Poet Technologies - die Revolution in der Halbleiterbranche ?!?

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426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpfernews

16.08.13 14:56

gestern gab s auch noch mal ne runde options.

schaun mer mal


426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpferdie news gehen rum

16.08.13 15:22
POET Technologies Moves to Next Phase of Commercialization Plan, Endorses Recommendations of Special Strategic Committee - WSJ.com
POET Technologies Moves to Next Phase of Commercialization Plan, Endorses Recommendations of Special Strategic Committee - WSJ.com

das riecht förmlich nach einem möglichen partner, der bedingungen gestellt hat.



426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpferlink

29.08.13 22:12
Industry Perspective: Keeping Pace With Moore's Law - The Data Center Journal
Industry Perspective asks POET Technologies' chief scientist, Dr. Geoff Taylor, about the future of Moore's Law and efforts to continue progress.



87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330News

07.10.13 14:37


Noch keine News zwecks Vermarktung usw. aber vermutlich ein weiterer Schritt dahin. Die Spannung bleibt.


87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330???

16.10.13 08:44

Warum dieser Kurseinbruch gestern, erst 0,43 CAD und dann runter auf 0,39. Hier heute in D auch schon mehr als 25000 Stück gehandelt.

Was können Ursachen für den Kurseinbruch sein?


26 Postings, 4557 Tage nichtszuverlierenSheldon Inwentash verkauft Insideranteile

17.10.13 08:50
Das erklärt den Kursrutsch. Warum er verkauft, und ob es bei den ca. 1% POET-Anteilen bleibt, die er bisher verkauft hat, ist die Frage.
Bekannt ist, dass seine Investmentfirma Pinetree sich in wirtschaftlicher Schieflage befindet, und zum Zeitpunkt der Anteilsverkäufe bei POET, ähnlich hohe Anteile bei Pinetree gekauft wurden.
Aktienverkauf als Bilanzierungsmassnahme wäre möglich.
Dass es bei POET im Kurs nicht so läuft, wie es sich viele wünschen, kann jeder für sich selbst ergründen.
Ich habe mich entschlossen zu halten. Die Fundamentaldaten sind gut, und wer von uns hat nicht schon einmal zu früh (zu spät) verkauft, und es anschliessend bitter bereut. Und POET wie OPEL waren und sind immer für Überraschungen gut. Sowohl in die eine, als auch die andere Richtung.  

87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330News

21.10.13 14:46

Danke (bin Laie, kanns aber gut nachvollziehen)

Wieder mal News, die sich recht positiv lesen, vor allem dass mögliche Partner schon interviewt werden und mehrere an der POET Technologie interessiert sind




426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpferhmm

22.10.13 19:24
PDR success for BAE's counter to infrared-guided threats

vielleicht interessanter Link von-- np56 -- agoracom  

87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330Da los?

14.11.13 20:18

Fast 900.000 Stück bereits gehandelt heute in Kanada http://web.tmxmoney.com/quote.php?qm_symbol=ptk

Hat jemand Infos ob da Neuigkeiten anstehen?


35 Postings, 4564 Tage melmofedeKaufen...Kaufen

15.11.13 13:09

Bald kömmen super Nachrichten ....Kaufen...Kaufen ...Viel Glück an alle 


4 Postings, 4926 Tage fugazie04@ melmofede

15.11.13 13:42

kannst du das näher erläutern? Auf so ein Posting kauf ich bestimmt nichts!


87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330News

15.11.13 16:03

 Siehe gestriger Link und News - 1.12% der Aktien werden Mitarbeitern zum Vorzugspreis gewährt. Ist das der Grund für den Kurssprung oder kommt da noch mehr? Schon reger Handel in Kanada zum Tagesauftakt.


519 Postings, 4877 Tage fellloses.Papppferd.Grün

28.11.13 00:14
Es scheint Bewegung in die Aktie reinzukommen. Falls Meilenstein noch vor Weihnachten, dann wohl nächste Woche. Im Moment stehen jedenfalls alle Vorzeichen auf Grün und das nicht nur charttechnisch:


35 Postings, 4564 Tage melmofedeGeduld und Nerven: Das Geheimnis zu gewinnen

28.11.13 12:18
Gestern hat POET Techlologies mit 0.56 CAD geschlossen und ich erinnere mich das am 17.10.2013 bei 0.33 CAD geschlossen hat.
Schöne Schreck aber habe ich NICHTS gemacht...
Gestern habe ich noch stark zu gekauft. Ich denke das bald den Rakete startet, nach so viel Zeit das nichts passiert ist. Heute bestimmt werde wir noch in positiv liegen und Morgen wird auch weiter so gehen...Ganz viel Glück an alle die so lange gewartet haben...  

426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpferstimme zu. aktuell 0,6

28.11.13 20:47

  Ein Kollege von mir hat bei 0,32cad verbilligt. Da hat er wohl das fallende Messer mitgefangen und sitzt mit uns in der Rakete. Volumen mit aktuell knapp 400k über dem Tagesdurchschnitt aber insgesamt noch moderat. Bin gespannt was hier im Busch ist, weil rascheln tut es.

Angehängte Grafik:
ptk1.png (verkleinert auf 58%) vergrößern

3 Postings, 4314 Tage canberkliegt. da was in der luft?

02.12.13 18:50
Hallo Leute

hat jemand neue Infos zwecks Aktie, würde mich über neue Information freuen.
ich habe nicht's gefunden in meiner Suche.

ansonsten Euch einen schönen Abend


87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330Links

02.12.13 19:54
Siehe http://www.wallstreet-online.de/forum/63117233-diskussionen, in den Diskussionen finden sich dann weitere Links.  

426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpferinfos

07.12.13 01:02

ein link von einer ausgezeichneten dd von seven o double:


hoffe das hilft


87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330Bergkämpfer

16.12.13 11:16

Heute wurden schon 135.000 Stück gehandelt in Frankfurt, hat jemand Infos was dahinter stecken könnte? Kommen etwa News???  

426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpfernews!

06.01.14 17:27

426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpfersry link geht leider nicht

06.01.14 17:28
POET Technologies-Special Strategic Committee Update

TORONTO, ONTARIO and STORRS, CONNECTICUT--(Marketwired - Jan. 6, 2014) - POET Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTK)(OTCQX:POETF) ("the Company") - developer of the proprietary planar-optoelectronic technology ("POET") platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated electronic and optical devices on a single semiconductor wafer - announced today the completion of the work of the Special Strategic Committee ("SSC") and the update of its published milestones. The Board of Directors has endorsed the Company's commercialization plan put forward by the SSC which is chaired by Executive Director Peter Copetti.

The SSC was established in June 2013 to investigate and initiate strategic alternatives for the commercialization of the POET technology platform using a multi-faceted approach based on discussions with potential industry partners. The following major recommendations of the SCC have been implemented:

   A plan for establishing POET Development Alliances (PDA's) - The Company is in discussion with several potential industry partners who have the necessary foundry infrastructure to take the POET technology to the manufacturing stage. The partnership roles encompass fab, tool and engineering resources as well as product and library development for future applications. Ideal partners will be producers of products which can incorporate the POET IP technology to provide the lowest power consumption and cost-effective industry disruptive system solutions.
   Update to Milestone #5 and Milestone #7 - Both milestones are expected to be completed in the first 3 to 5 weeks of fiscal 2014. Significant progress has been made and both milestones are in the final phases of testing. Specific announcements will be made once the final testing is complete for both the Switching Laser Demonstration and the Optical Thyristor-based Infrared Detector and transistor combinations. Please see the new milestone schedule on our website.
   Drive for Reduction of Feature Size to 100-nm Range (100nm), Milestone #8 - The Company has introduced new specific milestones associated with reducing feature size to the 100-nm range in scale. The POET team has realized submicron device operation down to 200-nm. The path to maintaining scaled operation down to 100nm has been identified. The Company has scheduled its Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) to be shut down for cleaning and maintenance for a period of approximately 6 weeks after completing Milestones 5 and 7. After restarting the MBE, the Company expects to complete Milestone 8 and, accordingly, the timeline for the completion of this milestone has been moved to the first quarter of fiscal 2014. The 100-nm goal is matched to the state-of-the-art commercial III-V foundry capabilities and will demonstrate the greater than 50x speed improvement together with lower power consumption by a factor ranging from 4 to 10 depending on the application as compared to silicon at smaller nodes. Significant progress has been made on the completion of this milestone, although it has proven to be more difficult to achieve with the limited equipment available to POET. This highlights the importance of developing an alliance with a fab partner where repeating this milestone and improving it will be significantly easier with advanced lithography equipment standard for CMOS processing.

The revolutionary features of POET, monolithic integration of fully complementary transistors together with optical transmitters and transceivers are expected to disrupt current optical-electrical techniques with faster and less expensive monolithic IC solutions.

For the first time p-channel and n-channel devices can be integrated monolithically in a III/V semiconductor environment with the potential to fully replace all silicon based CMOS circuitry with higher speed and lower power. Fully integrated single device optical transceivers including the full range of digital data processing at speeds of 100Gbps and beyond will become a reality as they cannot be manufactured with current silicon technology for power, speed and cost reasons.

   Design Kit Preparation
   In addition to optimizing device parameters and yields, the next focus is to establish POET's technology design kits, a comprehensive design rules and device parameter library for POET, which will enable customers and partners to implement the POET process into their preferred foundries. It will also help licensed designs in a POET device ecosystem to proliferate and help existing silicon library functions to migrate to POET technology based circuitry in a minimum amount of time. In order for the POET team to focus on the preparation of technology design kits, the SCC has recommended that Milestone #9 and #10 be delayed and new completion dates for those milestones will be announced once a primary industry partner has been identified.
   Operation Management and Program management
   Besides the announced appointment of a Senior VP of Operations in November 2013, key management changes are underway at the research facility in Storrs, Connecticut. An efficient program management will be instituted and all documentation and design kit efforts will be handled on-site in a direct manner. This step underscores the current transition from research to development oriented activities within POET indicating the maturity of the technology at the present time. This management reporting structure will encourage the success of the finalization of the research stage of POET and provide for the long term substantiation and transfer of the involved IP. A new development team will be formed with partners to scale the POET Technology bringing it to a mature stage.
   Globalization Plans
   The Company is planning several initiatives to raise global awareness of POET and increase its global investor base. The Company intends to split monetization of the IP between multiple commercial markets and military applications and products to maximize returns of all the different aspects of the POET IP.

"The SSC's recommendations are the cornerstones of the Company's strategy for unlocking the value of POET's intellectual property," said Mr. Copetti. "Preparing for a development alliance with comprehensive documentation and full availability of a technology design kit will definitively enable industry partners to incorporate POET technology into their products, thereby shortening time-to-market for potential products, and helping to commercialize POET in the marketplace quickly. We are encouraged by our ongoing discussions to date with potential partners. As the general basic strategic goals recommended by the SSC have been adopted by the Board of Directors, the SSC will be dissolved and the Company will now change its focus from research to development, with a view to 2014 being the major recognition year for the POET technology."

The Company's proprietary POET platform has demonstrated planar monolithic standard CMOS fabrication of integrated circuit gallium arsenide (GaAs) based devices containing both electronic and optical elements on a single wafer.

By offering process IP with the potential for increased speed, density, reliability, lower power and costs, POET offers the semiconductor industry the ability to disrupt Moore's Law to the next cadence level, overcoming current silicon-based lithography and device bottlenecks in regards to speed and power. POET is a truly disruptive technology that is expected to change the roadmap capabilities for a broad range of applications and markets.

POET is offering a broad technology basis for several key markets. The development of technology design kits in fiscal 2014 will focus on a phased approach. Specific markets and partners will be targeted over time as technology design kits become available.

Refer to our website for the revised milestones schedule at www.poet-technologies.com or with the news release filed on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

About POET Technologies Inc.

POET Technologies is the developer of the POET platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated circuit devices containing both electronic and optical elements on a single semiconductor wafer. With head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and operations in Storrs, CT, the Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory. The Company has 30 patents issued and 9 patents pending for the POET process, with potential high speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "PTK" and on the OTCQX under the symbol "POETF". For more information please visit our websites at www.poet-technologies.com.


Michel Lafrance, Secretary

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies
of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release contains "forward-looking information" (within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws) and "forward -looking statements" (within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). Such statements or information are identified with words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "plan", "intend", "potential", "estimate", "propose", "project", "outlook", "foresee" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Such statements include, among others, those concerning the Company's anticipated operational plans and activities including the following specific statements: (i) "Both milestones are expected to be completed in the first 3 to 5 weeks of fiscal 2014."; (ii) "The Company has scheduled its Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) to be shut down for cleaning and maintenance for a period of approximately 10 weeks after completing Milestones 5 and 7. After restarting the MBE, the Company expects to complete Milestone 8 and, accordingly, the timeline for the completion of this milestone has been moved to the first quarter of fiscal 2014."; (iii) "The revolutionary features of POET, monolithic integration of fully complementary transistors together with optical transmitters and transceivers are expected to disrupt current optical-electrical techniques with faster and less expensive monolithical IC solutions." (iv) "For the first time p-channel and n-channel devices can be integrated monolithically in a III/V semiconductor environment with the potential to fully replace all silicon based CMOS circuitry with higher speed and lower power. Fully integrated single device optical transceivers including the full range of digital data processing at speeds of 100Gbps and beyond will become a reality as they cannot be manufactured with current silicon technology for power, speed and cost reasons." (iv) "This management reporting structure will encourage the success of the finalization of the research stage of POET and provide for the long term substantiation and transfer of the involved IP. A new development team will be formed with partners to scale the POET Technology to a mature stage." (v) "the Company will now change its focus from research to development, with a view to 2014 being the major recognition year for the POET technology." and (vi) "POET is a truly disruptive technology that is expected to change the roadmap capabilities for a broad range of applications and markets."

Such forward-looking information or statements are based on a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions which may cause actual results or other expectations to differ materially from those anticipated and which may prove to be incorrect. Assumptions have been made regarding, among other things, management's expectations regarding future growth, plans for and completion of projects by the Company's third party relationships, availability of capital, and the necessity to incur capital and other expenditures. Actual results could differ materially due to a number of factors, including, without limitation, operational risks in the completion of the Company's anticipated projects, delays or changes in plans with respect to the development of the Company's anticipated projects by the Company's third party relationships, risks affecting the Company's ability to execute projects, risks inherent in operating in foreign jurisdictions, the ability to attract key personnel, and the inability to raise additional capital.

Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information or statements are reasonable, prospective investors in the Company's securities should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because the Company can provide no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward- looking information and statements contained in this news release are as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise this forward-looking information and statements except as required by law.

Christopher Chu, Grayling
(646) 284-9426

87 Postings, 4314 Tage Normalo330!

06.01.14 19:53
Sehr professionell gestaltete News. Zum ursprünglichen Plan eine leichte Verzögerung, aber der Eindruck bei Poet ist wenn man etwas derartiges ankündigt erfüllt es sich - irgendwann in nicht zu ferner Zeit.
Gut zu bewerten ist dass man an den Milestones arbeitet. Prima.  

426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpfergut zu bewerten...

10.01.14 14:39

...ist auch die Auflösung des SSC`s. Das bedeutet doch, dass die Strategie des Lizensverfahrens fest steht, so dass bei Realisierung dauerhaft Geld strömen wird.

Auch die Entwicklung der Process Design Kits klingt für mich verdammt danach, dass bereits ein Partner vorhanden ist und ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Kommerzialisierung.

Hier mal ein Link einer beliebig gewählten Foundry mit einer Grafik welcher Schritt damit gemeint ist:


"...which will enable customers and partners to implement the POET process into their preferred foundries."

Desweiteren vergehen laut NR keine 5 Wochen bis die nächsten beiden Milestones offiziell erreicht werden. Vielleicht wird dann auch der Partner genannt.

POET hat meiner Ansicht nach das Potential durch die Decke zu gehen, sprich Kurse im 2stelligen Dollarbereich.


426 Postings, 4484 Tage Bergkämpfernoch dazu

10.01.14 14:43

"Most semiconductor foundry services start with a process design kit (PDK). This is a software-based tool built around the latest computer-aided-engineering (CAE) software, such as Microwave Office® from AWR Corp., the Advanced Design System (ADS) from Agilent Technologies, and Ansoft Designer with Nexxim from Ansoft."



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