Jaguar Mining

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7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews Release June 29, 2016

30.06.16 15:50
"Jaguar Mining Receives Conditional Approval to List Shares and Debentures on TSX"

Toronto, Canada, June 29, 2016 - Jaguar Mining Inc. (TSX-V: JAG) ("Jaguar" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce it has received conditional approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") to graduate from the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V") and list its common shares ("Shares") and its 12.00% convertible senior secured debentures ("Debentures") on the TSX.

Rodney Lamond, President and Chief Executive Officer of Jaguar commented, "Graduating to the TSX is an important step in the evolution of Jaguar that provides more visibility and a broader base of retail and institutional shareholders. Our management team is focused on creating significant shareholder value as we are well-positioned to deliver on our strategy of sustainable production growth."

Final approval of the listing is subject to Jaguar meeting certain standard requirements of the TSX on or before September 20, 2016. The Company expects to satisfy all of the requirements and will make a further announcement once the TSX has issued a bulletin confirming the date on which trading on the TSX will commence. Upon completion of the final listing requirements, the Company's Shares will be delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange.


Rodney Lamond
President & Chief Executive Officer  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews Release July 13, 2016

14.07.16 23:40

"Jaguar Mining Intercepts High-Grade Gold Mineralization And Confirms Downward Extension at Depth at Turmalina Gold Mine"

"Jaguar Achieves Major Milestone of Over 1.1 Million Ounces of Gold Production"  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartGute Produktionszahlen für Q2

18.07.16 19:55

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews Release July 29, 2016

03.08.16 17:45

"Jaguar Mining Announces Final Approval to Graduate to TSX"

Toronto, Canada, July 29, 2016  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartFinanzzahlen des Juniquartals 2016

14.08.16 13:20,  10.08.16 - 10:32 Uhr  

978 Postings, 4417 Tage gibbywestgermanyWeiß von euch jemand,

16.08.16 12:14
Wieso die lange Zeit um die 500,-- Euro standen? Haben die ein Gelände mit riesigen Rohstoffvorkommen, das nicht genehmigt worden ist? Ansonsten ist mir die derzeitig niedrige Bewertung bzw. die hohe aus den Jahren 2009-2011 nicht erklärbar. Bin auf jeden Fall mal reingegangen mit einer kleinen Posi. Möglicherweise steigende Goldkurse wird Jaguar in gewünschte Richtung bringen.  

978 Postings, 4417 Tage gibbywestgermanyHabs gefunden

16.08.16 12:18
Reverse Split vom 02.05.2014  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartPresentation August 2016

21.08.16 18:10

"Valuation Upside, Sustainable Production & Growth", TSX: JAG  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartSprott legt nach

25.08.16 22:30

"Eric Sprott announces acquisition of shares of Jaguar Mining"

Aug 19, 2016

* Eric Sprott announces acquisition of shares of Jaguar Mining Inc

* Acquired 47 million common shares of Jaguar Mining Inc (representing approximately 27.3 percent of outstanding shares) Source text for Eikon:  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartPresentation September 2016

24.09.16 13:55

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews September 26, 2016, 06:00 ET

26.09.16 17:17

"Jaguar Intercepts High-Grade Gold Mineralization at Pilar Gold Mine
Strong Potential to Convert Additional Mineral Resources and Reserves"

TORONTO, Sept. 26, 2016 /PRNewswire  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews Release October 04, 2016

07.10.16 22:25

"Jaguar Signs Earn-In Agreement to Sell Gurupi Project to Avanco Resources"  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartJAG meldet Produktionsergebnisse des 3. Quartals

12.10.16 16:10

"Jaguar Mining meldet Produktionsergebnisse des Septemberquartals"

12.10.2016, 11:04 Uhr  |  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomart"The Company is now in a zero net debt position...

19.10.16 18:00
...considering the balance sheet at June 30, 2016. Net debt is defined as total debt, less cash."

October 13, 2016  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartCorporate Presentation October 2016

25.10.16 16:20

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartNews Release October 27, 2016

28.10.16 23:30

Jaguar Announces Major Growth Exploration Initiative Focusing on Brownfield Exploration Pipeline and Mine Life Extension

Toronto, Canada, October 27, 2016  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomart"JAG has a relative valuation of UNDERVALUED"

28.10.16 23:42
"...this company is a leading performer relative to its peers"

October 25, 2016 by CapitalCube  

978 Postings, 4417 Tage gibbywestgermanyDanke für die Infos,

05.11.16 10:49
die du hier ablieferst, Videomart. Aber mal ne andere Frage. Was ist, wenn der Kurs tatsächlich durchstarten sollte und man nun wieder verkaufen möchte, wo wird am ehesten ein Verkauf ausgeführt. In Deutschland schwer, kaum Handel, besser in Toronto oder an der Nasdaq?  

126 Postings, 3430 Tage Beritt????

23.12.16 17:55
Das ganze betrifft Jaguar Mining, nicht Jaguar Resources!!!  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartDer Turnaround läuft!

23.09.17 00:28
Sprott hat im Juni 4,5 Mio Shares für 0,44 CanDollars gekauft.
Da. gibt's noch viel Luft nach oben...  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartLamond und Ahmed kaufen zu

25.09.17 23:10
Jüngste Insiderkäufe:
Rodney Lamond und Hashim Ahmed kaufen insgesamt 300.000 Aktien
zum Kurs von 0,34 Candolldars am 21.09.2017
Quelle: Canadian  

7839 Postings, 6285 Tage videomartHill ebenfalls

28.09.17 16:21
Sep 26/17 Sep 22/17 Hill, Jonathan Victor
- Acquisition in the public market 17,000 $0.330  

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