Manipulation can cause a panic. One can manipulate all of the other financial instruments I mentioned earlier to blow out stops or other barriers. For currency knock-out options, you can manipulate currencies to hit the knock-out trigger. Knock-out options are just one example of many types of currency derivatives vulnerable to manipulation.
In an earlier commentary, I talked about manipulation in the gold and silver markets. Last week, there appeared to be blatant manipulation in the gold market. ZeroHedge reported that the CME went dark for 10 seconds after someone “banged the open” for gold.
In June, Bloomberg reported that traders at banks colluded to manipulate foreign exchange rates and had also been front running clients’ orders. According to the June 13, 2003 report by Liam Vaughan, Gavin Finch, and Ambereen Choudhury:
“The manipulation occurred daily in the spot foreign exchange market and has been going on for at least a decade, affecting the value of funds and derivatives. The $4.7 trillion-a-day currency market, the biggest in the financial system, is also one of the least regulated.”
Given what every financial professional knows about the destructive potential of currency manipulation, it’s a national disgrace that U.S. banks are involved. In 17th century England, counterfeiting was high treason and the penalty was death. Today manipulating currencies earns the “penalty” of a less than scintillating coffee klatch at the White House.
Lesen Sie mehr über Currency Manipulation and Derivatives:
In light of these facts, Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Dagong') decides to downgrade the local and foreign currency credit ratings of the U. S., which has already been on the negative watch list, to A- from A, maintaining a negative outlook. The rationale that supports the conclusion is as follows:
1. The partial U.S. federal government shutdown apparently highlights the deterioration of the government's solvency, pushing the sovereign debts into a crisis status. The U.S. federal government announced its shutdown on Oct. 1, 2013, a radical event that reflects the liquidity shortage aroused by depleting stock of debts without the increase of new debts, directly resulting in the federal government lack of the funds for its normal function. The partial U.S. government shutdown is an inevitable outcome of its long-term failure to pay its excessive debts.
During the fiscal years from 2008 to 2012, the ratio of the federal government's stock of debts to fiscal income increased from 4.0 to 6.6. Under such circumstances, the federal government that can hardly sustain its own expenses, not mentioning collecting reliable income to cover its huge amount of debts. Substantial decrease of the U.S. government's solvency is proven by this shutdown incident, which pushes the federal government into a crisis position of debt cliff and default"...
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts und ds Weiterlesens dann HIER:
Policy makers will pare the monthly pace of asset buying to $70 billion from $85 billion at their March 18-19 meeting, according to the median of 40 responses in a Bloomberg News survey of economists. The 16-day budget impasse in Washington reduced growth by 0.3 percentage point this quarter, economists said in the survey.
Forecasters, surprised when the Fed opted against tapering at its Sept. 17-18 meeting, pushed out their expectations after the shutdown furloughed as many as 800,000 federal workers. The closing also disrupted collection and publication of economic reports the Fed says it needs to determine whether the expansion is strong enough to handle less monetary stimulus.
Chef-Abwiegler sehen alt aus
Von Stephan UEBERBACH, SWR, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio:
"Soso. Auf einmal ist die Aufregung also riesengroß. - Kanzlerin MERKEL staucht US-Präsident OBAMA am Telefon zusammen und macht ihren Ärger per Presseerklärung öffentlich. Spitzenleute der Union zeigen sich entsetzt, sprechen von einem ungeheuerlichen Vorgang. Und Guido WESTERWELLE, der geschäftsführende Bundesaußenminister, bestellt den amerikanischen Botschafter förmlich ins Auswärtige Amt ein. Diese schärfste Form der diplomatischen Rüge ist normalerweise den Vertretern von Schurkenstaaten vorbehalten.
Man möchte sich die Augen reiben. Natürlich wäre es ein unglaublicher Affront, sollten die Vorwürfe stimmen, wonach es ja immer mehr aussieht. Wenn ein US-Geheimdienst das Handy der deutschen KANZLERIN abhört, dann ist ganz offensichtlich einiges aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Wer braucht schon Feinde, wenn er solche Verbündete hat! Die Folgen für das deutsch-amerikanische Verhältnis sind jedenfalls nicht absehbar"...
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieser commentierenden Bestands-Aufnahme dessen, was ist:
"Teras Provides Drill Program Update for Its Cahuilla Gold/Silver Project"
grüße nach bilk !!
Die im NASDAQ-System vermerkten Volumina diese Actie sind überwiegend etwas DÜNN, teilweise noch nicht einmal Aussage-kräftig, weshalb man mit dem Link zur HEIMAT-Börse sicherlich besser bedient ist:
Und zur WebSite dieser Company geht es dann hier:
Der olle Teras.
Und: Grüße zurück!
Es ist wohl nicht nur Bill MURPHY, der das in höchstem Maaße als seltsam empfindet: