Onvista Prognose für 2010 ein PLUS von 11811%

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76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasOnvista Prognose für 2010 ein PLUS von 11811%

23.03.09 20:35

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasKleine Grafik ;-)

23.03.09 21:18
Angehängte Grafik:
neu.jpg (verkleinert auf 61%) vergrößern

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasWeiter Richtung Noden

24.03.09 10:01
Wer ist auch Inhaber oder ist gerade eingestiegen? was erhofft ihr Euch?
Welche News habt ihr?  

44542 Postings, 8716 Tage Slaterkomisch

24.03.09 10:22
es liegen gar keine Schätzungen vor


wie kommt man dann auf die erwarteten Erträge von 2009 und 2010?  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumashi

24.03.09 12:13
ich hatte schätzungen mal bei yahoo gesehen, aber ich denke die schätzngen, hat onvista noch von einer anderen quelle, die daten sind auch total frisch, evtl. kommt noch was rein.  

22764 Postings, 6062 Tage MaxgreeenSchmarrn

24.03.09 12:16

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumashi

24.03.09 12:43
Regal Petroleum Provides Operational and Financial Update

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Regal Petroleum, the AIM-listed (RPT) oil and gas exploration and production group operating in Ukraine, Romania and Egypt, provides the following Drilling, Production and Financial update.

• Ukrainian well SV-58 spudded late yesterday using the second of Regal’s brand-new, American-built top drive drilling rigs contracted from Saipem. Excellent progress continues on well MEX-106 that has reached 2,600 m on its way to a planned maximum depth of 6,200 m.
• MEX-106 and SV-58 are each expected to take approximately six months to complete, which is half the time typically experienced in Ukraine to drill similar wells with regionally available rigs.
• Production expected to be sustained at approximately 1,500 boepd by spring of 2009 on completion of the current well intervention work programme.
• A further significant increase in production is expected on completion of the new development wells, MEX-106 and SV-58.
• Regal’s gas sales price was increased with effect from January 2009 by over $US 50 to $US 242 per thousand cubic metres, representing a 26% increase from December 2008.
• Finally the Company announces that it has executed a mandate outlining indicative terms and conditions for the prospective provision of a loan facility for up to $US100 million by Macquarie Bank Limited (“Macquarie”). Regal’s current cash reserves are $US 88 million.

David J Greer, CEO of Regal, commented:
”We are delighted to be spudding the second of our new generation wells targeted at increasing our Ukrainian production and reserves and are especially pleased with the excellent progress that the first rig has made on drilling MEX-106.”
“We are also very pleased to be making good progress on securing a loan facility with Macquarie with the intention of strengthening Regal’s financial position and providing the funds to implement the Company’s development strategy. We look forward to working together with Macquarie to conclude this facility in the very near future and a further announcement will be made in due course.”


Following the successful importation and mobilisation of two brand-new, American-built top drive drilling rigs contracted from Saipem, Regal has commenced drilling a series of “new generation” wells. These wells are intended to establish additional production from the proven Visean formation reservoirs (“B-sand Production Interval”) and to appraise and develop the deeper Tournaisian formation reservoirs (“T-sands”) which are anticipated to contain dry gas.

MEX-106 progress
MEX-106 was spudded on 11 January 2009 in the Mekhediviska Golotvshinska (MEX-GOL) field, and has reached the planned section depth of 2,600 m for the 13.3/8” casing. The well has been logged in readiness to run and cement the casing. A total of four drill bits were used to reach this casing point as compared to a previous typical requirement of ten using the older generation of rigs. By comparison to the MEX-103 well, the performance of this “new generation” well represents an improvement of eight days over the time taken to drill to the same depth using the older generation rigs. As the new drilling crews become fully trained and familiar with this new generation of equipment, the Company expects overall drilling time and performance to improve further on future wells, particularly in the deeper hole sections.
The next phase of drilling will comprise approximately 2,150 m of 12.1/4” diameter hole which will be cased before drilling into the B-sand Production Interval. The main production objective is condensate-rich gas from the B-sand sequence commencing at a depth of 4,850 m. Drilling will then continue with a 6” hole to allow penetration of the T-sands at approximately 5,700 m, before reaching a planned maximum depth of 6,200 m.

SV-58 spudded
Regal spudded its second “new generation” well, SV-58, on 26 February 2009 in its Svyrydivske (SV) gas and condensate field adjacent to the MEX-GOL field. SV-58 is planned to increase production from the known reserves of gas and condensate in the B-sand reservoirs, and is also planned to drill deeper into the T-sands to appraise and develop earlier gas discoveries at this level.

The Company currently expects that the two wells, MEX-106 and SV-58, will each take approximately six months to complete, which is around half the time usually taken to drill similar wells in this basin using regionally available rigs.

As drilling progresses, a subsurface model based on 3D seismic acquired during 2007 and 2008, which has been tied into data from the existing production wells drilled on the MEX-GOL and SV licenses, will be further refined to include data from MEX-106 and SV-58, with the aim of delineating a material increase in the Company’s reserve base. The Company intends to commission a new competent person’s report in Q3 2009.


Production rose from a September 2008 average of 75,586 m3/d gas plus 10 m3/d condensate (507 boepd) to a peak over 2,000 boepd in November 2008, before being scaled back to allow for the well intervention work and production management activity as described below. The current sustained production rate is 148,098 m3/d gas plus 45.3 m3/d condensate (1,156 boepd). The Company expects that production will increase to around 200,000 m3/d gas plus 55 m3/d condensate (approximately 1,520 boepd) by April 2009 on completion of the well intervention work. A significant increase in production is also expected on completion of the new development wells, MEX-106 and SV-58, later in the year on completion of the drilling operations described above.

• GOL-1 Work-over - the operation to access the remaining reserves in this well was completed successfully. The well is currently closed in with a tubing head pressure of approximately 200 bar and is being prepared to be brought into full production in mid March 2009 at an expected rate approximately 25,000 m3/d and 5 m3/d condensate (178 boepd).
• MEX-102 Work-over - as reported previously, MEX-102 flowed gas at approximately 200,000 m3/day under test. However, these high flow rates have been reduced by mechanically choking back the well in order to maximise recovery of reserves, optimise well economics and prevent condensate banking.
• MEX-103 Well - gas flow from this well has been insignificant to date because of damage caused to the reservoir as a result of historical drilling practices which allowed a large column of heavyweight mud sufficient time to penetrate the reservoir and cause impairment. Operations are being prepared with the objective of chemical removal of the drilling induced damage, after which sustained flow rates of approximately 30,000 m3/d gas and 5 m3/d condensate (207 boepd) are anticipated.

Regal has now implemented a casing design for the “new generation” wells which allows the target reservoirs to be drilled more quickly, with lower mud weights. The Company envisages that these modern drilling practices, made possible by the use of new rigs, will significantly reduce the risk of such formation damage recurring. This was a key consideration in the Company’s decision to discontinue sole reliance on regionally available drilling and completion equipment.


Given the good progress on the implementation of the Company’s development strategy (including the spudding of SV-58 announced today), Regal is evaluating a number of financing options from a spectrum of potential sources including debt, equity and industry partnerships.

Regal is pleased to announce that it has executed a mandate outlining indicative terms and conditions for the prospective provision of a loan facility for up to $US 100 million by Macquarie. Detailed discussions have taken place over recent months and Macquarie has commenced its due diligence review of commercial, regulatory, technical and legal matters, both in the UK and Ukraine. Subject to satisfactory completion of ongoing due diligence and receipt of required internal Macquarie approvals, it is anticipated that the relevant loan documentation will be finalised within approximately six weeks.

Regal currently holds cash of $US 88 million ($US equivalent of Euros, Sterling and US Dollars), which is sufficient to complete the MEX-106 and SV-58 wells and cover some of the long lead items for the drilling of future wells. The Macquarie facility will initially provide additional funding towards further wells, with subsequent draw down of funds being subject to Macquarie internal approvals and production levels and development need.

Following the annual price negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, the cross border price which determines Regal’s gas sales price, has been increased with effect from January 2009. As a result, Regal’s sale price has risen by over $US 50 to $US 242 per thousand cubic metres, representing a 26% increase from December 2008.

Office Relocation
An opportunity arose for Regal to take advantage of the prevailing property market conditions by moving to a recently vacated, more cost effective office that will enable the Company to reduce its rental costs and provide the Company with additional space and facilities to allow for more efficient working today, and further expansion in the future.

Regal’s new registered office address is: Lansdowne House, 57 Berkeley Square, London W1J 6ER and the Company will commence operating from this location on 2 March 2009. Telephone and facsimile numbers will remain the same.


22 Postings, 6008 Tage MacBookPotenzial

24.03.09 17:22
Ich habe mir mal angeschaut und gesehen, dass Shell an Regal Petroleum interessiert ist oder war (im Oktober 2008).
Könnte was werden, evtl. steige ich auch ein.  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasIn loden ein Plus bis jetzt bei 7,5%....

27.03.09 11:17
zwischen durch war es sogar bei 9,..% gewesen sieht ganz nett aus  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumas12000% werden es wohl nicht aber

27.03.09 17:30
die 30% seit beginn diesen Thread ist schon ne Menge  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasstückzahlen

02.04.09 19:46
gestern wie auch heute haben große volumen die besitzter gewechselt.  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasInfos von und über www.regalpetroleum.co.uk

02.04.09 20:12

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasseitdem 23.03.09 35% lol

03.04.09 10:21
immer weiter richtung norden das macht spass  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumas03.10.2008

03.04.09 16:29
Presse: Regal Petroleum - Shell an Übernahme interessiert, Aktie deutlich im Plus
London (aktiencheck.de AG) - Der britisch-niederländische Ölkonzern Royal Dutch Shell plc (ISIN GB00B03MLX29/ WKN A0D94M) wollte einem Pressebericht zufolge seinen Konkurrenten Regal Petroleum plc (ISIN GB0031775819/ WKN 813713) übernehmen.

Laut einem Bericht der britischen Tageszeitung "Daily Telegraph", die sich bei ihren Angaben auf informierte Kreise beruft, habe Royal Dutch Shell für den britischen Öl- und Erdgaskonzern in den vergangenen Tagen eine schriftliche Übernahmeofferte in Höhe von 300 Pence je Aktie unterbreitet, was gegenüber dem Schlusskurs in Höhe von 83 Pence einem bedeutenden Aufschlag entspricht. Dabei sei Shell vor allem an den Erdgasaktivitäten von Regal Petroleum in der Ukraine interessiert, wobei der Konzern auch verschiedene Aktivitäten in Rumänien und Ägypten unterhalte.

In den vergangenen zwei Monaten habe unter anderem der russische Erdgaskonzern Gazprom (ISIN US3682872078/ WKN 903276) sowie der französische Electricité de France (EDF) (ISIN FR0010242511/ WKN A0HG6A) Gespräche mit Regal Petroleum bezüglich einer möglichen Übernahme geführt.

Die Aktie von Shell gewinnt an der Heimatbörse aktuell 1,45 Prozent auf 1.607 Pence, während die Aktie von Regal Petroleum derzeit in London um 27,86 Prozent auf 103,76 Pence zulegen kann. (03.10.2008/ac/n/a)  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumas01.04.2008

03.04.09 16:31
STOCKS NEWS Reuters Results diary

Stocks on the move Real-time Equity News

09:10GMT 01Apr2009-Regal Petroleum (News) up; funding fears over played


Shares in Regal Petroleum climb 7.7 percent as broker Mirabaud says

market fears over group funding and the risks associated with its Ukranian

operations have been over played, leading the broker to repeat its 'buy' rating.

Mirabaud says in a note that the chances of a funding shortfall leading to a

cutback in costs and drilling activity are less than the current market

valuation implies.

Regal has cash of $88 million, which is more than enough to complete the two

wells underway in Ukraine, the broker says.

Mirabaud adds that worries over challenging political and economic

environment in Ukraine, which is home to the company's core asset base, should

ease with the Former Soviet state showing some signs of stabilisation.

Regal's shares hit an all-time low in early March of 25.5 pence.

Reuters Messaging rm://david.brett.reuters.com@reuters.net

09:06GMT 01April2009-GW Pharma up on milestone payment


GW Pharmaceuticals' shares rise 8.2 percent after the company says

it will receive 8 million pounds from its Spanish licensing partner Almirall for its cannabis-based medicine Sativex in the next few weeks.

KBC Peel Hunt says the milestone payment demonstrates Almirall confidence in

the drug, which treats spasticity in patients that have failed all previous


The broker repeats its 'buy' rating on GW Pharmaceuticals.

To see GW Pharma's statement click on

Reuters messaging rm://tresa.sherin.reuters.com@reuters.net

08:53GMT 01April2009-TUI Travel higher on M.Stanley upgrade


Shares in TUI Travel add 1 percent lifted by an upgrade to

'overweight' from 'equal-weight' by Morgan Stanley with an increased target

price of 320 pence, ups from 300.

The broker recommends investors switch to TUI Travel from mid cap peer

Thomas Cook Group which it downgrades to 'equal-weight' from

'overweight' with a decreased target price of 270p, down from 290.

Shares in Thomas Cook Group fall 3 percent.

Morgan Stanley says it increases its 2009 forecasts for both UK travel

companies following solid trading news so far this year, but remains below

consensus on Thomas Cook Group in 2010 due to its higher exposure to the tougher

Scandinavian market and as the firm is already approaching peak margins.

The broker says Kuoni looks good value, but says it is a little too

early to buy. Kuoni shares in Zurich lose 1.3 percent.

Reuters Messaging rm://jon.hopkins.reuters.com@reuters.net


Copyright Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved.

The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.  

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumasNEWS findest Du hier

05.04.09 00:26

76 Postings, 6146 Tage brangumas55% innerhalb von

06.04.09 09:57
2 wochen, dass ist doch echt nett mal  

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