Diese NEWS ist GUUUUT für HARTCOURT :-))

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47 Postings, 8794 Tage AuJaDiese NEWS ist GUUUUT für HARTCOURT :-))

29.10.00 23:51
HARTCOURT: http://quotes.barchart.com/texpert.asp?sym=HRCT&code=BSTCZ vspace=0 hspace=0 align=top border=0>http://quotes.barchart.com/texpert.asp?sym=HRCT&code=BSTCZ vspace=0 hspace=0 align=top border=0>http://quotes.barchart.com/texpert.asp?sym=HRCT&code=BSTCZ vspace=0 hspace=0 align=top border=0>http://quotes.barchart.com/texpert.asp?sym=HRCT&code=BSTCZ vspace=0 hspace=0 align=top border=0>

27Okt2000 CHINA: China opens Internet to the cable TV industry.
BEIJING - In a step that could dramatically boost competition in Chinese telecommunications, the government has repealed a rule barring the cable television and phone industries from each other`s businesses, a top regulator said on Wednesday.
"They are allowed to compete," Liu Cai, director general of policy and planning at the Ministry of Information Industry, told reporters at a reception.
The move might also create fertile ground for investment by foreign companies seeking to tap China`s booming Internet market.
China prohibits foreign stakes in cable stations, but has promised to allow overseas investment in Internet service providers after the country joins the World Trade Organisation.
The new rule could potentially make the country`s 2,000 cable operators ripe for foreign partnerships.
China erected a regulatory wall between the industries a year ago after deadly battles broke out in the southern province of Hunan between cable TV executives and telephone officials who muscled into one another`s turf.
Gunfights and riots broke out in some counties after cable TV officials chopped down telephone lines that carried video programming, and one state newspaper reported that more than 100 people were injured or killed in the clashes.
Despite the ban, however, some local branches of state phone giant China Telecom have continued to pipe television service to their customers, and many of the country`s 2,000 cable TV stations have carried Internet and data over their networks.
By blessing the convergence of the sectors, Beijing appears to be trying to spur competition to strenghten the telecoms industry ahead of China`s entry to the World Trade Organisation, after which foreign firms will be allowed to participate.
"Of course they can provide Internet services," Liu said of cable TV companies. "But they must have a licence."
Cable companies that already provide or hope to provide Internet access and data services should apply for licences at the Ministry of Information Industry, he said. The same goes for phone firms seeking to deliver TV services.
The two industries would not be allowed to produce TV programming, however, he said. The creation of such content would be left to China Central Television and local state-controlled broadcasters, he said.
On balance, the rules appear to be a bigger boon to cable.
The opportunity to sell Internet access might be just the trick to boost stations` profits, which are eaten into by pirate operators. The stodgy state programmes they are required to carry also make it difficult to raise high adertising revenues.
Foreign media companies, such as Hong Kong-based Pacific Century CyberWorks and Rupert Murdoch`s Star TV, are seeking middlemen to carry their Internet video programming to Chinese viewers, and the new regulation could make cable stations their best bet.
The benefit of the new rule to phone companies is less clear.
China Telecom makes massive profits charging sky-high long distance fees. But because local phone fees are bound by price ceilings, two-thirds of the firms`s provincial branches are actually losing money.
They have turned to TV programming as a strategy to prop up their bottom lines.
But the requirement that cable and telephone firms draw their TV content from the same source makes it unclear how China Telecom`s video service would be able to distinguish itself.
(c) Copyright China Securities Bulletin.


47 Postings, 8794 Tage AuJa:-)))))))))

29.10.00 23:52

47 Postings, 8794 Tage AuJaSchade, ich kriege die Grafik nich rein, aber egal

29.10.00 23:53
denn der Artikel ist viel wichtiger.  

182 Postings, 8848 Tage OpossumDie hier ?

30.10.00 00:04

250 Postings, 9069 Tage KoslowskyDemnach wird Hartcourt noch dieses Jahr dort

30.10.00 10:42
einsteigen und den Bereich endlich in Angriff nehmen, was die Umsätze betrifft. Die Vorbereitungen sind ja bereits seit mehreren Monaten abgeschlossen. Der Startschuß für den TV-Sektor ist endlich gefallen.  

32 Postings, 8787 Tage GutInformiertOpossum, der jetzige Chart ist völlig unwichtig,

30.10.00 10:52
viel wichtiger ist die Tatsache, daß China die freigabe für den TV-Bereich gegeben hat. Darauf haben mehrere Unternehmen gewartet. Besonders vorteilhaft wird sich dies für pcc und hartcourt auswirken.

Phan hat Anfang dieses Jahres bereits darauf abgezielt, auch hier verstärkt einzusteigen. Sein Riecher war richtig, denn er hat vorausgesetzt, daß China die Freigabe erteilt. Was wollen wir mehr ?

Gerade in der Kombination TV/Internet liegt fürs erste der Knackpunkt, die Leute dort ans Netz zu bekommen, und zwar so, daß sie die Kosten auch tragen können. Schließlich hat dort fast jeder einen Fehrnseher, aber noch lange nicht jeder einen Computer.

Der Weg ist also richtig, übers TV ins Internet zu gelangen. Hartcourt hat neben pcc in China nicht umsonst die Vorreiter-Rolle.

Die Ankoppelung ist bereits fertig und getestet. Nun ist es nur noch eine Frage von ein paar Wochen, bis es richtig losgeht dort.

Das Jahr 2001 wird eindeutig zugunsten von hrct und auch pcc laufen. Der Kurs wird endlich dorthin kommen, wo er hingehört. Die Anleger mit ihrem langen Atem werden dann endlich mal belohnt für ihre Treue.

9 Postings, 8755 Tage ako1Pressekonferenz ??

30.10.00 12:19
...wird da möglicherweise schon morgen auf der PK etwas enthüllt ??  

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