Neue Novavax: Anstieg nach 1:20 Re-Split
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...Dieses Verfahren ist wohl einer der Hauptgründe, warum der Impfstoff in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung bislang im Schatten der bekannten Vakzine steht – denn es hakt noch etwas. Dazu sagt Peter Liese, gesundheitspolitischer Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion im EU-Parlament: "Das Problem ist, dass die Firma seit vielen Monaten nicht in der Lage war, in den vielen Orten, wo sie den Impfstoff herstellen wollen, zum Beispiel auch in Deutschland, in Halle, in Westfalen oder in vielen anderen Teilen Europas, auch weltweit, dass sie nicht die gleiche Qualität herstellen können, wie in den klinischen Prüfungen." ...
Ich war bei Tilray und Aeterna drin, jedes Mal dachte man die Rakete zündet gleich und jedesmal waren es Rohrkrepierer. Man konnte das Auto schon sehen, aber hat halt nicht gereicht... Diesmal sollte es klappen!
Das Impfangebot kam kurzfristig, hatte gestern keine Möglichkeit meinen Hausarzt ans Telefon zu bekommen.
Ich weiß das J&J nicht besonders beliebt und wirksam sein soll.
Für 2 Scheine kann ich auch das gelbe Heftchen bekommen, aber das ist mir zu unsicher. Erwischt werden, kann ich mir nicht erlauben.
Wenn ich morgen J&J nehme und ggf im nächsten Sommer oder Herbst 22 eine weitere Impfauffrischung benötigen sollte, wäre das dann überhaupt eine Kreuzimpfung?
lg und schönen Abend.
Bis zum Sommer sollte die Zulassung ja da sein.
Kannst ja im Frühjahr mal einen Antikörpertest machen lassen, damit du weisst wo du stehst
Schönen Sonntag
time of publication: September 19, 2021, 08:35 | last updated: September 19, 2021 08:36 am blog printable photo
Israel reaches agreement to purchase Novavax coronavirus vaccines
The Israeli authorities have reached an agreement with the American company Novavax to purchase a vaccine against the company's coronavirus. The final contract with Novavax will be signed after the budget is allocated for the purchase of this vaccine.
The Ministry of Health is asking the government to conclude a contract as soon as possible, fearing the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus, against which the vaccines already purchased by Israel will not work.
Novavax has yet to file an FDA application.
According to the results of the third phase of clinical trials, the effectiveness of the Novavax vaccine is approximately 90%, including against new strains of coronavirus,
The Novavax vaccine, unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines already used in Israel, is not based on mRNA technology. Novavax's drug is based on an inactivated coronavirus. It is based on the S-protein of the pathogen SARS-CoV-2, presented in the form of recombinant nanoparticles. The vaccine can be stored at 2-8 degrees Celsius. The Novavax vaccine is given in two doses.
Recall that negotiations with Novavax were launched by the Israeli government in the fall of 2020.
….The Government said that the Vaccine Taskforce and Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is now working with Novavax to ensure approval is authorised as "quickly as possible," where possible.
That is very positive, Minister, just another couple of quick ones, we're almost out of time. Novavax; a question from one of our listeners, Roy: when will Novavax be available?
So the latest advice we have is November. That's a global question. They're just completing their clinical trials. And so our first doses are due to arrive in November.
We don't have a schedule from them yet, but I've met with senior global leadership recently and that was what they advised me.
So we have 51 million of those. They are what is called a protein vaccine. And if they're not needed in this year's round, they make an excellent booster in case we need this next year.
Triz said in the Fireside chat today .. production of 100 million doses/month in Q3 and 150 million/ month Q4 is full speed ahead. No production problems or delays. Covax deliveries are on schedule.. but it now depends on country regulators to approve EUA
…“And so, therefore, we're now at a point in time, at which all that feedback and all that conversation has been incorporated into these documents, so we should be seeing a coordinated effort of getting these very similar regulatory filings being submitted within the next couple of months,” he said.