Ucore Rare Earth - USA braucht seltene Erden HREE

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7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartWhere Non-Chinese Heavy Rare Earths Will Originate

06.10.12 19:55

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartByron King’s White Sands Cracked!

08.10.12 19:55

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 12:28 — StingingNettle


“My conclusion? This company and its partners are going to change the world. Soon. And it’s all made in the USA, by the way.

“I believe there are great things coming down the track,” Byron concludes. If you’re in, “you’re in early.

“This is serious technology!”


10 Postings, 5151 Tage mutschlerAufwärtstrend hält an!

10.10.12 13:13

Seit Tagen hält der Aufwärtstrend der Ucare Aktie an und es sollte auch so weitergehen.

Es gibt auch Übernahmegerüchte, die den Wert weiterhin steigen lassen sollten, abgesehen

von den zuletzt veröffentlichten Schürfergebnissen. Für mich ein klarer Kauf!


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Turnaround Rally In Heavy Rare Earths...

13.10.12 15:05
... As U.S. Develops Independent Supply Chain"

goldstocktrades.com  | Oct 12, 2012

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartUcore Rare Metals Attracting Interest from DOD

22.10.12 22:15

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Going with Your Gut on Rare Earth Stocks"

24.10.12 15:45
Interview mit Mike Niehuser

Source: The Critical Metals Report Editors  (10/23/12)

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartA Commentary on Rare Earths -Ucore Rare Metals Inc

24.10.12 16:15

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartDysprosium-Preise fallen

30.10.12 22:08

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Pentagon gets footing at Bokan Mountain"

31.10.12 00:20
petroleumnews.com | Week of October 28, 2012

Department of Defense inks deal with Ucore for heavy REE deposit in SE Alaska, state-of-the-art method for extracting rare earths

By Shane Lasley, Mining News

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartUCU auf der "Alaska Miners Association Convention"

03.11.12 01:05
Nov 2, 2012 - 03:20 AM AKST

2012 Alaska Miners Association Convention
“The Business of Mining”
Sheraton Hotel, Anchorage, Nov. 5-11.

Session 2,
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 7

3:00 Jim Barker, Ucore Rare Metals

"Rare Earth, Tin, Tungsten Alluvial Exploration in the Ruby Batholith in Central Alaska"


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAuch Collison ist dabei:

03.11.12 01:10
Session 6

Friday afternoon, Nov. 9

2:00 Ken Collison, Ucore Rare Metals Inc.

"Bokan Mountain Project"

Read more: http://www.alaskajournal.com/...Association-Convention/#ixzz2B76UdC2c  

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartTechnical Fundamentals for Rare Earth Projects

04.11.12 17:25
Gareth Hatch - Technology Metals Research, LLC
Online Webinar October 30, 2012


Dieser Beitrag ist nur noch bis zum 6. November online abzurufen!  

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartLuisa Moreno- Rare Earths Update

08.11.12 16:29
"Japanese End Users Scramble to Find Supply Outside China"

Veröffentlicht am 07.11.2012 von WallStForMainSt

Luisa Moreno, a Metals and Mining Analyst, at Euro Pacific Canada,
http://www.europac.ca/services_ca/research_ca is one of the top Rare Earth experts in the world and has a very impressive background as one can see from reading her bio.

In this 30 minute interview, Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and Luisa discuss the Rare Earths market and how things have changed in the last 18 months. This interview covers many important topics going on in the Rare Earths market which experienced a bubble and has some incredible bargains, albeit with a lot of risk which requires thorough due diligence for investors going forward just like the Uranium market experienced a few years earlier.


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Welt.de"- Artikel

08.11.12 16:40
"Toyota und Pentagon vereint Kampf gegen Monopol bei Seltenerden"

8. November 2012, 10:45

Konzerne und Institutionen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen, vom US- Verteidigungsministerium bis zum asiatischen Autohersteller Toyota Motor Corp., eint die Sorge um eine marktbeherrschendeStellung Chinas bei den so genannten Seltenen Erden...

Von Lydia Mulvany


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAktueller Jack-Lifton-Artikel:

11.11.12 19:54

Molycorp Mired In The Mud: Perhaps A Domestic "American" Total Rare Earth Supply Chain Should Be A Collaborative Project

Nov 9, 2012 9:58 PM | about stocks: MCP, REE, GWMGF.PK, UURAF.PK http://seekingalpha.com/instablog/...hould-be-a-collaborative-project


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartRare earth prices up 20%

13.11.12 15:30
Updated: 2012-11-13 14:48
By Wei Tian (chinadaily.com.cn)


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Ucore: A Frontrunner..."

27.11.12 17:00
"...in the Search for a long-term US based REE Resource"

Posted on November 16, 2012 by Alessandro Bruno

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAlaska mines nearing release of key ec.assessments

27.11.12 17:10
Nov 21, 2012 - 12:35 PM AKST
Tim Bradner, Alaska Journal of Commerce


Another Southeast proposed underground mining project at an advanced stage is a rare earths project at Bokan Mountain, also on Prince of Wales Island bout 35 miles from Ketchikan, and also with good access by water.

Ucore Rare Metals Inc., the developer, plans to have its preliminary economic assessment completed and published very soon, Ucore’s chief operating officer, Ken Collison, told the AMA, also on Nov. 8.

A press release with the major conclusions of the PEA would be published first, and followed 45 days later with the release of the full report.

The schedule now calls for a feasibility study for the mine, the final step before approval by the owners, to be completed by the end of 2013.

“Once permits are issued, and how long that will take is the big question, construction would take about one-and-a-half years,” Collison told the miners association.

Ucore would mine just more than 1,000 tons of ore per day but would use a new crushing sorting technique to identify ore with the highest content of rare earths, Collison said. Only about 375 tons of ore per day would be processed.

The remaining waste rock would be temporarily stored on the surface but would eventually be placed back underground as “back-fill” in the mine.

If the mine proceeds to production it would employ about 170 in its operations, with hourly workers on a two-week on, two-week off schedule and members of the management team on a one-week on, one-week off schedule. Ucore also plans to open an office in Ketchikan soon.

The power requirement at a Bokan Mountain mine would be about 3 to 4 megawatts in operation but at the beginning, when the ore process mill is being started, the requirement is expected to reach 6 megawatts.

Collison said Ucore is discussing the possibility of importing liquefied natural gas, or LNG, from a supplier in the Pacific Northwest to fuel power generation.

“It would be about half the cost of using diesel,” he said.

The plan now is to make two concentrates at the mine containing rare earth elements, but Ucore is also experimenting with a new technology that could allow the concentrates to be separated into three rare earth metals at the mine.

The elements would be dysprosium, neodymium and erbium. Laboratory tests performed by IntelliMet LLC, a Montana firm, have demonstrated that the elements can be successfully separated from a composite of solutions that replicate the ores to be mined at Bokan Mountain, Ucore announced Oct. 3 in a press release.

If processing of the rare earth metals could be done at the site it would lessen the dependence of the U.S. on China as a source of rare earth processing. Rare earths are commonly used in technology systems.

Read more: http://www.alaskajournal.com/...y-economic-assessments/#ixzz2DRL10oAA


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartUcore Reports Robust Economics for Bokan PEA Study

28.11.12 15:50
HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 28, 2012)


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAntrag auf Verlängerung der "Warrants"

29.11.12 15:30
"Ucore Applies to TSX Venture Exchange for Warrant Extension"

28.11.2012   21:12 Uhr  | Marketwire

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Ucore completes Dotson Ridge PEA"

02.12.12 13:40

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAlaska flush with sought-after minerals

02.12.12 13:45
Posted: November 29, 2012 - 12:08am  By RUSSELL STIGALL


7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartAnderer Link zu Beitrag #271:

02.12.12 13:50

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomart"Taiwanese Experts Call for REE Recycling Focus"

03.12.12 22:20
Monday December 3, 2012, 4:30am PST
By Adam Currie - Exclusive to Rare Earth Investing News

Rare earth recycling is once again making headlines, with experts in Taiwan stating that the country should be aiming to make the recycling of used electronic devices a major development goal moving forward.

7817 Postings, 6253 Tage videomartDie Preise für Dysprosium haben sich halbiert

03.12.12 23:41

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