Ein bischen OXY
Naja schau ma mal was sich heute/morgen noch an BR/ Icahn ergibt und viel wichtiger das wir die Corona Krise in griff bekommen...gesund bleiben und Lg
Bis Ende 2021 müssen "nur" 6 Milliarden $ langfristige Verbindlichkeiten getilgt oder umgeschuldet werden.
Das sollte doch machbar sein. In OXY steckt immer noch eine ganze Menge Substanz.
Ihre Assets gehören im US-Ölsektor zur Spitzenklasse.
Also Abwarten.
Chazen has more than 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Prior to founding the NYSE-listed Magnolia Oil and Gas Corp. in 2018, Chazen served as Chief Executive Officer of Occidental from 2011 to his retirement in 2016, and as a director from 2010 to 2017.
"We are delighted to welcome Steve back to the Occidental family at this pivotal moment for the Company. Steve brings unique perspective and experience to the Board gained through his service as Occidental's Chief Executive Officer and his subsequent position as Chief Executive Officer of Magnolia Oil and Gas Corporation," said Jack Moore, Independent Vice Chairman.
Prior to serving as CEO of Occidental, Chazen served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, and in other roles dating back to his joining the company in 1994. Prior to joining Occidental, he served as Managing Director in Corporate Finance and Mergers and Acquisitions at Merrill Lynch.
OXY macht ja nicht mal die technische Gegenbewegung der Märkte mit...
Die Bezugsrechte werden entweder schon zur HV (vermutlich im Mai) deaktiviert oder spätestens am 13.03.2021 auslaufen ohne, dass sie aktiviert wurden.
New York wird wahrscheinlich am Wochenende das zweite Wuhan.....