manufacturers’ optimism about their business prospects edged lower in March. Firms anticipated that their shipments, new orders, employment, and capacity utilization would grow a bit less rapidly in the months ahead.
Both raw materials and finished goods grew at a more measured rate in March. Looking ahead, respondents expected raw materials prices to grow more slowly, although they expected finished goods to rise roughly on pace with February’s reading.

Current Activity
In March, the seasonally adjusted manufacturing index—our broadest measure of manufacturing activity—held steady at -10. Among the index’s components, shipments gained five points to -10, new orders pulled back seven points to -11, and the jobs index moved up four points to finish at -9.Other indicators generally changed little. The capacity utilization index was virtually unchanged at -17, while vendor delivery times edged higher to 5. Inventory levels for finished goods grew at a slightly quicker pace in March when compared to February. The finished goods inventories index added two points to 28, while the raw materials inventories index eased one point to 18. The orders backlogs indicator showed the largest change, falling nine points to

Labor market conditions changed little at District plants in March. The employment index registered a -9 versus February’s reading of -13, and the average workweek edged up two points to -18. The wage index advanced at a slightly quicker pace, picking up two points to 4.
In the March survey, our contacts remained generally confident, though a little less so about their business prospects for the coming six months. The index of expected shipments inched down four points to 26, and the new orders indicator nudged down one point to end at 31. The orders backlog index lost four points to 13; the vendor delivery times fell five points to 6; and capacity utilization declined five points to 12. Planned capital expenditures dropped four points to 15.Hiring plans in March were slightly less optimistic as well. The expected manufacturing employment index declined four points to 15, and the average workweek slipped two points to finish at 11. In addition, the expected wage index registered a five-point loss to 37.

In March, District manufacturers reported that raw materials prices increased at an average annual rate of 2.44 percent—considerably lower than February’s reading of 3.52. Finished goods prices rose at a 1.24 percent pace compared to February’s reading of 1.58 percent. Looking ahead to the next six months, respondents expected the prices they pay will advance at a 2.36 percent pace compared to February’s reading of 2.85 percent. In addition, contacts looked for finished goods prices to advance at a 1.81 percent annual rate—a touch above last month’s 1.78 percent pace.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Auftragseingängen für langlebige Wirtschaftsgüter ("Durable Goods Orders") für Februar 2007
Die US-amerikanischen Auftragseingänge für langlebige Wirtschaftsgüter sind im Februar um 2,5 % gestiegen. Erwartet wurde ein Plus von 3,0 bis 3,5 %. Im Vormonat waren die Auftragseingänge bei den langlebigen Wirtschaftsgütern noch um 9,3 % zurückgefallen.
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Veröffentlichung des wöchentlichen Ölmarktberichts der Energy Information Administration (EIA) zur US-amerikanischen Lagerhaltung
Die US-amerikanischen Rohölvorräte (Crude Oil Inventories) sind in der vorangegangenen Woche um 900.000 Barrel gesunken, nach zuvor +4,0 Mio. Barrel.
Die Benzinvorräte (Gasoline Inventories) haben sich in den USA im Wochenvergleich um 300.000 Barrel verringert, nach zuletzt Minus 3,4 Mio. Barrel.
Die Vorräte an Destillaten (Distillate Inventories), die auch das Heizöl beinhalten, sind gegenüber der Vorwoche in den Vereinigten Staaten um 700.000 Barrel geschrumpft, nach zuvor -1,7 Mio. Barrel.
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Durables Disappoint
Joshua Lipton
Investors, already a bit jittery from U.S. economic news released Tuesday regarding the housing sector and consumer confidence, woke up on Wednesday morning to another disappointing headline: weaker-than-expected orders of durable goods.
Wall Street expected to see an increase of 3.5% after a 7.8% decline in January. Instead, the Commerce Department said orders for durable goods -- manufactured items meant to last at least 36 months -- climbed just 2.5% last month. Excluding the transportation sector, orders were down 0.1%.
There was a 9.6% increase in orders for transportation goods, driven by an 88.4% jump in orders for commercial aircraft. Orders in the auto industry climbed 1.3%.
On the flip side, orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft decreased 1.2%. That's following a 7.4% decline in January.
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Veröffentlichung der endgültigen Zahlen zum US-amerikanischen Bruttoinlandsprodukt ("Gross Demestic Product", GDP) für das vierte Quartal 2006
Das US-amerikanische Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) ist in der endgültigen Fassung zum vierten Quartal um 2,5 % gestiegen. Damit wurde das vorläufige Wachstum von 2,2 % nach oben revidiert. Erwartet wurde eine Bestätigung der zuvor veröffentlichten Daten.
Der Chain Deflator ist laut endgütliger Veröffentlichung um 1,7 % gestiegen.
Servus, J.B.
"I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humility." (John Ruskin)
Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Erstanträgen auf Arbeitslosenhilfe ("Initial Jobless Claims") für die Vorwoche
Die Zahl der Erstanträge ist in den USA auf 316.750 zurückgegangen. Erwartet wurden 320.000 neue Anträge nach zuvor 318.000 (revidiert von 316.000).
Hi,hi,hi: Jetzt wirds immer lustiger, 316.750......*kopfschüttel*
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Veröffentlichung des wöchentlichen Erdgasberichts der Energy Information Administration (EIA) zur US Lagerhaltung
Die US-amerikanischen Erdgasvorräte ("Nat Gas Inventories") sind in der letzten Woche um 22 Bcf auf 1.511 Bcf zurückgegangen. In der vorangegangenen Woche waren die Bestände in den USA um 17 Bcf gewachsen, im Vorjahr hatten sie bei 1.720 Bcf gelegen.
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Sorry, aber egal wie es läuft. Eigentlich wärst du doch nur dann zufrieden, wenn alle Daten schlecht ausfallen und die Märkte mit starken Abschlägen darauf reagieren.
Help-Wanted Advertising Index
The Latest Press Release
The Conference Board Help-Wanted Index Dips One Point
March 29, 2007
The Conference Board Help-Wanted Advertising Index — a key barometer of America's job market — dipped one point in February. The Index now stands at 31. It was 39 one year ago.
In the last three months, help-wanted advertising increased in seven of the nine U.S. regions. The largest increases occurred in the East South Central (36.2%), Mountain (18.1%) and New England (16.9%) regions. Declines occurred in the Pacific (-4.7%) and Middle Atlantic (-2.3%) regions.
Says Conference Board Economist Ken Goldstein: "The forward indicators of labor market activity were positive at the end of 2006. But the picture is more mixed now. Print job advertising was lower in February. Online ad volume has maintained its pace. Unemployment claims edged higher in February and early March. And consumer expectations of job opportunities dipped in March. This suggests employment growth may continue, but probably at a more modest pace through spring and early summer."
The Conference Board surveys help-wanted advertising volume in 51 major newspapers across the country every month. Because ad volume has proven to be sensitive to labor market conditions, this measure provides a gauge of change in the local, regional and national supply of jobs.
Online Job Ads Increase
Total online job ads increased to 3,824,200 in February, up 22 percent from January, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Series™. There were 2.5 advertised vacancies online for every 100 persons in the labor force in February.
Latest seasonally-adjusted results follow:
Feb 07 | Jan 07 | Dec 06 | Feb 06 | |
National Index | 31 | 32 | 34 | 39 |
Proportion of Labor Markets | 31% | 43% | 80% | 49% |
Unemployment Rate | 4.5% | 4.6% | 4.5% | 4.8% |
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
Ja, mir wäre es lieber die Märkte würden auf einmal dorthin fallen, wo sie schon lange hingehören......Ich weiß dass Du gut investiert bist und wünsche Dir alles Gute, aber Du wirst es selbst erleben, da wird sich noch einiges tun müssen....
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)
letztes Monat noch konnte der Index auf 18 zulegen und wurde dementsprechend gefeiert, als Trendwende usw... Nun Heute setzte ein leichter Kater ein, denn der Rebound vom letzten Monat war anscheinend nur kleiner Abstecher nach oben, denn Heute brach der Index auf 8 ein......
Survey of Tenth District Manufacturing
Tenth District manufacturing activity growth fell in March after last month’s strong rebound. However, expectations for future factory activity showed solid gains. Price indexes in the survey were mixed, with an overall increase in raw materials price pressures, but a decline in finished goods price pressures, particularly versus last month. A summary of the March survey is attached to this press release. Results from past surveys and release dates for future surveys can be found at: For further information about the survey, contact Tim Todd, Public Affairs Department, (816) 881-2308. The Tenth Federal Reserve District encompasses Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, northern New Mexico, and western Missouri. |
Survey of Tenth District Manufacturing Tenth District manufacturing activity growth fell in March after last month’s strong rebound. However, expectations for future factory activity showed solid gains. Price indexes in the survey were mixed, with an overall increase in raw materials price pressures, but a decline in finished goods price pressures, particularly versus last month. The net percentage of firms reporting month-over-month increases in production in March was 8, down from 18 in February, but up from 5 in January (Tables 1 & 2, Chart). Production decelerated at most durable-goods-producing plants in March, but especially among producers of machinery and high-tech equipment, which had posted strong gains in February. The overall year-over-year production index also decreased from 31 to 20, but the future production index jumped from 25 to 41 after remaining unchanged last month. The majority of other month-over-month indexes also decreased in March. The shipments index dropped sharply from 20 to 0, its lowest level in over a year, and the new orders, order backlog, and employment indexes also fell markedly. The new orders for exports index decreased from 7 to -2, a two-year low, and the average employee workweek index declined to its lowest level in over four years. The raw materials inventory index fell from 13 to 9, but the finished goods inventory index climbed to 7 after contracting for five straight months. Most other year-over-year indexes declined from the previous month. The shipments, new orders, and order backlog indexes all recorded their lowest levels in over three years, and the employment index also dropped considerably from 35 to 20. The supplier delivery time index decreased and the new orders for exports index fell from 12 to 3, a two-year low. On the other hand, the capital expenditures index increased for the second straight month, from 17 to 24. The raw materials inventory index decreased, but the finished goods inventory index rose to 27, an all-time high. In contrast, most other indexes of future factory activity increased. The future shipments index more than doubled, from 21 to 44, and the future new orders, order backlog, and employment indexes also recorded solid gains. On the other hand, the future capital expenditures index edged down from 30 to 23, and the future new orders for exports index reached a four-year low. Both future inventory indexes increased, with the finished goods index at its highest level in over a year. Price indexes in the survey were varied, with raw materials and finished goods prices moving in opposite directions. The month-over-month raw materials price index rose only slightly from 37 to 38, while the finished goods price index dropped from 15 to 3, a two-year low. The future raw materials price index increased from 52 to 66, and the finished goods price index edged down from 36 to 33. The year-over-year raw materials price index also jumped from 67 to 82, while the finished goods price index decreased slightly. |
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Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Manufacturing Survey Home Page
Servus, J.B.
"The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct." (Confucius)