On Track Innovations Ltd.: erhält Folgeauftrag
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Eröffnet am: | 06.01.05 23:10 | von: sir charles | Anzahl Beiträge: | 8.465 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 02:07 | von: Mariemxcwa | Leser gesamt: | 1.261.818 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 94 | |
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Ich habe Verständnis, dass die keine Zahlen genannt haben. Die Projekte mit den big playern auf dem Markt laufen und mit positiven Ueberraschungen, im laufenden Jahr und nächstes Jahr ist zu rechnen. Also Leute, soviel Geduld haben wir noch.
Die Patentgeschichte entwickelt sich auch zu Gunsten von OTI und habe auch Verständnis, dass zum jetztigen Zeitpunkt vertrauliche Informationen nicht divulgiert werden können/dürfen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass sie das Beste herausholen werden.
Grüsse, oiradino
oti's TRIO cashless payment reader has already been deployed at more than 250,000 locations in the self-serve markets, including vending, kiosks and laundromats in North America.
February 2, 2015 8:31 AM
oti Enters EMV Countertop Reader Market With Apple Pay-Enabled Solution
Da der Trio erst in 06.2014 vorgestellt wurde, müssen diese doch irgendwann abgerechnet werden.
Aber, wie du sagst: Aussteigen wäre Blödsinn und warten können wir ja.
Geb dir auch Recht, Q1 muss die richtige Richtung angeben.
Our quarterly revenues and operating results have varied substantially in the past and may continue do so in the future.
These fluctuations may be driven by various factors which are beyond our control, are difficult to predict and may not meet the expectations of analysts and investors. These factors include, among others, the following:
Our payroll expenses are relatively fixed and we would not expect to reduce our workforce due to a reduction in revenues in any particular quarter.
The tendency of some of our clients, due to budgetary reasons, to place orders for products toward the last quarter of their financial year.
As a result of these factors, our revenues and operating results in any quarter may not be indicative of our future performance, and it may be difficult to evaluate our prospects.
Danke für das Osterkörbchen Edugat.
Mein Englisch ist nicht so gut - aber der Inhalt des Osterkörbchens ist amüsant, 2015 kann durchaus wieder ein Jahr der Verluste werden. Amüsant sind die vielen Gründe welche eingeschoben werden das dieses geschehen könnte.
Bin mal gespannt wie der share value der Aktionäre mit diesen Aussagen gesteigert wird.
Es wird weiterhin viel Geld benötigt, naja es sind ja noch 40 Mio.Dollar an Aktien Verkäufen sind ja noch zum verwässern übrig. Und T-Mobile kann sich noch ziehen, was dafür die Fantasien und den Wert der OTI immer wieder mal einen Schub nach oben verleihen wird. ( fein für die Shorties, doof für die Doofies , da wenn nichts nachkommt der Fall nicht lange wartet)
Aber die Kohle ( sollte diese tatsächlich kommen) wird dann sehr wahrscheinlich wieder in weitere Operationen gesteckt und nicht zum Teil an die Shareholder ausgeschüttet.
Wie schade, hätte mich so auf das Bierchen am Pool gefreut. In diesem Sinne weiter träumen und durch halten , und frohe Ostern euch allen,..... OTI ist nichts für Angsthasen ;-)
Einnahmen unsicher und schwankend
Gewinne werden keine prospektiert
Immerhin kann sich hinterher keiner beschweren
er hätte es nicht gewusst.
Ein Papier für Masochisten.
Komischerweise hat Partnerfirma USA Tech (USAT) letztes Quartal BreakEven praktisch erreicht und auch die Kursperformance sieht dort im Gegensatz zu OTI super aus. Zur Info: OTI und USAT sind Kooperationspartner bzw. OTI beliefert USAT mit NFC-Technik
hier die Zahlen:
hier nochmal die Kooperation zwischen OTI und USA Tech in einer Press Release.
ich denke aber was die meisten hier vergessen:
Die Lawsuit gegen Tmus ist gewonnen.
Es wird einen Betrag X geben plus vermutlich einen Vertrag.
Danach werden weitere Firmen (das haben sie früher schon geschrieben) auch verklagt.Diese werden sich hütten über Jahre gegen Oti zu klagen.(Kosten)
es wird auf einen Patent Nutzungsvertrag und eine vermutliche Einmalzahlung
hinaus laufen.Das Geld und diese Verträge wird es vermutlich aber nicht dieses oder
am Anfang nächstes Jahr geben.Aber sie werden kommen.
Oti hat ja ein vorzeige Gerichtsurteil an dem die anderen Gerichte sich orintieren werden.
Pessimismus hin oder her.Diese Geld Verträge sind noch nirgends aufgeführt.
Das kann vom Geld her wenig oder sich mit der Zeit böse anhäufen.
Wäre das auch mal ein neuer Ansatz für euch ?
...Although this patent expires in December 2017
...OTIV can either license the "043" patent to the telco's and equipment manufacturers. Or, OTIV can vigorously defend it's patent rights against industry giants like AT&T (NYSE:T), Verizon (NYSE:VZ), Sprint (NYSE:S) and Apple
...OTIV has been struggling with poor NFC reader sales and sales of other NFC related products
...OTIV's Wave product has also been a disappointment in generating sales growth
...it's poor Q4 2014 financial results and to a conference call format that did not allow of a free flow of information between participants and the company
Fazit: Aprilwetter
Und bei den anderen Firmen wäre dann wohl nichts mehr zu holen, da man sich mehrere paralelle Klagen nicht leisten kann.
Das sieht nicht gut aus für OTI, die Zeit drängt.
Bin einmal euphorisch gestimmt, dann wieder total negativ. Es ist ein ständiger Wechselbad der Gefühle, sowas ist mir noch nie passiert bei meinen investments.
Euer input find ich wirklich toll, weiter so Leute.
Wenn man (auch diese) Meldung liest stellt man fest, dass OTI regelmäßig an innovativen Anwendungen entwickelt und dem Markt anbietet. Da muss doch immer ein konkreter Hintergrund und Bedarf da sein !? Dann müssten doch wohl Bestellungen kommen.
oti's TRIO cashless payment reader has already been deployed at more than 250,000 locations in the self-serve markets, including vending, kiosks and laundromats in North America.
Oder, sie werden zum Schleuderpreis verscheuert:
Ofer Tziperman - Chief Executive Officer
We believe that we are on top of our game with both our readers and WAVE device. Surely we expect competition to rise as the market gains momentum, but we have good reason to believe that based on our superior technology, good reputation with our customers, and >>>our aggressive pricing strategy<<<, we will maintain our leading position.
Aber, wenn sie sich nach vielen Jahren hoffentlich am Markt durchgesetzt haben, ist die Mitgift der hübchen Braut umso größer!:-)
The 2015 CMA Industry Choice Award is now open!
Apple Pay is a game changer for NFC reader manufactures and suppliers. The OTI CEO said they were not dependent on the Apple decision to successfully sell their readers. After the 3rd quarter earnings miss due to poor NFC reader sales the CEO said it was as a result of customers waiting to see what Apple would announce. Yes the CEO should be red faced with embarrassment!!!! After the Apple announcement OTI received large numbers of reader enquiries, which is understandable.
Up to the Apple announcement retailers could wait to replace their hardware (readers) due to obsolesce. New readers would have NFC built in like you get the latest technology when you buy a new phone. With the Apple announcement retailers are forced to update readers that do not support NFC if they want to capture the young and likely well to do Apple shopper.
Apple is rolling out Apple Pay in their home market of North America to see how it goes and fix the glitches. When the businesses and banks in North America are satisfied they will likely launch in Europe having negotiated deals with European banks and major retailers in advance. Young European consumers read tech news from the US so they will know about Apple Pay. As a result the launch will be less costly and faster, so goes the Apple machine.
OTI built and own the NFC railway. Apple Pay is likely the first modern locomotive to use the OTI railway (It’s a guess, I’m no engineer). Google Wallet tried to use the railroad but their locomotive was cumbersome with little consumer uptake. Before Apple Pay NFC sales transactions in stores/restaurants were likely very little in number. Makes you wonder what benefit mobile carrier users got from the OTI patent NFC aerial in their phones before Apple Pay. All that changed when Apple brought their magic touch to the OTI NFC railroad.
The previous OTI board was ousted in 2012 for good reason. If you judge the new boards success on the share price alone nothing changed. The stock is still around $1.45. On the last earnings call OTI were not willing to offer a forecast for 2015. The analysts who believed the OTI 2014 forecast (that did not work out) is downgrading the stock due to lack of 2015 visibility. He does not appear to realize Apple Pay is the key that opens the NFC reader volume market in 2015 for all suppliers.
SA articles in 2012 were forecasting a bright future for the company. The favorable OTI summary judgment ruling in their patent infringement lawsuit against T-Mobile took a lot longer than anticipated back then. There is still a long way to go but, so far so good. OTI are in the process of hopefully appointing a tech savvy sales focused CEO. OTI has a pipeline of newly designed NFC products primed and ready for market. Although it is hard to believe the “wand product” will ever sell in commercial numbers. OTI expect to ship volume NFC product in the 3rd quarter. That sounds reasonable and workable.
Make no mistake Apple choose the payment method that best suited Apple. NFC technology is the lucky benefactor. Without Apple Pay OTI never stood a chance to be profitable from NFC reader sales despite the current CEOs expectations. The Apple Pay NFC decision is a game changer. OTI has the opportunity to be a growth company for many years as new countries introduce Apple Pay.
Long time OTI investors may feel they missed the opportunity to sell stock several months ago. The September 2014 stock $4 high after the Apple Pay announcement to the current 2012 $1.45 price range is a little mind-boggling. The temptation to sell when/if you ever break even is understandable. However, this is not the same scenario as 2012. In 2012 OTI did not have the opportunity to make a killing in North America alone selling NFC readers. In Europe they are still picking fruit from low hanging trees in Poland. The rest of Europe is like Siberia as far as OTI sales are concerned. They combine Israel and Asia together into one sales region!! These growth opportunities are without taking any IP revenue into account!!!
The activist OTI board appointed with much expectation in 2012 has disappointed. Hopefully the current board and management can collectively manage to snatch success from the jaws of defeat now that NFC reader sales opportunities are offered to them on an Apple plate.
Lets forget about their IP for the moment and look at the OTI business.
Unfortunately the company that developed the NFC communication highway is a little behind the curve in the sales of their NFC readers.
A new board ousted the previous regime with great expectations. The new board appointed an insider as CEO. It is motivating for staff if an insider makes a go of such a wonderful opportunity, a win win situation. Unfortunately the new CEO was lacking in marketing and international sales experience. The official line is he is leaving for personal reasons, which is fair enough. Many wished he had the foresight to change OTI’s rather drab website. Compare it http://www.otiglobal.com to their competitors slick https://www.usatech.com website.
OTI 2014 revenues by geographical region:
North America $8.3M 37%
Europe $7.5M 32%
Africa $3.9M 17%
Asia and Israel $2.8M 12%
South America $0.52M
OTI do not give individual country sale figures for Europe. A high percentage of OTI European revenue is generated in Poland. They appear to have little or no presence in the top five European countries, Germany, UK, France, Italy and France. So when they list sales for Europe it is mostly Poland. Sales in Poland alone are probably 50% of sales in the North America. That is not an impressive performance for Europe or North America. However is does indicate the future sales potential for OTI in those locations.
The company readers are priced competitively and well designed. Their investments in R&D just delivered a new telemeter product that could increase ASPs 50%+ for customers. Properly run this is a growth company for many years to come.
Hopefully the board will choose their next CEO more carefully and we will all benefit from his/her experience and abilities.