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301 Postings, 9200 Tage ShareholderKurzfristige bei diesen Aktien 50 % möglich.....

23.11.00 21:18
Es handelt sich hier um keine Push versuche und ich kann guten Gewissens sagen dass ich beide Aktien wie auch die von Wizcom die ich hier am 6.11.2000 empfohlen habe nicht im Depot habe. Ich bin Student und hab mir zum Hobby gemacht die Werte zu beobachten und auf den Boards meine Meinung dazu abzugeben. Ich muss sagen leider hab ich die Aktien nicht sonst müsste ich neben meinem Studinum nicht jobben, aber egal.

Meine Favoriten für nächste paar Wochen:

Fortunecity weil die Aktie wieder auf dem Niveau ist wo sie vor den letzten Zahlen war, die Aktie wurde verprügelt und das Vertrauen scheint raus zu sein. Hier sehe ich gute Möglichkeiten dass das Vertauen zurück kommt da Fortune ueber genügen Liquidität verfügt um noch ein paar jahre am Markt zu sein, außerdem gehen bei manchen die Gerüchte um dass die von AOL übernommen werden könnten was lt. AOL nicht n verneint worden ist. Die Aktie
ist charttechnisch wieder an dem Punkt angekommen wo sich wieder eine Bodenbildung bildet. Wie gesagt meine Meinung.-> www.investtech.com

Team Comunication ist meine Meinung nach auf diesem Niveau ein klarer kauf da die Zahlen meiner Meinung nach besser ausgefallen sind als erwartet-> www.quicken.com.Verschieden Analysten haben für die Aktie ein Kursziel von 12 USD ausgesprochen und die sind meiner Meinung nach auch drin. Die auftragsbücher für nächstes Jahr sind voll (120 Mio) und außerdem ist der Kurs auf einem 52 Wochentief wie soviele andere am Neuen Markt.

Ein weiterer Kauf ist im Augenblick sicherlich die Aktie von SAP die sich innerhalb der letzten 3 M halbiert hat. Hier sehe ich gute Möglichkeiten bis April diesen Jahres 100 Prozent zu machen den eine SAP ist auf diesem Niveau klar unterbewertet und außerdem haben die immer noch ein überdurchschnittliches Wachstum aufzuweisen.



9161 Postings, 9095 Tage hjw2eventuell 50 - 100 % bis Weihnachten

23.11.00 21:52

Das Laden dauert etwas, aber dann!!!

Für mich einer der Qualtätstitel am NM  

301 Postings, 9200 Tage ShareholderSchaut euch die Zahlen von Fort.genauer an....

23.11.00 22:00
FortuneCity Reports First Nine Months 2000 Operating and Financial Results

Increased To 11th Largest Internet Company Worldwide by Audience Reach (Media Metrix). Net Loss Reduced Significantly

Cash Burn Rate Dropped 51% 2Q2000 to 3Q2000

Company Anticipates Further Significant Improvements in Financial Results in 4Q2000

FortuneCity Ranked as 7th Largest Internet Property in Hong Kong, 10th in Canada, 11th in Brazil, 11th in France, 12th in Germany, 18th in UK, 29th in the USA and 14th in Australia by Media Metrix and iamasia.
Worldwide Unique Monthly Visitors Increased To Approximately 20 Million.
FortuneCity Is Now the Leading European Listed Internet Company In Terms of Audience Reach
Sales Organisation Expanded and Enhanced in both Europe and the USA
Sale of AcmeCity to Warner Bros. Online to Further Focus Operations

November 13, 2000 - Frankfurt, London, New York - The FortuneCity Network (Neuer Markt - FCT), (www.fortunecity.com), the Internet media Company, today announced operating and financial results for the First Nine Months of 2000 ending September 30th.

The Company continued to attract a very significant audience of Internet users with an estimated 20 million unique visitors to its multi-lingual international network of web sites in the month of September, according to the Company. This was accomplished despite significant reductions in promotion and marketing costs over the past several quarters. Moreover, the Company continued to see strong audience growth in the most recently rated months. According to Media Metrix, in August FortuneCity was the 11th largest Internet Company worldwide in terms of audience reach and the largest of all Internet companies listed in Europe in terms of audience reach.

Revenues in the first nine months increased by 90% over the same period in 1999 to approximately $9,000,000. The total number of advertisers in the period was 399, an increase of 103% over the same period in 1999. The Company significantly increased the size of its sales organisation during the 3Q2000 and upgraded its sales management in the USA and Germany. The benefits of these changes will not be fully realised for several quarters, however, the Company is confident these enhancements will result in higher sales in the future.

The impact of the Company's restructuring strategy in 2Q2000 quickly produced significant positive results. Net Losses during 3Q2000 were 50% lower at $(7.7) million compared to a Net Loss of $(15.5) million, including the restructuring costs of $5.4 million in 2Q2000 and $(10.5) million in 1Q2000. The Company's cash burn rate was reduced by 51% to $5.8 million from $11.9 million in 2Q2000. FortuneCity anticipates that its cash burn rate will decline significantly again in 4Q2000 due to lower operating costs and higher revenues. Based on the Company's current projections and with $26,500,000 in cash available at September 30th the Company estimates that it has sufficient cash to operate through 2002 and into 2003 and to reach breakeven and that it will not need to raise additional capital. The Company remains virtually debt free.

The Company has been able to significantly reduce its operating costs as a result of the more focused strategy it adopted in 2Q2000. FortuneCity is now focused on markets where it has created the broadest reach and greatest page view traffic and the strongest product and service offerings (personal publishing and redirect services). Moreover, the Company has recently undertaken some additional efficiency improving measures that will significantly reduce costs and enhance the Company's operating flexibility. The Company is reviewing other strategic initiatives that it anticipates will enable it to establish a more efficient cost structure for its operations. The benefits of these new initiatives will only be partially felt in 4Q2000, however, they will improve the operating cost structure for 2001 and beyond to the extent they are initiated.

Peter Macnee President and CEO stated " We have already started to see the financial benefits of the more focused operating strategy adopted in June. Our cash burn rate is down by 51% quarter over quarter and we have taken additional actions to ensure that it falls further in the next few quarters. During the 3rd Quarter we expanded the sales organisation aggressively to strengthen our position in the key operating markets. We anticipate that the results of this increase will start in the 4th quarter and propel our sales growth into 2001. We are continuing to improve our offering to advertisers in terms of reach and variety of advertising formats they can use. We look forward to stronger results in the future."

Growth in Traffic, Reach and Users
During the first nine months of 2000 FortuneCity continued to grow rapidly both on an absolute basis and relative to most other Internet companies. Media Metrix, a leading independent internet rating agency ranked FortuneCity as the 11th largest Digital Media Property internationally for August 2000 based on their rankings in US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Japan and Australia. This is the highest ranking ever achieved by the FortuneCity and represents a significant increase from a multi-country rank of 16th largest in July 2000. The Company continues to enjoy strong rankings in Germany, the United Kingdom, France and North America, as well as other countries around the world especially in Asia.

Country Ranking Unique Visitors Market Reach
Core Markets:
Germany #12 1,548,000 17.4%
France #11 812,000 16.8%
UK #18 1,023,000 9.4%
US #29 7,936,000 9.9%
Various Other Markets
Japan n/a 2,492,000 15.3%
Hong Kong* #7 743,000 43.2%
Canada #10 1,900,000 15.7%
Australia #14 826,000 12.4%
Brazil #11 n/a n/a

Source: Media Metrix August/September 2000
* Source: iamasia, September 2000.
n/a not available

Total revenues for the first nine months of 2000 increased 90% to $9.0 million from $4.7 million in the same period in 1999. The total number of advertisers in the nine-month period increased 103% compared to the same period in 1999. Amongst major non-Internet companies that advertised on FortuneCity during the first nine months were Audi, Vodafone, Heineken, New Line Films, Thomas Cook, Ford, KPN, Motorola, Chase, JC Penney, Intel and Microsoft.

Revenues in 3Q2000 were $2.5 million, an increase of 10% over the same period in 1999. Revenues were negatively impacted in 3Q2000 by a slow down in advertising by certain Internet companies that had been advertising with the Company in prior quarters and by changes in the Company's sales management organisation initiated to increase sales and increase the number of traditional advertisers using the Company's services. Sales were particularly weak in August, however, sales at the start of 4Q2000 have recovered and the Company anticipates a stronger current quarter.

During the 3Q2000 FortuneCity enhanced and increased its sales organisation in the USA and in Europe. The new sales representatives recruited in the 3Q2000 have completed the training process and are beginning to generate revenue. It is expected to take up to 90 days before they become fully productive. The Company anticipates that the addition of new sales representatives will allow it to further increase sales. The Company also recruited new sales management for its German sales operation and USA sales operation. Out of a total payroll at September 2000, of 154 people the Company now has 54% or 83 people working directly in revenue generating activities. This compares with a payroll of 203 people in May of which 15% or 31 were actively generating revenue.

Revenues continued to be dominated by the sale of banner advertising, which accounted for approximately 65% of revenues in 3Q2000 as compared to 72% in 1Q2000. During the 3Q2000 the Company enhanced the Business Development team that is tasked to focus on non- banner advertising related revenue. This team has already made a positive impact by establishing 30 new partnerships with an additional 6 partnerships to be launched in the 4Q2000. Sponsorship related revenues increased to 17% of revenues in 3Q2000 from just 5% in 1Q2000. FortuneCity expects an increasing percentage of its revenues to be from sources other than banner advertisements.

The sale of pop-up advertisements, as opposed to banners, on the Company's redirect services continued to prove popular with advertisers. Ads in pop-up windows on the Company's redirect services typically acheive above average industry click through rates. The Company commenced a major program to generate revenue from its email database during 3Q2000 and anticipates the percentage of revenue from this source will increase substantially in 2001.

Peter Macnee, President and CEO, stated "In spite of the sluggish summer selling months, we have better positioned FortuneCity to leverage the broad audience reach that our network of sites has achieved world-wide. The Internet Advertising Bureau reported that in 2Q2000 the vast majority of Internet advertising revenue went to the largest sites. We believe that our larger more aggressive sales organization will capitalise on the huge international audience that we have efficiently built over the past two years."

Marketing Expenses
During the Nine Months to September 30th the Company incurred advertising and sales promotion costs of $9.6 million with approximately $1.7 spent in 3Q2000, $3.5million in Q22000 and $4.4 million in 1Q2000. This compares with advertising and sales promotion costs of $15.1 million for the whole of 1999 and $5.4 million for advertising and sales promotion in 4Q1999.

Advertising and sales promotion costs have been reduced each quarter since the 4Q1999 and were cut more substantially starting in April 2000. To date, this has not adversely affected the Company's traffic or audience reach. The Company considers that given its substantial customer base and high traffic levels it can effectively market and cross promote from one site in its network to another without requiring further high expenditures on advertising and sales promotion. The success in maintaining and/or increasing reach in the major Internet markets over the past six months has validated this strategy. The Company still enters into traffic sharing agreements with other Internet companies and undertakes other promotional activities to generate new users. The Company is currently negotiating new traffic distribution agreements with other Internet companies.

The Company will continue to limit its external marketing expenditures for the remainder of 2000 and beyond. The Company believes that the recent slow-down in spending by many of its competitors will allow it to spend less as it already has established a high degree of customer awareness and usage. Cash Position, Burn Rate and Cash Flow Break-even
FortuneCity continues to enjoy a strong financial position. At September 30th, 2000 FortuneCity's balance sheet included $ 26.5 million in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments. Also, the Company continues to be virtually debt free.

The Company consumed 51% less cash in the 3Q2000 as compared to the 2Q2000: $5.8 million in the 3Q2000 compared to $11.9 in 2Q2000 and $12.7 in 1Q2000. As a result of the reorganization, reduction in marketing expenditures and other efficiency improving measures the Company anticipates a further reduction in its quarterly cash consumption and a movement towards cash flow breakeven as revenues continue to grow.

Based on current projections the Company anticipates that it will achieve cash-flow break- even in 2002. This is later than earlier projected and is based on a more conservative estimate of sales growth as a result of the current development of and, concerns regarding, the Internet advertising market. If the Internet advertising market grows more rapidly than is now widely projected and the Company is successful in achieving higher sales then FortuneCity will still break-even as earlier planned in 4Q2001. Based on current projections and the recent reduction in operating costs the Company has sufficient cash reserves to operate through 2002 and into 2003 and reach break-even without requiring further external funding.

Sale of AcmeCity
In order to continue to focus its corporate effort on its core activities FortuneCity agreed in November to sell its 50% ownership in AcmeCity to Warner Bros. Online, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (WBO). The sales consideration agreed is 3,139,238 ordinary share of FortuneCity.com Inc held by WBO. The agreement is subject to the closing of the merger between Time Warner and AOL, and there is a cancellation fee of $1 million payable to FortuneCity in the event that the transaction is not closed by January 31,2001. The sale will allow FortuneCity to further reduce costs and will have no material impact on the Company's revenues. AcmeCity represented less than 2% of the Company's revenues in 3Q2000 and has never been consolidated for purposes of estimating the Company's traffic or Internet rankings. As part of this agreement FortuneCity has agreed to support the AcmeCity site for a period of time following the closing of the transaction and Time Warner has agreed to hold its remaining 553,983 shares for at least one year. Following completion of this agreement the Company will have approximately 27,178,874 shares outstanding.

The FortuneCity Network
FortuneCity.com Inc. (Neuer Markt: FCT) is one of the Internet's largest new media companies with an international network of personal publishing, content and entertainment sites.

     September 30,     December 31,  
Assets     2000     1999  
Current assets:              
    Cash and cash equivalents        $    5,292,351      $     8,665,047  
    Short-term investments     21,262,269               48,316,400  
    Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful              
      accounts of $582,080 and $228,337, respectively     2,088,195                 2,988,365  
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets     1,108,628                 1,323,130  
Total current assets     29,751,443               61,292,942  
Investment in affiliates     4,640,469                 5,389,164  
Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and              
   amortization of $3,833,251 and $1,342,252, respectively     10,015,916                 7,637,432  
Restricted cash     -                    383,750  
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $3,950,055              
   and $1,366,451, respectively     13,328,420               16,866,382  
Total assets     $    57,736,248      $    91,569,670  
Liabilities and stockholders’ equity              
Current liabilities:              
    Accounts payable     $    1,258,763      $    3,431,222  
    Accrued expenses     4,466,151     3,839,320  
    Capital lease obligations     36,320     30,750  
    Other current liabilities     847,515     822,444  
Total current liabilities     6,608,749     8,123,736  
Long-term liabilities:              
    Capital lease obligations     10,159     30,520  
    Other ong-term liabilities     714,595     320,976  
Commitments and contingencies              
Stockholders' equity:              
 Common stock; $.01 par value; 80,000,000 shares              
    authorized; 30,318,112 and 29,194,613 shares              
    issued and outstanding     304,789     291,946  
 Treasury Stock     (1,052,271)                              -    
 Additional paid-in capital     118,763,703             114,867,884  
 Accumulated deficit     (65,159,156)             (31,386,812)  
 Deferred compensation     (125,022)                  (270,273)  
 Other comprehensive loss     (2,329,298)                  (408,307)  
Total stockholders' equity     50,402,745               83,094,438  
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity        $    57,736,248     $    91,569,670  
     For the Three Months Ended     For the Nine Months Ended  
     September 30, 2000     September 30, 1999     September 30, 2000     September 30, 1999  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Revenue     $    2,470,811     $    2,245,188     $    8,965,420     $    4,713,651  
Cost of revenues     2,428,758     1,335,996     7,455,211     3,237,610  
Gross profit     42,053     909,192     1,510,209     1,476,041  
Operating expenses:                          
  Sales and marketing     3,889,541     6,998,996     17,227,815     13,219,361  
  Product development     1,190,459     1,001,100     4,698,643     1,922,860  
  General and administrative     2,001,693     1,006,748     5,880,211     2,511,671  
  Amortization of intangible assets     819,035     340,595     2,585,771     419,995  
  Restructuring and impairment charges     -     -     5,453,716     -  
Total operating expenses     7,900,728     9,347,439     35,846,156     18,073,887  
Operating loss     (7,858,675)     (8,438,247)     (34,335,947)     (16,597,846)  
Interest income (expense), net     386,725     850,263     1,560,386     1,872,990  
Loss before provision for income taxes and equity oss     (7,471,950)     (7,587,984)     (32,775,561)     (14,724,856)  
Provision for income taxes     -     -     -     -  
Equity in loss of affiliates                          
Loss of operations     (18,315)     (224,998)     (241,521)     (330,865)  
Amortization of goodwill inherent in investment   in affiliate     (251,754)     (251,754)     (755,262)     (755,262)  
Net loss     $    (7,742,019)     $    (8,064,736)     $    (33,772,344)     $    (15,810,983)  
Basic net loss per share     $             (0.26)     $             (0.28)     $               (1.14)     $               (0.59)  
Weighted average number of common                          
    shares outstanding     30,110,632     28,889,621     29,747,204     26,582,982  
       For the Nine Months Ended  
     September 30, 2000     September 30, 1999  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Cash flows from operating activities:              
Net loss     $       (33,772,344)     $       (15,810,983)  
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:              
       Depreciation     2,618,730     772,189  
       Amortization and deferred compensation     2,406,402     565,245  
       Equity in affiliates and amortization of related inherent goodwill     996,785     1,141,240  
       Loss on sale of assets     321,285                            -    
      Restructuring reserve and impairment charges     5,154,255                              -    
Changes in operating assets and iabilities:              
Decrease (increase) in:              
   Accounts receivable     900,171     (1,250,769)  
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets     211,393     (1,325,894)  
   Other assets                            -       327,819  
(Decrease) increase in:              
   Accounts payable     (2,168,447)     1,210,713  
   Accrued expenses     (169,530)     2,748,924  
   Other current liabilities     19,811     74,537  
   Other ong-term liabilities     (567,724)     -  
Net cash used in operating activities     (24,049,213)     (11,546,979)  
Cash flows from investing activities:              
    Purchase of property and equipment     (5,314,115)     (5,784,908)  
    Restricted cash     383,750     -  
    Acquisition of business, net of cash acquired              
    Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired     (34,700)     (5,918,251)  
    Purchases of short-term investments     (51,944,732)     (124,111,511)  
    Proceeds from maturity of short-term investments     78,998,863     61,914,933  
    Proceeds from sale of investment in affiliate     256,025     -  
    Investment in affiliates     (179,052)     (1,428,525)  
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities     22,166,039     (75,328,262)  
Cash flows from financing activities:              
    Proceeds from issuances of common stock, net of offering costs     (1,004)     87,210,186  
    Proceeds from issuances of common stock     -     2,648,639  
    Proceeds from issuances of common stock warrants     -     1,114,206  
    Proceeds from exercise of options     103,574     1,110,793  
    Purchase of treasury stock     (1,260,318)     -  
    Payments under long-term obligations     (77,499)     (214,567)  
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock to stockholder              
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities     (1,235,247)     91,869,257  
Effects of foreign exchange     (254,275)     (261,390)  
(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents     (3,372,696)     4,732,626  
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period     8,665,047     4,137,722  
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period     $       5,292,351     $       8,870,348  

Von wegen Todesliste von Platow, war es nicht Platow der versch. Werte bei höchstkursen Empfohlen hat und die sich jetzt mehr als halbiert haben.
Ich bin überzeugt das z.B. Fortunecity den Turnaround schafft nicht weil ich an Gott glaube sondern weil die Zahlen zeigen dass das Unternehmen auf dem richtigen Weg ist. Von heut auf morgen verlangen dass sie schwarze Zahlen schreiben wäre sicherlich vermessen, doch es muss eine Trendwende erkennbar sein und die oben genannte Zahlen zeigen das man wie gesagt auf dem richtigen Weg ist.



3 Postings, 8864 Tage Sahin H.fortunnecity

23.11.00 22:23
ich bin auch der meinung, fortune ist noch lange nicht pleite bares mittel reicht bis zum 2003 und bis da hin dürften die schon längst schwarze Zahlen schreiben. Es braucht nur ein positives NEWS zu kommen sind schnell 50% bis 100% drin. wenn ich mir andere Firmen ansehe die schon längst ihren pleite bekanngegeben haben und trotz dessen bei 3€ notieren dürfte dem fortune garnicht schwerfallen bei gute Marktstimmung 50% aufzulegen.  

301 Postings, 9200 Tage ShareholderFakten hier zum studieren....

24.11.00 01:58
Team Communications Group, Inc. Announces Record Results for Third Quarter 2000: Sales Increase by 144% to $15,259,000 Over the Same Period in 1999
Company Reports Net Income of $1,040,300 for The Quarter, Representing a 56% Increase Over the Corresponding Quarter in 1999
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 22, 2000-- TEAM Communications Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:TMTV - news; Neuer Markt:TME), a leading multinational television production and distribution company with offices in Los Angeles, London and Munich, announced today results for the quarter ended September 30, 2000.

TEAM reported net income for the current quarter of $1,040,300 on total revenues of $15,259,000 compared to net income of $668,600 on total revenues of $6,253,400 for the corresponding period of last year. For the nine months ended September 30, 2000, TEAM reported net income of $2,687,000 and revenues of $34,722,600 as compared to $1,472,900 and $13,273,300, respectively, for the corresponding period of last year.

``We are exceptionally pleased with the financial results for the third quarter and year to date as we continue to build our record success over the last year,'' said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Drew S. Levin. ``Revenues for the current quarter have increased by 144% over the corresponding quarter of last year and by 162% for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 over the corresponding period for 1999. Our strategy of creating a global content supplier is clearly working, not only in terms of significant increases in sales and earnings, but also in the proportion of revenues being generated by each of our three operating centers.''

``TEAM Dandelion and TEAM Entertainment, Germany were responsible for a significant portion of the Company's sales in the third quarter. This is a very impressive showing of our global strengths,'' added Levin. ``At the same time, we have initiated over 90 hours of original production from our U.S. and European operations, including TEAM's critically acclaimed dramatic series, `Call of the Wild' for Discovery's Animal Planet, and `Live Through This,' MTV's first dramatic series ever,'' concluded Levin.

TEAM Communications Group, Inc. is a leading multinational production and distribution company specializing in family, action, adventure and reality-based programming for worldwide distribution. TEAM Communications Group currently owns and distributes over 4,000 hours of programming worldwide. The Company also produces a wide variety of programming for leading U.S. and international broadcasters. TEAM maintains offices in Los Angeles, London through its TEAM Dandelion Ltd. operations and Munich through its TEAM Entertainment, Germany (GmbH) operations.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a ``safe harbor'' for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this news release (as well as information included in oral statements or other written statements made or to be made by TEAM Communications Group, Inc.) contains statements that are forward-looking, such as statements relating to consummation of transactions, anticipated future revenues and success of current product offerings. Such forward-looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect anticipated results in the future and, accordingly, such results may differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of TEAM Communications Group, Inc. For a description of additional risks and uncertainties, please refer to TEAM Communications Group, Inc. filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Forms 10-K and 10-Q.

                       9 Months Ended              3 Months Ended
                    Sept 30,      Sept 30,     Sept 30,     Sept 30,
                      2000          1999         2000         1999
Revenues          $ 34,722,600  $ 13,273,300  $15,259,000  $6,253,400
Cost of revenues    25,679,800     6,056,300   11,039,200   1,920,100
General and
expenses            4,597,100     3,771,700    2,197,800   2,732,700
Earnings from
operations          4,445,700     3,445,300    2,022,000   1,600,600
Interest expense       470,000       477,900      434,800     197,800
Interest income        578,600        87,300      176,000      17,700
Earnings before
income taxes        4,554,300     3,054,700    1,763,200   1,420,500
Provision for
income taxes        1,867,300     1,149,900      722,900     568,200
Earnings before
extraordinary item  $2,687,000     1,904,800  $ 1,040,300     852,300
Extraordinary loss
from early
of debt, net
of tax benefit             --       431,900           --     183,700
Net Income          $2,687,000  $  1,472,900  $ 1,040,300  $  668,600

Primary earnings
(loss) per
common share
Earnings before
item               $     0.20  $       0.45  $      0.07  $     0.15
Extraordinary loss          --         (0.10)          --       (0.03)
Net earnings (loss) $     0.20  $       0.35  $      0.07  $     0.12
Weighted number
of shares
(basic)             13,687,383     4,198,176   14,011,241   5,439,341

Fully diluted earnings
(loss) per
 common share
Earnings before
extraordinary item $     0.18  $       0.38  $      0.07  $     0.14
Extraordinary loss          --         (0.09)          --       (0.03)
Net earnings (loss) $     0.18  $       0.29  $      0.07  $     0.11
Weighted number of
shares outstanding
(diluted)          14,704,412     4,986,711   14,624,955   6,321,861

    United States:
    TEAM Communications Group, Inc., Los Angeles
    Drew S. Levin, Chairman & CEO
    310/312-4401 (fax)
    United Kingdom:
    TEAM Dandelion, Ltd., London
    Noel Cronin, Managing Director
    011-44-181-863-0463 (fax)
    TEAM Entertainment Germany, Munich
    Erhart Puschnig
    011-4989-24-4409-99 (fax)
    U.S. Investor Relations:
    Investor Relations Services, Inc., New Smyrna Beach, FL
    Attn: Dan Kinnison
    904/409-0043 (fax)

79561 Postings, 9089 Tage KickyIch bin da anderer Meinung

24.11.00 02:17

Wenn man bei
auf Chart geht und die verschiedenen Kriterien anklickt,sieht man das Unterschreiten der 38-Tagelinie, der MACD ist unter Null,der RSI ist etwa bei 60,es sind relativ geringe Umsätze,eine Bodenbildung hat bestenfalls begonnen.
Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf,dass Ihr hier in bewährter Wallstreet-online-Manier ganz deutlich eine Aktie pushen wollt.  

3492 Postings, 8971 Tage ReWolfkicky pushen sieht doch anders aus

24.11.00 07:57
ich hab die werte auch auf der watchliste. fortunecity halte ich einen geringen teil. meine meinung ist auch, dass da noch grössere zuwächse kommen werden. chart-technich vielleicht nicht so einfach zu begründen. das ist eher aus dem bauch heraus. obwohl ich bei metabox aus dem bauch heraus ganz schön auf die schn.... gefallen bin - ich versuche nun zu lernen und warte erst mal mit ner kleinen menge ab was passiert.  

79561 Postings, 9089 Tage KickyBegründetes Pushen,aber welche Sau treiben wir

24.11.00 12:34
jetzt durchs Dorf?-immer diese Pennywerte wie Musicmusic,Fortunecity,die schon auf Todeslisten standen und sich durch gleichzeitiges Pushen in mehreren Bords hochjagen lassen,Zockeraktien!  

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