Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Eröffnet am: | 06.12.05 13:53 | von: Libuda | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.605 |
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Valley Talk in der Wiwo:
"Maik Cannice kann sogar belegen, dass die Stimmung im Silicon Valley ganz ausgezeichnet ist. Alle drei Monate bittet der Professor der Univeristät von San Francisco 31 Wagnisfinanzierer aus dem High Tech-Tal darum, ihre Seelenlage auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 auszudrücken. Die Bestnote 5 steht für ungetrübten Optimismus. Der jüngste Wert ist 4,15. Er liegt zwar etwas unter den 4,38 vom Frühjahr, aber immer noch sehr gut. Dies lässt auf viele Börsengänge in den nächsten anderthalb Jahren hoffen."
Für kein Unternehmen weltweit ist das bessere Nachricht als für Internet Capital. Daher sollte man die momentan günstigen Kurse morgen in Frankfurt gnadenlos ausnüzten. Das haben die Anleger heute schon in Frankfurt getan - und wer schlau ist, fährt morgen damit fort.
Extreme undervalue: Goindustry (Not rated) 22-Aug-07 09:43 am This partner-company of Internet Capital can tripple and more the market-cap:
The information provided is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies (February 2007), updated as of 17 August 2007.
Introduction to GoIndustry
In a market estimated to be worth more than US$100 billion, GoIndustry has become a leading force in changing the way in which surplus industrial assets are bought and sold. Since the company was founded in 1999 it has leveraged the growing popularity and effectiveness of online auctions, which when married to the company's acknowledged expertise in equipment valuation, marketing and database management has proved a powerful combination for international expansion.
In 2006 GoIndustry enhanced its position further by expanding the reach of its global buyer database, increasing online auction penetration and aligning its sales force with the most significant opportunities. In April 2007 the company raised £6.6 million to finance further growth initiatives. In the process it strengthened its balance sheet and broadened its institutional shareholder base.
The management of the company believe that there is considerable scope for future growth. Even as the market leader, GoIndustry's market share accounts for less than 1% of the estimated global market. Because the market is so fragmented, GoIndustry believes it can increase its sales significantly over the coming years. The company is focused on driving its growth both organically and via carefully targeted acquisitions.
Shareholders (Information last updated 26 July 2007)
Shares in issue: 264,998,157m 5p Ords
GoIndustry plc
Significant Shareholders Number of shares held % Holding
ICG Holdings 69,177,300 26.40%
Atlas Funds 36,686,193 13.82%
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Look at the last three bought companies: Whitefence, Vcommerce and Channelintelligence - they are all three first class-companies. And after the crash of the hedge- and equity-industry Internet Capital has better chances to buy additonal wonderful companies like Whitefence, Vcommerce and Channelintelligence.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Ich sehe hier nur Verluste.
Ich interessiere mich schon seit einiger Zeit für den Titel und finde Libuda´s Ausführungen interessant, aber ihc vermisse doch sehr stark das eigentliche Ziel einer Unternehmung: Gewinne.
Grundsätzlich ist ein Unternehmen mit Umsatzwachstum ja erstmal interessant, aber solange man nicht in der Lage ist Gewinne zu generieren ist es doch etwas mit Risiko behaftet.
Das verhält sich vielleicht ähnlich zu meinem Abacho Investment, wo auch kaum Gewinne, aber die Aussicht auf eien interessante Markstellung vorhanden ist/war (Übernahme durch Holtzbrinck).
Kann mir hier jemand nochmal was zu den Gewinnaussichten posten ?
Einen Wert auf Basis der Marktkapitalisierung/Umsatz zu kaufen war bis 2000 eine interessante Strategie, die sich später dann aber als Reinfall entpuppte.
Heute will man Gewinne sehen. Wenn ICG jetzt aber bald Gewinne vorlegt könnte der Kurs meiner Meinung nach richtig an Fahrt gewinnen.
Wenn ich großen Hunger habe, freue ich mich, wenn der Kuchen immer größer wird, aberdas bringt mir nur wenig, wenn der Kuchen nicht das hat, was ich eigentlich brauche: einen guten Geschmack
Internet Capital ist ein Inkubator, der Unternehmen in einem frühen Stadium kauft, entwickelt und nach einigen Jahren weiter verkauft. Die Gewinne von Internet Capital ergeben sich also im wesentlichen aus den Differenzen zwischen dem Einkaufs- und Verkaufpreisen von Beteiligungsfirmen. Von den knapp zwanzig Beteiligungen gegen nämlich nur ganze zwei mit ihren laufenden Umsätzen und Aufwendungen in das Zahlenwerk von Internet Capital ein. Deshalb ist auch in obigem Zahlenwerk der Umsatz in 2005 kleiner als der Gewinn, was damit zusammenhängt. Die nicht unmittelbar in das Zahlenwerk mit laufenden Umsätzen und Aufwendungen einfließenden Beteiligungen machen sich aber dann bemerkbar, wenn sie verkauft werden, da dann die Differenzen zwischen dem Einkaufs- und Verkaufspreis in den Gewinn eingehen.
Der Gewinn bei Internet Capital wird folglich von Jahr zu Jahr stark schwanken (und von Quartal zu Quartal noch mehr). In 2005 hat man mit Linkshare eine wertvolle Beteiligung mit hohem Gewinn verkauft - folglich lag der Gewinn bei 72,5 Millionen (im Quartal mit dem Verkauf lag der Gewinn über 100 Millionen, in den anderen drei ohne Verkäufe gab es Verluste, was immer so sein wird). In 2006 hat man nur kleinere Beteiligungen verkauft - folglich lagen wir nur bei 15,6 Millionen. Die entscheidende Frage ist: Wie hoch ist der durchschnittlich Gewinn in den nächsten 5 oder 10 Jahren. Wenn man sich da die Beteiligungspipeline des Unternehmen ansieht und die niedrigen Bilanzansätze dieser Unternehmen, kann man davon ausgehen, dass wir hier bei 130-200 Millionen landen. Das ist bei dem momentanen Aktienkurs ein KGV von geradeeinmal 2.
Da diese Rechnung nicht ganz einfach ist, ist es einfacher die Werte der Beteiligungen zu schätzen, wie ich das tue. Das kann man durch Vergleiche mit entsprechenden Unternehmen ganz passabel tun. Und kommt man auf Werte, die jenseits der einen Milliarde liegen, also bei Kursen, die das Zweieinhalbfache bis Dreifache der jetzigen Kurse ausmachen.
Profiting From The Meltdown (forbes)
A consortium of the nation's leading investment banks have quietly created an index that is not only protecting them against the recent market meltdown but also promising to make them bundles of money in the process.
The index, known as LCDX, was created just weeks before the meltdown began by shrewd financial operatives like JPMorgan Chase (nyse: JPM - news - people ) and Goldman Sachs (nyse: GS - news - people ), which suspected trouble was brewing in the leveraged loan market and needed a way to protect themselves and their hedge fund clients.
This was just-in-time financial engineering. On May 23, LCDX, a credit derivatives contract covering the potential default of 100 large corporate names, made its debut at 100.5. Rising interest rates, widespread fear about the fallout from the subprime mortgage fiasco, and an overhang of $250 billion in private equity loans that had to be refinanced triggered a vicious tumble in the stock market.
By late June, as fears about the extent of the subprime mortgage fiasco spread, the LCDX began to weaken, and those who'd shorted it began making money. Hedge funds loaded to the gills with leveraged buyout loans saw it as a way of hedging their positions, as the cash market in those loans was relatively illiquid.
Goldman Sachs has hedged a large percentage of its $72 billion in obligations, including private equity commitments. Bear Stearns (nyse: BSC - news - people ) reported last Friday it was "making money on hedges related to some large leveraged buyout loans ... or has been selling at lower prices than anticipated."
The leveraged loan market is not the only sector of the fixed-income market where the investment banks shrewdly created an index that would help them hedge against one of their most profitable but risky businesses--the issuance of asset-backed securities like the mortgage bonds used to finance the subprime housing market.
In early 2006 a small number of firms led by Deutsche Bank (nyse: DB - news - people ), Barclays (nyse: BCS - news - people ), Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs formed the ABX index (a credit default swap of asset-backed mortgages) of 30 most liquid mortgage-backed bonds. The savviest players like Deutsche Bank (which reportedly made $250 million) and several hedge funds on both sides of the Atlantic began shorting that ABX index in early 2006 at par. It now sells at 35, implying that the value of those mortgage-backed bonds and others of their ilk have lost 65% of their value, a potential loss in the tens of billions of dollars. Which means, of course, that smart money's made up to 65% on this one trade.
Indeed, Deutsche Bank derivatives research has been warning clients for months that the leverage in the asset-backed market, especially the collateralized debt obligations set up to hold pools of subprime mortgage-backed securities, had far too much embedded leverage--up to 100 times too much.
LCDX, ABX and over 20 other indexes are the creation of CDS Index--a private concern owned equally by 16 major financial institutions like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ) and Barclays Capital. The other members are Bank of America (nyse: BAC - news - people ), BNP Paribas (other-otc: BNPQY - news - people ), Citigroup (nyse: C - news - people ), Credit Suisse (nyse: CS - news - people ), Lehman Brothers (nyse: LEH - news - people ), Merrill Lynch (nyse: MER - news - people ), RBS Greenwich, UBS (nyse: UBS - news - people ) and Wachovia (nyse: WB - news - people ).
The banks claim that in creating these indexes they were simply responding to the demands of their clients, including a host of top hedge funds, which also have made money on many of these trades.
These firms meet informally with Goldman Sachs' managing director, Brad Levy, currently serving as acting director of CDS Index. They decide what fixed-income asset class may have reached its peak and requires an outlet for liquidity and the dispersion of risk. The consortium was formed after years of bitter internecine warfare by the investment banks, which were creating their own in-house indexes to rival their competitors.
The indexes that CDS has been quietly creating are tools for the repricing of the entire credit market. First, it was the residential housing market, then the debt of European companies just barely investment grade, and more recently the mortgages in the commercial real estate market. Some observers believe, though, that the volatile price movement in these indexes the past few weeks is the result of market players being able to take both a negative and positive stance, without having to take any clear position on how serious the crisis in the credit markets might be or could become.
Sunil Hirani, founder of Creditex, says, "If we did not have these credit derivative default indexes--LCDX, CDX, iTraxx Crossover, and others--the credit markets would be functioning with even more volatility, as everyone would be in the dark about pricing and the way to disperse risk." Creditex is a major factor in the credit derivative market.
Of course, it also means there are a lot of folks quietly making a bundle of money while the markets crater. Moreover, no regulatory authority has to approve the creation of these indexes. Nor is there widespread transparency of the trading or price action in these indexes.
Markit, a British company 60% owned by a number of these investment banks, administers the market in credit derivative swaps and posts an average price for each contract at the end of the trading session on Markit.com. A few firms like JPMorgan send their clients daily research updates on the markets and recommend when to buy and when to sell. The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times have begun to publish a few of the index prices.
There is some concern that the current volatility in the credit markets is due to the lack of liquidity in these indexes. But Markit officials believe about $200 billion of LCDX has traded since May 23. And Hirani says his firm has been doing $20 billion of business in the $100 billion daily volume in the iTraxx Crossover index, which is the index for 100 large European companies.
Still, some of this volume could be hedge funds or investment banks trading in and out of the market to make a few points. LCDX, the credit derivative that is fast becoming the most popular of these, is bound to be volatile, as it includes loans issued by Ford Motor (nyse: F - news - people ) and United Airlines. In September a revised index will include the loans of prospective buyouts like Alcatel, Tribune (nyse: TRB - news - people ) and Chrysler. Since the collateralized loan obligations market is frozen at this time, it means the only way a hedge fund or investment firm with losses in the corporate loan market can protect itself is to go short on these indexes, which is where the big money truly lies.
To be sure, much of this is a zero sum game, which means that for every winner on the short side, there is a loser on the long side. European and Asian financial institutions are believed to have been the unsuspecting buyers of the riskiest tranches of the ABX index, for instance.
Lately, the most extreme risk appears to be for mortgages issued in the commercial real estate market in the U.S., which is the province of an index that began trading in April, the CMBX, to be followed soon by CMBX Europe, an index of commercial real estate loans in Europe. This could mean the hedge fund fraternity believes commercial real estate mortgages have been sold at an inflated price level there was well.
Scheinbar ist es normal zum Q3 mit minus zu arbeiten und dann nochmal was zu verkaufen.
Ist schon ein heißes Spiel, oder ?
Die Beteiligungen sind ja nicht ganz uninteressant, aber die Risiken sind natürlich entsprechend hoch, wenn nicht genug Interesse/Kapital da ist, um Werte gut zu veräußern.
Es gibt immer Chancen und Risiken. Wir sollten beides durchleuchten, um gut zu investieren. Nur wenn ich die Risiken mit den Chancen vergleiche habe ich die richtigen Faktoren für ein Investment.
Wie sehen die Risiken aus Deiner Sicht aus ?
ICG reported a net loss of $(4.0) million, or $(0.11) per share, for the second quarter of 2007, versus a net loss of $(7.8) million, or $(0.21) per share, for the comparable 2006 period. Results for the second quarter of 2007 include $4.0 million in net gains, driven primarily by an $8.2 million gain related to the sale of Marketron, offset by charges of $6.0 million related to hedges associated with a portion of our Blackboard (Nasdaq:BBBB) holdings. Results for the second quarter of 2006 include $(0.3) million in net charges primarily related to a loss on debt repurchases offset by other gains and an income tax benefit. ICG reported a net loss of $(23.6) million, or $(0.63) per share, for the six months ended June 30, 2007, versus a net loss of $(12.7) million, or $(0.34) per share, for the prior year period.
Dass ein Quartalsbericht bei Internet Capital nichts aussagt, habe ich ja schon im vorstehenden Posting zu erklären versucht. Zunächst gehen nur die Umsätze von 2 von knapp 20 Beteiligungen in die Umsätze der Holding Internet Capital ein - dort wo Internet Capital mehr als 50% hält (ICGCommerce und Investorforce, aber auch das kann man alles auch im Quartalsbericht bzw in den Ergänzungen dazu problemlos nachlesen. Allerdings veröffentlicht Internet Capital auch die Umsatzentwicklungen von acht Kernbeteiligungen als Gesamtheit, die in Deinen Postings seltsamerweise überhaupt nie vorkommen, aber sicher sehr viel aussagekräftiger sind als die Entwicklung der Umsätze von 2 von knapp 20 Beteiligungen, die sich in den Umsätzen der Holding Internet Capital niederschlagen. Und die Nichtaussage von Quartalsberichten hatte ich am Beispiel des Jahres 2005 schon erklärt. In 2005 hat Internet Capital 72.5 Millionen Gewinn gemacht, aber trotzdem in drei von vier Quartalen Verlusten. Und das ist logisch, wenn man sich mit dem Geschäftmodell beschäftigt und es versteht. Denn Internet Capital kauft Unternehmen in einem frühen Stadium, entwickelt sie über Jahre und verkauft sie dann. Gewinne können somit nur in Quartalen auftauchen, wo eine bedeutende Beteiligung oder Teile davon verkauft wurden. So war das auch z.B. in 2005, wo in einem solchen Quartal mit einem Verkauf ein Gewinn von 108 Millionen auftauchte, in den anderen drei Quartalen Verluste. So war vom Prinzip her auch in 2006, obwohl hier keine größeren Verkäufe getätigt wurden - und wird es auch auf Dauer bleiben. Daher kann die Frage eigentlich nur sein: Wie hoch ist der durchschnittliche jährlich Gewinn in den nächsten fünf oder zehnt Jahren? Meine Schätzung von 130 - 200 Million pro Jahr habe ich ja schon in einem vorherigen Posting angeführt - das liefe auf ein KGV von 2-3 hinaus, einmal im Internetbereich.
Zugegebenermaßen ist das Geschäftsmodell von der Rechnungslegung nicht einfach zu verstehen, wenn man in Sachen Rechnungslegung kein Fachmann ist. Das dürfte einer der Gründe sein, warum zu 88,5 Institutionelle an Internet Capital beteiligt sind - größter Eigner ist der weltweit größte Investor Fidelity mit über 12% der Aktien. Ein anderer Grund für den hohen Anteil an Institutionell sind sicher die Emotionen, die mit dem Wert Internet Capital verbunden sind - denn der ist von $4280 im Jahre 2000 auf $3,40 im Jahre 2002 abgestürzt und hat sich seither wieder auf $11,50 erhöht. Damit können Private schwer umgehen und sie lassen sich daher enorme Chancen entgehen, denn unter den vielen Nieten der über 80 Beteiligungen im Jahre 2000 waren halt auch einige Glücklose wie Creditex, ICGCommerce, Starcite, Metastorm oder Freeborders.
In the next three years (2007-200) we will see the monetizaion of the following four core-companies:
- Starcite
- Metastorm
- Freeborders
- ICGCommerce
Additional we will see in this three years (2007-2009) the monetization of following other compaies:
- Creditex
- Emptoris
The worth of this monetizations will be between 800 million and one billion. And the net income will be by a book value of under 100 million between 700 and 900 million. That is in the average a net-income of 233-300 million in this three years and P/E of about 2.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Monday August 27, 10:05 am ET
Agreement Expected to Help Chiquita Reduce Costs While Focusing on Delivering Healthy, Convenient, Fresh Foods to Consumers
PHILADELPHIA, PA--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 27, 2007 -- ICG Commerce, the leading procurement outsourcing specialist, today announced that it has signed a five-year agreement with Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (NYSE:CQB - News), one of the world's leading marketers and distributors of high-quality fresh and value-added food products, to provide procurement outsourcing services. Under the terms of the contract, ICG Commerce will assist Chiquita with managing indirect spend areas, including transportation, marketing, MRO (maintenance, repair and operating supplies) and information technology on a global basis.
"Partnering with ICG Commerce complements a key pillar of Chiquita's corporate strategy to build a high-performance organization by providing our procurement organization access to the expertise that will enable us to focus on our core competencies and deliver more value to the company," said Onye Uzoukwu, Chiquita's vice president of global procurement. "We expect this agreement will help us drive cost savings, while allowing us to concentrate on delivering innovative, higher-margin products to our customers and consumers."
"We are very pleased to work with an industry leader like Chiquita," said Carl Guarino, chief executive officer, ICG Commerce. "They have a world-class procurement organization with strong capabilities, and recognize outsourcing as a way to drive even greater results."
In addition to Chiquita, Guarino acknowledged the concurrent signing of a five-year contract for procurement outsourcing services with a large North American-based life sciences company. These two new customers join other leading companies, including Kimberly-Clark, Goodyear Tire & Rubber and The Timken Company, which have outsourced indirect procurement to ICG Commerce.
"We continue to see more and more companies embracing procurement outsourcing as a strategy to increase focus and improve performance," Guarino continued. "We believe many of these companies choose ICG Commerce based upon our focused commitment to ensuring our customers succeed in achieving their objectives and our track record of delivering against our commitments."
About Chiquita Brands International
With annual revenues of approximately $4.5 billion, Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (www.chiquita.com) is a leading international marketer and distributor of high-quality fresh and value-added food products -- from energy-rich bananas and other fruits to nutritious blends of convenient green salads. The company's products and services are designed to win the hearts and smiles of the world's consumers by helping them enjoy healthy fresh foods. The company markets its products under the Chiquita® and Fresh Express® premium brands and other related trademarks. Chiquita employs approximately 25,000 people operating in more than 70 countries worldwide.
About ICG Commerce, Inc.
ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is the leading procurement outsourcing specialist delivering comprehensive source-to-pay as well as strategic sourcing services. Results-driven leaders access ICG Commerce's experienced resources and market intelligence to better manage procurement and logistics spend, gaining significant savings and enhanced visibility and control.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Very good new from ICGCommerce (Not rated) In the last five years since the increase of the share price from the low of $3.40 to price of $11.50 of today news about ICGCommerce was wonderful days for buys. The reason is, that on this day we ever saw big additional shortselling of BIG SHORT, who wants to deceive the investors about the good fundamentals of Internet Capital. In the days after his big shortselling, he did most big covering and the share-price increased.
My advice for all investors: Buy the dip of today.
Entspannung auf den Kreditmärkten
Von Stefan Ruhkamp
27. August 2007
Wenn die Finanzkrise einer fiebrigen Erkältung gleicht, dann sind Credit Default Swaps wie ein Thermometer. Die handelbaren Kreditausfallversicherungen sind liquider als der Anleihemarkt und reagieren deshalb besonders schnell auf Ereignisse und Spekulationen. Zuletzt sind die Prämien, die für solche Versicherungen zu zahlen sind, deutlich gefallen. Am Montag ging es - nicht zuletzt wegen des möglichen Verkaufs der in Schwierigkeiten geratenen Sachsen LB an die stabile LBBW - weiter voran.
Der Itraxx Crossover, ein Index für 50 wackelige europäische Unternehmensschuldner, wurde mit 315 bis 320 Basispunkten gehandelt. Auf dem Höhepunkt der Verunsicherung waren es mehr als 500 Basispunkte. Auch Versicherungen für das Risiko, das Banken ausfallen, sind günstiger geworden. Doch Analysten warnen vor einer zu frühen Entwarnung und befürchten weitere Rückschläge.
Risikoprämien durch Krise gestiegen
Je niedriger der Itraxx-Wert ist, desto weniger müssen Investoren bezahlen, um sich Sicherheit für ihr Portfolio zu kaufen. Meist werden die Creditswap-Verträge mit fünf Jahren Laufzeit abgeschlossen. Der Sicherungsgeber verpflichtet sich in den meisten Fällen, 10 Millionen Euro abzüglich des Restwertes der versicherten Schulden zu zahlen, wenn es zu einem Kreditereignis kommen sollte. Ein solcher Fall tritt zum Beispiel ein, wenn das Unternehmen, auf das sich der Vertrag bezieht, seine Schulden nicht mehr bedienen kann. Als Gegenleistung für die Absicherung zahlt der Sicherungsnehmer eine jährliche Prämie.
Vor einigen Wochen reichten noch 10 Basispunkte, also 0,1 Prozent der Versicherungssumme, um sich für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall einer Zahlungsstörung bei einer deutschen Landesbank oder einer deutschen Großbank abzusichern. Mit anderen Worten: Man zahlte für eine Versicherungssumme von 10 Millionen Euro etwa 10.000 Euro im Jahr. Seit Beginn der Banken- und Finanzkrise ist es ungleich teurer geworden. Wer sich zum Beispiel für das Risiko West LB absichern will, muss bei einem Vertragsschluss derzeit mit einer jährlichen Belastung von 67.000 Euro (0,67 Prozent) rechnen. In der Spitze waren es Anfang August sogar 85.000 Euro. Absicherung für das Risiko Sachsen LB kostet Investoren derzeit eine Jahresprämie oberhalb von 80.000 Euro - wenn sie überhaupt einen Handelspartner finden.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Aus deutschen Landen frisch auf den Tisch (Not rated) 28-Aug-07 07:28 am Fortsetzung des letzten Postings:
Das Fieber ist immer noch hoch
Sicherungsverträge für Schulden der Deutschen Bank oder der Commerzbank sind deutlich günstiger zu bekommen. Aber auch bei diesen Namen zeigt sich die Risikoscheu der professionellen Investoren. Die Risikoprämien sind um ein Vielfaches höher als vor Beginn der Finanzkrise, die ihren Ausgangspunkt auf dem amerikanischen Hypothekenmarkt hatte, aber längst auf andere Kreditmärkte übergegriffen hat. Immerhin hat sich in den vergangenen Tagen die Situation etwas entspannt. Entsprechend ist auch die Risikoprämie für Schulden der Deutschen Bank auf dem Swap-Markt von mehr als 0,5 auf 0,35 Prozent gefallen. Die Lösung für die Sachsen LB wirke auf dem gesamten Markt für Bankenrisiken entspannend, heißt es im Frankfurter Handel.
„Doch zu sehr sollten sich die Anleger nicht zurücklehnen“, sagt Philip Gisdakis, Kreditstratege der Unicredit, Muttergesellschaft der Hypo-Vereinsbank. „Das Schlimmste ist noch nicht vorüber.“ In den vergangenen Jahren sei mit wachsendem und viel zu hohem Kreditanteil immer riskanter investiert worden. Nun schlage das Pendel zurück. Es werde zu Wertverlusten der Banken kommen - nicht nur auf dem amerikanischen Hypothekenmarkt, sondern zum Beispiel auch bei Krediten, die für Unternehmenskäufe vergeben worden sind. Nach und nach würden diese Verluste nun veröffentlicht. „Da wird noch einiges folgen“, glaubt Gisdakis.
Die immer noch hohen Risikoprämien seien weniger eine Kompensation für mögliche Ausfälle von Banken; die seien immer noch sehr unwahrscheinlich. Die Versicherungsgeber könnten derzeit vor allem deshalb so viel fordern, weil nur wenige bereit seien, überhaupt Risiken zu übernehmen. Das Fieber ist also etwas gesunken, hoch ist es aber immer noch.
Text: F.A.Z., 28.08.2007, Nr. 199 / Seite 21
Bildmaterial: F.A.Z.
First monetization of an core company will be Metastorm, because a leading later-stage growth company investor (ABS Capital General) lead a C-financing-round to buy another company and give the ipo the right size, my estimate is an ipo-market-cap of a half billion. Before the last financing-round Internet Capital owned 41% of Metastrom. My hope is, that the ownership didn't decrease under about 33%.
ABS Capital General Partner Laura Witt Joins Metastorm Board
Tuesday August 21, 8:00 am ET
Global Leader in EA, BPA, and BPM Strengthens Board With Experienced Software Industry Investor
BALTIMORE, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that Laura Witt, general partner at ABS Capital Partners, a leading later-stage growth company investor, has joined its board of directors.
Ms. Witt has an extensive background working with successful software and technology services companies. She currently serves on the board of several ABS Capital software investments, including Double-Take Software, Inc., a leading provider of affordable software for recoverability, and Rosetta Stone, Inc., creator of the world's No. 1 language-learning program. She previously served on the board of Youcentric, Inc., a CRM software provider, which was sold to J.D. Edwards & Co. in 2001. With over 10 years of experience investing in growth companies at ABS Capital, Ms. Witt brings a wealth of perspectives to addressing the strategic and operational issues facing high-growth companies. She has been an active investor in the software and technology services sectors, working with companies to capitalize on shifts in the competitive landscape, to build effective sales and distribution channels, and to seize opportunities to further expand their product offerings. Her international experience is also well-suited to guiding Metastorm -- a global software vendor with customer presence in 109 countries.
ABS Capital led Metastorm's recent $30 million Series C round of funding, which closed on August 1, 2007. ABS Capital was joined in the round by existing investors, including Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE - News), 3i, and Wall Street Technology Partners.
In addition to closing the Series C funding earlier this month, Metastorm made a strategic market move with its acquisition of Proforma Corporation, a recognized leader in business process analysis, modeling, and enterprise architecture. Metastorm is now able to offer a complete product portfolio for EA, BPA, and BPM that will allow organizations to more quickly and effectively close the gaps between strategy, analysis, and execution to deliver greater operational value and accelerate the delivery of real results against strategic goals and objectives.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Price-Earning between 2 and 2.5 for Internet Capital (Not rated) 28-Aug-07 10:47 am Big Market-Growth: 400% in only five years
To keep up, companies like Metastorm are broadening their horizons. "Some of the leaders in the BPM suite category are growing and being considered for the broader application platform category, including Lombardi [Software], Pegasystems and Metastorm," said Gartner analyst Janelle Hill, in a July 18 interview with eWEEK. "They often find themselves compared to the big middleware vendors."
Hill said the BPMS category is one of the fastest-growing segments in software with over $1 billion in sales in 2006, a number that is expected by Gartner to jump to $4 billion by 2011.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Price-Earning between 2 and 2.5 for Internet Capital (Not rated) 28-Aug-07 12:58 pm About the revenues of Metastorm in last quarterly-report of Internet Capital:
Combined company is expected to generate over $70 million in
revenue in 2007 and projects revenue of $90 million in 2008; it will
maintain the profitable operating model it has had in place for the
past two years.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Price-Earning between 2 and 2.5 for Internet Capital (Not rated) 28-Aug-07 01:05 pm 11 consecutive quarter of profitable grwoth is very important for an ipo. Metastorm reported about the second quarter 2007:
"Strong adoption rates and large enterprise license deals enabled Metastorm to post its 11th consecutive quarter of profitable growth."
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Gruss penski
News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:10 pm Internet Capital owns 35% of Whitefence:
Press Releases
WhiteFence Integrates Online and Call Center Solutions Enabling Energy Providers to Expand One-Stop Home Services
HOUSTON, TX, August 23, 2007 – WhiteFence, the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home services, today announced its integrated online and call center solution for service providers in the electricity, natural gas and communications industries. The WhiteFence one-stop shopping platform enables consumers to connect all of their services in one convenient location.
Founded in March of 2000, WhiteFence has sourced and processed more than 4.5 million orders for top providers nationally. In the past year, offline call center capabilities were incorporated with existing online solutions for AT&T, Verizon and Nicor Gas, among others. The AT&T Mover's One Source, powered by WhiteFence, incorporates both online and call center solutions, saving consumers time and money by helping them secure reliable, cost-effective services.
"Integrating call center services with our online system is a natural extension of our capabilities, which will enable us to attract and serve more customers," said Eric Danziger, WhiteFence's chief executive officer. "Millions of consumers already turn to WhiteFence to compare, purchase and switch their services, helping to ensure they receive the best deals and prices available. We will continue to address their needs by expanding our product lines, customer services and relationships with top providers nationally."
By combining online and offline solutions, WhiteFence expands the capabilities of electricity and natural gas providers to promote and sell ancillary products such as line guard, renewable energy credits, balanced billing, and appliance warranty.
"Adding integrated call center solutions not only enables providers to better accommodate their existing customers with one-stop home services, but it gives our providers a new avenue to capture additional customers seeking such solutions offline," said Franc Arbide, executive vice president of sales & business development at WhiteFence. "In recent months WhiteFence has increased the number of fulltime phone representatives to over 100, and now has the capability to quickly expand that number as needed."
For more information about WhiteFence services, providers can visit b2b.WhiteFence.com.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet, banking and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes. WhiteFence is based in Houston, TX. The privately held company is backed by Adams Street Partners and Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE).
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:59 pm Two month ago Whitefence aquired a competitor:
Press Releases
WhiteFence, the Largest Online Home Services Marketplace Acquires Competitor ConnectUtilities
HOUSTON (June 7, 2007) - Executives at WhiteFence (www.WhiteFence.com), the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for residential home services, announced today that the company has acquired competitor ConnectUtilities (www.ConnectUtilities.com). Beginning immediately, WhiteFence will integrate ConnectUtilities into its growing family of Web sites.
Both WhiteFence and ConnectUtilities offer the 110 million U.S. households the opportunity to compare pricing and order service plans for a variety of residential home services, including home telephone, high-speed Internet, natural gas and cable television, among others.
"While our strategy has been to grow WhiteFence organically, we're excited to take this next step and acquire ConnectUtilities," stated WhiteFence chief executive officer Eric Danziger. "Through this acquisition, we are able to grow our channel partner relationships, technology infrastructure and customer base as we further expand our national footprint."
ConnectUtilities, also founded in 2000, provides full-service utility connections online, while at the same time offering up-to-date promotions and cost saving opportunities.
WhiteFence recently completed its second round of funding, having raised $14 million led by new investor Adams Street Partners, in addition to Internet Capital Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICGE), who led the company's first round of funding in 2005.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households, including movers, to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Dividente jedes Jahr bekommen !
Mit Firmen aus der zweiten Reihe, in Branchen wo Deutschland schon immer internationale Spitze war,
wie eine Salzgitter wäre man vermögend geworden !
Und mit einer lächerlichen Pfleiderer, wo am Bahnsteig Richtung Oberpfalz deren Holzstämme liegen,
hätte man nach dem Crash in drei Jahren satte 1400 % gemacht !
Mit ICGE hat man sich einen Langeweiler ins Depot gelegt -
im Gegensatz zu Raketen (man glaubt es kaum - wenn man es hört) wie VW, BASF usw.
Amen !
Frage an Don Carlos
Dieser Thread wurde 37 mal gelesen und umfaßt 1 Posting.
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1. Frage an Don Carlos Libuda 29.08.07 23:26
Was wäre Whitefence wert, wenn die Deutschland wären:
Auch Whitefence entwickelt sich langsam aber Libuda 29.08.07 23:19
aber sicher zum BIG THING. Bei vermutlich 20 Millionen Erlösen in 2007 würde für Whitefence, wenn die Deutschland wären, Medienkonzerne gut und gern eine Viertelmilliarde hinlegen, wie uns z.B. Don Carlo von weiter oben sicher bestätigen kann.
News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:10 pm Internet Capital owns 35% of Whitefence:
Press Releases
WhiteFence Integrates Online and Call Center Solutions Enabling Energy Providers to Expand One-Stop Home Services
HOUSTON, TX, August 23, 2007 – WhiteFence, the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home services, today announced its integrated online and call center solution for service providers in the electricity, natural gas and communications industries. The WhiteFence one-stop shopping platform enables consumers to connect all of their services in one convenient location.
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Founded in March of 2000, WhiteFence has sourced and processed more than 4.5 million orders for top providers nationally. In the past year, offline call center capabilities were incorporated with existing online solutions for AT&T, Verizon and Nicor Gas, among others. The AT&T Mover's One Source, powered by WhiteFence, incorporates both online and call center solutions, saving consumers time and money by helping them secure reliable, cost-effective services.
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"Integrating call center services with our online system is a natural extension of our capabilities, which will enable us to attract and serve more customers," said Eric Danziger, WhiteFence's chief executive officer. "Millions of consumers already turn to WhiteFence to compare, purchase and switch their services, helping to ensure they receive the best deals and prices available. We will continue to address their needs by expanding our product lines, customer services and relationships with top providers nationally."
By combining online and offline solutions, WhiteFence expands the capabilities of electricity and natural gas providers to promote and sell ancillary products such as line guard, renewable energy credits, balanced billing, and appliance warranty.
"Adding integrated call center solutions not only enables providers to better accommodate their existing customers with one-stop home services, but it gives our providers a new avenue to capture additional customers seeking such solutions offline," said Franc Arbide, executive vice president of sales & business development at WhiteFence. "In recent months WhiteFence has increased the number of fulltime phone representatives to over 100, and now has the capability to quickly expand that number as needed."
For more information about WhiteFence services, providers can visit b2b.WhiteFence.com.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet, banking and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes. WhiteFence is based in Houston, TX. The privately held company is backed by Adams Street Partners and Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE).
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:59 pm Two month ago Whitefence aquired a competitor:
Press Releases
WhiteFence, the Largest Online Home Services Marketplace Acquires Competitor ConnectUtilities
HOUSTON (June 7, 2007) - Executives at WhiteFence (www.WhiteFence.com), the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for residential home services, announced today that the company has acquired competitor ConnectUtilities (www.ConnectUtilities.com). Beginning immediately, WhiteFence will integrate ConnectUtilities into its growing family of Web sites.
Both WhiteFence and ConnectUtilities offer the 110 million U.S. households the opportunity to compare pricing and order service plans for a variety of residential home services, including home telephone, high-speed Internet, natural gas and cable television, among others.
"While our strategy has been to grow WhiteFence organically, we're excited to take this next step and acquire ConnectUtilities," stated WhiteFence chief executive officer Eric Danziger. "Through this acquisition, we are able to grow our channel partner relationships, technology infrastructure and customer base as we further expand our national footprint."
ConnectUtilities, also founded in 2000, provides full-service utility connections online, while at the same time offering up-to-date promotions and cost saving opportunities.
WhiteFence recently completed its second round of funding, having raised $14 million led by new investor Adams Street Partners, in addition to Internet Capital Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICGE), who led the company's first round of funding in 2005.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households, including movers, to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Holder Shares % Out Value* Reported
DIMENSIONAL FUND ADVISORS INC 3,266,550 8.45 $40,505,220 30-Jun-07
GENDELL, JEFFREY L. 3,262,780 8.44 $40,458,472 30-Jun-07
CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY 3,200,000 8.28 $39,680,000 30-Jun-07
MASON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC 2,304,164 5.96 $28,571,633 30-Jun-07
SCHNEIDER CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, L.P. 1,566,342 4.05 $19,422,640 30-Jun-07
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd 1,547,994 4.01 $19,195,125 30-Jun-07
EMERALD ADVISERS 1,508,002 3.90 $18,699,224 30-Jun-07
PEQUOT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. 1,380,500 3.57 $17,118,200 30-Jun-07
COLUMBIA PARTNERS, L.L.C, INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 1,215,399 3.14 $13,004,769 31-Mar-07
FMR CORPORATION (FIDELITY MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH CORP) 4,920,196 12.73 $61,010,430 30-Jun-07
I believe, this BIG TEN are members of the best of the best in financial community.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Re: News from Metastorm (Not rated)
Position us for an IPO or an IPO alternative at that time, read more:
Thinking the unthinkable in BPM: Metastorm buys Proforma
August 2007
Jason Stamper - 8/9/2007
Business process management firm, Metastorm, announced the acquisition of privately-held Proforma, a vendor of enterprise architecture (EA) and business process analysis tools, in a move sure to set the cat amongst the pigeons in the BPM sector.
With only a few exceptions, the vendors that do enterprise architecture diagrams and business process modelling have remained rather separate from those producing the BPM engines that actually underpin live business processes.
But Metastorm - a privately-held BPM engine firm that doubled in size when it bought CommerceQuest back in 2005 to take it to over 1200 customers in 41 countries - believes that the time is now right for EA and business process analytics (BPA) to be combined with the underlying BPM engine.
Speaking to ComputerWire, Metastorm CEO Bob Farrell said: "Customers are looking for commonality between strategy, analysis and execution. Historically Metastorm has been very focused on BPM execution but there are customers that want both to be more closely aligned. This deal is driven by customer dynamics, pure and simple."
Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Farrell said Proforma is profitable (as is Metastorm) and that together the firms will make around $72m to $73m in sales this year. "We are on track to make our plan of $100m in 2008 and that will position us for an IPO or an IPO alternative at that time," said Farrell.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery (Not rated) 31-Aug-07 02:21 pm Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery
Posted by Michael Lamoureux at 8/28/2007 8:00 AM and is filed under Miscellaneous,Outsourcing
Accenture recently released the results of their recent study on procurement outsourcing on how procurement masters leverage outsourcing on the path to high performance which found that on 1B of controlled, normalized spend, procurement masters achieve 30% higher savings with costs that are 50% lower. Furthermore, the organizational challenges faced by procurement masters are often less constrictive or severe than those faced by midrange or low performers who often face functional silos, a scarcity of resources and / or talent, and a lack of authority, among other organizational barriers.
Accenture found that procurement masters approach the function more strategically and holistically and more, thus, more capable of effectively tapping the the depth and breadth of skills, capabilities, and expertise offered by a service provider. They also found that procurement masters engage their suppliers to a larger degree, frequently collaborating to create value versus blindly seeking the lowest price. Procurement masters are also technology leaders who utilize the outsourcing provider's processing power to increase efficiency, make faster decisions, leverage and focus internal skills, and connect with suppliers and third parties. In short, they excel in procurement strategy, sourcing and category management, requisition to pay, supplier relationship management, workforce and organization, and technology and know how to seamlessly combine the various processes to achieve the maximum benefit.
Some of the more enlightening points made by the study are the following:
Procurement masters, who approach the function more strategically, look and think three to five years out when planning purchases for critical categories.
Procurement masters make widespread use of cross-functional sourcing teams for managing projects, formulating strategies, managing supplier selection, and implementing contracts.
Procurement masters excel at providing clear and documented buying channels to the end user (83%), whereas low performers do not (8%), and carefully define and consolidate their category-specific processes through buying portals.
Procurement masters often use outsourcing as a means of reengineering processes, ensuring that logistics, purchasing, and engineering all cooperate effectively.
Procurement masters leverage a world class provider's investments in category research, innovation generation, new technologies and improved approaches.
Procurement masters take an intelligent and aggressive active approach to supplier relationship management.
Procurement masters excel in active workforce management (78%) whereas low performers do not (3%). They objectively measure existing competencies, make frequent adjustments to organizational skills to insure continual alignment with procurement strategy, emphasize ongoing training and linkages to performance metrics, and blanket competency development strategies across the procurement user network.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery (Not rated) 31-Aug-07 02:25 pm One important message from Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery:
"Procurement masters often use outsourcing as a means of reengineering processes, ensuring that logistics, purchasing, and engineering all cooperate effectively."
An important part of Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery is:
Internet Capital is owning 65% of ICGCommerce.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery (Not rated) 31-Aug-07 02:36 pm Very important is, that Everest give us in a new study about the market an exact number of the revenues of ICGCommerce in 2006, we don't know such exactly before: 14% of a market of 351 million = 49 million - a little bit higher than my estimates of 40-45 million for 2006.
Some idiotic analysts are using three or four year old numbers from 2003 or 2004 of Hoovers of only 22 million - I never had seen such stupid nonsense.
By a growth-rate of near 30%, revenues in 2007 will be about 60 million or more.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Outsourcing and Procurement Mastery (Not rated) 4 second(s) ago Source for the 49 million revenues of ICGCommerce in 2006:
For a compare with the idotic numbers of stupid and lazy analysts, who usend three or four years old numbers of hoovers about ICGCommerce.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:10 pm Internet Capital owns 35% of Whitefence:
Press Releases
WhiteFence Integrates Online and Call Center Solutions Enabling Energy Providers to Expand One-Stop Home Services
HOUSTON, TX, August 23, 2007 – WhiteFence, the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home services, today announced its integrated online and call center solution for service providers in the electricity, natural gas and communications industries. The WhiteFence one-stop shopping platform enables consumers to connect all of their services in one convenient location.
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Founded in March of 2000, WhiteFence has sourced and processed more than 4.5 million orders for top providers nationally. In the past year, offline call center capabilities were incorporated with existing online solutions for AT&T, Verizon and Nicor Gas, among others. The AT&T Mover's One Source, powered by WhiteFence, incorporates both online and call center solutions, saving consumers time and money by helping them secure reliable, cost-effective services.
"Integrating call center services with our online system is a natural extension of our capabilities, which will enable us to attract and serve more customers," said Eric Danziger, WhiteFence's chief executive officer. "Millions of consumers already turn to WhiteFence to compare, purchase and switch their services, helping to ensure they receive the best deals and prices available. We will continue to address their needs by expanding our product lines, customer services and relationships with top providers nationally."
By combining online and offline solutions, WhiteFence expands the capabilities of electricity and natural gas providers to promote and sell ancillary products such as line guard, renewable energy credits, balanced billing, and appliance warranty.
"Adding integrated call center solutions not only enables providers to better accommodate their existing customers with one-stop home services, but it gives our providers a new avenue to capture additional customers seeking such solutions offline," said Franc Arbide, executive vice president of sales & business development at WhiteFence. "In recent months WhiteFence has increased the number of fulltime phone representatives to over 100, and now has the capability to quickly expand that number as needed."
For more information about WhiteFence services, providers can visit b2b.WhiteFence.com.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet, banking and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes. WhiteFence is based in Houston, TX. The privately held company is backed by Adams Street Partners and Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE).
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:59 pm Two month ago Whitefence aquired a competitor:
Press Releases
WhiteFence, the Largest Online Home Services Marketplace Acquires Competitor ConnectUtilities
HOUSTON (June 7, 2007) - Executives at WhiteFence (www.WhiteFence.com), the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for residential home services, announced today that the company has acquired competitor ConnectUtilities (www.ConnectUtilities.com). Beginning immediately, WhiteFence will integrate ConnectUtilities into its growing family of Web sites.
Both WhiteFence and ConnectUtilities offer the 110 million U.S. households the opportunity to compare pricing and order service plans for a variety of residential home services, including home telephone, high-speed Internet, natural gas and cable television, among others.
"While our strategy has been to grow WhiteFence organically, we're excited to take this next step and acquire ConnectUtilities," stated WhiteFence chief executive officer Eric Danziger. "Through this acquisition, we are able to grow our channel partner relationships, technology infrastructure and customer base as we further expand our national footprint."
ConnectUtilities, also founded in 2000, provides full-service utility connections online, while at the same time offering up-to-date promotions and cost saving opportunities.
WhiteFence recently completed its second round of funding, having raised $14 million led by new investor Adams Street Partners, in addition to Internet Capital Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICGE), who led the company's first round of funding in 2005.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households, including movers, to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes.
News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:10 pm Internet Capital owns 35% of Whitefence:
Press Releases
WhiteFence Integrates Online and Call Center Solutions Enabling Energy Providers to Expand One-Stop Home Services
HOUSTON, TX, August 23, 2007 – WhiteFence, the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home services, today announced its integrated online and call center solution for service providers in the electricity, natural gas and communications industries. The WhiteFence one-stop shopping platform enables consumers to connect all of their services in one convenient location.
Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...
Founded in March of 2000, WhiteFence has sourced and processed more than 4.5 million orders for top providers nationally. In the past year, offline call center capabilities were incorporated with existing online solutions for AT&T, Verizon and Nicor Gas, among others. The AT&T Mover's One Source, powered by WhiteFence, incorporates both online and call center solutions, saving consumers time and money by helping them secure reliable, cost-effective services.
"Integrating call center services with our online system is a natural extension of our capabilities, which will enable us to attract and serve more customers," said Eric Danziger, WhiteFence's chief executive officer. "Millions of consumers already turn to WhiteFence to compare, purchase and switch their services, helping to ensure they receive the best deals and prices available. We will continue to address their needs by expanding our product lines, customer services and relationships with top providers nationally."
By combining online and offline solutions, WhiteFence expands the capabilities of electricity and natural gas providers to promote and sell ancillary products such as line guard, renewable energy credits, balanced billing, and appliance warranty.
"Adding integrated call center solutions not only enables providers to better accommodate their existing customers with one-stop home services, but it gives our providers a new avenue to capture additional customers seeking such solutions offline," said Franc Arbide, executive vice president of sales & business development at WhiteFence. "In recent months WhiteFence has increased the number of fulltime phone representatives to over 100, and now has the capability to quickly expand that number as needed."
For more information about WhiteFence services, providers can visit b2b.WhiteFence.com.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet, banking and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes. WhiteFence is based in Houston, TX. The privately held company is backed by Adams Street Partners and Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE).
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: News from Whitefence (Not rated) 29-Aug-07 01:59 pm Two month ago Whitefence aquired a competitor:
Press Releases
WhiteFence, the Largest Online Home Services Marketplace Acquires Competitor ConnectUtilities
HOUSTON (June 7, 2007) - Executives at WhiteFence (www.WhiteFence.com), the nation's leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for residential home services, announced today that the company has acquired competitor ConnectUtilities (www.ConnectUtilities.com). Beginning immediately, WhiteFence will integrate ConnectUtilities into its growing family of Web sites.
Both WhiteFence and ConnectUtilities offer the 110 million U.S. households the opportunity to compare pricing and order service plans for a variety of residential home services, including home telephone, high-speed Internet, natural gas and cable television, among others.
"While our strategy has been to grow WhiteFence organically, we're excited to take this next step and acquire ConnectUtilities," stated WhiteFence chief executive officer Eric Danziger. "Through this acquisition, we are able to grow our channel partner relationships, technology infrastructure and customer base as we further expand our national footprint."
ConnectUtilities, also founded in 2000, provides full-service utility connections online, while at the same time offering up-to-date promotions and cost saving opportunities.
WhiteFence recently completed its second round of funding, having raised $14 million led by new investor Adams Street Partners, in addition to Internet Capital Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICGE), who led the company's first round of funding in 2005.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is the leading one-stop online comparison-shopping marketplace that helps consumers compare and order home services such as electricity, natural gas, phone, cable and satellite TV, high-speed Internet and more. WhiteFence's proprietary transaction engine makes it easy for all 110 million U.S. households, including movers, to find the best deals and conveniently set up their home services in minutes.
Starcite, wo Internet Capital nach dem Merger noch 26% hält, ist ein gutes Beispiel für den Netzwerkeffekt: Je mehr Kunden ein Anbieter bestimmter Internetlösungungen wie beispielsweise bei Microsoft oder Ebay gewinnt, desto attraktiver wird er für weitere Kunden und gewinnt verstärkt hinzu.
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