Neue Novavax: Anstieg nach 1:20 Re-Split
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Banani, danke für das Transcript! PR können sie wie ich finde.
Weihnachten wird dieses Mal wirklich spannend, Gans und Ente oder doch nur die Taube vom Dach bzw. was die Katzen davon übrig lassen ;)
The Federal Health Minister is optimistic that Novavax COVID-19 vaccines will be available in Australia in January.
Following a meeting with Novavax yesterday, Greg Hunt says he’s “very hopeful” the first international approval will be granted in the next week.
In Australia, he says things are “progressing well”.
“What does that mean? It means that we would have the first of the Novavax, subject to the TGA … and ATAGI approval, those two green lights, in January,” he told Neil Mitchell.
But Mr Hunt urged those who aren’t yet vaccinated against COVID-19 to get jabbed as soon as they can.
“Paul Kelly’s advice this morning, the chief medical officer: ‘The best vaccine is the one you can get, don’t wait’,” he said.
Mr Hunt also shared his thoughts on Victoria’s persistent COVID-19 case numbers, mistrust of politicians, and opened up about his decision to leave politics.
Könnte evtl, die EMA Zulassung sein.
(CHMP meetings 13.12.21 - 16.12.21)
On Dec.7, SAGE (Strategic Advisory Group of Experts) meets to make vaccine recommendations to WHO. I have attached the "Declaration of Interests" of the Expert. Some of them had to recuse themselves due to their connection with Novavax.
WHO link:
Shabir Madhi:
•His institution receives funds from BMGF and Novavax for conduct of Phase II study on Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. Role: National Principal Investigator This interest was assessed as non-personal, specific and financially significant*.
• His institution receives funds from South African Medical Research Council for the conduct of COVID-19 epidemiology studies, and conduct of a phase II study on the ChAdOx-nCoV19 (University of Oxford) vaccine. Role: National Principal Investigator This interest was assessed as non-personal, specific and financially significant*.
Peter McIntyre :
• Serves as a member of the DSMB for the Novavax Covid-19 vaccine. This interest was assessed as non-personal, specific and financially insignificant*.
Kim Mulholland:
•Serves on the Safety Monitoring Committee from the Novavax Covid-19 Vaccine program. This interest was perceived as non-personal, specific and financially insignificant*.
•Worked on the DSMB Novavax Maternal RSV immunization project.
•His institution receives a grant from Novovax regarding a clinical trial on maternal RSV vaccine program. This interest was assessed as non-personal, non-specific and financially significant*.
Sind ja großartige Nachrichten und erklärt warum der Kurs vergangene Nacht wieder ansprang. Und ein Schelm wer denkt, jemand könnte das vorab gewusst und den Kurs bewusst gedrückt haben...
na es ist doch Aufstehzeit und kurz vor dem täglichen Arbeitsbesuch dachte ich, stelle doch mal kurz die Infos hier rein.
Somit beginnt nun der spannende Zeitraum Dezember-Januar und der aktuelle Kursverlauf ist doch pure verarsche und strapaziert enorm die Nevern.
Uns viel Glück :-)
Australian government website....Novavax, finally! Let's go beeches! Hold on for long. Only approvals for the next few weeks.
"I'm very hopeful that there may be the first international approval over the course of the next week, and that Australia is in a very similar timeframe. I'm hopeful that we might see some positive news before Christmas." - Australian health minister
Covid: Pfizer and Moderna jabs give best overall boost, UK trial finds
…Out of seven different vaccines tested, all were found to be safe, and the side effects, including headache, fatigue and pain around the injection site, were generally mild.
The vaccines trialled were Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, Janssen, Curevac and Valneva - although the last two are no longer being made.
All seven vaccines boosted immunity when given after two doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca, and six were effective following two doses of Pfizer - but some worked better than others.
Overall, the mRNA vaccines - Moderna and Pfizer - gave the best boost to antibodies and T-cells, which are known to be important factors in how well vaccines work, particularly after two initial doses of AZ.
The vaccines were equally effective in the over-70s and under-70s.
The researchers say they found a strong response to all variants of the virus, including Alpha, Delta and the original strain, and hope this will translate into protection against Omicron too.
But they caution that further data will be necessary to work out what this means for long-term protection against serious disease……….
Die Wirkung von Novavax wiederum war mit der von Astrazeneca vergleichbar.
Das heißt Novavax funzt richtig wenn der weitere Booster eines anderen Herstellers verwendet wird, vorher ist die Wirkung überschaubar?
Aber das mit Australien lässt doch schon seeeehr tief blicken was hier mit uns Kleinanlegern im wahrsten Sinne gespielt wird: "very hopeful the first international approval will be granted in the next week."
Sobald Valneva , was die Zulassung EU betrifft , gefühlt die Nase ein bißchen vorne hat ( wurde z.B. gestern so in den Medien publiziert ) , springt deren Kurs an .
Sobald Nova wieder hauchdünn vorne ist , geht´s andersrum . Nix für schwache Nerven.
Danke für die vielen Post´s der letzten Tage , was Studien über die Wirksamkeit betrifft.
Wir können uns das Vakzin von Nova schön reden oder auch nicht , Fakt bleibt:
Gewonnen hat , wer die Zulassung bekommt . Und selbst wenn die Wirkung als Booster bei mRNA besser ist , wird es eine Nachfrage nach einem Totimpfstoff geben , gerade bei Erstimpfungen.
@ Banani , Curevac macht nicht weiter , oder wie ist das zu verstehen ?