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7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Ich wünsche allen CCE - Anlegern und - Tradern

28.12.14 19:11
sowie denen, die beides betreiben

einen oder mehr fette JV Partner
sowie CCE an allen Ecken und Kanten Top-Results (Chemo, Bohr etc), damit es sich für alle lohnt.

Ich hoffe, daß es dagegen keine Einwände gibt.  

2532 Postings, 3848 Tage Crashdax3000Moderate Töne. Gute Vorsätze?

28.12.14 19:19

7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Um mal auszuloten, was bei halbwegs optimalem

28.12.14 20:17
Verlauf der von CCE angestrebten "Events" drin wäre...

Meine Aufforderung bzw Vorschlag.

Nenne doch mal jeder den Kurs in CAD, den er/sie bei halbwegs optimalem Verlauf
für realistisch hält (ne Spanne ginge auch) (obs nun 2015, 16 oder 18 ist - ejal)

ich fang mal an: 2,50 CAD


48 Postings, 3646 Tage coyote01Kommt drauf an wie oft sie noch PP`s durchführen

28.12.14 22:31
ich mach´s mal an einer anderen kennzahl fest ...bei einer wiederbelebung des Rohstoffmarktes tippe ich auf eine MK von ca. 10-15 % zu den Bodenschätzen von CCE. sollte es aus welchen Gründen auch immer und in welchem Jahr(tausend) auch immer zu einer Euphorie speziell bei SE`s und CCE kommen, könnte man eine MK bis zu 40% der Bodenschätzte erwarten. Was den Kurs betrift, müsste man zu gegebener
Zeit dann die MK auf die Stückzahl runterbrechen!  

265 Postings, 3748 Tage Cekx0,15

28.12.14 23:48
Im Jahr 2015  

13653 Postings, 4112 Tage Galoschi0,9$

29.12.14 00:31
Dezember 2015  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairat1,5cad

29.12.14 09:19

668 Postings, 3923 Tage Sandos2015

29.12.14 10:16
2,80 CAD  

674 Postings, 6177 Tage Aktiengeschichte1,72 CAD

29.12.14 10:23
lt. den Jungs von Moly sollte das "Ding" auf über 1,70 im CAN $ ...  

7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Sehr gutes Umfeld

29.12.14 10:39
das von mir sehr geschätzte Haus ZACKS hat einen schönen Ausblick auf 2015 gegeben...

Ein Umfeld, welches sicher eher positiv auf Werte wie CCE wirken könnte

Zitat: (Quelle unten)

Weekend Wisdom
Steve Reitmeister
2015 Stock Market Outlook

by Steve Reitmeister   Published on December 19, 2014 | 4 Comments

ZacksTrade Now

The 32% gain for the S&P last year was a blessing and a curse for investors.

A blessing because it padded all of our portfolios.

A curse because the gains came far too easily, making 2014 a brutal environment by comparison.

Yes, the S&P is up on the year, but still many small caps and glamour growth stocks are in the red. Plus the volatility made it like a house of mirrors where you were never quite sure what to make of the investment landscape.

Now we get to put this miserable year behind us as we look ahead to 2015. And after much contemplation, here is my outlook...

It will be exactly like 2014.

Yes, above is the final conclusion that next year will be far too similar to 2014 (modest gains and more volatility than you would like). But if you know that in advance, then it should make it easier to profitably navigate the waters.

In the rest of this article I will cover these topics to get you in the best position to prosper in the year ahead.

1) Why Still Bullish?
2) Predictions
3) Potential Pitfalls

Why Still Bullish?

A long term bull market stays in place until one of two things happens:

A) Recession looms on the horizon awakening the next bear

B) Valuations get stretched (Ex. The bear market that started in 2000)

So let's discuss each concept. As for a recession looming on the horizon, that just doesn't add up given how economic data continues to improve in the US. Truly the readings for manufacturing, service, retail and employment are at their healthiest levels since before the Great Recession. This explains why the average GDP reading the past two quarters is +4.2%.

I appreciate that on average there has been a recession every 5-6 years. But that is often because the boom times are too good, leading to excesses that bring to life the next contraction. The beauty of Muddle Through growth, seen in the first several years of this expansion, is that there are no excesses or bubbles at this time. So no fear of an imminent recession.

Now let's address the other side of the coin...valuation. I know folks who point to a historical average PE of 15 in order to say that this market is getting stretched given the trailing PE of 18. However, there is much more to the story.

First, the market looks forward. In this case we should be looking at the PE based upon estimates for the coming year, which are in the neighborhood of $130 per share for the S&P 500. That creates a PE of 15.4 at this time.

Second, PEs in the latter stages of bull markets typically move higher, given the confidence folks have in a positive outcome. So a PE of 17-18 is more standard at this stage of the game.

Lastly, and most importantly, is the relationship stocks have with Treasury rates. In general, the earnings yield for stocks is 3% higher than the 10 year Treasury. So let's do that math.

Earnings yield is the inverse of PE. So dividing the current price of the S&P into the $130 in expected earnings comes to an earnings yield of 6.3%. Whereas the 10 year Treasury is only providing a meager 2.2% yield for investors. Given this historical relationship, there is still ample upside for stocks.

2015 Predictions

This bull market has already rallied more than 200% since it began in March 2009. Thus, the easy money has been made and we should not expect such robust returns in 2015.

Like I said from the top, next year will be far too much like the past year. That means overall gains in the +10% range with more volatility than you'd like to stomach. Likely 2300 is about where we close out the year. We have a shot at 2400 if all the stars align.

If you are a long term investor, then it's easy enough to patiently wait out all the consolidations, pullbacks and corrections to tally some gains. Plus, by concentrating more of your selections in Zacks #1 and #2 Ranked stocks, then you should enjoy a very comfortable lead over the market averages.

For active traders, you can use inverse ETFs and VIX trades to mop up some profits from those stock spills to add to your return. But please don't get too cute with these market timing moves. The Market Gods don't hand you a GPS system to perfectly navigate the twists and turns. Just remember that the primary trend remains bullish until proven otherwise. So don't stray under 50% long too often.

Potential Pitfalls

The outlook shared above is based upon the information in hand. As things evolve it may get better...or may get worse. So let me now prepare you for 2 potential hazards out there.

1) Recession: Above I shared with you that the economic landscape is actually improving. However, the average expansion period between recessions lasts for 63 months. If that held true, we would have already seen the next recession commence in the 2nd half of 2014.

Gladly this does not happen like clockwork. Each expansion is unique and this one seems to have plenty of life left in it. Yet, if the signs of the next contraction do start to appear, then the route to profits is by shorting the market. Inverse ETFs are the easiest tools to employ for that purpose.

2) Treasury Bond Rates: As shared above, there is an important historical relationship between Treasury bonds and the valuation of the stock market. Right now that is very favorable for stocks as bond rates have come down significantly over the past year. And signs point to rates staying low for quite some time.

However, you can easily appreciate that if rates started to rise significantly, then it would have a negative effect on stock prices. I believe stocks will do fine if rates just float up to around 3%. Above that and it will start to call into question their relative value versus bonds, which would spark a correction even if other economic indicators are positive.

What to Do Next?

The above may give the false impression that just about any stock will do. But certainly you understand that some shares will do much better than others. That's because the easy money in this bull market took place in the first five years. Now it will be slower going as the bull market matures.

To put the odds strongly in your favor, you should rely upon a proven stock-rating system like the Zacks Rank with independently examined and attested results of 26% per year since 1988. However, there are more than 220 of these #1 Ranked Strong Buy stocks to consider at any given time.

That is fine if you are professional investor with 60-80 hours per week to focus on researching the full list. For the rest of you, it's usually better to consider a hand-selected group of these stocks that you can more easily put into your portfolio.

Today, I will show you what I put into my own portfolio. It currently has 10 stocks and 1 ETF that fit the bill, and I am always looking for new opportunities. These are the same positions I put my own family's money into, and you are welcome to share them through my Reitmeister Trading Alert.

Normally this service is closed to new members but it was recently opened again. If you want to learn more, then best do so now because it closes again Saturday, December 20th at midnight.

See the Reitmeister Trading Alert portfolio >>

Best Regards,


Steve Reitmeister has been with Zacks since 1999 and currently serves as the Executive Vice President in charge of and all of its leading products for individual investors. He is also the Editor of his personal portfolio service, Reitmeister Trading Alert.


265 Postings, 3748 Tage CekxHat hier keiner was gelernt aus 2014?

29.12.14 10:54

29 Postings, 3822 Tage driver01CCE

29.12.14 10:56
Allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!!!!!!!!!!  

13653 Postings, 4112 Tage GaloschiHi

29.12.14 12:08
@cekx was sollen wir den gelernt haben generell geht man bei cce mit über 100% aus dem Jahr 2014;-) und da ich davon ausgehe das man mit der Pilotanlage nen Investor findet sind die 0,9$ locker drin !;-)
Wenn ich da nicht von ausgehen würde wäre ich schon bei den 0,3$ rausgegangen!  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatChinese export policy for rare earths in 2015

29.12.14 15:24
Chinese export policy for rare earths in 2015, still ‘uncertain’
Posted on December 28, 2014 by Hongpo Shen

China’s further crackdown on illegal rare earth, plus a new rumor of the government might launch another round of national stockpile, which are boosting the country’s rare earth price to remain steady recovery.

- See more at:  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatRare Earths Success Factors Revisited

29.12.14 15:36
Rare Earths Success Factors – Revisited

So how do you compare the various projects around the world with their varying degrees of success factors? You need to organize sufficient of the various factors to be able to make a valid and meaningful comparison. You have to devise a transparent and honest ranking system that meets your views. - See more at:

Sie Stephan Bogners Artikel über Commerce Ashram!  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatUBS hat um ca. 300.000 erhöht

29.12.14 16:55
UBS hat per 26.12 2014 um ~ 300.000 erhöht;-)  
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image.jpg (verkleinert auf 25%) vergrößern

7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Auffallend - entgegen bisher benannter Zuordnungen

29.12.14 17:34
tauchen die UBS-gehaltenen shares hier NICHT bei FUNDS auf sondern bei


1970 Postings, 8398 Tage Ellerjawohl

29.12.14 18:30
so sieht es aus
green street  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatGoldman Prediction

30.12.14 11:05

These are among the predictions in a (new, July, 2013) report from Goldman Sachs, Mining Commodities: The focus shifts to the supply side.

RARE EARTHS: In 2016, cerium will remain as the most in demand rare earth element, with 43% per cent of sales. Lanthanum follows with a 21% share, neodymium 19%, yttrium 8%, and the rest divided up the remainder.

Goldman charts the fall in REE prices that began in the third quarter of 2011, and prices for both heavies and lights fell again in the six months to June 2013. The analysts expect limited upside in the next few years and some producers will have to operate below capacity for a period of time in order to prevent a growing surplus. “We also believe that the respective basket prices will diverge over time, with light REE trading close to cost support and heavy REE benefiting from scarcity prices,” the report continues.

In 2011, the light REE basket averaged $706/kg. In 2012 that came back to $463/kg and Goldman estimates the average for 2013 will be $232/kg. But 2014, 2015 and 2016 will not be much better, with forecasts of $243/kg over those three years. The LREE basket comprises lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium and europium.

As for the heavy REE, the basket hit $1,027/kg in 2011, came back to $785/kg last year and will be an estimated $432/kg this year. But gradual improvement is seen: $475/kg for 2014, $499/kg in 2015 and $524/kg in 2016.Incidentally, the HREE basket is based on only gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium and yttrium; lack of pricing data meant Goldman had to exclude holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium and lutetium.

As for the HREE, Goldman Sachs believes that the high prices of these elements “will induce (a) additional demand destruction via thrifting and substitution in applications such as magnets and/or (b) new production capacity to come on line, assuming project developers can develop the appropriate technologies to process heavy REE deposits on a commercial basis.”

- See more at:


5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatCCE grosses Thema bei Mike Wiegele in Blue River

30.12.14 14:07
Laut einer Aussage eines Mitarbeiters bei Mike Wiegele in Blue River war
CCE auch ein grosses Thema
am 6.12 beim SantaClaus-Event dort vor Ort.

Schwerpunkt der Gespräche dort war ganz klar Eldor. Blue River wird aktuell von den Investoren wohl eher als Beifang gesehen. Egal wie: 1,70$ would be nice - mit oder Ohne Blue River  
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image.jpg (verkleinert auf 27%) vergrößern

2532 Postings, 3848 Tage Crashdax3000Ah, man hat also bei Heli-Mike über CCE gesprochen

30.12.14 18:39

Der Schwager meiner Nachbarin arbeitet beim Daimler. Und der hat eine Mail
eines ehemaligen Studienkollegen bekommen, wonach sich Vorstandschef Hiesinger von ThyssenKrupp auf dem Pissior der Werkskantine mit einem hochrangigen Manager von Mittal über die asiatischen Absatzmärkte "abgestimmt" haben soll.

Quelle? Scheißegal!
Auf jeden Fall very excited about TK.....  

5805 Postings, 4829 Tage thairatSieh an, alte Bekannte;-)

30.12.14 18:54
Faxe un Bogy;-)  
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image.jpg (verkleinert auf 56%) vergrößern

7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Trend will be our friend

30.12.14 19:02
and JV brings us to "WOW"  

2532 Postings, 3848 Tage Crashdax3000Zu Molycorp nur Folgendes:

30.12.14 19:31

  The Trend is your friend!

7997 Postings, 6623 Tage daxcrash2000Wie ich höre gehört die Beherrschung des

30.12.14 20:02
Tempus auch nicht zu den Stärken gewisser Kreise

Wer billig einkauft bekommt halt Sarrazinoide ....

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