Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
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63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLasst Euch von nervösen Kleinzockern,

11.07.07 16:46
die nach dem Motto "Hin und her macht Taschen leer" agieren, nicht verarschen. Kursgewinne bei Internet Capital müssen ersessen werden. Besonders dreist ist wenn diese Nervöslinge sogar die offiziellen Nasdaqzahlen von 91,5% über das Holding der Institutionals bestreiten:


Diese Lügennummer ist sogar so dreist, dass man einen aus den USA bezahlten Basher vermuten kann. Das Bafin sollte man sich einmal mit so etwas beschäftigen. Aber damit ist nicht zu rechnen, denn die gehen ja nicht einmal gegen die meiner Meinung vorliegenden Kursmanipulationen des Frankfurter Skontrenführers vor - die nicht schlimm wären, wenn er an uns auch zu dem von ihm festgestellen Kursen nennenswerte Mengen an uns verkaufen würde.  


9251 Postings, 9017 Tage Byblos@ Libuda

11.07.07 17:45
Hey, cool bleiben.
Die Beiträge waren nur geschrieben, um zu sehen, ob Du drauf an springst ! :-)

Bin kein Basher aus USA ! Komme aus Niedersachsen !!!

Habe meine Position auch nicht geschmissen, bin doch nicht blöde.

Ein Verkauf kommt erst bei 18 US Dollar in Frage. Dann wieder bei 13,50 - 14,00 einsammeln um sie wieder bei 23,50 zu verticken.
Erneutes einsammeln bei 18,50 - 19,50 und dann wieder raus bei 26,50 !

So ist mein wirklicher Plan. Ob es so kommt wissen nur die Götter !

Greetz Byblos  


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer Kracher

12.07.07 16:57
About the explosively growth of credit-derivatives  (Not rated)      17 minutes ago     Derivatives grow explosively, BIS reports
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2007-05-22 04:43. Section: Daily Dispatches
Credit Default Swaps Spur Fastest Derivatives Growth

By Hamish Risk
Bloomberg News Service
Monday, May 21, 2007

LONDON -- The global derivatives market grew at the fastest pace in at least nine years during 2006 as the amount of contracts based on bonds more than doubled to $29 trillion, the Bank for International Settlements said today.

Derivatives covering bonds and loans rose by $15 trillion last year, the Basel, Switzerland-based bank said on its Web site. The total amount of over-the-counter contracts whose value is derived from price changes of bonds, currencies, commodities, and stocks, or events like interest rates or the weather rose 39.5 percent to $415 trillion, the biggest jump since the BIS began compiling the data.

Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns Cos. and Deutsche Bank AG depended on credit derivatives to report first-quarter profits that beat analyst forecasts. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said last week that the contracts "increased the resilience" of financial markets, while warning that they may be exploited by investors to profit from insider trading.

"Derivatives are now a major contributor to investment bank earnings," said Jerry Del Missier, co-president of Barclays Capital in London, the biggest underwriter of European bonds last year. "Credit derivatives will continue their high growth path for a long time yet, and that growth rate will be higher than any other market."

The actual money at risk through credit derivatives increased 93 percent to $470 billion last year, the BIS said. The amount at stake in the entire derivatives market is $9.7 trillion, according to the BIS, which was formed in 1930 to monitor financial markets and regulate banks.

The market, started by Salomon Brothers Inc. in 1981 when the firm arranged for International Business Machines Corp. and the World Bank to swap debt payments in Swiss francs and German marks for dollar obligations, has become Wall Street's most- profitable activity.

Morgan Stanley, the world's second-biggest securities firm by market value, said a jump in revenue from credit products helped spur a 70 percent increase in first-quarter profit to an all-time high. Bear Stearns, the fifth-biggest U.S. securities firm, said credit derivatives trading contributed to an 8 percent increase in first-quarter profit. Deutsche Bank reported record revenue from trading debt and credit derivatives, helping lift first-quarter profit by 30 percent.

Contracts on bonds took off in the 1990s when New York-based JPMorgan Chase & Co. led banks creating credit-default swaps. The contracts allow bond investors to hedge against the risk of a company or country defaulting on interest payments or speculate on its creditworthiness.

Derivatives helped investors hedge their risks and contained a decline in bond prices during 2005 when the credit ratings on debt of Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn, Michigan, and Detroit-based General Motors Corp. was reduced to below investment grade.

The contracts also limited the fallout from Greenwich, Connecticut-based Amaranth Advisors LLC's record $6.6-billion loss last year and this year's slump in the U.S. subprime mortgage market, said Anshu Jain, head of global markets at Deutsche Bank in London.

"We have been through several market corrections in the past few years and in each case, markets have recovered," Jain said in an e-mail. "In retrospect, people think the market has been characterized by calm, continuous, and even benign conditions. Derivatives are a big part of explaining that phenomenon."

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: About the explosively growth of credit-derivatives  (Not rated)      16 minutes ago     Contiue of the last posting:

The forum's report, dated May 19, said there has been "some erosion in counterparty discipline recently," citing the competition among banks for hedge fund business. The world's more than 9,000 hedge funds move money in and out of markets faster and in larger quantities than mainstream funds, raising concerns about the stability of global markets.

Banks and hedge funds say it's cheaper and easier to use credit-default swaps than buying or selling the underlying securities. Investors who buy the contracts are paid the face value of the underlying debt in exchange for the defaulted notes should the company fail to adhere to debt agreements.

Interest-rate swaps remain the biggest part of the derivatives market, growing 15 percent to $292 trillion, compared with 38-percent growth the previous year, the report said. The contracts allow companies to switch between fixed-rate and floating-rate interest payments.

Growth in the overall derivatives market outpaced the previous record increase of 39.2 percent in 2003.

Foreign-exchange derivatives rose 28 percent to $40.2 billion in 2006. Contracts based on commodities such as gold and oil expanded by 27.7 percent to $6.9 trillion.

The BIS surveyed 62 institutions for its semi-annual report.

* * *

at the
World Gold, PGM, and Diamond Investment Conference
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday and Monday, June 17 and 18, 2007


* * *

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Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: About the explosively growth of credit-derivatives  (Not rated)      2 second(s) ago     The most important message from the article is:

"Credit derivatives will continue their high growth path for a long time yet, and that growth rate will be higher than any other market."

But the handling of the market of credit-derivatives is very difficult and individual acting is necessary. The is the reason, why the OTC-activities clear dominate and will clear dominate in the future. Therefore is the only way the participate on this booming market to buy one of the few big interdealer-broker.

The clear market-leader in this market is Creditex with a value between 2-3 billion - and I believe the next great take-over after CBOT, ISE and Euronext.

Internet Capital owns 15% on Creditex. The worth of this 15% on Creditex is 300-450 million. When we add the cash/secuirtes of 210 million of Internet Capital, the amount is higher than the market-cap near a half billion of Internet Capital: Additional free of charge a the ownership in companies with high value like: ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders, Metastorm, Whitefence, Vcommerce, Emptoris, Anthem-Venture, Channelintelligence and other.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch Starcite ist ein absoluter Kracher

15.07.07 00:28
denn die vermitteln etwa zehnmal so viel an Umsatz, wie die in Deutschland durch ihren Börsengang bekannte hotel.de, nämlich mehr als 6 Milliarden Dollar. Zwar ist ein Vergleich so nicht fair, da bei hotel.de die Einzelbuchungen überwiegen, während bei Starcite die Buchungen ein Zigfaches von Einzelbuchungen umfassen  - aber immerhin.

John Deere select Starcite  (Not rated)      13-Jul-07 10:30 am     Internet Capital owns 26% of Starcite:

StarCite GmbH | Werdener Strasse 4 | D-40227 Düsseldorf | +49 211 542 1360 | www.StarCite.com

John Deere Selects StarCite for its Global Online Attendee Management
June 14, 2007 – StarCite the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions,
announced today that its attendee management solution has been selected for a global rollout
within the John Deere organization - the world's largest manufacturer of agricultural equipment.
The assignment, initiated by John Deere’s European Headquarters confirms StarCite’s presence
in the European market.
“The partnership of StarCite and John Deere is a good example of our European capabilities,”
said Holger Thiede, StarCite Business Development Manager EMEA. “Our web-based solutions
can be adapted to the individual needs of companies in every European market,” Thiede
continues. “John Deere adds to our accelerated expansion in the EMEA region.”
StarCite demonstrated the functional benefits and cost efficiency of its attendee management
solution in a pilot project for John Deere, performed with several thousand attendees globally, in
over 10 languages. The attendee management solution, which is a part of StarCite’s strategic
meetings management solutions, enables meeting planners to handle the entire attendee
management process, from invitations, registration to scheduling and post-event evaluation.
About StarCite
StarCite ® is the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions™. StarCite optimizes
global investments in corporate meetings and events, delivering visibility, savings and control.
StarCite provides process efficiency, enabling technology and proven adoption management
support to drive significant cost reduction to buyers and enhanced revenues to suppliers.
StarCite headquarters are based in Philadelphia, USA; the European headquarters are located in
Düsseldorf, Germany. StarCite’s equity holders include Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ:
ICGE), TPG Growth, Norwest Venture Partners (NVP), TL Ventures and Seaport Capital. For
more information about StarCite or its technologies and services, please visit www.starcite.com.
About John Deere
John Deere (Deere & Company - NYSE: DE) is the world's leading provider of advanced
products and services for agriculture and forestry and a major provider of advanced products and
services for construction, lawn and turf care, landscaping and irrigation. John Deere also
provides financial services worldwide and manufactures and markets engines used in heavy
equipment. Since it was founded in 1837, the company has extended its heritage of integrity,
quality, commitment and innovation around the globe.
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 Re: John Deere select Starcite  (Not rated)      13-Jul-07 02:50 pm     Other important new client o fStarcite in the second quarter:

StarCite Selected by SunTrust as Part of a Strategic Meetings Management Approach

PHILADELPHIA, June 6, 2007 – StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of On Demand Global Meeting Solutions™, today announced that SunTrust Banks, Inc., one of the nation’s largest
banking institutions, has chosen StarCite as its corporate meeting management technology
platform. SunTrust will work with StarCite to identify and quantify the company’s overall
spending on corporate meetings, helping enable SunTrust to reduce costs and more effectively
allocate resources across its meeting program.
SunTrust will implement StarCite’s MeetingView Enterprise solution, which helps companies
manage every element of corporate meetings from buying and budgeting to planning, attendee
management and cost measurement. The StarCite platform streamlines the traditionally
laborious meeting planning and negotiation process, replacing phone calls and faxes with an
easy-to-use online tool. Internal SunTrust users and SunTrusts meeting management partner(s),
will use StarCite to competitively bid meetings using StarCite’s extensive online marketplace,
which includes over 93,000 hotels and event venues.
“After reviewing our options we concluded that StarCite was the best fit for SunTrust, as it could
offer a comprehensive, time-saving technology platform, and give us access to an extensive
universe of hotels and venues we were looking for from this type of partner,” said Alexandra
Wagner, group vice president / director, corporate event management, SunTrust “We were also
attracted to StarCite’s web-based and on-demand approach to solution delivery, which eliminates
the need for our internal software integration and guarantees continued access to the latest
platform upgrades.”
Along with delivering more cost-effective meeting bookings, StarCite enables users to
electronically identify and thereby better manage company spending on meetings, as well as
more easily implement corporate policy.
“Like many companies in the financial services industry, for SunTrust meetings are integral to
corporate functions like sales, client development and internal communications,” said Michael
Boult, president and chief executive officer, StarCite. “SunTrust will be able to take a much
more efficient and strategic approach to its meeting investment, and we are thrilled to have the
opportunity to work with SunTrust and be part of their overall end-to-end meeting management

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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 Re: John Deere select Starcite  (Not rated)      13-Jul-07 05:58 pm     When I look, what happend in the second quarte, I am sure, that we see in few day an announcement like in the first quarter of 2007.

1650 Arch St., 18 th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19103 | www.starcite.com | 800.628.1058 or 267.330.0500
StarCite Announces Customer Wins and Additions to Executive Team
PHILADELPHIA, PA, May 15, 2007 – StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of On Demand
Global Meeting Solutions™, today announced that during the first quarter of 2007 it added more
than ten major new customers including Liberty Mutual Group, HealthLogiX and RPMC global
event marketing to its roster, as well as a major Japanese auto manufacturer and one of the
world’s largest breakfast and convenience food makers. StarCite also expanded its relationships
with many existing clients including Cardinal Health, Cox Enterprises, Pfizer and JPMorgan
“We are thrilled that companies worldwide are recognizing the positive impact that technology
can have on budgets, time and resources,” said Michael Boult, StarCite president and chief
executive officer. “At the same time, we have entered the year with strong momentum,
exceeding our revenue and EBITDA targets and continuing steady customer migration to our
improved solution platform following our merger with OnVantage.”
In addition, during the first quarter Michael Boult was named to Supply & Demand Chain
Executive’s 2007 “Pros to Know” list. The magazine recognized Boult for raising the profile of
meeting spend management and reinforcing the strategic importance of corporate meeting
management policy.
StarCite also announced several strategic additions to its management team including Keith
Forshew, Chief Operating Officer; Venky Rangachari, Vice President of Information
Technology; Kevin Young, Vice President of Marketing; and Alison Galik, Vice President,
Adoption Management Operations.
As Chief Operating Officer, Keith Forshew will manage StarCite’s business strategy
development and have responsibility for day-to-day company activities. Joining StarCite from
Click Commerce, Baseline Magazine’s 2006 Number One Fastest Growing Software Company,
Mr. Forshew will share his experience leading strategy and operations initiatives across diverse
industries. With Click Commerce, Mr. Forshew developed the company’s successful 2006-2007
strategy through acquisitions, global penetration, market segmentation and new product
In his role as Vice President of Information Technology, Venky Rangachari is responsible for the
strategy and direction of StarCite’s IT application infrastructure and security. He brings more
than 17 years of experience leading information technology and operations divisions for large
organizations and on-demand companies including Stratify, Digiprise and Jacent Technologies.
Bringing more than 15 years of marketing and communications expertise to StarCite, Kevin
Young will be instrumental to the company’s growth and expansion plans. Prior to joining
StarCite, Mr. Young was Vice President, Marketing, for SAP North America. Under his
leadership, SAP moved from the number three to the number one enterprise software vendor in

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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 Re: John Deere select Starcite  (Not rated)      14-Jul-07 04:40 pm     Take a look on the new clients-list after the merger of Starcite and Onvantage:


Internet Capital owns 26%.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
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63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZum Durchklicken noch einmal die beeindruckende

15.07.07 00:44
Kundenliste, weil im letzten Posting bei der Durchklickadresse etwas verlorengegangen ist.



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaThe increase-show will contiue

17.07.07 14:50
last from $3.4 to $13. Next from $13 to $32.

The reason for the next step could be 300-480 million from the monetization of 15% of Creditex.

If we look at the last prices of derivatives-brokers and dervatives exchanges, the fair value of Creditex is between 2.0 and 2.8 billion.



398 Postings, 6793 Tage penskisteht im völligen Gegensatz zum Rating

17.07.07 21:10
bei TheStreet.com. Hier läuten die Alarmglocken für ICGE auf Sell. Was soll ich nun glauben?
Freundlicher Gruss von penski


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErinnere Dich an das Verhalten von Street.com

18.07.07 10:30
in der Vergangenheit. Ähnliche Nummern haben die abgezogen bei fast allen Zwischenständen seit dem Anstieg von $3.40 anf das heutige Niveau um $13. Ich gehe davon aus, dass man den Hampelmann von Street.com, Jack Kramer, kaufen kann - und das seine Haupteinnahmen sind.

Denn da ist ein großer Shortseller in enormen Nöten, denn es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Institutionals auf eine Quote in der Nähe von 100% zum Ende des 2.Quartals kommen. Dann sind nach 5% des Managements und die Privaten dürften zumindest auch 25% der ausstehenden Aktien halten (denn "Exemplare" wie Libuda mit seinen immerhin 17.500 Stück sind ja nicht einmalig, in Deutschland scheint es einen sehr aktiven Poster zu geben, der allein die zehnfache Menge dieser 17.500 Stück besitzt). Das bedeutet, dass ca. 30% der ausstehenden Aktien leer verkauft wurden und noch eingedeckt werden müssen. In den offiziellen Zahlen sind das aber nur 15% - und auch das ist schon sehr, sehr hoch. Die Lücke von 15% erklärt sich mit nicht vorgenommen Meldungen (weil nicht legales nacktes Shorten vorliegt), denn wenn klar würde, dass 30% leer verkauft sind, würde das in einem Shortsquezze ändern. Der Shortseller versucht seit einem Kurs von ca. 7 Dollar sich aus dem Schlamassel zu befreien, rammelt sich aber immer weiter in die selbst produzierte Scheiße hinein - die Shortselling-Zahlen steigen nämlich unentwegt.  


2109 Postings, 6508 Tage Brucknerkaufen und geld verdoppeln mit kaum risiko

19.07.07 00:14
deswegen morgen am besten alle dick in amerika einkaufen,
um diesen drückern etwas schweiß auf die stirn zu treiben -
denn einen sichereren verdoppler bis verdreifacher wie icge
gibt es momentan kaum mehr an der börse !!!
ich werde jedenfall nochmal nachlegen,
denn in amerika werden jetzt standardwerte in techwerte getauscht !
d.h. die rally beginnt bei icge erst !!!  


7997 Postings, 6794 Tage daxcrash2000Das hier könnte ICGE sein

19.07.07 10:28
dann hätten wir die andere Seite zu Street.com

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63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas scheint ein in die USA ausgewanderter

19.07.07 10:47
Zwillingsbruder vom Bäckermeister Frick zu sein.  


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnhäig oder schlimmer Vogel?

19.07.07 10:50
Und nicht vom Skontrenführer an der Börse in Frankfurter verarschen lassen, der Kurse stellt, die in meinen Augen glatte Kursmanipulationen im Sinne des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes sind. Das heißt, das Limit nicht zu niedrig ansetzen, was offensichtlich beabachsicht wird, um den Handel abzuwürgen.

Ob der Skontrenführter für diese Handlungsweise von den Shortseller-Gang aus den USA bezahlt wird, weiß ich nicht - benehmen tut sich aber mit Duldung des Bafin so.  


7997 Postings, 6794 Tage daxcrash2000@Libuda #1661

19.07.07 11:04
1. ist deine vermutung nicht abwegig
2. ist das noch kein inhaltlicher bezug darauf, ob dort ICGE gemeint sein könnte  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBeteiligung Creditex allein 300 Millionen

19.07.07 11:21
wert. Zumsammen mit der Cash/Wertpapiere von 210 Millionen sind das schon mit 510 Millionen etwas mehr als die momentane Marktkapitalisierung. Umsonst gibt es dann die Beteiligungen an ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Starcite, Metastorm, Channelintelligence, Investoreforce, Vcommerce, Whitenfence, Emptoris, Anthem Venture und andere. Es gilt zuszuschlagen ehe der Markt stärker auf die nachstehende Meldung aufmerksam wird.

Sensationel Number from the Market of Creditex  (Not rated)      1 minute ago     Internet Capital owns 15% of the worldwide #1 in the market of credit-derivatives.

2007 Fitch Credit Derivative Survey: Rapid Growth Continues While New Concerns Emerge
Tuesday July 17, 9:39 am ET

NEW YORK & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fitch Ratings said today the credit derivatives market (CDx) continues to expand at a remarkable pace while concern grows about how the market would deal with an eventual downturn. The total amount of credit derivatives bought and sold reached nearly $50 trillion at year-end 2006, an increase of 113% over the $23.4 trillion reported for year-end 2005.

'Leading the charge for the growth in the credit derivatives market are the traded indices, which, for the first time, surpassed single-named CDS in volume last year, even though single-name usage itself continued to expand rapidly,' said James Batterman, Senior Director, and co-author of Fitch's fifth annual 'Global Credit Derivatives' report. The agency estimates that $22.2 trillion of index products was bought and sold by year-end 2006, compared with $20 trillion in single-named CDS.

Despite the current benign corporate credit environment, a number of market participants expressed concern for how smoothly the market can deal with an eventual downturn in the credit cycle. Specifically, some of these worries included liquidity in the event of a downturn, the impact that unwinding of system leverage can have on volatility, and settlement following a credit event.

Nonetheless, survey respondents expect the CDx market to continue its expansion, with CDOs, LCDS (Loan-only Credit Default Swaps), and the traded indices cited as the biggest growth vehicles for 2007. 'The growth of the indices has been well-documented since their introduction, and as is clear from the figures, this expansion has continued unabated,' said Eric Rosenthal, Director, and co-author of the report.

On the surface, banks globally appear to have become somewhat more conservative in terms of their credit exposure, ending 2006 at $304 billion net protection bought, although 20 of the 44 banks surveyed, or 45%, were net sellers of protection. 'Trading' was again cited as the leading rationale for employing CDx. 'The increase in gross sold positions (120% from year-end 2005 figures) was influenced by the larger intermediation role played by banks and broker-dealers in meeting investors' demand for portfolio diversification, enhanced yield, and general preference for increased structural complexity and leverage,' noted Krishnan Ramadurai, Managing Director, and co-author of the report. The global insurance and monoline industries continued to be key net sellers of protection at $395 billion and $355 billion, respectively, at year-end 2006.

Complete information contained in Fitch's fifth annual credit derivatives survey, 'CDx Survey - Market Volumes Continue Growing while New Concerns Emerge' is now available on the agency's website www.fitchratings.com.

Fitch's rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available on the agency's public site, www.fitchratings.com. Published ratings, criteria and methodologies are available from this site, at all times. Fitch's code of conduct, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, affiliate firewall, compliance and other relevant policies and procedures are also available from the 'Code of Conduct' section of this site.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZu den Dimensionen, um die es geht

19.07.07 14:22
Re: Sensationel Number from the Market of Creditex  (Not rated)      2 second(s) ago     Very important for the worldwide #1-interdealer-broker in the market of credit-derivatives is the following:

"The total amount of credit derivatives bought and sold reached nearly $50 trillion at year-end 2006, an increase of 113% over the $23.4 trillion reported for year-end 2005."



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch die 9% an Anthem Venture können eine Goldader

20.07.07 00:56

ThisNext is a company like Facebook  (Not rated)      19-Jul-07 12:52 pm     June 07, 2007
Social Shopping's This Next Gains More Funding

It doesn't take much time spent on ThisNext to realize that this is the future of eCommerce. The site has a look that will impress big spending urban shoppers and just like their time spent on Facebook or LinkedIn, they can network with like shoppers.

If you have spent time on metrosexual shopping sites like CoolHunting, then you will be in familiar territority with ThisNext and in fact ThisNext powers shopping for CoolHunting.

Santa Monica's ThisNext has raised a round of venture debt. The funding comes via Western Technology The startup had previously raised equity funding Clearstone Venture Partners.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: ThisNext is a company like Facebook  (Not rated)      19-Jul-07 12:57 pm     One of the main-owner of ThisNext is Anthem Venture. Anthem Venture is an incubator like Internet Capital. Internet Capital owns 9% of Anthem Venture.

A little math: If ThisNext have a worth of 2 billion and Anthem Venture owns 20% = 400 million. This increase the worth of the 9% of Internet Capital on Anthem Venture about 36 million.

But Anthem Venture have additional a lot of other valuable companies.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: ThisNext is a company like Facebook  (Not rated)      19-Jul-07 02:02 pm     The portfolio of Anthem Venture:


Internet Capital owns 9% of Anthem Venture. The worth of the portfolio of Anthem Venture is equal or higher than the worth of Internet Capital. I can't understand, that Buckley and his Mr. Greene from investor relations had never said one word about Anthem Venture - but this company is 10% of the value of Internet Capital or more, when we look at companies like Thisnext.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie Kursfeststellungen durch den Frankfurter

20.07.07 10:56
Skontrenführer habe ich hier an dieser Stelle ja schon vielmals als lächerlich bezeichnet und sie stellen nach meiner Auffassung eine Manipulation im Sinne des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes dar, da sie nicht die Marktlage widerspiegeln.

Oder meint der Skontrenführer wirklich, dass die Abwicklung eines Auftrages über ein Stück dazu beiträgt den richtigen Preis zu finden?

Erstaunlich ist schon, dass sich da jemand die Mühe gibt tagtäglich den Kurs in Frankfurt zu manipulieren. Damit werden gleich zwei Dinge verfolgt: Erstens sollen die deutschen Anleger zu einer zu niedrigen Limitierung angeregt werden und damit der Handel abgewürgt werden. Und zweitens erscheint der Kurs aus Frankfurt (ohne die heutige Stückzahl von 1) auf dem Yahoo-Bildschirm in den USA und anderen Bildschirmen, womit man im Vorfeld der US-Eröffnung den Kurs zu beeinflussen zu versucht.

Ein Skandal ist, dass der Skontrenführer diese Manipulation geschehen lässt und diesen Auftrag über 1 Stück ausführt und ins Netz stellen - nicht nur heute läuft diese Lachnummer ab, sondern an der Hälfte der Tage im Jahr. Ist der Skontrenführer oder sein Azubi im ersten Lehrjahr wirklich so blöd, um nicht zu erkennen, dass hier manipuliert wird? Meines Erachtens kann man eigentlich gar nicht zu blöd sein?

Und wo ist die Handelsüberwachungsstelle? Trinken die wirklich nur Kaffee und lesen die Bildzeitung?

Hier die Lachnummer von heute:


9,16 EUR

20.07.07  09:28

Diff. Vortag
+0,33 %


Gehandelte Stück



20.07.07  09:28


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZwei Meinungen - nicht in allen Punkten gleich

20.07.07 14:46
It's Funny  (Not rated)      20-Jul-07 12:01 am     How some on this board want credit for their expertise in analizing the rise in share price Of ICGE. I have to say, as I said when I first joined this board, that it's what management has done to stick with it and build this company that has truly gotten the institutions to aquire shares and hence the rise in price. A slow and steady increase in VALUE. This has been extreamly impressive to me. Actually, when I attended the shareholders meeting I was a little surprised that I didn't meet any of you. I did meet some of the people who are insiders and I'm still here. I think in this bussiness enviornment ICGE is doing pretty well. I think we will hear about some growth at the 2Q conference. I am looking forward to it. I am however not expecting giantic news because I think the Management will be cautious about saying anything that would be misconstrude as hype.
I think that the reason news about every accomplishment is not published is not as Flank has said but because of past history of the stock price. I do not belive that it was the fault of the Company; it was the fault of the markets general outragous greed and excitement of the entire dot com age.
Our growth will come with creative internet commerce that fills bussiness needs with integrity and profit making solutions.
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 Re: It's Funny  (Not rated)      20-Jul-07 05:20 am     I believe, you are right in a lot of arguments. But by some other points, I believe, you are not right.

A public company must publish all news, which are very important for the stock-price at once - a CEO, who is hidding important informations, break the law and the SEC must watch to such a law-breaker. An example: The important partner-company Freeborders made the announcement, that they will increase the employers in china from 700 at the beginning of 2007 to 2,000 at the end of the year. After more than 6 month nobody knows anything about the fulfilling of the plan. But I believe, the share-price of Internet Capital would be higher by an information about for example 1,300-1,500 employers in China today. Maybe this not published numbers was the reaseon, that a pirvate investor sold to Fidelity for $11, because Fidelity had a insider-information about 1,400 empoyers.

I repeat: An CEO, who is hidding important information for the private investors, is an law-breaker and should be fired. He should not be CEO, he should be a prisoner. And the SEC should look to such criminals.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer Wert der 41% Anteil an Metastorm

21.07.07 10:26
dürfte sich inzwischen auf eine Betrag zwischen 100 und 150 Millionen erhöht haben:

Good News from Metastorm  (Not rated)      20-Jul-07 02:26 pm     Internet Capital owns 41% of Metastorm:

Metastorm Named to Supply & Demand Chain Executive 100 List

Leading BPM Vendor Highlighted as Supply & Demand Chain Innovator

BALTIMORE, MD – July 19, 2007– Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for organizational agility, innovation, and governance, today announced it has been selected by Supply & Demand Chain Executive Magazine, the executive's user manual for successful supply and demand chain transformation, in this year’s Supply & Demand Chain Executive 100 listing. Metastorm earned the award for its expertise in BPM and by demonstrating how companies are using Metastorm BPM® to improve their most critical business processes.

Supply & Demand Chain Executive has identified leading providers of supply chain services and technologies who are at the forefront of innovation. According to Andrew Reese, editor of Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine, "Our goal with this year's '100' is to highlight a broad range of solutions and services targeted at a variety of industries, addressing the needs of companies of varying sizes, and assisting in the transformation of a diverse mix of the functions that make up the supply chain."

“Metastorm has extensive experience working with a variety of organizations across industries to strengthen collaboration, efficiency, and response time throughout the supply chain, and we are honored to be among the innovators on this year’s Executive 100 list,” stated Eileen Garry, chief marketing officer for Metastorm. “This recognition reflects our continued dedication to offering the industry’s most comprehensive BPM suite and our commitment to delivering unparalleled value to our diverse global client base.”The Supply & Demand Chain Executive 100 list and accompanying article are featured in the June/July 2007 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive, as well as online at www.SDCExec.com.

About Metastorm
With a focus on improving processes for greater innovation, agility, and governance, Metastorm leads the market in business process management (BPM) software and best practice methodologies for human and system-based processes. Going beyond the basics of modeling and automation, the Metastorm BPM® Suite supports the complete process lifecycle and is designed specifically to address complex processes that are unique to organizations. Metastorm’s 1300+ global client base in manufacturing, retail, financial services, business services, healthcare and government are achieving rapid ROI and Enterprise Process Advantage® in customer service, supply chain operations, risk management, and internal operations. For more information visit www.metastorm.com.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Good News from Metastorm  (Not rated)      20-Jul-07 02:33 pm     Metastorm in the press on july 3,2007 (hidden 17 days from Metastorm - I believe on a of Buckley):


Internet Capital owns 41% of Metastorm.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Good News from Metastorm  (Not rated)      20-Jul-07 02:36 pm     In this article about Metastorm and Linklaters:

In the BPM space, global law firm Linklaters used Metastorm technology to automate and streamline its key document processes across its worldwide business divisions. Legal work primarily revolves around documents that need to be created, checked, examined for use of English and relevance to law, and tracked. The sheer volume of documents and processing effort involved - each of Linklaters' data centres operates around the clock with about 230 to 240 people working at any given time in shifts - cries out for automated support.

Document processing was time consuming and inefficient. Lawyers also had no visibility of where the documents were in the process once they had been submitted because each part of the process was supported by separately developed applications that did not talk to one another. Hence it was impossible to track jobs. And as the majority of the process was handled manually, there was also greater risk of error.

Resource optimisation
Linklaters wanted to implement an integrated and standardised process for its Documentum-based document production system that linked across its three data centres in London, Hong Kong and New York. Metastorm's BPM platform does this by introducing a single methodology to bring commonality to all its processes, allowing for greater collaborative working and ease of maintenance.

Linklaters has created a tool called TRACS that affords three main benefits. Lawyers get visibility into and better control of processes so that their efforts can be accurately billed back to clients; data centres have greater visibility of work coming down the pipeline to help with their capacity planning; and specialist skills sets within the firm, for example foreign language skills, can be utilised more effectively.

Previously, Linklaters had to rely on an outsourcing partner in India to manage its excess workload; with TRACS it expects this arrangement to come to an end soon. The next step for Linklaters is to apply BPM to its core matter management processes, where it expects to get greater monetary ROI by streamlining legal projects and cases.



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWeltweit billigste Internet-Aktie

22.07.07 10:24
With 1.5-times-revenues Internet Capital is the most undervalued internet-holding worldwide. After the sale of marketron cash and securities are about 210 million. If we subtract the 210 million from the market-cap of 480 million of the debt-free company, the result is only 270 million for proportional revenues of near 180 million of the partner companies.

That are only 1.6-times-revenues - the lowest number of all internet-holdings worldwide. In the average, when we compare, we see 6-times-revenues (for example Ebay). That is an undervalue of 4.5-times revenues and by near 180 million proportional revenus 810 million or an undervalue of $21/share. Fair value is about $33 - price of yesterday = $12.39.

And that is the reason, why the institutional ownership is 91,5% - up from only 3% in 2004. Greatest owner is Fidelity, the biggest investor of the world with about 12% of the outstanding shares.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 28.5 million from Creditex.

Creditex is the Internet Capital partner company with the highest revenues. The revenues in 2006 was about 135 million and the growth-rate of revenues was 50% in 2006, in 2005 50%, too. And the strong growth is lasting. Therefore the revenues in 2007 will be about 180-200 million, the ebitda about 50 million.

15% of 190 million revenues are 28.5 million proportional revenues.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 34 million from ICGCommerce.

The revenues of ICGCommerce in 2006 was about 40-45 million, the growth-rate about 25%. Reveues in 2007 will be about 52 million.

66% of Internet Capital on ICGCommerce will produce proportional revenues of 66% from 52 million = 34 million porportional revenues.

Part of the proportional near 180 million revenues from the partner-companies are 29 million from Metastorm.

The revenues of Metastormn in 2006 was about 50 million. Revenues in 2008 will be about 100 million, the CEO told us in the last weeks. Therefore my estimate of revenues for 2007 = 70 million. The 41% of Internet Capital of the 70 million are proportional revenues of 28.5 million.

Part of the proportional near 180 million revenues from the partner-companies are 20 million from Freeborders.

The revenues of Freeborders in 2006 was about 35 million. Employment in China is growthing from 700 at begin of 2007 to 2,000 employers at the end of 2007. Therefore my estimate of revenues for 2007 = 60 million. The 34% of Internet Capital of the 60 million are proportional revenues of 20 million.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 13 million from Vcommerce.

The revenues of Vcommerce in 2006 was about 20-25 million, the growth-rate about 25%. Reveues in 2007 will be about 28-30 million.

46% of Internet Capital on Vcommerce will produce proportional revenues of 46% from 26-30 million = about 13 million porportional revenues.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 7.5 million from Whitefence.

The revenues of Whitefence in 2006 was about 12-15 million, the organic growth-rate higher than 50%. Additional they bought a competitor some weeks ago. Revenues in 2007 will be about 20 million.

37% of Internet Capital on Whitefence will produce proportional revenues of 37% from about 20 million = about 7.5 million proportional revenues.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 8 million from Channelintelligence.

The revenues of Channelintelligence in 2006 was about 10-15 million. In 2007 they will double the employers from 120 at the begin of 2007 to 240 at the end of 2007 (after the first quarter in 2007 it was more than 160). Revenues in 2007 will be about 20 million.

40% of Internet Capital on Channelintelligence will produce proportional revenues of 40% from about 20 million = about 8 million proportional revenues.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 7.5 million from Emptoris.

The revenues of Emptoris in 2006 was about 125 million. The growth-rate in 2006 was higher than 80%, but there was not only organic growth. Revenues in 2007 will be between 140 and 160 million.

5% of Internet Capital on Emptoris will produce proportional revenues of 5% from about 150 million = about 7.5 million proportional revenues from Emptories.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues of the partner-companies of Internet Capital are about 15 million proportional revenues of Anthem Venture.

The estimate of the proportional revenues of Anthem Venture is very difficult, because Anthem Venture is an incubator like Internet Capital with a lot of companies:


My estimate is, that revenues of Anthem Venture are equal the revenues of Internet Capital = about 170 million. Internet Capital owns 9% of Anthem Venture = 9% of 170 million = about 15 million.

Part of the near 180 million proportional revenues are 18 million from Starcite.

The revenues in 2006 was more than 40 million and the growth-rate of revenues was near 50% in 2006. And the strong growth is lasting and they have bought an european company. Therefore the revenues in 2007 will be about 68 million.

26% of 60 million revenues are 18 million proportional revenues.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaErntezeit nach vielen Jahren

22.07.07 23:57
Next monetizations  (Not rated)      22-Jul-07 04:37 am     Next monetizations will be Creditex and Metastorm, maybe additional Emptoris = 350-500 million for Internet Capital.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



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 Re: Next monetizations  (Not rated)      22-Jul-07 10:32 am     I believe, all this monetizations could be in third and fourth quarter of 2007.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWird Freeborders die Infosys von China?

23.07.07 10:38
Ich wäre schon hochzufrieden, wenn Freeborders in den nächsten drei Jahren 10% der heutigen Marktkapitalisierung von Infosys erreichen würde, denn da würde Internet Capital auch schon einen dicken Reibach machen. Der Markt gibt das in jedem Fall her:


Internet Capital hält 34% an Freeborders.  


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAufstocken was das Zeug hält ist angesagt

24.07.07 16:48
denn der Shortseller hat in einer Verzweiflungsaktion 50.000 Aktien auf einmal auf den Markt geworfen, um den Kurs drücken und so mehr als diese 50.000 billger zurückzukaufen.

Nach den offziellen Zahlen muss er nämlich noch 5,2 Millionen von 39 Millionen leer verkaufter Aktien zurückkaufen. Vermutlich sind es sogar doppelt so viele, da ein zusätzliches statistisches GAP existiert.  


398 Postings, 6793 Tage penskimacht das wirklich diese minus 4% von heute aus?

24.07.07 18:44
Verstehe die Welt bzw die Börse schon lange nicht mehr, bin ja auch erst seit 30 Jahren täglich dabei.
Nun warte ich noch auf die Zahlen von ICGE, die ja im August folgen sollen....  


398 Postings, 6793 Tage penskiist ruhig geworden auf dem Board

26.07.07 21:19
aber nur nicht nervös werden, es gibt bessere Titel, die sind aber um 4% gefallen! Warte auf die Zahlen (am 4. August?)  


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