Thompson Creek Metals (Blue Pearl Mng)

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1805 Postings, 5967 Tage kleber1Rezession

06.11.08 15:29
IWF erwartet eine Weltweite Rezession. Dann noch die Zahlen diese Woche, das dürfte es dann entgültig gewesen sein hier für die nächsten 12-18 Monate. Werden wohl doch noch stark unter 4 Euro fallen. Wenn es wirklich so Schlimm kommt, dann dürften wohl entgültig alle draußen sein die hier long waren und von 2 stelligen Kursen zum Jahresende ausgingen. Diese lange Durststrecke kann keiner aussitzen. Ich persönlich denke nicht das die wahrscheinliche Rezession auch nur annähernd schon eingepreist ist hier. Es wird dann meiner Meinung nach sehr sehr lange dauern bis die Rohstoffe nach der Rezession wieder anfangen zu steigen, zumal auch hier die Tiefs noch nicht gesehen wurden.  

137 Postings, 6573 Tage huberto@klebra

06.11.08 16:15
was willst du uns predigen ?
oder versuchst du uns zu überzeugen ?
soll es vielleicht Gehirnwäsche sein?

ich will darüber nicht Nachdenken und deshalb verbanne ich dich aus meiner Anzeige,  und tschüss.

wenn du meinst das es nur bergab gehen kann, dann such dir was anderes.  

2983 Postings, 6983 Tage klaus3132hmm...

06.11.08 16:54
verdammt aber auch kleber,das is nen starkes stück!!!
beim klabautermann....dat haut mich nun aber um,is mir so noch gar nicht aufgefallen....alle achtung,danke kleber für die info *fg*
und kleber,was ich aussitzen kann oder nicht,solltest du mir überlassen,ich habe noch aktien im depot,die liegen da länger wie du alt bist ;-)
allerdings muss selbst ich als daueroptimist einsehen das zweistellige kurse bis jahresende schwer vorstellbar sind,aber noch werfe ich die flinte nicht ins korn....oder über bord ;-)
na ja kleber,dann sehen wir uns ja erst in 12-18 monaten wieder,wünsch dir bis dahin alles hamburg sagt man tschüss...... ;-)

1805 Postings, 5967 Tage kleber1klaus3132

06.11.08 17:22
Hatte nur meine Meinung offengelegt. Bin jetzt auch wieder eingestiegen um schnelle 10-20% mitzunehmen. Aber sag mir eine Grund warum man hier jetzt beim fallenden Molypreis, etc. dauerhaft einsteigen sollte? Die Rohstoffe haben den Boden auch noch nicht erreicht. Und ich denke auch das sich hier nicht so schnell etwas ändern wird, geschweige denn an alte Höhen. Es ist die gleiche Übertreibung nach unten wie es vor Monaten nach oben war, wie auch hier.
Wir stehen jetzt da wo wir vor 2 Jahren waren....Und Tendenz jeden Tag noch weiter abwärts, obwohl viele das vor Wochen schon nicht möglich gehalten hatten. Vor Wochen wolltest du mich noch am Jahresende sprechen, heute sind wir schon bei 12-18 Monaten. Ist dein Daueroptimismus wohl doch etwas kleiner geworden?
Ich wollte dich nicht angehen, du hast angefangen.  

4473 Postings, 6484 Tage BerserkerIch wollte dich nicht angehen, du hast angefangen.

06.11.08 17:40
Von Ihnen kommen bereits 2 der letzten 10 (oder weniger) negativen Bewertungen für kleber1.

Hatte nur meine Meinung offengelegt.

392 Postings, 6469 Tage biwelhui hui

06.11.08 18:36
also hier kehrt richtig ruhe ein!also es geht ganz schön berg ab... wo liegt die nächste unterstützung und wie weit wird es noch runter gehen??  

8889 Postings, 6830 Tage petrussboah

06.11.08 18:38
ich glaubs nicht. Iss nee Mine abgesoffen?  

817 Postings, 6266 Tage sky7LONG investieren

06.11.08 18:49
es lohnt sich bestimmt.

nur wer es nicht hat ,hat ein problem  

105 Postings, 6591 Tage A2204Frage:

06.11.08 18:59
Auf welchem Link kann man aktuelle Molybdänpreise graphisch beobachten?
Für Hinweise wäre ich dankbar!  

2514 Postings, 6965 Tage Harleyman500gerne A2204!

06.11.08 20:07
Hier hätt ich mal nen Link für Dich. Guck mal, ob es das ist, was Du suchst.

Tja, da sind wir heute ja doch noch abgetaucht. Naja, hatte fast damit gerechnet.
Ist schon echt traurig, was die Gesamtmärkte mit unserer Perle machen.
Ganz ehrlich? Gehofft hatte ich, daß TCM noch einmal an die 4 Euro rankommt, vielleicht einmal
panisch noch druntertaucht, aber sich dann wieder fängt.
Das aber hätte glaube ich einen anderen nicht mehr ganz so fallenden Gesamtmarkt benötigt.

Naja, schauen wir mal, wie es weitergeht. Zumindest der DOW mach jetzt aktuell mal doch wieder einen
leichten Schlenker nach oben. Ob das nachhaltig ist, oder nur intraday eine technische Gegenreaktion, wird
sich zeigen.... Ich wünsche Euch noch einen schönen Abend.

76 Postings, 6668 Tage Stock24Quartalszahlen

07.11.08 00:11
Mit meinen Vorausberechnungen lag ich um 1 ct zu niedrig. Wenn ich mit meinen Vorausberechnungen eine Abweichung von nicht mehr als 10% habe, bin ich eigentlich auch schon zufrieden.

Nach einem ersten kurzen Durchlesen der News bin ich absolut begeistert. Insbesondere, dass sich die Vermutung, die geplante Jahresproduktion könnte noch übertroffen werden, zu bewahrheiten scheint, erfüllt mich mit tiefer Befriedigung.
Der einzige kleine Punkt, der nicht absolut positiv zu sehen ist, ist der Ausblick, dass der erzielte Molypreis im 4. Quartal niedriger sein wird, als in den vorhergegangenen Quartalen. Aber dies ist ja nicht mehr neu und war zu erwarten.

Inzwischen hat das Unternehmen in den ersten 3 Quartalen also bereits 1,75 US-$ je Aktie an Gewinn erzielt. Auch wenn das "Vergangenheitswerte" sind, bleibt ein Aktienkurs von 5,28 CAD bzw. 4,44 US-$ schlichtweg unverständlich.

Sehr gespannt bin ich, wie der Markt morgen auf diese phantastisch guten Zahlen reagiert. Der verqueren Logik des derzeitigen Aktienmarktes entsprechend, müsste es noch mal 15% nach unten gehen. Vielleicht geht aber dem einen oder anderen Anleger doch noch ein Licht auf, dass TCM nicht nächste Woche den Gang zum Konkursrichter antreten wird.

Sobald ich Zeit dazu finde, spätestens wohl am Wochenende, will ich mal die wichtigen Punkte aus der News in deutscher Sprache zusammenstellen.

Viele Grüsse

chartex (alias Stock24)

Hier die News:

CNW Group Portfolio E-Mail


Transmitted by CNW Group on : November 6, 2008 17:01
Thompson Creek announces third-quarter 2008 financial results

          §    <<
          §    NYSE: TC
          §    TSX: TCM, TCM.WT
          §    Frankfurt: A6R
          §    >>

          §    TORONTO, Nov. 6 /CNW/ -

          §    <<
          §    Overview (all in U.S. dollars):

          §    -   A significant rise in molybdenum sales in the third quarter resulted
          §        in record quarterly net income of $100.6 million or $0.80 per basic
          §        and $0.74 per diluted common share in the third quarter, up 66.6%
          §        from $60.4 million or $0.52 per basic and $0.45 per diluted common
          §        share in the second quarter of 2008.
          §    -   Third-quarter net income was approximately four times higher than the
          §        level of $24 million or $0.21 per basic and $0.18 per diluted common
          §        share recorded in the third quarter of 2007 when a lower-grade
          §        stockpile was being processed in the mill at the Thompson Creek Mine.
          §    -   For the nine months ended September 30, 2008, net income rose 61.7%
          §        to $207.8 million or $1.75 per basic and $1.56 per diluted common
          §        share from $128.5 million or $1.18 per basic and $1.03 per diluted
          §        common share in the same period of 2007.
          §    -   Mining operations continued to perform well in the third quarter with
          §        total molybdenum production rising 5.1% to 6.5 million pounds from
          §        6.2 million pounds in the second quarter of 2008.
          §    -   The Company's molybdenum inventory was reduced by approximately
          §        one million pounds as planned in the third quarter.
          §    -   Molybdenum production guidance for 2008 has been increased to between
          §        25 and 26 million pounds due to higher-than-expected production at
          §        the Endako Mine. Previous production guidance was 23 to 24.5 million
          §        pounds.
          §    -   Cash costs for the production of molybdenum oxide in 2008 are
          §        expected to be $7.30 per pound, comprising approximately $7 per pound
          §        at the Thompson Creek Mine (up from previous guidance of $6 to $6.50
          §        per pound) and $7.50 to $8 per pound at the Endako Mine (down from
          §        previous guidance of $9.50 to $10.25 per pound).
          §    -   Cash flow generated by operating activities was $110.3 million in the
          §        third quarter and $236.6 million in the first nine months of 2008.
          §    -   Cash balances were $151.7 million and total debt was $4.7 million on
          §        September 30, 2008. Cash balances as of November 5, 2008 were
          §        $244.1 million.
          §    -   For 2009, the Company expects molybdenum production to rise to an
          §        estimated 31.5 to 34 million pounds, consisting of Thompson Creek
          §        Mine production of between 24.5 and 26 million pounds and the
          §        Company's 75% share of Endako Mine production at between 7 and
          §        8 million pounds.
          §    -   Cash costs for the production of molybdenum oxide in 2009 are
          §        estimated at between $6 and $7 per pound in 2009, with cash costs at
          §        the Thompson Creek Mine between $5 and $6 per pound and at the Endako
          §        Mine between $8 and $9 per pound (assuming an exchange rate of US$1
          §        = C$1.20).
          §    -   Given current economic conditions, the Company has decided to
          §        postpone development of the Davidson Project until economic
          §        conditions improve.

          §    Note: A conference call and webcast for analysts and investors is
          §    scheduled for Friday, November 7, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern.
          §    >>

          §    Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc. ("the Company"), one of the world's
largest publicly traded, pure molybdenum producers, today announced financial
results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2008 prepared in
accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. All dollar
amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.
          §    "Thompson Creek recorded strong operating and financial performance in
the third quarter with molybdenum production up 5.1% from the second quarter
and the Company's revenues, cash flow and net income all at record quarterly
levels," said Kevin Loughrey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
          §    "However, as a result of the worldwide financial crisis and economic
downturn in recent weeks, there is significant uncertainty regarding the
near-term demand and price outlook for molybdenum. Given the decline in the
molybdenum price since September, the fourth-quarter average sales price for
molybdenum is expected to be considerably lower than the company's
third-quarter average realized sales price of US$32.85 per pound.
          §    "Thompson Creek is in the fortunate position of having a strong balance
sheet, with working capital of $355.6 million, including $151.7 million in
cash balances, and almost no debt as at September 30, 2008," Mr. Loughrey
          §    "In addition, due to higher predicted ore grades at the Thompson Creek
Mine, the Company is expecting to benefit from a substantial increase in total
molybdenum production in 2009 to a range of 31.5 to 34 million pounds with
average per-pound cash costs below those experienced in 2008.
          §    "Nevertheless, given the sudden change in economic climate, the Company
is in the process of reviewing and revising future capital expenditures,
development projects and operating plans to ensure that adequate working
capital levels are maintained," Mr. Loughrey added.

          §    Third-Quarter Financial Results

          §    The Company's revenues were $331.1 million in the third quarter of 2008,
compared with $243.9 million in the second quarter of 2008 and $200.9 million
in the third quarter of 2007. The gain in revenues from the second quarter of
2008 was due to higher sales volumes that in part resulted from the sale of
approximately one million pounds of inventory that had been built up in the
second quarter in connection with scheduled maintenance shutdowns of the
Langeloth and Endako roasters.
          §    The year-over-year rise in revenues reflects generally higher production
volumes and sales from the company's mines in 2008 compared with 2007 when a
lower-grade stockpile was temporarily used in milling operations at the
Thompson Creek Mine. Total sales of molybdenum amounted to 9.9 million pounds
during the third quarter, up from 6.1 million pounds a year earlier. Of this,
molybdenum sold from the Company's mines in the third quarter of 2008 was 6.9
million pounds, up from 3.4 million pound sold in the same period in 2007, and
sales of third-party molybdenum purchased, processed and resold was 3 million
pounds in the third quarter, up from 2.7 million a year earlier. The average
realized sale price for molybdenum products in the third quarter of 2008 was
$32.85 per pound, which was 2% higher than $32.06 per pound a year earlier.
          §    After the deduction of operating, selling, marketing, depreciation,
depletion and accretion costs, the Company generated income from mining and
processing operations totaling $159 million in the third quarter, compared
with $105.4 million in the second quarter of 2008 and $60.9 million in the
third quarter of 2007.
          §    Net income in the third quarter of 2008 was $100.6 million or $0.80 per
basic and $0.74 per diluted common share, compared with $60.4 million or $0.52
per basic and $0.45 per diluted common share in the second quarter of 2008 and
$24.0 million or $0.21 per basic and $0.18 per diluted share in the third
quarter of 2007.
          §    The per-share figures are based on a weighted-average number of shares
outstanding of 125,045,000 (basic) and 136,754,000 (diluted) in the third
quarter of 2008, compared with 116,902,000 (basic) and 133,867,000 (diluted)
in the second quarter of 2008, and 112,875,000 (basic) and 129,743,000
(diluted) in the third quarter of 2007. At November 6, 2008, there were
122,653,000 common shares, 24,505,000 warrants and 8,343,000 employee options
          §    Cash flow from operating activities was $110.3 million in the third
quarter of 2008, compared with $62.9 million in the second quarter of 2008 and
$31.4 million in the third quarter of 2007.
          §    Cash balances were $151.7 million at September 30, 2008, compared with
$79.3 million at June 30, 2008 and $113.7 million at December 31, 2007. Cash
balances as of November 5, 2008 were $244.1 million.
          §    The Company's total debt on September 30, 2008 was $4.7 million in
equipment loans.
          §    The Company's mines produced 6.5 million pounds of molybdenum in the
third quarter of 2008, compared with 6.2 million pounds of molybdenum in the
second quarter of 2008 and 3.0 million pounds in the third quarter of 2007.
The Thompson Creek Mine produced 4.3 million pounds in the third quarter, up
from 4.0 million pounds in the second quarter and 1.1 million pounds in the
third quarter of 2007. The Company's 75% share of the Endako Mine's production
was 2.2 million pounds in the third quarter, compared with 2.2 million pounds
in the second quarter and 1.9 million pounds in the third quarter of 2007.
          §    The production amounts reflect molybdenum produced at the Thompson Creek
and Endako mines but do not include molybdenum purchased from third parties,
roasted and sold by the Company.
          §    The weighted-average direct production costs for molybdenum pounds
produced from the Company's mines during the period were $6.63 per pound
produced in the third quarter of 2008, compared with $7.56 per pound produced
in the second quarter of 2008 and $11.63 per pound produced in the third
quarter of 2007. At the Thompson Creek Mine, the direct production costs per
pound produced were $6.29 per pound in the third quarter, compared with $7.02
per pound in the second quarter and $15.57 per pound in the third quarter of
2007. The Endako Mine's direct production costs per pound produced were $7.32
per pound in the third quarter, compared with $8.53 per pound in the second
quarter and $9.27 per pound in the third quarter of 2007.
          §    The weighted-average cash operating expenses for molybdenum sold from the
Company's mines during the period were $7.25 per pound sold in the third
quarter of 2008, compared with $7.49 per pound sold in the second quarter of
2008 and $9.16 per pound sold in the third quarter of 2007. At the Thompson
Creek Mine, the average cash operating expenses related to sales were $6.65
per pound sold in the third quarter, compared with $7.83 per pound sold in the
second quarter and $8.52 per pound sold in the third quarter of 2007. The
Endako Mine's average cash operating expenses related to sales were $8.44 per
pound sold in the third quarter, compared with $6.99 per pound sold in the
second quarter and $9.63 per pound sold in the second quarter of 2007.
          §    Subsequent to the end of the third quarter and through to the current
date, the Company, under a normal course issuer bid, purchased 2.4 million of
its common shares for cancellation at an average price of C$8.21 per share.
Approximately 9.9 million shares remain available for purchase under this
share-purchase program.

          §    Nine-Month Financial Results

          §    The Company's revenues were $829.8 million in the first nine months of
2008, up 16% from $716.6 million a year earlier. The sales gain mainly
reflected a 16% rise in realized molybdenum sales prices which averaged $32.75
in the 2008 nine-month period versus $28.20 a year earlier. The total volume
of sales was 24.9 million pounds, up from 24.8 million pounds in the
nine-month period in 2007. This consisted of sales of molybdenum from the
company's own mines in the 2008 nine-month period of 15.8 million pounds, down
from 16.3 million pounds a year earlier, while sales of third-party molybdenum
purchased, processed and resold amounted to 9.1 million pounds, up from 8.4
million pounds a year earlier.
          §    After the deduction of operating, selling, marketing, depreciation,
depletion and accretion costs, the Company generated income from mining and
processing operations totaling $341.7 million in the first nine months of
2008, compared with $253.1 million a year earlier.
          §    Net income in the 2008 nine-month period was $207.8 million or $1.75 per
basic and $1.56 per diluted common share, compared with $128.5 million or
$1.18 per basic and $1.03 per diluted share in the same period of 2007. The
per-share figures are based on a weighted-average number of shares outstanding
of 118,492,000 (basic) and 133,186,000 (diluted) in the first nine months of
2008 versus 109,151,000 (basic) and 124,565,000 (diluted) in the first nine
months of 2007.
          §    Net income and earnings from mining and processing operations in the
first nine months of 2007 were negatively affected by the inclusion in
operating expenses of a non-cash acquisition expense related to the inventory
portion of the purchase price adjustment associated with the Company's
purchase of Thompson Creek Metals Company USA in October 2006. This non-cash
expense amounted to $29.6 million in the first quarter of 2007.
          §    Cash flow from operating activities was $236.6 million in the first nine
months of 2008, compared with $136.8 million a year earlier.
          §    Capital expenditures totaled $75.4 million in the first nine months of
2008 which primarily represented new mobile equipment purchases at the
Thompson Creek and Endako mines together with the Endako mill expansion.
          §    The Company's mines produced 18.3 million pounds of molybdenum in the
first nine months of 2008, up from 12.9 million pounds a year earlier. The
Thompson Creek Mine produced 11.9 million pounds in the latest period, up from
7.3 million pounds a year earlier, while the Company's 75% share of Endako
Mine's production was 6.3 million pounds in the first nine months of 2008,
compared with 5.6 million pounds a year earlier.
          §    The weighted-average direct production costs for molybdenum pounds
produced from the Company's mines during the first nine months of 2008 were
$7.31 per pound produced, compared with $7.69 per pound produced in the
year-earlier period. At the Thompson Creek Mine, the direct production costs
per pound produced were $7.08 per pound in the 2008 period, compared with
$7.20 per pound a year earlier. The Endako Mine's direct production costs per
pound produced were $7.75 per pound in the first nine months of 2008, compared
with $8.34 per pound a year earlier.
          §    The weighted-average cash operating expenses for molybdenum sold from the
Company's mines during the first nine months of 2008 were $8.17 per pound
sold, compared with $7.80 per pound sold in the prior year period. At the
Thompson Creek Mine, the average cash operating expenses related to sales were
$8.13 per pound sold in the 2008 period, compared with $7.58 per pound sold a
year earlier. The Endako Mine's average cash operating expenses related to
sales were $8.24 per pound sold in the first nine months of 2008, compared
with $8.20 per pound sold a year earlier.


76 Postings, 6668 Tage Stock24Quartalszahlen Teil 2

07.11.08 00:15
Wegen Überlänge hier Teil 2. Die vollständige News kann angesehen werden unter:


          §    For 2008, the Company is upgrading the target for the previously
announced estimated molybdenum production from 23 to 24.5 million pounds to 25
to 26 million pounds. The Thompson Creek Mine remains on target for the
previously announced estimated molybdenum production of 16.5 to 17 million
pounds. The Company's 75% share of the Endako Mine molybdenum production for
2008 is being increased from the previously announced estimate of 6.5 to 7.5
million pounds to an estimated 8.5 to 9 million pounds as a result of higher
grades and recoveries than were originally expected.
          §    The Company experiences a cycle of up to two and a half months between
the time a pound of molybdenum is recorded as produced and when the same pound
is recorded as being sold. As a result, the molybdenum sales that the Company
will record in 2008 will reflect production achieved over a one year period
starting early in the fourth quarter of 2007 and ending early in the fourth
quarter of 2008. Thompson Creek sold 15.8 million pounds of molybdenum from
its own mines in the first nine months of 2008 and currently remains on target
to sell approximately 22 million pounds from its own mines for all of calendar
2008, as previously announced.
          §    For 2008, anticipated oxide direct production costs per pound produced
are expected to be $7.30 per pound. For each mine, costs have been revised
from the previous annual guidance, with the Thompson Creek Mine expected to be
approximately $7 per pound (compared to previous guidance of $6 to $6.50 per
pound) and the Endako Mine at $7.50 to $8 per pound (compared to previous
guidance of $9.50 to $10.25 per pound). This assumes a change in the US$/C$
exchange rate from 1.0 for the previous guidance for the Endako Mine to 1.2
for the fourth quarter of 2008. For the first nine months of 2008, the oxide
production costs per pound produced were $7.08 per pound at Thompson Creek
Mine and $7.75 per pound at the Endako Mine. Oxide production costs per pound
produced represent the direct cost to produce molybdenum oxide at each mine
(mining, milling, and roasting) and do not include adjustments for opening and
closing inventory amounts, amortization of deferred stripping costs and the
effects of purchase price adjustments, nor do they include additional costs
related to the production of downstream products produced by the Company such
as ferromolybdenum. For the Thompson Creek Mine, which only produces sulfide
on site, oxide production costs per pound produced include an allocation of
roasting costs incurred at the Langeloth facility to process Thompson Creek
Mine material from sulfide to oxide.
          §    For 2009, the Company expects molybdenum production volumes to be 31.5 to
34 million pounds, with the Thompson Creek Mine at approximately 24.5 to 26
million pounds and the 75% share of the Endako Mine at 7 to 8 million pounds.
The Company expects to sell 30 to 34 million pounds from its own mines, which
represents production achieved over a one year period from the early part of
the fourth quarter of 2008 through the early part of the fourth quarter of
2009. The Company has some discretion in building or depleting inventory
levels depending upon economic conditions and the related demand and sales
prices for molybdenum. For 2009, anticipated oxide direct production costs per
pound produced are estimated at $6 to $7 per pound, comprising $5 to $6 per
pound at the Thompson Creek Mine and $8 to $9 per pound at the Endako Mine
(assuming a US$/C$ exchange rate of 1.20). For the Endako Mine, a $0.01 change
in the Canadian foreign exchange rate results in a $0.10 change in the direct
production cost per pound produced.
          §    The Company and the other joint venture participant in the Endako Mine
approved the mill expansion project during the first quarter of 2008 and the
project has commenced with detailed engineering, the ordering of major mill
equipment and the earthwork and site preparation. Through September 30, 2008,
the Company's 75% share of the capital expenditures for the Endako expansion
project totaled $24 million. Additionally, the Company had commitments related
to the purchase of major mill equipment for its 75% share of the Endako mill
expansion of approximately $69.9 million as of September 30, 2008. The
Company's total share of expansion capital expenditures is expected to be
C$280 million over the period 2008 to 2010.
          §    During 2007, mineral reserves were recalculated at a long-term price of
$10 per pound for molybdenum sales, resulting in increases at both operating
mines. Development drilling and reserve analysis is continuing at the Thompson
Creek Mine to complete the second stage of its mineral reserve study which is
expected to further increase reserves when completed in 2009. The Company is
also conducting development and exploration drilling on the Endako Mine
          §    The environmental application for the Davidson Project has been submitted
to the regulatory authorities. However, given current economic conditions, the
Company has decided to postpone development of this project until economic
conditions improve.
          §    In August 2008, Thompson Creek signed an option with U.S. Energy Corp.
("USE") to acquire up to 75% of the Mount Emmons molybdenum property in the
U.S. state of Colorado. Under the agreement, Thompson Creek made a $500,000
payment to USE upon signing and, unless the agreement is terminated earlier,
the Corporation will pay $1 million annually to USE for six years beginning
January 1, 2009 and ending January 1, 2014. Thompson Creek can earn the right
to acquire a 15% interest in the property by spending a total of $15 million
on the property, including the direct payments to USE, by June 30, 2011.
Thompson Creek can earn a 50% interest in the property by spending a
cumulative total of $50 million on the property by July 31, 2018. Thompson
Creek has the right to terminate the agreement during the option period, with
any advance or shortfall payments made to that date being forfeited and
Thompson Creek remains obligated to maintain the property in good standing for
a period of three months thereafter. Should Thompson Creek obtain a 50%
interest in the property, it may elect to form a 50/50 joint venture with USE,
or may elect to increase its interest in the property to 75% by incurring an
additional $350 million in project expenditures, for a cumulative total of
$400 million in expenditures and payments. Thompson Creek management is
currently developing a long-term strategy for a complete evaluation of the
Mount Emmons property. As a result, Thompson Creek expects to spend the
required expenditures under this earn-in agreement of $2.5 million for the
remainder of 2008 and $5 million for 2009, which includes the direct payments
to USE.
          §    In January 2008, a payment of $100 million was made to the former
shareholders of Thompson Creek Metals Company USA to settle an acquisition
price adjustment recorded in 2007 related to the market price of molybdenum in
2007. The Corporation may be responsible for a further contingent payment in
early 2010 of $25 million if the average price of molybdenum, as reported by
Platts Metals Week, exceeds $15 per pound in 2009.
          §    Additional information on the Company's financial position is available
in Thompson Creek's Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and
Analysis for the period ended September 30, 2008, which will be filed with
SEDAR ( and posted on the Company's website

23601 Postings, 6511 Tage Chalifmann3Löschung

07.11.08 00:21

Zeitpunkt: 07.11.08 14:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Bashversuch



243 Postings, 7110 Tage dodenDa spricht

07.11.08 00:37
der Experte. TCM hat fast die Hälfte des Börsenwertes in Cash auf´m Konto und so gut wie keine Schulden. Die könnten jetzt einfach mal den Betrieb einstellen und die Krise der Lage wären wohl einige andere Firmen auch gerne.  

239 Postings, 6653 Tage schwuppphantastisch

07.11.08 00:59
nach dem ersten überfliegen, kann man nur all den Quatschaffen hier und andersWO die Zunge zeigen.

Gerade nach den letzten Diskussionen um den Molypreis:
For 2009, anticipated oxide direct production costs per pound produced are estimated at $6 to $7 per pound, comprising $5 to $6 per pound at the Thompson Creek Mine and $8 to $9 per pound at the Endako Mine.

Sicher bei 30$ das Pfund müssten wir bei 40 Can$ pro Aktie liegen. Nun wir sind nicht bei 30$ - aber die Kosten liegen so gut....

Ich gratuliere allen die den downtrend ausgewichen sind und nun die mehrmehrmehrfache Chance haben. Ich bin seit sept 2006 treu geblieben und sehe keinen Grund jetzt die Aktien zu "schmeissen"

Danke an Chartex für seine Geduld und die Crew für ihren Optimismus.


2983 Postings, 6983 Tage klaus3132*autsch*

07.11.08 01:01
der kurs heute is ja der hammer.....ich hoffe nur das die kanadier die bei den kursen verkauft haben morgen mal nen bissel das hirn benutzen nachdem sie die zahlen gesehen haben ;-)
ich glaube die hatten mit anderen zahlen gerechnet *gg*
mal sehen was TCM morgen auf dem CC erzählen.
okay,bin zu müde mir alles genau anzusehen,bis morgen ;-)

@doden:das glaube ich auch ;-)

@calif.....deine tolle aktie ist heute auch um 10% gefallen *ups*
aber mach dir nichts draus du nase,zurzeit fallen alle minen aktien,sind also alle in guter gesellschaft ;-)

@kleber:ich verstehe dich bist du schon wieder eingestiegen????les mal deine postings,wie kannst du an der börse nur geld verdienen????
wenn,dann würde ich heute in frankfurt bis 13 uhr kaufen und eve. um 20 uhr wieder verkaufen.....übers WE würde ich die aktien nicht behalten wollen.
aber wer langzeit investiert ist,kann sich das spielchen noch nen bissel anschauen und sich über diese preise freuen und in ein paar jahren sich über steuerfreie gewinne freuen.....was verstehst du nicht daran????

8338 Postings, 6630 Tage rekiwiOha, zur Feier des Tages

07.11.08 08:13
erlaube ich mir heute , den Damen und Herren des Luxus - Schiffes den Kaffee mit Plätzchen zu servieren. Chartex, als nächtlicher Überbringer und Interpret dieser guten Q-Zahlen hat den Vortritt, was sicher auf (fast) allgemeine  Zustimmung stossen wird.
L&S RT: da kann man ja zugucken, wie der grüne Balken nach rechts wandert. Seeeeehr schön  :-))))))))

Have a nice day
Angehängte Grafik:

6 Postings, 5963 Tage A_EInvests Molybdenum sales jumped to $325.9 million

07.11.08 08:47

UPDATE 1-Thompson Creek quadruples profit, delays project
Thu Nov 6, 2008 5:37pm EST

* Profit surges to 74 cents a share * Molybdenum sales rise to $325.9 million * Sees 2008 output of 25 million-26 million pounds (In U.S. dollars, unless noted)

TORONTO, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Thompson Creek Metals (TCM.TO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) said on Thursday its third-quarter profit more than quadrupled from the year before on stronger molybdenum sales.

However, the Toronto-based company said it would postpone development of its Davidson project in northern British Columbia until economic conditions improve.

Thompson Creek, the world's No. 5 producer of the steel-hardening agent, earned $100.6 million, or 74 cents a share, in the three-months ended Sept 30. That was up from $24 million, or 18 cents a share, a year earlier.

Molybdenum sales jumped to $325.9 million from $195.9 million as the company mined higher grades.

Realized molybdenum prices were $32.85 a pound during the quarter, but will be much lower in the fourth quarter, the company warned. Spot prices were at $21 on Thursday.

Thompson Creek, which produces from its Thompson Creek mine in Idaho and its Endako mine in British Columbia, also raised its production guidance for 2008.

It now sees output of between 25 million and 26 million pounds, up from its previous estimates of 23 million to 24.5 million pounds. In 2009, production is expected at 31.5 million to 34 million pounds.

Thompson Creek's shares, which are down more than 65 percent this year, fell 88 Canadian cents, or 14.3 percent, to C$5.28 on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Thursday, touching a two-year low.

($1=$1.20 Canadian) (Reporting by Cameron French; editing by Rob Wilson)


6 Postings, 5963 Tage A_EInvestsThompson Creek Metals (TCM) mit drastischem ....

07.11.08 08:50

Thompson Creek Metals (TCM) mit drastischem Kurseinbruch

Die wohl bekannteste Minenaktie in Deutschland gab heute erneut deutlich ab und schloss in Kanada mit -14.3% auf 5.29 CAD. Dies entspricht einem neuen 2-Jahrestief.

Viele Anleger hätten wohl nicht gedacht, dass wir so tiefe Kurse noch mal sehen würden. Der Grund des Einbruchs bei der TCM-Aktie liegt im fallenden Molybdänpreis. Dieser wurde von allen anderen fallenden Rohstoffpreisen in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und hat sich in nur 2 Wochen von 32 USD auf 17 USD nahezu halbiert.

Nach Börsenschluss gab das Unternehmen Quartalszahlen bekannt. Die Produktionskosten pro Pfund Molybdän liegen nach eigenen Angaben etwas unter 10 USD und sollen in 2009 aufgrund von Fixkostendegression weiter fallen. Bei einem Preis von aktuell nur noch 17 USD pro Pfund sieht man allerdings, wie schnell sich die Gewinnmarge für TCM reduzieren kann. Ein weiterer Verfall des Molybdänpreises ist unserer Ansicht nach in einer globalen Rezession nicht auszuschließen und würde den TCM-Aktienkurs weiterhin massiv belasten.

Der Ausblick für die nächsten Quartale ist mit einem niedrigen Molybdänpreis negativ. Obwohl das Unternehmen laut Pressemeldung 244 Millionen USD Cashreserven hat, wurden viele wichtige Investitionen aufgrund des desolaten Umfelds vorerst gestoppt.

Die Davidson-Expansion wird vom TCM-Management solange auf Hold gesetzt, bis sich die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen verbessern. Die Endako-Expansion für 280 Millionen USD könnte sich auch verlangsamen. Selbst ein KGV con ca. 7 oder 8 für das Gesamtjahr 2008 bedeutet bei TCM nicht viel, da sich die Wachstumsaussichten für TCM in 2009 massiv verschlechtern und die Aktie dann möglicherweise nicht mehr so günstig ist, wie es im Augenblick noch den Anschein hat.

Aus diesem Grunde erwarten wir bei TCM in den nächsten Monaten weiter massive Kursschwankungen und raten allen Anlegern zur Vorsicht. Wir sehen bei TCM aktuell zu hohe Risiken und wollen zunächst eine Bodenbildung und eine Beruhigung des Molybdänpreises abwarten. Wir setzen die TCM-Aktie aufgrund der turbulenten Lage auf unsere Watchlist.

Wir raten allen interessierten Anlegern, sich den morgigen TCM-Conference Call um 14.30 Uhr europäischer Zeit anzuhören, um die Meinung des Managements zur Lage des Unternehmens zu erfahren. Sie können sich unter den Telefonnummern +1 416-644-3420 oder 1-800-731-6941 einwählen und das Management um CEO Kevin Loughrey und Pamela Saxton zu TCM befragen.

Allerdings sollte Angaben des Managements immer kritisch betrachtet werden. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, dass auch die CEOs von Bear Stearns und Lehman Brothers ihre Unternehmen noch 1 Woche vor dem Bankrott schöngeredet haben!

Sehr spekulativ orientierte Anleger können bei TCM eine kleine Anfangsposition kaufen und hoffen, dass die Aktie bei 5 CAD ihren Boden findet. Bitte den Stop-Loss immer 20% unter dem Kaufkurs setzen!  

1275 Postings, 6880 Tage Ijajawow

07.11.08 09:24
Renditetrader ist voll am bashen!

Ich ärgere mich so sehr, dass ich zur Zeit einfach nicht investieren kann.  

1275 Postings, 6880 Tage IjajaP.S.

07.11.08 09:26
solche Aussagen sind doch einfach nur geil, oder was meint ihr?: "Der Ausblick für die nächsten Quartale ist mit einem niedrigen Molybdänpreis negativ."  

1127 Postings, 6356 Tage trachunne Ijaja

07.11.08 09:56
er ist nicht am bashen, sondern am warnen. Rohstoffe haben leider noch immer keinen eindeutigen Boden.

Platin z.B. Durchschnittliche Produktionskosten 1400$... Wo steht der Preis? knapp 800...

Kennt Jemand die Produktionskosten der Konkurrenz? oder kann mir Quellen zum nachlesen geben?

Ich werde TCM auf jedenfall aufstocken. Ob 4 oder 5€ spielt auf Sicht von 2-3 Jahren keine Rolle. Kurzfristig sind es aber 25% ;)


1275 Postings, 6880 Tage Ijaja@trachun

07.11.08 10:50
"er ist nicht am bashen, sondern am warnen. Rohstoffe haben leider noch immer keinen eindeutigen Boden."

das haben sie nie. Oder glaubst du im ernst an eine Situation, wo wir uns alle darüber einig sind, dass wir den Boden erreicht haben? Soetwas gibt es nicht. Der tiefste Punkt ist (immer) da, wenn keiner damit rechnet.

Und wo hast du die Platinsache her? Kann ich kaum glauben. Wie kann der Preis eines Rohstoffs unter seine durchschnittlichen Produktionskosten fallen? Wer sollte diesen dann (zwingend mit Verlust) verkaufen?  

23601 Postings, 6511 Tage Chalifmann3Löschung

07.11.08 11:40

Zeitpunkt: 07.11.08 14:01
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



105 Postings, 6591 Tage A2204@Harleyman500 - Auskunft

07.11.08 11:51
Das war genau das was ich suchte.
Vielen Dank
Gruß: A2204  

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