Steinhoff Informationsforum
Umsatz, Schuldentilgung, Kredit , Zins Steuern, Expandieren, Wertzuwachs wie Dirty so schön schreibt, es kommt einiges und das ist spannend !
high: 0,3124
Buchgewinn per dato zu low:
10.000 Stück = 1.634 +
100.000 Stück = 16.340 +
1.000.000 Stück = 163.400 +
Buchverlust per dato zu high:
10.000 Stück = 624 -
100.000 Stück = 6.240 -
1.000.000 Stück = 62.400 -
ergo: die Steinhoff 'Mittelständler' haben mal kurz 2.000€ über Nacht eingefahren, dafür muss ein Aldi/Lidl mini-Job-Regalauffüller ca. 4 Monate arbeiten, musste ich mal in Relation setzen ...
das bedeutet, der aktuelle anstieg ist zwar langsam, dafür aber nachhaltig.
Long und Plopp
Steinhoff wird langsam aber sicher ein verlässlicher Partner. Liefert und expandiert, wobei mir der Einstieg in den südamerikanischen Markt am besten gefällt. So sind wir fast auf der ganzen Welt vertreten!
...dachte ich mir, dass der Infraschall vom Windrad in deiner Nähe deine Dreisatz-Ganglien schon heftig angegriffen hat. Aber macht ja nix, du bist schon alt (lt. eigener Aussage) und deshalb bin ich gnädig:
Buchgewinn per dato zu low:
1.100.000 Stück = 179.740 +
Buchverlust per dato zu high:
1.100.000 Stück = 68.640 -
Bitte, nix zu danken ...
Das PDF wurde am 14.02 um 19:25 erstellt....
Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. ("SIHNV" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, "Steinhoff" or the "Steinhoff Group") and the former South African holding company of the Steinhoff Group, Steinhoff International Holdings Proprietary Limited ("SIHPL"), provide the following update on Steinhoff's settlement of pending litigation proceedings pursuant to SIHNV's Dutch law composition plan ("Composition Plan"), SIHPL's South African law s155 scheme proposal ("S155 Proposal") and related contractual arrangements ("Global Settlement").
Settlement Effective Date
Steinhoff refers to its announcement of 24 January 2022, in which it confirmed that the Western Cape High Court had granted on that day an order approving and sanctioning S155 Proposal (the "Order"), and that "Settlement Effective Date" (as referred to under the S155 Proposal and Composition Plan) was expected to occur on or about 15 February 2022. Steinhoff confirms that Settlement Effective Date is today, 15 February 2022.
Settlement Implementation Steps
As disclosed in Steinhoff's announcement of 24 January 2022, the implementation of the Global Settlement requires a number of steps to be taken and payments to be made on and from Settlement Effective Date. Steinhoff will now commence taking those steps to implement the Global Settlement.
Steinhoff can also confirm that the Bar Date (being the deadline on which Market Purchase Claimants are able to validly lodge claims against Steinhoff) will be 23:59:59 SAST on Sunday 15 May 2022. To the extent you believe you may have a Market Purchase Claim and have not yet submitted a claim form, or if you would like to review additional information in relation to the Steinhoff Group global settlement, please visit: or contact
The Company has a primary listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and a secondary listing on the JSE Limited.
Stellenbosch, South Africa
15 February 2022