GLCC hebt ab +335%

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Eröffnet am:27.05.08 16:48von: karibikAnzahl Beiträge:3.002
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4951 Postings, 6212 Tage 0815ax@ ein...:

28.01.09 16:16
weil der Ami bei 0.000x USD steht & der Kurs in Dtl. bei 0.001 €uro - also höher (eine Nachkommastelle weniger) !

erst schauen, dann schreiben...

1751 Postings, 6247 Tage corthdachte

28.01.09 21:13
eigentlich, dass der Kurs in USA heute noch weiter runter geht..  

549 Postings, 6344 Tage Weggefährte@Corth...

28.01.09 21:30
...das Stück ist nun zum Tischtennisball verkommen: kommt Zeit, schmeißen die Paar Beteiligten das Stück gegenseitig in Hände hin und her, bis es nichts mehr wert ist. Nichts wert ist es inzwischen so oder so bereits jetzt schon geworden - nun geht es darum, an jedem hin-und-her noch ein Krümmel zu verdienen...

Der Winters hat es schon vorgemcht, indem er seine Monarc auf stolze 4 Milliarden Stück innerhalb weiniger Wochen "aufgestockt" hatte: das Stück ist daraufhin innerhalb adäquat dazu nochmal um 70% abgeschmelzt! Kein Wunder übrigens, seine  Firma ist auf dem gleichen Prinzip aufgebaut und hat keine nenneswerte Geschäfte, die Gewinn bringen, braucht auch keinen Cent Dividenden auszuzahlen; in D seit 2 Monaten nicht mehr handelbar.

Die blöde Kuh aus Goody läuft in dieser Beziehung "dem großen Meister" nach, versteht wohl kaum mehr, was mit dem Wert der Anteile demnächst geschieht, kann sich offenbar nicht aus seinem Einfluß befreien. Übersieht dabei, dass er bereits schon mehrere Firmen mit dieser Trickmasche gegen die Wand gefahren hatte, einschließlich die Monarc. Nun ist die GLCC an der Reihe!..  

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik29.01.2009:

29.01.09 16:54
Good Life China (GLCC) Extends Financial Services to Rural China
Haorizi Stores To Offer Banking And Microfinance Services

BEIJING, Jan. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) has entered into strategic partnership with both the Cangzhou Ciji Microfinance Company and Shijiazhuang Rural Credit Cooperative.

Good Life is taking a major step forward in expanding the portfolio of services offered to both consumers and suppliers and significantly enhancing the power and capabilities of its online trading and distribution platform for retail and supplier members.

The Cangzhou micro-finance pilot project addresses the need for increased working capital experienced by many supply side trading members who see significant jumps in sales volume subsequent to joining the Good Life online trading and distribution platform.

Similarly, the Shijiazhuang pilot project is designed as an outreach program to begin serving the banking needs of farmers in local trading areas surrounding Haorizi stores. It will extend the benefits of a rural credit cooperative to the under-serviced and often unbanked local populations using Haorizi stores as end-point centers in the Credit Cooperative's network.

Good Life CEO Dongmei Jia explains; 'This is another major step forward in bringing modern retail services into underserved rural areas. There is a strong latent demand for these financial services, and our Internet enabled platform serves as an effective and efficient network to allow strategic partners to piggyback on our existing information and e-commerce infrastructure in a manner simply not cost-effective until now. We are looking for significant new revenue streams to be generated from these initiatives through the coming months of 2009'.  

229 Postings, 5935 Tage dody2news

02.02.09 17:29
BEIJING, Feb. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corporation (News) (GLCC) is pleased to announce that the Shuanghui Group has become a supply side member of Good Life's online trading platform, and will be using Good Life's warehousing and shipping services to cover the Shijiazhuang region.

The Shuanghui Group (Shuanghui) is a large meat processing company with annual sales of over 20 billion RMB (approximately $3 billion USD), and modern meat processing facilities serving more than 200 sales branches in 31 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions all over China.

Earlier this month, Good Life finalized a contract with the Shijiazhuang Sales Branch of Shuanghui to provide delivery services for over 500 stores in Shijiazhuang.

The Company anticipates it will deliver more than 20 million RMB of product for Shuanghui generating revenues of 1 million RMB ($150,000 USD) in fees.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings (, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.


549 Postings, 6344 Tage WeggefährteIm Gegensatz zu meiner Befürchtung...

03.02.09 00:06
...dass es sich um weitere 2-3 Wochen handelt, bis der Kurs in den USA auf minimales Niveau von $0,0001 absinkt,
handelt es sich wahrscheinlich nur noch um 2-3 Börsentage bis es der Fall sein wird!

Wir wurden hier nach allen "klassischen Regeln" der Kunst abgezockt! Mit Begleitmusik "Spiel mir das Lied des Todes" in Form von täglichen "Super-Pseudo-News"! Die zwei Betrüger im Hintergrund (oder, besser gesagt - im Untergrund) - Milo und Garr - haben alles gut und professionell organisiert und für alles gesorgt - sowohl für die große Menge der frischgedruckten Aktien, als auch für deren zügigen Verkauf!

Demnächst folgt sicherlich ein R/S mindestens um Faktor 100, danach werden weitere Milliarden auf den Markt geworfen und erneut dilutiert, bis die Taschen der Betrüger voll gestopfft werden und die Gannoven verabschieden sich dann auf nimmer widersehen!  

5353 Postings, 5751 Tage Coleadas waren heute wieder 40% minus

03.02.09 00:53
Nasdaq Other OTC  0,0005 0,0003  02.02.09 21:53 0,0005 0,0003 - /  0 - /  0 -0,00 -40,00
Was bezwecken eigentlich User, immer diesen amerikanischen Quatsch hier zu posten. Kapieren die nicht, dass diese PRNiews nur dazu dienen, die Aktionäre zu verarschen. Entweder sie sind selbst böse Teile dieses Systems oder es fehlt ihnen wirklich an geistiger Substanz, dieses Spiel zu durchschauen.
Gleiches Prozedere läuft natürlich auch bei Monarc ab.
Ich möchte in den Threads fundierte Infos oder gar keine. Wenn sich das hier nicht ändern sollte, muß man den Thread mal als "Dummpush" zum Löschen melden.  

549 Postings, 6344 Tage WeggefährteDie brechen sich selbst...

03.02.09 03:31
..den Genick!... bzw. ruinieren sich schneller, als es ihnen lieb wäre! Die Banditen um den Garr haben den Strick bereits fest im Griff und bereits angezogen! Daran sind tausende Firmen schon pleite gegangen, indem sie durch nicht organischen Wachstum und zu schnell sich andere angerafft bzw. auf Pump übernommen hatten! Aus dieser Falle gibt´s keinen anderen  Ausweg, als insolvenz!

Keiner der WO-User hat bisher jedoch dieses Thema angesprochen, da diese Gefahr nicht nur theoretisch bestehet, sondern bereits als schlimmste Szenario als Super-GAU eingetretten!

Die Lügner vom einen deutschen BB hatten vor kurzem ihre Finger ja auch im Spiel, indem sie die Kurse um $0,04 zum Ende- 08/Anfang-09 vorausgesagt hatten! Genauso übrigens, wie bei Mona. Beide Aktien sind seitdem um mehr als 98% abgestürzt, und dies geschah absolut im Gleichschritt bzw. synchron! Die PR-(Pseudo)-News-Serien kommen sicherlich auch nicht von ungefähr insbesondere an den Tagen, an denen deutlich mehr Shares als Durchschnitt auf den Markt geworfen wird. Da besteht offensichtlich der Zusammenhang: es scheint an der "Nachrichtenfront" ja auch alles durchdacht und organisisert zu sein!  

549 Postings, 6344 Tage WeggefährteHallo Freunde....

03.02.09 22:12
...habe ich was verpasst? Es wurden doch Dividenden für 2008 angekündigt, ich habe jedoch bis jetzt noch keine auf meinem WP-Konto gesehen! Hat jemand andere Erfahrungen - viellleicht war es nur in meinem Falle ein Abrechnungsfehler, und alle anderen haben doch etwas bekommen? Bitte um Antwort!  

549 Postings, 6344 Tage WeggefährteDie Stimmung ist merklich gekippt,..

05.02.09 05:56
...was das Vertrauen an Goody anbetrifft. Im Nebenthread sind die meisten User begriffen, dass die Entwicklung in Richtung "Enteignung" und Totalverlust geht! Was Mona angeht, sind die Weichen ebenfalls zur gleichen Endstation bereits gestellt, da ist man schon ein Stück weiter...

Also, die zwei dafür verantwortlichen Gängster haben ihr Werk zügig, sicher und erfolgreich vollbracht! Es verbleibt nicht mehr viel Hoffnung, dass sich etwas zum positiven ändert. Die verzweifelten Versuche eines enttäuschten Users, per e-mail an die Geschäftsleitung die Klarheit zu schaffen, scheiterten an einem einfachen Trick: es ist keine der angegebenen e-mail-Adressen gültig, es meldet sich auch keiner mit einer Antwort: Zurück kommt nichts außer erbitterter Erkenntnis, das alles nun mal doch ein Betrug war!  

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik06.02.2209:

06.02.09 20:28
Mon Arc (MONA) Various Corporate Update And Multiple Dividend Distributions (LDSR), (GLCC) and (RMDM)
MONTREAL, Feb. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - - The Company (MONA) has been receiving a very high volume of investor enquiries regarding the status of dividends that have been previously announced. Investors should note that all of the dividends previously announced are still forthcoming, but there have been unforeseen delays in processing and executing the distribution of these dividends, which are beyond the control of the company.

Many of the delays that have been encountered relate to the complexity of calculating the quantity of shares or cash amounts to be distributed and determining the accuracy of the distribution to shareholders entitled to receive them. The company's transfer agency has been working diligently with the various regulatory bodies to ensure that these distributions are handled in a manner that can reliably verify the accuracy of the distribution process. The fact that a number of these dividends require the identification of shareholders at a previous point in time, and verification that qualifying shareholders have held shares continuously between the Date of Record and the ex-dividend date as announced, have led to some unanticipated difficulties. Until these are resolved to the satisfaction of all regulatory parties, the dividends cannot be distributed. Moreover the company is still to receive some of these as payment in order to make a distribution.

   The dividends in question include the following:

   1.  A cash dividend declared on October 7, 2008, of $0.20 per share is to
       be paid to shareholders who have held their shares continuously since
       September 30th, 2005. A certain provision excludes payment to
       management, insiders, and founders of MonArc Group, adding to the
       complexity of the calculations. This cash dividend was allocated and
       designated to shareholders who invested in the company in 2005 when
       the company's operations were crippled by the 4 consecutive
       hurricanes which effected the company's operations while it was
       located in Florida.
   2.  Each qualified share of MONA will receive 0.123 shares of Emerald
       stock in respect of the spin-off of Sino Medica into the Emerald
       Capital Group (3EM Frankfurt Exchange). The dividend is to be paid to
       shareholders of record as of February 1, 2008. It is MonArc
       managements understanding that this company is in the process of
       being moved to Pink Sheets from Frankfurt.
   3.  A stock dividend of 0.0026 shares of Landstar Corporation (LDSR) for
       each share of MonArc Corporation will be distributed to shareholders
       of record as of February 1, 2008 in respect of the MonArc Group
       interest of a spin-off of Hubei Chuguan Industry Co. Ltd. to Landstar
       in December, 2008.
   4.  A stock dividend of shares of RMD Entertainment, Inc. (RMDM) shares
       will be distributed in respect of the spin-off of Beijing Innotrek
       Technology Co. Ltd. into RMD Entertainment in October, 2008. A total
       of 2.4 shares of RMD Entertainment (RMDM) will be distributed for
       each share of MonArc Corporation held on the date of record of
       October 16, 2008. The total number of shares anticipated to be
       distributed is approximately 1,000,000,000. MonArc has not received
       these shares yet as this company is in the process of obtaining a new
       CUSIP number and a new trading symbol including a stock reverse. MONA
       agents are currently in China discussing various options available to
       both companies. One option under consideration may involve a post
       reverse stock distribution and another where MONA would in a capacity
       as a shareholder only acquire and keep acquiring RMDM shares on the
       open market. The company sees this as a win win for all concerned and
       its recommendations are under review by the RMDM management and its
       legal advisors.

The Company is working to ensure that problems with the previous stock dividend of shares of Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) are not repeated. The management sub come to the shareholders pressure to issue these dividends, did so prematurely with the restrictive legend attached 'restricted shares'. In the case of the GLCC stock dividend, many shareholders had their shares directed to their brokerage houses, who in turn as we are advised, recorded the shares under the fictitious ticker symbol 'GOLIF' in order to identify them as restricted shares. The Company has been advised by many of its shareholders that there have been difficulties with this distribution, as the brokerage houses in question are requiring a legal opinion from each shareholder attesting to the fact that the shares can have their restrictive legends removed be provided by each individual shareholder. The company has also learned that Good Life China management franticly tried to recall the dividend as it learned that some of the recipients received their stock as free trading from their brokers, which eroded much of their values on relatively small trades. The management does not intend to make the same mistake again.

To address this issue, the Company will be holding the upcoming share dividends in escrow, until they are satisfactorily aged, and allowed to be distributed as free trading shares under the SEC rules and regulations, with the legal opinion letter attached when distributed to the brokers.

The Company is optimistic that the complications encountered in providing sufficient verification regarding the accuracy of these distributions is close to being resolved, and will be providing updates on developments on a timely basis. The company verily believes that this dividend calculation difficulty is further compounded by the extreme shorting which affected the company's security over the years. Briefly with a name change and a CUSIP change the company was able to shake the short sellers off. Moreover, as evidenced by the ongoing litigation in Toronto Canada where amongst other things the company's previous agents are seeking an injunction against the stock bashers and a blog type web site Investors Hub that caters and harbours these individuals, which encourages factual company information to be removed or deleted while slanderous and erroneous self serving comments designed and crafted by short sellers with the sole intent to exploit the novice shareholders.

Aforementioned dividends # 2 and # 3 namely Sino Medica and Land Star were earned as a consulting fee by the company's Secretary Garr Winters for the benefit of MonArc Group while the company was engaged in the business of a USA based SPC company for the Chinese markets. It should be noted that investors qualifying for these various dividends can expect to receive dividends that will have a material value in relation to MonArc's current share price.

According to the company records, and notwithstanding various financing and recapitalizations the company undertook to acquire these assets and or interests in these assets, which are now being distributed to its shareholders in their entirety, the current actual share structure and float is exorbitant, extensive, and extravagantly, in favour of the company shareholders in comparison to what the market price currently reflects. The company is hopeful that these dividends once calculated and paid out will not only expose the activities of this blog web site and its dark propaganda machine which prays on the novice, and inexperienced shareholders, but will also rain in the short sellers and their activities which went on undetected for a prolonged period of time.

The company wishes to use this opportunity to advise its shareholders that in these currently depressed economic times, MONA remains a viable healthy company with good resources both financially and in human resources with its ITI Bio Tech company flourishing.

Investors seeking more information can contact The Investors Line, Tel (860) 819-3746

Safe Harbour statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.

CONTACT: For corporate matters contact:

SOURCE MonArc Corporation (MONA)

Source: PR Newswire (February 6, 2009 - 12:28 PM EST)

News by QuoteMedia  

549 Postings, 6344 Tage WeggefährteWenn ich das richtig verstanden habe...

07.02.09 09:46
...ersetzt man uns die Dividenden-Barauszahlung durch eine weitere wertlose Beteiligung, die noch nicht mal an der Börse handelbar ist? Ist es richtig so?  

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik12.02.2009:

12.02.09 23:02
Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) 2008 Preliminary Financial Performance $580 million Gross Retail Sales
BEIJING, Feb. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Good Life China Corporation today after the market closed is providing this summary of its initial preliminary 2008 year statements to keep investors abreast of continuing developments within the company.

Subsequent to the recent Chinese New Year, the Company has been working on its financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2008. With the change this past year in the company's business model, there have been a number of major adjustments to the accounting principles of the Company. The total amount of gross retail sales at the store level reached approximately $580 million dollars this past year 2008. This represents the value of all retail sales of goods and services purchased by end-consumers at retail.

The Company no longer purchases the goods and services sold from suppliers and distributors for resale on a wholesale basis, but instead generates commissions from both retail and wholesale members based on the value of goods delivered using its online trading platform, its warehousing services and membership fees levied to access its online trading platform and related information services.

The Company will issue its full financial results within the next 30 - 45 days, in accordance with Pink Sheet requirements.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.

Additionally, it is understood that upon completion of the spin-off of the current operating company, there will be no liabilities or litigation to consider, except as provided and documented by Trudy Corp. The Company is currently designated current in its filings with the SEC, the Delaware Secretary of State, and any expenses due to its Transfer Agent.


SOURCE Good Life China Corporation

Source: PR Newswire (February 12, 2009 - 4:30 PM EST)

News by QuoteMedia  

229 Postings, 5935 Tage dody21888

13.02.09 11:23
"Toll" und dafür wurde gestern zum schluss wieder richtig verkauft. kann mir mal einer erklären wer die aktien alle kauft? aber nicht die nummer garr und milo, denn das wäre doch zu offensichtlich oder sind die so abgewixt?  

1751 Postings, 6247 Tage corthWarum 100 % plus in USA

13.02.09 18:51
ich heut was verpasst oder warum ging die Aktie intraday teilweise auf 100 % ins Plus?!  

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik14.02.2009:

14.02.09 06:53
Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) and Taiwan Sundapost Company Negotiate Cooperation Agreement

BEIJING, China, Feb 13, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) announced today, after the market closed, that Song Zhiwen, chairman of the board of Taiwan Sundapost Corporation and Wei Junwen, General Manager Assistant of Taiwan Chengyu Management Consulting Corporation visited Haorizi Beijing headquarter to negotiate a cooperation agreement, the Chinese equivalent to a 'joint venture'.
Established in 1995, Taiwan Sundapost Company (Sundapost) is a privately owned package delivery company. It is controlled by Taiwan Chengyu Management Consulting Corporation, which offers financial services including a venture capital fund in Taiwan and other countries.

While discussions focused primarily on the delivery of Taiwanese agricultural products to the Chinese main land employing the Good Life's E-commerce enabled distribution platform, Song Zhiwen was reportedly impressed with the E-commerce and logistics experience and capabilities of Good Life, and the ability of the Haorizi network to rapidly expand its sales using the proprietary service.

Good Life's logistic distribution center cannot only provide professional logistics service for the vendors but also save distribution costs.

It is also hoped that there may be further opportunities to work with Chengyu Management Consulting Corporation from a venture funding perspective. Management will be following up on this opportunity in the coming weeks.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings (, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.


SOURCE Good Life China Corporation
Copyright (C) 2009 PR Newswire. All rights reserved


6019 Postings, 6501 Tage einstein16Guten morgen

14.02.09 08:44
tja und was heist das auf Dt??????????  

229 Postings, 5935 Tage dody2hier gehts aber los..

17.02.09 15:16

13:28:03    0,001   150.000   150.000

soo viel Geld  

1751 Postings, 6247 Tage corthHeute

19.02.09 09:39
wurde ja noch mehr umgesetzt :D

Sagenhafte 15 € hat einer investiert ;)  

526 Postings, 6073 Tage Donpedromucwar wahrscheinlich der MM

19.02.09 18:08
zahlt je keine Gebühren :-)

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik21.02.2009

21.02.09 21:43
Good Life China (GLCC) Closes Acquisition of Shenzhen Bread Co.

--Western Style Bread Growing in Popularity

BEIJING, Feb 20, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) is pleased to announce that it has closed the merger agreement with Shenzhen Bread Co. Under the retail banner of Miluga Bread, Shenzhen Bread currently operates 60 retail bakeries and also sells bread on a wholesale basis to various grocery chains and retail stores.
The Baked Goods industry is growing at an impressive pace, as Chinese culture begins to embrace baked goods from the Western world in addition to its traditional pastries. Recent research reports "growth can be seen particularly in urban areas where, due to the increasing pace of life, many people do not have the luxury of spending an hour at breakfast. This has given rise to the demand for nutritious and convenient food. Although bread competes with traditional Chinese breakfasts such as steamed buns, sales of western style bread are also on the increase thanks to the speed with which it can be prepared and eaten".

In addition, Miluga has had tremendous success with its line of Moon Cakes, selling 30 million of them in 2008. Mooncakes are a Chinese pastry. A thick filling usually made from lotus seed paste is surrounded by a relatively thin crust. Mooncakes are rich, heavy, and dense compared with most Western cakes and pastries. They are usually eaten in small wedges accompanied by Chinese tea.

With gross revenues in the 10 million Yuan range, and a 20% net profit ratio, the Company is in an excellent position to continue to grow through cooperation agreements and by expanding its geographic footprint to build regional bakeries servicing a growing franchise chain network around the Pearl River Delta (including the principal cities of Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhuhai, and Guangzhou in Guangdong Province).

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.


SOURCE Good Life China Corporation
Copyright (C) 2009 PR Newswire. All rights reserved  

1751 Postings, 6247 Tage corthLOL

28.02.09 11:58
Gestern hat einer in den USA wohl eine Null beim Kaufen vergessen und die Aktien zu 0,03 anstatt 0,003 gekauft :)  

1861 Postings, 9046 Tage karibik05.03.2009:

06.03.09 05:35
Good Life China (GLCC) Bakery Division Lands Contract with Wal-Mart in Shenzhen

--Shenzhen Bread Co. Lands signs cooperation agreement with well known retailer

BEIJING, March 5, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) today after the market closed announced that its Shenzhen Bread Co. (Miluga) subsidiary has signed a cooperation agreement with Wal-Mart in Shenzhen for the purchase of a wide variety of bakery products. The products include traditional baked products as well as an agreement for Miluga's very popular moon cakes.
Wal-mart Stores is one of the biggest and most exclusive chain stores in Hubei Province, having more than 11 branch stores around Shenzhen alone. Importantly, it is a testament to Miluga's production capabilities and quality control that it is able to meet the strict standards of Wal-Mart. Key factors that gave Miluga the competitive edge include superior product quality, excellent service and on-time delivery.

Gross revenues by Wal-Mart from the sales of Miluga's mooncakes alone are projected to reach more than two million RMB annually.

The Company anticipates making additional announcements re: major sales contracts in the coming weeks.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.

Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.


SOURCE Good Life China Corporation  

5353 Postings, 5751 Tage ColeaLöschung

06.03.09 09:24

Zeitpunkt: 06.03.09 11:04
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



5353 Postings, 5751 Tage Coleaist es Off-Topic

06.03.09 11:27
wenn man hier schreibt, dass die Aktie einen absoluten Tiefpunkt von 0,0001 $ erreicht hat ?  

Seite: < 1 | ... | 73 | 74 | 75 |
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