ein ökologischer Pennywert mit rasantem Wachstum

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Neuester Beitrag: 18.03.08 12:19
Eröffnet am:05.02.04 16:35von: KickyAnzahl Beiträge:245
Neuester Beitrag:18.03.08 12:19von: BowwarriorLeser gesamt:64.786
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79561 Postings, 9124 Tage Kickyein ökologischer Pennywert mit rasantem Wachstum

05.02.04 16:35

ist das nicht ein schöner Chart ?und in Berlin plus 10% heute nach Konsolidierung
nun sollte man mal ganz genüsslich den letzten Bericht zur Auftragslage und Gewinn lesen  
219 Postings ausgeblendet.
Seite: < 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 10  >  

18 Postings, 6191 Tage Scharfrichter@nussriegel

10.11.07 02:33
Klare Sache, du bist der coole Typ, der 400% abgeräumt hat. Dieses Geschwätz hört man jeden Tag, die coolen Typen, die voll abräumen! In Wirklickeit sind das alles arme Zocker, die öfter mal 100% verlieren und gelegentlich 20-30% machen, wenn sie traden. Also schwätz nicht herum, bleib auf deinem Teppich, er ist ja eng genug! *gg    

1319 Postings, 7566 Tage Nussriegelklar, der alte Nussi ist ein fieser Pusher

10.11.07 13:14

hatte dein posting 218 noch gar nicht gesehen.

Nach vielen Jahren und über 1000 postings hast du mich als erster entlarvt. Dabei erkennt man mich doch recht deutlich an den typischen Pusherkriterien:

- postet jahrelang im selben Thread zur selben Aktie
- stellt primär harte Facts und Meldungen der Firma ein
- ist bekennendermaßen seit langen long + hold  

Den seriösen User wie dich erkennt man ja auch an typischen Eigenschaften:
- kommt gleich mit seiner kompletten Mannschaft und ist mit ner blütenweißen ID frisch registriert,
  schon bricht   er in diversen Threads Streit vom Zaun
- glänzt duch knallharte, fundierte Analysen wie:  
   "Der Schrott erholt sich nie wieder!"  

Wer soll dir den das abkaufen?  
Willst du Schulkinder um ihr Taschengeld prellen?
Weiß deine Mama überhaupt, dass du allein am Computer bist?  

Für alle, die es noch nicht kennen, hier mal wieder der Link zum altbekannten Thread

Die tödliche Kunst der Aktienmanipulation

(gab´s auch früher schon mal von Kicky)


371 Postings, 7982 Tage esperantoeines kannst du mir glauben, scharfrichter

13.11.07 00:19
wenn sich einer mit dem wert auskennt - dann ist es nussriegel, er war so ziemlich der erste, der mit mir den wert rausgekramt hat(da waren die noch an der börse in berlin notiert, ebenso wie arise - mein nächster highflyer, bin drin seit 0,19).
auch wenn ich mittlerweile raus bin aus dem wert(wwat) - ja, ich auch mit 400%(immer wieder rein und raus) - glaube ich noch immer dran........nur - was man hat, hat man.


1319 Postings, 7566 Tage Nussriegeldanke für die Blumen, esperanto

13.11.07 16:37

aber immerhin machen wir seit jahren mit dem Ding rum (ich immer, du nur, wenn´s rauf geht  

Überschlägig würde ich sagen, dass mich die Firma zumindest im Laufe von 2007 durchschnittlich 30-60 Minuten am Tag gekostet hat. Da kann man schon mal etwas mitreden und muß sich keinen Mist erzählen lassen.
Waren aber rein rechnerisch gut angelegte 100 Stunden, denn dafür hat sie mir immerhin deulich mehr gebracht als 200 Tage gut bezahlter "ehrlicher" Arbeit...



511 Postings, 8005 Tage BowwarriorQuartalszahlen und Ausblick

14.11.07 09:40
WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces Third Quarter Results
Wednesday November 14, 3:01 am ET  
Revised Revenue Guidance for 2007--$20-$22 Million
Revenue Guidance for 2008 -- $80-$90 Million ($50 Million Core Business; $30-$40 Million ENTECH)

EWING, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB:WWAT.OB - News), developer and marketer of proprietary high-horsepower solar systems, today announced results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2007 and issued guidance for the years 2007 and 2008.

Reflecting startup delays in implementation which pushed third quarter business into the fourth quarter of 2007 and first quarter of 2008, revenue for the third quarter was $4.4 million, compared with $6.5 million reported in the third quarter of 2006. Gross profit for the quarter was $0.6 million, versus $1.5 million in the prior-year period. Large projects which were scheduled for groundbreaking in the second and third quarters are now starting installation in the fourth quarter. The Company’s net loss for the third quarter of 2007 was $3.8 million, or $(0.02) per share, compared to a loss of $0.9 million, or $(0.01) per share, in the third quarter of 2006. The 2007 third quarter reflects investments in R&D, marketing, and operations to support WorldWater’s strategic growth initiatives, which include moving to fewer, multi-megawatt projects from higher volume smaller projects.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2007, WorldWater reported revenue of $7.6 million, compared with $10.3 million for the first nine months of 2006. Gross profit year to date was $1.1 million, versus $1.9 million in the prior-year period. Net loss for the first three quarters of 2007 was $8.7 million, or $(0.05) per share, compared to a loss of $8.6 million, or $(0.07) per share, last year.

“We saw results somewhat lag expectations this quarter due to unavoidable delays regarding our $17 million project for Fresno Yosemite International Airport, our $13.3 million project at Denver International Airport, and our $7.2 million project at Valley Center Water District in California, such that our updated guidance for this year is revenue of $20 million to $22 million. The delays, mainly for permitting or contractual changes in the scope of work, are not unusual in our industry and have meant that certain revenue reporting has shifted from the third quarter into the fourth quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008,” said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO.

“Our guidance for 2008 is $80 million to $90 million in revenue broken out as $50 million in WorldWater core business and $30-$40 million in new ENTECH concentrator business. We are very enthusiastic about the execution of current and upcoming contractual projects and the business pipeline for next year and beyond,” Mr. Kelly continued. “2007 has been a year with great accomplishments, including the signing of the Agreement to merge with ENTECH, Inc., setting the stage for extensive growth as we enter 2008. We have succeeded in our shift in focus to larger solar projects, as demonstrated by contracts for the two international airports and the Valley Center Water District, among others.

“In addition, our lawyers in Spain are continuing to finalize contracts with M&G Promociones de Vivienda Urbana S.A., a real estate development firm, while we analyze many other projects there in conjunction with our Spanish advisor, Prime Solar Senergy. Our pipeline of business opportunities both domestically and internationally for large solar projects continues to expand, and we have begun the manufacturing line to produce 50 MW of ENTECH 20x concentrator modules for the U.S. and European markets.

“To accommodate our growth, on October 1 we also moved to new, much larger facilities in Ewing, NJ and have added engineering, project management and sales personnel to execute our business pipeline. With the combined technologies of WorldWater, ENTECH and our strategic partner EMCORE, our solar systems will be uniquely capable of providing utility-scale electrical and thermal energy on site at prices that we expect to be competitive with the lowest-cost solar electric providers in the world. This patented concentrator technology, integrated with WorldWater’s proprietary control devices, allows for the installation of large solar ‘farms’ with greatly-reduced requirements for silicon cell materials. Given our position with such advanced solar applications, we look forward to strong, solid expansion in 2008,” Mr. Kelly concluded


511 Postings, 8005 Tage BowwarriorPersönliche Einschätzung

14.11.07 09:55
Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Kurs heute noch einmal fallen wird. Die Zahlen sind einfach gemessen an der Bewertung nicht gut bzw. gut genug.
Sollte es so kommen, werde ich - wenn die charttechnischen Vorraussetzungen stimmen - noch einmal nachkaufen.
Noch vor 9 Monaten hatte ich meine größten Zweifel, ob es ohne weiteres zu bewerkstelligen sei, sich auf weniger aber größere Projekte zu konzentrieren und die damit verbundenen Risiken zu meistern. - Viel schneller als erwartet ist m.E. diese Strategie jedoch aufgegangen; - trotz der Verzögerungen bei der Installation und damit Bezahlung der Anlagen.
Insgesamt sehe ich mein Investment im Vergleich zu vor einem Jahr auf deutlich sicheren Füßen.
Das Risiko bleibt in dieser Zeit - nennen wir es einfach mal Übergangsphase - darin bestehen, dass ein Wegfall von Projekten große Lücken in die Bilanz reisst, da es noch so extrem wenige sind. Z.B. muss das Spanien-Projekt eingetütet werden und weitere Großprojekte in die Pipeline kommen. Und nicht zuletzt müssen die Zahlen in den nächsten eineinhalb Jahren schwarz werden!

Ich bleibe überzeugt investiert und stocke auf, sobald es in meinen Augen fundamental gerechtfertigt und charttechnisch einigermaßen sicher scheint.


1319 Postings, 7566 Tage NussriegelZahlen sind keine Überraschung

14.11.07 10:42
Sind kein Brüller, entsprechen aber den Erwartungen, zumindest derer, die sich mit dem Geschäftsverlauf auseinandergesetzt haben.
Das forwward loking Statement ist sehr gut (vervierfachung des Umsatzes in 2008) scheint mir aber trotz allem eher konservativ, was mir ehrlich gesagt lieber ist als hinterher nach unten korrigieren zu müssen. Dafür müssen kaum mehr als die bestehenden Projekte abgearbeitet werden und die erste Anlage in Spanien (10MW) realisiert werden.

Bis zu deren Verkünidung sehe ich noch ein gewisses Rückschlagspotenzial, je nachdem, wie die Zahlen in USA aufgenommen werden.
Also im Moment würde ich, wenn ich nicht investiertv wäre, abwarten und versuchen, nach dem Rücksetzter, aber vor der nächsten Meldung zu spanien rien zu kommen.
Oder man läßt es ganz und sicht sich was anderes, jeder wie er will.
An meinem langfristigen Kursziel, welches ich lieber für mcih bahalte, hat sich nichts geändert.


2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyviel besser....

14.11.07 11:34
... als erwartet. Meine Erarchtens bringt sind die Zahlen sogar sensationell gut für dieses wirtschaftliche und börsliche Umfeld. Nachdem ich aber mit dem Rücksetzer gerechnet habe, werde ich noch getrost zukaufen.
entscheidend ist nicht der heutige kurs sondern vielmehr wieviele Stück man 2008 besitzen wird wenn die run gestartet ist.
mit den besten Grüßen borntofly
keine kauf bzw. verkaufsempfehlung

2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyinteressant dieser artikel

14.11.07 13:23

511 Postings, 8005 Tage Bowwarriorund jetzt wieder zurück auf die 2

14.11.07 16:52
... das wäre schön!

Angehängte Grafik:
big.gif (verkleinert auf 70%) vergrößern

1399 Postings, 7737 Tage Atomibedauerlich dass die Welt noch nicht

14.11.07 17:10
begriffen hat, daß sie nur durch diese techniken eine Zukunft hat.

Und überall hat man eine gewisse Vorlaufzeit - warum erwartet man hier ab dem ersten

Tag nur große Gewinne - die werden schon kommen - wenn lieschen Müller erkannt hat

dass es so nicht weiter geht wie bisher.

Mit sonnigem Gruß


"Verallgemeinere nie"
Denn im Nu ist man um eine gute Erfahrung ärmer,
nur weil man den anderen unterschätzt hat.  

1399 Postings, 7737 Tage Atomiwer weis

14.11.07 17:17
vielleicht kommt es ja zu einem Intraday - Reversal!!!

Mit sonnigem Gruß


"Verallgemeinere nie"
Denn im Nu ist man um eine gute Erfahrung ärmer,
nur weil man den anderen unterschätzt hat.  

2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyatomi...

14.11.07 17:35
der ist doch schon lange eingeleitet! dass man die shorty die unklare situation ausnützen werden war doch klar. den bericht an den zahlen dingfest zu machen ist doch bei so einer anlage für die katz! fakt ist dass die aussicht eine sehr gute ist und dies noch heute honoriert wird.

1399 Postings, 7737 Tage Atomibin halt ein langsamer denker

14.11.07 17:40
danke für Deine Info!

Fakt ist: Es ist eine Firma mit sehr guten Aussichten und somit ein gutes Invest!

Mit sonnigem Gruß


"Verallgemeinere nie"
Denn im Nu ist man um eine gute Erfahrung ärmer,
nur weil man den anderen unterschätzt hat.  

2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyscheint doch wirklich noch grün...

14.11.07 18:11
zu werden. na ja, den bericht genauer zu analysieren dauert halt eine zeit. lg ah  

2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyrt $1,97

14.11.07 18:46

2917 Postings, 6373 Tage borntoflyund wartet....

14.11.07 18:48
was abgeht wenn frankfurt schließt.

1319 Postings, 7566 Tage Nussriegelunglaublich

14.11.07 21:00

dass wir hier und heute noch grün sehen, hätte ich nie und nimmer erwartet. Bin zwar alter und überzeugter Anhänger dieser Firma, aber nach den Zahlen wären die 2$ eher mein Wochenziel gewesen.
ungerechtfertigt, aber so ist halt der Markt.
Ich hoffe, niemand hat ein SL gesetzt und seine Shares billig an die Abstauber verschleudert. Wär schade drum....  

Hier für euch z.K. noch ein posting von Andrecca11, ist von heute heute morgen 9 a.m. und entspricht ziemlich Exakt meiner Meinung.

    14-Nov-07 09:03 am    

OK, so all the idiots are out of the asylum this morning. Fortunately none of the people own any stock. The report is exactly as expected.

No one is in this stock for 2007 results. So they missed by 3-5 million due to timing factors, the revenue will hit in early 2008 for those misses as all the projects in question have started.

2008 will be a banner year and I am sure the forcast of 80-90 is on the ultra conservative side as they will not want to miss again.

If this stock opens lower it is a STEAL and I will be aggresively buying it all day today. DO NOT let market makers get your shares cheap today, they will try!!!

Hat einen guten riecher, der Bursche. Besser als meiner, muß ich neidlos zugeben.
Und ich weiß, er ist RICHTIG dick investiert. Also nicht so wie ich, der sich von einem Teil seiner WWAT-Gewinnen demnächst mal ein nettes Haus kaufen möchte, sondern so RICHTIG RICHTIG dick....so mit nie wieder arbeiten müssen und so....auch ganz nett!

Das wired schon alles, nur eine Frage der Geduld und der Nerven. Wer die nicht hat oder nicht an die story glaubt ,
(ist nicht meine Meinung, aber könnte ich durchaus nachvollziehen)
...der sollte sich einfach woanders tummeln. Gibt ja gottseidank genug Firmen, in die man investieren kann.

In diesem Sinne, schönen Abend


56 Postings, 6374 Tage A2345interessante Aktie

15.11.07 19:22

511 Postings, 8005 Tage BowwarriorFrisches Geld vom Quercus Trust

13.02.08 09:35
WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces $35.64 Million Private Placement with The Quercus Trust


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB: WWAT.OB), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that it has raised $35.64 million from The Quercus Trust ("Quercus") in a private placement of 20,000 shares of WorldWater Series F Convertible Preferred Stock at a price of $1,782.00 per share. Each share of the Series F Convertible Preferred Stock is convertible into 1,000 shares of WorldWater common stock. Quercus also received warrants to purchase 29 million additional shares of common stock at an exercise price of $1.815. Complete terms of the transaction will be described in a Form 8-K to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Thanks to the steadfast commitment of the Quercus Trust, WorldWater now has the funds critical to drive future growth," said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO. "A portion of the financing will be utilized to complete the construction of our 50 MW production plant in Texas, which is vital to the many large awards we are now pursuing. The funds will also be used to hire staff, support global expansion, and bolster our R&D. WorldWater is clearly positioned for a strong 2008 and, with the acquisition of ENTECH now complete, ramping up to meet the rapidly-developing demand for solar energy worldwide."

Prior to February 8, 2008, The Quercus Trust and its affiliates owned shares of WorldWater common stock and preferred stock convertible into shares of WorldWater common stock representing approximately 11.5% of the equity ownership in the Company on a fully diluted basis. With this agreement, the Quercus Trust and its affiliates will own approximately 24.1% of the equity ownership in WorldWater on a fully diluted basis.


511 Postings, 8005 Tage Bowwarriorgab es die Meldung nicht schon einmal?

22.02.08 12:32
WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. Ships 12 Solar Powered Mobile MaxPure(R) Units to Iraq, Providing Clean Drinking Water and Electricity to Farmers and Their Families

Each Unit Requested by U.S. Marines at Camp Fallujah Will Supply up to 30,000 Gallons Daily of Purified or Irrigation Water Plus Electrical Power for Lights, Motors and Tools


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today shipped 12 of its Mobile MaxPure(R) solar water and power-supply units for immediate air delivery to Baghdad. The portable Mobile MaxPure(R) systems will supply up to 30,000 gallons per day of clean drinking water or irrigation, plus electric power for Iraqi farmers and their families along the Euphrates River. At the request of the U.S. Marines at Camp Fallujah, WorldWater and the Morrell Foundation are supplying the systems which will be distributed by the U.S. Marines as part of a humanitarian effort.

Purchased for $900,000, the units have been donated by the Morrell Foundation, an international charitable foundation that provides clean water to people in need. Additional funding was also provided to cover the cost of transporting the units to Iraq. The WorldWater units were picked up today and loaded onto trucks for delivery to JFK International Airport.

Mobile MaxPure(R) is a stand-alone, sturdy and robust 7-foot cube that opens with the press of a button, unfolding a solar array which can deliver 3.2 kilowatts of electrical power and, with the Company's patented AquaMax(TM) controls, can pump and purify up to 30,000 gallons of water daily. The unit can also desalinate brackish or sea water. It will operate from sunshine alone or in combination with a power grid. Mobile MaxPure(R) is also equipped with a back-up generator and a battery bank for 24-hour use.

"The units will arrive at Baghdad Airport next week, where the military will pick them up and distribute them for immediate use by farmers," said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman & CEO of WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. "Within 30 minutes of setting up a Mobile MaxPure(R) unit at its destination, the people living along the Euphrates River will be able to have their most basic needs met - clean water to drink and to grow their crops. Currently Iraqi farmers do not have reliable power from the electric grid to operate their irrigation pumps or to treat their water for drinking, and the river is seriously polluted. Our units will turn the brackish water from the river into clean water instantly."


1319 Postings, 7566 Tage Nussriegelja-in. es sind die alten, die zwar abgeholt ....

22.02.08 14:27

worden sind, aber nun ausgeliefert werden.

Neu und hier nicht eingestellt (hatte keine Zeit) ist die News vom 19.2. Damit haben sie nun ECHTE Profis nicht nur um sich rum, sondern auch direkt im Board (diese, i.e. DG werden sich evtl. überlegt haben, dass das inzwischen nötig ist.

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces Three New Board Members: David Gelbaum, Trustee of The Quercus Trust: David Anthony, Managing Partner of 21 Ventures; Dr. Walter Hesse of ENTECH, Inc., WorldWater's Newly Merged Subsidiary
Thursday February 21, 3:01 am ET

EWING, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB: WWAT.OB - News), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced three additions to its Board of Directors. David Gelbaum, Trustee of The Quercus Trust; David Anthony, Managing Partner of 21Ventures, and Dr. Walter Hesse, founder and leader of ENTECH, were appointed today and joined the Board effective immediately, increasing the Board’s size from 7 members to 10. Mssrs. Gelbaum and Anthony come as representatives of The Quercus Trust, which owns approximately 24.1% of the equity ownership in WorldWater on a fully diluted basis, following its recent investment of $35.6 million and earlier open market purchases and private stock placements with the Company. Dr. Hesse joins the Board following the successful completion of the ENTECH merger. All are Board interim appointments to be confirmed by shareholder votes at upcoming Annual Meetings.

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“Given the accomplishments of the past few months, it is with great pride that we welcome these three esteemed individuals to WorldWater’s Board,” said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO. “David Gelbaum is a strong proponent of advanced and next-generation solar technology, and it is an honor to have him participate directly in the future of our company. Likewise, David Anthony, a venture capitalist who also teaches at the New York Academy of Sciences, will bring professional entrepreneurial experience and vision to WorldWater. I am also pleased to welcome Dr. Hesse to our Board. I have known Walter as CEO of ENTECH for several years now, and our two companies together are already working aggressively to bring the ENTECH 20X concentrator PV and thermal technology into full production for implementation in the US and world markets by this summer.”

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that can not only generate and distribute electricity, but can drive 1000 horsepower motors and pumps from sunshine independently or in conjunction with the electric grid, providing solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., visit the website at www.worldwater.com.

About ENTECH, Inc:

ENTECH, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., provides advanced concentrator solar energy technology for a variety of applications, ranging from solar power arrays for spacecraft and terrestrial implementation to day lighting systems for commercial buildings. The company's patented solar power systems produce electricity from sunlight for applications on Earth (terrestrial power) and in space (spacecraft power). ENTECH's arched Fresnel lenses capture sunlight and focus it onto small solar cells, thereby reducing electricity costs compared to conventional flat-plate (planar) solar energy approaches. Additional information can be found at http://www.entechsolar.com.

1319 Postings, 7566 Tage Nussriegelmist, zerhauen, also nochmal

22.02.08 15:05
WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces Three New Board Members: David Gelbaum, Trustee of The Quercus Trust: David Anthony, Managing Partner of 21 Ventures; Dr. Walter Hesse of ENTECH, Inc., WorldWater's Newly Merged Subsidiary
Thursday February 21, 3:01 am ET

EWING, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB: WWAT.OB - News), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced three additions to its Board of Directors. David Gelbaum, Trustee of The Quercus Trust; David Anthony, Managing Partner of 21Ventures, and Dr. Walter Hesse, founder and leader of ENTECH, were appointed today and joined the Board effective immediately, increasing the Board’s size from 7 members to 10. Mssrs. Gelbaum and Anthony come as representatives of The Quercus Trust, which owns approximately 24.1% of the equity ownership in WorldWater on a fully diluted basis, following its recent investment of $35.6 million and earlier open market purchases and private stock placements with the Company. Dr. Hesse joins the Board following the successful completion of the ENTECH merger. All are Board interim appointments to be confirmed by shareholder votes at upcoming Annual Meetings.

“Given the accomplishments of the past few months, it is with great pride that we welcome these three esteemed individuals to WorldWater’s Board,” said Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO. “David Gelbaum is a strong proponent of advanced and next-generation solar technology, and it is an honor to have him participate directly in the future of our company. Likewise, David Anthony, a venture capitalist who also teaches at the New York Academy of Sciences, will bring professional entrepreneurial experience and vision to WorldWater. I am also pleased to welcome Dr. Hesse to our Board. I have known Walter as CEO of ENTECH for several years now, and our two companies together are already working aggressively to bring the ENTECH 20X concentrator PV and thermal technology into full production for implementation in the US and world markets by this summer.”

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that can not only generate and distribute electricity, but can drive 1000 horsepower motors and pumps from sunshine independently or in conjunction with the electric grid, providing solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., visit the website at www.worldwater.com.

511 Postings, 8005 Tage BowwarriorNews

05.03.08 09:44

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Breaks Ground On Two-Megawatt Solar System At Denver International Airport

Initiative Will Generate 3.5 Million Kilowatt-hours (kWh) of Clean Electricity Annually for Fifth Busiest International Airport in the U.S., Supporting Denver's Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

EWING, N.J., March 5, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, has broken ground on the 2-Megawatt solar system for Denver International Airport (DIA). The solar installation will supply 3.5 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy annually for the airport and is valued at over $13 million. Since first announced last year, the project faced some unavoidable delays but is now scheduled for completion by August, in time for the Democratic National Convention. DIA is the fifth busiest international airport in the U.S. and served nearly 50 million passengers in 2007.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by representatives from WorldWater, DIA and MMA Renewable Ventures LLC, a subsidiary of Municipal Mortgage & Equity. MMA is financing the solar installation and will own and operate the system. In addition to reducing DIA's electric costs, the WorldWater solar system will eliminate more than 5 million pounds of carbon dioxide from the air every year for a minimum of 25 years.

WorldWater & Solar's ground mounted photovoltaic or "PV" solar arrays will be located at the entrance to DIA's main terminal on approximately 7.5 acres of otherwise unusable land. It will utilize a state-of-the-art single-axis tracking system that follows the sun throughout the day for greater efficiency and energy production. A similar system is currently being installed by WorldWater at Fresno Yosemite International Airport in Fresno, CA.

"The WorldWater project will give Denver International Airport one of the largest airport solar energy systems in the country," said Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. "It's an innovative alternative-energy project that will save money on electricity and substantially reduce our carbon dioxide emissions at DIA. It's a perfect fit within our Greenprint Denver action agenda for sustainable practices. We look forward to having it up and running this summer."

Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO of WorldWater, commented, "Thanks to our major solar installations at DIA and also at Fresno International, WorldWater has become the leading solar contractor of airports in the U.S. Our expertise in solar energy generation and integrated systems design makes us well suited to address the complex power needs of a major transportation hub like Denver International, while significantly reducing electric costs and helping improve air quality."

"With its longstanding commitment to sustainable operations and environmental protection, the solar energy system will serve DIA as a highly visible environmental statement to the millions of passengers that travel through our airport each month, including visitors to the Democratic National Convention who will be here in August," said Turner West, Aviation Manager for Denver International Airport.

511 Postings, 8005 Tage BowwarriorQuartalszahlen

18.03.08 12:19
Press Release Source: WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces Fourth Quarter Results
Tuesday March 18, 3:01 am ET  
Reports Record Annual Revenue of $18.5 Million; Strong Balance Sheet to Support Growth in 2008

EWING, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB:WWAT.OB - News), developer and marketer of proprietary high-horsepower solar systems, today announced results for the fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 2007.

Revenue for the fourth quarter was $10.9 million, compared with $7.1 million reported in the fourth quarter of 2006 and $4.4 million in the third quarter of 2007. The increase in revenue was due primarily to the addition of several large contracts, including the Fresno Yosemite Airport. Some projects, however, including the Denver International Airport, were delayed due to logistical issues related to permitting and client finalization. Gross profit for the quarter was $0.6 million, versus $0.9 million in the prior-year period. Gross profit, and gross margins, were impacted by contract timing and startup costs tied to certain large projects currently underway. The Company’s net loss attributable to common shareholders for the fourth quarter of 2007 was $5.7 million, or $(0.03) per share, compared to a loss of $6.5 million, or $(0.04) per share, in the fourth quarter of 2006. The 2007 fourth quarter reflects additional investments in R&D, marketing, and operations to support WorldWater’s strategic growth initiatives.

For the twelve months ended December 31, 2007, WorldWater reported revenue of $18.5 million, compared with $17.3 million in 2006. Gross profit for the year was $1.7 million, versus $2.7 million in 2006. The net loss attributable to common shareholders for 2007 was $14.4 million, or $(0.09) per share, compared to a loss of $15.1 million, or $(0.11) per share, last year. In total, the Company installed 2.6 megawatts in 2007, versus 2.4 megawatts in 2006 and 275 kilowatts in 2005.

“2007 was, as expected, a pivotal year for WorldWater & Solar Technologies,” said Chairman Quentin T. Kelly. “We recorded our highest revenue ever – $18.5 million – and won some very large contracts, including innovative solar installations for the Denver International Airport and Fresno Yosemite Airport. In addition, we expanded our offices, hired critical staff, and signed letters of intent for a number of next-generation solar farms in Europe.

“More recently, since the start of 2008, we have seen several important events take place. We closed the acquisition of ENTECH, raised $35 million in funds from the Quercus Trust, and added key members to our Board of Directors – including David Gelbaum, the highly-regarded head of Quercus. These achievements bolster the company’s long-term growth outlook and solidify our leadership position in large, complex solar solutions. We now have ample funds to complete our 50 MW production line for ENTECH modules in Texas, and we hope to have this operation up and running in the next few quarters.

“We are also now in the process of finalizing many projects previously announced, while actively bidding on a plethora of new opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. We are seeing a significant number of projects that can leverage our ENTECH technology, and we anticipate these contracts will accelerate growth later this year. As for our already-announced letters of intent in Italy and Spain, we continue to wait for certain legislative issues to be resolved before the contracts can be concluded. In Italy, our 3.25 megawatt farm is moving forward but has seen delays tied to new legal requirements regarding photovoltaic applications. Likewise, in Spain, our projects – both the 3 MW solar farm in Aragon and the initial 10 MW one in Lorca – still await a decision by the Spanish Government on the exact incentive scheme (feed-in tariff) for solar power. As previously disclosed, the current feed-in tariff of 44 Euro cents per kilowatt hour is set to expire at the end of September, and the new government is now determining the feed-in tariff values going forward. While we cannot estimate the exact timing for the new tariff determination, which is out of our control, we remain optimistic that progress with our projects can soon be made, particularly given our representation in Spain and Italy and the overall strong support for alternative energy generation in Europe. WorldWater is strongly positioned for any contracts with our cost-efficient, ENTECH technology, whether or not the incentives are changed.

“In the meantime, we continue to bid on a record number of RFPs. With our recent capital infusion from the Quercus Trust and completion of the ENTECH acquisition, WorldWater enters 2008 better prepared than ever to take advantage of the many opportunities available to us. Given the many variables affecting our industry, however, we have determined that providing guidance is, for the time being, impractical. Whether the projects be small, like the sale of 12 Mobile MaxPure™ units destined for use by farmers in Iraq, or large projects such as complete energy systems for airports and solar farms, it is commonplace for governments and commercial enterprises to face interruptions or delays that have nothing to do with our products, technology, or service.

“We are very excited about the future for the company, both in 2008 and beyond. We appreciate our shareholders’ commitment and patience. With our extensive pipeline of projects, cutting-edge technology, and dedicated staff, we expect the coming years to provide long-term, attractive returns for our investors.”


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