Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Nur möchte ich nicht in deren Haut stecken, wenn am Montag oder Dienstag noch ein paar Insti's kommen und sich weitere Prozente von ICGE aneignen !
Die Shorties müssen dann ihre eigenen Blähungen einatmen, damit sie überhaupt noch Luft bekommen.
Wenn dann die Masse der Anleger mal etwas die Nerven behält und nicht gleich wie üblich am Tagesende verkauft, kann ICGE von nichts mehr aufgehalten werden.
Die große Frage ist nur, bei welchem Kurs fangen die Insti's an ab zu laden !
Wäre schön, wenn alle der gleichen Meinung wären und den Kurs bis 30 - 35 US Dollar laufen lassen würden.
Dann könnte gezielt das Papirchen an Kleinaktionäre vertickt werden. Sind sie alle weg und die Zinsen mal wieder on the Top, kommen die Downgrades und wir erleben das gleiche Spiel wie 2000 ! Die wollen doch bloß Kohle machen !
Nur dieses mal sind wir paar so schlau gewesen und sind frühzeitig bei ICGE eingestiegen.
Ich lade ab, wenn es die Großen machen. Das werden wir am Volumen schon sehen !
Die Frage ist nur, soll man jetzt wirklich noch einen ordentlichen Nachschlag holen, oder das was schon ordentlich im Plus ist laufen lassen.
Na, habe ja das Wochenende Zeit drüber nach zu denken.
Fakt ist, das ein Kauf zur jetzigen Zeit auf keinen Fall eine Sünde ist ;-)
Gruß Byblos
daß auch bei 35 Dollar noch nicht schluß ist,
doch das ist spekulation.
nächste woche wird die 12,5 dollar genommen,
dann ist der weg frei.
Langsam wird klar, dass die Shortseller gegen die Wand fahren. Fakt ist meines Erachtens, dass die eh schon sehr hohen offiziellen Shortselling-Zahlen nur den kleineren Teil des Shortsellings darstellen, denn es tuen sich gigantische Lücken auf:
THE GAP (Not rated) 30-Jun-07 06:15 am After this last revision of the ownership, the numbers at end of the first quarter are:
New Positions: 17 3,727,429
Increased Positions: 51 10,297,250
Decreased Positions: 34 4,262,364
Holders With Activity: 85 14,559,614
Sold Out Positions: 15 1,199,827
First we must subract the decreased positions of 4,262,364 shares from the increased positions of 10,297,250 shares = 6,034,886 shares.
Second we must subtract the sold out positions of 1,199,827 shares from the new positions of 3,727,429 shares = 2,527,602 shares.
Third we must add 6,034,886 shares and 2,527,602 shares and the result is an increase of institutional ownership in first quarter of 8,562,488 shares. By 39 million outstanding shares that is an increase of instutional holding of 22% of the outstanding shares.
The big question is: Who has sold the 8,562,488 shares to Institutionals like Fidelity, who is now the biggest owner of Internet Capital (about 12% of the outstanding shares) and Capital International (who bought 3.1 million in the first quarter)? The increase of shortselling in first quarter was less than a million shares and the private activities (look at Thomson Financial) was very small. The result is: We have a gigantic gap.
The reason for this gigantic gap is simple: The real shortselling is the 3-fold of the official numbers. And the SEC should look at the gap, which must base on the manipulation of numbers to hide the big volume of shortselling (maybe 30-40% of the outstanding shares).
sich am Montag am besten in Amerika richtig einzukaufen,
denn hier kann es nächste Woche tatsächlich zu einem sogenannten
Urknall kommen !!!
Denn wenn jetzt der 12,5er Widerstand genommen wird,
kommt eine BESCHLEUNIGUNG nach oben in die Aktie !!!
Dann können auch mal +30 % an einem Tag anstehen !
Wenn der Markt mitspielt könnte sich das von Libuda beschriebene Scenario diese Woche tatsächlich eintreten.
Ich persönlich könnte mir vorstellen, das Internet Capital bis in den Bereich von 17 - 18 US Dollar hoch schießen könnte.
Dort wird erst einmal tief Luft geholt und der so wichtige Wiederstand bei 12,50 wird noch einmal getestet ! Eine in meinen Augen sehr gute Chance, einen Trade zu wagen, die gesamten Stücke ab zu laden und bei 13,50 US Dollar wieder rein zu gehen. Das nächste Ziel wären dann die 23 - 24 US Dollar ! Danach 29 oder mit Glück über 30 !
Das ist mit etwas Glück richtig viel Geld zu verdienen ! Bin dabei !
Was meint Ihr ?
Gruß Byblos
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That are only 1.7-times-revenues - the lowest number of all internet-holdings worldwide. In the average, when we compare, we see 6-times-revenues. That is an undervalue of 4.25-times revenues or about 635 million or an undervalue of $16/share. Fair value is about $28.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 5-Jul-07 01:21 pm And that is the reason, why the institutional ownership is about 91,7% - up from only 3% in 2004. Greatest owner is Fidelity, the biggest investor of the world with about 12% of the outstanding shares.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 5-Jul-07 01:40 pm Part of 150 million proportional revenues are 28.5 million from Creditex.
Creditex is the Internet Capital partner company with the highest revenues. The revenues in 2006 was about 135 million and the growth-rate of revenues was 50% in 2006, in 2005 50%, too. And the strong growth is lasting. Therefore the revenues in 2007 will be about 180-200 million, the ebitda about 50 million.
15% of 190 million revenues are 28.5 million proportional revenues.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 5-Jul-07 01:45 pm Part of the 150 million proportional revenues are 34 million from ICGCommerce.
The revenues of ICGCommerce in 2006 was about 40-45 million, the growth-rate about 25%. Reveues in 2007 will be about 52 million.
66% of Internet Capital on ICGCommerce will produce proportional revenues of 66% from 52 million = 34 million porportional revenues.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 28 minutes ago Part of the proportional 150 million revenues from the partner-companies are 29 million from Metastorm.
The revenues of Metastormn in 2006 was about 50 million. Revenues in 2008 will be about 100 million, the CEO told us in the last weeks. Therefore my estimate of revenues for 2007 = 70 million. The 41% of Internet Capital of the 70 million are proportional revenues of 28.5 million.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 4 second(s) ago I believe, my estimate of the proportional revenues of 150 million of the private held companies of Internet Capital is to low. After only the 4 private held companies Creditex (28.5 million proportional revenues), ICGCommerce (34 million proportional revenues), Starcite (15.5 million proportional revenues) and Metastorm (28.5 million proportional revenues), we have 106.5 million proportional revenues and a lot of companies (smaller, but with important amounts) will follow.
The revenues of Freeborders in 2006 was about 35 million. Employment in China is growthing from 700 at begin of 2007 to 2,000 employers at the end of 2007. Therefore my estimate of revenues for 2007 = 60 million. The 34% of Internet Capital of the 60 million are proportional revenues of 20 million.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 6-Jul-07 09:50 am Part of the 150-200 million proportional revenues are 13. million from Vcommerce.
The revenues of Vcommerce in 2006 was about 20-25 million, the growth-rate about 25%. Reveues in 2007 will be about 28-30 million.
46% of Internet Capital on Vcommerce will produce proportional revenues of 46% from 26-30 million = about 13 million porportional revenues.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: 1.75-times-revenues = most undervalued internet-holding worldwide (Not rated) 6-Jul-07 09:53 am I believe, my first estimate of the proportional revenues of 150 million of the private held companies of Internet Capital is to low. After only the 6 private held companies Creditex (28.5 million proportional revenues), ICGCommerce (34 million proportional revenues), Starcite (15.5 million proportional revenues) Metastorm (28.5 million proportional revenues, Freborders (20 million proportional revenues) and Vcommerce (13 million proportional revenues), we have 139.5 million proportional revenues and a lot of companies (smaller, but with important amounts) will follow.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
CBOT grain traders relieved as CME sweetens bid
Fri Jul 6, 2007 2:49PM EDT
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Fast $7 trades, no limitBy Sam Nelson
CHICAGO (Reuters) - There was relief and optimism at the Chicago Board of Trade on Friday after the Chicago Mercantile Exchange sweetened its bid to take over its cross-town rival.
The sentiment on the trading floor of the world's largest grain exchange was that the bid by the CME, the No. 1 U.S. futures exchange, would prevail over a competing bid from upstart Atlanta-based IntercontinentalExchange Inc. (ICE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) to win over CBOT Holdings Inc. (BOT.N: Quote, Profile, Research), the CBOT's parent.
"It should pass," said a CBOT shareholder who declined to be named, referring to the likely merger of the CME and CBOT.
"The transition will be much easier and they can handle the trades. Anyone going for the ICE bid just wanted the money. This will be better for the Board of Trade," he said.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (CME.N: Quote, Profile, Research) on Friday said it increased its merger offer for the CBOT to allow CBOT shareholders 0.375 share of CME common stock for each CBOT share, up from 0.350 share in the earlier agreement. The CME upped the ante in an attempt to outbid the ICE.
"The momentum is definitely with the CME. It's the first time they've been proactive. I think they'll stay in front," said one CBOT member/trader who is now backing the CME deal.
CBOT members and shareholders and CME shareholders were voting this week on the merger proposal, and a source close to the CBOT board room was optimistic the two exchanges would soon be one.
"It's too early to presume it's a done deal but I will tell you that you should know later today and I'm sure their bid will be successful," the source said.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Next monetization = Creditex = 300 million for Internet Capital (Not rated) 4 second(s) ago In 2006 the revenues of Cbot was 621 million, the 4.6-fold of the revenues of 135 million of Creditex. If you divide the 11.3 billion worth of Cbot trough 4.6, the result for the worth of Creditex is about 2.45 billion. The worth of the 15% of Internet Capital on Creditex were 367 million.
This 367 million and the 210 million of cash and securities (37 million higher through the sale marketron) are worth 577 million. The result is, that one company and the cash/securities near 100 million higher than the market-cap of 482 million of yesterday.
And additional all other private held companie are free of charge: ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Starcite, Metastorm, VCommerce, Whitefence, Channelintelligence, Investorforce, Emptoris, Anthem Venture and other.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Gerade jetzt wo umgeschichtet wird von Standard-Werten in Internet- und Technologie-Werten !
Am besten am Montag gleich richtig groß in Amerika einsteigen,
den Drückern und Einsammlern, die die gleichen Personen sind,
die begehrten Stücke (92% schon in institutioneller Hand) wegkaufen !
Nachdem der Widerstand bei 12,5 jetzt gebrochen ist dürfte es wesentlich schneller gehen,
denn irgentwann möchten die Banken auch mal Geld verdienen und Banken möchten immer
sehr sehr viel Geld verdienen, deshalb auch der dreijährige Drücken und Sammelaufwand !
Später läuft ICGE sowieso in eine Überbewertung hinein, das kommt später noch gratis hinzu !
Wenn ICGE vom Fair Value 35 Dollar in eine Hausse bis vielleicht 55 Dollar hineinläuft,
aber das ist noch Spekulation.
Next monetization = Creditex = 300 million for Internet Capital (Not rated) 7-Jul-07 05:07 am Take a look what happenend by the competitor of Creditex, CBOT. Last bids for CBOT now by 11.3 million.
CBOT grain traders relieved as CME sweetens bid
Fri Jul 6, 2007 2:49PM EDT
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Fast $7 trades, no limitBy Sam Nelson
CHICAGO (Reuters) - There was relief and optimism at the Chicago Board of Trade on Friday after the Chicago Mercantile Exchange sweetened its bid to take over its cross-town rival.
The sentiment on the trading floor of the world's largest grain exchange was that the bid by the CME, the No. 1 U.S. futures exchange, would prevail over a competing bid from upstart Atlanta-based IntercontinentalExchange Inc. (ICE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) to win over CBOT Holdings Inc. (BOT.N: Quote, Profile, Research), the CBOT's parent.
"It should pass," said a CBOT shareholder who declined to be named, referring to the likely merger of the CME and CBOT.
"The transition will be much easier and they can handle the trades. Anyone going for the ICE bid just wanted the money. This will be better for the Board of Trade," he said.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (CME.N: Quote, Profile, Research) on Friday said it increased its merger offer for the CBOT to allow CBOT shareholders 0.375 share of CME common stock for each CBOT share, up from 0.350 share in the earlier agreement. The CME upped the ante in an attempt to outbid the ICE.
"The momentum is definitely with the CME. It's the first time they've been proactive. I think they'll stay in front," said one CBOT member/trader who is now backing the CME deal.
CBOT members and shareholders and CME shareholders were voting this week on the merger proposal, and a source close to the CBOT board room was optimistic the two exchanges would soon be one.
"It's too early to presume it's a done deal but I will tell you that you should know later today and I'm sure their bid will be successful," the source said.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: Next monetization = Creditex = 300 million for Internet Capital (Not rated) 7-Jul-07 05:20 am In 2006 the revenues of Cbot was 621 million, the 4.6-fold of the revenues of 135 million of Creditex. If you divide the 11.3 billion worth of Cbot trough 4.6, the result for the worth of Creditex is about 2.45 billion. The worth of the 15% of Internet Capital on Creditex were 367 million.
This 367 million and the 210 million of cash and securities (37 million higher through the sale marketron) are worth 577 million. The result is, that one company and the cash/securities near 100 million higher than the market-cap of 482 million of yesterday.
And additional all other private held companie are free of charge: ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Starcite, Metastorm, VCommerce, Whitefence, Channelintelligence, Investorforce, Emptoris, Anthem Venture and other.
Warum ich weitgehend geschrieben habe? Es gibt sie nämlich noch die ausgezeichneten Einstiegsmöglichkeiten: Internet Capital z.B., wo man einen Abschlag auf den Wert der Beteiligungsunternehmen von 50% erhält und keine Risiken in Sachen Verschuldung eingeht wie fast allen anderen Private Equity-Firmen und Hedge-Fonds. Denn Internet Capital finanziert seine Beteiligungen inzwischen zu 100% durch Eigenkapital und die mögliche Risiken von Zinserhöhung sind somit gleich Null, zumal auch die Beteiligungen fast ausschließlich mit Beteiligungskapital finanziert sind und kaum mit Fremdkapital.
Nun werden einige einwenden, dass damit auch der Leverage des Fremdkapitaleinsatzes fehle. Das ist in der Tat richtig, aber der wird durch die extreme Unterbewertung ausgelichen, sodass die Rendite nicht schlecher sein dürfte als bei den "Hoch-Leveragern" - allerdings ohne deren Risiken.
In 2006 the revenues of CBOT was 621 million, the 4.6-fold of the revenues of 135 million of Creditex. If you divide the 11.3 billion worth of Cbot trough 4.6, the result for the worth of Creditex is about 2.45 billion. The worth of the 15% of Internet Capital on Creditex were 367 million.
This 367 million and the 210 million of cash and securities (37 million higher through the sale marketron) are worth 577 million. The result is, that one company and the cash/securities near 100 million higher than the market-cap of 482 million of yesterday.
And additional all other private held companie are free of charge: ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Starcite, Metastorm, VCommerce, Whitefence, Channelintelligence, Investorforce, Emptoris, Anthem Venture and other.
Take a look, what happened by CBOT (an competitor of Crecitex) last Friday. Worth now 11.84 billion. Revenues of CBOt 4.6-fold in 2006 (but growth-rate of revenues by Creditex is higher). When you divide the 11.84 billion through 4.6 the result is a worth of Creditex of 2.57 billion. 15% of Internet Capital on 2.57 billion = 385 million.
Last Trade: 224.00
Trade Time: Jul 6
Change: 17.85 (8.66%)
Prev Close: 206.15
Open: 212.46
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 205.43
Day's Range: 212.22 - 226.45
52wk Range: 109.00 - 226.45
Volume: 4,226,100
Avg Vol (3m): 470,499
Market Cap: 11.84B
P/E (ttm): 61.52
EPS (ttm): 3.64
By Gabriel Madway
Last Update: 10:47 AM ET Jul 25, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Internet Capital Group Inc. (ICGE : internet cap group inc com new
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Last: 13.21+0.73+5.85%
5:00pm 07/09/2007
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ICGE13.21, +0.73, +5.8%) said Tuesday that its partner company, CreditTrade Inc., has entered into a merger agreement with Creditex Group Inc. The deal is expected to close in 30 to 60 days, and upon the closing, ICG will acquire an interest in the combined company. ICG said that following the merger, Creditex Group will be one of the largest credit derivatives platform companies. Shares of Wayne, Pa.-baaed Internet Capital Group were up 2% at $8.82 in mid-morning trade.
By Steve Gelsi
Last Update: 1:18 PM ET Mar 19, 2007
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- WhiteFence, an online comparison shopping marketplace for home services such as Internet and phone, said Monday it raised $14 million in second round funding led by new investor Adams Street Partners, in addition to Internet Capital Group Inc. (ICGE : internet cap group inc com new
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Last: 13.21+0.73+5.85%
5:00pm 07/09/2007
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ICGE13.21, +0.73, +5.8%) . The company received its first round of funding, led by Internet Capital Group in 2005. WhiteFence offers online comparison shopping of electricity, natural gas, home phone, high-speed Internet, cable and satellite television and more.
Unser Baby könnte jetzt aus dem Krabbelstadium zum Laufen übergehen :-)
Hier sehen wir die 30 Dollar schneller als viele glauben !!!
SettlementDate /ShortInterest / Avg Daily Share Volume / Days to Cover
Jun. 15, 2007 / 5,496,769 / 307,067 / 17.90
May 15, 2007 / 4,812,530 / 230,057 / 20.92
Apr. 13, 2007 / 4,639,917 / 319,399 / 14.53
Mar. 15, 2007 / 4,465,590 / 324,132 / 13.78
Feb. 15, 2007 / 4,482,584 / 330,386 / 13.57
Jan. 12, 2007 / 3,639,584 / 375,012 / 9.71
Dec. 15, 2006 / 3,292,398 / 367,550 / 8.96
Nov. 15, 2006 / 2,866,156 / 250,179 / 11.46
Oct. 13, 2006 / 3,136,996 / 263,355 / 11.91
Sep. 15, 2006 / 3,164,150 / 165,906 / 19.07
Bin ja gespannt wie es für den Luy ausschaut !
Aug. 15, 2006 3,372,948 182,543 18.48
Jul. 14, 2006 3,195,855 222,566 14.36
Und man sollte schnell zuschlagen, ehe es höllisch abgeht. Denn trotz der gestern wieder erreichten halben Milliarde Dollar Marktbewertung ist allein schon der Kassenbestand und der Wert der inzwischen wertvollsten Beteiliung (15% am weltweit führenden Interdealer-Broker für Kreditderivate Creditex) schon mehr wert als die Marktkapitalisierung. Sämtliche sonstigen Beteiliungen an den nicht börsennotierten Beteiligungen gibt es umsonst.
What will ICE do, after they have lost the fight? (Not rated) 1 minute ago I believe, they will expand - and best place for an expansion is the market of credit-derivatives. The market-growth was 103% in 2005 and 102 in 2006 and big growth will go on - slower, but big, too. And the biggest player on this market is Creditex. And I am sure, that owner will sell by a good offer - for example 2 billion, maybe a little bit more, when we look at the last prices on derivaties market and special sector, who is the fastest growthing dervatives market.
Shareholders Agree on CBOT, Merc Merger
Tuesday July 10, 1:47 am ET
By Dave Carpenter, AP Business Writer
Shareholders OK Blockbuster Chicago Board of Trade Merger With Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CHICAGO (AP) -- Today, Chicago. Tomorrow, the world? Even before the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's $11.9 billion purchase of the crosstown Board of Trade won final approval from shareholders, industry experts were speculating on possible acquisitions ahead for the new juggernaut of the financial exchange industry.
The targets, analysts suggest, could include other large exchanges from New York to London and beyond.
"The fact that they're talking so much about being global, I think that means something," Michael Henry, an exchange expert for consulting firm Accenture Ltd., said from Paris.
CME Group Inc., the company being created from Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc.'s acquisition of CBOT Holdings Inc., should have plenty of resources to go after another company after completing the integration that the two exchanges began planning last October.
The green light to go ahead with the combination came Monday from shareholders of both parent companies in votes that reflected the sweetening of the Merc's bid three days earlier.
"The trend of the industry is you have to get bigger or get out," said Harlan Krumpfes, an agriculture trader at the Board of Trade since 1975, after casting his vote in favor of the Merc's proposal.
CME Group likely will be joined by numerous other players exploring new exchange acquisitions.
Exchanges have been scooping up rivals at a frantic pace in order to remain nimble in an increasingly competitive global field. Just this year, ICE bought the New York Board of Trade, the New York Stock Exchange acquired Euronext NV, and Germany's Deutsche Borse agreed to buy the International Securities Exchange Inc.
The all-Chicago exchange still won't have a strong presence in energy futures and doesn't have stocks, so those could be on its wish list, according to Henry.
"I think the global exchange landscape is going to be dominated by companies that have a larger product range than they have. So I think a reasonable move might be to buy a big European exchange," he said, suggesting the London Stock Exchange as a potential target.
Chicago-based analyst Patrick O'Shaughnessy of Morningstar agreed that an international transaction might make sense for CME. So might a tie-up with the New York Mercantile Exchange, since the Merc already provides an electronic trading platform for Nymex products.
He noted that there has yet to be a deal in which a futures exchange buys a stock exchange.
"I don't think more mergers are inevitable, but I think that they're logical," O'Shaughnessy said.
Executives of the combined company, who used the word "global" multiple times in comments after Monday's votes, haven't ruled out anything.
"Starting on Day One, our combined company will be ready to compete in the global environment well-armed for growth and innovation," said Bernard Dan, CBOT president and chief executive.
Pairing the Merc and Board of Trade will create the world's largest one-stop futures and options market for everything from interest rates to pork bellies, and make it the world's No. 1 exchange of any kind by market value, outpacing Deutsche Borse and NYSE Euronext.
The next surprise after Creditex
Freeborder about Freeborders:
"Freeborders is widely recognized as the #1 provider of technology solutions from China to global clients, based in North America and Europe. Freeborders is respected for its innovative high quality solutions, powered by our industry proven global delivery model. We are a continuously learning organization dedicated to making a positive contribution to our clients, our colleagues and our community."
Internet Capital owns 34% of Freeborders.
The proportional revenues of the private held companies of about 170 million in 2006 has only 1.7-times revenues. That is an undervalue of 6.6-times revenues or 1.2 billion.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
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Re: About Multiples (Not rated) 2 second(s) ago I believe, the average of mutliples of the proportional revneues of the partner-companies of Internet Capital is a little bit lower than the multiple of 8.3 of Postini, Google bought. But I believe, that 6-times-revenues are a fair value.
Partner-companies from Internet Capital like Freeborder or Creditex must have higher multiples like Postini, the other companies lower.
If we take 6-times-revenues as a fair-value, the undervalue is 4.3-times-revenues. By 170 million proportional revenues is this an undervalue of 730 milion.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
09.07.07, 22:44 Uhr (35 Klick(s))
ICGE steigt weiter - SHORTSQUEEZE
Snag lag wohl richtig
Wenn der Wert so gut wär, dann würde sie sich dem momentanen Kursrückgang nicht anschließen.
Heute war der richtige Zeitpunkt seine Stücke zu schmeißen.
Habt Ihr es auch getan ?
Das mit den 91% glaube ich nicht. Das stinkt doch bis zum Himmel !
Die Leute werden mit ICGE nur verarscht.
Max. 14,75 waren drin. Jetzt wird das wohl nix mehr ! Vielleicht im Herbst.
Ich bin raus und würde das Papie momentan nicht einmal mit der Kneifzange anfassen.
Meine Meinung halt !
And this rumors will come after all the deals in the derivative-markets. Creditex is worldwide leader in the fastet growthing sector of the derivate-markets: credit-derivatives.
Sentiment : Strong Buy