Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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About the market of Creditex (Not rated) 14-Jun-07 02:22 pm the world biggest interdealer-broker in the boooooooming market of credit-derivatives;
Credit derivatives volumes rise to USD 34.5 trillion
In credit derivatives business, a 100% growth per year is hardly sensational. ISDA reported its annual derivatives summary for year-end 2006 : the volume of credit derivatives grew in the second half of 2006 from USd 26 trillion to USD 34.5 trillion. The year-on-year growth added to 102%.
The growth in year 2006 over 2005 was 103%. Thus, credit derivatives have established a growth rate of over 100% for at least 2 years now.
The credit derivatives market is still small compared to the total OTC derivatives market adding up to a whopping USD 327.4 trillion. However, credit derivaitves has consistently been the fastest growing among all OT derivatives.
As the base continues to swell, the rate of growth may become difficult to sustain.
Company GoIndustry PLC
Headline AGM Statement
Released 11:23 12-Jun-07
Number 1970Y
GoIndustry plc / Market: AIM / Epic: GOI / Sector: Support Services
12 June 2007
GoIndustry plc (“GoIndustry” or the “Company”)
AGM Statement
GoIndustry plc, the AIM listed industrial machinery and equipment auctioneer, held its Annual General Meeting today and all resolutions were duly passed.
At the meeting, Chairman David Bailey made the following statement:
“We remain focused on expanding our global market presence and to this end are making good progress in 2007, strengthening relationships with key corporations, further expanding into new territories and beginning the redevelopment of our website to improve our multi-lingual capabilities.
“Although trading in the first quarter was slower than expected following a record fourth quarter in 2006, the second quarter has been far stronger. I would like to stress that there are still a large number of sales events (69) to be held in June 2007. I am pleased to report that the pipeline for the second half of the year is building well.
“The Company is in a strong position financially, having in the first five months of the year raised £6.6 million through a Placing of 40 million new ordinary shares at 17p. We have also issued the deferred consideration shares from the reverse-takeover by GoIndustry AG.”
* * ENDS * *
For further information visit www.goindustry.com or contact:
John Allbrook GoIndustry plc Tel: 020 7098 3700
Isabel Crossley St Brides Media & Finance Ltd Tel: 020 7242 4477
GoIndustry plc is the global market leader in the valuation and auction of surplus industrial assets. The Company combines traditional sales experience with innovative eCommerce technology and advanced direct marketing to service the needs of corporations, insolvency practitioners, dealers and asset based lenders around the world. Since it was established in 1999, it has built a global presence and now has offices in 15 countries across Europe, North America and Asia.
Operating in a fragmented market estimated to be worth over $100 billion per annum, GoIndustry has a strong market position with a combination of online and live auctions, negotiated sales and valuation services.
Best competitor for Creditex = Interactive Broker.
There are two reasons.
First: Interacite Broker is a broker like Creditex, too.
Second: They had made an ipo some weeks ago.
Part of the ipo was only a very small part of ownership, but the ipo deliver us the worth of the company. On the base of this worth and the estimate (base: revenues of the first quarter) of revenues for 2007 we have a multiple of more than 10.
The estimates of Creditex will be by an conserative estimate in 2007 about 190 million. On the base of the valuation of Interactive Brokers the worth of Creditex = 1.9 billion and the 15% of Internet Capital on Creditex have an worth of 285 million.
The result is, that the worth of Creditex alone of 285 million and the 215 million cash (now higher through the sale of Marketron) and shares of Blackboard and GoIndustry have l lot higher worth than the market-cap of yesterday. Free of charge for example: The ownership in ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders Metastorm, Channelintelligence, VCommerce, Investorfore, Anthem Venture, Emptoris, Investoreforce, Whitefence, ....
Another good competition: NY-based ISE. ISE had revenues of a little bit less than 180 million in 2006 and is now worth 2.8 billion. Creditex had 135 million revenues, but through the booooooooming market of credit derivatives a higher growth-rate of revenues. By equal valuation the worth of Creditex must be 2.1 billlion. And the worth of the 15% fo Internet Capital is 315 million.
Deutsche Börse to buy NY-based ISE
By Doug Cameron in Chicago, Anuj Gangahar in New York and Norma Cohen in London
Published: April 30 2007 15:40 | Last updated: April 30 2007 21:42
Deutsche Börse on Monday announced plans to buy the International Securities Exchange for $2.8bn in cash, extending the group’s US foothold with the addition of an options platform and a fledgling equities business.
The agreement with the German group’s Eurex derivatives arm was expected to trigger another potential bidding war in the US derivatives sector, despite a price viewed as rich by analysts, with the recently-formed NYSE Euronext seen as a possible suitor.
Zu dem Vergleich mit der ISE gab es natürlich auch viele Artikel in deutscher Sprache. Hier ist einer davon:
Deutsche Börse kommt endlich zum Zug
Die Deutsche Börse kommt endlich zum Zug: Nach einer Reihe gescheiterter Übernahmeversuche kauft sie die US-Optionsbörse ISE. Ein Deal in letzter Minute - fast schien der Frankfurter Börsenbetreiber der große Verlierer beim globalen Fusions-Wettrennen zu werden.
Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...
Frankfurt am Main - Endlich kann auch die Deutsche Börse im branchenweiten Wettbewerb um Größe und Macht protzen: Durch die Übernahme der International Securities Exchange Holdings (ISE) entstehe der größte transatlantische Marktplatz für Finanzderivate, erklärte der Frankfurter Börsenbetreiber. Man werde über leistungsstarke Vertriebsmöglichkeiten in den beiden wichtigsten Kapitalmärkten der Welt verfügen.
Handelssaal der Deutschen Börse: Schon zweimal an der Londoner LSE gescheitert
Die Übernahme wird über die Derivatebörse Eurex abgewickelt, ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen der Deutschen Börse und der Schweizer Börse SWX. Einen verbindlichen Vertrag habe die Eurex mit der ISE heute unterzeichnet. Zuvor hätten die zuständigen Aufsichtsgremien ihre Zustimmung erteilt. Die Eurex werde für die ISE 2,8 Milliarden Dollar in bar bezahlen. Die Deutsche Börse werde 85 Prozent und die SWX 15 Prozent des Kaufpreises übernehmen.
Wie es weiter hieß, wird der Zusammenschluss vollzogen durch eine Fusion zwischen der ISE und einer Tochtergesellschaft der U.S. Exchange Holdings, die wiederum eine Tochtergesellschaft der Eurex ist. Die Transaktion soll im vierten Quartal 2007 abgeschlossen sein.
Die im Mai 2000 gegründete ISE ist auf den Handel mit Aktienoptionen spezialisiert und in ihrer Art die größte in den USA. Ihr Umsatz lag im vergangenen Jahr bei rund 178 Millionen Dollar, unter dem Strich lag der Gewinn bei 55 Millionen Dollar. Nach eigenen Angaben wickelte die ISE 2006 rund 30 Prozent des gesamten Handels mit Aktienoptionen in den USA ab. Die Aktie der ISE ist seit März 2005 an der Wall Street gelistet.
Erste Versuche auf dem US-Markt scheiterten
Die Übernahme erlaubt der Eurex, ihre Produktpalette auf den Dollarraum auszuweiten. Die Börse hatte bereits 2004 mit der Eurex US versucht, den US-Markt zu erobern, war aber gescheitert.
Die Übernahme soll sich in wenigen Jahren auch finanziell auszahlen: Insgesamt erwartet die Börse Synergien von 50 Millionen Dollar vor Steuern jährlich, von denen bis 2010 die Hälfte erreicht werden soll. Die volle Einsparung wird ab 2012 erwartet.
Die ISE bleibe eigenständig unter Regulierung der SEC und behalte ihre Struktur und Marke. Ein Verlust an Know-how sei nicht zu erwarten, erklärte die Börse: Das gesamte Management der ISE wolle an Bord bleiben. Die Übernahme soll im vierten Quartal 2007 abgeschlossen werden.
Analysten begrüßten die Übernahme. Als strategisch sinnvoll bezeichnete etwa Olaf Kayser von der LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg den Kauf der US-Derivatebörse. Damit werde der Eintritt in den US-Terminmarkt doch noch Wirklichkeit. Auch Analyst Konrad Becker vom Bankhaus Merck Finck bewertete die Transaktion positiv. Die Übernahme der ISE bringe das US-Geschäft der Terminbörse Eurex weiter voran. Die im Börsenleitindex Dax notierten Aktien der Deutschen Börse legten am Montag nach Bekanntwerden der Übernahme deutlich zu.
In der Vergangenheit war die Deutsche Börse mit verschiedenen Übernahmeversuchen stets gescheitert. Zweimal hatte das Unternehmen versucht, die Londoner LSE zu schlucken, jedoch vergeblich. Auch die angestrebte Fusion mit der europäischen Vierländerbörse Euronext kam nicht zustande.
Noch ein schöner Sonntag wünscht penski
Man braucht Zeit und Geduld, hat aber dadurch eine vorzüglich nach unten abgesicherte Chance. Wer sich mit diesem Risikoprofil nicht richtig beschrieben sieht, sollte nicht in dieser Aktie sein. Auf dem Yahoo-Board sieht man z.B., dass in der momentanen Phase die letzten privaten Zappeler ausgeschüttelt werden. Wenn der Shortseller dann allein verkaufen muss, um die Aktie in der Range zu halten, wird für ihn die Luft dünn.
Es wird in diesem Thread immer soviel über die ausstehenden Aktien (Short-positions) geschrieben. Hier ein Link wo man die tatsächlichen Zahlen auch sehen kann!
Internet Capital hält inzwischen 46% von Vcommerce.
The Interpretation of Boennning & Scattergood (Not rated) 21-Jun-07 12:41 pm Boenning & Scattergood said in their last report about Internet Capital:
"Boenning & Scattergood Updates Investment Opinion on Internet Capital Group, Inc.
June 11, 2007—INVESTMENT CONCLUSION —We continue to recommend purchase of ICGE shares with a Market Outperform rating and 12-month price target of $15, noting that the company’s portfolio continues to gain value and its deal activity continues. Internet Capital Group provides a unique opportunity for investors to participate in the significant value being created by privately held on-demand software companies. We believe that improving fundamental performance by ICG’s portfolio companies and pending deal activity—including investment, portfolio M&A and exit events—are likely to increase the underlying value of (and investor interest in) the shares. In addition, we believe the recent stock price represents a compelling discount to our reasonably conservative $15-plus calculation of the aggregate market value of the company’s investment portfolio."
I believe, it is important, to interpretate, what a "$15-plus-calculation" will say.
First: The minimum is 15, but maybe the stock will be higher.
Second: The estimates are conserative.
To the last point, Flankenking believe: The most estimates about the partner companies are okay, but a little bit to low (for example they take a multiple of only 2.5 by the revenues of 2.5 by Internet Capital or have a estimate for the revenues of Starcite of only 50 million in 2007). Maybe, that is, what Boenning & Scattergood are meaning with "conserative". But few points the estimates of Boenning & Scatterdgood are nonsense.
First nonsense is the multiple of boenning & Scattergood about 2.5 by Freeborders, competitors have multiples of 10.
Second nonsense: They ignore most the worth of the new companies VCommerce, Whitefence und ChannelIntelligence.
Third nonsence: They ignore Emptoris and Anthem Venture. Both companies have together after my estimates a worth between 60 and 100 million.
Conclusion: I believe the formulation "conservative $15-plus calculation" is a target of about $20 and all together Boenning and Scattergood had done good work. And without the three nonsense points, I believe, that a realistic target is between $25 and $30 in the next 12 months.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
But Internet Capital don't have any any debts.
And you get by Internet Capital a discount on the inventory-worth of the partner companies of 50%, by Blackstone you must pay more than the inventory-worth of the partner companies.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Keiner ist hier besser als ChannelIntelligence, die allein in 2007 ihr Personal verdopplen müssen.
News from ChannelIntelligence (Not rated) 22-Jun-07 09:48 am New Retail Site Effectiveness (RSE) Service from Channel Intelligence
Optimizes Product Navigation to Increase Sales
Orlando, FL - June 21, 2007 – Channel Intelligence (CI) introduces the addition of a new service to its SellCast™ Retailer Solutions designed to optimize a retailer’s web site navigation through improved product data. The service, called Retailer Site Effectiveness (RSE), improves sales by accurately categorizing products and identifying attributes to power guided product search on a site, making products easier for consumers to find. Retailers participating in the pilot release increased revenues by as much as 22 percent.
“RSE is a powerful tool for navigation optimization that combines high-quality, automated placement of products into a custom taxonomy with the extraction of attribute data to power guided product search,” explains Alison Luna, Product Manager of Optimization for Channel Intelligence. “For retailers that consolidate data from multiple distributors, this service automates the aggregation and organization of the data for display on the retailer’s site. RSE provides a better shopping experience for consumers, which leads to higher revenues for the retailer.”
The RSE navigation optimization service creates a custom category structure for a retailer based on a universal taxonomy of products and integrates seamlessly with their ecommerce platform. Product attributes are automatically harvested from the data to ensure products are grouped appropriately. Any products with inconsistent or conflicting data are quarantined, which helps ensure contextually accurate placement of products to avoid the costs that accompany improper product categorization.
Optimized site navigation and placement of products using RSE can significantly improve web site performance with early results demonstrating a 22 percent increase in revenue. For more information, view case study PDF here: www.channelintelligence.com/PDF/TheNerds...
About Channel Intelligence
Powered by the patented CommerceIQ™ technology platform, Channel Intelligence (CI) web-initiated commerce solutions make it easy for online shoppers to find and buy products whether they start at retailer sites, manufacturer sites, destination shopping sites, or mobile shopping applications. Using a series of robust data optimization techniques offered through the CommerceIQ platform, CI significantly improves the quality of product data and the placement of products on the Internet. Every day CI manages and syndicates millions of products valued at over $3 billion dollars through its three primary services – SellPath® Manufacturer Solutions, SellCast™ Retailer Solutions, and SellCore™ Publisher Solutions. CI customers include hundreds of the world’s best known brands including Best Buy, Black & Decker, Canon, Circuit City, Fujifilm, LG Electronics, Logitech, Mitsubishi, Neiman Marcus Group, OfficeMax, Olympus, Palm, Panasonic, PETCO, Skechers, SmartBargains.com, Spiegel, The Stanley Works, and Target. Channel Intelligence, a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE), is based in Orlando, FL with offices in Europe. www.channelintelligence.com
Internet Capital gehören 40% von Channelintelligence,
Die Quote der Institutionelle beträgt aktuell tatsächlich 91,70 %!!! (siehe Link Nr. 1)
und die Short-Positionen sind unterdessen von 4,7 Mio auf über 4,8 Mio (mehr als 12 % der Aktien) gestiegen! (siehe Link Nr. 2)
Rechnerisch gibt es schon eine Unterdeckung - ich rechne deshalb damit, dass es kurzfristig zu einer starken Kursbewegung naoch oben hin kommen wird. Gerade der Anstieg der institutionellen Anleger hat mich überrascht - und es gibt keinen Grund warum dieser Anteil nicht noch weiter steigt!
Richtung 30 - 35 Dollar !
Charttechnisch - dieser zähe langsame kontinuierliche Anstieg über Jahre ist
hochexplosiv - hätte diese Aktie weniger Potential - hätte man keinen so großen Aufwand
über Jahre betrieben !!!
Eines ist sicher - die ständige Deckelung mit gleichzeitigem Einsammeln -
also Leerverkäufer und Einsammler sind die gleichen Adressen !!!
Aber jetzt, wo sie es geschafft haben, zu niedrigsten Kursen alles abzusaugen,
wird die Aktie dorthin getrieben wo sie hingehört - jenseits von 30 Dollar !!!
Die wollen ja schließlich Geld verdienen !!!
Mein Rat:
Jetzt unbedingt sofort und stark einsteigen, notfalls auch in Amerika ordern,
wenn man mehr Anteile haben möchte,
denn hier kann man jetzt sehr sehr viel Geld verdienen !!!
Strong increase to highest shortselling-numbers in history (Not rated) 1 minute ago of Internet Capital.
June 2007
Interest Percent
Change Average Daily
Share Volume Days to
ICGE Internet Capital Group, Inc. - Common Stock 5,496,769 14.22 307,067 17.90
No more than 14% of the outstanding shares are shorted with share-lending and must be covered one day.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
denn Einsammler und Leerverkäufer sind die gleichen Personen !
Trotz allem, über 91 % in institutioneller Hand,
d.h. hier kann man sorgenlos einsteigen, einfacher geht es nicht mehr !
Hier kann man sein Geld ohne Risiko mindestens verdoppeln, wahrscheinlich sogar verdreifachen !
Wer viele Anteile möchte, der sollte in Amerika kaufen !!!
Mittelfristiges Kursziel 35 Dollar !!!
Holdings Summary
Internet Capital Group, Inc. NASDAQ-GM
Institutional Holdings Description | Hide Summary
Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 39
Market Capitalization ($ millions): $453
Institutional Ownership: 91.7%
Price (as of 6/27/2007) 11.73
Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held: 104 35,442,072
New Positions: 17 3,727,429
Increased Positions: 51 10,297,250
Decreased Positions: 34 4,262,364
Holders With Activity: 85 14,559,614
Sold Out Positions: 15 1,199,827
Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().
Owner Name
Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held Change
(Shares) % Change
(Shares) Value
FMR CORP 3/31/2007 4,470,196 3,744,080 515.63% $52,435
GENDELL JEFFREY L 3/31/2007 3,262,780 0 0.00% $38,272
DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV... 3/31/2007 3,250,151 137,447 4.42% $38,124
CAPITAL INTERNATIONA... 3/31/2007 3,100,000 3,100,000 New $36,363
CAPITAL RESEARCH & M... 3/31/2007 3,100,000 25,000 0.81% $36,363
The big question is: For example Fidelity increased his ownerhip 3.7 million and Capital International increased his ownership 3.1 million. Who has sold this shares?
I believe, the SEC should look at a answer, too.
Posted on Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007 (EST)
Research and Markets has announced the addition of China Software Outsourcing Industry Report, 2006-2007 to their offering.
China software industry has gradually stepped out of downturn since 2005, which is mainly attributable to the decreasing number of new entrants into such industry on one hand; and to software companies extending to software outsourcing market on the other hand. Software industry will go through a long-term rapid growth. Since 2002, China's software and system integration business has been developing exceedingly. In addition, the overall growth of Chinese software and system integration stood at more than 30% in 2006.
However, most domestic listed software enterprises are short of independent core technologies as well as distinctive products. Meanwhile they have a small number of high-end system software, general software and software development platforms. The fierce competition among those enterprises makes their survival environments even worse in the market.
During the course of developing self-owned brands, Chinese software enterprises have long looked down upon software outsourcing business, which they think would damage the images of enterprises. But actually, being weak in strength and technologies at present, most of domestic software enterprises have difficulties in developing independently.
Currently, China software outsourcing industry shares a small proportion globally, which indicates enormous potentials in this industry It estimates that the industry will maintain growing at an annual rate of 50% before the year 2009.
It is forecasted in fiscal year 2007 that the market size of American software and IT outsourcing industry alone will be up to US$300 billion. The offshore share will rise from 10% in 2004 to 24% in 2007, and the offshore outsourcing expenses will be approximate to US$70 billion then.
Out of the considerations for economic security and risk decentralization, multinationals don't expect the software outsourcing market to be clustered in one region. As for American software outsourcing, India believe it can take a market share of 50% or US$35 billion, while China is the most competitive rival against India.
In the next few years, the annual growth of China software outsourcing industry will maintain at about 50%, being far higher than that of the international market. As is forecasted, the portfolio of China software outsourcing will be up to US$4.696 billion (even if the total amount of China software outsourcing reaches US$4.696 billion in year 2009, the figure will be only half of that of Japan's software outsourcing; and one twentieth that of global software outsourcing market.).
Frage an den Market-Maker in Frankfurt: Steckst Du mit der Shortseller-Bande in den USA unter einer Decke, die niedrige Kurse im Vorfeld der US-Börseneröffnung braucht? Wenn nein, Dein Verhalten legt das aber nahe.
Sehe es doch einfach positiv - der Market-Maker versucht doch nur einen möglichst guten Einstiegskurs zu bieten! Im übrigen wird solch eine "Falschtaxierung" den Anstieg der Aktie nicht verhindern können!
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