Bei SILVER SPRUCE steigt langsam die Nachfrage...

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:28
Eröffnet am:18.01.10 17:28von: iceman78Anzahl Beiträge:18
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 01:28von: DianaedziaLeser gesamt:7.055
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2518 Postings, 5706 Tage iceman78Bei SILVER SPRUCE steigt langsam die Nachfrage...

18.01.10 17:28
Habe sie seit Tagen auf meiner persönlichen Watchlist und denke hier sind locker noch einige % möglich! Was denkt ihr?



2518 Postings, 5706 Tage iceman78Mein Widerspruch lautet wie folgt:

18.01.10 20:21
polo 10 kann mich nicht leiden, möchte aber nur erwähnen, daß ich aufmerksam von ariva gemacht wurde, daß der alte Thread nicht mehr aktuell ist und deswegen habe ich diesen eröffnet! Lasst doch hier einen 2. offenen und ernsten Thread zu, es gibt doch zig unnötige threads... ihr unterstützt nicht mich als ehrlichen und freundlichen ariva user, sondern jemanden der mich nicht leiden kann: polo10!

Ich bitte sie höflich den widersprich zu überdenken und verbleibe mich freundlichen grüssen,


2518 Postings, 5706 Tage iceman78Performance seit gestern bereits 50 %

19.01.10 12:20
nächste Performancemeldung bei Überschreiten der 75 % Grenze.....

Zocker sollten sich diesen Titel auf die Watchlist setzen.....

lg, ice  
Angehängte Grafik:

388 Postings, 6099 Tage heckticknimm dir 5000Euro, gibt eine Order auf

20.01.10 20:02
und ich wette Du hast hier 300% mehr zu stehen.

hier findet quasi kein Umsatz statt... wenn Du willst, kannst Du dir den Kurs so zurechtbasteln wie Du es gerne hättest.  

140 Postings, 6012 Tage Readwrite48+60%

04.08.10 07:34
Nach langem Schlafen ist diese Bude erwacht. Eine gute Nachricht hat beigetragen.
Wie läuft es weiter?  

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braun@Readwrite48

04.08.10 10:47
Nachricht.... und Quelle bitte...

besten Dank im Vorfeld...  

140 Postings, 6012 Tage Readwrite48Bitte:

04.08.10 11:10

Ich meinte diese Nachricht vom 29.07.2010

Außerdem SILVER SPRUCE sucht auch hach seltenen Erden und die Nachfrage muß in diesem Bereich künftig steigen, da 90% (oder 80%) der hochkonzentrierten Weltvoräte befindet sich in China. China will jetzt Export von seltetenen Erden aufhören, um selbst zu verbrauchen.

Aktien vo SILVER SPRUCE waren vor mehreren Monaten  massiv vom großen kanadischen Investor PINETREE (pnp auf TSX) gekauft.



288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunhab da auch noch was gefunden...

04.08.10 11:13

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunsollte man sich unbedingt ansehen!!

04.08.10 11:21
eins vorab... man sollte der englischen sprache mächtig sein....

hier befinden sich alle aktuellen news

erstaunlich finde ich die geplanten projekte... wenn das klappt...  

140 Postings, 6012 Tage Readwrite48Diese Nachricht von 07. Juli

04.08.10 11:21
ist bekannt. Wenn China tatsächlich Export von seltenen Erden bremst, werden die Preise steigen.  

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunund wer es nicht glaubt

04.08.10 11:38
der klickt bitte einfach mal hier:

denke mal eine kleine posi sollte man im depot haben...  

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunder chart von gestern lässt auf heute hoffen...

04.08.10 12:48
Angehängte Grafik:
chart(2).png (verkleinert auf 79%) vergrößern

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.BraunNEW´S...

04.10.10 10:09
scheinbar erwacht da etwas...

Major Landholder in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. is a diverse junior exploration company headquartered in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. The company has been historically focused on uranium, mainly in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) of Labrador, Canada. With more than 11,882 claims (2,970 square kilometers), of which more than 4,000 are located in the CMB, Silver Spruce is one of the largest land holders in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts. Silver Spruce is advancing a number of projects in the CMB and received the first ever NI 43-101 resource calculation for the Two Time Zone in April 2008.

Silver Spruce can earn a 100% interest in the Centauro Property, a gold-silver prospect in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Chihuahua State, Mexico. Significant soil anomalies in gold, silver, mercury and barium were defined at Centauro in early 2008 and diamond drilling is underway.

Silver Spruce also holds a 100% interest in the 511-claim CNL base metal project in central Newfoundland where an initial drill program has been completed.


September 30, 2010
Silver Spruce Reports on REE / U Properties in Labrador


- anomalous values in REEs from both Pope's Hill and RWM properties from due diligence sampling by RA
- airborne radiometric / magnetic survey on RWM by RA shows strong radioactive zones
- thirty nine rock samples taken by SSE on Pope's Hill property - results pending
- follow up exploration started on Lobstick U property

September 30, 2010 - Bridgewater, NS - Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSXV: SSE) is pleased to announce the results of due diligence exploration carried out by Rare Earth Minerals (TSXV:RA) on the company's Pope's Hill (PH) and RWM rare earth element (REE) properties in Labrador and the start of follow up exploration by SSE personnel on the Pope's Hill and Lobstick properties. The company signed a confidentiality agreement (CA) with RA for due diligence and possible option on the PH and RWM properties in June (News Release June 22, 2010). The RWM property covers the second highest heavy rare earth element (HREE) lake sediment value in Labrador on record. The properties are 100% owned by Silver Spruce (News Release May 6, 2010).

Pope's Hill (PH)
The property consists of 62 claims (1,550 ha) located in the Pope's Hill area along the Trans Labrador Highway (TLH). Rock samples taken in 2006 gave values up to 0.46% zirconium, 0.22% niobium, and 7.9% (TREE + yttrium) with HREEs up to 15% of the total rare-earth component. Three samples gave values > 1% (TREE + yttrium), including two (2) samples > 5%. Samples anomalous in REEs also showed elevated thorium values with the highest thorium and REE values coincident (News Release May 6, 2010). The rock units are granitic gneisses of late Paleoproterozoic age, with some pegmatites.

RA visited in July, checking road cuts and quarry sites as they drove through the property, and taking three grab samples of sheared gneiss (1) and magnetic pegmatite (2) for analysis with two samples taken in the eastern extremity of the claims. The samples were not taken in the areas where the anomalous samples reported earlier were taken in 2006 (New release May 6, 2010). Weak anomalous REE values in some elements were found in all three samples in the following elements: La > 100, high value of 124 ppm; Ce > 170, high value of 201 ppm; in addition other anomalous values in Th > 170, high value of 399 ppm; Zr > 200, high value of 1,287 ppm; Sr > 1,000, high value 1,626 ppm; and Ba >1,900, high value of 2,545 ppm.

RA has informed SSE that they are not going to option the property at this time. A follow up prospecting and sampling program using scintillometers to locate radioactive areas was completed by a four man SSE crew in mid September with a total of 39 samples sent for analysis. Results will be reported when received.

The property consists of 32 claims (800 ha) and covers the second highest heavy rare earth element value, > 80 ppm HREE (includes europium, terbium, ytterbium and lutetium), in the government database for Labrador. The property lies in the southern Red Wine Mountains, approximately 30 km to the east of a road which provides access to the Churchill Reservoir area. The highly anomalous sample includes 210 ppm cerium, 240 ppm lanthanum, 11 ppm lutetium, 18 ppm rubidium, 48.9 ppm samarium, 12 ppm terbium, 14.5 ppm uranium and 62 ppm ytterbium plus elevated fluorine. Europium is background as are thorium and vanadium. Another lake sediment sample in the same area is also moderately anomalous in rare earth elements. The geological setting is described as late paleoproterozoic granite, quartz monzonite, granodiorite, syenite, and quartz diorite.

RA carried out an airborne survey (radiometric / magnetic) over the property in July as part of the airborne survey over their extensive property holdings, which include historical beryllium, niobium, REE and zirconium showings, located to the north of the RWM property in the Red Wine Mountains. The survey shows coincident U/Th/K anomalies in two areas of the claim group, in the southwest and northeast, underlain by magnetically low units, which are separated by a magnetically high area. A field check, using a helicopter, by RA located only float material in the vicinity of the radiometric anomalies. A total of six grab samples of granite gneiss (2), granite, quartz syenite (2) and mafic volcanic (1) were taken in the area of the radioactive anomalies, three in the southwestern part and three along the north eastern margin of the property. All gave anomalous values in La > 100, high value of 2,510 ppm; Nd > 100, high value of 1,520 ppm; Ce > 200, high value of 4,360 ppm; In addition anomalous values were also found in Th > 200, high value of 3,480 ppm with two values > 2,000 ppm; and Zr > 1,500, high value of 1,625 ppm against a background of 50 ppm. Two anomalous values were also located in Pr > 200, high value of 449 ppm; and 1 anomalous value in Sm, 215 ppm against a background of 30 ppm, were also located. Rb and Y also gave elevated values > 100, high value of 301 ppm Rb and 4 values > 100 ppm Y, high value of 423 ppm. The highest and most coincident anomalous values were found in the mafic volcanic sample from the northeastern portion of the property.

RA has informed SSE that they are not going to option the property at this time due to commitments on other claims in the area. SSE will be compiling all the information gained by the RA 2010 exploration, and the exploration work to date is expected to meet the Company's work commitments on the project for the first year.

SSE has acquired another eight claims (200 ha) tied on to the RWM property on the northeast side to protect a coincident U/Th/K radiometric anomaly which was located by the RA airborne survey but which extends off the former claim group to the northeast.

Lobstick (LS)
A four man field party was mobilized to the LS property in late September. Follow up will be targeted at the easily accessible, coincident U radiometric and lake sediment anomalies, and the high La / Be lake sediment anomalies which are considered to be indicative of REE potential, in the southern part of the property. Results will be reported as they are received.

Compilation maps showing the property locations, plus pictures of the Pope's Hill area can be viewed on the company website

Analyses on the Pope's Hill rock samples in 2006 were carried out at the ACME Laboratories facility in Vancouver, BC after sample preparation at Eastern Analytical in Springdale, NL. They were analyzed by a REE package (Group 4B REE), which consists of a 0.2 g sample treated by a LiBO2 fusion followed by an ICPMS finish. All rock analyses are being carried out at the Activation Laboratories (Actlabs) facility in Ancaster, Ontario after sample preparation at their facility in Goose Bay. The analysis is by their Code 8 REE package which uses a lithium borate fusion and then analysis by either ICP or ICP-MS..

Silver Spruce is a junior exploration company originally focused on uranium in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) and elsewhere in Labrador, Canada. With interests in more than 7,500 claims totaling more than 1,750 square kilometers in Labrador, Silver Spruce is the second largest landholder in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts. The company also has gold/silver projects in Mexico and the island of Newfoundland, and rare earth element (REE) properties in Labrador, making Silver Spruce a leading explorer in Canada and Mexico.

This release has been approved by Peter Dimmell, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, Silver Spruce Resources Inc., who is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

For Further Information Contact:

Gordon Barnhill, CFO & Director
Phone: 902.527.5700
Fax: 902.527.5711


288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunganz nett anzusehen und mit fakten/zahlen

27.10.10 12:14

140 Postings, 6012 Tage Readwrite48Gestern News, heute noch bessere News

04.11.10 17:14

288 Postings, 5636 Tage Ben.Braunhier eine übersicht

08.11.10 14:16

über die news der letzten monate: quelle:>>> <<<


November 04, 2010

Silver Spruce Reports Results of Channel Sampling Brass          Buckle and Krissy Zones - Rambler South Property, Nl


November 03, 2010  

Silver Spruce Reports on IP Results and Geological Interpretation Big Easy Gold Silver Property, NL


October 28, 2010

Silver Spruce Reports on Results for REE analysis at the Pope's Hill Property and Results of Exploration on the Lobstick Property


October 21, 2010  

Silver Spruce Reports Results Of Channel Sampling; Krissy Trend - Rambler South Property, Nl


October 14, 2010  

Silver Spruce Updates Fall Exploration: Big Easy, Rambler South, Popes Hill, Lobstick Projects, NL


September 30, 2010  

Silver Spruce Reports on REE / U Properties in Labrador September 14, 2010   Silver Spruce Reports on Airborne Radiometric / Magnetic Survey and Lake Sediment Results


September 09, 2010  

Closing of private placements for $550,000


September 03, 2010  

Private placement of up to $400,000 - Amendment


August 26, 2010  

Silver Spruce Defines Large, Strong, Altered / Mineralized Zone Big Easy Property, NL



hier beginnt es langsam zo brodeln...

es ist nur noch eine frage wann der deckel fliegt!


jedenfalls watchlist-on




5409 Postings, 5230 Tage SchwerreichImmer noch dabei

06.07.16 10:16
Ich bin seit vielen Jahren investiert, und sehe den Kurs auf Grund der steigenden Gold/Silberkurse in den nächsten Monaten rasant ansteigen!  

5409 Postings, 5230 Tage SchwerreichGute Aufstellung

12.06.20 10:28
Also nach der gestrigen News (Joint Venture mit Colibri Resource für das "El Mezquite" Projekt) hat SSE nun ein sehr gutes und breit gefächertes Portfolio.

Zum Hauptprojekt Pino de Plata dürften wohl bald News kommen, denn durch die durch das Coronavirus verursachten Stopps aller Tätigkeiten in Mexiko für einige Monate hat sich die Wartefrist, die bei ca. einem Jahr angesetzt und bereits abgelaufen ist, wohl noch etwas verlängert. Ich erinnere daran, dass bei dieser Liegenschaft die Bohrungen, die bereits vorbereitet worden waren, abgebrochen wurden, weil bei der Firma ein Investment-Angebot eingegangen ist, welches 5% Beteiligung am Gebiet zu einem Preis von 250'000 $ als Cash-Zahlung an die Firma beinhaltet hatte.

Der Deal bedurfte gemäss Silver Spruce aber noch einer "Absegnung" durch ein mexikanisches Amt, was sich bekanntlich länger hingezogen hat. Die "Puzzle-Teile" dürften nun aber langsam zusammengefügt worden sein, womit Pino nun wohl bald gebohrt werden kann. Ich erinnere daran, dass die Liegenschaft von Coeur Mining umgeben ist, und in der Umgebung sehr gute Erzwerte vorliegen.

Ein Rechenbeispiel: Der Mexikaner bot 250'000 USD für 5% der Liegenschaft, dies würde ein Preisschild von 6 Mio USD für die Liegenschaft festlegen, was immer noch ein mehrfaches der aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung wäre (d.h. alle anderen Gebiete sind noch nicht mit eingerechnet) - Wenn man sieht, was Coeur Mining für die umliegenden Gebiete bezahlt hat, sind 6 Millionen aber sehr wenig! Ich sehe hier, v. a. auf Grund des starken Gelddruckens weltweit die Chance, dass wir bei höheren Silberpreisen wieder bei 1-3 Dollar stehen. Der Sektor ist sehr klein, und wenn die Nachfrage zunimmt, kommt es zu einer Flaschenhals-Situation.  

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