Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
Seite 95 von 385 Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 06.12.05 13:53 | von: Libuda | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.605 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 02.02.24 06:39 | von: ReeCoupons | Leser gesamt: | 1.341.686 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 3 | |
Bewertet mit: | ||||
Seite: < 1 | ... | 92 | 93 | 94 | | 96 | 97 | 98 | ... 385 > |
Kommen wir einmal zu den Fakten. Nach dem letzten Quartalsbericht hatte Internet Capital 43 Millionen in der Kasse, 85 Millionen sind die 2.2 Millionen Aktien von Blackboard wert und 23 Millionen die ca. 80 Millionen Aktien von GoIndustry, was zusammen einen Betrag von 151 Million ausmacht. Inzwischen sind weitere Aktien von ICE mit einem Wert von momentan ca. 80 Millionen dazugekommen = 231 Millionen.
Von der Marktkapitalisierung von momentan 333 Millionen sind also schon mehr als zwei Drittel durch diese Cash und die Wertpapiere abgedeckt. Die folgenden Beteiligungen werden somit alle zusammen mit nur absurden 102 Millionen bewertet (allein die 65% an ICGCommerce sind aber schon das Doppelte wert):
65% an ICGCommerce
33% an Starcite
32% an Freeborders
32% an Metastorm
46% an Channelintelligence
35% an Whitefence
46% an Vcommerce
30% an Commerce360
80% an Investorforce
9% an Anthem Venture
5% an Emptoris
und einige weitere allersdings sehr kleine Beteiligungen.
Und nun haben wir in den letzten Tagen weitere massive Leerverkäufe gesehen - vermutliches alles nackte, d.h. ohne dass gleichzeitig eine Wertpapierleihe erfolgte. Rein theoretisch kann man unzählig viele Aktien bei nacktem Shorten leer verkaufen, mit Wertpapierleihe können es maximal 100% sein. Aber es gibt sicher auch Grenzen des nackten Shortens - denn irgendwann wird auch einmal die schläfrigste SEC aufwachen.
Und dann ab nach Malle!!!!
Wer aber bei Intershop drinn ist, wie unser Herr Bruckner, der steht vermutlich wie nackend geshortet da, dort ist Gemetzel angesagt!
Unter der Regierung Bush ist es eben allen Kontrollorganen verboten worden zu kontrollieren bzw. an die Spitzen wurden Chefs gebracht, die die Kontrollfunktion von Kontrollorganen abmurksten. Die Chefideologen von Bush behaupten, dass dies Marktwirtschaft sei - Adam Smith und Walter Eucken drehen sich ob solchen Unsinns sicher im Grabe herum, denn die wollten nicht die Rahmenbedingungen für das Funktionieren einer Marktwirtschaft abmurksen.
Bricht man die Bewertung (auf Erlösbasis) herunter kommt man bei ICGCommerce auf ca. 270 Millionen - das dürfte meines Erachtens die Untergrenze für den Wert von ICGCommerce sein - die 65% von Internet Capital hätten dann eines Wert von ca. 175 Millionen. Aber vermutlich liegt der Wert für einen strategischen Investor (meines Erachtens Genpact, mit denen sie auch schon auf Teilgebieten kooperieren) wesentlich höher.
We could read some days ago the numbers of the holding Internet Capital. Part of this numbers by the revenues are only two companies: ICGCommerce and Investoreforce, which are only consolidated. After the sale of great parts of his business Investoreforce is without any revenues. Therefore the following revenues must be the revenues of ICGCommerce:
Income Statement Get Income Statement for:
View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
PERIOD ENDING 31-Mar-08 31-Dec-07 30-Sep-07 30-Jun-07
Total Revenue 16,022 14,062 14,559 12,520
Cost of Revenue 11,371 10,088 10,029 10,381
Gross Profit 4,651 3,974 4
In the result: ICGCommerce had revenues of 16 million in first quarter of 2008 - an increase of two million against the revenues of the fourth quarter of 2007. If the increase in 2008 will only half of the increase from the fourth quarter 2007 to the first quarter 2008, we will have the following revenues in 2008:
1. quarter 2008 = 16 million
2. quarter 2008 = 17 million
3. quarter 2008 = 18 million
4. quarter 2008 = 19 million
That are alltogether 70 million revenues in 2008 and market-cap by a low multiple of 4 of 280 million. Internet Capital owns 65 of ICGCommerce.
By a multiple of 5, which is more realistic, the worth of ICGCommerce = 350 million. I am sure, that Genpact will pay this price for an entry in the fast growthing market of outsourcing of procurement.
Schau mal auf folgende Seite: http://www.nasdaq.com/asp/...ymbol=ICGE&selected=ICGE&rpage=incstate&
Welche Entwicklung hat Internet Capital nun bei "operating income" und "net income" in den letzten Jahren vollzogen?
Genau, eine ziemlich miese Entwicklung, bist doch ein schlaues Kerlchen!
Und es sah im 1. Quartal 2008 auch wieder mies aus (Verlust von 6,6 Mio. Dollar):
"ICG Financial Results
ICG reported consolidated revenue of $16.0 million for the first quarter of 2008, versus $11.8 million for the comparable 2007 period. ICG reported a net loss of $(6.6) million, or $(0.17) per diluted share, for the first quarter of 2008, versus a net loss of $(19.6) million, or $(0.52) per diluted share, for the comparable 2007 period.
As of March 31, 2008, ICG’s corporate cash balance was $36.7 million, and the value of its holdings in Blackboard (Nasdaq: BBBB) was $74.9 million, including $2.0 million in hedge positions. The value of its holdings in GoIndustry (LSE.AIM: GOI) at March 31, 2008 was $23.4 million."
von: http://www.internetcapital.com/earnings/earnings-05-08-08.htm
Na, dann schauen wir mal auf den "Consensus Earnings Forecasts":
Leider beobachtet nur ein Analyst die Aktie, aber dieser rechnet mit einem Verlust von knapp 1 Dollar pro Aktie für 2008 und 2009, was angesichts der schlechten Wirtschaftslage in den USA wahrscheinlich auch zutreffen wird.
Also, diese Aktie weckt bei mir keine Kurssteigerungsphantasie, der Markt sieht es genauso. Und der Markt hat immer Recht! Nun dürfte auch libuda verstanden haben, dass diese Aktie beim nächsten Kursanstieg aus dem Depot gefeuert werden muß. Wenn nicht, dann tut er mir leid.
PS: Ich war noch nie bei Internet Capital investiert. Bloß deine Postings, libuda, zu diesem Wert fand ich immer so witzig.
Aber das haben wir hier schon 1000-mal diskutiert und daher brauchen wir nicht Unausgegorenes von einem Roger, der offensichtlich nichts kann außer im Internet zu klicken und die Dinge nicht zu verstehen, die er liest.
sag mal, wie hoch der Nettogewinn/Aktie von Internet Capital im letzten Jahr war und wie hoch er dieses Jahr und nächstes Jahr sein wird (Schätzung). Ich glaub, mit wenigen clicks habe ich mehr über die Aktie, wohlgemerkt Aktie!, von Internet Capital erfahren als du in den letzten knapp 3 Jahren. Immerhin ist die Performance von fast Minus 10% (in Euro) in knapp 3 Jahren atemberaubend, atemberaubend lächerlich. Hat sich der wehrte Herr Libuda überhaupt mal Gedanken gemacht, warum die Aktie so mies performt? Wahrscheinlich nicht, sonst würde er hier keinen Dünnpfiff am laufenden Band posten. Nochmal für alle Leser dieses Threads:
Die Aktie von Internet Capital Group ist Schrott!
Perf. seit Threadbeginn: +8.93%
SOFTBANK 16,70 $ +0,00%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn: +124.51%
Softbank hätte sich rentiert. Aber leider Scheiße gekauft, hehehehehe....
Und es gibt eben nun schon jahrelang das nackte Shortselling, das hat Libuda anhand von Zahlen vor 2 Jahren schon gezeigt. Deswegen steht die Aktie so tief. Obwohl 90% der Anleger institutionell sind, vielleicht drücken die den Preis künstlich, damit der kleine Mann seine Stücke billig verkauft.
Das habe ich allerdings mit einem derartigen ahnungslosen Typen nichts am Hut.
Boost of shortseller-bubble is simple: Buckley must only sell 2.2 million shares 26-Jun-08 05:06 am of Blackboard for about 85 million and buy back shares of Internet Capital.
If Buckley doesn't, he and his idiotic CFO should be fired from the institutionals and the SEC, because Buckley destroy shareholder-value und is stealing the money of the shareholders.
By a sale of Blackboard-shares one of the biggest shortseller-bubbles in the history of the Nasdaq will boost an we will see a jump above $20 at once.
A lot free of charge 10 second(s) ago 230 million cash/securites by 315 million market-cap and after the ipo of Metastorm is cash/securites higher than the market-cap. All other private hold companies are free of charge:
65% of ICGCommerce
32% of Starcite
32% of Freeborders
46% of Channelintelligence
35% of Whitefence
46% of Vcommcerce
80% of Investorforce
30% of Commerce360
9% of Anthem Venture
5% of Emptoris
and some additional small ownerships.
Starcite will make an ipo in 2009 2 minutes ago StarCite is experiencing increasing growth as more corporations and meeting suppliers utilize its
online technology for meeting management. The company estimates that $7.5 billion in meeting
and event business passed through StarCite’s online global marketplace in 2007, an increase of
approximately 30 percent over its 2006 estimates. This volume of meeting business represented
more than 20 million room nights from some of the world’s largest corporations. StarCite counts
among its customers 150 of the Fortune 500 companies and added a number of clients to its
roster in first quarter 2008 including First Data Corporation, Lincoln Financial Group, and Great-
West Life as well as one of the world’s largest computer and consumer electronics manufacturers
and a global sporting goods maker. In addition, StarCite counts more than 93,000 supplier
participants in its online marketplace.
“Meetings have long been one of the last unexplored frontiers of spend management for
corporations, but this is rapidly changing,” said Keith Forshew, Chief Operating Officer of
StarCite. “Companies are zeroing in on value-adding technologies that improve both visibility
and control over their meeting investment. At the same time, hotels, venues and other meeting
suppliers are searching for ways to connect electronically with potential customers. Our ondemand
solutions fulfill all these needs. We are pleased to have the additional funds from this
offering to help ensure we make the investments that will solidify our position as the leading
provider of on-demand meeting and event management solutions.”
Meetings and events are a major category of corporate spending. A new report from Aberdeen
Group on strategic meeting management found that spending on corporate meetings and events
has continued to rise, growing by 10 percent from 2006 to 2007. Aberdeen found that meeting
spend as a percentage of revenue was approximately 2.8 percent in 2007 for the 300 companies it
surveyed. According to the report, companies that institute a strategic meeting management
program can save an average of over 11 percent on their meeting spend and achieve 89 percent
compliance to corporate policies for meetings and events.
“From connecting buyers and suppliers electronically through its online marketplace to
streamlining the meeting planning process from start to finish, StarCite has made a dramatic
1650 Arch St., 18th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19103 | www.starcite.com | 800.628-1058 or 267.330-0500 2
impact on the market for meetings and events,” said Doug Alexander, managing director at
Internet Capital Group and a member of StarCite’s board of directors. “Based on the
opportunities that lie ahead for StarCite, both in the U.S. and abroad, we are excited to provide
capital along with our colleagues at TPG Ventures and Norwest Venture Partners in this round of
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Starcite will make an ipo in 2009 1 minute ago Over the past 12 months, StarCite has continued to introduce new product offerings and
partnerships to improve meeting management practices for both buyers and suppliers, including
the following:
• Small meetings: StarCite is experiencing momentum for its new Small Meeting Solution
(SMS) for meetings of 50 attendees or less, deploying its first corporate clients and
signing recent agreements with Hilton, Hyatt and Kimpton Hotels to provide real-time
rates and inventory for booking small meetings
• Distribution: StarCite expanded its distribution channels through an agreement with
Pegasus Solutions, Inc., which will provide real-time access to rates and availability
among Pegasus’s portfolio of more than 78,000 hotel properties worldwide
• Online booking: StarCite expanded the online travel booking capabilities of its
registration tool with a new integration with Orbitz for Business
• Green meetings: StarCite partnered with Meeting Strategies Worldwide to provide
customers with resources to help reduce the environmental impact of meetings including
the MeetGreensm program
• Thought leadership: StarCite led the most comprehensive benchmarking study on best
practices in meetings management Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Starcite will make an ipo in 2009 4 second(s) ago Internet Capital had increased the ownership a financing round in the first quarter from 26% to 32%.
Zu einem Juwel entwickelt sich immer mehr Channelintelligence:
Internet Capital hat hier im ersten Quartal seine Beteiligung von 40% auf 46% erhöht.
Monday, June 23, 2008 - 2:33 PM EDT | Modified: Monday, June 23, 2008 - 5:14 PM
Osceola firm to add 420 high-wage jobsOrlando Business Journal - by Dan Ping Staff Writer
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Channel Intelligence will spend $33 million to expand its 29,000-square-foot Celebration headquarters by 125,000 square feet.
In addition, the software firm will create 420 local jobs with an average wage of $55,400, which is 200 percent higher the county's current average wage, says Osceola County Economic Development Director Maria Toumazos.
Channel Intelligence is eligible for up to $2.1 million in state and county economic development incentives in exchange for creating the new jobs between now and 2012, says Osceola County Commissioner Paul Owen. The county will pay $420,000 of the incentive, with Florida picking up the rest.
Channel Intelligence organizes and simplifies online product information for merchants such as Best Buy, Overstock.com and Target. The company also helps manufacturers such as Motorola and Toshiba link their Web sites to a list of online and bricks-and-mortar retailers.
"We don't make the shopping sites -- we make the shopping sites better," CEO Rob Wight told Osceola commissioners on June 23. "The largest share of all e-commerce transactions that take place go through Channel Intelligence servers."
Founded in 1999 by Wight and Alan Fulmer, Channel Intelligence works with more than 300 manufacturers and retailers. It is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) and has offices in Geneva, Switzerland and London.
The company posted $20 million in revenue last year and expects to double that by 2012.
Increase of official shortselling 8 second(s) ago Short Interest
NASDAQ® short interest is available by issue for a rolling 12 months and updated twice a month. Short Interest data is based on a mid-month and end of month settlement dates and released after 4:00 p.m, ET, on the dissemination date. Please note short interest for end of month settlement date became available as of September 2007.
Symbol: SearchClear
Internet Capital Group, Inc. - Common Stock
Settlement Date Short Interest Percent Change Average Daily Share Volume Days to Cover
06/13/2008 3,710,546 7.19 202,025 18.37
05/30/2008 3,461,651 0.77 230,542 15.02
05/15/2008 3,435,146 (1.49) 174,133 19.73
04/30/2008 3,487,229 (1.20) 145,739 23.93
04/15/2008 3,529,752 (1.36) 152,897 23.09
03/31/2008 3,578,265 1.44 253,639 14.11
03/14/2008 3,527,565 2.78 139,872 25.22
02/29/2008 3,432,266 6.25 174,320 19.69
02/15/2008 3,230,286 0.16 175,205 18.44
01/31/2008 3,225,204 (6.92) 186,200 17.32
And the positions has additional increased in the last day. Additional to this official numbers (with share-lending) exist additional a gigantic not legal naked shortselling. After my estimates doulbe or tripple of the official numbers.