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63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaVon Leerverkäufer kaufen, die gegen

15.09.07 19:20
gute Fundamentals wetten, ist bei den momentanen Superpreisen das Gebot der Stunde.

Internet Capital will never reach the old high 0f $4,280 in the year 2000. But few of the 80 companies of 2000 are gems. Now Internet Capital is debt-free, has 200 million cash/securities (most from a sale of the gem Linkshare in 2005) and have additonal ownership on the following gems: 65% of ICGCommerce, 26% of Starcite, 33% of Freeborders, 41% of Metastorm (maybe the ownership decreases a little after an addiotional financing round), 15% of Creditex, 5% of Emptoris, 35% of Whitefence, 46% of Vcommerce, 41% of Channelintelligence, 9% of Anthem Venture and others.

The worth of the cash/securites and the ownership on a lot of private held companies is higher than a billion, but the market cap is only 420 million.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Private Investor should remember Internet Capital  (Not rated)      15-Sep-07 07:12 am     With the existing management price can increase in the next 12-18 month at price of $25-$30. If the institutionals, woh owns about 90% of outstanding shares (greatest owner is Fidelity with about 13%) fire part of the management and the board, the share can increase at price near $40 in the next 12-18 month.



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaHedge-Fonds "geiern" ist das Gebot der Stunde

16.09.07 12:10
Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr, manchmal stehen sogar in der Wirtschaftswoche vernünftige Argumente:

"Es ist verdammt viel Pessimismus in den Märkten. Laut den Daten der US-Terminbörse CFTC wetten Hedgefonds seit Juli massiv auf fallende Aktienkurse, sowohl bei Standard- als auch bei Technologie- und Nebenwerten. Das deckt sich mit den Erkenntnissen aus Deutschland. Die Profis haben sich abgesichert, und warten auf den großen Crash. Meist kommt er dann nicht."

Und da er nicht kommt, gilt eines: Massiv rein in die Aktien und nur wer überängstlich ist, sollte es scheibchenweise tun - allerdings wird es meines Erachtens dann teurer.

Bei Internet Captial sind auch nicht wenige Hedge-Funds auf der Käuferseite, denn die Insitutionals halten ja 90%. Von denen haben vielleicht auch einige verkaufen müssen - und da bot sich Internet Capital an, da man hier in der Regel im Plus war, denn noch sind wir über den Jahresanfangsständen - und über den Ständen davor sowieso. Diese Situation, dass Hedgies auf Teufel-komm-raus verkaufen mussten, sollte man nutzen.


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEin Vergleich

18.09.07 11:10
Re: Why EMC made the ipo of VMware  (Not rated)      2 minutes ago     Take a look at the near 25 billion market-cap of VMware. Last quarterly revenues of VMWare was 298 million - my estimate for 2007 are 1.3-billion. In the result we have 19-times-revenues.

The private held companies of Internet Capital will have about proportional revenues of 160 million in 2007. By a valuation of 19 like VMWare the value would be 3 billion. Including the 200 million cash/securites the value would be 3.2 billion. By 39 million outstanding shares = more than $80 for a share.

Today the 160 proportional revenues have a valuation of only 220 million (when we subtract the 200 million cash/securites from the market-cap of 420 million), that are only 1.4-times-revenues. The revenues of VMware has the 15-fold valuation. I believe, that is laughable - okay the value of the revenues of VMware is higher, but not 15-fold, maybe the double or the tripple - bacause most companies of Internet Capital are excellent, too.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Why EMC made the ipo of VMware  (Not rated)      20 second(s) ago     Addtional to my last posting:


Last Trade: 73.70
Trade Time: Sep 17
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Prev Close: 73.70
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 67.00

Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 51.50 - 82.75
Volume: 0
Avg Vol (3m): 4,524,020
Market Cap: 24.51B
P/E (ttm): 234.71
EPS (ttm): 0.31
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie dritte große Monetarisierung nach dem

19.09.07 22:02
Blackboard-IPO und dem Verkauf von Linkshare ist nahe;

Pre-IIPO-Markeing of Metastorm, one of the BIG FIVE of Internet Capital  (Not rated)      18-Sep-07 06:38 pm     partner-companies was started:

Metastorm Enterprise™ to be Featured at Gartner Business Process Management Summit 2007

Leading Software Provider to Showcase Product Innovation and Customer Success

BALTIMORE, MD – September 5, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced its participation in the Gartner Business Process Management Summit 2007 conference being held September 17 - 19, 2007, at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida.

As a Platinum sponsor of the event, Metastorm will actively participate in several capacities, and attendees can see firsthand the power that Metastorm Enterprise delivers by combining leading EA, BPA and BPM solutions into a single platform to align strategy, analysis and execution – all from a single vendor.

Metastorm Activities at the Summit
Customer Case Study Session
Presenter: VP & Architect Lead, Global Investments & Security Services firm
Topic: Selecting a BPMS platform
When: Monday, September 17th from 11:30am – 12:30pm
Where: JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Salon 4

Customer Panel Session
Metastorm Customer Featured on Panel: CIO, Private Equity Fund Services for Global Firm
Topic: Creating a Process-Rich Strategy
When: Tuesday, September 18th from 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Where: JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Salon 5

Product Showcase & Live Software Demonstrations
When: Monday, September 17th from 12:30 – 2:30 pm and 6:00 – 8:00 pm; and Tuesday,
September 18th from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Where: Exhibition Floor Booth 10 and Booth A

This will be the first major public debut of the Metastorm Enterprise combined technology portfolio since Metastorm announced its acquisition of Proforma Corporation on August 1, 2007.

About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on



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 Re: Pre-IIPO-Markeing of Metastorm, one of the BIG FIVE of Internet Capital  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 07:34 am     Second pre-ipo-marketing-action:

Metastorm CEO to Present at America's Growth Capital Emerging Growth Conference

BALTIMORE, MD – September 11, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that Robert Farrell, chairman and CEO of Metastorm, will be presenting at the 4th Annual America's Growth Capital Emerging Growth Conference in Boston, MA on Thursday, September 20th at 3:50pm Eastern Time. The event is being held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.

For more information, visit http://www.americasgc.com/news-events/in...

About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Pre-IIPO-Markeing of Metastorm, one of the BIG FIVE of Internet Capital  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 07:36 am     Third-pre-ipo-marketing-action:

Metastorm CEO to Present at Software Business 2007

BALTIMORE, MD – September 18, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that Robert Farrell, chairman and CEO of Metastorm, will be presenting at the Software Business 2007 Conference in Santa Clara, CA. The event will take place October 2-3, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara.

Mr. Farrell is scheduled to present on Tuesday, October 2 at 3:30 pm on the topic of “Business Strategies: Acquiring to Become an Industry Leader.” Farrell is a well-respected software industry executive with over 20 years of experience in building high-growth software companies. His most recent accomplishments include leading Metastorm through a series of successful acquisitions that have helped propel the company to the top of its market.

Software Business 2007 is an annual conference that focuses on current strategic business, financial and technology issues and growth opportunities facing top executives of software companies. Spread over two days, the conference serves leading and fast-growing software companies located throughout North America who are conducting business domestically and worldwide.

For more information, visit www.softwarebusinessonline.com/sb_conf07...

About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise™ allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Pre-IIPO-Markeing of Metastorm, one of the BIG FIVE of Internet Capital  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 07:49 am     The number for an ipo are excellent. By the aquisition of Proforma through Metastorm 6 weeks ago we could read:

"The combined company will have 2,600 customers, mostly in the United States but with a significant portion in Europe, and annual revenue of $72 million, Farrell said. Metastorm hopes to increase that to $100 million next year and do an initial public offering if the market conditions are right, he said. Both companies are profitable today, Farrell said."

Most important: high growth-rate of revenues = near 40% and high profitability

The multiple on the base of the revenues of 2007 will be between 6-times-revenues and 8-times-revenues. That is an ipo-market-cap between 430 and 560 million.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Pre-IIPO-Markeing of Metastorm, one of the BIG FIVE of Internet Capital  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 07:56 am     Take a look on the latest big software-ipo: VMware


Last Trade: 73.90
Trade Time: Sep 18
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Prev Close: 73.90
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 67.00

Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 51.50 - 82.75
Volume: 0
Avg Vol (3m): 4,458,140
Market Cap: 24.58B
P/E (ttm): 235.35
EPS (ttm): 0.31
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

Revenues of VMware in the last quarter was 298 million. My estimate for 2007 is about 1.3 billion - that a 19-times-revenues. My estimate in my last posting for Metastorm was only about a third: between 6-times-revenues and 8-times-revenues.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd auch Starcite ist nicht weit von einem IPO

20.09.07 13:00
StarCite CEO Speaks to Company's Growth Strategy at Think Equity Growth Conference
Wednesday September 19, 9:00 am ET

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StarCite president and chief executive officer Mike Boult spoke Tuesday afternoon at the Think Equity Partners 5th Annual Growth Conference, detailing the success of the company's strategy to expand its footprint in the meeting planning market, driven in part by working with major players in the business travel industry. StarCite is the leading provider of On Demand Global Meetings Solutions to optimize corporate investments in meetings and events. Boult highlighted StarCite's recently-announced collaborations with American Express's Global Commercial Card group and Pegasus Solutions as examples of the company's strategy to further enhance the value proposition of its suite of meeting planning solutions for corporations as well as hotels and other meeting industry suppliers.

"Corporate meetings and events are a huge indirect spend category, with $300 billion spent globally representing a full one to three percent of corporate revenue," Boult commented. "Yet as a category, it is fertile, often untouched ground for a more strategic spend management approach. By consolidating corporate meeting spend and helping companies improve the planning and management process for meetings, the StarCite platform can help companies realize savings of up to 20 percent. Through partnerships with companies like American Express, we are continuing to extend the capabilities of the StarCite solution and deliver even greater value to our customers."

Announced earlier this month, American Express and StarCite will provide a global, integrated solution that connects front-end and back-end meetings management processes, enabling clients and prospective clients to access total meetings spend data - something they had not been able to do previously. In the solution's initial version, American Express Global Commercial Card spend data will be automatically uploaded into a co-branded solution, allowing clients to more easily and efficiently reconcile actual expenditures with corporate budget line items.

StarCite also announced this month that it would be working with Pegasus Solutions to provide StarCite with electronic connectivity to hotel reservation systems, directly linking the company to Pegasus' portfolio of more than 78,000 hotel properties. Through the use of this single interface, StarCite will be able to utilize real-time access to information on rates, availability and reservations from hotels worldwide.

Online meetings management is a fast-growing business practice across a wide range of industries. According to travel industry research firm PhoCusWright, as many as 60% of corporate meetings will be booked online by 2008.

About StarCite, Inc.

StarCite®, Inc. is the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions(TM). StarCite optimizes global investments in corporate meetings and events, delivering visibility, savings and control. StarCite provides process efficiency, enabling technology and proven adoption management support to drive significant cost reduction to buyers and enhanced revenues to suppliers. StarCite is based in Philadelphia. StarCite's equity holders Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE - News), TPG Growth, Norwest Venture Partners (NVP), and TL Ventures. For more information about StarCite or its technologies and services, please visit www.starcite.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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 Re: What we want to hear from Starcite  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 01:00 pm     Most important message of the last article: "Online meetings management is a fast-growing business practice across a wide range of industries. According to travel industry research firm PhoCusWright, as many as 60% of corporate meetings will be booked online by 2008." If that happend, the pace of growth will be increase dramatically - important is: not only the growth, I wrote the pace of growth.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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 Re: What we want to hear from Starcite  (Not rated)      19-Sep-07 01:06 pm     Not fulfilled were me hope, that the CEO of Starcite wanted to give us a number about the revenues of 2007. We know through the merger and the articles about the merger with Onvantage, that the revenues in 2006 was a little bit higher than the 40 million and the grwoth-rate in 2006 was between 40 and 50%. If the grwoth continue in 2007, and I believe so, we will have revenues from organic of about 60 million. Additional Starcite make a aquisition in Europe (Great Britain) with about 5 million revenues or a little more. In the result the revenues in 2007 will be about 65 million and in 2008 about 100 million. Last is a good base for an ipo in 2008 with a market-cap between 500 million and one billion.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSuper-Chance durch Channelintelligence, wo

20.09.07 19:11
Internet Capital 41% hält.

"Must-Haves for Manufacturer Web Sites" Study Published by Channel Intelligence and Independent Research Firm

Orlando, Fla. (September 17, 2007) – Channel Intelligence (CI) announced today the publication of a study conducted in partnership with Forrester Research to highlight the critical role of manufacturers’ web sites in online and offline transactions and the web site elements that drive those transactions. The July 27, 2007, study, titled “Must-Haves for Manufacturer Web Sites”, surveyed 14,700 consumer visitors to 38 manufacturer Web sites to determine characteristics, intentions and expectations, and how well those expectations are being met.

The study reported, “58% of survey respondents stated that they began their entire research process on manufacturer Web sites.” In addition, “The survey found that visitors to manufacturer Web sites exhibit several noteworthy qualities. These consumers: believe that manufacturers are authorities; are brand loyalists; and are primed to purchase.”

The joint study also found that “when consumers visited manufacturer Web sites, they categorically expressed the need to have a few critical elements on those Web sites.” The report states, “Despite the clear reasons why consumers visited manufacturer Web sites, many manufacturer Web sites do not deliver.”

“This joint study with Forrester offers insight into the role that manufacturer Web sites play for consumers in the purchase cycle,” commented Channel Intelligence SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions Vice President Vik Murty. “While manufacturers may face many obstacles in creating a Web presence that satisfies consumers’ expectations, this report highlights several important opportunities that manufacturers can address more easily than they might think.”

The report offers suggestions on how to improve the customer experience. Forrester writes, “To grow their online presences, eBusiness executives at manufacturers should focus on better, deeper information; clear paths to purchase; service for the most loyal customers; tools that instill passion for the brand; and content syndication, where possible.”

In its recommendations, the report states, “Because purchases can happen in multiple channels, it is incumbent upon manufacturers to facilitate the sale through whichever channel a customer prefers — online, phone, or store. While a direct-to-consumer eCommerce strategy makes sense for some brands, passing leads to other dealers, retailers, or distributors in a seamless fashion should be perfected first.” The report adds, “Vendors such as Channel Intelligence also facilitate the challenges of cross-channel inventory visibility by passing retailer inventory availability on to manufacturer Web sites.”

The Channel Intelligence SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions suite offers a line of services designed to help manufacturers harness these opportunities and work more effectively with channel partners to maintain brand image and increase sales, whether through connecting a manufacturer’s product pages directly to a retailer’s points-of-sale or building brand showcases to provide the product information consumers are looking for. Find out more about SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions here: http://www.sellpath.com.

To view the “Must-Haves for Manufacturer Web Sites” report summary or purchase the report, visit: http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/...t/0,7211,42822,00.html.

About Channel Intelligence
Powered by the CommerceIQ™ technology platform, Channel Intelligence (CI) web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites, destination shopping sites, or mobile shopping applications. Using a series of robust data optimization techniques offered through the CommerceIQ platform, CI significantly improves the quality of product data and the placement of products on the Internet. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion dollars through its three primary services – SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions, SellCast™ Retailer Solutions, and SellCore™ Publisher Solutions. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known brands including Best Buy, Black & Decker, Canon, Circuit City, Fujifilm, LG Electronics, Logitech, Mitsubishi, Neiman Marcus Group, OfficeMax, Olympus, Palm, Panasonic, PETCO, Skechers, SmartBargains.com, Spiegel, The Stanley Works, and Target. Channel Intelligence, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE), is based in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Europe. http://www.channelintelligence.com



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda3 bzw. 6 Milliarden für Doubleclick bzw Aquantive

20.09.07 19:49
Re: Newest news from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      18-Sep-07 05:25 am     Competitor of Channelintelligence was aquired from Yahoo. Internet Capital owns 41% of Channelintelligence:

September 4, 2007
Yahoo to Acquire Behavioral Targeting Ad Network
Yahoo has entered an agreement to acquire BlueLithium, the fifth-largest U.S. ad network, for approximately $300 million in cash. Much of BlueLithium's offering centers on its behavioral targeting technology, including a search retargeting version of its AdPath solution.

BlueLithium will fit into the newly formed Global Partner Solutions division under Hilary Schneider along with recently acquired Right Media. BlueLithium will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yahoo. CEO Gurbaksh Chahal will remain with BlueLithium for an undisclosed period through the integration.

The from Yahoo aquired company reported about 100 employers, Channelintelligence could be have the double: about 200 employers. At the end of 2006 Channelintelligence reportet about 120 employers and the plan to double in 2007 to 240 employer. After the first quarter of 2007 they reported the fulfilling of 35% of the planned increase for 2007 - that as result = about 160 employers.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Newest news from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      18-Sep-07 05:27 am     Take additional a look at 20-times-revenues by the aquisition of Doubleclick through Google:

Technology April 14, 2007, 12:01AM EST text size: TT
Google's DoubleClick Strategic Move

With its $3.1 billion acquisition, the Internet giant secures entry into the promising business of display advertising and thwarts Microsoft in online search
by Catherine Holahan

Three billion dollars?

On Apr. 13, Google announced that it would pay $3.1 billion for the advertising outfit DoubleClick. Just two weeks ago, as reports surfaced that the company could go for $2 billion, the price was considered lofty but justifiable. Now, Google (GOOG) is forking over 20 times DoubleClick's estimated revenues of $150 million. And it's paying triple the amount that private equity firm Hellman & Friedman spent when it purchased DoubleClick in 2005—before selling off a couple of pieces of the business.

So why the sky-high price? It may be less a function of DoubleClick's current worth and more about what it can strategically provide for Google—and what it could have done for Microsoft (MSFT), a rival bidder (see BusinessWeek.com, 4/3/07, "Google vs. Microsoft: Vying for DoubleClick").

DoubleClick has something that Google, for all its money and smarts, doesn't: a vibrant advertising business for banners, videos, and other so-called display ads often intended more to promote brands than to generate immediate sales. "DoubleClick currently has relationships with virtually every major online publisher and more than half of the online ad agencies," says Dave Morgan, chairman of TACODA, a targeted advertising network. DoubleClick counts Time Warner's (TWX) Sports Illustrated, Friendster, and Viacom's (VIA.B) MTV Networks among its customers. Google, on the other hand, has made much of its billions by serving tiny text ads related to searches for relatively smaller businesses hoping for some kind of immediate interaction with a customer.

The Smart Play—the Only Play
Forrester analyst Charlene Li described the deal as a must-have for Google. "It's a lot of money, but who cares? This is one of the things they had to buy," she says. "They were not making any headway" on display ads.

In a call following the acquisition announcement, CEO Eric Schmidt characterized the deal as helping Google gain a greater foothold in the display advertising market. "It is accelerating our display advertising business," said Schmidt. So far, search rival Yahoo! (YHOO) has been the main player in display advertising on the Web. Google's display efforts to date, like its attempts to expand outside of search in general, have been marginally successful at best. "Google has been a one-trick pony for a long time focusing on just search," says Bill Gossman, CEO of targeted advertising network Revenue Science. "This is a way to give them another trick."

Google clearly thinks that trick could be a multibillion-dollar one in the near future. During the call, Schmidt and Google co-founder and Technology President Sergey Brin emphasized the importance of display advertising. "I think we have thought that display advertising has been important for several years," said Brin. David Rosenblatt, DoubleClick's CEO, told BusinessWeek.com that the market could be equal to—or even bigger—than paid search. "We could see a similar kind of growth rate as search had," says Rosenblatt.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Newest news from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      18-Sep-07 05:28 am     And take additonal a look at the 6 billion Microsoft paid for Aquantive:

Microsoft pays $6bn for aQuantive
By Richard Blackden
Last Updated: 8:12pm BST 18/05/2007

The scramble for a greater share of the online advertising market heated up today with Microsoft's $6bn purchase of aQuantive, which helps businesses target their ads on the internet.

Microsoft will pay $66.5 a share in cash for aQuantive, whose businesses include Avenue a Razorfish, Atlas and DRIVEpm.

The price is a huge premium to the closing price of aQuantive's share price yesterday in New York, and continues this year's multi-billion dollar grab for the online advertising market.

Founded in 1997 aQuantive claims it is the largest buyer of digital online advertising, with online media spending from its own clients up 30pc in 2005.

The deal comes a day after WPP's purchase of 24/7 Real Media for $650m. Like aQantive, 24/7 Real Media sells so-called search marketing services and also operates a number of websites that carry online ads.

For Microsoft the deal may be some compensation for losing out to Google in a bidding battle for DoubleClick, which the search giant ended up paying $3.1bn for.

Microsoft, Google and WPP are all betting that online advertising spending will continue its explosive growth. Wpp, for example, yesterday forecast that online spending could exceed $33bn this year, amounting to more than 8pc of the global total.

Mircosoft hit the headlines two weeks ago amid speculation that the software company had stepped up its efforts to acquire search company Yahoo!

The company has been seeking to claw back more of the online advertising market from Google.

Yahoo! itself earlier this month paid $680m for Right Media, and internet advertising exchange that it hopes will hand it more of the online advertising spend and tap into social networking sites such as MySpace. Early trading of aQuantive shares was halted. The stock rose $1.47, or 4.3 percent, to $35.87 in Nasdaq Stock Market trading yesterday and is up 45pc this year.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEin ganz heißes Ding in einem ganz heißen Sektor

20.09.07 22:22

man muss sich nur die Kundenliste ansehen:


Und nachdem BIG SHORT zum Schluss den Kurs etwas gedämpft hat, haben wir morgen in Deutschland den Vorteil, dass wir vor den Amis einsteigen können.  


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaIn the long-term only the following

23.09.07 21:15
In the long-term only the following fundamentals important:

First: Internet Capital has 200 million cash/securities and no debst.

Second: The proportional revenues of the private hold companies ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders, Metastorm, Creditex, Channelintelligence, Whitefence, Anthem-Venture, Emptoris, Vcommerce and other are about 160 million in 2007. The multiple of the tech-companies in the S+P 500 = about 6. The fair value of the proportional revenues of about 160 million is about 960 million.

Third: If we add the 200 million cash and the 960 million worth of private hold companies, the result = 1,160 million by a market-cap of 430 million.

My advice: And now do your math.

Sentiment : Strong Buy


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNochmals Channelintelligence

24.09.07 13:42
Channel Intelligence Introduces SellPath® Exchange to Improve Manufacturer Brand Effectiveness Online

Orlando, Fla. (September 21, 2007) – Channel Intelligence (CI) announces the introduction of SellPath® Exchange, a new platform in its SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions suite of services to enhance branding efforts and ultimately provide a better brand experience for consumers by assisting manufacturers in making product information more consistent and readily available to channel partners and consumers across the online medium.

SellPath® Exchange empowers manufacturers to address common problems that can lead to erosion of a brand’s image among consumers who come up short when searching online for in-depth product information or where to buy a product.

SellPath® Media Exchange provides complete and accurate product information, filling in the gaps between manufacturers and retailers by incorporating product tours, Flash demos, or Flash microsites, while hosting rich media for various B2B and B2C outlets. SellPath® StoreFront can function as a primary Web site, a promotional microsite, or a branded store-within-a-store at a retailer’s point-of-sale. StoreFront can access rich media from SellPath® Media Exchange to provide complete, accurate product information to fill in the gaps between manufacturers and retailers using content that already exists.

“Now manufacturers can enjoy greater control and flexibility in how their brand is represented across all major customer touchpoints online,” commented Channel Intelligence Vice President for SellPath, Vik Murty. “This new Exchange platform uses existing content to create a merchandising brand showcase. The StoreFront platform then enables easy sharing of product information with key channel partners by integratrating a manufacturer’s product merchandising with its channel partners, from retailers to comparison shopping engine sites, DMRs, B2B marketplaces, and VAR solution sites.”

SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions focus on the Internet as the initiation point for commerce then direct consumers to preferred retailers when they are ready to buy products, to convert a manufacturer’s marketing dollars to measurable performance. Product information and delivery of that information are equally important factors in achieving these objectives, and now SellPath® StoreFront works to provide visibility to products never available before and provide a measure of control of the consumer experience on partner sites by re-purposing content already created and extending the manufacturer brand into points of sale. The end result is higher sales, with a smoother consumer experience and increased brand effectiveness.

More information on SellPath® Exchange is available on the Channel Intelligence Web site at http://www.sellpath.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaFundamentals für Anleger

25.09.07 12:46
What are the important fundamentals?

First: 200 million cash/securities by no debts.

Second: The proportional revenues of 10 most important private held companies. Look at my estimates for 2007.

1. ICGCommerce/revenues in 2007 = 52 million/ownership = 65%/proportional revenues = 34 million

2. Creditex/revenues in 2007 = 200 million/ownership = 15%/proportonal revenues = 30 million

3. Marketron/revenues in 2007 = 72 million/ownership = 33%(estimate)/proportional revenues = 24 million

4. Starcite/revenues in 2007 = 66 million/ownership = 26%/proportional revenues = 17 million

5. Freeborders/revenues in 2007 = 42 million/ownership = 33%/proportional revenues = 14 million

6. Anthem Venture/revenues in 2007 = 125 million (proportional from the partner companies, estiamte)/ownership = 9%/proportional revenues = 11.5 million

7. Vcommerce/revenues in 2007 = 22 million/ownership = 46%/proportional revenues = 10 million

8. Emptoris/revenues in 2007 = 150 million/ownership = 5%, proportional revenues = 7.5 million

9. Channelintelligence/revenues in 2007 = 15 million/ownership = 41%/proportional revenues = 6.5 million

10. Whitefence/revneues in 2007 = 16 million, ownership = 35%, proportional revenues = 5.5 million

In the result, we have about 160 million proportional revenues from the 10 most important private hold partner-companies.



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWarum man morgen früh in Frankfurt losschlagen

26.09.07 00:07
sollte, wird meines Erachtens aus dem nachstehenden Posting in Verbindung mit dem vorhergehenden Posting klar:

Re: In the long run only the fundamentals important  (Not rated)      25-Sep-07 07:19 am     Estimates of worths of the private hold partner companies of Internet Capital:

The base for my value-estimates are multiples, which are very lower than the 24-times-revenues of VMware, and the proportional revenues of my last posting.

1. ICGCommmerce = 4.5-times-revenues, worth of the proportional revnues of 34 million = 119 million

2. Creditex = 9-times-revenues, worth of the proportional revenues of 30 million = 270 million

3. Marketron = 7-times-revenues, worth of the proportional revenues of 24 million = 168 million

4. Starcite = 7-times-revenues, worth of the proportional revenues of 17 million = 119 million

5. Freeborders = 9-times-revenues, worth of the proportional 14 million = 126 million

6. Anthem Venture = 6-times-reveneus, worth of 11.5 million proportional revenues = 69 million

7 Vcommerce = 4-times-revenues, worth of the 10 million proportional reveneus = 40 million

8. Emptoris = 8-times-revenues, worth of 7.5 million proportional revenues = 60 million

9. Channelintelligence = 7-times-revenues, worth of 6.5 million proportional revenues = 45 million

10. Whitefence = 5-times-revenues, worth of the 5.5 million porportional revenues = 27 million proportional revenues.

Worth of the ownership in private held companies together is 1072 million from the biggest 10, by addition of the few smaller companies about 1,100 million. Additional we have 200 million cash/securites by no debts. The result is a fair value of a 1.3 billion - the market-cap of today is a third.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGroße Monetarisierung nahe

26.09.07 13:43
IPO of Metastorm in near  (Not rated)      25-Sep-07 05:17 pm     The number for an ipo are excellent. By the aquisition of Proforma through Metastorm 6 weeks ago we could read:

"The combined company will have 2,600 customers, mostly in the United States but with a significant portion in Europe, and annual revenue of $72 million, Farrell said. Metastorm hopes to increase that to $100 million next year and do an initial public offering if the market conditions are right, he said. Both companies are profitable today, Farrell said."

Most important: high growth-rate of revenues = near 40% and high profitability

The multiple on the base of the revenues of 2007 will be between 6-times-revenues and 8-times-revenues. That is an ipo-market-cap between 430 and 560 million.

Only the CEO of Internet Capital, Buckley, and his gang are fighting against this ipo, because the must pay after a jump of the share-price after the ipo more for shares from options. I believe, the SEC should look after criminals, who dump the share-price for this reason.



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 Re: IPO of Metastorm in near  (Not rated)      14 minutes ago     In few day we will hear about the third quarter, because last report was from May 2, 2007:

Metastorm Growth Streak Continues in 2007

Global BPM Software Leader Reports another Record Quarter and Steady Increase in Enterprise Deployments

BALTIMORE, MD – May 2, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for organizational agility, innovation, and governance, today announced financial results for its first quarter ending March 31, 2007. The privately held company posted record revenues and profitability, experienced 30% license growth year-over-year, and reported a continued increase in enterprise deployments of the Metastorm BPM® suite. In addition, existing customers continued to invest in the solution by increasing the number of users, deploying new processes, and implementing additional functional capability to support the full roundtrip process life-cycle. The increased investment by both new and existing customers was driven by a growing interest in BPM technology at the executive level as Metastorm customers validate the software’s ability to not only lower costs and increase control, but also to deliver greater agility and foster increased innovation throughout an organization.

Metastorm continued to witness broad adoption of its BPM software and Process Pod® solutions on a global scale including wins at ADP (France), Cameron McKenna (U.K.), John Deere (Germany), MMA Financial (U.S.), Osborne Clark (U.K.), Rome Airport (Italy), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (U.K.), and Wyeth (U.S.). Existing customers expanding their use of the Metastorm BPM suite included Channel 4 Television (U.K.), Chubb & Sons (U.S), FTN Midwest (U.S.), KPMG (U.S.), SkandiaBanken (Denmark), Staples (U.S.), and the U.S. Navy (U.S.). Strong adoption rates and large enterprise license deals enabled Metastorm to post its 10th consecutive quarter of profitable growth.

Metastorm’s continued revenue performance was recognized by several third party organizations including Smart CEO magazine which presented Metastorm with a Future50 award for its revenue growth, and START-IT magazine which named the Metastorm BPM Suite as a top technology for the manufacturing industry. In addition, Metastorm made KMWorld’s list of the Top 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management for the fourth consecutive year – a validation that BPM technology is not a passing fad but an established enterprise platform with widespread adoption. Metastorm’s BPM leadership was further validated in Q1 by its inclusion in Microsoft’s newly launched Business Process Alliance – an elite set of 10 vendors selected to deliver business process capabilities that complement and extend Microsoft applications.

The most telling endorsement of Metastorm’s performance comes from its customers, who stepped forward to deliver Season 3 of the Metastorm Customers Speak Out video testimonial series – adding to a growing library of live commentary detailing the benefits in efficiency, control, agility, and innovation that Metastorm BPM is delivering across industries and across geographies (www.metastorm.com/customers/videos).

“Metastorm exhibited its ability to deliver consistent growth and profitable results throughout 2006, and we capitalized on that momentum in Q1 to deliver another record quarter,” stated Robert Farrell, president and CEO of Metastorm. “Metastorm customers and partners continue to validate our strategic investments in the company and the product. Organizations want to invest in a proven, established company that will be there to support them long-term, and Metastorm has demonstrated its ability to deliver both measurable results and innovative product capabilities that scale to enterprise needs. Our focus has always been to grow our BPM leadership worldwide, and we have the strategic plan and proven operating model in place to deliver on this objective throughout 2007 and beyond.”

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: IPO of Metastorm in near  (Not rated)      3 second(s) ago     Take a look of the latest big software-ipo:


Last Trade: 83.23
Trade Time: Sep 25
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Prev Close: 83.23
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 77.89

Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 51.50 - 85.17
Volume: 400
Avg Vol (3m): 4,359,200
Market Cap: 31.87B
P/E (ttm): 220.77
EPS (ttm): 0.377
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

We have now a market-cap of 32 billion. Revenues of the last quarter was 298 million, my estimate for 2007 are 1.3 billion = about 25-times-revenues. And now do your math by Metastorm, maybe with only a third of the 25-times-revenues of VMware.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaChannelintelligence ist ein Juwel

27.09.07 18:01
News from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      28 minutes ago     Internet Capital owns 41% of Channel Intelligence:

Channel Intelligence Receives Gold Certification from Buy.com for Marketplace Integration

Channel Intelligence Certified to Provide Online Retailers with Complete Data Integration and Optimization at Buy.com, the Internet Superstore(TM)

Orlando, Fla. (September 27, 2007) - Channel Intelligence (CI), a provider of web-initiated commerce solutions that make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites or destination shopping sites, and Buy.com, the Internet Superstore™, today announced that CI has been named a Gold Certified Partner for data integration with Buy.com’s Marketplace.

A long-time partner with Buy.com, Channel Intelligence is now certified to manage Buy.com Marketplace feeds on behalf of Channel Intelligence retailer clients and in the format optimized for success on the Buy.com Marketplace platform.

Rob Wight, CEO of Channel Intelligence, commented, “Receiving the Gold certification solidifies our long-standing relationship with Buy.com, allowing us to offer an added level of assurance to our clients participating in the Buy.com Marketplace program. We will continue to work with Buy.com to expand our current Buy.com offerings as well deepen integration with our online retailer programs to match our existing manufacturer solutions already experiencing great success with Buy.com.”

"We’re pleased to announce Channel Intelligence as a Gold Certified value-added service provider in the Buy.com Marketplace program," said Neel Grover CEO and President of Buy.com. "Channel Intelligence has been a long-term provider of manufacturer where-to-buy services for Buy.com, and now this certification recognizes the key role the company’s data optimization services play in the level of results merchants working with CI achieve. We look forward to working with CI to further benefit our shoppers and providing CI clients with an easy integration process that has been certified by the Buy.com team.”

With over 10 million customers and in excess of 6 million US visitors per month, Buy.com has been at the forefront of e-commerce for over 10 years. Buy.com’s Marketplace program lets third party retailers sell their products through the Buy.com website and win visibility among some of the web’s most affluent and influential shoppers. Seller’s products are fully integrated into the Buy.com site experience, including the site’s different checkout options; so that customers have a seamless shopping experience and sellers capture awareness and sales.



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 Re: News from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      24 minutes ago     Additional to the last posting:

About Channel Intelligence
Powered by the CommerceIQ™ technology platform, Channel Intelligence (CI) web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites, destination shopping sites, or mobile shopping applications. Using a series of robust data optimization techniques offered through the CommerceIQ platform, CI significantly improves the quality of product data and the placement of products on the Internet. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion dollars through its three primary services – SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions, SellCast™ Retailer Solutions, and SellCore™ Publisher Solutions. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known brands including Best Buy, Black & Decker, Canon, Circuit City, Fujifilm, LG Electronics, Logitech, Mitsubishi, Neiman Marcus Group, OfficeMax, Olympus, Palm, Panasonic, PETCO, Skechers, SmartBargains.com, Spiegel, The Stanley Works, and Target. Channel Intelligence, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE), is based in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Europe. http://www.channelintelligence.com

About Buy.com
Buy.com is a leading e-commerce company with more than 10 million customer accounts, focused on providing its customers with a rewarding shopping experience and a broad selection of high-quality technology and entertainment retail goods at competitive prices. Buy.com offers over 2 million products in a range of categories, including consumer electronics, computer hardware and software, cell phones, books, music, videos, games, digital music downloads, toys, bags, home and outdoor, baby and sporting goods. Buy.com, founded in June of 1997, is located in Aliso Viejo, California. Buy.com® and The Internet Superstore™ are trademarks of Buy.com Inc. Buy.com currently competes with a variety of companies that can be divided into two broad categories: (i) multi-category retailers such as Amazon.com and Wal-Mart and (ii) specialty retailers or manufacturers such as Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Barnes & Noble and Dell.



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 Re: News from Channelintelligence  (Not rated)      2 second(s) ago     Competitor of Channelintelligence was aquired from Yahoo. Internet Capital owns 41% of Channelintelligence:

September 4, 2007
Yahoo to Acquire Behavioral Targeting Ad Network
Yahoo has entered an agreement to acquire BlueLithium, the fifth-largest U.S. ad network, for approximately $300 million in cash. Much of BlueLithium's offering centers on its behavioral targeting technology, including a search retargeting version of its AdPath solution.

BlueLithium will fit into the newly formed Global Partner Solutions division under Hilary Schneider along with recently acquired Right Media. BlueLithium will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yahoo. CEO Gurbaksh Chahal will remain with BlueLithium for an undisclosed period through the integration.

The from Yahoo aquired company reported about 100 employers, Channelintelligence could be have the double: about 200 employers. At the end of 2006 Channelintelligence reportet about 120 employers and the plan to double in 2007 to 240 employer. After the first quarter of 2007 they reported the fulfilling of 35% of the planned increase for 2007 - that as result = about 160 employers.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEin Vergleich

29.09.07 23:07
Facebook IPO  (Not rated)      28-Sep-07 01:49 pm     10 billion

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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 Re: Facebook IPO  (Not rated)      29-Sep-07 02:05 pm     IPO of Metastorm in near (Not rated) 25-Sep-07 05:17 pm The number for an ipo are excellent. By the aquisition of Proforma through Metastorm 6 weeks ago we could read:

"The combined company will have 2,600 customers, mostly in the United States but with a significant portion in Europe, and annual revenue of $72 million, Farrell said. Metastorm hopes to increase that to $100 million next year and do an initial public offering if the market conditions are right, he said. Both companies are profitable today, Farrell said."

Most important: high growth-rate of revenues = near 40% and high profitability

The multiple on the base of the revenues of 2007 will be between 6-times-revenues and 8-times-revenues. That is an ipo-market-cap between 430 and 560 million.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuf Techs setzen

30.09.07 11:26
aus Euro am Sonntag:

"Ein guter Indikator für die Bereitschaft der Konzerne, Technologie zu kaufen, um ihre Effizienz zu verbessern, war die Quartalsbilanz des Datenbankspezialisten Oracle vor wenigen Tagen. Der Softwarekonzern mit weltweit 300000 Kunden schaffte im ersten Quartal des Geschäftsjahrs 2007/08 rund 26% mehr Umsatz soie mit insgesamt 840 Million Dollar 25% mehr Gewinn.

Das schlug ein: "Mir ist etwas schwindelig nach dieser Bilanz. Oracle ist das erste Technologieunternehmen, das nach den Turbulenzen im Kreditmarkt Zahlen vorlegt - und dann gleich so ein Hammer-Ergebnis", staunt Goldman Sachs-Analystin Laura Conigliaro.  


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaExtreme Unterbewertung

30.09.07 18:41
sollte zu Käufen genutzt werden.

Proportional revenues of 205-210 million in 2008  (Not rated)      30-Sep-07 09:05 am     from the private held partner companies of Internet Capital: ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders, Creditex, Metastorm, Channelintelligence, Anthem Venture, Emptoris, Vcommerce, Whitefence and other.

When we subtract the 200 million cash/securites from the market-cap of only 463 million, there are only 263 million valuation for 205-210 million proportional revenues in 2008 - that are only 1.2-times-revenues.



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hat 46% Anteil

01.10.07 13:32
an Vcommerce:


Power and flexibility of Vcommerce Enterprise with best in class partner solutions provides unbeatable combination

Scottsdale, AZ – September 25, 2007 - Vcommerce Corporation (www.vcommerce.com), the leader in enterprise eCommerce solutions, announced today that Reitmans Limited, Canada's leading ladies' apparel specialty retailer, has selected Vcommerce Enterprise™ to create multiple eCommerce web sites for the company. In response to growing customer demand for transaction-capable sites, Reitmans conducted an exhaustive search for an eCommerce solution capable of supporting Reitmans constant innovation and drive for competitive advantage. Reitmans selected Vcommerce Enterprise based on the completeness of the solution, the flexibility to integrate best-in-class third party components, and the deep expertise of the Vcommerce team to aid this leading brick and mortar retailer into the world of high volume eCommerce.

"Reitmans has been successfully running a brick and mortar retail operation for 80 years, but this is our first foray into online sales," said Diane Randolph, vice president of information systems, Reitmans Limited. "We feel that now the time is right to provide customers with a content-rich online store, complete with multiple merchandise views and information as well as transaction capabilities. The vast and diverse geography and climate of the Canadian landscape means that customers often travel a considerable distance to shop in our stores. More robust and transaction-capable web sites provide our customers with the ability to make purchases online, but also to 'pre-shop' for merchandise before heading to our stores. We are excited to be working with Vcommerce to develop this online sales channel and to enhance the overall shopping experience across all channels for our loyal customers."

Reitmans is a specialty apparel retailer with more than one billion dollars in annual revenue. The company has more than 900 stores across Canada. The company plans a phased rollout of its online stores beginning with its Addition-Elle, Pennington's and the MXM brand later this year. Vcommerce will provide the comprehensive eCommerce solution Reitmans requires to create the online storefronts with a unified shopping cart across all sites, multiple language support, loyalty programs, wish lists and highly secure transaction capabilities. Vcommerce Enterprise seamlessly integrates with Reitmans business systems for merchandising, fulfillment and customer relationship management. Reitmans also selected best in class third party components from FAST, Omniture, RichFX, and RightNow which are all integrated through the Vcommerce Enterprise Connector (VECTOR™).

"We look forward to helping another successful brick and mortar business develop an online sales channel that drives more profit and customer loyalty for the entire organization," said Dan Kennedy, president and chief technology officer of Vcommerce. He continued, "Reitmans selection of Vcommerce is especially rewarding since they will be the flagship customer in our apparel vertical and are launching concurrently with three world-class sites."

Vcommerce Enterprise is delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS), which enables Reitmans to leverage the configurability and security of a "behind the firewall" software implementation while enjoying ease of deployment, continuously updated feature sets, and availability of best-in-class partner components to provide for a truly "future-proof" solution.
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63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnglaubliche nicht nachzuvollziehende Divergenzen

01.10.07 16:04
Re: Proportional revenues of 205-210 million in 2008  (Not rated)       1-Oct-07 07:47 am     In the following we can read a about the revenues of Facebook: about 100 million in 2007. The price in the offer of Microsoft for Facebook is 10 billion = 100-times-revenues. Compare this with only 1.6-times-revenues of the proportional revenues of Internet Capital. The valuation of Facebook is the 60-fold. Okay, the growth-rate of Facebook is higher, but Internet Capital had excellent internet-companies, too - and growth, too - about 30%. I believe, that the difference - 1.6 on the one side and 100, the 60-fold, on the other side is to big.

Today, at the Fortune iMeme conference in San Francisco, Calif. Jim Breyer of Accel Partners discussed Facebook’s future. More specifically, a question that was asked to Breyer was, “What would be one example of catalyst where you and Mark would say we should sell the company?”

To which Breyer replied:

“Part of it is always price…The company will do well over $100 million in revenue, and profitable, and significant EBITDA positive this year. Right now our job is to build out the company as significantly as possible. In our case, sold best companies too early…sold Perabit to various networking companies, a series of our networking companies that today would have been possible IPO candidates.”  


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEine der wichtigsten Beteiligungen wächst

01.10.07 17:51
unaufhaltsam. Internet Capitäl hält 65% an ICGCommerce.

ICG Commerce Renews and Expands Relationship With Cameron to Provide Support for All Indirect Procurement
Monday October 1, 9:53 am ET

Expansion Reflects Significant Savings Over Past Three Years and Confidence in ICG Commerce's Ability to Deliver

PHILADELPHIA, PA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 1, 2007 -- Leading procurement outsourcing specialist, ICG Commerce, today announced a five year extension of its contract with Cameron (NYSE:CAM - News), a leading provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries. Based on ICG Commerce's proven ability to help Cameron drive cost reductions and achieve high levels of compliance, Cameron has significantly expanded the scope of the relationship to include all indirect procurement and logistics expenditures.

The increased scope will enable Cameron to proactively address four times more spend and ultimately drive greater savings that will support Cameron's investment and growth initiatives. With access to ICG Commerce's processes, category-specific expertise, tools and market intelligence, Cameron will be able to quickly scale its capabilities to centrally manage all areas of non-core spend.

"We saw procurement outsourcing as the most cost effective solution to help us maximize our savings and deliver additional value," said Jill Efford, Cameron's head of indirect procurement and leader of the outsourcing initiative. "By leveraging ICG Commerce's existing infrastructure and category knowledge, we will be able to quickly and seamlessly implement our program and focus our attention on maximizing results."

The two companies began working together in 2004. Through their combined efforts, the team exceeded key milestones, delivered cost reductions and improved control and visibility across Cameron's MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) and services spend.

"ICG Commerce has truly become an extension of our organization," said Jill Efford. "The partnership has enabled us to drive significant cost and performance improvements, and we look forward to achieving even greater results as we expand our relationship across all of our indirect spend."

Having doubled revenue over the past three years, Cameron is leveraging procurement outsourcing to control spending and drive savings that will fuel further growth. The extended contract with ICG Commerce will continue to support Cameron's goal of providing world-class procurement capabilities to its business units.

The expanded relationship with Cameron follows recent renewals with ICG Commerce by Goodyear, Greif and a global software company and new relationships with Chiquita, a life sciences company and a post-secondary education provider.

"Cameron's extension of our relationship, in combination with other new and expanded relationships, is evidence that successful companies are leveraging procurement outsourcing as an ongoing solution to maximize their bottom lines and deliver significant value," said Carl Guarino, CEO, ICG Commerce.

About Cameron

Cameron (NYSE:CAM - News) is a leading provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries.

About ICG Commerce, Inc.

ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is the leading procurement outsourcing specialist delivering comprehensive source-to-pay as well as strategic sourcing services. Results-driven leaders access ICG Commerce's experienced resources and market intelligence to better manage procurement and logistics spend, gaining significant savings and enhanced visibility and control.

ICG Commerce is a privately held company founded in 1992 and a member of Internet Capital Group's (NasdaqGM:ICGE - News) network of partner companies. The company has earned recognition from Forbes, Fortune, The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and leading industry analysts for its leadership in procurement outsourcing.



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch VCommerce ist eine Perle

02.10.07 16:26
Internet Capital hält 46% an Vcommerce:

New Offering of Vcommerce  (Not rated)      4 minutes ago     Vcommerce Introduces Innovative Online Marketing Services Group
Tuesday October 2, 9:00 am ET
Combining Best-in-Class Tools and Know-How to Drive Incremental Revenue for Online Retailers

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vcommerce Corporation (www.vcommerce.com), the leader in enterprise eCommerce solutions, today announced a full service online marketing services group, providing a complete offering of customer acquisition strategies, programs, and services. The group is already driving incremental revenue and profit for online retailers by combining the power of Vcommerce Enterprise(TM), best-in-class tools, and the skills of the group's online marketing experts.

A Team of Industry Experts

Today's top performing online stores attribute a majority of their traffic and sales to the performance of their online marketing programs. Recognizing the importance of online marketing, Vcommerce hired former Overstock.com vice president of marketing and chief technology officer, Shawn Schwegman. Schwegman built Overstock's affiliate marketing, books, movies, music & games department, and ran both marketing and technology at Overstock, where he helped grow the company from roughly $10M per year in sales to over $800M in per year sales, in just five years, from 2000 to 2005. Since arriving at Vcommerce, Schwegman has assembled a team of the industry's top online marketing experts, with experience from AOL, MSN, Amazon, Discovery Channel, JCPenney, Footsmart, Neiman-Marcus, and Nordstrom, to create a world-class, online marketing services organization.

"By leveraging Vcommerce Enterprise we offer a state-of-the-art online storefront, with superior organization and merchandising, as well as more efficient processes on the backend, for smoother order fulfillment and next-generation supplier management functions," said Houston Winn, chief creative officer of The Paquin Group. "Recognizing our organization could also tap into the online marketing services team, with little to no risk based on their pay-for-performance model, we jumped at the opportunity. The value to Paquin of having best-in-class marketing tools managed by a seasoned online marketing team and an integrated storefront, all provided by Vcommerce, is immeasurable, in terms of efficiencies and performance," stated Winn.

Based on their vast experience, the Vcommerce online marketing services team imparts valuable expertise and knowledge helping customers create online marketing programs to maximize their investment in eCommerce. Online marketing expertise, coupled with Vcommerce Enterprise and the company's network of integrated, best-in-class technology partners, creates an unmatched service in the industry. Vcommerce offers a full suite of online marketing services, including affiliate marketing, comparative shopping engine (CSE) management, email marketing, portal advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), conversion optimization, customer analytics, and a full range of creative services. In addition to strategic partnerships, with the industry's top solutions vendors, the team is also developing technology solutions to drive more efficiency and greater performance for their customers.

"Vcommerce online marketing services delivers the best people, tools and partners to help online retailers find high-value customers and drive revenue with a positive ROI," said Schwegman. "It's not enough to create a well-developed storefront and efficient back-end processing. Online retailers who appreciate and embrace the need to also market their sites effectively will be the most successful in the end."

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: New Offering of Vcommerce  (Not rated)      2 second(s) ago     Continue of the last posting:

Pay-for-Performance Model

Vcommerce online marketing services customers pay a percentage of revenue, on any incremental revenue Vcommerce has driven. Traditional online marketing agencies are primarily retainer-based, limiting the extent to which their bottom line is affected by performance. By aligning compensation with performance, customers receive the maximum return on their investment.

About Vcommerce Corporation

Vcommerce is the leading provider of eCommerce solutions enabling retailers, branded manufacturers, apparel, and entertainment companies to grow revenue and reduce expenses associated with operating an eCommerce business. We provide Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions for our clients across five key areas: online marketing, storefront, order management, fulfillment & integration, and customer service. Vcommerce also seamlessly integrates solutions from the world's best application and service providers to enable retailers to derive maximum value from their investments in eCommerce. With Vcommerce Enterprise, clients have the flexibility to deploy an end-to-end total solution or utilize the key areas and services that enhance their existing eCommerce investments. Vcommerce clients include Target, Overstock.com, eToys Direct, Ritz Interactive, MTV Networks and newegg.com. Located in Scottsdale, AZ, the company is privately held, and its investors include Internet Capital Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: ICGE - News). For more information, please visit http://www.vcommerce.com>www.vcommerce.com" rel="nofollow" class="showvisited">www.vcommerce.com>http://www.vcommerce.com>www.vcommerce.com or call 480.922.9922.

© 2007 Vcommerce Corporation. All rights reserved. Vcommerce is a registered trademark of Vcommerce Corporation. Any other company or product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEine Milliarde allein durch BIG FIVE

02.10.07 23:36
Worth of Big Five in the Average 150-200 million  (Not rated)      26 second(s) ago     More and more, investors recognized, that the ownership of Internet Capital in the BIG FIVE, ICGCommerc, Starcite, Creditex, Freeborders and Metastorm, has in the average a worth of 150-200 million or higher for each company. That are only for this five companies a worth of 750 million - 1 billion or higher


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda130 Millionen von Starcite

03.10.07 10:56
Starcite's presentation  (Not rated)       2-Oct-07 02:21 pm     was pretty good. Impressive.
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 Re: Starcite's presentation  (Not rated)       2-Oct-07 02:47 pm     Why??????
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 Re: Starcite's presentation  (Not rated)       2-Oct-07 06:46 pm     Number of the last quarter-report was excellent, too:

• Had a good second quarter, from both a top and bottom line perspective.

• Acquired Travent Limited, EMEA, UK- based provider of enterprise meeting management and technology solutions. Through this acquisition, StarCite secured an impressive base of corporate customers, as well as an experienced European- based operation.

• New customer signings:

• RJ Reynolds, SunTrust Banks, LexisNexis, a major global consulting
firm and an international food company.

• Expanded relationship with The Schwan Food Company, Shell US, Cox Enterprises and LOMA.

• The company is on target to meet its projected revenue, registration and earnings goals.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Starcite's presentation  (Not rated)      2 second(s) ago     Starcite had more than 40 million revenues in 2006 and an organic growth-rate of the revenues is between 40-50%, which was projected for 2007, too. In the last quarter-report they said: "The company is on target to meet its projected revenue, registration and earnings goals." That means in the result, that Starcite will reach without the aquisition of Travent Limited, EMEA, UK- based provider of enterprise meeting management and technology solutions revenues of 60 million in 2007. From the aquisition will come about additional 5 million revenues and that are alltogether 65 million revenues in 2007. Competitors with comparable growth-rates have multiples between 7 and 12. If we take 8-times-revenues for the 65 million revenues from 2007 (which will expand in 2008 to near 100 million), we have a value for Starcite of 510 million. Internet Capital owns 26% = worth about 130 million.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMarktkapitalisierung kann sich verdreifachen

04.10.07 09:51
Re: Worth of Big Five in the Average 150-200 million  (Not rated)       3-Oct-07 09:37 am     Additional Internet Capital has 200 million cash/securities and the ownership in the six other companies Channelintelligence, Emptoris, Whitefence, Vcommerce, Investoreforce and Anthemventure is in the average worth about 25-30 million = 150-180 million or more.

Now we can add 750 - 1,000 million from the BIG FIVE, 200 million cash/securities and 150-180 million from the other companies = 1,100 - 1380 million. Market-cap of today is about 470 million.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



164 Postings, 7612 Tage schupolibuda

04.10.07 10:10
was bitte hat der mist bei Softbank zu suchen  


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