silverado goldmines (867737)
Ich schmeiss Dich mit voller Montur in einen der zig Pools wenn wir auf der Insel sind und schmuggel Dir Faber lite Line anstatt Champagner unter *fg*
sts auch einen und einen blauen wegen fair play und
kicky gestern drei dunkelrote- hihihi.
gruß - kl.
Selbst wenn wir was zum Thema posten schreit ja auch keiner Hurra. Kenne den Thread schon so lange ich schwör Dir Du findest Alles was Du brauchst wenn Du mal durchklickst...
ansonsten lieber wenni, wenne infos hast, her damit-
falls nicht, kannste dich ja mal, wie sway schon schrieb,
durch den thread klicken, da gings schon immer sehr lustig zu.
gruß - kl.
muss Euch doch mal was zum Lesen geben ggg
Lehman Brothers Inc. strongly recommended a buy on ''the gold discovery of the century," and J.P. Morgan bankers pumped Busang in a conference call during which Bre-X officials predicted the deposit could contain a staggering 200 million ounces of gold, worth over $70 billion.
In 1997, Business Week reported that independent experts confirmed that no gold exists at Busang.
Before it was all over, a mysterious fire had destroyed a shack that contained the geologists records and manager Michael de Guzman had flung himself out of a helicopter over the jungles of Borneo.
When rumors circulated that his body was never identified, speculation arose that Guzman had in fact carried out a Houdini-like escape, absconding with the profits of one of the most sensational scams ever.
For Energy and Environmental Reasons, Ethanol Will Never Replace Gasoline
By James Jordan and James Powell
Sunday, July 2, 2006; Page B07
Biofuels such as ethanol made from corn, sugar cane, switchgrass and other crops are being touted as a "green" solution for a large part of America's transportation problem. Auto manufacturers, Midwest corn farmers and politicians are excited about ethanol. Initially, we, too, were excited about biofuels: no net carbon dioxide emissions, reduction of oil imports. Who wouldn't be enthusiastic?
But as we've looked at biofuels more closely, we've concluded that they're not a practical long-term solution to our need for transport fuels. Even if all of the 300 million acres (500,000 square miles) of currently harvested U.S. cropland produced ethanol, it wouldn't supply all of the gasoline and diesel fuel we now burn for transport, and it would supply only about half of the needs for the year 2025. And the effects on land and agriculture would be devastating.
It's difficult to understand how advocates of biofuels can believe they are a real solution to kicking our oil addiction. Agriculture Department studies of ethanol production from corn -- the present U.S. process for ethanol fuel -- find that an acre of corn yields about 139 bushels. At an average of about 2.5 gallons per bushel, the acre then will yield about 350 gallons of ethanol. But the fuel value of ethanol is only about two-thirds that of gasoline -- 1.5 gallons of ethanol in the tank equals 1 gallon of gasoline in terms of energy output.
Moreover, it takes a lot of input energy to produce ethanol: for fertilizer, harvesting, transport, corn processing, etc. After subtracting this input, the net positive energy available is less than half of the figure cited above. Some researchers even claim that the net energy of ethanol is actually negative when all inputs are included -- it takes more energy to make ethanol than one gets out of it.
But allowing a net positive energy output of 30,000 British thermal units (Btu) per gallon, it would still take four gallons of ethanol from corn to equal one gallon of gasoline. The United States has 73 million acres of corn cropland. At 350 gallons per acre, the entire U.S. corn crop would make 25.5 billion gallons, equivalent to about 6.3 billion gallons of gasoline. The United States consumes 170 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually. Thus the entire U.S. corn crop would supply only 3.7 percent of our auto and truck transport demands. Using the entire 300 million acres of U.S. cropland for corn-based ethanol production would meet about 15 percent of the demand.
It is argued that rather than using corn to make ethanol, we can use agricultural wastes. But the amounts are still a drop in the bucket. Using the crop residues (called corn stover) from corn production could provide about 10 billion gallons per year of ethanol, according to a recent study by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The net energy available would be greater than with ethanol from corn -- about 60,000 Btu per gallon, equivalent to a half-gallon of gasoline. Still, all of the U.S. corn wastes would produce only the equivalent of 5 billion gallons of gasoline. Another factor to be considered: Not plowing wastes back into the land hurts soil fertility.
Similar limitations and problems apply to growing any crop for biofuels, whether switchgrass, hybrid willow, hybrid poplar or whatever. Optimistically, assuming that switchgrass or some other crop could produce 1,000 gallons of ethanol per acre, over twice as much as we can get from corn plus stover, and that its net energy was 60,000 Btu per gallon, ethanol from 300 million acres of switchgrass still could not supply our present gasoline and diesel consumption, which is projected to double by 2025. The ethanol would meet less than half of our needs by that date.
Perhaps more important: The agricultural effects of such a large-scale program would be devastating.
Recently, there has been lots of excitement and media coverage about how Brazil produces ethanol for its automobile fuel and talk that America should follow its lead. But Brazil consumes only 10 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually, compared with America's 170 billion. There are almost 4 million miles of paved roads in America -- Brazil has 60,000. And Brazil is the leading producer of sugar cane -- more than 300 million tons annually -- so it has lots of agricultural waste to make ethanol.
Finally, considering projected population growth in the United States and the world, the humanitarian policy would be to maintain cropland for growing food -- not fuel. Every day more than 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes -- one child every five seconds. The situation will only get worse. It would be morally wrong to divert cropland needed for human food supply to powering automobiles. It would also deplete soil fertility and the long-term capability to maintain food production. We would destroy the farmland that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will need to live.
The writers are research professors in Maglev Research Center at Polytechnic University of New York.
kurz und knapp zusammengefasst, nachdem der erst Schock über den Titel verflogen sein müsste, Brasilien wird eher 2006 doch noch Weltmeister bevor Biosprit aus Grünzeug auch nur theorethisch eine Alternative zu Öl aus Kohle darstellt aber wartet da poste ich doch gleich noch mal nen Artikel... *fg*
Frank Clemente, Senior Professor of Sociology and Energy Policy - Penn State University
Ph: 814.237.0787 ~ e-mail at
20 Points Every American Should Know About Energy
At the 2006 Spring Coal Forum Conference, in Birmingham, one of the presentations discussed the benefits of using the vast American coal resource and the need for people to understand the value of that resource.
Frank Clemente, Senior Professor of Sociology and Energy Policy at Penn State University, also focused on the topic of "20 Points Every American Should Know About Energy." Within these 20 points, Clemente reviewed the tenuous nature of the worldwide oil and gas resource and the role that coal can play in making up for potential energy shortfalls. We have reprinted the highlights of Dr. Clemente's 20 points below for your review and consideration.
1. Our incredible dependence on foreign oil:
Foreign Oil use Year Crude All Petroleum Products
2. The staggering cost of the dependence: In 2005 energy imports cost us $280 billion.
* At today's prices we would spend $2.6 trillion to import oil and NG from 2006 - 2014
* The American Society of Civil Engineers recently stated "our Nation's infrastructuree has shown little or no improvement since receiving a collective D+ in 2001." Total infrastructure investment needs for bridges, highways, water treatment are $1.6 trillion
3. A dangerous world: Thus far in 2006 alone:
* Iran ( 2.mmb/d) has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz
* Venezuela (2mmb/d) has signed energy agreements with China and India
* Nigeria ( 2.mmb/d) has lost over 500,000 bb/d due to violence
* Russia ( 6.mmb/d) cut off NG supplies to the Ukraine, signifying its willingness to use energy as a political weapon.
4. The United States is a growing nation: In 2005, we:
* Added almost 3 million people to the population
* Built over 1.1 million homes
* Started about 3 million new businesses
* Flew 800 trillion passenger miles
5. New kids on the block:
* In 1990 Asia consumed 11% of the world's oil. By 2025 it will use 28%
* From 100 private vehicles in 1979 to 24 million today, China is projected to have over 120 million cars by 2020.
* With a population of 1 billion, India has oil reserves of only 5.7 barrels per person compared to 70 plus for U.S.
* No Asian country has reserves of more than 15 barrels per person. By 2025 there will be 4.3 billion Asians.
6. The Relentless Nature of Depletion. As the lowest fruit has been picked, new reservoirs of oil and NG are smaller and deeper. Annual decline rates:
* Middle East variously estimated at 2.5%, 4%, 6% and 8%
* North Sea 6-8%
* Gulf of Mexico 30-35%
* Barnett fields (TX) 60%
7. The New Energy Welfare States. Previous exporters of oil are becoming importers:
Net Oil Imports Population - MM in 2025 2002 2020
Indonesia (265)
Malaysia (37)
Vietnam (104)
8. Don't count on Canada. With a 30% depletion rate in the western basins, Canada is running on the treadmill next to us:
* In 2002, 9,061 wells produced 17.4 bcf/d. In 2004, 15,12 wells produced 17 bcf/d
* Last week the Canadian Potential Gas Committee released a report concluding "the remaining resource will require a lot more wells than in the past. It means high decline rates."
9. Don't trust the data. The miraculous expansion of OPEC reserves in billions of barrels:
OPEC Reserves (billions of bbls) Country 1985 But by 1989
Saudi Arabia
Abu Dhabi
10. Be Skeptical of the Forecasts. We have difficulty predicting price and production even 3 years out.
Price Predictions 3 years out Variable 2002 Prediction for 2005 Actual 2005
Oil Price
Oil Production
5.4 mm/d
5.1 mm/d
NG Price
NG Production
21 Tcf
18 Tcf
11. We keep digging the forecast hole. Current projections of EIA to 2020:
* Domestic oil production will increase despite the fact it has decreased 14 years in a row
* World oil prices will drop to $51 even though global demand will increase by 35%
* Domestic NG production will increase by 16%
* NG prices will be $4.90 even though demand will increase by 20% and the number of wells drilled will decrease by 20%
* Unconventional NG production will increase by 16% but number of wells will decrease - but scholarly research by the Canadian Gas Potential Committee recently released a report that it takes 3 unconventional wells to produce as much NG as one conventional well.
12. Erroneous forecasts have huge consequences
* In 1999, the price of NG for electric generators was projected to be $2.08 in 2005. Based on such predictions, over 220,000 MW of NG power plants were built - 90% of all new generation. The actual cost of NG for generators in 2005 was $8.45.
* Chilling impact on new investments. Why build CTL or CTG units if official projections indicate the price of oil will drop significantly and both NG production and imports will increase?
13. There is no institutional memory. No one is held intellectually accountable for erroneous predictions, eg., Cambridge Energy Research Associates:
* In December, Robert Esser of CERA testified before Congress that 15 million barrels of daily oil production capacity will be online by 2010.
* But in l999, Esser and CERA projected that by 2004 NG in the GOM would be 2.9 Tcf. Actual production was 1.4 Tcf.
14. Our incredible bet on LNG
* The projection is that LNG imports will increase to 4.13 Tcf (588%) by 2025 to meet 16% of our needs.
* An AGA study stated in 2005 "About 16.5 bcf/d of liquefied gas is pointed toward U.S. markets at delivered prices under $4.50"
* But in Q1/06 the U.S. imported only 3 spot LNG cargoes-lowest in histoy. (0.l Tcf)
15. Lack of scientific knowledge of public at large
* 50% do not know dinosaurs predated humans
* 42% do not know it takes the earth one year to revolve around the sun
* 51% do not know electrons are smaller than atoms
This void of knowledge has huge implications for any rational discussion of global warming.
16. The shallow knowledge of the media
* "Energy reporters" ---a litany of errors
* li> The apparently incomprehensible difference between demand reduction and a decline in the rate of demand growth
* Vanity Fair, Time Magazine and other lopsided portrayals of climate change.
17. Beware of groups against everything
* The rise of habitual opposition
* Natural Resources Defense Council -passivity, pessimism and denial
* The cavalier proliferation of Kyoto style targets in the U.S and the dismissal of the European experience.
18. The increasing strategic value of CO2
* Can be used to recover 89 billion barrels of heretofore stranded oil
* Win -win situation for energy needs and the environment
19. 4,523,413 = 20% (Number of motor vehicles in Florida and California ? two states which vigorously oppose offshore drilling.)
20. At the end of the day it is 494 billion (billion tons of coal reserves in the U.S. - more energy than any nation on earth)
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kurz und knapp zusammengefasst, : The trend is ur friend !
ich glaube ich schlaf heute ziemlich gut *smile*
nö, jetzt schreibe ich auch nichts über das Potential der Mine und über den steigenden Goldpreis, und erst recht schreibe ich nichts davon in welche Richtung gebohrt und gesprengt wird und auch nicht was dort ganz in der Nähe für dicke Brocken gefördert wurden...
Pustekuchen... ;)
gebt Eure Aktien zujrück Shorties sonst ist es zu spät...
wäre es nicht ganz einfach möglich das Shares Outstanding 501,000,000 nichts anderes heisst als das da noch 501,000,000 Shares wieder zurückgegeben werden müssen ?
Ja dann mal viel Spass dabei, meine kriegt ihr nicht dafür... :-ppp
Bis dann!!
ich bin auch in der aktie drin, bitte gebe deine infos, hast du es auch in deutsch ;-) mein englisch ist nicht so der renner
aber schaut doch in ganzen ganz gut aus
Leerverkäufe und illegales Shorten kann ab sofort der SEC gemeldet werden dann wird dies geprüft. Da sind uns die Amis nun wieder mal einen Schritt voraus.
In den USA wurde Silverado bereits der SEC gemeldet da sehr viele Share Holder davon ausgehen das der Stock über Jahre, vielleicht Jahrzehnte mit illegalen Machenschaften manipuliert worden ist. Es werden durch die SEC ebenfalls die amerikanischen Börsenboards geprüft um Leuten auf die Spur zu kommen die mit falschen und alten News, bzw. dumm dreisten Lügen die Aktie manipulieren. Teilweise wurden diese Personen mit Namen gemeldet.
Nun heisst es abzuwarten, wie es weiter geht aber solche Regeln werden sich meiner Meinung nach nicht negativ auf unser Baby auswirken. Einige Shorties sind auf dem Wege unlimitierte Verluste zu machen... Ach, wie schön ist es doch max. 100% Verlust machen zu können...
Ich rechne sehr bald mit News.
Viel Glück uns....
Gold analyst 'disappears' following WND report
Touter of Silverado stock rumored to have fled country after story ran.Chapman, who was an avid promoter of Silverado stock, had previously been paid 1.8 million shares of Silverado stock as part of a "consultant" agreement. Silverado Gold stock plummeted 56 percent immediately following the WND report, as trading swelled to a record 27 million shares."Three weeks ago [Chapman] disappeared," said Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee."We can't find him. Word is he's gone to Mexico."
The company says it expects to yield $19.7 million in net revenues over the next three years from the Nolan Mine. "We anticipate generating $7.5 million in revenues net to the company in this year alone," CEO Garry Anselmo announced in November.
Silverado's predictions are intriguing, considering that the company’s most recent 10Q filing (a quarterly report required by the Securities and Exchange Commission) shows $997 in gold sales for the nine months ended Aug. 31, 2002, and gold inventory at $10,169. For the same period the previous year, gold sales were at $1,786 and gold inventory at $11,140. wie nennt man sowas?seit Jahren immer nur miese und wie ich irgenwo gelesen habe sind das immerhin 30 Jahre!
zu gerne würde ich den Artikel von Ed Baines bei der Vancouver Sun hier reinstellen,wenn ich ihn nur bei ariva noch finden könnte