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Dass die Shortseller in Not sind, sieht man daran, dass sie es nötig haben, den dünnen in Handel in Frankfurt zu manipulieren und sogar mein Posten auf dem Yahoo-Board durch Rating-Tricks zu verschwinden lassen versuchen.
Mein Tip für einen IPO neben Metastorm ist in 2008 Starcite:
Rates, Dates and Space: Real-time Meeting Booking? No Panacea Yet
by Corrie Dosh
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StarCite BCD Travel Global Hyatt Corp. Hilton Hotels Corp.
December 2007 - Despite the challenges in aggregating complete group inventory information, many hotel chains and third-party facilitators have rolled out electronic RFP tools for groups and held out promises of even faster booking alternatives coming soon. Since the complexities of event specifications can delay replies to a request for proposals, these e-tools can result in cost reductions of 30 percent to 40 percent over traditional phone and fax processes, said meetings technology consultant Corbin Ball. Another technological development leading to quicker responses for meetings RFPs has been the ability for third-party facilitators to aggregate meetings inventory online, including room blocks or meeting rooms. While such meetings- specific providers as StarCite for years have worked to build online marketplaces, now transient hotel content distributors--the "plumbing" behind transient sourcing tools--are adding meetings content to their systems. With more content available online from a single provider, meeting buyers can "one stop shop" instead of using individual hotel tools. Hotel distribution provider Pegasus Solutions in September signed a deal with StarCite to link the Pegasus portfolio of 78,000 properties to StarCite's sourcing tools. The deal helps Pegasus break into group content through nontraditional distribution channels, said Quentin Moores, Pegasus senior director of distribution solutions. The StarCite deal is just one of many possible channels Pegasus will use to distribute its hotel clients' group content, he said. "Pegasus' strength has always been in the transient bookings space. In order to add value to our suppliers, it is essential for us to continue to look for new distribution channels," Moores said. "This is one of a number of distribution channels that Pegasus has taken an interest in and [we] want to achieve a broader distribution funnel for our suppliers beyond the traditional transient leisure and corporate bookings. It's a logical fit." Hotel RFP Options for Meetings
• Carlson Hotels Worldwide: Same-day response to RFPs with rates, dates and space
• Hilton Hotels Corp.: Direct bookings for room blocks of up to 25 with meeting rooms and services
• Hyatt Corp.: "Immediate response" to RFPs submitted through online template; 48-hour response on properties outside the United States
• InterContinental Hotels Group: Crowne Plaza brand guarantees a two-hour response to RFPs, with a full proposal returned by the next business day
• Marriott International: RFP Web site tool response within 24 hours; rates, dates and space availability within 48 hours; limits number of properties to receive each RFP to three at a time
• Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide: RFP response within one business day when using online template
The company attempted to break into the group space five years ago, but the market wasn't ready, Moores said. Generally, group content distribution is where transient distribution was in 1989, he said: "A very manual, very laborious process handled mostly on the property level." This "first step" into the market will eventually lead to true, seamless end-to-end automation for meetings sourcing--something that doesn't exist on the market today--Moores said. Despite the development of their own meetings sourcing tools, hotel chains have expressed a "surprising" amount of interest in listing group content through Pegasus, he claimed. "Many [lodging chains] will say, 'We have that, we have meeting rooms technology on our Web sites or group booking,' " Moores said. "We encourage that, and that's great from their perspective ... but there is no process that provides today what I refer to as a universal search capability. There's no way for me as a meeting planner to go online and go through a single vendor." With distribution facilitators listing both transient and group content in one system, there is a greater likelihood of consolidated meetings and transient sourcing tools. "The rise in group business seems to be accelerating at a rapid rate, so I think the market is absolutely ready for this kind of technology," Moores said. "If a hotel loads [group rooms into a global distribution system] and exposes this to Pegasus, they would expose the number of rooms that they are willing to give to an agency, corporation, third party, StarCite or whomever, and it would display. All those different rules can be baked into Pegasus so when the planner comes to ask for availability, they get what the hotel wants them to see," StarCite CEO Michael Boult told Management.travel. Boult said that the latest developments in group sourcing mirror transient developments of 25 years ago. Similar developments on the transient side took many years to perfect, he said, and the current group sourcing products on the market are not as optimal as they will be eventually. The inherent complexities of meetings--whether a company needs a meeting room, a room block or both together, for example--slows the pace of development, he said. Within the small-meeting market, technology vendors Worktopia and Groople also have been touting real-time capabilities. Worktopia earlier this year announced a partnership with Holiday Inn to provide real-time access to meeting rooms for up to 100 people. For such meetings, Worktopia offers access to more than 10,000 meeting rooms at 2,000 properties in 150 cities. For chains that have rolled out their own meetings RFP tools, the response times vary widely based on the property, event specifications, whether the request comes in a format familiar to the hotels' and other factors. Tight occupancy rates certainly affect response times, but there are no exact industry statistics, said George Odom, senior director of business development for BCD Travel-owned consulting firm Advito. The more a hotel wants a particular piece of business, the faster they generally reply. Most chains have implemented some guidelines for properties regarding RFP response times. In general, the largest hotel companies promise responses to electronic meetings RFPs within 24 hours. Carlson Hotels Worldwide implemented an RFP response system through Newmarket International's MeetingBroker in 2005 and said it cut RFP response times from an average of 56 hours to four hours. The chain promises "same day" response times for RFPs submitted to its brands, including Radisson Hotels & Resorts. "There is no process that provides today what I refer to as a universal search capability. There's no way for me as a meeting planner to go online and go through a single vendor."
— Quentin Moores, Pegasus Senior Director of Distribution Solutions
Hyatt partners with StarCite to offer "real time" responses to RFPs. The "E-mmediate Response" is applicable for events of all sizes, but buyers need to use the standard online template provided by the chain. Hilton's "E-vents" program, launched in 2006, avoids the RFP process altogether with a direct-booking program aimed at small meetings with up to 25 rooms in the block. "[RFP response times] are extremely important. There's a lot of competition out there, especially over the last few years, with even being able to get meeting space, so usually you are sourcing more than once or twice," said Betsy Bondurant of Bondurant Consulting, formerly associate director of meetings and trade shows for pharmaceutical giant Amgen. "The sooner you can find out if your preferred hotel isn't available, the sooner you can go out and continue looking." Meeting buyers are competing for what sometimes seems to be "the same 20 percent of hotels," Bondurant said, as such top-tier meeting destinations as New York, Chicago or Boston quickly fill up. A quick response time becomes even more important in these cities. Amgen used StarCite to distribute its RFPs, and Bondurant said response times usually were within 48 hours. While some hoteliers promise a faster turnaround through their own electronic templates, Bondurant said she has heard from planners that such tools are better used to gain a general idea of availability, as booking through an RFP hotel template is difficult and often not worth the trouble. "You still have to go through a manual process," Bondurant said. In comparison, when planners use a chain's national sales office, RFP response time is usually dependable, but not as rapid as an electronic template. "In my office, we send all RFPs to our national reps; we don't do any posting of them online," said Julie Johnson, director of events and incentives for Lennox Worldwide Heating & Cooling. "Our response time is very good--usually within a few days but we also usually give them a week to get back to us." Hotel online RFP tools are meeting a market need, suggested Advito's Odom, but not the entire market. "It's not the panacea, but it is a good alternative," he said. "It doesn't work for everything." For companies that send their own online RFPs without a hotel template, the process can create both problems and efficiencies. A quick response to a proposal may only include "rates, dates and space," without addressing many of the complexities and needs of a particular event, said meetings industry consultant Joan Eisenstodt of Eisenstodt Associates. Hammering out the final agreement can take weeks. In addition, online RFP tools have increased the number of requests sent to properties, creating delays while properties sort out which ones are viable. An estimated two out of three electronic RFPs go completely unanswered, and the likelihood of a response drops if a corporation uses an unfamiliar format for its request. "Procurement will come in after three weeks of negotiations with the hotel. We have to submit the bid to them and procurement says they have a five-day turnaround, which usually means five to eight days. They want to use a template, but they don't understand the complexities of meetings."
— Shelly Russ, IEEE Director of Event Management Services
Even where technology speeds the RFP process, high occupancy rates around the country--especially in cities that are top meetings destinations-continue to make delays a problem for meeting buyers. "In the old days it used to be phone calls, then it was blast faxes, and now there is email and now you can even get in and see some hotels' inventory online," Odom explained. "So technology is assisting, but because the occupancies are higher and because some corporations don't have flexibility on their dates, that makes it difficult because now you have extra work to find a match. Lead times are not lengthening, and people are watching their budgets more closely." More hotels also now are finding that their corporate contact for negotiations on meetings and events is not the final buyer, and that purchasing managers must approve the contract after negotiations between the property sales representative and the planner are concluded. If procurement views meetings as a commodity or assumes event bidding can apply a standard template used for other purchases, planners and hoteliers may have to halt negotiations to bring procurement up to speed. Procurement departments that haven't built close relationships with their corporate meeting departments often don't understand how meetings RFPs differ from transient contracts, said Shelly Russ, director of event management services for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A new management structure at IEEE requires procurement to approve hotel bids for conferences and meetings, but that step adds more than a week to negotiations, she said. "Procurement will come in after three weeks of negotiations with the hotel. We have to submit the bid to them and procurement says they have a five-day turnaround, which usually means five to eight days. They want to use a template but they don't understand the complexities of meetings," Russ said. The idea behind using standardized templates for meetings RFPs is to create efficiencies. If executed properly, the process can reduce response times. The Convention Industry Council has embraced a procurement-driven strategy in its Accepted Practices Exchange (Apex) initiative. The meetings industry association has published seven standard templates for use with audio/visual providers, destination management companies, hotels, transportation providers and other vendors. Procurement departments seeking to reduce or eliminate delays on their meetings RFPs also could consider a third-party facilitator, Odom said, and there are many corporations doing a "great job" internally of streamlining their meetings procurement process. "It's more fundamental of making sure the specs are firmed up before you go out, trying to have enough lead time and flexibility so that you can purchase the best thing at the lowest price," he said.
Manipulation of Yahoo-Board through BIG SHORT is going on 15 minutes ago Install "1 star + unrated" because the manipulating through BIG SHORT continue. He is full fear about the lot of good news of Channelintelligence, Metastorm and Starcite, which you could see, when you install "1 star + unrated".
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Manipulation of Yahoo-Board through BIG SHORT is going on 10 minutes ago The reasons for the hidding of informations about Metastorm is simple: Metastorm has annouced an IPO for 2008. After revenues of about 75 million in 2007 the revenues of Metastorm will be higher than 100 million in 2008 and the ipo-market-cap will be between 500 and 750 million. Internet Capital owns 32% of Metastorm.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Manipulation of Yahoo-Board through BIG SHORT is going on 6 minutes ago The resaon, why BIG SHORT do all, to hide information about Starcite is simple. Starcite will be an other ipo-candidate. The revenues of Starcite in 2007 was more than 60 million and will be about 90 million in 2008. By an ipo the market-cap of Starcite will be between 550 and 700 million. Internet Capital owns 26%.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Manipulation of Yahoo-Board through BIG SHORT is going on 5 second(s) ago Most danger see BIG SHORT by Channelintelligence and he did all, to hide every information about this company. The reason is simple, because Channelintelligence is a competitor of Doubleclick and Aquantive - okay, very smaller. But look at the amouts, which were paid for Doubleclick and Aquantive: Google paid 3.1 billions for Doubleclick and Microsoft paid 6 billion for Aquantive.
Internet Capital owns 41% of Channelintelligence.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Nicht asuzuschließen ist allerdings, das bei der Manipulation des US-Boards die gleichen dummen kleinen Wichser ihre Finger im Spiel haben, die auch in Deutschland die Aktienboards manipulieren, weil sie sich für den Weltuntergang engagiert und ihr Geld im Internet-Bubble in 1999/2000 verzockt haben.
Die 7,20 Euro sind einigermaßen fair gepreist, wenn man den gestrigen Schlusskurs an der Nasdaq als Maßstab nehmet. Orientiert Euch nicht am Kurs von 7,01 - da wurde ein Stück umgesetzt. Das sind die üblichen Spielchen, um den Handel zu unterbinden - denn wählt jemand dieses weit unter dem gestrigen US-Kurs liegende Limit, bekommt er nichts. Und das ist Sinn und Zweck der Manipulationen, die man sogar in Frankfurt praktiziert, um den Kurs nicht ausbrechen zu lassen.
Zeitgleich sind die US-Indizes ins Bärenlager gewechselt, diesem Trend kann sich natürlich auch eine ICGE nicht entziehen und ich gehe davon aus, dass hier nochmal um die 10-20% Luft ist nach unten. Bei fallenden Dollar, sinkenden Kursen von ICGE kommt mittelfristig nochmals eine Supereinstiegsmöglichkeit.
Ich meine, ich bekomme demnächst diesen Wert für um die 6€ oder weniger (0,30 vor Split), der schwache Dollar machts möglich.
Also mir muss der Frontman in Frankfurt wesentlich weniger bieten, als die 7,20€ und das wird er auch tun - müssen.
Wenn ich zu Frankfurt poste, hat das wenig damit zu tun, dass ich dort kaufe oder verkaufe, sondern ich will afuzeigen, dass die Shortseller selbst an einem so unbedeutenden Platz wie Frankfurt zu manipulieren versuchen - und das dort besonders ungestört dürfen. Manchmal hat man den Eindruck, als sei der dortige Marketmaker der Obershortseller - logischerweise unwahrscheinlich, ich traue ihm aber zumindest anderen Dreck am Stecken zu.
Für 6 Euro sehe ich wenige Chancen, da alleine die Cash/Wertpapiere schon knapp 5 Dollar pro Aktie ausmachen.
Natürlich ist die Performance noch nicht ganz so, wie ich mir das vorgestellt habe - ich bin aber sicher, dass noch Einiges kommt. Siehe dazu auch eine Antwort auf einem anderen Board zu einer entsprechenden Frage.
Ich stimme Dir in dem Punkt zu, sdas eine Kursverdreifachung von $3.40 auf zuletzt etwas über $10 nicht die Welt ist - das hat in dieser Zeit auch der DAX geschafft. Und ich habe logischerweise auch nicht alles für $3.40 gekauft, sondern liege irgendwo bei einem Einstandpreis über die letzten sechs Jahre zwischen fünf und sechs Dollar, sodass ich bei einer durchschnittlichen Haltedauer von ca. dreieinhalb Jahren in der Tat in Euro gerechnet "nur" zwischen 80 und 90% gemacht habe, was ein jährlichen Rendite von "nur" etwas mehr als 20% entspricht. Im Gegensatz zum DAX, dem ich ja auch Jahressicht etwas über 10.000 Punkte zutraue, gehe ich bei Internet Capital aber von einer weiteren Verdoppelung bis Verdreifachung aus - und das habe ich hier gepostet. Ich poste also hier zu einer Aktie, wie das fast alle auf diesem Board auch tun - deshalb kann ich Deine Aufregung nicht nachvollziehen. Dass ich das alles durch viele Fakten belege kann man mir ja sicher nicht als Vorwurf machen. Über das negative Ebitda und den negativen Cash Flow, den Du aus einer alten Schnellauswertung von einem Aktienboard gefischt hast, solltest Du meines Erachten erst dann schreiben, wenn Du Dich mit der Konstruktion dieser Gesellschaft genauer informiert hast. Internet Capital ist nämlich nur die Holding - und nur eine von ca. 15 Beteiligungen werden in deren Rechnungslegung einbezogen. Auch der Buchwert sagt deshalb wenig aus, obwohl das ein exzellenter Wert wäre - ich kenne kein einziges Internetunternehmen, dessen Buchwert so nahe beim Kurswert liegt. Auch hier rate ich Dir, Dich über die Zusammenhange zwischen Buchwert und Kurswert in Abhängigkeit vom Unternehmenssektor schlau zu machen.
Dass nicht nur Libuda schon auf diesen Wert gestoßen ist, sondern auch andere, kannst Du daran sehen, dass zu 90% Institutionals in dem Wert sind und Fidelity der größte Einzelaktionäre ist - neben Barclays und anderen.
Warum ich momentan die Situation für heiß halte, hängt damit zusammen, dass wir auf der einen Seite 90% Institutionals haben und auf der anderen Seite 10% der umlaufenden Aktien leer verkauft wurden. Die Leerverkäufer unternehmen momentan alles, um die Aktie zu drücken - einen günstigeren Einstiegszeitpunkt gibt es somit kaum. Zu diesem "Alles" gehört es beispielsweise, dass sie das Yahoo-Board zu manipulieren versuchten. Dort poste ich zum Beispiel zu diesem Wert und man versucht dort mit Rating-Tricks meine Postings zu verstecken, wie das auf diesem Board ein Poster auch schon gemacht hat, indem er mich auf Ignore setzte. Die Steigerung am letzten Freitag war nun, dass die Shortseller einer ihrer weiteren Verkaufsaktionen dadurch begleiteten, indem sie die Informationen über Beteiligungen von Internet Capital aus dem neuen Jahr löschen ließen, was zu erheblichen Irritationen bei den dortigen Lesern führte. Wie sie bewerkstelligt haben, weiß ich auch nicht. Ich vermute einmal, dass sie einem unfähigen Webmaster von Yahoo den Bären aufgebunden haben, dass ich nicht zu Internet Capital posten würde. Internet Capital definiert sich aber nun einmal durch seine Beteiligungen.
Ich habe das übrigens der SEC gemailt, denn der ein Teil des kleinen Tauchers in der letzten Stunde könnte damit zusammenhängen, dass plötzlich viele Informationen über Internet Capital verschwunden waren. Dass die bei Yahoo die Hosen wegen dieser Manipulationen gestrichen voll haben, kannst Du daran sehen, dass sie die folgenden Postings von mir unbehelligt ließen. Was ich aber letztendlich sagen wollte: Es ergeben sich durch diese Geschehnisse am Freitag exzellente Einstiegsmöglichkeiten.
Hier meine Replik auf die nach meiner Auffassung versuchte Marktmanipulation eines Webmaster von Yahoo (wahrscheinlich war es einfach nur Dummheit, weil er die Beteiligungen nicht Internet Capital zuordnete, aber im Endergebnis war das eine Marktmanipulation, der hoffentlich auch die SEC nachgeht).
Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 11-Jan-08 05:22 pm Extreme criminal is, that Yahoo tilt simple informations about partner companies of Internet Capital.
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(4 Ratings) flankenking
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Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 11-Jan-08 05:31 pm Number 1 of information, which was criminal tilt against the own disclaimer from Yahoo. My question is: Get Yahoo money for this criminal acting from the shortseller?
CEA selects Channel Intelligence as Data Provider To Showcase “Where-to-Find” and “Where-to-Recycle” Green Electronics Products through its SellPath® StoreFront Product
Orlando, Fla. (January 11, 2008) – Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI) collaborate for new “green” initiative to provide consumers with green electronics. MyGreenElectronics.org will showcase products recommended by EnergyStar and EPEAT by utilizing CI’s SellPath® StoreFront.
“MyGreenElectronics.org is about making smarter, more environmentally friendly choices by purchasing green electronics. With the importance of accurate green product information, we’re pleased to partner with Channel Intelligence to help consumers on MyGreenElectronics.org find electronics and accessories that use less energy and are safer for the environment including products which are EPEAT and ENERGY STAR certified,” said Kristina Taylor, CEA Manager of Environmental & State Policy Communications.
MyGreenElectronics.org offers consumers options about where and how to recycle old electronics, as well as which products are the most green-friendly. SellPath® StoreFront, which uses rich media to create a promotional microsite or a branded store-within-a-store at a retailer’s point-of-sale, will showcase those green-friendly electronics for CEA.
“Leveraging Channel Intelligence’s rich product content attributes working with key certification agencies such as the Green Electronics Council will dramatically increase the scalability of this important web site with fewer resources while providing greater functionality and value. Including local recycling centers and dynamic map results we expect these “where-to-recycle” features to be harnessed by the consumer electronics industry and ultimately reduce potential adverse environmental impacts,” Shailesh Adhav, CI Vice President EMEA and Enterprise Sales.
“Channel Intelligence has long been part of the CE industry, with many high profile retailer and manufacturer clients. CEA represents the Consumer Electronics industry as a whole; as such we are honored to be chosen to enable CEA members to publish dynamic information on environmentally safe products on MyGreenElectronics.org through Channel Intelligence’s Sell Path® product line. MyGreenElectronics.org is honored to support this initiative to make green products easier to find and to purchase,” Vik Murty, CI Vice President of SellPath.
About Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI)
Powered by the CommerceIQ™ technology platform, CI’s Web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites or destination shopping sites. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion through its three primary services – SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions, SellCast™ Retailer Solutions, and SellCore™ Publisher Solutions. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known manufacturing and retail brands. CI, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE), is based in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Geneva and the London. For more information, visit www.channelintelligence.com.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(4 Ratings) flankenking
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Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 11-Jan-08 06:00 pm Number 2 of information, which was criminal tilt from Yahoo against the own disclaimer. My question to the webmaster: Are you paid from BIG SHORT?
Channel Intelligence and Bazaarvoice Partner to Strengthen Online Social Media Applications that Drive Sales for Manufacturers
Austin, Texas, and Orlando, Fla. (January 8, 2008) – Channel Intelligence Inc. (CI), a leader in Web-initiated commerce solutions, and Bazaarvoice, the leader in hosted social commerce applications that drive sales, today announced a technology partnership aimed at assisting manufacturers in accessing the benefits of customer reviews. Manufacturers as well as retailers will be able to easily implement user-generated review content, both on existing websites and now in SellPath® StoreFront online showcases.
Manufacturers are recognizing the importance their Web sites play in the sales process as consumers visit to research their product choices, and online reviews by other consumers have proven to affect purchase decisions. Now, manufacturers will be able to add carefully moderated user-generated consumer reviews to the product information displayed on their sites to further enrich the customer experience through CI’s SellPath® suite of online merchandising tools and the Bazaarvoice social commerce technology. Among the options now available to manufacturers, SellPath® StoreFront, which uses rich media to create a promotional microsite or a branded store-within-a-store at a retailer’s point-of-sale, will allow embedded solutions of an optional customer review window to further enrich the product information presented.
“Consumer reviews are clearly a powerful factor in today’s consumer empowered sales process. Retailers have long understood the need to display relevant and transparent information, and now manufacturers are beginning to understand that this influence can provide an edge for a brand at any point in the purchase process,” said Vik Murty, Vice President of SellPath® . “Bazaarvoice leads the market in social media applications that directly impact sales, and we are pleased to make the power of customer reviews available to our clients through this innovative technology.”
Chad Bockius, Managing Director of Manufacturing for Bazaarvoice commented, “With reviews widely available on retail commerce sites, consumers now expect to find reviews wherever they research products. Ninety-two percent of shoppers say that customer reviews are extremely or very helpful, and manufacturers will now be poised to harness the power of social commerce to drive sales, connect with customers, and improve loyalty and satisfaction no matter where they come into contact with the brand online.”
About Bazaarvoice
Bazaarvoice offers outsourced technology, services, analytics, and expertise to help companies enhance the online shopping experience with social commerce applications that drive sales. Bazaarvoice Ratings & Reviews™ and Ask & Answer™ deliver immediate success by minimizing implementation risk and maximizing the strategic impact of user-generated review content through complete customization, deep integration, community management, advanced analytics, search engine optimization, and syndication across the Web and to offline channels. Bazaarvoice was named to the 2007 Red Herring Global 100 and 2006 Red Herring Top 100 lists and received the 2006 ClickZ Marketing Innovation of the Year award. Bazaarvoice currently serves over 150 eCommerce leaders including Bass Pro Shops, Dell, Macy’s, Overstock.com, PETCO, QVC, Sears, and ZipRealty. The company has headquarters in Austin, TX and offices in London, UK. For more information, please visit the company’s Web site at http://www.bazaarvoice.com.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(4 Ratings) flankenking
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Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 11-Jan-08 06:45 pm Number 3 of information, which was criminal tilt from Yahoo against the own disclaimer. Can everyone find one point, why the following is against the disclaimer of Yahoo?
Metastorm Recognized in Intelligent Enterprise Editors' Choice Awards
Metastorm Named a 'Company to Watch’ in Process Management Category
BALTIMORE, MD - January 10, 2007 - Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced it has been recognized a 'company to watch' in the Process Management category of CMP's Intelligent Enterprise 2008 Editors' Choice Awards. The editors chose 48 companies that provide exceptional vision, technology innovation and customer leadership in attaining strategic objectives.
According to Intelligent Enterprise editors, Metastorm is cited as being one of Microsoft's closest BPM (business process management) partners, and a company that has demonstrated - through multiple acquisitions, strong partnerships and organic development - that it is intent on leading with a complete technology suite and a global footprint.
"We are very pleased to receive the Intelligent Enterprise Editors' Choice award for Process Management. This serves as yet another proof point of Metastorm’s leadership in the BPM market which we have a long history in," stated Eileen Garry, CMO of Metastorm. "To date, more than 1100 companies in 109 countries are using Metastorm for business process management, enterprise architecture and business process analysis, and we are very proud to have helped so many companies drive value and deliver results."
About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.
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(3 Ratings) flankenking
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Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 11-Jan-08 06:54 pm Number 4, which was criminal tilt against the own disclaimer of Yahoo. My question: Is the webmaster drunken or is smoking crack?
Metastorm Cited as a Leader in Human-Centric BPM for Microsoft Platforms by Independent Research Firm
Independent Analyst Firm Recognizes Metastorm as a Leader in its Evaluation
BALTIMORE, MD - January 9, 2007 - Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that it has been recognized as a leader by Forrester Research in the December 2007 "The Forrester Wave: Human-Centric BPM for Microsoft Platforms, Q4 2007." The Forrester Wave was a result of lab-based product evaluations on eight leading human-centric BPM suite vendors across 150 criteria.
According to Forrester, Metastorm was one of the leaders in its evaluation and noted (along with two other vendors) as taking "a comprehensive approach to BPM, satisfying every part of the process lifecycle." The report also adds, "Metastorm has best-of-breed process analysis thanks to its Proforma acquisition."
"Metastorm is thrilled to be recognized by Forrester in its Human-Centric BPM Wave for Microsoft Platforms report. We have worked extremely hard in executing on our growth strategy and offering a truly differentiated product in the market," stated Robert Farrell, chairman & CEO of Metastorm. "We are pleased that Forrester recognizes our efforts as a leader and as one of the strongest offerings available in the market today. Our focus on tying together capabilities to manage strategy, analysis and execution on a single software platform is further reflected by Forrester citing Metastorm as a leader."
Proforma, recently acquired by Metastorm, was also positioned as a leader in the "The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Architecture Tools: Q2 2007."
About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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(3 Ratings) flankenking
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Re: Yahoo work together with criminal shortsellers 12-Jan-08 05:44 am Number 5 of informations, which was criminal tilt from Yahoo against the own disclaimer:
Leading Health Plans Choose Metastorm for Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Analysis
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Join Metastorm’s Elite Customer Roster
BALTIMORE, MD - January 8, 2007 - Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that two leading health plans have joined its client roster. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield have selected customized combinations of Metastorm ProVision®, Metastorm Knowledge Exchange, and Metastorm consulting and training services to advance their enterprise modeling programs.
"Metastorm is proud to welcome these two leading health plans from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association to our family of customers," said Mike Shaw, vice president of Americas Operations for Metastorm. "To stay ahead of the competition in today’s health care market and better service consumers, health plans must strategically and quickly respond to ever changing opportunities and challenges like access to affordable, quality healthcare, government compliance, and the adoption of interoperable health information systems. We look forward to helping our Blue Plan customers further succeed by providing a platform to develop more sophisticated business processes and technologies, facilitate effective collaboration, and enable true enterprise agility."
Uses for the powerful and robust Metastorm ProVision and Knowledge Exchange range from pure business process improvement and Six Sigma to Enterprise Architecture and requirements analysis. Other premier organizations using Metastorm software for enterprise modeling, process analysis, and business process management include Blockbuster, Blue Rhino, Eli Lilly, HP, and Seagate.
About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.
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22. Warnung an alle Käufer von US-Aktien ! Anti Lemming 12.01.08 21:17
China kauft USA auf, Aktionäre müssen nach Kuba
VORSICHT! Wer jetzt noch Geld in US-Aktien steckt, geht bei der drohenden Zwangsverstaatlichung der USA durch chinesische Mehrheitsaktionäre am Ende leer aus! Besser jetzt verhuren die Dollars, solange die Huren die überhaupt noch annehmen!
Außerdem sollte man nie Garantieprodukte (Zertifikate oder Fonds) kaufen, es sei denn man wird durch Riester dazu gezwungen (aber da gibt es ja auch Förderung), denn wie alle Versicherungen kostet die Versicherung Geld und frisst an der Rendite. Ein kurzfristiger Anleger hat in Aktien nichts verloren und ein bei langfristiger Anlage sollte man Sicherheit durch die Strukturierung seines Depots erreichen. Statt 100% einer Anlagesumme in einen Fonds mit Garantie zu stecken, erzielt man in der Regel eine höhere Rendite, wenn man 50% Bundesschatzbriefe und die weiteren 50% in Aktien oder einen Aktienfonds steckt. Wegen der besonderen steuerlichen Situation macht es in 2008 sogar Sinn, den Aktien bzw. Aktienfondsanteil wesentlich höher zu fahren (bei jungen Leuten, die Zeit haben, auch sehr hoch)und ab 2009 die Neuanlagen auschließlich nicht in Aktien zu stecken, um den Aktienanteil wieder entsprechend der gewünschten Risikostruktur nach unten zu bringen. Denn man muss bedenken, dass die 2008 gekaufen Aktien und Aktienfonds auf Dauer bei den Kursgewinnen steuerfreie Gewinne mit sich bringen.
Allerdíngs setzt das voraus, dass man Aktien bzw. Aktienfonds auswählt, die man sehr lange behalten kann. Ideal sind hier Dachfonds, bei denen flexibel steuerfrei gewechselt werden kann, die aber auch Gebührenfresser sind. Billiger bei den Gebühren sind Aktienfonds, hier kann aber nur der Fondsmanager die Aktien innerhalb des Fonds austauschen. Am billigsten fährt man mit der Direktanlage in Aktien, hat aber das Problem Aktien für "die Ewigkeit" auswählen zu müssen. Steigt man aus, so müssen bei den ab 2009 neu gekauften Aktien die Kursgewinne versteuert werden. Nicht als Basisinvestment, aber als Depotbeimischung von 3%-5% kann ich mir als Aktie für die Ewigkeit Internet Capital vorstellen, denn das Geschäftsmodell ist extrem langfristig angelegt und bietet sehr hohe Kurschancen.
Evaluation Based on Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute
BALTIMORE, MD - January 14, 2007 - Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the leaders quadrant in the Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites 2007.1 Gartner Inc.’s Magic Quadrant positions vendors in a particular market segment based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute.
According to Gartner, "Leaders are distinguished by their relentless focus on driving a paradigm shift toward increased business user participation in the entire process improvement life cycle by enabling explicit, model-driven solution deployment rather than traditional coded approaches." The report, titled: "Magic Quadrant for BPMS, 2007" also cites that "leaders exhibit superior sales and marketing execution."
"We are honored that Gartner has positioned Metastorm in the BPMS Leaders quadrant and believe this is due to our strong market momentum, our history in the BPM market, and our commitment to leading the market in innovation, growth and proven results," stated Robert Farrell, chairman & CEO of Metastorm. "Metastorm has continued to innovate and deliver software that enables organizations to optimize the processes that are most critical to their business strategy. In my opinion, our position in the Leaders quadrant provides external confirmation that our focus on unifying strategy, analysis and execution on a single technology platform is clearly resonating in the market."
Metastorm was also positioned in the Leaders quadrant in Gartner Inc.'s Magic Quadrant for Business Process Analysis (BPA) Tools, 2H07-1H082.
(1) Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites, 2007" by Janelle B. Hill, Michele Cantara, Eric Deitert and Marc Kerremans, December 14, 2007.
(2) Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for Business Process Analysis Tools, 2H07-1H08" by Michael J. Blechar, June 8, 2007
About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.
Meine Prognose für Ende 2008 ist 1,25, weil wir meines Erachtens beim Leistungsbilanzdefizit der USA dramatische Veränderungen sehen werden - mengenmäßig sind die schon längst da.
Ich habe ja schon immer gepostet, dass die an sich schon sehr hohen offiziellen Zahlen zum Shortselling (10% bei zustäztlich 90% Institutionals) vermutlich nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sind. Nicht legales nacktes Shorten geht logischerweise nicht in die offiziellen Zahlen ein. Dass das massiv vorliegt, konnte man ja schon mehrfach erkennen, als in bestimmten Zeiträumen die Zunahme der Aktien der Institutionellen größer war als die Zunahme von Shortselling und alle Umsätze der Privaten zusammen. Also selbst wenn alle Umsätze der Privaten Verkäufe gewesen wären, bestand dann immer noch eine Verkaufslücke - das ist schier aberwitzig und zeigt, dass da neben dem offiziellen Shortselling noch ein gigantisches Rad illegal daneben gedreht wird. Warum die SEC, die die Zahlen auch kennen müsste (wenn nicht, ich habe das dort mehrmals hingepostet), nichts unternimmt, ist für mich ein großes Rätsel.
Das momentane Dip ist im wesentlichen durch massives Shortselling seit dem Jahresbeginn entstanden. Die offiziellen und wohl noch mehr die vermutlichen größeren nackten Shorter setzen momentan alles auf eine Karte, um billiger einsteigen zu können - was aber aufgrund der Fundamentals nicht möglich sein dürfte. Denn die Verkäufer sind die Shortseller - und solange die nicht andere Verkäufer finden, können sie nicht eindecken, sondern erhöhen ihre offenen Positionen.
Dass sie dabei auch vor keiner kriminellen Tat zurückschrecken, zeigt die Situation auf dem Yahoo-Board. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit durch ein Ein-Stern-Rating eine Nachricht über Ereignisse bei den Beteiligungen von Internet Capital zu verstecken. Kommt eine positive News auf das Yahoo-Board, gehen sofort acht Versteckratings ein - offensichtlich beschäftigt ein shorter Hedge-Fund rund um die Uhr zwei oder drei Kräfte, die begleitend zum Shortselling das Yahoo-Board zu manipulieren versuchen - die wichtigste Nachrichtenquelle für US-Privatanleger. Offensichtlich hat auch den Webmaster von Yahoo gekauft, der entgegen den Bestimmungen des Disclaimers von Yahoo unkommentierte Meldungen über wichtige Ereignisse bei den Partnergesellschaften löscht. Dass sie bei Yahoo aber verdammt Dreck am Stecken haben, erkennt Ihr beispielsweise daran, dass sich der Webmaster heute schon seit einigen Stunden nicht getraut die für ihn sicher nicht angenehmenen folgenden Nachrichten zu tilgen:
Criminal webmaster of Yahoo deleted information 17-Jan-08 09:55 am about the partner-companies of Internet Capital. For example about the last five news of 2008 of Metastorm.
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Re: Criminal webmaster of Yahoo deleted information 17-Jan-08 09:56 am Metastorm had announced an ipo for 2008. Internet Capital owns 32% of Metastorm.
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Re: Criminal webmaster of Yahoo deleted information 17-Jan-08 09:59 am With about 75 million revenues in 2007 and about 100 million in 2008 the ipo-market-cap of Metastorm will be about 500 million. The 32% of Metastrom will have worth of about 160 million. That is very important for a company like Internet Capital with a market-cap. of only 390 million (by more than 180 million cash).
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Re: Criminal webmaster of Yahoo deleted information 17-Jan-08 10:02 am Criminal deleted from the webmaster ágainst the the disclaimer of Yahoo was the first five news of Channelintelligence of 2008:
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Re: Criminal webmaster of Yahoo deleted information 17-Jan-08 10:03 am Internet Capital owns 41% of Channelintelligence. Channelintelligence can get ver important for Internet Capital, when you look at the 3.1 billion for Doublecklick from Google and the 6 billion for Aquantive from Mircosoft.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Da ja mit der intern.Kreditkrise noch einiges nachkommt, wird dadurch sich das auch beim Kurs von ICGE auswirken - müssen, heißt natürlich nicht, dass es ein schlechtes Investment ist.
Zusätzlich kommen noch Währungsgewinne dazu, soadss man gaaanz in Ruhe peilen kann;
Ergo- es wird billiger, später natürlich das Gegenteil.
Die 6€ sehen wir meiner Meinung nach noch, dass wären 0,30€ vor Split.
Also einfach cool bleiben.
The fair value of Internet Capital = 1,265 million, the market-cap of yesterday is only 365 million. In the result: You can tripple your money in the next 12-18 month.
Vom Warten auf angeblich noch bessere Gelegenheiten ist noch niemand reich gewarten. Dass wissen wir insbesondere seit Frühjahr 2003 als der DAX bei 2.300 stand. Da warten immer noch einige der Euch von diesem Board bekannten Figuren, dass der DAX unter 2.000 geht. Bei Internet Capital und den $3,40 auf dem Tiefpunkt war das bekantlich ähnlich.
Ist doch alles nur hochgerechnet und somit nur eine Beteiligung und kein cash !
ICGE müßte jährliche Einnahmen haben, dann würde sich der Kurs bewegen.
Bei ICGE heißt es doch nur auf einen IPO zu warten !
Ich würde jetzt auf keinen Fall schon kaufen !
Richtig ist, dass man bei Internet Capital auf Ipo's und/oder andere Formen der Montetarisierung warten muss, aber nicht nur auf eine, sondern auf viele. Das Problem ist sicher, dass dies so lange gedauert hat und diese Jahre nur eine kleine Monetarisierung gelaufen ist - die von Marketron mit 37 Millionen. Von den acht Kernbeteiligungen sind zwei bis drei für 2008 angekündigt, wobei Metastorm schon feststeht. Die restlichen 1-2 kommen aus dem folgenden Kreis: ICGCommerce, Starcite und Creditex, wobei letztere eher ausscheiden, da man hier ein Abklingen der Turbulenzen auf dem Markt für Kreditderivate abwarten dürfte.
Unter den sonstigen Nicht-Kernbeteiligungen dürfte Emptoris mit großer Wahscheinlichkeit in 2008 ein Ipo machen. Leider hält Internet Capital da nur noch 5% (es waren da in der Vergangenheit einmal über 60%), aber der Ipo dürfte eine Milliarde Marktkapitalisierung erreichen, sodass auch bei 5% etwas hängen bleibt.
Wer sich näher informieren will, sollte auf jeden Fall die folgenden zwölf Internet-Adressen abarbeiten. Arbeit, um sich einen Überblick zu machen, macht Internet Capital schon. Wer das nicht will, sollte seine Finger davon lassen, denn man sollte nur in das investieren, was man versteht. Allerdings entgeht den Bequemen und Ahnungslosen eine große Chance.
65% of ICGCommerce
32% of Metastorm
33% of Freeborders
26% of Starcite
15% of Creditex
41% of Channelintelligence
9% of Anthem Venture Fund
35% of Whitefence
46% of Vcommerce
5% of Emptoris
2.2 million shares of Blackboard
70 million shares of GoIndustry
Additional has Internet Capital about 80 million cash and is free of debt. But the market-cap is only 365 million, fair value is more than tripple.
Internet Capital hält 33% an Freeborders.
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