Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.341.595
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346 Postings, 6940 Tage maggusmDu bist einfach ein Pusher

25.03.08 22:42
wer nicht auch negative Dinge sehen kann an einer Aktie, der ist nicht objektiv. Deswegen spamst Du den Thread wohl auch zu. Die negativen Dinge, die ich aufgezählt habe, sind nun einmal Fakten.

Und die angeblichen Werte, die Du aufzählst, mögen zwar VIELLEICHT eine ETWAS höhere Börsennotierung als jetzt ermöglichen. Trotzdem kann man doch sachlich bleiben, oder? Du notierst hier nur positive Dinge zur Aktie, niemals negative. Das nenne ich pushen. Man muss, um sich eine Meinung zu bilden auch Risiken abwägen.

Du tust aber so, als ob es völlig sicher wäre, dass die Aktie mehr wert ist. Dann wären längst große Banken eingestiegen.

Und das blabla von irgendwelchen Shorties glaubst du wohl selbst nicht, oder?  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDu postest hier keine Fakten, sondern versuchst

26.03.08 11:24
die Leser gezielt in die Irre zu führen. Warum nimmst Du z.B. zu meinen Ausführungen nicht Stellungen, dass eine Beteiligugungsgesellschaft nur dann Gewinn erzielen kann (insbesonderere wenn sie Firmen in frühen Stadien kauft, sie über Jahre weiter entwickelt und i.d.R. bei Erreichen der Gewinnschwelle oder einige Zeit danach verkauft), wenn Beteiligungen verkauft werden wie z.B. 2005 als der Gewinn bei 110 Millionen lag oder 2008, wo er durch den Verkauf von Beteiligungen bei bis zu einer Viertelmilliarde liegen kann? Es ist gezielte Täuschung der Leser den Verlust eines Jahres, hier 2007, herauszugreifen, wo keine Verkäufe getätigt wurden. Und wie es um Deine angebliche Objektivität aussieht, kann man sehr gut daran erkennen, das über das Zustandekommen der 30 Millionen Verlust in 2007 kein Wort verloren wird. Den weitaus größten Anteil hatte daran die Rückzahlung einer Wandelschuldverschreibung, die man damals bei Kursen um $4 ausgegeben hatte, und zwar zu 100%. Durch den Kursanstieg der Aktie ging die auf 135%. Nun hat sich aber Internet Capital in 2007 entschlossen, diese Anleihe vorzeitig zurückzuzahlen, um eine Wandlung am Ende der Laufzeit und die damit verbundene Erhöhung der Aktienzahl zu vermeiden. Die Differenz von 135% und 100%, bezogen auf den Nominalwert, muss als Verlust in der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung ausgewiesen werden. Ich bewerte den Vorgang der Rückzahlung der Anleihe als positiv, das Internet Capital nun schuldenfrei ist und eine Verwässerung des Kurses durch ein Mehr an Aktien aus der Wandelschuldverschreibung vermieden wurde.  


7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000Noch mal ein Fehler (oder Lüge)

26.03.08 11:34
dann wären längst Banken eingestiegen...

maggus...bist Du nicht in der Lage oder nicht willens, die Aktionärsstruktur anzuschauen
ICGE hat einen verdammt hohen Anteil an Instis als Aktionär


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 32% an Freeborders

26.03.08 11:37
Freeborders Ranked Among World’s Top Outsourcing Providers

AN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 24, 2008 -- Freeborders, Inc., the leading provider of technology solutions developed from China, today announced it is ranked in the Rising Stars category in the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals industry wide benchmark for outsourcing excellence.

The 2008 Global Outsourcing 100 list recognizes the world’s best outsourcing service providers – judged by an independent panel of experts from the business and academic communities. Unlike many other rankings, IAOP’s selection process takes into account not just company size and growth rates, but also important factors like a firm’s ability to create value for its customers, depth and breadth of competencies, and top management talent.

“The companies on this year’s Global Outsourcing 100 list represent the elite of our field, hailing from every corner of the globe and providing an extensive array of cutting-edge services, “said Michael F. Corbett, Chairman, IAOP. “The Global Outsourcing 100 list has become the definitive go-to resource that companies use to make better informed outsourcing decisions and comparisons of providers, so it is an extremely valuable resource for both the players named on it and the businesses around the world that use outsourcing services.”

According to Jean Cholka, Chief Executive Officer of Freeborders, “We are honored to be ranked in the Rising Stars category and among the top outsourcing providers in the world. While many factors have led to our growth, I believe a key contributor is the distinctive culture at Freeborders, which fosters collaboration internally and externally with our clients, alliance partners, and other services providers. Freeborders is committed to providing repeatable, reliable, high-quality services that help our customers realize the full value of their business.”

The IAOP announced the companies named to the Global Outsourcing 100 list at the 2008 Outsourcing World Summit in Orlando. To learn more about the IAOP or the 2008 Global Outsourcing 100 award, please visit www.outsourcing.com.

About Freeborders
Freeborders is a U.S.-based, global provider of outsourcing solutions with development centers in China. The company specializes in a broad spectrum of information technology and information technology enabled services, including application development outsourcing. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, proven global delivery model, experienced management team, and highly skilled colleagues deliver to its clients award-winning customer support and quality. Freeborders is assessed at Level 5 of the SEI’s CMMI, and is ISO 27001 certified. To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com.



63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaUnverschämt finde ich auch, dass

26.03.08 15:32
Wiedergabe von Meldungen aus den Beteiligungen Pusherei sei. Der Wert von Internet Capital wird durch seine Beteiligungen bestimmt. Ein Verschweigen der Meldungen über die Beteiligungen wäre Desinformation der Anleger. Auf dem Yahoo-Board, wo die Möglichkeit besteht durch ein 1-star-Rating Meldungen verschwindet zu lassen, versuchen übrigens Shortseller jede Meldung über die Beteiligungen von Internet Capital verschwinden zu lassen. Ist eine Meldung wie die wichtige nachstehende von heute auf dem Yahoo-Board, kann man sicher sein, dass durch 1-star-Ratings von unzähligen ID's die Meldung zum Verschwinden gebracht wird.

ICG Commerce Recognized as Top Global Outsourcing Provider by International Association of Outsourcing Professionals
Wednesday March 26, 10:00 am ET

Honor Reaffirms Strength of Procurement Outsourcing's Value Proposition and Service Provider's Ability to Deliver Strong Results for Leading Companies

PHILADELPHIA, PA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 26, 2008 -- Procurement outsourcing specialist ICG Commerce today announced that it has been recognized by The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) as one of the world's top outsourcing service providers for 2008. ICG Commerce was the only procurement outsourcing specialist to be recognized among the IAOP Global Outsourcing 100, a testament to its best-in-class procurement outsourcing capabilities and commitment to helping companies deliver significant cost reductions and improve control over their non-core expenditures. ICG Commerce customers include Fortune 1000 companies such as Kimberly-Clark, Goodyear, Cameron, Greif, and many others.

Procurement outsourcing is a growing trend among leading companies that are looking to drive meaningful bottom line cost improvements based on the strength of the value proposition. According to a recent report by Everest Research Group, the savings potential from procurement outsourcing is five times greater than other outsourcing programs such as HR and Finance & Accounting. ICG Commerce's recognition among the IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 is driven by the company's reputation for service excellence and proven ability to deliver against the procurement outsourcing value proposition and is evidenced by the company's portfolio of strong customer references and unmatched contract renewal rate.

"Getting selected to the Global Outsourcing 100 shows these companies came out on top following a rigorous application process and unbiased competition judged by an independent panel of recognized industry leaders in outsourcing," says Jagdish Dalal, Managing Director, Thought Leadership, IAOP and chairman of the judges' panel. "The Global Outsourcing 100 list has become the definitive go-to resource that companies use to make better informed outsourcing decisions and comparisons of providers," says Michael F. Corbett, Chairman, IAOP.

"It's an honor to be recognized by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals among the top outsourcing providers in the world," said Carl Guarino, CEO of ICG Commerce. "The award acknowledges the increasingly important contribution procurement outsourcing is making to companies' financial performance while reflecting our track record of delivering measurable results."

About ICG Commerce, Inc.

ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is the leading procurement outsourcing specialist delivering comprehensive source-to-pay as well as strategic sourcing services. Results-driven leaders access ICG Commerce's experienced resources and market intelligence to better manage procurement and logistics spend, gaining significant savings and enhanced visibility and control.

ICG Commerce is a privately held company founded in 1992 and a member of Internet Capital Group's (NasdaqGM:ICGE - News) network of partner companies. The company has earned recognition from Forbes, Fortune, The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and industry analysts for its leadership in procurement outsourcing.

About IAOP

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), with 40,000 corporate, professional, and associate members worldwide, is leading the effort to transform the world of business through outsourcing. Its clientside members are, on average, responsible for $60 million per year of outsourcing spending with some overseeing outsourcing programs in the billions of dollars. Through professional and ethical standards, the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program, educational programs including The Outsourcing World Summit®, and recognitions such as The Outsourcing Hall of Fame and The Global Outsourcing 100, IAOP is advancing one of the 21st century's most important new management fields -- outsourcing. To learn more, visit www.outsourcingprofessional.org.

About The Global Outsourcing 100

The Global Outsourcing 100, produced annually by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), is devoted to featuring the best of today's leading outsourcing service providers and tomorrow's rising stars. Along with its publication by IAOP, the list appears each year in FORTUNE® magazine in the special advertising section produced by IAOP. Companies must demonstrate excellence in categories such as size and growth, customer experience, depth and breadth of competencies, and management capabilities. Because of the rigorous application and judging process employed, The Global Outsourcing 100 defines the standard for excellence in outsourcing service delivery.



63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDaxcrash sagt die Wahrheit

26.03.08 17:49
er fügt wirklich eine weitere Lüge dazu, denn seine Behauptung, dass ansonsten die Banken schon längst eingestiegen wären, ist lächerlich - dies sind schon längst drin, wie Ihr der nachfolgenden Austellung entnehmen könnt. Auch ansonsten sind die Ansichten von Daxcrash sehr verwunderlich, denn offensichtlich meint er, dass es einen Gegensatz zwischen Instiutionals und Banken gebe. Nun, die Banken sind die bedeutsamste Gruppe unter den Institutionals und haben massiv Aktien von Internet Capital für die eigenen Bestände erworben. Insgesamt halten die Institutionals die sensationelle Quote von 95% - und der größe Aktionär ist FMC (das ist Fidelity) - gleichzeitig auch der größte Investor auf der ganzen Welt. Wie Ihr seht, sind die Profis voll drin, lediglich bei Privaten kochen noch viele Emotionen, die mit dem Absturz von $ 4.280 zu tun haben und entsprechend fehlt Internet Capital auch in Fonds, die von Privaten gekauft werden. Aber sowohl die Privaten als auch die Fonds für Private stellen auch ein riesiges Potenzial dar, auch wenn die Lieschen Müllers und Joe Sixpacks meist erst auf fahrende Züge springen.

Institutional Holdings Description | Hide Summary

Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 39

Market Capitalization ($ millions): $374

Institutional Ownership: 94.7%

Price (as of 3/25/2008) 9.66

Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held: 107 36,656,027

New Positions: 10 278,882

Increased Positions: 39 1,278,752

Decreased Positions: 45 994,454

Holders With Activity: 84 2,273,206

Sold Out Positions: 9 46,059

Click on the column header links to resort ascending ( ) or descending ( ).

Owner Name Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held   Change(Shares) % Change(Shares) Value($1000)
FMR LLC 12/31/2007 3,850,000 0 0.00% $37,191

CAPITAL RESEARCH & M... 9/30/2007 3,400,000 200,000 6.25% $32,844

DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV... 12/31/2007 3,283,250 5,500 0.17% $31,716

GENDELL JEFFREY L 12/31/2007 3,262,780 0 0.00% $31,518

CAPITAL WORLD INVEST... 12/31/2007 2,819,000 - - $27,232

Click on the column header links to resort ascending ( ) or descending ( ).

Owner Name Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held   Change(Shares) % Change(Shares) Value($1000)
MASON CAPITAL MANAGE... 12/31/2007 2,304,164 0 0.00% $22,258

SCHNEIDER CAPITAL MA... 12/31/2007 1,562,417 (5,475) (0.35%) $15,093

COLUMBIA PARTNERS L ... 12/31/2007 1,538,514 37,276 2.48% $14,862

EMERALD ADVISERS INC... 12/31/2007 1,527,952 (17,850) (1.15%) $14,760

BARCLAYS GLOBAL INVE... 12/31/2007 1,502,914 (83,142) (5.24%) $14,518

PEQUOT CAPITAL MANAG... 12/31/2007 1,184,100 25,000 2.16% $11,438

KINGDON CAPITAL MANA... 12/31/2007 1,100,000 181,700 19.79% $10,626

EAGLE ASSET MANAGEME... 12/31/2007 865,740 46,135 5.63% $8,363

CAPITAL RESEARCH GLO... 12/31/2007 700,000 - - $6,762

BANK OF NEW YORK MEL... 12/31/2007 607,425 (275,652) (31.21%) $5,868

VANGUARD GROUP INC 12/31/2007 564,851 11,100 2.00% $5,456

STATE STREET CORP 12/31/2007 550,886 (39,356) (6.67%) $5,322

TCW GROUP INC 12/31/2007 452,316 (24,300) (5.10%) $4,369

ENGEMANN ASSET MANAG... 12/31/2007 440,772 1,692 0.39% $4,258

MARSHALL & ILSLEY CO... 12/31/2007 405,561 60,806 17.64% $3,918

LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLD... 12/31/2007 368,159 195,423 113.13% $3,556

EMERALD MUTUAL FUND ... 12/31/2007 362,492 (1,000) (0.28%) $3,502

NORTHERN TRUST CORP 12/31/2007 308,886 290 0.09% $2,984

BRUCE & CO., INC. 12/31/2007 266,300 (2,000) (0.75%) $2,572

TIAA CREF INVESTMENT... 12/31/2007 260,837 0 0.00% $2,520


Owner Name Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held   Change(Shares) % Change(Shares) Value($1000)
INVESCO LTD. 12/31/2007 208,584 (22,257) (9.64%) $2,015

GAGNON SECURITIES LL... 12/31/2007 193,483 (100) (0.05%) $1,869

LOS ANGELES CAPITAL ... 12/31/2007 182,341 100,123 121.78% $1,761

D. E. SHAW & CO., IN... 12/31/2007 180,746 6,911 3.98% $1,746

STRS OHIO 12/31/2007 145,400 (8,700) (5.65%) $1,405

POTOMAC CAPITAL MANA... 12/31/2007 135,715 (66,300) (32.82%) $1,311

CREDIT SUISSE 12/31/2007 113,357 (32,855) (22.47%) $1,095

OLD LANE, LP 12/31/2007 111,900 (1,000) (0.89%) $1,081

COMMONWEALTH OF PENN... 12/31/2007 111,600 0 0.00% $1,078

HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 12/31/2007 93,177 47,062 102.05% $900

VIRGINIA RETIREMENT ... 12/31/2007 92,600 0 0.00% $895

BLACKROCK INVESTMENT... 12/31/2007 92,177 6,600 7.71% $890

WELLINGTON MANAGEMEN... 12/31/2007 90,000 90,000 New $869

CONESTOGA CAPITAL AD... 12/31/2007 88,967 9,000 11.25% $859

PHOCAS FINANCIAL COR... 9/30/2007 88,316 29,568 50.33% $853

GEODE CAPITAL MANAGE... 12/31/2007 81,880 (98) (0.12%) $791

IRON HORSE CAPITAL M... 12/31/2007 72,784 (128,991) (63.93%) $703

NORTHERN TRUST CO OF... 12/31/2007 68,525 (7,425) (9.78%) $662

PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL... 12/31/2007 63,755 1,955 3.16% $616

MORGAN STANLEY 12/31/2007 63,316 (13,647) (17.73%) $612
Click on the column header links to resort ascending ( ) or descending ( ).

Owner Name Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held   Change(Shares) % Change(Shares) Value($1000)
PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RET... 12/31/2007 61,670 0 0.00% $596

RHUMBLINE ADVISERS 12/31/2007 60,431 3,400 5.96% $584

AXA 12/31/2007 59,900 0 0.00% $579

THIRD COAST CAPITAL ... 12/31/2007 58,500 58,500 New $565

STATE BOARD OF ADMIN... 12/31/2007 55,135 0 0.00% $533

BANK OF AMERICA CORP... 12/31/2007 52,591 2,034 4.02% $508

MARKSTON INTERNATION... 12/31/2007 45,821 0 0.00% $443

LIBERTY RIDGE CAPITA... 12/31/2007 43,640 43,640 New $422

METROPOLITAN LIFE IN... 12/31/2007 37,996 7,389 24.14% $367

AMERICAN INTERNATION... 12/31/2007 35,022 1,275 3.78% $338

CARL DOMINO INC 12/31/2007 35,005 (3,000) (7.89%) $338

SOMERVILLE TRADING E... 9/30/2007 30,887 30,887 New $298

PEAK6 INVESTMENTS, L... 12/31/2007 28,359 28,359 New $274

BLACK MESA CAPITAL L... 12/31/2007 27,605 11,967 76.53% $267

CREDIT SUISSE/ 12/31/2007 23,035 (52,426) (69.47%) $223

TEACHERS ADVISORS IN... 12/31/2007 21,382 910 4.45% $207

PARAMETRIC PORTFOLIO... 12/31/2007 20,369 1,621 8.65% $197

WACHOVIA CORP NEW 12/31/2007 18,824 1,553 8.99% $182

PNC FINANCIAL SERVIC... 12/31/2007 18,238 (4,530) (19.90%) $176

GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP ... 12/31/2007 17,910 (133,938) (88.21%) $173



63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAußerdem hält das Managememt 4%

26.03.08 19:46
sodass zusammen mit den 95% insgesamt 99% in den Händen von Institutionals und von Insiders sind.

Nach den offiziellen Zahlen haben die Shortseller ca. 10% der ausstehenden Aktien leer verkauft. Ich betone aber, dass sich hier um die offiziellen Zahlen handelt. Vermutlich ist noch einmal die gleiche Prozentzahl oder mehr ohne die vorgeschriebene Ausleihe von Aktien nicht legal leer verkauft worden (naked shortselling). Wie ihr seht, haben wir hier eine sehr brisante Mischung, die sich bei der angekündigten Monetarisierung in einem Knall nach oben entladen wird.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDen großen Knall in einer der absurdesten

26.03.08 22:00
Shortselling-Operationen in der Geschichte der Wallstreet, gegen 95% Anteil an den umlaufenden Aktien von Institutionals mit Fidelity an der Spitze und 4% umlaufenden Aktien des Managements = 99%, werden wir erleben, wenn in den nächsten Wochen Metastorm sein S1-Filing absetzt oder eine andere Form der Monetarisierung konkreter wird:

IPO-Filing of Metastorm will start in the second quarter     1 minute ago     With about 100 million revenues and more in 2008 and net incomes since the last 12 quarters the market-cap will be about a half billion.

Internet Capital owns 32%.

I am sure, we will see a S1-filing in the next weeks.  


346 Postings, 6940 Tage maggusmIhr habt mich überzeugt!

27.03.08 17:17
durch eure sachliche Argumentation. Ich gebe es zu: Ich schreibe für BIG SHORT!!!!!!  


348 Postings, 8590 Tage w2505es wird wieder viel teurer!

27.03.08 17:59
also der Zug ist abgefahren. Vor 10Tagen war wohl der Boden, noch gibts welche in FRA für Schnäppchenpreise um 6,45€!

nur nicht mehr lange  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDass ICGCommerce eine Viertelmilliarde wert ist

27.03.08 21:58
dürfte heute klar geworden sein, als die Holding ihre Zahlen veröffentlicht, wo nur zwei Beteiligungen enhalten sind, von nur ICGCommerce Umsätze hat:

Revenues of ICGCommerce was 14 million in the fourth quarter of 2007     27 second(s) ago     because only ICGCommcerce and Investoreforce was consolidated companies, but Investorforce have after a sale of the activities no revenues today. Therefore all revenues of newest numbers of the holding must be revenues of ICGCommerce. There are litte bit lower, than I thought, but I believe, they are okay. The growth-rate of revenues of ICGCommere is between 25% and 30% - that are about 6% in a quarter.

The result are the follow numbers (base are 14 million revenues in the fourth quarter of 2007):

1. quarter 2008 = 14,8 million

2. quarter 2008 = 15,7 million

3. quarter 2008 = 16,6 million

4. quarter 2008 = 17,6 million

That's all together near 65 million revenues in 2008. By a very conserative 4-times-revenues the worth of ICGCommer = 250 million. Internet Capital owns 65%.

Dazu möchte ich noch anmerken, dass ICGCommerce nur eine von 15 Beteiligungen ist, von denen vier ähnlich viel Wert sie wie ICGCommerce. Vielleicht erinnert Ihr Euch in diesem Zusammenhang an den Redakteur vom Aktionär, der annahm, das Internet Capital nur aus dieser einen Beteiliung bestehe. Vermutlich ist der dabei nicht allein, was Euch aber ermöglicht zuzuschlagen, ehe viel ihren "Aktionärs"-Irrtum bemerken.  


7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000Geistige Nullnummer

28.03.08 01:03
Hallo Maggus,
klasse Antwort hast Du gegeben !!
Du mußtest gar nicht auf die inhaltlichen Aspekte Deiner Kritiker eingehen.
Da hättest Du ja auch schlecht abgeschnitten...z.B.die Nummer mit den angeblich nicht investierten Banken...

Nein - Du hast es clever gelöst: einfach so tun, als hätte man gesagt, DU WÄREST BIG SHORT

einfach so ohne Begründung hättte man Dir das angehängt.

Klar, die Realität ist diametral gegenüber.
Aber einfach so tun und das dann ironisch verdoppeln indem Du es einfach noch mal hinschreibst..

Klasse Idee. Jeder Idiot wird Dir glauben.

Aber mal im Ernst: Wer ist so blöd und läßt sich durch die Ablenkung vom INHALT

Geh mal in den Profi-Basher-Kurs, damit Du wenistens eines kannst


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAuch 50 Millonen sind nicht zu verachten

28.03.08 13:37
Internet Capital owns 5% of Emptoris     7 minutes ago     IACCM Profiles Emptoris Customer for
Contract Management Excellence
Case Study Examines Impact of Contract Management
Solution at a Leading Pharmaceutical Company

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Burlington, MA – (March 27, 2008) – Emptoris, a leading provider of enterprise supply and contract management software, today announced that the International Association of Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM), a leading educational organization for contract professionals, profiled one of the company’s customers, a Fortune 200 pharmaceutical company, in the March Issue of “Contracting Excellence.”

IACCM notes that, “market conditions have made the contracting process increasingly significant – and that changes in [contract management] support and enable wider business improvements.” The article provides a general overview of the drivers for change in the contracting process at a leading pharmaceutical company, as well as an overview of the company’s solution selection and implementation process.

The IACCM article quotes the director of strategic sourcing at the pharmaceutical company, “The compelling issues were visibility and finding ways to better monitor and improve lead-times. But then new issues came over the horizon. Risk and compliance all became ‘big deals’ – SOX, privacy, information security, corporate citizenship – suddenly we had a whole array of new, high-focus items on our agenda.”

The article is available online at www.emptoris.com or on the IACCM website under Contracting Excellence. In addition, an online seminar, “Building a Business Case for Contract Management Solutions,” featuring Tim Cummins, Executive Director of IACCM, and the senior legal counsel at a Fortune 100 technology company, is also available for download at Emptoris Webcasts. Finally, an additional webcast, “Contract Lifecycle Management: The Strategic Weapon against Supply Management Risk,” which features a presentation by the associate director of sourcing at a leading pharmaceutical company, is available online at http://www.emptoris.com/newsroom/webcast...

About Emptoris
Emptoris is a world leader in innovative supply and contract management software solutions that empower enterprises to realize best value and accelerate profitable growth. Emptoris solutions are used by successful Global 2000 companies in every industry. Customers include American Express, Boeing, ConocoPhillips, GlaxoSmithKline, Kraft, Motorola, Owens Corning, Syngenta, and Vodafone.

# # #

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: Internet Capital owns 5% of Emptoris     6 minutes ago     With revenues near 200 million in 2008 Emptoris is a one-billion-ipo-candidate for 2008. First rumors about an ipo you could hear one year ago.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAllein die offiziellen Shortseller benötigen

28.03.08 13:42
25 Tage um ihre leer verkauften Aktien einzudecken - und dabei dürften nur sie als Käufer auftreten. Das riecht nach einem Shortsquezze.

Short Interest
NASDAQ® short interest is available by issue for a rolling 12 months and updated twice a month.  Short Interest data is based on a mid-month and end of month settlement dates and released after 4:00 p.m, ET, on the dissemination date. Please note short interest for end of month settlement date became available as of September 2007.

Symbol:   SearchClear

Internet Capital Group, Inc. - Common Stock
Settlement Date Short Interest Percent Change Average Daily Share Volume Days to Cover
03/14/2008 3,527,565 2.78 139,872 25.22
02/29/2008 3,432,266 6.25 174,320 19.69
02/15/2008 3,230,286 0.16 175,205 18.44
01/31/2008 3,225,204 (6.92) 186,200 17.32
01/15/2008 3,465,106 2.80 192,839 17.97
12/31/2007 3,370,822 (7.21) 200,545 16.81

Hinzu kommt das nackte Shortselling, also illegal ohne Wertpapierleihe und daher nicht erfassbar, das nach meinen Schätzungen noch umfangreicher als das legale Shorten ist.


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libuda15% an Creditex sind 200-300 Millionen wert

28.03.08 16:00
News from Tzero     1 minute ago     T-ZERO LAUNCHES NOVATIONS+,
London & New York, March 28, 2008 – T-Zero, the most widely adopted credit derivative affirmation platform, has released its next generation ‘Novations+TM’ processing technology. The new technology is fully integrated with the DTCC Trade Warehouse and directly addresses the new industry commitments announced by the Operations Management Group (OMG).
The launch of Novations+ also comes amid renewed calls from U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and from regulators, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for additional scale, automation and standardization in credit derivative processing.
Novations+ functionality enables buy-side and sell-side market participants to achieve 2008 novation targets set by the OMG to submit novation requests via an electronic platform rather than via email. Additionally, the new technology allows the credit derivative industry to scale novation processing by providing system-to-system connectivity, interoperability and automation for even the most complex novation operations involving prime brokers and fund allocations. Such operations are not currently automated by any other industry platform.
“Novations+ represents the next big technology shift in the automation of credit derivative processing,” said Mark Beeston, President of T-Zero. “The new platform is uniquely positioned to address scaleability issues highlighted by the OMG and Secretary Paulson.” According to Beeston, key elements of Novations+ functionality include:

Electronic novation request directly from Warehouse records using T-Zero GoldSync+ TM

Industry standard novation workflow to allow novation consent on T+0

Automation that promotes industry standards including ISDA Novation Protocol II

Point-and-click support for complex novation operations including:
Block novation of trades originally allocated across multiple funds
SuperBlockTM novation of an entire trading position composed of multiple trades
Partial novations where only a percentage of the original notional is transferred
Prime broker 3-party “stay-in” and 4-party “step-out” novations

Global front-office distribution of novation functionality via Bloomberg Professional
In a little more than two years since launch, T-Zero has been adopted by over 180 buy-side firms and most major dealers and prime brokers. The platform's open architecture integration framework, known as AgnosticConnectivityTM, has allowed it to API-connect directly to the front-office systems of dealers and prime brokers as well as buy-side firms. The model allows T-Zero to provide counterparties with real-time notification of trade details and T+0 resolution of trade-entry errors via industry standard electronic workflow.
“Our clients recognize the need for scaleability to accommodate growth,” said Clive de Ruig, Head of T-Zero, North America. “Novations+ was developed in collaboration with our dealer and buy-side clients to dramatically improve the industry’s ability to handle exponentially increasing trade volumes.”
“We are very pleased to have implemented Novations+,” said Tetsuya Akutsu, Senior Vice President, Mizuho Alternative Investments, LLC. “We are using it to fully automate our novation processing and to improve our operational efficiency with the major dealers.”
“We have been a T-Zero user for well over a year now and it has clearly improved operational efficiency and reduced risk,” said Paul Winter, Head of Derivatives Operations at Fortis Investment Management. “We have evaluated many platforms and some are still developing what has been on T-Zero all along. Novations+ is a significant leap beyond anything else that is out there.”

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: News from Tzero     4 second(s) ago     Tzero is an subsidiary of Creditex.

Internet Capital owns 15% of Creditex.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaShortsquezze

29.03.08 14:13
No chance for shortsellers and therefore my advice: Go panic, before BIG SHORT will go panic. But you can go panic first, but BIG SHORT can't - bigger covering will produce big jumps.

Additional informations for buyer: You should have bought, before BIG SHORT and criminal naked shorters will/must cover.

25 day to cover 28-Mar-08 08:44 am when only the shortsellers buy:

Short Interest
NASDAQ® short interest is available by issue for a rolling 12 months and updated twice a month. Short Interest data is based on a mid-month and end of month settlement dates and released after 4:00 p.m, ET, on the dissemination date. Please note short interest for end of month settlement date became available as of September 2007.

Symbol: SearchClear

Internet Capital Group, Inc. - Common Stock
Settlement Date Short Interest Percent Change Average Daily Share Volume Days to Cover
03/14/2008 3,527,565 2.78 139,872 25.22
02/29/2008 3,432,266 6.25 174,320 19.69
02/15/2008 3,230,286 0.16 175,205 18.44
01/31/2008 3,225,204 (6.92) 186,200 17.32
01/15/2008 3,465,106 2.80 192,839 17.97
12/31/2007 3,370,822 (7.21) 200,545 16.81

Additional we have a lot of not legal naked shortselling, which isn't part of this numbers.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaBeobachtet die Panik der Shortseller

29.03.08 23:10

am Beispiel des Yahoo-Boards


Seit Monaten hat der wohl größte legale oder kriminelle nackte Shortseller (wer weiss das schon, da das die SEC zumindest bisher nicht kontrolliert) Tag und Nacht jemanden sitzen, der das Yahoo-Board manipuliert. Durch ein 1-star-rating kann man nämlich nicht gewünschte Informationen verschwinden lassen. Wenn es sein muss, produziert der nackte Shortseller, vermutlich ein Hedge-Fund, so viele ID's mit Bewertungen, wie er benötigt, 3 oder 9 oder 19 oder 100 oder 1000. Seltsam ist, dass Yahoo diese Manipulationen toleriet und die SEC auch - obwohl ich zugeben muss, dass das Unterbinden recht schwierig ist.

Probiert das selber einmal aus, indem Ihr zunächst einmal die Voreinstellung "2 star + unrated" toliert, Euch die dortigen Postings merkt, und dann die Voreinstellung "1 star + unrated" wählt. Vergleicht dann einmal die Posting bei beiden Einstellungen - nehmt Euch die Zeit und geht bis zum Jahresanfang zurück. Ihr werdet überrascht sein, über die wohl umfangreichste Manipulation eines Internet-Boards in der Geschichte des Internets. Das will schon etwas heißen - und zeigt die gigantische Angst vor dem nahen Shortsquezze, sodass man Montag am besten schon in Frankfurt kauft, ehe die Amis aufmachen.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaUm zu wissen, wer euch um 27% in einer Woche

30.03.08 12:56
gebracht hat, müsst Ihr nur etwas weiter nach oben scrollen - durch Behauptungen aus dem hohlen Bauch heraus, ohne auch nur eine Sekunde für eine konkrete Recherche zu verschwenden.


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaZu einem Knaller entwickelt sich immer

30.03.08 16:29
mehr Channelintelligence, wo Internet Capital 41% hält - und hier insbesondere die vierte und jüngste division:

The newest offering of Channel Intelliegence explode     30-Mar-08 07:18 am     CI Ad Network > Overview

Effective Shopping Network with Consumers Ready to Buy

The Channel Intelligence (CI) Ad Network lets you tap into a valuable marketing medium where a vast majority of consumers are beginning their product search: the product pages on manufacturers’ web sites.

What does the CI Ad Network mean for you?

If you’re a retailer, you can increase sales while lowering your cost per sale in a highly effective advertising network that lets you reach consumers ready to buy. Find out more about the CI Ad Network for Retailers >>

If you’re a manufacturer, we will work with your unique channel sales strategy to stimulate sales and improve referrals to your channel partners. Find out more about the CI Ad Network for Manufacturers >>

The research confirms it – 58% of consumers go first to the manufacturer’s site to learn more about products. And 46% are going there to buy or find where to make a purchase*. With the CI Ad Network, the path to purchase for your customer is clear, direct and more effective.

The Basics – How the CI Ad Network Works

Consumers click a “Buy Now” link on a product page on your site to see where they can buy the product (online or local), including price and in-stock information.
When the consumer selects their preferred online retailer, they are taken directly to the product page on that retailer’s site where they can buy immediately with zero distractions.
Retailers pay on a cost-per-action (CPA) basis only when a sale is made - no costs for curiosity clicks.
Since consumers are acting on the referral of a trusted manufacturer brand, the conversion rates are excellent – twice that of regular comparison shopping engines!

With thousands of retailers and hundreds of manufacturers, the CI Ad Network is already the 6th largest comparison shopping engine – this is one network you can’t afford not to be a part of!

Click to play

“Channel Intelligence has provided a turnkey solution that lets us point ready-to-buy customers to our resellers. Our resellers appreciate the added sales support and the ease of providing accurate information on price and availability." - Jim Deitzel, Web Manager

* “Approximately 20% of customers said that they came to manufacturer web sites specifically to buy items. An additional 25% said that they came to the web site specifically to research which other stores – both online and offline options – had the item of interest in stock.” Must-Haves for Manufacturer Web Sites, a Joint Study with Channel Intelligence Highlights a Critical Stop on the Customer Purchase Path, Forrester Research, Inc., June 26, 2007

1999-2008 Channel Intelligence, Inc. All rights reserved. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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The newest offering of Channel Intelliegence explode     30-Mar-08 07:22 am     Very important sentence of the last article:

"With thousands of retailers and hundreds of manufacturers, the CI Ad Network is already the 6th largest comparison shopping engine – this is one network you can’t afford not to be a part of!"

Internet Capital owns 41% of ChannelIntelligence.

Channel Intelligence Adds Over 100 New Participants to Ad Network

ORLANDO, Fla. (March 18, 2008) - Today, Channel Intelligence (CI) announced the addition of 113 new manufacturers and retailers to the CI Ad Network. The network currently includes over 2,000 retailers and 100 manufacturers across 20 countries. New participants include leading manufacturers such as Yamaha, Magellan, Linksys, and Haier, and retailers such as Target, PC Mall, Buy.com, Ace Hardware, Circuit City, Tiger Direct, Ritz Interactive, OfficeMax, B&H Photo Video and New Egg.

The CI Ad Network facilitates the online shopping experience for consumers by connecting them from the product pages on a manufacturer’s website to online retailers carrying the product in stock. This seamless process takes the consumers from browsing to buying in just two clicks. The consumer can purchase easily from their preferred online retailer without any potential buying distractions.

“We’re excited with the tremendous growth and adoption rate of the CI Ad Network,” states Tom Geraghty, Senior Vice President of the CI Ad Network. “Our program takes the benefits of where-to-buy functionality to the next level by providing product-level pricing and inventory to consumers. They want to make informed buying decisions and our program helps them do that.”

For manufacturers and retailers, the CI Ad Network provides an enhanced where-to-buy offering while accelerating online sales and fostering channel partnerships. The network is based on a CPA (cost-per-acquisition) model, which makes it a very cost-effective marketing program with little risk for participating retailers.

To learn more about the CI Ad Network, please visit http://www.channelintelligence.com/cian_... Retailers interested in joining the network are encouraged to sign up at http://www.channelintelligence.com/cian/...

About Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI)
With product data as the core foundation of its marketing services, CI has created a database capable of storing, managing and optimizing hundreds of millions of products every day. Helping consumers easily find and buy products is CI’s primary goal. CI is able to accomplish this through innovative suites of services for manufacturers, retailers and publishers. CI works with some of the best solution providers in the industry and supports over 50 destination sites to benefit its customers which include hundreds of the world’s leading manufacturers and retailers such as Best Buy, JVC, Neiman Marcus Group, Panasonic, Spiegel, Circuit City, Target, Philips, ICE.com, Black & Decker, ShopNBC, Yamaha, Overstock.com and more.

Founded in 1999 by CEO Robert Wight and EVP Alan Fulmer, CI is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) and is headquartered in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Geneva, Switzerland and London, England. Learn more at http://www.channelintelligence.com.



63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDer IPO der Meeting-Expedia in 2008/9

01.04.08 23:48
wird ein Knaller. Internet Capital hält 26% an dem Knaller Starcite:

News from the Expedia of Meetings: Starcite     18 minutes ago     Kimpton Hotels First to Agree to Roll out StarCite Small Meeting Solution Through Pegasus Integration
Tuesday April 1, 2:21 pm ET

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of on demand meeting management solutions, today announced that Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, the first and leading collection of boutique hotels throughout the United States and Canada, has signed on to StarCite’s Small Meeting Solution. Through its integration with StarCite and Pegasus Solutions’ UltraDirect distribution technology, Kimpton will be able to provide corporate meeting planners with real-time online access to its inventory of guest rooms, meeting spaces and associated meeting services for the first time. StarCite SMS will provide a new channel to help Kimpton increase sales opportunities and more efficiently book and manage smaller meetings of 50 people or less.

“As the industry leader in the small to mid-size group market we are focused on streamlining the buying process for our customers, and to that end we couldn’t be more pleased to partner with StarCite and work to offer our clients the Small Meeting Solution,” said Jesse Suglia, director of hotel sales, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants. “We pride ourselves on customer service and satisfaction, which is why we are eager to provide planners with the convenience of real time access to our inventory.”

“We are thrilled to add Kimpton Hotels to our growing list of Small Meeting Solution adopters,” said David O’Donohoe, vice president of supplier markets, StarCite. “By providing real-time inventory access to meeting planners, Kimpton will benefit from greater access to smaller corporate meetings and be able to more efficiently and productively manage the sales and booking process for these gatherings.”

Kimpton will take advantage of StarCite’s integration with Pegasus (announced in late 2007) to facilitate real-time access to information on rates, availability and reservations from Kimpton’s inventory.

“We’re pleased to expand into the group meetings business through our StarCite integration and launch with Kimpton Hotels. The online meetings market represents a growing area of opportunity for hotels as more corporations look to online tools to manage their overall meetings spend,” said Mike Kistner, chief operating officer and president, reservation and distribution services, Pegasus Solutions, Inc.

About StarCite, Inc.

StarCite, Inc. provides a technology platform that makes meeting and event planning, booking, and management simpler, easier and more cost-effective for corporations, hotels, venues and meeting suppliers worldwide. StarCite delivers visibility, cost savings, and control over meeting spending for businesses and enhanced revenue opportunities for suppliers. Through its Web-based, on-demand technology, StarCite automates and supports every key element of the meeting planning and procurement process: planning, budgeting, buying attendance, payment, and results measurement. Using StarCite’s proprietary online marketplace, meeting buyers can connect and conduct business with over 93,000 hotels, venues, destinations and suppliers globally. StarCite is based in Philadelphia. StarCite’s equity holders include Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE - News), TPG Growth, Norwest Venture Partners (NVP), and TL Ventures. For more information about StarCite or its technologies and services, please visit www.starcite.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: News from the Expedia of Meetings: Starcite     16 minutes ago     Internet Capital owns 26% of Starcite. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: News from the Expedia of Meetings: Starcite     5 second(s) ago     That will drive the market-cap of Starcite by an ipo in 2008:

Expedia shares rally on takeover rumor
Tuesday April 1, 3:43 pm ET

CHICAGO (Reuters) - The shares of online travel agency Expedia Inc (NasdaqGS:EXPE - News) were up more than 9 percent in afternoon trade on Tuesday amid speculation that the company could be a takeover target for Google Inc (NasdaqGS:GOOG - News).

"Call buyers surfaced in Expedia Inc this morning as unsubstantiated rumors surfaced stating that Google Inc could make a bid for the company," said Susquehanna Financial Group's market intelligence team in a note to clients.

The talk was prominent in the equities options market where sentiment was 67 percent bullish as about 8,000 calls compared with 600 puts changed hands in Expedia, seven times the normal combined volume, according to option analytics firm Trade Alert.

Expedia's April $22.50 and $25 calls, giving investors the right to buy Expedia shares at $22.50 and $25 apiece. The options active on talk Google might be interested in the company, said independent options trader Frederic Ruffy.

Expedia is the largest U.S. online travel agency. Its shares were up 9.46 percent at $23.96 in late afternoon trading on Nasdaq, but still down more than 30 percent from their peak in October last year.

An Expedia spokeswoman said the company does not comment on rumors and speculation.

The shares of rivals Priceline.com Inc (NasdaqGS:PCLN - News) and Orbitz Worldwide Inc (NYSE:OWW - News) were up 5.54 percent and 4.35 percent, respectively.



63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libuda32% an der Infoysys of China hält Internet Capital

02.04.08 23:14
Freeborders on the way to a Infosys of China      2-Apr-08 10:44 am     Freeborders Ranked Among World’s Top Outsourcing Providers

AN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 24, 2008 -- Freeborders, Inc., the leading provider of technology solutions developed from China, today announced it is ranked in the Rising Stars category in the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals industry wide benchmark for outsourcing excellence.

The 2008 Global Outsourcing 100 list recognizes the world’s best outsourcing service providers – judged by an independent panel of experts from the business and academic communities. Unlike many other rankings, IAOP’s selection process takes into account not just company size and growth rates, but also important factors like a firm’s ability to create value for its customers, depth and breadth of competencies, and top management talent.

“The companies on this year’s Global Outsourcing 100 list represent the elite of our field, hailing from every corner of the globe and providing an extensive array of cutting-edge services, “said Michael F. Corbett, Chairman, IAOP. “The Global Outsourcing 100 list has become the definitive go-to resource that companies use to make better informed outsourcing decisions and comparisons of providers, so it is an extremely valuable resource for both the players named on it and the businesses around the world that use outsourcing services.”

According to Jean Cholka, Chief Executive Officer of Freeborders, “We are honored to be ranked in the Rising Stars category and among the top outsourcing providers in the world. While many factors have led to our growth, I believe a key contributor is the distinctive culture at Freeborders, which fosters collaboration internally and externally with our clients, alliance partners, and other services providers. Freeborders is committed to providing repeatable, reliable, high-quality services that help our customers realize the full value of their business.”

The IAOP announced the companies named to the Global Outsourcing 100 list at the 2008 Outsourcing World Summit in Orlando. To learn more about the IAOP or the 2008 Global Outsourcing 100 award, please visit www.outsourcing.com.

About Freeborders
Freeborders is a U.S.-based, global provider of outsourcing solutions with development centers in China. The company specializes in a broad spectrum of information technology and information technology enabled services, including application development outsourcing. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, proven global delivery model, experienced management team, and highly skilled colleagues deliver to its clients award-winning customer support and quality. Freeborders is assessed at Level 5 of the SEI’s CMMI, and is ISO 27001 certified. To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com. Rating :
(1 Rating) flankenking


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 Re: Freeborders on the way to a Infosys of China      2-Apr-08 10:55 am     http://www.outsourcing.com/china_trends/...

Internet Capital owns 32% of Freeborders, which will have a billion-market-cap by an ipo. Rating :
(1 Rating) flankenking


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 Re: Freeborders on the way to a Infosys of China      2-Apr-08 01:13 pm     FREEBORDERS NAMED ONE OF THE Top 100 GLOBAL OUTSOURCING VENDORS by Global Services and NeoIT

Global survey recognizes top outsourcing vendors in leadership performance and management outcomes

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., February, 2008 -- Freeborders, Inc., the leading provider of technology solutions developed from China, announced today that it has been named one of the top 100 Global Outsourcing Vendors.

Freeborders delivers a full range of application outsourcing, IT services and consulting to companies in North America and Europe focusing on financial services and technology, The company delivers top-rated services to Fortune 1000 organizations by combining strong project management with one of the largest technology centers in China.

"We are delighted to receive this recognition," says Jean Cholka, CEO. Cholka goes on to say that the combination of our strong processes, a world class global delivery model named CHINDUSsm and a strong governance model called ATLAS have all contributed to our achieving this important award."

The Global Services 100, now in its fourth year, is a tool for buyers of business and technology services. Judges from Global Services magazine team up with outsourcing experts at neoIT, a consulting firm that specializes in services globalization, to identify and evaluate the leading service providers located on four continents. The evaluation is based upon data provided by the service providers and third parties regarding effective operations, service offerings, client relationships and human capital. Winners are selected in each of 10 categories including service-delivery areas such as IT services, customer care and business process outsourcing. Winners are also selected in regions such as Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

About Freeborders
Freeborders is a U.S.-based, global provider of outsourcing solutions with development centers in China. The company specializes in a broad spectrum of information technology and information technology enabled services. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, proven global delivery model, experienced management team, and highly skilled colleagues deliver to its clients award-winning customer support and quality. Freeborders is assessed at Level 5 of the SEI's CMMI, and is ISO 27001 as well as ISO 9901-2000 certified.To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com.

About Global Services
Global Services is a media platform with a portfolio that includes a magazine, website, events, newsletter and customized solutions. Our audience consists of corporate professionals engaged in the sourcing and management of business and technology services. Global Services is owned by CyberMedia (India) Limited. www.globalservicesmedia.com

About neoIT
neoIT is a management consulting firm that helps leading corporations improve and grow their business by capitalizing on services globalizationSM. Through a blend of strategic advisory services and hands-on execution support, neoIT provides advice and management expertise on the globalization of Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services. For more information, visit www.neoIT.com  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaInternet Capital ist die ideale Langfristanlage

03.04.08 11:45
auch aus steuerlichen Gründen - und zwar besser als Fonds und Dachfonds. Denn nach den neuesten Überlegung im Finanzministerium sollen die nur Käufe innerhalb der Fonds steuerfrei bleiben, die bis zum 31.2.2008 erfolgt sind. Bei Umschichtungen innerhalb der Fonds nach diesem Termin sollen die aus den Umschichtungen entstehenden Kursgewinne steuerpflichtig werden.

Das Problem von Internet Capital ist zur Zeit, dass der IPO-Markt in den USA nicht ergiebig ist, sodass an der Fähigkeit von Internet Capital, Monetarisierungen hinzubekommen gezweifelt wird. Zwar könnte man Unternehmen auch ohne IPO verkaufen, aber das Wissen um die momentan nicht vorhandene Ausgangstür "IPO" stärkt nicht die Verhandlungspositionen beim Verkauf. Das sind die Gründe, dass wir noch keine der für 2008 angekündigten mindestens zwei Monetarisierung gesehen haben. Da Internet Capital aber auf sehr hohen Cash- und Wertpapierbeständen sitzt (meines Erachten sogar zu hohen), können die die momentane IPO-Schwächephase in aller Ruhe aussitzen.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaInteressant und erklärt vermutlich

03.04.08 23:00
die seltsame Kursgestaltung in Frankfurt, die ohne den dortigen Skontrenführer, dem die Handelsüberwachungsstelle des Bafin einmal auf die Finger sehen sollte, meines Erachtens nicht möglich wäre.

Sehr geehrter flankinking      3-Apr-08 02:24 pm     Deutsch:
Sie können alle schreiben Sie in Ihrer Muttersprache Deutsch, darüber, wie kriminelle nackt kurze Anbietern verstecken Ihre Buchungen. Nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt. Sie wird mit einem Stern ging auf, denn Sie sind für alle Absichten und Zwecke, eine Spam-pumper von ICGE. Sie werden bemerken, dass alle Spammer ging auf einem Stern.

Und mein Forum Name ist ein Witz auf Ihrer paranoid Dummheit.

You can write all you want in your 'native' German about how criminal naked shortsellers are hiding your postings. Nothing could be further from the truth. You're being dropped to one star because you are, for all intents and purposes, a spamming pumper of ICGE. You will note that all spammers get dropped to one star.

And my forum name is a joke on your paranoid stupidity. Rating :
(No ratings)Rate it:


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 Re: Sehr geehrter flankinking      3-Apr-08 03:46 pm     Das sollten deutsche Anleger nicht lesen können 3-Apr-08 12:09 pm denn schon nach fünf Minuten hatten nackte Shortseller die nachstehende Message durch "1 star + unrated" versteckt. Ich haben verschiedentlich schon Mails bekommen, dass das nicht legale nackte Shorten zumindest teilweise von deutschen Adressen käme. Zwar habe ich das nie so richtig ernst genommen, aber vielleicht ist da doch etwas dran und erklärt, warum die SEC bisher nichts unternommen hat bzw. unternehmen konnte. Vielleicht sollte die SEC einmal über die Rechtshilfe versuchen, das geltende US-Recht durchzusetzen. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: Sehr geehrter flankinking      3-Apr-08 03:51 pm     Das sollte versteckt werden:

Für deutsche Anleger: Aus Steuergründen Idealanlage 3-Apr-08 11:54 am Internet Capital ist die ideale Langfristanlage auch aus steuerlichen Gründen - und zwar besser als Fonds und Dachfonds. Denn nach den neuesten Überlegungen im Finanzministerium sollen die nur Käufe innerhalb der Fonds steuerfrei bleiben, die bis zum 31.2.2008 erfolgt sind. Bei Umschichtungen innerhalb der Fonds nach diesem Termin sollen die aus den Umschichtungen entstehenden Kursgewinne steuerpflichtig werden. Das Problem wird es bei Internet Capital als Aktie nicht geben, denn hier können die Kurserhöhungen nach dem 31.12.2008 steuerfrei kassiert werden.

Das Problem von Internet Capital ist zur Zeit, dass der IPO-Markt in den USA nicht ergiebig ist, sodass an der Fähigkeit von Internet Capital, Monetarisierungen hinzubekommen gezweifelt wird. Zwar könnte man Unternehmen auch ohne IPO verkaufen, aber das Wissen um die momentan nicht vorhandene Ausgangstür "IPO" stärkt nicht die Verhandlungspositionen beim Verkauf. Das sind die Gründe, dass wir noch keine der für 2008 angekündigten mindestens zwei Monetarisierung gesehen haben. Da Internet Capital aber auf sehr hohen Cash- und Wertpapierbeständen sitzt (meines Erachten sogar zu hohen), können die die momentane IPO-Schwächephase in aller Ruhe aussitzen. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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 Re: Sehr geehrter flankinking     52 minutes ago     Und lasst Euch von dem Schwachkopf im Ausgangsposting, der deutschsprachig ist, nicht verarschen.

Beispielsweise ist im vierten Quartal der Anteil der Instiutionals von 89% auf 95% gestiegen. Die Shortseller sind in etwa gleich geblieben. Wer kommt da als Verkäufer der 6% in Frage? Eigentlich nur private Investoren. Das kann aber wiederum nicht sein, denn wenn man sich einmal die Anteile der Privaten an den Umsätzen bei Tomphson Financial ansieht, kommen die bei den durchschnittlichen Tagesumsätzen und ihren Prozentanteilen nicht auf diesen Wert, selbst wenn alle Private nur verkauft und kein einziger auch nur ein Stück gekauft hätte.

Die Schlussfolgerung ist simpel: Hier wurde massiv leer verkauft, ohne dass dies in den offiziellen Leerverkaufszahlen auftaucht. Nach dem gelten US-Recht ist das eine kriminelle Handlung, die von der SEC verfolgt werden müsste. Entweder schläft die SEC oder ihr Arm reicht nicht dort hin, wo die Kriminellen sind. Allerdings geht dieses Spiel nicht ohne kriminelle US-Broker, die bisher nicht von der SEC kontrolliert wurden. Rating :
(No ratings)


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaStarkes Wachstum bei ICGCommerce: 40 neue Jobs

04.04.08 13:50

Internet Capital hält 65% an ICGCommerce.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libuda2008 geht so weiter wie 2007

04.04.08 13:51
ICG Commerce Drives Strong Growth in 2007
Record growth propelled by ICG Commerce's commitment to helping customers achieve results

PHILADELPHIA - Monday, March 10, 2008 - Leading procurement outsourcing specialist ICG Commerce
today announced another year of record growth in 2007.  The company has grown revenue 30+% year
over year for the past three years.  This growth was fueled by a continued track record of delivering
exceptional service that includes meeting 100% of its savings commitments to customers.  This results-
driven focus enabled the company to achieve an unprecedented renewal rate, extending all four major
contracts up for renewal in 2007, including The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Cameron, Greif,
Inc., and a global technology giant.  In addition, these results and strong customer references also helped
the company establish new relationships with Chiquita Brands International, with a global life sciences
company, and with several other leading companies.  

Procurement outsourcing is a growing trend among leading companies that are looking to drive
meaningful bottom-line cost improvements or to fund other growth initiatives.  According to a recent report
by Everest Research Group, procurement outsourcing delivers five times the savings of other outsourcing
endeavors such as IT and Finance and Accounting.  As a procurement outsourcing specialist, ICG
Commerce’s proven ability to help its customers deliver multi-year, multi-million dollar cost reductions is
evidence of the substantial impact that can be realized through procurement BPO.

“ICG Commerce’s relationships with companies such as Goodyear, Greif and Chiquita are examples of
how leading companies are looking to specialist procurement outsourcing providers to help them focus on
their core competencies and improve financial results,” said David Tapper, Vice President, Outsourcing
Services Research, IDC.

In addition to expanding customer relationships, the company also grew its global footprint to meet
additional needs of its customers. The past year gave rise to a significant expansion of ICG Commerce’s
infrastructure in Asia, with the opening of a new office in Shenzhen, China to support low cost country
sourcing.  The company also continued to build upon its European Center of Excellence to support global
relationships with customers such as Kimberly-Clark and Chiquita.

ICG Commerce’s demonstrated ability to deliver value to its customers has enabled year over year
growth that continues to outpace the market. “We look forward to another year of strong growth and
expanded global presence as we remain committed to helping our customers change the way they
manage their spend,” said Carl Guarino, CEO of ICG Commerce.

About ICG Commerce, Inc.

ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is the leading procurement outsourcing specialist delivering
comprehensive source-to-pay as well as strategic sourcing services. Results-driven leaders access ICG Commerce’s
experienced resources and market intelligence to better manage procurement and logistics spend, gaining
significant savings and enhanced visibility and control.

ICG Commerce is a privately held company founded in 1992 and a member of Internet Capital Group's (Nasdaq: ICGE)
network of partner companies.  The company has earned recognition from Forbes, Fortune, The International Association
of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and leading industry analysts for its leadership in procurement outsourcing.



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