Poet Technologies - die Revolution in der Halbleiterbranche ?!?
Bald geht es los...Ich werde auch heute, stark zu kaufen...Im Januar werden wir mit der POET-Technologie die Überraschung erleben und vielleicht die
2 CAD ansehen.Viel Spass beim Anschauen meiner Seite besteht die möglichkeit
wie kommst du auf TH ? , aber hier sollte erst mal eine kleine Konsolidierung kommen und dann weiter
Wenn die Solarsparte weg ist, hat das Auswirkungen für das DaSein des Papiers? Sind eventuell Insidertrades gelaufen und deswegen ist Opel vorerst gestoppt? Oder hat jemand dummerweise Insiderwissen frei verfügbar gemacht, so dass man sich für einen Stop entschieden hat? Und wie lange könnte so ein Stop denn eigentlich dauern? 2 Tage? 3 Jahre? Fragen über Fragen ;)
Ich hoffe, dass der Verkauf der Solarsparte ordentlich Kohle bringt! Das hätte sicherlich nen positiven Einfluss auf den Kurs.
OPEL Technologies Inc. Enters Into Definitive Agreement for Asset Sale to Northern States MetalsTORONTO, ONTARIO and STORRS, CONNECTICUT -- (Marketwire) -- 12/14/12 -- OPEL Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE: OPL)(OTCQX: OPELF) ("OPEL" or "the Company") today announced that it and its affiliate OPEL Solar, Inc. ("Solar") have entered into a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with Northern States Metals through its subsidiary, Tracker Acquisition, Inc.(the "Purchaser") to sell the non-cash assets of Solar used in connection with the operation of Solar's single axis solar power tracker business (the "Business"). The purchased assets do not include any asset of Solar that is not used in, or does not otherwise relate to, the Business and certain other non-core assets.
The aggregate purchase price is One Million Dollars (US$1,000,000), subject to adjustment for any outstanding indebtedness of Solar related to the Business or variance in the stated inventory.
The Purchaser is not responsible for any liabilities of Solar or the Business of any kind or nature whatsoever arising prior to the closing of the Agreement. Solar is required to retain all maintenance and warranty obligations of the Business.
The TSX Venture Exchange has given its conditional acceptance to this transaction, subject to certain conditions.
OPEL and Solar and each of Peter Copetti and Leon Pierhal have signed non-competition and non-solicitation agreements with the Purchaser and the Agreement provides for standard indemnifications in the event of breach of representations and warranties.
No brokerage or finder's fees or commissions were paid in connection with the Agreement and each party paid its own transaction expenses in connection with the Agreement.
Peter Copetti, executive board member and chair of special committee established by the Board of Directors to diversify out of solar, stated that "Once again OPEL and its team have delivered on what we have promised shareholders since we refocused the Company beginning in June 2012 and this deal, which is the culmination of a complete change in the financial outlook for the Company, is a testament to the focus and execution that has been the hallmark of OPEL in the short time span since we began the task of restoring the Company to fiscal health."
In the space of six months, we are extremely pleased to have reported the following achievements:
-- The balance sheet continues to improve. -- The Company has continued to advance toward a pure business play focused on the development of the POET technology. -- The Company has restructured over $3.0 million in debt and has raised over $5.0 million in financing in difficult times. -- Most importantly, as announced on December 4, 2012, its ODIS division has successfully produced an integrated laser device, thereby achieving a key milestone in its Planar Optoelectronic Technology ("POET") process that enables high-performance devices fusing optical and electronic devices together on a single chip. OPEL believes that this development is an industry changing first. -- OPEL has paid US$150,000 to TCA Global
The POET platform is currently the basis for a number of key ODIS commercial and military projects, including optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) devices for avionics systems, combined RF/optical phased arrays, optoelectronic directional couplers, and ultra-low-power random access memory (RAM).
"The OPEL Tracker acquisition fits well with the NSM mission to continually lower the balance of system costs for large solar projects," said Thomas Meola, CEO of NSM. "We are working to make solar a more efficient and cost-effective energy alternative."
"We, as a Company, want to thank our shareholders for being committed, patient and supportive of our company vision. We hope to continue to deliver value and performance and to keep them informed on future developments on a timely basis" concluded Mr. Copetti.
About OPEL Technologies Inc. and ODIS Inc.
With head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and operations in Storrs, CT, the Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory; and through OPEL Solar, Inc., provided systems for energy applications. The Company has 35 patents issued and 9 patents pending, primarily for its semiconductor POET process, which enables the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuits containing both electronic and optical elements, with potential high-speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information
please visit our websites at www.opeltechinc.com and for ODIS at www.odisinc.com.
About Northern States Metals
NSM has manufacturing capabilities in Youngstown, Ohio and Toronto, Ontario, with corporate offices in West Hartford, Connecticut. NSM is the developer and manufacturer Solar FlexRack, a best-selling photovoltaic mounting system which first came to market in 2009 and now has more than 420 MW worth of systems installed in North America.
Michel Lafrance, Secretary
This news release contains "forward-looking information" (within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws) and "forward-looking statements" (within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). Such statements or information are identified with words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "plan", "intend", "potential", "estimate", "propose", "project", "outlook", "foresee" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Such statements include, among others, those concerning OPEL's anticipated operational plans and activities. Specifically, they include OPEL's statement that "Most importantly, as announced on December 4, 2012 its ODIS division has successfully produced an integrated laser device, thereby achieving a key milestone in its Planar Optoelectronic Technology ("POET") process, that enables high-performance devices fusing optical and electronic devices together on a single chip. OPEL believes that this development is an industry changing first."
Such forward-looking information or statements are based on a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions which may cause actual results or other expectations to differ materially from those anticipated and which may prove to be incorrect. Assumptions have been made regarding, among other things, management's expectations regarding future growth, availability of capital, and the necessity to incur capital and other expenditures. Actual results could differ materially due to a number of factors, including, without limitation, operational risks in the completion of OPEL's anticipated projects, the ability to attract key personnel, and the inability to raise additional capital. Additional assumptions and risks are set out in detail in OPEL's Management's Discussion and Analysis, available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
Although OPEL believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information or statements are reasonable, prospective investors in OPEL's securities should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because OPEL can provide no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information and statements contained in this news release are as of the date of this news release and OPEL assumes no obligation to update or revise this forward-looking information and statements except as required by law.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
OPEL Technologies Inc.
Patricia Venneri Agudow
Vice President, Public Relations
+1 (203) 612-2366 Ext. 2612
© 2012 MarketWire
Dec. 14, 2012, 11:33 a.m. EST
OPEL Technologies Inc. Enters Into Definitive Agreement for Asset Sale to Northern States Metals
TORONTO, ONTARIO AND STORRS, CONNECTICUT, Dec 14, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- OPEL Technologies Inc. CA:OPL +1.52% (otcqx:OPELF) ("OPEL" or "the Company") today announced that it and its affiliate OPEL Solar, Inc. ("Solar") have entered into a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with Northern States Metals through its subsidiary, Tracker Acquisition, Inc.(the "Purchaser") to sell the non-cash assets of Solar used in connection with the operation of Solar's single axis solar power tracker business (the "Business"). The purchased assets do not include any asset of Solar that is not used in, or does not otherwise relate to, the Business and certain other non-core assets.
The aggregate purchase price is One Million Dollars (US$1,000,000), subject to adjustment for any outstanding indebtedness of Solar related to the Business or variance in the stated inventory.
The Purchaser is not responsible for any liabilities of Solar or the Business of any kind or nature whatsoever arising prior to the closing of the Agreement. Solar is required to retain all maintenance and warranty obligations of the Business.
The TSX Venture Exchange has given its conditional acceptance to this transaction, subject to certain conditions.
OPEL and Solar and each of Peter Copetti and Leon Pierhal have signed non-competition and non-solicitation agreements with the Purchaser and the Agreement provides for standard indemnifications in the event of breach of representations and warranties.
No brokerage or finder's fees or commissions were paid in connection with the Agreement and each party paid its own transaction expenses in connection with the Agreement.
Peter Copetti, executive board member and chair of special committee established by the Board of Directors to diversify out of solar, stated that "Once again OPEL and its team have delivered on what we have promised shareholders since we refocused the Company beginning in June 2012 and this deal, which is the culmination of a complete change in the financial outlook for the Company, is a testament to the focus and execution that has been the hallmark of OPEL in the short time span since we began the task of restoring the Company to fiscal health."
In the space of six months, we are extremely pleased to have reported the following achievements:
Hat jemand von euch den Artikel verstanden und kann vielleicht eine kurze zusammenfassung davn geben?
Oder versteht jemand das übersetzungs Tool von Google?
in Kanada schwankt der Kurs... dass ist ja nicht mehr feierlich. Heute Nachmittag waren es noch 66 Cent und jetzt sind es wieder 60... Ich hoffe es geht bald noch weiter hoch! Wieder etwas über 70 zu sehen wäre schön!
...entweder die Jungs brauchen dringend Weihnachtsgeld, oder es beginnen die kurzfristigen Gewinnmitnahmen...
Fakt ist: die Aktie ist zu teuer im Moment... es fehlt der Marktverkauf, oder Interessenten. Davon gibt es trotz Milestone 3 immer noch keine....
das ding bleibt heiß! nur meine meinung. nächstes steuerjahr,frisches kapital für uns, schaun mer mal
sonst ist der Verlauf wie in der Vergangenheit zu sehen jetzt erst mal wieder für Monate negativ... oder was meint ihr?
Nun geht auch Kanada in die Knie... Wir nähern uns endlich wieder der Realität!
Erneute PP (Private Placement), bewusste Deckelung... vor Grosseinstieg potenter Investoren
Reale Argumente:
Einstieg eines Grossinvestors (Sheldon Inventash) bei höherem Kurs, ohne bisher abzugeben, trotz 25% Verlust seit seinem letzten Zukauf bei .68$CDN (SK Toronto .50 09.01.13)
Keine Insiderverkäufe
Hin- und Herschieben von Aktienpaketen eines der grössten Kanadischen Broker (House 007) mit Deckelungen durch minimale Stücke.
Milestone#4 ist mutmasslich erreicht, aber sollte/kann noch nicht durch BAE veröffentlicht werden.
Also dran bleiben!Der nächste Paukenschlag kommt gewiss!
Und nicht jede PP muss den Kurs drücken! Hat die letzte auch nur 4 Monate, dann ging es deutlich aufwärts und der drohende Bankrott (in Kanada ähnlich US Chapter 11-dem Aktionär bleibt nichts!) von Opel war vom Tisch!
Am 14.12.2012 vereinbarte OPEL Technologies Inc. (Toronto, Kanada) mit Northern States Metals (NSM, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA), seine Sparte Photovoltaik-Nachführsysteme für eine Million US-Dollar (rund 760.000 Euro) an das Metallunternehmen zu verkaufen.
Dieser Kaufpreis beziehe sich nur auf die Sachwerte und enthalte keine ausstehenden Schulden, betont OPEL. NSM hafte auch nicht für Schulden, die OPEL vor der Vereinbarung gemacht habe. Die TSX-Unternehmensbörse hat die Transaktion unter gewissen Bedingungen genehmigt.
„Der Kauf der OPEL-Trackersparte passt gut zu unserem Ziel, die Systemkosten für große Photovoltaik-Projekte zu senken“, sagte NSM-Geschäftsführer Thomas Meola. „Wir arbeiten daran, Photovoltaik zu einer effizienteren und kostengünstigeren Energie-Alternative zu machen.“
Nachführsysteme ergänzen eigene Montagesysteme von NSM
Außerdem hat OPEL mit NSM ein Abwerbe- und Wettbewerbsverbot vereinbart. NSM hat bereits ein eigenes Montagesystem, Solar FlexRack, das bei Photovoltaik-Anlagen mit insgesamt 420 MW in Nordamerika zum Einsatz kam.
OPEL arbeitet nach eigenen Angaben verstärkt an seiner „planaren optoelektronischen Technologie“ (POET).
TORONTO, ONTARIO and STORRS, CONNECTICUT--(Marketwire - Jan. 21, 2013) - OPEL Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:OPL)(OTCQX:OPELF) ("OPEL") has announced a financing with IBK Capital Corp. ("IBK"), whereby IBK will act as agent on a best efforts basis, to conduct a private placement offering of up to 11,000,000 Units at a price of C$0.50 per unit for proceeds of up to C$5,500,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. One full warrant allows the holder to acquire one common share of OPEL for a period of two years at an exercise price of C$0.75 per share. The private placement is conditionally upon acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange. The securities issued pursuant to the private placement will be subject to a hold period which expires four months and one day following closing.
The raise is expected to be closed on or before February 5, 2013. The Company will pay a cash commission of 7% of the funds raised and 10% of the units raised in the form of broker warrants. Each broker warrant allows the holder to acquire one common share of OPEL at a price of C$0.50 for 36 months after the closing date.
The Board launches the private placement at this time in order to secure the remaining capital required to procure $1.3M of capital equipment, fund ODIS's internal and third party development efforts leading to the completion of the milestones which will enable OPEL to achieve its strategy of the monetization of the POET Technology.
The Company also announced today the grant of an additional incentive stock option under its stock option plan, to an officer of the Company, to purchase up to an aggregate of 50,000 common shares. The stock option is exercisable at a price of CA$0.53 per share expiring January 17, 2018. The options will vest and be exercisable on the basis of 100% on January 17, 2014. There are currently 17,652,750 options outstanding and 117,257,900 shares outstanding.
About OPEL Technologies Inc. and ODIS Inc.
With head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and operations in Storrs, CT, the Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory; and through OPEL Solar, Inc., provided systems for energy applications. The Company has 34 patents issued and 6 patents pending, primarily for its semiconductor POET process, which enables the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuits containing both electronic and optical elements, with potential high-speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information please visit our websites at www.opeltechinc.com and for ODIS at www.odisinc.com.
Michel Lafrance, Secretary
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Contact Information:
OPEL Technologies Inc.
Patricia Venneri Agudow
Vice President, Public Relations
+1 (203) 612-2366 Ext. 2612
Source: Marketwire Canada (January 21, 2013 - 8:00 AM EST)
News by QuoteMedia
Monetization planned Q1 2014!