On Track Innovations Ltd.: erhält Folgeauftrag
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Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 02:07 | von: Mariemxcwa | Leser gesamt: | 1.256.747 |
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Initial Orders are for 10,000 Readers
die 10.000 scheint hier eine gebräuchliche Zahl
Es dürfte doch jedem klipp und klar sein, dass wir z.Z. erst einmal von den Ankündigungen, aber bereits konkreten anlaufenden Projekten, Verträgen und ("revolutionären") Zukunftsprojekten leben. Daher investieren jetzt alle Welt in eine kleine Firma (OTI nämlich), die das Potenzial zu einer wirklich erfolgreichen Firma hat. Dass es dann noch einige Zeit dauern wird, bis wir z.B. 0.5 - 1 Mrd. USD Umsatz machen, liegt doch auf der Hand. Daher nehme ich den aktuelle Artikel von "The Street" nicht ernst.
Hier der Artikel:
Why On Track Innovations (OTIV) Is Soaring Today
BY Andrew Meola | 01/15/14 - 04:28 PM EST
Find out if (OTIV) is in Cramer's Portfolio.
Update (4:28 p.m. EST): Updated with closing price, day high and low prices, price change and volume information.
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- On Track Innovations (OTIV_) rose 8.17% to $3.97, up 30 cents from its previous close of $3.67, at the close of the trading day on Wednesday after the company announced that it had received an initial purchase order for 10,000 Saturn 6500 readers.
The stock had a volume of 4,388,147, more than five times its average of 667,894. It hit a high of $4.37 and a low of $3.78 for the day.
The order comes from "a leading U.S.-based systems integrator serving the unattended point of sale market segment," according to a statement from the company. The order comes on the heels of On Track Innovations successful completion of its pilot program in December, when On Track Innovations started to deliver volume shipments of Saturn 6500 readers to the integrator for distribution to customers across the country.
On Track Innovations uses no-contact transactions and near-field communications to offer cashless payment solutions.
TheStreet Ratings team rates ON TRACK INNOVATIONS as a Sell with a ratings score of D. TheStreet Ratings Team has this to say about its recommendation:
"We rate ON TRACK INNOVATIONS (OTIV) a SELL. This is driven by multiple weaknesses, which we believe should have a greater impact than any strengths, and could make it more difficult for investors to achieve positive results compared to most of the stocks we cover. The company's weaknesses can be seen in multiple areas, such as its disappointing return on equity and weak operating cash flow."
Highlights from the analysis by TheStreet Ratings Team goes as follows:
◾Return on equity has greatly decreased when compared to its ROE from the same quarter one year prior. This is a signal of major weakness within the corporation. Compared to other companies in the Computers & Peripherals industry and the overall market, ON TRACK INNOVATIONS's return on equity significantly trails that of both the industry average and the S&P 500.
◾Net operating cash flow has significantly decreased to -$3.44 million or 77.77% when compared to the same quarter last year. In addition, when comparing to the industry average, the firm's growth rate is much lower.
◾ON TRACK INNOVATIONS reported significant earnings per share improvement in the most recent quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago. This company has not demonstrated a clear trend in earnings over the past 2 years, making it difficult to accurately predict earnings for the coming year. During the past fiscal year, ON TRACK INNOVATIONS reported poor results of -$0.54 versus -$0.22 in the prior year.
◾The revenue fell significantly faster than the industry average of 2.8%. Since the same quarter one year prior, revenues fell by 27.5%. The declining revenue has not hurt the company's bottom line, with increasing earnings per share.
◾Despite currently having a low debt-to-equity ratio of 0.45, it is higher than that of the industry average, inferring that management of debt levels may need to be evaluated further. Regardless of the somewhat mixed results with the debt-to-equity ratio, the company's quick ratio of 0.82 is weak.
Mit der nächsten News/Auftrag wird aber auch diese Marke fallen.
Irgendwie hängt uns der Bashan noch am Bein. Wie viel Jahre haben wir da rann geglaubt das es die Zukunft ist. Sie ist es auch. Da kann der Typ schreiben was er will.
Die Insider halten fast 30 % und wir beinahe den Rest. Schön wärs.
Also dabei sein gen NORDEN.
Ich habe noch eine Bitte an Euch. Wer könnte mal die untere Tabelle erklären.
Ist Short Volumen, die am Tag x gehandelt?
Was bedeutet Short Exempt Volumen?
Ist Total Volumen die z. Z. die gesamt Shorts an Volumen der Firma?
Die Zahlen habe ich willkürlich eingeführt.
Date |Symbol|Short Volume|Short Exempt Volume|Total Volume
xxxx xxx / 810370 / 1250 / 2055900
Ohne den Artikel wäre der Kurs auch nicht gestiegen, meine ich.
Hatte eine Seite gefunden wo die shorties aufgeführt waren. So ungefähr sahen die Zahlen von Montag, Dienstag und Mittwoch aus.
Jetzt muss man nur wissen, ist SV am Tag gehandelt. Oder ist es der TV der am Tag gehandelt wurde. Über 2 Mill. am Mittwoch?
36329 0 158770 §
83529 0 515150 §
818450§ 1270 2075732
Die Zahl 1270 gehört und SEV (Short Exempt Volume) von Mittwoch.
Dann die Zahl 2075732 gehört zu TV (Total Volume) von Mittwoch.
Posted by Alphonse Anthony on Jan 17th, 2014 // No Comments
Equities research analysts at Northland Capital Partners assumed coverage on shares of On Track Innovations Ltd (NASDAQ:OTIV) in a research note issued to investors on Friday, Analyst Ratings Net reports. The firm set an “outperform” rating and a $5.25 price target on the stock. Northland Capital Partners’ price objective points to a potential upside of 28.99% from the stock’s previous close.
sieht doch gut aus!!!
Tolle Meldung!
Wo bleibt unser Alpha-Eddi? Hat der Urlaub?
Könnte doch gut für OTI sein, oder?
By Jim Finkle
BOSTON (Reuters) - A cybercrime firm says it has uncovered at least six ongoing attacks at U.S. merchants whose credit card processing systems are infected with the same type of malicious software used to steal data from Target Corp.
Andrew Komarov, chief executive of the cybersecurity firm IntelCrawler, told Reuters that his company has alerted law enforcement, Visa Inc and intelligence teams at several large banks about the findings. He said payment card data was stolen in the attacks, though he didn't know how much.
IntelCrawler's findings are the latest sign that the cyberattacks disclosed by Target Inc and upscale department store Neiman Marcus are part of a wider assault on U.S. retailer customer data security.
On Thursday, the U.S. government and the private security intelligence firm iSIGHT Partners warned merchants and financial services firms that the BlackPOS software used against No. 3 U.S. retailer Target had been used in a string of other breaches at retailers - but did not say how many or identify the victims.
Credit card companies, banks and retailers say that victims of any fraud resulting from the theft of their payment card data bear "zero liability" and will be credited for fraudulent purchases made on their accounts.
"Our rules say five days, but most consumers get (their money) back within 24 hours," Visa spokeswoman Rosetta Jones said.
Yet consumer advocates said that any debit card fraud could result in money being drained from a bank, mutual fund or other cash account at a time when those funds were really needed.
"Even if you are able to recover the money later, that's going to cause you an awful lot of pain and heartburn," said Jamie Court, president of Consumer Watchdog, a nonprofit advocacy group.
Data breaches can also be costly for the retailers and credit card firms affected, along with the companies that process the payments, people who have reviewed past attacks say.
Komarov, an expert on cybercrime who has helped law enforcement investigate previous attacks, told Reuters on Friday that retailers in California and New York were among those compromised by BlackPOS. Reuters was unable to confirm their names.
Komarov said he has not directly contacted those merchants. Security experts typically report cybercrimes through law enforcement rather than going directly to victims because the process can be time-consuming and victims are often suspicious when they first learn of attacks.
BlackPOS was developed by a hacker whose nickname is "Ree4" and who is now about 17 years old and living in St. Petersburg, Russia, according to Los Angeles-based IntelCrawler.
The teenager sold the malicious software to cybercriminals who then launched attacks on merchants, said Komarov, who has been monitoring Ree4's activities since March.
Komarov declined to specifically identify the sources of his intelligence, though he said he has been monitoring criminal forums where Ree4 sells his software and posted an excerpt of a chat with a client on the IntelCrawler website.
Officials with the Russian Interior Ministry could not be reached for comment when Reuters attempted to contact them after office hours on Friday.
The bulk of the attacks have occurred in the United States, but about 30 percent have occurred in other countries, including Australia and Canada, Komarov said.
Target last month disclosed the theft of some 40 million payment card numbers in a breach uncovered over the holiday shopping season, and later reported that 70 million customers' records had also been taken.
Neiman Marcus last week said that it too was victim of a cyberattack. Sources have told Reuters that at least three other well-known national retailers have been attacked.
John Watters, chief executive of iSIGHT Partners, which is helping the U.S. Secret Service with its investigation into the attacks, said that he expects the pace of assaults on merchants to pick up.
Copycats will pile on, using similar software, which can be purchased on underground forums, and similar techniques to launch attacks on retailers, he said. "They are saying: 'This is a great idea.'"
BlackPOS is a type of RAM scraper, or memory-parsing software, which enables cybercriminals to grab encrypted data by capturing it when it travels through the live memory of a computer, where it appears in plain text.
It is derived from code that has been floating around underground cybercrime forums since at least 2005 and may be related to malicious software used in attacks as early as 2003, said Shane Shook, an executive with cybersecurity firm Cylance Inc who has helped investigate major breaches at retailers.
While the technology has been around for many years, its use has increased as retailers have improved their security, making it more difficult for hackers to obtain credit card data using other approaches.
It succeeded in evading detection by anti-virus software when it infected the Windows-based point-of-sales terminals at retailers like Target, according to the report that the government privately distributed to merchants on Thursday, which iSIGHT Partners helped prepare.
Officials with the Secret Service could not immediately be reached for comment.
(Additional reporting by Richard Valdmanis, Lisa Baertlein, Mark Hosenball, David Henry and Megan Davis; Editing by Richard Valdmanis, Chizu Nomiyama and Jonathan Oatis)
Dachte um 20.00 Uhr wird es besser werden aber die Seppel's hab'n mal wieder im Ruhrpott gewonnen. Was soll's, hab einfach umgeschaltet und en Film geguckt.
Nun ist die Ruhe wieder da. Der gesamte Markt in US war abgesackt. Unsere Fa. auch.
Was soll's, hab'n es oft genug erlebt Die Sonne wird für uns auch wieder scheinen.
Wünsche allen eine Gute Nacht
wir können die Entwicklung ausgesprochen gut bewerten. Noch vor drei Monaten im November dümpelten wir bei $ 1,7 rum. Und seither gilt: "New Board, New Management = Success". Zudem untermauert mit Erfolgen. 2013 wurde der Verkauf von Lesegeräten verdoppelt. In diesem Jahr soll wieder verdoppelt werden. Zudem die beginnenden Projekte in Fernost. Jetzt werden wir erst einmal den Jahresbericht abwarten müssen. Ich schätze, dass daher die derzeitige Vorsicht kommt. Danach dürften wieder die Zukunftsaussichten und der Zuwachs, T-Mobile-Streit, etc. im Fokus stehen.
da trüben abgeht wegen eines Patentstreites....
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