Vom Graphit-Boom profitieren: Standard Graphite

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 03:09
Eröffnet am:04.03.12 01:03von: carpe_diemAnzahl Beiträge:2.84
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 03:09von: UrsulahnqnaLeser gesamt:190.900
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4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem@ Vollzeittrader

02.04.12 14:21
Vielen Dank. Auch für dein feedback! Freut mich, dass hier jetzt mehr Aktivität reinkommt  

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemNews bei NGC

02.04.12 14:56

Hervoragend News von Vorreiter Northern Graphite heute! 

Northern Graphite Successfully Produces and Tests Spherical Graphite for Use in Lithium Ion Batteries


Einige sehr gute statements zum Graphit-Sektor u. dessen Aussichten in dieser NR, u.a.:

"The Graphite Market

Graphite prices have increased substantially due to the ongoing modernization of China and other emerging economies which has resulted in strong demand from traditional steel and automotive markets. In addition, new applications such as lithium ion batteries, vanadium redox batteries, fuel cells and nuclear power have the potential to create significant incremental demand growth. The manufacturing of Li ion batteries requires up to 30 times more graphite than lithium and their use in the growing EV/HEV market is expected to require significant increases in graphite production. However, graphite production and exports from China, which produces 70% of the world's supply, are expected to decline and an export tax and a licensing system have been instituted. As a result, both the European Union and the United States have declared graphite a supply critical mineral

Dies sollte sich positiv für alle aktiven Graphit-Unternehmen auswirken!


4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemGutes Orderbuch in Übersee

02.04.12 15:06

Pre Bids bei 0.81 CAD. BID/ASK Ratio bei 2,5 und sehr gute BID-Seiten bis 0,75 CAD im OB. Das Kaufinteresse scheint trotz sagenhafter Rally anzuhalten. Der Wert ist mit 18 Millionen CAD wie gesagt, ja auch alles andere als teuer. Wenn hier die ersten großen Institutionen reinkommen, werden wir vermutlich nicht mehr unter dem CAD stehen..



4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 77

02.04.12 15:08

Die Rally sollte nach den TOP news heute weitergehen, PreBids bereits bei 3.40 CAD..



2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderCarpe,

02.04.12 15:09

hast du mal nen Link zum Orderbuch? Bzw. RT-Link?


4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 36

02.04.12 15:11
Road Show in Europa (inkl. Deutschland) scheint ein voller Erfolg gewesen zu sein, siehe Handel und Volumen in FFM und an der TSX-V.  

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem@ Vollzeittrader, # 80

02.04.12 15:13

Link gibt es leider nicht, da kostenpflichtige Daten von International Broker.

Habe dir das aktuelle OB gescreent, hier der Link: http://s7.directupload.net/images/120402/epwo8bwj.jpg



2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderLooks good!

02.04.12 15:13

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 80

02.04.12 15:14
Hier hast du ein Link für den Handel an der TSX-V: http://world-of-stocks.com/rt_data/rls_wl  

2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderDanke Carpe!!

02.04.12 15:21

Mal schauen, gleich gehts los!


2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderWenn das so weitergeht,

02.04.12 15:54

sehen wir Ende der Woche 1,00 CAD! Heftige Rakete!



4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 86

02.04.12 16:25

Dito, fehlen nur noch 15 Cent. Der Weg zu einem CAD sollte langfristig jedoch nur eine neue Etappe darstellen. Aufgrund der hervoragenden Aktienstruktur hat der Wert - wenn sie ins Schwarze treffen und ein neues, signifikantes Graphit-Vorkommen entdecken, die Chance, die nächsten Jahre sich nochmal zu ver10fachen. 3-5 CAD halte ich dann durchaus für realistisch..



4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemVolumen in DE

02.04.12 16:28

Das heutige Volumen an den deutschen Börsen spricht Bände. Mehr als 100.000 Aktien haben heute bereits die Besitzer gewechselt. Mit Abstand das höchste Volumen seit den DE-Listings.


Volumen an allen deutschen Börsen: http://www.onvista.de/aktien/kurse.html?ID_OSI=48842996


2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderDa geht noch viel mehr, Carpe!!

02.04.12 16:31

Würde mich über einen SK bei 0,90 CAD nicht wundern!


2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderDa wird mir fast schon schwindelig :D

02.04.12 16:46

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemOnly the beginning..

02.04.12 16:57
Congrats to Chris Bogart, CEO von Standard Graphite, der heute zum ersten Mal Millionär mit seinem Anteil geworden ist (Buchgewinne). ;-)  

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemGraphene: Produkt der Zukunft

02.04.12 16:58

2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderNaja, bin sehr gespannt!

02.04.12 16:59

Ohne News (bezüglich Standard Graphite) so ein Anstieg?? Einfach nur krass! Naja, mal schauen, was der Tag noch bringt... anscheinend haben die da "Goldgraphit" unter der Erde :D! Echt der Hammer!


4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 93

02.04.12 17:02
Denke, die gute Performance liegt auch an den guten news von letzter Woche und ebenfalls aufgrund der Sektor-Stärke. Standard Graphite profitiert weiter auch von den Fortschritten bei Northern Graphite und Focus Metals. Kann mir bsp. gut vorstellen, dass einige bei Northern Graphite Gewinne mitnehmen, und sich bei kleinkapitalisierten, qualitativen Unternehmen im Graphit-Sektor wieder positionieren. Dazu gehört Standard immer noch, MarketCap weiterhin unter 20 Millionen CAD.

Was denkst du?  

2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderCarpe, du sagst es!

02.04.12 17:33

Das Gleiche denke ich auch! Zumal bei Standard noch mehr Fantasie vorhanden ist! Wenn da Bohrergebnisse kommen, die FMS und NGC in den Schatten stellen, haben wir unseren "Global Player" gefunden... Aber mal schauen, noch sind FMS und NGC die Vorreiter!

FMS scheint komischerweise aber nicht richtig zu zünden...


4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 95

02.04.12 17:59
Ebenfalls dito! ;-)

bzgl. FMS. Denke bei den nächsten Unternehmensnews wird sie zünden, steht vor dem Bruch eines wichtigen Widerstands. Darüber dürfte der Weg zum ATH frei sein.  

4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diemNeuer Artikel

02.04.12 19:36

Exzellenter Artikel auf GS erschienen, u.a. über Standard Graphite


Graphite Stocks - Graphite Market Pulse - April 1, 2012

April 1st, 2012 -Well it's been another couple big weeks folks, and after many of them on the road I'm finally back in Vancouver now, maybe with just enough time to update the state of the graphite markets and our latest comparables, unpack my suitcase and straighten my tie for another big week of action.

This week I'll be talking about the Jim Dines effect, a rising Swedish graphite darling, two stellar market performers, a company that has certainly come right out of meditation but needs to be watched closely, and then serving you up the latest TSX Venture market comparables.  And don't worry my friends in OZ, we'll be beefing this site right up in the coming days and weeks so we'll be sure to get you in the comparables real soon.

The Dines Effect

“James Dines, truly a living legend, is one of the most accurate and highly regarded investment analysts today.” ~http://www.dinesletter.com/

Mr. Dines is widely regarded as one of if not the biggest newsletter writer in the game, and on March 26th he announced his interest in the graphite space, with an initial recommendation on Flinders Resources (tsx.v: FDR).  He also mentions what we all know now, that there are many entrants into the space but it’s hard to yet make heads or tails of the early plays especially.  (Of course that’s why this site is here, so people can make sense of it all.  See my comparables to give you a hand, below).

Word of Dines’ commentary spread like wildfire this week, as it has been my understanding that a number of graphite skeptics were still sitting on the sidelines trying to determine if the space is legit.  I have said this before, so I will say it again…the opportunities in a cycle like this don’t last forever.  There will be a time when interest in graphite will cool off, but that won’t be today.  I believe the current fundamentals are sound and we will need to see a number of projects separate themselves from the pack before the window of opportunity for all these emerging companies begins to close.  Sometimes these cycles have been short, but others longer.  Rare Earths for instance, which Dines also compares this opportunity to, had a thriving opportunity cycle of about 18 months most figure, maybe up to 2 years.  I think we’ll need to see some of these projects play out before any of this action slows down, and let’s be honest; a fellow like Dines does need to comment on a space if he doesn’t feel it has legs.  And clearly his and the broader market acknowledged that this week, as many players witnessed huge buying this week, including tsx.v: NGC, FDR, FMS, SGH, SRK, ZEN, CJC…and I could go on.  For those who are unaware and in the interest of disclosure, CJC is my deal, but have a look at the day we and others had even just this Friday.  I am of the opinion this interest and action will continue in the space for some time.

A Swedish Beauty

Having announced and surely well oversubscribed a $15 million financing a few days ago with a syndicate of heavyweights, Flinders Resources (tsx.v: FDR) has been a favorite of mine as you know if you’ve been reading my past entries.  It’s special for these modern/tech metals niches that when a supply crisis emerges that there are advanced assets essentially sitting ready to come back on stream, but otherwise dormant.  This is one of the best plays out there in my opinion, and Dines agrees, calling it a likely graphite ‘best of breed.’  The stock has been rocking.  Pay attention to this one.

On Rockstars and Perforance Standards

Sometimes you just have to take your hats off to groups that are really making magic happen, and this week the kudos need to go to Northern Graphite (tsx.v: NGC) and Standard Graphite (tsx.v: SGH).  For those who are unaware, Northern has an advanced flagship asset, and Standard has put together a large portfolio of promising early stage assets.  These companies are not directly associated to one another, but I am speaking about their similar market performance here.  Northern has done an outstanding job generating market interest and support for their story and really, I have no idea how much farther that’ll go.  I do know MGI Securities called for a near term target of $3.50/share and I am sure that’s helping keep it going.  Every day they are gaining more and more horsepower to be a veritable leader in the space for the long term.

For Standard Graphite (tsx.v: SGH), they are riding a lot of confidence in the potential of their assets as they are completing and review their recent electromagnetic (EM) surveys, that is for sure.  The stock is now pushing a $17 million market cap with a close at $0.80 on Friday.  I would anticipate something may be in the works at these levels, as they may look to lock in more capital and keep trucking forward on their large portfolio of assets.  We shall see, but moral of the story is way to go.  Both these deals are rolling.

A tsx.v: ZEN State of Mind

I wonder if that is indeed the state of mind of Zenyatta’s President as the company has been on a sudden and absolute tear the past few days, with huge gains and massive volumes.  Lots of drilling and analysis ongoing from what I understand so here’s hoping for these guys and everyone who’s pilling in that when there is news that it’s as good as the market is suggesting right now.

Comparables Summary

Since my last update on March 18th, we have definitely come to life on all cylinders.  Maybe a bit of a PDAC hangover there, but lots of green across the sector since then.

The big boys keep running, and based on the valuations early stage companies like Standard and Strike are realizing, there is definitely a lot of upside potential in the other early stage plays with many of these exploration companies around a $3 to $5 mil market cap.  Look for the first next best companies to move soon (clean, with large prospective assets and cash) and then see if those at the very bottom get their stories going in the near term as well.  Surely many investors are looking to reload down here for some big quick gains, even if just cycling out of their positions in the bigger plays that have been charging hard.

 Still lots of room in the space though, as there haven’t been many large, advanced plays that have come out of the woodwork to spoil the party.  Look for the trend of more entrants, acquisitions, financings, and positive gains to continue in my opinion until demand looks like it’ll be fed for the long term.  In the meantime, it looks to me like that process is going to take some time..

Der gesamte Artikel + die Übersicht der Peer Group-Werte: http://www.graphitestocks.com/...phite-Market-Pulse----April-1,-2012-


4186 Postings, 4603 Tage carpe_diem# 97

02.04.12 19:38

"..On Rockstars and Perforance Standards

Sometimes you just have to take your hats off to groups that are really making magic happen, and this week the kudos need to go to Northern Graphite (tsx.v: NGC) and Standard Graphite (tsx.v: SGH).  For those who are unaware, Northern has an advanced flagship asset, and Standard has put together a large portfolio of promising early stage assets.  These companies are not directly associated to one another, but I am speaking about their similar market performance here.  Northern has done an outstanding job generating market interest and support for their story and really, I have no idea how much farther that’ll go.  I do know MGI Securities called for a near term target of $3.50/share and I am sure that’s helping keep it going.  Every day they are gaining more and more horsepower to be a veritable leader in the space for the long term.

 For Standard Graphite (tsx.v: SGH), they are riding a lot of confidence in the potential of their assets as they are completing and review their recent electromagnetic (EM) surveys, that is for sure.  The stock is now pushing a $17 million market cap with a close at $0.80 on Friday.  I would anticipate something may be in the works at these levels, as they may look to lock in more capital and keep trucking forward on their large portfolio of assets.  We shall see, but moral of the story is way to go.  Both these deals are rolling.." 

Quelle: http://www.graphitestocks.com/...phite-Market-Pulse----April-1,-2012-


6206 Postings, 5115 Tage Italymastercarpe

02.04.12 19:54
falls es dich interessiert - ist offtopic aber bin grad hier rein


2708 Postings, 4704 Tage VollzeittraderGuten Morgen!

03.04.12 06:47

Starker Schlusskurs gestern! 0,90 CAD (12,50%)!

Heute den 1,00 CAD antesten? Möglich wäre es in dieser Rallye!


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