silverado goldmines (867737)
kaum geht es mal ein paar cent wieder runter sind alle wieder am schreien...
Mensch, wattn los mit Euch, ich dachte Ihr wolltet Euer Geld aufs Festgeldkonto legen ?!
Jetzt geht´s auf zu neuen Höhen!!!
Silverado Kursziel 3 Monate: 0,30 Dollar!!!
FAIRBANKS, AK, VANCOUVER, May 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - The Company has just received a very favorable independent professional geologist's report which examines the sample results and measures the approximate grade of gold bearing material taken from Silverado's 2005 - 2006 winter underground development project. This Nolan Gold Mine Project is located 280 road miles North of Fairbanks, Alaska in the Koyukuk Region of the Arctic Circle.
Click on this link to view images and a new video taking you underground into the Swede Gold deposits.
The 68 page report contains considerable positive data. The most important information follows.
A gold-enriched portion of the Swede fluvial channel located 100 feet below the surface of the land was evaluated for it's gold content. Standard polygonal block methods were used to estimate that a block of 5,000 bank cubic yards (bcy) of ore contain an average of 0.275 troy ounces of gold per bcy. This equates to 1,375 ounces of placer gold. Development work completed in this 5000 bcy block resulted in 2900 bcy being hauled to surface and stockpiled for sluicing later this year. The coarse nature of the placer gold that is obviously present in the Swede Channel, coupled with variance in gold content and uneven spacing of channel samples and drill holes necessarily limits the accuracy of this resource estimate. Resource estimates for an additional 3,200 bcy of pay gravels mined from other portions of the Swede Channel and stockpiled for sluicing this year were not made due to sparser sample control. Coarse gold nuggets were found across the entire 50 + foot width of the gold-enriched portion of the Swede Channel. The discovery of 9.72 ounces of gold in approximately 4 hours of non-rigorous sampling, including a 5.46 troy ounce nugget, suggests that there will be many more nuggets recovered during the 2006 summer sluicing process.
Nugget gold 1/4 inch and larger found in the gold-enriched zone presented above was not used in the resource calculation. Four areas, one within and three adjoining the Swede Channel, mined by Silverado in previous years yielded nugget gold 1/4 inch and larger that averaged 46.3% of the total gold recovered. Gold nuggets ranging from 10 ounces to 40+ ounces were found. A 41.35 troy ounce nugget (the Company's largest) sold for $US 50,000. Hence, Silverado expects gold recovery this summer to be substantial, due to: 1) good results of prior drilling; 2) good channel sample results obtained during this year's underground development work; and 3) the presence of nugget gold.
On average, Silverado has received a price of 66% over spot gold price for its nugget gold. The jewelry and collectors premium is due to the natural beauty and size of this very pure, renowned 'Nolan Gold'. The picture below using a quarter for size reference, shows the total coarse gold that was recovered during sampling in the Swede Channel during February and March, 2006. The approximate 6,100 bcy pay pile will be processed for gold removal in June and July of this year.
The writer makes the following recommendation on the hypothesis that Swede Channel is one of several ancestral, left limit drainage traces of Nolan Creek Valley. It seems likely that there are three or more channels that represent ancestral Nolan Creeks of several ages. A systematic evaluation of the entire package is warranted, especially considering the recent addition by the company of new ground adjacent to previously existing claim holdings.
Possible Lode or 'Source of Placer Nugget Gold' Potential Identified. Many of the largest gold nuggets are sub-rounded to even rounded, which indicate that they have been worked and 'hammered' by fluvial processes. Other smaller gold nuggets are angular and wire-like, which suggest they have not been worked much by water. The locally abundant stibnite (antimony sulfide) and other heavy minerals found in association with the angular nuggets probably originate in nearby hard rock sources such as the Solomon Shear zone as identified previously by Silverado.
The writer is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG No. 10912) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), which qualifies him to perform technical reviews under guidelines outlined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and for reviews requested by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
To learn more about Silverado Gold Mines Ltd., visit us online at or contact investor relations, toll free at 1-800-665-4646.
This Press Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.
Mailing Address - 505 - 1111 W. Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6E 4M3, CA
1-800-665-4646, or (604) 689-1535, F: (604) 682-3519,
Field Address, P.O. Box 83730, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99708, USA
SOURCE Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.
Change: +0.03
Change: +20.69%
High: 0.175
Low: 0.148
Volume: 3,442,601
Wenn jetzt noch zu green fuel positives kommt, dann geht es hier wohl richtig rund.
02.05.2006 - 16:55 Uhr
CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--Einen neuen Hochstand hat der Goldpreis an der Comex am Dienstagnachmittag (MESZ) erreicht. Der Junikontrakt auf die Feinunze kletterte auf 667,60 USD und erreichte damit den höchsten Stand seit 1980. Teilnehmer begründen die Aufschläge mit dem schwachen Dollar und dem hohen Ölpreis. Es gebe noch immer physische Nachfrage, heißt es von Teilnehmern, die auf Käufe durch Fonds verweisen. Der technische Trend erscheine sehr fest. Der Spotpreis in London wird um 16.51 Uhr MESZ mit 663,80 zu 664,80 USD angegeben.