Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Metastorm Reports Strong 2nd Quarter
Global BPM Leader Achieves Record Software Revenues and Continues Product Innovation
BALTIMORE, MD – August 7, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced financial results for its second quarter ending June 30, 2007. The privately held company posted record software revenues and maintained profitability, experienced 26% license growth year-over-year, and reported a continued increase in enterprise deployments of the Metastorm BPM® suite from both new and existing customers.
The pace of growth in BPM Suite deployment is outpacing most other software markets, as validated by analysts such as Gartner Inc., due to the software’s ability to not only lower costs and increase control, but also to deliver greater agility and foster increased innovation throughout an organization. A true enterprise BPM Suite, such as Metastorm BPM, can be deployed rapidly to automate, control, and improve multiple complex processes in the organization. As compared to other enterprise technologies, BPM is easier to deploy, enables faster change and greater agility, has a lower overall total cost of ownership, and delivers a higher return on investment.
As one of the most proven and successful vendors in the BPMS market, Metastorm continued to witness broad adoption of its BPM software and Process Pod® solutions on a global scale including wins at Banco Popolare di Sondrio (Italy), City of Würzburg (Germany), OMX Group/NASDAQ (Sweden), Perot Systems (U.S.), RSM McGladley (U.S.), SJ Berwin (U.K.), and United States Customs and Border Protection (U.S.). Existing customers expanding their use of the Metastorm BPM suite included Flexirent Capital (Australia), Martineau Johnson (U.K.), the United States Army (U.S.), and the United States Department of State (U.S.). Strong adoption rates and large enterprise license deals enabled Metastorm to post its 11th consecutive quarter of profitable growth.
daß die Drücker immer wieder Zeit und schlechtes Umfeld finden,
sich halbwegs einzudecken,
wie in den letzten drei Handelstagen geschehen !
Wenn hier jemand wirklich richtig reinschlägt, d.h. sich richtig dick einkauft,
würde das Teil innerhalb weniger Tage auf 20 Dollar schießen !!!
Ich glaube, die Profis nehmen dieses Deckeln dankbar in kauf,
denn das verschafft immer wieder sichere VERDOPPLER bis VERDREIFACHER !!!
Und bei VERDOPPLER bis VERDREIFACHER ohne Risiko nimmt man sich gerne etwas Zeit !!!
Values (estimates) of private hold partner companies of Internet Capital:
15% of Creditex = 200 million
33% of Freeborders = 132 million
65% of ICGCommerce = 130 million
41% of Metastorm = 130 million
26% of Starcite = 100 million
9% of Anthem Venture = 50 million
46% of VCommerce = 46 million
6% of Emptoris = 40 million
35% of Whitefence = 35 million
41% of Channelintelligence = 25 million
80% of Investorforce = 10 million
Cash and Securities of 200 million
Debt = free of any debt
All together = 1098 million by 39 million outstanding shares = $28/share.
D.h. die Short-Seller versuchen sich auf diesem Niveau einzudecken und
das bedeutet wiederum, daß es hier in Kürze stark nach oben gehen dürfte !!!
Ich rechne in Kürze mit einer guten Nachricht (IPO, Merger ?),
die diesen zähen Aufwärtstrend endgültig adacta legt !!!
Und wir starten endlich steiler dorthin, wo diese Aktie hingehört,
nämlich Richtung 30 Dollar !!! (Minimum !!!)
Shares price increased sensationel 9,98% after hours (Not rated) 11-Aug-07 04:42 am Streaming Quotes:
Turn OFF
After Hours: 12.45 1.13 (9.98%) as of Aug 10 on 08/10/07
Last Trade: 11.32
Trade Time: Aug 10
Change: 1.02 (8.27%)
Prev Close: 12.34
Open: 12.05
Bid: 10.57 x 500
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 15.75
Day's Range: 11.25 - 12.56
52wk Range: 9.33 - 13.30
Volume: 605,194
Avg Vol (3m): 317,042
Market Cap: 437.22M
P/E (ttm): 92.03
EPS (ttm): 0.12
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Extrem Pushing, aber von der guten Seite !
Ich glaube auch, das es zur Zeit bei ICGE Sorteindeckungen gibt.
Sollten wir die 11 US Dollar aber nicht zügig zurück erobern, sehe ich etwas schwarz für ICGE.
Na ja, dann könnte sich der Hype halt noch um einige Wochen oder Monate verzögern und ich könnte vielleicht noch ein paar günstige Stücke einsammeln.
Bi gespannt wie es weiter gehen wird.
Außerdem sollte Ihr, wenn das Eure Menge und Provisionskostengründen zulässt, noch ein Limit bei 8,00 und 8,10 Euro legen, denn vielleicht könnt Ihr damit kleine Stückzahlen (bis 200 Stück) ergattern, wenn im Vorfeld der US-Börse versucht wird, den Kurs in Frankfurt, der in den USA auch auf Yahoo auftaucht, nach unten zu manipulieren.
Greene: VMware IPO Is 'Significant Milestone'
By Scott Ferguson
August 14, 2007
Updated: CEO Diane Green says VMware's IPO will help fund its R&D and allow it to build on its array of virtualization technology.
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It's the dawn of a new day for VMware and the company's co-founder and president, Diane Greene.
At the clang of the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange Aug. 14, some 33 million shares of the virtualization giant's stock began getting traded on Wall Street. In the weeks leading up to the IPO (initial public offering), analysts and industry watchers speculated that VMware's IPO could end up being one of the most significant developments in the IT industry in the past several years.
ADVERTISEMENT By midday Aug. 14, investors were responding and VMware's stock, which had been initially priced at $29 per share, was selling for more than $50 per share in a market that has been rocked by financial troubles for more than a week. By the end of the trading day, the stock price stood at $51 per share. The initial sale of 33 million shares is expected to raise more than $900 million in capital and VMware's estimated worth now stands at more than $10 billion.
Greene, who has overseen the IPO as president and CEO of VMware, based in Palo Alto, Calif., said she believes this latest development in VMware's rise from obscure startup to mainstream player represents a huge step forward for the company. It also means a more significant and public role for her, both within the IT industry and the financial community.
"It's definitely a significant milestone," Greene told eWEEK a few hours after the company's stock went public. "And we think it's a wonderful awareness-raising event for us. We pride ourselves on our software. Our customers love it so much, but letting customers know about it is one of our biggest challenges, so I'm very excited about what today might have facilitated here. It's also a day for the people at VMware who have built the company."
Diane Greene was chosen for eWEEK's list of 10 most influential IT entrepreneurs. Click here to read her interview.
VMware, which Greene and her husband helped found in 1998, has cornered the market on x86 virtualization with its hypervisor technology. As the technology began to catch on with IT administrators and CIOs, the company grew and additional vendors began coming into the market, which helped bring the technology into the mainstream.
Being first gave Greene and her company a significant head start in the virtualization market. When EMC, which bought VMware in 2004 for more than $600 million, decided to sell off about 10 percent of the company earlier in 2007, it meant that VMware would have much more capital to invest in development, research and other projects.
"We have very consistently explained to everyone that we will continue to invest quite heavily in [R&D] because we do have such a rich road map," Greene said. "We will continue to invest in the support that we give our partners as we co-develop our solutions and bring these solutions to the market. We also will continue to increase the reach of our products and this will help facilitate our ability to generate really strong new products that will further unlock all the value in the virtualization platform."
In July, EMC reported its second-quarter revenues, giving VMware's revenue for the period that ended June 30 as $296.8 million, compared with $156.4 million during the same time period in 2006.
Re: A MIlestone for Internet Capital IPO's, too (Not rated) 15-Aug-07 08:20 am High multiple of
Revenues of Vware in the second quarter 2007 was 298.8 million, my estimate for all four quarters of 2007 together is 1.4 billion.
For 10% of the share EMC get 1.1 billion, but this shares increases 80% on the ipo-day - worth of the 10% is now near 2 billion. That a near 20 billion for 100% of Vware.
20 billion market-cap for 1.4 billion revenues are 14-times revenues - that is the 10-fold, when we compare with the mutliple of the 160 million proportional revenus of internet Capital. The multiple of the revenues of the parter-companies of Internet Capital was only 1.4 - and that all by excellent companies like Creditex, Starcite, ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Metastorm, Emptoris and other.
unterstützt wahrscheinlich vom Management !
Langsam glaube ich, daß sich eine CMGI besser entwickeln könnte !
Über 1 Milliarde Umsatz,
Cash um die 300 Mio. Dollar,
Gewinnmarge leider noch etwas niedrig (Chef versucht auf 14 % zu kommen!)
interessant sind die Beteiligungen, unter anderem Advent-Solar,
habe mal irgentwo gelesen, daß die Beteiligungen mittlerweile 1 Millarde Umsatz generieren !?,
konnte es kaum glauben, habe dies aber bei einer Internet-Präsentation gelesen !?
Marktkapitalisierung gerade mal bei 700 Mio. € !!!
Was glaubst Du, Libuda,
wie schätzt Du die Chancen bei CMGI ein ?
(Vorausgesetzt die Beteiligungen mit 1 Millarde Umsatz stimmen ?)
Collect together with Fidelity
Important is, that long-term-investors increased their positions, for example the biggest investor of the world: Fidelity.
Owner Name
Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held Change
(Shares) % Change
(Shares) Value
FMR CORP 6/30/2007 4,920,196 450,000 10.07% $52,400
Fidelity added 450,000 shares in the second quarter and owns now 4,920,196 shares - that a 12,6% of the 39 million outstanding shares.
And I am sure, Fidelity continue with the collecting of Internet Capital-shares in the second quarter.
My advice for private investors: Collect together will Fidelity.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Richtig an Deinen Ausführungen ist allerdings, dass Zocker mit kurzem Atem nicht bei Internet Capital einsteigen sollten. Denn die meines Erachtens in den nächsten 12-18 Monaten anstehende Verdreifachung wird nicht geradelinig verlaufen. Und Zocker haben es nun einmal an sich, dass die beim ersten Rücksetzer aussteigen und bei Höchstkursen einsteigen. Und das nutzt BIG SHORT gnadenlos aus, der seine sicher in den letzten Jahren entstandenen Verluste durch diese Dummköpfe vermutlich etwas in Grenzen halten konnte.
wie gesagt, nur wegen der Solar-Beteiligung und anderen sauberen Energie-Firmen wäre
cmgi interessant, falls ein Börsengang käme.
Aber auch, falls die wirklich mal 14 % Gewinnmarge von der Milliarde einfahren.
habe ganz vergessen, daß die eine Beiteiligung für über 160 Mio. Dollar noch verkauft haben,
die in den nächsten drei Quartalen noch bezahlt werden !!!
D.H. zu 300 Mio. Dollar Cash noch 160 Mio. = 460 Mio. Dollar Cash !!!
Über eine Milliarde Dollar Umsatz bei schon leicht schwarzen Zahlen (Ziel 14 % Gewinnmarge) !
Bewertung: Lächerliche 700 Mio. Dollar !
Das wichtigste: Habe im Internet gelesen, daß die Beteiligungen von cmgi schon 1 Milliarde Umsatz
bei jetzt schwarzen Zahlen machen !!!
Es wird seit Jahren sehr viel Geld in Advent-Solar investiert !!!
Libuda !
Siehst Du hier nicht auch eine Verdoppelungs- bis Verdreifachungs-Chance ?
Heute Ausbruch im negativen Markt über die erste Hürde bei 1,50 - ich sage kurzfristig
stark KAUFEN !
Fakt ist: Es ist nicht auszuschließen, dass die einfachen Supply Chain-Dienste gut entwickeln, aber CMGI ist auch nicht ansatzweise ein Unternehmen, das man mit einem börsennotierten Wagnisfinanzieren wie Internet Capital vergleichen kann - es sei denn, dass sehr weit in die Geschichte zurückgeht.
Mein Vorschlag: Schnell zuschlagen.
Holdings Summary
Internet Capital Group, Inc. NASDAQ-GM
Institutional Holdings Description | Hide Summary
Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 39
Market Capitalization ($ millions): $411
Institutional Ownership: 89.6%
Price (as of 8/14/2007) 10.65
Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held: 102 34,615,268
New Positions: 13 1,080,757
Increased Positions: 46 4,158,748
Decreased Positions: 38 6,149,547
Holders With Activity: 84 10,308,295
Sold Out Positions: 14 4,032,784
Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().
Owner Name
Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held Change
(Shares) % Change
(Shares) Value
FMR CORP 6/30/2007 4,920,196 450,000 10.07% $52,400
DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV... 6/30/2007 3,266,550 16,399 0.50% $34,789
GENDELL JEFFREY L 6/30/2007 3,262,780 0 0.00% $34,749
CAPITAL RESEARCH & M... 6/30/2007 3,200,000 100,000 3.23% $34,080
MASON CAPITAL MANAGE... 6/30/2007 2,304,164 680,840 41.94% $24,539
Most investors increased her positions (take a look on the first five investors). Only one short-term investing hedge fund sold or must sell about 3.1 million shares - Capital International.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Zum "Comeback der Hightechs" führt heute Euro am Sonntag das folgende aus:
"Ein Blick auf das Wachstumswertesegment Nasdaq zeigt, dass sich die Begeisterung auf bislang wenige Aktien beschränkt. Während die meisten großen Indices ihre Rekordstände der Jahrtausendwende zumindest vorübergehend überschritten haben, ist der Nasdaq Composite 50% von seiner Bestmarke entfert. "Das Geschäft der Wachstumswerte hat sich dramtisch verbessert, aber Investoren wollen diese Aktien einfach nicht", wundert sich Stephen Wood, Stratege der Russel Investment Group.
Tech-Aktien leiden - abgsehen von den jüngsten Rückschlägen am Aktienmarkt - noch immer unter der Vergangenheit. Viele Privatanleger meiden aus schmerzhafter Erinnerung an die Kursblase der Jahrtausendwende diese Titel. Hartgesottene Zocker wiederum suchen aufgeregt nach Rohstoffaktien. Diese Aktien wurden in der gegenwärtigen Korrekturphase der Aktienmärkte besonders hart getroffen.
Goldman Sachs rät seinen Kunden derzeit "dringend sich wieder auf die fundamentalen Dinge zu besinnen." Genau das ist ein Argument für viele Techtitel. Denn deren Bewertungen sind deutlich niedriger als zur Jahrtausendwende. Im Standardwerteindex S&P der Citigroup sind ie Wachstumswerte inzwischen sgoar genauso hoch wie die Subtanzwerte. Zur Jahrtausendwende betrug die KGV-Differenz noch 25."
Internet Capital ist meines Erachtens die Nasdaq-Aktie, wo die Emotionen aus der Vergangenheit am extremsten exzellenten Fundamentals entgegenstehen. Da sich Emotionen abbauen, auch wenn im Fall Internet Capital langsamer als von mir zunächst angenommen, ist Internet Capital ein STRONG BUY. Andererseits: Wären die Emotionen schon alle abgebaut, hätte die Aktie auch nicht auf Sicht von 12 bis 18 Monaten noch eine Potenzial von 250-300%, sondern wir stünden jetzt schon über 30 Dollar.
"Frederic Fayolle von der Fondsgesellschaft DWS verweist auf einen anderen potenziellen Kurstreiber: "Die Konzerne haben große Bargeldreserven. Außerdem ist der Technologiebereich viel stärker fragmentiert als andere Branchen. Deshalb dürfte es noch viele Übernahmekandidaten unter den Technologietiteln geben.
Selbst auf Sustanzwerte fokussierte Fondsmanager erwärmen sich für Tech-Aktien. So finden sich im Growth Fund von Templeton unter den größten Werten die Softwareunternehmen Microsoft und Oracle. Für Kevin Rendino, Manager des 8,5 Milliarden Dollar schweren Funds BlackRock Basic Value, ist sogar ein kleiner Traum in Erfüllung gegangen. "Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich in meinem Leben die Chance bekommen würde, Intel zu kaufen, und nun sind sie in meinem Portfolio."
Vieles von dem Vorstehenden trifft in besonderem Maße auf Internet Capital zu. Bei Internet Capital erreicht die Cash/Wertpapiere fast 50% der Marktkapitalisierung - ich kenne keine anderen Tech der Größenordnung von Internet Capital und darüber, der so etwas schafft. Bei Internet Capital gibt es sowohl Übernahmefantasie für das ganze Unternehmen (was ich aktuell bedauern würde, denn wenn der Wert z.B. für $20 übernommen würde, wäre viel verschenkt) und logischerweise für die Beteiligungen - das ist ja Sinn und Zweck des Geschäfts eines Inkubators wie Internet Capital. Und Internet Capital ist "Value Extrem", da die Summe der Werte der einzelnen Teile mindestens doppelt so hoch ist wie die momentane Marktkapitalisierung. Institutionelle kaufen ja auch Internet Capital schon wie verrückt (siehe die 90% Anteil der Institutionellen), nur mit den Privaten hapert es noch, die sich immer noch von den hochgeputschten Emotionen der einstigen Verzocker in diesem Wert, die z.B. wie dieser Motzky oder der komischen Kautz Ebörse, die auf diversen deutschen Boards ihr Unwesen trieben, Internet Capital für $4,280 kauften und für $3,40 verscheuerten oder mit Commerce One total Schiffbruch erlitten, verunsichern lassen und so nach ersten Verdreifachung auch die nächste Verdreifachung zu verpassen drhoen. Womit allerdings immer noch nicht 1% von dem Wert erreicht wäre, den einst die Verzocker, die sich seit dem auf diversen Boards austoben und für die wir die Couch spielen müssen, bezahlt haben.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
New Self Management Tool from Channel Intelligence Empowers Retailers on Comparison Shopping Engines
Orlando, Fla. (August 15, 2007) – Managing the varying and often complex requirements of the comparison shopping engines (CSE) just got easier for retailers who manage the day-to-day activities themselves. Channel Intelligence (CI) announces the release of its new SellCast™ Self Management Tool for retailers, previously available only to the CI Spend Management Team for managing CSE activities on behalf of clients. The Self Management Tool is designed to complement the rich optimization benefits of SellCast™ Online Marketing by making detailed analytics easily accessible to retailers for more informed business decisions.
The Self Management Tool allows a retailer to use detailed SellCast™ reporting to make independent informed decisions providing greater empowerment to the retailer by incorporating several features not found in any other tool in the market today.
“Managing the comparison shopping engines and online marketplaces traditionally required an incredible investment of time and resources by retailers,” commented Mark Ebel, SellCast™ SVP and GM at Channel Intelligence. “While many retailers rely on us to manage the day-to-day activities, we are pleased to now make our industry leading decision support tools available to help empower CSE marketing related decisions for those who wish to keep their finger directly on the pulse of their daily decisions and manage the process themselves.”
The Self Management Tool includes all of the traditional SellCast™ Reports and Analytics, as well as actionable analytics so the user can take action on the data within the reports. Some of the ways the SellCast™ Self Management Tool offers additional value above and beyond other solutions include the following:
The user can set their goals in the tool and then view recommendations about which products to remove from the program in order to meet those goals, including return on ad spend (ROAS), cost of sales, gross profit margin, average order value, and conversion rate.
Retailers can also schedule changes to their feed for different CSEs within the tool, such as adding promotional text, directing limited ad spend dollars toward the end of a particular month, and managing product exclusions per channel, by all channels, by manufacturer name or individual SKU.
The SellCast™ Self Management Tool offers full auditing functionality, tracking of all changes made to feeds over time, and automated bidding for supported sites, such as Shopzilla, to truly add value by facilitating stronger performance on CSEs for those retailers who wish to manage daily activities themselves.
About Channel Intelligence
Powered by the patented CommerceIQ™ technology platform, Channel Intelligence (CI) web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites, destination shopping sites, or mobile shopping applications. Using a series of robust data optimization techniques offered through the CommerceIQ platform, CI significantly improves the quality of product data and the placement of products on the Internet. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion dollars through its three primary services. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known brands including Best Buy, Black & Decker, Canon, Circuit City, Fujifilm, LG Electronics, Logitech, Mitsubishi, Neiman Marcus Group, OfficeMax, Olympus, Palm, Panasonic, PETCO, Skechers, SmartBargains.com, Spiegel, The Stanley Works, and Target. Channel Intelligence, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE), is based in Orlando, FL with offices in Europe.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: News from Channelintelligence (Not rated) 19-Aug-07 05:44 am Channel Intelligence Appoints Michael Evanoff as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Orlando, FL – August 17, 2007 – Channel Intelligence (CI), the leader in technology innovation for Web-initiated commerce, today announced that Michael Evanoff has joined the company as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
“I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Evanoff as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Channel Intelligence,” said CEO Rob Wight. We anticipate that the strength he brings to CI through his broad financial experience and record of leadership in fast-growth expansions will be an important factor as CI continues to dominate its market and expand aggressively into new markets, both domestic and international.”
Evanoff commented, “Channel Intelligence is a world-class organization facing many exciting opportunities. I am honored to join the company’s leadership team and contribute my financial and operational experience in this arena. I look forward to working with CI to achieve its strategic goals.”
Evanoff brings more than 15 years of financial and operational leadership across the globe. Prior to joining Channel Intelligence, Michael held numerous financial leadership roles for Fortune 500 firms including Lincoln Financial Group, General Motors’ DirecTV Latin America subsidiary, and ExxonMobil. He holds a bachelors degree in business administration specializing in marketing and finance from Marquette University and an MBA in international business from Temple University.
About Channel Intelligence
Powered by the patented CommerceIQ™ technology platform, Channel Intelligence (CI) web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites, destination shopping sites, or mobile shopping applications. Using a series of robust data optimization techniques offered through the CommerceIQ platform, CI significantly improves the quality of product data and the placement of products on the Internet. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion dollars through its three primary services – SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions, SellCast™ Retailer Solutions, and SellCore™ Publisher Solutions. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known brands including Best Buy, Black & Decker, Canon, Circuit City, Fujifilm, LG Electronics, Logitech, Mitsubishi, Neiman Marcus Group, OfficeMax, Olympus, Palm, Panasonic, PETCO, Skechers, SmartBargains.com, Spiegel, The Stanley Works, and Target. Channel Intelligence, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE), is based in Orlando, FL with offices in Europe. http://www.channelintelligence.com
Sentiment : Strong Buy
8,39 EUR
21.08.07 11:39
Diff. Vortag
-2,10 %
Gehandelte Stück
21.08.07 11:39
ABS Capital General Partner Laura Witt Joins Metastorm Board
Tuesday August 21, 8:00 am ET
Global Leader in EA, BPA, and BPM Strengthens Board With Experienced Software Industry Investor
BALTIMORE, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced that Laura Witt, general partner at ABS Capital Partners, a leading later-stage growth company investor, has joined its board of directors.
Ms. Witt has an extensive background working with successful software and technology services companies. She currently serves on the board of several ABS Capital software investments, including Double-Take Software, Inc., a leading provider of affordable software for recoverability, and Rosetta Stone, Inc., creator of the world's No. 1 language-learning program. She previously served on the board of Youcentric, Inc., a CRM software provider, which was sold to J.D. Edwards & Co. in 2001. With over 10 years of experience investing in growth companies at ABS Capital, Ms. Witt brings a wealth of perspectives to addressing the strategic and operational issues facing high-growth companies. She has been an active investor in the software and technology services sectors, working with companies to capitalize on shifts in the competitive landscape, to build effective sales and distribution channels, and to seize opportunities to further expand their product offerings. Her international experience is also well-suited to guiding Metastorm -- a global software vendor with customer presence in 109 countries.
ABS Capital led Metastorm's recent $30 million Series C round of funding, which closed on August 1, 2007. ABS Capital was joined in the round by existing investors, including Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE - News), 3i, and Wall Street Technology Partners.
In addition to closing the Series C funding earlier this month, Metastorm made a strategic market move with its acquisition of Proforma Corporation, a recognized leader in business process analysis, modeling, and enterprise architecture. Metastorm is now able to offer a complete product portfolio for EA, BPA, and BPM that will allow organizations to more quickly and effectively close the gaps between strategy, analysis, and execution to deliver greater operational value and accelerate the delivery of real results against strategic goals and objectives. For more information on Metastorm's acquisition of Proforma Corporation, visit: http://www.metastorm.com/news/2007/080107.asp.
About Metastorm Inc.
With a focus on enterprise visibility, optimization, and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading solutions for Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Analysis & Modeling (BPA) and Business Process Management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise(TM) allows organizations to maximize business results by unifying strategy, analysis and execution. Metastorm is the only solution provider to bring together these critical disciplines on a single software platform to enable an understanding of enterprise architecture and strategy, accurate impact and opportunity assessment, effective process execution, and accelerated value realization for organizations worldwide. For more information on powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit http://www.metastorm.com.