Aurora Cannabis - Kanada & die Legalisierung
BNN Bloomberg reported the company is in “serious talks” with Aurora Cannabis to develop CBD-infused beverages. Coca-Cola and Aurora would likely develop beverages that will ease inflammation, pain and cramping. Aurora is just one of several companies Coca-Cola has discussed developing a cannabis drink strategy with.
Kursziel, Meinungen, Fakten, Leute Forum Tod? ein Thread lebt von Leute die.....kiffen? nein......schreiben! also los!
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Highlight on Aurora: Canada to Become Cream of the Cannabis Crop for Years to Come
The company's management may have a few challenges ahead of it, but Aurora's pros seem to outweigh the cons. Its expansion plan would set the company up for explosive growth.
This is a good time to be bullish on Aurora Cannabis for both retail and institutional investors.
Folge dem Geld.. Denn Geld zieht Geld an ;-)
Aber ich denke mir, wenn ich jetzt von Aurora in Cronos wechsle, wird Aurora genau dann anspringen. Von der Performance her, ist Aurora von den Top5-Cannabis-Herstellern derjenige, der mit Abstand die schlechteste Performance aufweist. Vielleicht sollte sich Aurora um einen Investor umsehen - egal um welchen Preis, damit der Kurs anspringt.
ACB GETS MENTION in NEW York Passing Cannabis_BILL_Release!
(Albany, NY) The Senate today passed legislation that will address the racial disparities that are present in New York’s antiquated marijuana drug laws. New York’s existing marijuana laws disproportionately affect the African American and Latinx communities. This monumental legislation will decriminalize small amounts of marijuana and establish procedures for record expungements for both past and future convictions.
One of the bigger questions on the minds of Wall Street and investors is when Aurora Cannabis will detail its entrance into the U.S. market. We've already seen close to half of Aurora's major competitors enter the U.S. hemp industry, thereby laying the processing and distribution infrastructure that would be needed if and when the U.S. federal government changes its tune on marijuana at the federal level. But as of now, Aurora hasn't outlined its plans for the U.S. market.
Back in mid-January, Aurora's chief corporate officer, Cam Battley, told Business Insider in an interview that "We'll be unveiling our hemp-derived CBD [cannabidiol] strategy to enter the U.S. market over the next few months." However, that time frame has come and gone with little mention of what Aurora's next steps are. As a company that prides itself on geographic expansion, it's almost a certainty that we'll hear about Aurora's U.S. CBD-market plans in the second half of 2019.