Neue Novavax: Anstieg nach 1:20 Re-Split
Seite 20 von 354 Neuester Beitrag: 10.06.24 19:00 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 16.08.19 19:30 | von: moneywork4. | Anzahl Beiträge: | 9.84 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 10.06.24 19:00 | von: Unicorn71 | Leser gesamt: | 2.288.749 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 617 | |
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National Research Council-owned facility in Montreal will produce the Novavax vaccine
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today a plan to produce millions of COVID-19 shots at a plant in Montreal starting this summer, securing a domestic supply of vaccines as the global market contends with delivery delays and protectionist measures.
The National Research Council-owned Royalmount facility will churn out tens of millions of doses of the product developed by Maryland-based Novavax, Trudeau said. That company submitted its vaccine to Health Canada for regulatory approval last Friday.
"This is a major step forward to get vaccines made in Canada, for Canadians.... We need as much domestic capacity for vaccine production as possible," Trudeau said. "We won't rest until every Canadian who wants a vaccine has received one."
Novavax has said its protein-based COVID-19 vaccine product produced an efficacy rate of 89.3 per cent in late stage clinical trials, with strong protection against the strain of the virus first reported in the U.K., which has shown to be more resistant to other vaccine candidates.
Canada agreed to purchase shots from Novavax — a biotechnology company that has been at the forefront of developing new vaccines against influenza — last August. The government has since upped that purchase agreement with a commitment to buy at least 52 million doses of the two-dose product.......
Novavax and Government of Switzerland Announce Agreement in Principle to Supply COVID-19 Vaccine
Bin im Dez.20 eingestiegen, ein kleiner privater Zocker, ist aufgegangen, yeah. Banani ist auch dabei, vielleicht moneywork auch noch?
Ich vermute, dass in diesem Forum einer dabei ist, der das verpasst hat, Fuchs und die Trauben , naaa P.?
07:16 NVAX Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Charles Duncan raised the firm's price target on Novavax to $338 from $248 and keeps an Overweight rating on the shares, citing an enhanced conviction for a differentiated clinical and logistics profile from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate NVX-CoV2373 and the potential EUA/approval in several countries in 2021. The analyst raised his projection for the number of doses sold in 2021 to 350M from 200M, previously, which he views as having the potential to prove conservative given that the company has guided for manufacturing capacity to be 2B doses annually by mid-21
Trotz zwei erhaltener Impfungen haben sich 14 Senioren mit der britischen Virus-Variante infiziert. Das Heim, alle Mitarbeiter und deren Familien stehen unter Quarantäne.
Die Bewohner des Altenheims sind vermutlich unmittelbar nach der Zweitimpfung infiziert worden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt besteht allenfalls der Schutz den man nach der Erstimpfung erwarten darf. Also 50%. Eher weniger weil das Immunsystem sich noch im Stress der Impfung befindet.
Also Ball flach halten. Wenn in dieser Phase der Kontakt mit dem Virus erfolgt, dann entspricht das ziemlich genau den Erwartungen, dass jeder Zweite erkrankt. Dass kein ernsthafter Fall dabei ist, ist eher noch positiv für die Impfung zu werten.
Zeitpunkt: 12.02.21 09:37
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
Zeitpunkt: 12.02.21 09:37
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
BRUSSELS, Feb 11 (Reuters) - The European Union could sign asupply deal with Novavax this week or next for the's COVID-19 vaccine candidate, two EU officials involvedin the talks with the firm said.
The EU concluded in December preliminary negotiations withNovavax for the supply of 100 million doses and an option foranother 100 million.
"Talks with Novavax have intensified and we aim to agree thecontract this week or next," one EU official said.
A second EU official, involved in talks, confirmed thatpossible timetable for a deal, but added that discussions withthe company's lawyers were still underway, declining toelaborate on what were the outstanding issues.
Last week Europe's drug regulator said it had launched areal-time review of Novavax's vaccine to speed up potentialapprovals.
The vaccine is still being trialled, but preliminary datashowed the vaccine was 89.3% effective in preventing COVID-19 ina trial conducted in the United Kingdom, and was nearly aseffective in protecting against the more highly contagiousvariant first discovered in the UK.
The possible deal with Novavax would be the seventh sealedby the EU with vaccine makers for the supply of COVID-19 shots.It already has agreements with AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson,Pfizer-BioNTech, CureVac, Moderna and Sanofi-GSK for a total ofabout 2.3 billion doses.(Reporting by Francesco Guarascio @fraguarascioEditing by Susan Fenton)
-Advances joint commitment from Novavax, Serum Institute of India and Gavi to ensure equitable access to NVX-CoV2373 worldwide across low-, middle- and high-income countries
-Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Gavi and Novavax to make available a cumulative volume of 1.1 billion doses of the Novavax vaccine to the COVAX Facility
... The international vaccine effort, known as Covax, has been led by the public-private health partnership known as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, as well as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the World Health Organization. It aims to distribute vaccines that have been deemed safe and effective by the W.H.O., with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries.
The White House officials said the money would be delivered in multiple tranches: an initial donation of $500 million right away, followed shortly by an additional $1.5 billion. The remaining $2 billion will delivered by the end of 2022...
... Those leading the Covax effort greeted the Novavax announcement with enthusiasm. Dr. Seth Berkley, the chief executive of Gavi, said in a statement that the donation would help the campaign “close in on our goal of delivering two billion doses in 2021.” He said it would also expand the range of vaccines it could rely on to “build a portfolio suitable for all settings and contexts.”...
In weiten Teilen Afrikas, Asien und Süamerkia haben Haushalte oft nicht einmal einen Kühlschrank und Krankenhäuser keine minus 70 grad celsius Gefriertruhen.
Und selbst in den wenigen Einrichtungen, in denen es solche Gefriertruhen gibt, ein Stromausfall - und deren gibt es fast täglich, und die RNA Impfstoffe von Pfizer und Moderna sind Sondermüll.
Dieses Risiko (und Kosten für nötige Infrastruktur) kann sich kein ENtwicklungsland leisten. Hinzukommt die Logistik und Verteilung - muss ja ebenfalls tiefgeforen erfolgen.
Und von den 3 Nicht RNA Impfstoffen Novavax, AstraZeneca und Jansen, hat Novavax die mit grossen Abstand beste Wirksamkeitkein. Man müsste etwa nur 605% einer Bevölkerung mit dem Novavaximpfstoff impfen gegenüber 80 oder 90 % mit dem AstraZeneca Impfstoff um das gleiche Ausmass an Herdimmunität von etwa 60 % zuerreichen.
Novavax wird daher den GROSSTEIL des Marktes in den Entwicklungsländern einnehmen - MINIMUM.
Die hohe Temperaturstabilität und die beste Wirksamkeit unter allen bisherigen Impfstoffen, wird NVAX mittelfristig global zur Nr 1 werden lassen, spätestens mit den Auffrischungsimpftoffen.
Biden sichert WHO-Impfinitiative Milliarden zu
Die Covax-Initiative der Weltgesundheitsorganisation soll eine gerechte Verteilung der Corona-Impfstoffe gewährleisten. Der US-Präsident will das Programm mit einer ordentlichen Geldspritze unterstützen. Später sei auch die Spende überzähliger Impfdosen denkbar, heißt es aus Washington.
Afrika hat "Erfahrung" mit Epidemien und Impfungen! Ein Ebola-Impfstoff ist sehr temp.empfindlich und muss extrem tiefgekühlt werden.
Was gibt's da jetzt für Probleme?