Die besten Gold-/Silberminen auf der Welt

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543 Postings, 1045 Tage Goldkinder2UBSB - iminent!

24.10.23 18:59

134 Postings, 1044 Tage RobotikUBSB

24.10.23 19:01
Wie schon geschrieben : in 2 Monaten :)


12439 Postings, 3470 Tage ubsb55Geleitschutz

24.10.23 19:59
China schickt sechs Kriegsschiffe vor Israels Küste!



543 Postings, 1045 Tage Goldkinder2Golden Minerals

24.10.23 22:30
nach 4-5 Tagen Fahnenstange abgerissen - heute -28%.
Nicht wieder vergessen bei künftigen Fahnenstangen! Meine letzte war bei Solis Minerals, hab zwar etwas früh verkauft, gegenüber heute aber zu einem absoluten Traumkurs.  

543 Postings, 1045 Tage Goldkinder2Goldkinders Regel Nr. 2

24.10.23 22:42
IPO nicht mitmachen, sondern mindestens 3 Monate abwarten; Ausnahme: ein ganz fantastisches Sentiment/Marktumfeld.
So, mehr gibt's nicht - der Rest in meinem neuen Buch: Do`s and Dont´s im Schrotthandel.  

251 Postings, 1512 Tage Bulle_7Hercules Silver

25.10.23 05:47

Die haben anscheinend eine riesiges Cu Vorkommen entdeckt.


Die sind alle mega begeistert. Video mit Interview vom CEO finde ich leider nicht. Aber sehr hörenswert.

Vielleicht findet es jemand und kann den link hereinstellen.  


1765 Postings, 3970 Tage KnightRainer........

25.10.23 08:41
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob der Krieg in Israel wirklich alleine der Auslöser für den Goldpreis-Sprung war.
Die parallel steigenden Renditen beim Goldpreisanstieg passt eher zu der These, dass hier einige massiv über unser Bankensystem, respektive Bankenschieflagen, besorgt sind. Normalerweise hätte Gold bei steigenden Renditen fallen müssen.
Etliche langlaufende Anleihen in den Bilanzen von Banken und Versicherungen sind extrem gefallen, teilweise weit über 50%.
Sollte es dort zum Abzug von Liquidität kommen (z.B. weil man woanders 4% auf Festgeld bekommt) wären diese Institute gezwungen mit hohen Verlusten zu verkaufen.

3644 Postings, 1704 Tage grafikkunstG&S Aussichten:

25.10.23 10:06

4568 Postings, 7356 Tage bradettiWie seht Ihr aktuell

25.10.23 10:45
Santacruz Silver?
Charttechnisch könnte aktuell die Trendumkehr vollzogen sein. Nur ist Santacruz ja auch vom Zinkpreis abhängig...



12439 Postings, 3470 Tage ubsb55grafikkunst, steve

25.10.23 12:01
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNhP56PZv7I    Vier Jahre her, deshalb so interessant.  Martin Sichert (AfD) löst Eklat im Bundestag aus am 18.10.19.  


8651 Postings, 6006 Tage Alfons1982Manchmal frage ich mich ob ich verrückt bin

25.10.23 12:09
wenn ich mir zum Teil diesen Blödsinn für mich zumnindest anhöre. Alles nicht schlimm und im Endeffekt auch kein Problem- Nächstes Jahr soll das Wachstum wiederkommen. Von wo soll es kommen in den USA wenn die Leute hoch verschuldet sind und die Zinsen hoch sind und die Inflation wieder am Anstieg ist. Da wird jedoch behauptet das die Leute nicht hoch verschuldet sind und die Inflation ohne Wohnungskosten schon bei 2 Prozent liegt was voll die Falschaussage für mich ist. Im Endeffekt sind zum letzten Jahr wirklich nur die Energiekosten gerfallen und die Kosten des täglichen Beadrfs sind weiter angesteigen auch wenn nicht so stark wie im letzten Jahr. Die Realität wird weiterhin verzeert dargestellt und es ist normal. Unglaublich. Deswegen hat man es als Minenanleger auch so schwer seit 3 Jahren.

Bradetti wir sind vom Zinkpreis sehr abhängig und der ist leider immer noch auf einem sehr niedrigen Niveau.  

4568 Postings, 7356 Tage bradettiZink

25.10.23 13:09
Wenn man sich den Chart ab 2009 anschaut, dann sind wir aktuell an der unteren Trendlinie, von der der Zinkpreis hoffentlich wieder nach oben abprallt!  


6207 Postings, 3915 Tage BrennstoffzellenfanGrosser Goldproduzent mit Q3-Zahlen

25.10.23 15:53
Barrick Gold (GOLD) veröffentlicht in einer Woche am Donnerstag, 2. November 2023 die detaillierten Q3-Zahlen mit anschliessendem Conference-Call und Question&Answer:


Mit dem Goldpreis bald wieder über $2'000 wird es Ende November nochmals (!) erhöhte Dividenden für Aktionäre geben - vgl. Barrick's vom Goldpreis abhängiges Dividenden-Ausschüttungsprogramm (bei Goldpreisen über $2'000 noch höhere vierteljährliche Dividendenzahlung):


1765 Postings, 3970 Tage KnightRainerNewmont

25.10.23 16:18
bringt morgen Zahlen.
KGV 2024 bei 16 mittlerweile.
Die Newcrest Übernahme kam nicht gut an, dann noch der Streik in Mexiko (Seit Montag beendet).
Was haltet ihr von Newmont auf dem Niveau?
Eigentlich kann es nur besser werden.
ZACKS rechnet für morgen mit fallenden AISC und gesteigerter Gold Produktion  

8651 Postings, 6006 Tage Alfons1982Exploration Hercules Silver

25.10.23 17:04
Hier das Interview von Goldfinger von ceo.ca

Die Kiste läuft weiter wie am schnürchen gezogen. Weitere Bohrlöcher werden erwartet. Weiter drin bleiben und beobachten. Wenn Ergebnisse gut sein werden und es weitere Anstiege gibt würde ich den Einsatz rausnehmen und den Rest weiter laufen lasssen. Klar bei schlechten Ergebnissen dann verkaufen nach der Fahnenstange bisher. Hierm üssen auch größere Fische rein gegangen sein bei diesen großen Umsätzen in letzter Zeit. Über 4 Millionen Aktien gestern gehandelt. Heute ein weiterer Kursprung.

251 Postings, 1512 Tage Bulle_7Exploits Discovery

25.10.23 17:59

Neues Video



10547 Postings, 6952 Tage BozkaschiNG Energy / Maria Conchita

25.10.23 20:57
• Aruchara-3 in process of being tied into existing production facilities
Contracts being negotiated for 3-5 years and approximately 40% increase from previous pricing


12439 Postings, 3470 Tage ubsb55Frust pur heute

25.10.23 21:52
Zumindes Gold hält sich eigentlich recht gut, aber die Minen ( ich meine die mittleren Produzenten ) hängen in den Seilen. I-80, Karora, K 92, Endeavour usw., alles ein Jammer.  


8651 Postings, 6006 Tage Alfons1982Alamos Gold mit guten Zahlen

26.10.23 10:43
Alamos Gold meldet Ergebnisse für Q3 2023

10:06 Uhr  |  Rohstoff-Welt.de

Alamos Gold Inc. veröffentlichte gestern die Ergebnisse für das zum 30. September 2023 beendete dritte Quartal des Jahres. Aus diesen Zahlen geht hervor, dass das Unternehmen im Zeitraum 135.400 Unzen Gold produzierte, verglichen mit im 123.400 Unzen im Vorjahresquartal.

Das Unternehmen verkaufte 132.633 Unzen Gold zu einem durchschnittlich erzielten Preis von 1.932 USD je Unze für einen Umsatz von 256,2 Mio. USD. Die All-In Sustaining Costs beliefen sich auf 1.121 USD je Unze.

Es ergab sich ein Nettogewinn von 39,4 Mio. USD, verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von 1,4 Mio. USD im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der freie Cashflow belief sich für das Quartal auf 37,3 Mio. USD.

Zum Ende des Quartals befand sich das Unternehmen im Besitz von liquiden und liquidierbaren Mitteln im Wert von 215,9 Mio. USD.

Sobald der Goldpreis über die 2100 Dollar steigt werden diese Minen mit Koten bis zu 1300 US Dollar sehr viel Geld verdienen weil dann die Bruttomargen auf mindestens 800 US Dollar steigen werden.  Dan. Kommt langsam Bewegung in die Minen rein.  

12439 Postings, 3470 Tage ubsb55Video über Sibanye

26.10.23 11:05

23856 Postings, 5452 Tage Balu4uDa braucht man sich

26.10.23 13:39
nicht wundern wenn der Kurs weiter fällt.



8651 Postings, 6006 Tage Alfons1982Aus dem Portfolio Agnico Eagle

26.10.23 14:02
Um 11 Uhr kanadischer Zeit kommt der Webcast zu den Zahlen.  Auf den ersten Blick fast alle Parameter besser als in Q3 22. Die Kosten sind allerdings ein wenig gestiegen im 2 Quartal 23 auf 1210 US Dollar pro Feinunze. Denke Bruttomarge weiterhin bei ca 700 US Dollar die Feinunze. Wird immer mehr zur Cashkuh bei den starken Produktionszahlen und einen stabilen Goldpreis.


Sibayne  ist weiterhin ein top geführtes Unternehmen aktuell und finanziell solide aufgestellt. Auch jetzt macht man es richtig auch wenn es für die Arbeitet leider schlecht ist. Unrentable Schächte und Minen müssen erstmal geschlossen werden wenn keine Produktion rentabel mehr möglich ist. Solange Gold nicht über 2100 ausbricht und die PGM Metalle weiter am Boden liegen werden, wird es keinen Kurssprub nach oben geben trotz der anzusehen niedrigen Bewertung. Der Schwenk zu Grün war und ist richtig jedoch wird es da vor 2025 bzw 2026 keine großen zusätzlichen Cash Flow und Gewinne geben. Das dauert halt alles bis es gebaut ist und die Produktion hochgelaufen ist. Also oder jetzt verkaufen zu müssen Kursen oder abwarten bis alles richtig anläuft in de nächsten 3 Jsshten plus der Goldpreis ausbricht und die PGM Metalle insbesondere Platin sich erholen werden. Natürlich nur meine Meinung. Ich selbst habe leider verpasst zu über 4 Euro zu verkaufen und deshalb bleibe ich drin da mein Einkaufskurs zwischen 0,50 und 0,60 Euro Cent liegt. Das kann man aussitzen. Mit einer Dividende rechne ich jetzt erstmal überhaupt nicht mehr. Das ist sehr schade.  

8651 Postings, 6006 Tage Alfons1982Agnico Eagle

26.10.23 16:15
Earnings Analysis
Basic Materials

Agnico Eagle: Another Solid Quarter Despite Detour Downtime

Oct. 26, 2023 9:00 AM ETAgnico Eagle Mines Limited (AEM), AEM:CA
Taylor Dart profile picture
Taylor Dart

Agnico Eagle Mines reported a solid Q3 with increased production and revenue, despite lower grades at its two highest grade assets and a temporary disruption at Detour Lake.
Meanwhile, its all-in sustaining costs came in below the industry average, benefiting from higher gold prices and diesel hedges, and it reported 16% higher margins.
In this update, we'll look at the Q3 results, if whether it can meet guidance at Detour, positive developments across the portfolio, and the stock's updated low-risk buy zone.
An open-pit mine
Claude Laprise

The Q3 Earnings Season for the Gold Miners Index (GDX) has finally begun and the first company out of the gate was Agnico Eagle Mines (NYSE:AEM). Overall, the company had another solid quarter despite headwinds from declining grades at Fosterville and nearly a month of partial disruption to milling at Detour Lake, with output up over 6% year-over-year. Meanwhile, despite rising fuel prices (Agnico benefits from diesel hedges), all-in sustaining costs [AISC] came in well below the industry average, with a 16% increase in AISC margins year-over-year helped by the higher gold price. In this update we'll look at the recent quarter, the bigger picture cost and margin outlook, and recent developments across its assets.

Detour Lake Operations
Detour Lake Operations - Kirkland Lake Gold
Q3 Production & Sales

Agnico Eagle released its Q3 results this week, reporting output of ~850,200 ounces (sales of ~843,100 ounces and revenue of ~$1.62 billion), a 6% increase in production and over 13% increase in revenue from the year-ago period. The increased production was primarily related to acquiring the other 50% stake in Canadian Malartic and another huge quarter from Meadowbank, offset by much lower production from LaRonde, Macassa, Fosterville, and Detour Lake. However, it's worth noting that these declines in output were expected because of mill downtime and a planned change in the mining method at LaRonde (manage seismicity), a lower grade profile at Fosterville (honeymoon phase of 25+ gram per tonnes grades from the Swan Zone is over), lower grades related to mine sequencing at Macassa (up-tick in grades expected in Q4).

While Detour's production dip was unexpected (resulting from a transformer powering the SAG mill on one of two grinding circuits failing (since refurbished, with no impact to Q4 output), this is a one-time issue and resulted in ~14,000 fewer ounces assuming throughput was similar to Q3 2022 levels. Agnico noted that to prevent future extended downtime, it has ordered two additional new transformers and is working to improve monitoring of operating and spare transformers through the operation of an internal data acquisition system. The company shared that this will continuously monitor and record key system parameters including current, voltage, and frequency.

Agnico Eagle - Quarterly Gold Production
Agnico Eagle - Quarterly Gold Production - Company Filings, Author's Chart
Digging into the results a little closer on a mine-by-mine basis and starting with Detour Lake, Q3 production came in at ~152,800 ounces of gold, impacted by lower throughput (~5.63 million tonnes processed) offset by slightly higher grades. This translated to a ~13% decline in production year-over-year, and has left the mine tracking towards the lower end of its FY2023 guidance of 685,000 to 715,000 ounces, with just ~484,000 ounces produced year-to-date. And while the mine will need a 191,000 ounce quarter to deliver near the low end of guidance, Detour will benefit from higher grades in Q4, with the mining of higher grades. So, assuming ~6.65 million tonnes processed at 0.99 grams per tonne of gold, and a 92.3% recovery rate, Detour could produce 195,000+ ounces and deliver just above the low end of guidance despite the disruption.

Detour Lake - Quarterly Production Statistics
Detour Lake - Quarterly Production Statistics - Company Filings, Author's Chart
Although this setback might be a little disappointing (the mill operated at ~70% of normal rates for 25 days which affected throughput), it's important to note that this is an asset that's expected to produce up to 750,000 ounces of gold in 2025 as throughput increases to the 28.0 million tonne per annum goal, but that will still leave ~4.8 million tonnes of excess capacity (32.8 million tonnes) per annum, providing the opportunity to top up the mill further and push production closer to ~1.0 million ounces per annum. So, while the quarterly miss may be disappointing, this is ultimately an asset that could produce closer to 1.0 million ounces by the end of the decade at sub $850/oz all-in sustaining costs, making it one of the best assets globally. Plus, despite the setback, Agnico still expects to deliver above the mid-point of its company-wide guidance range (3.35+ million ounces vs. 3.24 to 3.44 million ounce guidance).

Detour Drilling Highlights
Detour Drilling Highlights - Company Website
Some impressive recent intercepts at depth and in the West Pit Extension released to date are shown below and include 2.5 meters at 17.3 grams per tonne of gold, 14.4 meters at 2.8 grams per tonne of gold, 5.4 meters at 7.1 grams per tonne of gold, 15.4 meters at 4.3 grams per tonne of gold, 2.5 meters at 81.4 grams per tonne of gold, and 22.8 meters at 3.7 grams per tonne of gold.

While it's early to speculate on potential mining rates with studies yet to be released, Detour Underground could add ~126,000 incremental ounces assuming 4,500 tonnes per day at Detour Lake Underground at ~2.5 grams per tonne of gold and ~96% recoveries, with the potential to actually come in marginally above 1.0 million tonnes per annum in peak years (higher open-pit grades in 2032 to 2034). That said, pushing the operation to marginally above 1.0 million ounces per annum in peak years would depend on whether the mill can be pushed to run at 31+ million tonnes per annum or if higher-grade feed from underground displaces some open-pit ore.

Moving over to Canadian Malartic, the mine produced ~177,200 ounces for Agnico with the benefit of full ownership, a 135% increase year-over-year with the benefit of higher grades. Agnico Eagle noted that throughput levels benefited from softer ore at Barnat and positive grade reconciliation, while costs at Detour Lake and Canadian Malartic benefited from a weaker Canadian Dollar. Given this FX benefit, cash costs at both mines came in at $755/oz and $805/oz, respectively, with Malartic's costs actually lower year-over-year despite the impact of sticky inflationary pressures. This is certainly encouraging given that these are the company's two largest mines and the two largest mines in Canada, and there's certainly room to improve costs at both mines long-term by leveraging existing mill capacity, and with Agnico looking at implementing advanced process control utilizing AI and potential ore sorting at Detour. In fact, once optimized at the end of this decade, Agnico could have nearly 2.0 million ounces combined coming from these two assets alone.

Fosterville Quarterly Production
Fosterville Quarterly Production - Company Filings, Author's Chart
As for the company's smaller operations, Fosterville had a softer quarter which was to be expected given the lower grade profile (13.2 grams per tonne of gold) and lower throughput. However, the ~60,000 ounces of gold produced still came in at industry-leading cash costs of $495/oz and mine-site costs of ~$200/tonne. However, the positive news was that the restrictions related to low-frequency noise that impacted the operation of surface primary fans were finally lifted after 18+ months, allowing the mine to catch up on development and support higher mining rates going forward. Meanwhile, at LaRonde, downtime significantly impacted production which came in at ~64,500 ounces (Q2 2022: ~82,600 ounces), with lower throughput of ~627,000 tonnes at lower grades (3.43 grams per tonne of gold). Still, despite the lower production, cash costs still came in at reasonable levels at $972/oz.

Moving to its Nunavut operations at Meadowbank and Meliadine, combined production for these two assets was ~206,300 ounces (Q2 2022: ~214,200 ounces) despite being up against tough comps with a monster quarter at Meadowbank in Q3 2022 with the asset pushing out ~123,000 ounces. At Meliadine, production was down slightly due to lower grades offset by higher throughput, with work continuing to increase mill throughput to 6,000 tonnes per day by yea-rend 2024. At Meadowbank, production was also impacted by lower grades, but it was still an exceptional quarter given the difficult weather conditions, and annual production will increase materially in 2024 and 2025 to just shy of 500,000 ounces.

Agnico Eagle Mines - Quarterly Production by Mine
Agnico Eagle Mines - Quarterly Production by Mine - Company Filings, Author's Chart
Finally, as for Kittila, Goldex, Macassa, and its Mexican operations, production was down at Macassa and Kittila year-over-year, partially offset by higher output at its Mexican operations and Goldex which were up against easier comparisons. At Kittila, the asset reported a record monthly throughput of ~195,000 tonnes in July, but production was down due to lower grades. At Goldex, grade and throughput were up year-over-year contributing to the production of ~35,900 ounces of gold at very respectable cash costs ($822/oz). At Macassa production was down to ~46,800 ounces on lower grades, with the asset up against tough comparisons (~22.0 gram per tonne quarter which is above reserve grades in Q3 2022), offset by higher throughput with Agnico reporting productivity gains and improved equipment availability. And in Mexico, Pinos Altos benefited from higher throughput while La India benefited from much higher grades, with both assets combining for ~47,700 ounces in Q3, up 21% year-over-year.

Costs & Margins

Moving over to costs, Agnico Eagle's cash costs and AISC may have been up year-over-year to $898/oz and $1,210/oz, respectively, but these figures were well below the industry average, with industry-wide AISC likely to come in above $1,360/oz. Besides, while costs were up, Agnico's cost control year-to-date has been solid especially given the lower contribution from two of its highest-margin assets (Detour Lake, Fosterville), with year-to-date AISC coming in at $1,162/oz on ~2.54 million ounces, setting the company up to deliver near its guidance mid-point of ~3.44 million ounces at $1,165/oz. Plus, it's also worth noting that while some producers may see an impact from upside volatility in oil prices in Q4, 72% of Agnico's remaining 2023 diesel is hedged at $0.70/liter vs. a 2023 cost assumption of $0.93/liter, insulating it from any further upside in oil prices if geopolitical tensions escalate.

Agnico Eagle - AISC Margins
Agnico Eagle - AISC Margins - Quarterly Filings, Author's Chart
As for the company's margins, even though costs were up year-over-year, AISC margins actually increased to $718/oz (Q3 2022: $620/oz) despite a softer quarter than hoped due to the transformer failure at Detour Lake in August. And even if costs were up, the bigger picture for margins remains quite bullish for Agnico even if one assumes no further upside in gold prices between now and 2025. In fact, as the chart below shows, Agnico should see AISC margins improved 10% year-over-year to $755/oz (assuming $1,920/oz average realized gold price and $1,165/oz AISC), and improve further to $850/oz+ in FY2025. The improvement will be driven by higher production from its lower-cost assets (Detour Lake, Macassa, Kittila, assuming positive SAC decision on operating permit), higher production at Meadowbank which should result in lower costs, and what should be more normalized sustaining capital levels with 2023 sustaining capital being elevated at ~$800 million (FY2022: ~$719 million).

Agnico Eagle - Annual Gold Price, All-in Sustaining Costs & Margins + Forward Estimates ($1,920/oz Constant Gold Price Used in 2023-2025)
Agnico Eagle - Annual Gold Price, All-in Sustaining Costs & Margins + Forward Estimates ($1,920/oz Constant Gold Price Used in 2023-2025) - Company Filings, Author's Chart & Estimates
Plus, if one chooses to be more bullish on the gold price and assumes we don't see a constant $1,920/oz gold price out to 2025 to be conservative, Agnico's AISC margins could improve from ~44% ($850/oz) to ~48% ($980/oz) at a $2,050/oz gold price, and I don't think this all that far fetched given that the metal continues to make higher lows on its long-term chart. So, there is certainly an upside to this expected margin profile and I would expect the trend of higher margins (2023 ---> 2025) among the three major producers to help improve sentiment for producers sector-wide which remains in the gutter. Finally, as for Agnico's financial results, the company reported operating cash flow before working capital changes of ~$669 million, free cash flow (defined as cash flow [-] additions to property, plant & equipment) of ~$249 million, and ended the quarter with ~$356 million in cash and just ~$1.59 billion in net debt despite coming off a mid-sized acquisition, giving it a strong balance sheet to support its future growth.

Recent Developments

Looking at recent developments, there were several positive ones across the portfolio. For starters, Agnico noted that it is looking at a pilot project for ore-sorting to process 1.5 million tonnes of low-grade material at Detour which will inform the potential design of a full-sized plant to look at a larger ore-sorting operation. Second, the company continues to see exploration success at depth at Lower Phoenix, noting that it hit 10.8 grams per tonne of gold over 10.0 meters in the Cardinal splay at ~1,830 meters depth, 190 meters down-plunge of its current mineral reserve base. For those unfamiliar, the Cardinal Zone was first identified in 2022 by Agnico Eagle in the hangingwall of Lower Phoenix with intercepts of 1.1 meter at 365.5 grams per tonne of gold (1,680 meters depth), 1.4 meters at 226.2 grams per tonne of gold (1,715 meters depth), and 2.9 meters at 168.6 grams per tonne of gold (1,680 meters depth), so this new visible gold intercept is the deepest at Cardinal to date.

Fosterville - Targeting Cardinal Structure
Fosterville - Targeting Cardinal Structure - Company Website
Moving back to Canada, Agnico continues to make progress at Macassa, with higher throughput in Q3 (1,217 tonnes per day), and work is ongoing to increase throughput to 1,650 tonnes per day by mid-2024, with mining rates supported by the commissioning of Shaft #4 and better productivity from Macassa Deep. Notably, development is ahead of schedule at the near surface and Amalgamated Kirkland deposits (being accessed from the surface ramp at Macassa), with ~2,800 ounces produced in Q3, with the potential for these deposits to contribute up to 40,000 ounces in 2024 by trucking ore to the LZ5 plant that is in care & maintenance. Finally, Agnico teased that exploration results to date "confirm gold mineralization east of Macassa, below the past-producing Kirkland Mineral Mine, opening the potential for the discovery of mineralization under five more historical mines of the Main Break further east."

Macassa Mine Complex & Historic Mines To East
Macassa Mine Complex & Historic Mines To East - 2019 TR
Previous Kirkland Lake/Agnico Property Border at Macassa
Previous Kirkland Lake/Agnico Property Border at Macassa - Company Presentation
The last positive development worth discussing comes from Odyssey, where production rates improved to 3,300 tonnes per day in September with the commissioning of the paste fill plant, tracking well against planned mining rates of 3,500 tonnes per day next year. In addition, Agnico noted it saw record developer meters of 1,030 in September, and should reach its 1,200 meter per month target in 2024. And in the case of lateral development, rates are also tracking above target, with the company on track to reach the first level at the top of the higher-grade East Gouldie deposit (largest and highest-grade deposit at Malartic Underground or Odyssey) in H1 2024. Finally, the company continues to see positive grade reconciliation like it saw in stope #1 (~44,900 tonnes at 2.95 grams per tonne of gold vs. planned ~29,500 tonnes at 2.65 grams per tonne of gold), with 18% positive reconciliation for ounces to date in its first four stopes, making Agnico quite optimistic about bonus ounces from Odyssey internal zones.

Odyssey Internal Zones & Underground Mining
Odyssey Internal Zones & Underground Mining - Company Presentation
So, were there any negatives?

One minor negative to report was that we still don't have a resolution at Kittila on the operating permit that is pending with the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland [SAC]. And while the SAC has noted that it will issue its decision this month, a negative decision or delayed announcement would mean that Agnico will have to partially suspend activities to stay at the permitted rate of 1.6 million tonnes per annum. However, if the decision is positive, Kittila could produce an additional 30,000 ounces in Q4 2023 vs. the more conservative guidance provided to adjust for the company waiting for this permit. Overall, this is not really a negative, but I was hoping to see a resolution by now on the decision to reinstate the 2.0 million tonnes per annum permit.


Agnico Eagle had another solid quarter in Q3 and was free cash flow positive despite sticky inflationary pressures, a hiccup at Detour Lake, and a much lower contribution from its lowest-cost Fosterville Mine. Meanwhile, it continues to trade at a massive discount to historical multiples at barely 1.0x P/NAV and ~8.7x FY2024 cash flow per share estimates vs. a 10-year average multiple of ~13.0x cash flow and over 1.40x P/NAV. And given that Agnico has a more diversified portfolio, the best pipeline it's ever had (San Nicolas JV, Detour/Malartic excess capacity with potential for Upper Beaver + Wasamac feed, Hope Bay), and ~95% of production from Tier-1 jurisdictions, I would argue that the stock should trade at the high end of its previous range for multiples given that jurisdiction has never been more important. Hence, I continue to see AEM as one of the top ways to get gold exposure, and I would view any pullbacks below $45.50 as buying opportunities.  

4568 Postings, 7356 Tage bradettiAsX: BNR

27.10.23 08:06
Bulletin Resources ist wieder erwacht.
Li am Mt. Cattlin




599 Postings, 1576 Tage GetGoGOLD 2000

27.10.23 20:31
Herrlicher Sprung.

Die nächste Welle kann wuchtig werden, bullish, ist nach wie vor meine Strategie!  


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