FCEL vor Gewinnschwelle 2013
Und es wird wirklich bis an den Start zurück gehen … bis auf $1,40 - 1,50. Das dürfte schon jetzt Fakt sein. Und wenn dort keine WENDE ERFOLGT??
Wenn man so überzeugt war hier zu investieren, warum verkauft man dann jetzt sobald es mal nicht läuft? Wenn es so schlecht aussieht, dann hätte es unmittelbar vor und nach den Zahlen den riesen Absturz gegeben. Am Ausblick und Potential hat sich doch nichts geändert.
Wenn man die Geduld nicht beim Einstieg hatte, dann sollte man sie wenigstens beim Ausstieg haben ;-)
Wenn man nichts von der Brennstoffzellentechnologie hält, dann frage ich mich, warum hier dann investiert wurde?
Bei Fuel Cell, Ballard & Plug Power, bei allen dreien ein wunderschönes
"interday Reversal" Heute, war so eine sehr gute Möglichkeit
zum Nachkaufen,
für ALLE die noch
Ueberzeugung & Kohle hatten.
"We rate FUELCELL ENERGY INC (FCEL) a SELL. This is driven by multiple weaknesses, which we believe should have a greater impact than any strengths, and could make it more difficult for investors to achieve positive results compared to most of the stocks we cover. Among the areas we feel are negative, one of the most important has been poor profit margins."
Highlights from the analysis by TheStreet Ratings Team goes as follows:
The gross profit margin for FUELCELL ENERGY INC is currently extremely low, coming in at 4.95%. Regardless of FCEL's low profit margin, it has managed to increase from the same period last year. Despite the mixed results of the gross profit margin, FCEL's net profit margin of -23.86% significantly underperformed when compared to the industry average.
The company's current return on equity greatly increased when compared to its ROE from the same quarter one year prior. This is a signal of significant strength within the corporation. Compared to other companies in the Electrical Equipment industry and the overall market, FUELCELL ENERGY INC's return on equity significantly trails that of both the industry average and the S&P 500.
The company, on the basis of net income growth from the same quarter one year ago, has underperformed when compared to that of the S&P 500 and the Electrical Equipment industry average. The net income increased by 9.2% when compared to the same quarter one year prior, going from -$11.68 million to -$10.60 million.
Investors have driven up the company's shares by 240.59% over the past year, a rise that has exceeded that of the S&P 500 Index. Regarding the future course of this stock, we feel that the risks involved in investing in FCEL do not compensate for any future upside potential, despite the fact that it has seen nice gains over the past 12 months.
... FUELCELL ENERGY INC continued to lose money by earning -$0.20 versus -$0.24 in the prior year. This year, the market expects an improvement in earnings (-$0.12 versus -$0.20).