Neue Novavax: Anstieg nach 1:20 Re-Split
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...The commission, the bloc’s executive arm, also told the ambassadors that it was hoping to conclude negotiations with the U.S. biotechnology company Novavax next week, with only the delivery schedule remaining to be finalized.
The remainder of the Project Agreement remains unchanged. The foregoing description of the Modification does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Modification, which will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an exhibit to the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2021.
Der Rest des Projektabkommens bleibt unverändert. Die vorstehende Beschreibung der Modifikation erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und wird in ihrer Gesamtheit durch Verweis auf die Modifikation qualifiziert, die bei der Securities and Exchange Commission als Anhang zum Quartalsbericht des Unternehmens auf Formular 10-Q für das Quartal zum 30. Juni 2021 eingereicht wird.
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Vaccination certificates with vaccines Sputnik, Sinovac, etc., which have not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also exempt visitors from the obligation of a negative PCR test. For the list of acceptable vaccines, see here: Pfizer BioNtech, Moderna, Astra Zeneca/Oxford, Novavax, Johnson + Johnson/Janssen, Sinovac Biotech, Gamaleya (Sputnik), Cansino Biologics, Sinopharm
Am 23.4.21 warst du aber noch euphorisch.
Pennystock, nicht dein Ernst, *lach*
Novavax fehlt es an Erfahrung solch ein hervoragendes Produkt schnell an den Markt zu bringen. Die anfängliche Frührung bei der Entwicklung des Impfstoffes wurde inzwischen von 4 anderen Firmen abgegeben. Sieht man die Entwicklung der Aktien von den 4 Impfstoffhersteller, dann hat die Aktie von Novavax eine deutlich bessere Entwicklung hinter sich - daher überbewertet, denn Novavax verkauft noch nichts.
Die Zulassung für den Impfstoff wird jetzt gebraucht. Davor steht aber noch die Einreichung nächste Woche bei der FDA. Bis zur Not-Zulassung dauert es dann ca. 4 Wochen - wenn alles in Ordnung ist. Dann knapp kalkuliert eine Woche Markteinführung. Bis dahin sind die meisten Freiwilligen der Industrieländer geimpft. Es verblieben nur noch die armen Länder dieser Welt und da kann Novavax nicht viel verdienen.
Gleichzeitig wird jetzt schon die Kombination zweier Impfstoffe geprüft. Ich sehe hier Novavax immer noch gut aufgestellt und ich denke wir sehen hier bald Kurse von $300 - $480, nur meine spekulative Meinung.
Das Video ändert meine Meinung nicht. Schöne Bilder von Forschung und Entwicklung. Von der Produktion war nichts zu sehen.
Novavax brucht jetzt wirklich gute Leute, die das Vaccine an den Markt bringen - egal welches. Aus dem Nichts kann man innerhalb von einem Jahr keine Firma aufbauen, die mit den Global Player mithällt.
Kommt wohl nicht gut an. Weiß jemand mehr?
denn wenn das stimmt glaube ich werden wir wieder kurse um die 130 Euro sehen oder noch
tiefer ???
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Novavax has told the European Union it plans to begin delivering its COVID-19 vaccine to the bloc towards the end of this year, new guidance that could lead to a formal contract being signed as early as this week, an EU official told Reuters.
A deal would see Novavax supply a total of up to 200 million doses of the vaccine, providing the EU with booster shots to help contain the coronavirus and potentially guard against new variants, according to the official, who has direct knowledge of the discussions.
Novavax reached a preliminary deal with the bloc in December, but a final agreement has been delayed because the U.S. company has struggled to source some raw materials, Reuters reported in March.
The EU official, who declined to be identified because the matter is confidential, said Novavax still had production problems, but what had changed is that “now they have a delivery schedule”.
Novavax told the EU in meetings over the last two weeks that it planned to send the first small shipments towards the end of this year, with the bulk to be delivered in 2022, according to the official, who said the shots would complement a huge planned supply of vaccines from Pfizer and BioNTech.
A spokesman for the EU Commission, which co-leads talks with vaccine makers together with governments of the 27-nation bloc, declined to comment because the matter is confidential.
Novavax said its negotiations with the EU were continuing. It declined to comment about the deliveries timeline, production problems or whether a formal deal was imminent.
Regardless of a possible deal, the EU’s purchases remain conditional on the regulatory approval of the Novavax vaccine, which has been assessed under a rolling review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) since February.
The EMA has not set a date for its decision on the vaccine, which has not yet been approved anywhere in the world.
The European Commission has repeatedly expressed confidence that it has secured enough doses to reach its goal of vaccinating at least 70% of its adult population by the end of July. The World Health Organization says about 70% of a population needs to be immunized to break transmission.
The EU is therefore now making plans for the coming years, to make sure the bloc will have enough boosters if they are needed to help keep COVID-19 in check and fight variants.
As part of this strategy the EU has already pencilled a huge deal with Pfizer-BioNTech for the supply of up to 1.8 billion doses of their vaccine in 2022 and 2023, the largest contract ever signed worldwide with a maker of COVID-19 shots.
Novavax’s protein-based vaccine represents an “alternative or a complement” to the mRNA shot produced by Pfizer, the EU official said, although it will be available in much smaller amounts. Of the 200 million doses planned, half are optional and can be bought by the EU at a later date if desired.
“We will certainly add other potential vaccines, for example protein-based vaccines have also quite a potential,” European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said in late April when she announced the deal with Pfizer was about to be signed.
French drugmaker Sanofi, in partnership with British firm GlaxoSmithKline, is also trying to produce a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine and has already signed a supply deal with the EU. But their trials suffered a setback in December, delaying development.
Hier geht es definitiv um die Lieferung an die EU.
Diese starken Kursbewegungen kosten echt Nerven, Augen zu und durch.