On Track Innovations Ltd.: erhält Folgeauftrag
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nachfolgend ein aktueller Artikel aus Seeking Alpha mit einer sehr guten Zusammenfassung zu den Park Systemen von OTI. Es fehlen darin nur die Projekte in Warschau/Polen.
Hier der Artikel von Harris Schley:
On Track Innovations: Huge Opportunity In Parking Solutions
Aug 8 2013, 12:52 | 2 commentsby: Harris Schley | about: OTIV (On Track Innovations Ltd.(USA)) 21:49Disclosure: I am long OTIV.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. (More...)
On Track Innovations, LTD. (OTIV) provides SmartID Solutions, Payment Solutions, and Petroleum Services. Most of OTIV's products are based on what they call the OTI Platform which consists of their patented technologies encompassing their smartcards, smart card readers, and software to support their customizable systems. While there are many ways they can use their technologies, the one I will be focusing on is one of their Payment Solutions called EasyPark. According to OTIV's corporate statements:
"Our EasyPark system offers a unique on-street and off-street parking management solution without expensive infrastructure and construction requirements or ongoing maintenance of parking meters or paper tickets. EasyPark utilizes a small in-car device to create a uniquely convenient user experience that eliminates the need for cash or change and reduces the time to park. Drivers can securely deposit additional parking funds for the device either online or through public reloading stations."
On Track Innovations is based in Israel and started with the EasyPark system in Israel. OTIV first got a contract to implement EasyPark in Israel in 2000 and has since been extended twice by adding an additional 5 year contract in 2005 and 2010. Since its inception, 750,000 units have been sold. Israel has an estimated population of about 8 million (according to the World Bank) just to put into perspective how many units 750,000 really encompasses. In Israel, EasyPark is present in 42 different cities across the country.
In addition to Israel, OTIV has business in France with a presence in over 35 cities and growing. To gain traction in France, OTIV purchased a Paris based parking solutions company called ID Parking. It is now known as PARX LTD. and is a subsidiary of OTIV handling parking solutions outside of Israel. To show the growth in France, you can see that the company had 13 signed contracts with municipalities in France as of April 4, 2011 as shown in this press release. However, you can see the growth in France because just two years later, they have grown their contracts having deals with over 30 municipalities as shown here. You can also see that OTIV has deals where EasyPark is implemented in 25 municipalities in Italy and Bermuda.
I see a large opportunity to simplify public parking for the consumer in the United States. The old days of searching for quarters under the seat of your car to put in a 30 year old meter are coming to an end. I see a similarity to the way Easy-Pass Systems have allowed drivers to continue straight through tolls and not be forced to stop and pay quarters at a time. I also see how the EasyPark system has grown in the countries it has been implemented in. According to the United States Census Bureau, the United States has a population of over 314 million people. If OTIV can achieve a penetration rate of just half of what they have achieved in Israel, that would equate to about 15 million units.
Starting in just a few cities, it is noticeable that the system works and then other municipalities follow and add the system. As shown in Israel and France, the system works. It starts in a few cities and grows as more people gain visibility to the system. In recent years, EasyPark has made an appearance in the United States. EasyPark is already in Dover and Portsmouth, New Hampshire and more recently in Austin, Texas. Over time, more cities should and will follow suit in adding the EasyPark system for the benefit of their businesses and residents. Following the example set in other countries, OTIV has the opportunity to continue on the same path they laid out in Israel and France. Another way OTIV plans on spreading EasyPark is by showing off the system at conferences and expos such as the International Parking Institute Conference & Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that took place in May of 2013. OTIV also has had a contract with the University of California Davis which has a student enrollment of 36,000. Colleges and Universities are just another place where the EasyPark system can be implemented to grow revenues.
In addition to how EasyPark currently works, OTIV continues to innovate in parking payments. In June 2012, OTIV announced a new product called "EasyPark Private," which enables the owners of private parking spaces to rent out their parking space when it is not in use. EasyPark Private allows the owners of spots to receive money for their spots when they are not in use while at the same time, allows drivers to park for cheaper. You can find out more about EasyPark Private here.
As I look at the EasyPark Payment System, it has continued to show that once implemented, it is liked and contracts get continued. The reason for this is customer satisfaction. OTIV finally got their presence in the United States and that should help grow revenue with deals involving more municipalities. Under new management that has recently taken over, businesses will continue to grow. OTIV also has a pending lawsuit against T-Mobile based on their NFC related patents and other contracts involving NFC technology with multiple countries throughout the world. However, EasyPark is a huge opportunity that OTIV will continue to take advantage of. Over the next few years, OTIV will continue to grow their product lines and I believe it is a good time to get in on this opportunity.
I want to be clear that EasyPark is just one part of the OTIV story as it is just one of their products. I will write future articles on the other prospects of OTIV as we go forward, but looking at the opportunity of this one product can help see where the company may be looking to go.
Dann hoffen wir mal alle, dass der 28. August eine weitere gut Nachricht im Streit mit T-Mobile bringt. Der 28. August könnte damit zeigen, ob der neue Vorstand das bringt, was wir uns von ihm versprechen.
Diesmal rechne ich noch nicht damit...
Wie es aussieht, will OTI sich nun "gesundschrumpfen" und die defizitären Betriebsanteile abstoßen. Beim Parksystem hat man übrigens nur den Anteil von Westeuropa verkauft. Laut Beschreibung müsste der Osteuropaanteil, z.B. für Polen, auch Türkei verbleiben. Den neuen Vertriebsleiter, der neulich vorgestellt wurde, ist im Osteuropäischen Markt bei seiner vorherigen Stellung aktiv gewesen. Falls einmal in Westeuropa beim verkauften Betriebsanteil Gewinne gemacht werden, erhält OTI laut Vertrag davon 25%.
Bei den Bezahlsystemen bestehen Verträge mit MasrerCard, Visa, etc. und die will man behalten. Zudem die kontakt Lösungen mit dem Handy. Falls dieser "Rest" Gewinne abwerfen sollte, was wir bisher nicht wissen, könnten wir mit kleinerem Umsatz neu starten. Zudem reicht jetzt mit Sicherheit der verbleibende Cash für eine längere Zeit.
Sobald die 10 Mio. $ für den Verkauf des Smard ID-Bereiches eingebucht sind, könnte OTI erstmals einen "Gewinn" melden.
bin nun schon seit über 10 Jahre in Oti investiert .. mein break even liegt bei 3 $ und ich hoffen diesen mit dem neuen Management auch zu erreichen. Mal sehen.
Das einzige was mir jetzt sorgen bereitet ist der Ausverkauf ohne zumindestens kommunizierter Strategie....
Schön von dir zu hören.
abhängig ist.Es ist besser ,wenn der Tisch auf vielen Beinen steht.Das Beste ist natürlich aber Gewinn.Ich finde es aber gut ,das langsam Bewegung auf der Nachrichten Seite entsteht.Da merkt man das ,das neue Managment etwas unternimmt.
Verschlankungen bei Firmen ist oft aber auch ein Zeichen das die Firma für Käufer attraktiver gemacht werden soll.Ich denke :Im Augenblick kann mann alles auf die eine oder andere Art auslegen.Die Zukunft wird es uns zeigen ob es sich gerechnet hat
Euer Bingo
Bin auch im NewsRoom bei Yahoo von Ed Schwartz....verfolge das Treiben aber eher passiv und "hoffe" wenigstens meine Einsatz wieder zubekommen. Time will tell
Ich schätzte dass in den nächsten Wochen einiges klarer wird, da ich auch vermute, dass die nächste Klage schon geschrieben wird
habt ihr es gesehen? Der Quartalsbericht wird am gleichen Tag veröffentlicht, an dem die nächste Meldung zum Rechtsstreit mit T-Mobile kommen soll. ich denke, dass damit schlechten Zahlen (kann auch nicht anders sein) von einer guten Meldung überdeckt werden sollen.
Management to Discuss Results on Wednesday, September 4 at 9:00 a.m. ET
Das mit dem Rechtsstreit am selben tag habe ich nicht gelesen. Wo hast du das her?
Hab beinahe daran gezweifelt.
Die Meldung zum T-Mobile Streit kam heute tatsächlich und die sieht weiterhin seeeehr positiv aus, nicht wahr?
Ansonsten ist bei den Quartalszahlen ein Aufwärtstrennt zu erkennen.
Die zukünftige Ausrichtung von OTI soll am 10. September auf der Gateway Conference in San Francisco dargelegt werden.
Einige Vorständler kaufen sich am freien Handel Aktien ....
... und auch noch von OTI!
Leute, es geht voran.
Gruß März
Wünsche Dir noch gute Nacht mein Leidensgenosse :-)
ROSH PINA, Israel, Aug. 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTI) (OTIV), a global provider of near field communication (NFC) and cashless payment solutions, reported the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has denied T-Mobile USA's request for of the claim construction (Markman) decision in OTI's patent infringement lawsuit alleging that Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled phones sold by T-Mobile USA infringe OTI's U.S. Patent No. 6,045,043.
The case was filed in March 2012 and is pending in the District Court for the Southern District of New York. As reported by OTI on June 20, 2013, the Court adopted OTI's proposed constructions of all disputed terms.
OTI is a pioneer in the contactless payment market and supported MasterCard(R) and Visa(R), among others, in the creation and implementation of contactless transaction processing and payment solutions. OTI provides NFC devices and reader solutions, including the COPNI (Contactless Payment and NFC Insert) device, which adds NFC capability to existing non-NFC enabled mobile phones.
Am 10.September wird die neue Ausrichtung präsentiert. Das dürfte ein neuer Anstieg werden.
Bin auch gespannt, wann ein Analyst das Kursziel von derzeit 4$ anheben wird.
Unser Alpha-Eddy schreibt bestimmt schon am nächsten Artikel.
Endlich kommt mal Freude auf.
Schau key message Verluste erheblich reduziert und Umsatz gesteigert.
On Track Innovations (OTIV) Q2 2013 Earnings Call September 4, 2013 9:00 AM ET
Good morning. Welcome to the On Track Innovations second quarter 2013 earnings discussion. Joining us for today’s presentation are On Track Innovations’ CEO Ofer Tziperman and CFO Shay Tomer. Before we conclude today’s call, I’ll provide the company’s Safe Harbor statement with important cautions regarding the forward looking statements made during this presentation.
Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that this presentation will be available for replay via a link available in the investor relations section of the company’s website at www.otiglobal.com. Now I would like to turn the call over to OTI’s CEO, Mr. Ofer Tziperman. Sir, please go ahead.
Ofer Tziperman - CEO
Welcome everyone, and thank you for joining us today. Our results for the second quarter of 2013 were issues in a press release last Wednesday, August 28, which is available in the investor relations section of our website.
Our financial results for the quarter were consistent with our expectations and do not reflect our recent divestures of certain noncore and business to consumer operations. However, Q2 was highlighted with some key customer wins in our core business. This included a 30,000-unit order for our NFC and contactless payment readers and a $50 million contract to build and operate e-ticketing for mass transit systems throughout Poland.
We also launched a new intellectual property monetization campaign that led to the favorable Markman hearing decision in our patent infringement suit against T-Mobile USA, which established the forced adoption of our [unintelligible] adoption of our proposed construction of all disputed terms.
I’d like to talk more about our new corporate initiatives and other operational highlights, but first I would like our CFO, Shay Tomer, to take us briefly through our financial performance for the quarter. Shay?
Shay Tomer - CFO
Thank you, Ofer, and welcome, everyone. Now for our financial results for the second quarter 2013. Revenues increased 19% to $9.2 million from $7.7 million in the same year-ago quarter. The improvement was mainly driven by a 94% year over year increase in payment product revenues from our NFC readers sold to the U.S. market. The increase in revenue was also driven by an increase in SmartID revenues offset by decreasing OEM revenue.
Now, breaking down our total revenue by [unintelligible] and the percent of total revenue. SmartID revenue was $3.4 million, or 37%. Payment revenue was $2.6 million or 28%. OEM revenue was $1.2 million, or 13%. The [unintelligible] revenue was $1.1 million, or 12%. [Parking] revenue was $700,000 or 8%, and finally, [unintelligible] smart product revenue was $200,000, or 2% of total revenue.
Looking at our geographic regions and the portion of each region’s contribution to total revenue, Africa accounted for $3.7 million or 41%. Europe accounted for $2.9 million, or 31%. North America accounted for $1.4 million, or 16%. South America accounted for $700,000, or 8%, and finally Israel accounted for $400,000, or 4% of total revenue.
Our operating expectations in Q2 2013 decreased 8% to $7.2 million from $7.9 million in the same period last year. The decrease was mainly due to lower headcount and reduced management costs. We continue to remain focused on tightly managing our expenses and overhead.
Our net loss for the second quarter of 2013 totaled $2.3 million or $0.07 per share. This loss represents a reduction of more than half from the net loss of $4.8 million or $0.15 per share in the same year-ago quarter.
Adjusted EBITDA loss, a non-GAAP measure of performance, totaled $1.5 million, which also improved substantially from an adjusted EBITDA loss of $3.5 million in the same year-ago quarter. The improvement was due to increased revenue and reduced operating expenses.
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September 12, 2013 | 0 Comments
Agility Ltd announced that drivers in the city can now pay for parking using their mobile phones with its newest service, EasyPark Mobile.
Mayor of Hamilton, Mr. Graeme Outerbridge, stated, “The City of Hamilton Council is very happy that EasyPark continues to revolutionize parking in Bermuda. This new service gives motorists who drive into the city an easy option for payment wherever they park their vehicles”.
According to Mr. Danny Faria, EasyPark’s General Manager, “EasyPark Mobile [another PARX Ltd based solution] brings all the benefits of the EasyPark Meters and more. With its added convenience, customers can use EasyPark Mobile as their stand alone parking solution or as a complement to their EasyPark Meter.”
“New and existing customers can register for an EasyPark Mobile account online, and then select EasyPark Mobile from the main menu items and follow the instructions in our EasyPark Mobile Guide. Similar to the EasyPark Meter, EasyPark Mobile is a prepaid service.
“Therefore, to use the service customers must first subscribe to one of our plans: consumer standard – for regular parkers, or: consumer casual – for infrequent parkers; based on the number of vehicles [license plate numbers] they want to use. Once you’ve subscribed to a plan, update your license plate and mobile number details; and then top up your EasyPark Mobile virtual account.
“To park using EasyPark mobile, customers must display the complimentary EasyPark Mobile sticker on the left-hand side of their windscreen to ensure parking wardens are aware they are using EasyPark Mobile; and thereby avoid a parking citation. Parking wardens have remote access to the EasyPark Mobile parking system in order to fulfil their compliance function[s].”
EasyPark Mobile stickers can be collected from the following locations:
1. City Hall Administration Office
2. CellOne Retail outlets in Hamilton, Somerset and St. George’s
3. EasyPark Office, 63 Pitt’s Bay Road, between Bacardi International and the Rosedon Hotel.
Once you’re registered to EasyPark Mobile, there are three primary ways to pay for parking, all of which are interchangeable for starting and ending parking sessions:
1. Text messaging [or SMS] 777-PARK [777-7275], which is by far the simplest and quickest method to pay for parking. The SMS service is powered by CellOne.
To start a parking session using SMS, customers simply text start followed by the city and zone codes. For example, to start a parking session for Hamilton street parking [City 01 Zone 01], the user would send the text “START 01 01” to 777-7275. To end the parking session the user simply sends the text “STOP”. A confirmation text is sent to the user for both starting and ending a parking session, in addition to optional end of parking session SMS reminders.
2. Using the EasyPark Mobile smart phone parking application.: The EasyPark Mobile application is available for iPhone [iOS 5 or higher] and Android [Android 1.6 or higher] devices; and is available for download at the iTunes store and Google play. To start a parking session using the smart phone parking application:
1. Enter your username and password
2. Select city and zone number [if using a daily parking zone, enter the number of days you wish to park].
3. Press “Start” button.
To end a parking session, press the Finish button.
The EasyPark Mobile smart phone application provides additional features you can use directly from your phone including: parking and billing history, reminders, city information and parking rate/zone look up.
3. Using the Pay by phone service [or IVR-interactive voice recognition], by calling 400-PARK [400-7275] or 542-PARK [542-7275]. To start a parking session using the smart phone parking application:
1. Dial 400-PARK [400-7275] or 542-PARK [542-7275]
2. Follow the prompts to select city and zone number using dial pad and confirm your selection by pressing 1.
To End parking session dial 400-PARK [400-7275] or 542-PARK [542-7275] again and follow the prompts for ending your current parking session. A confirmation text is also sent to the user for both starting and ending a pay by phone parking session, in addition to optional end of parking session SMS reminders.
Mr. Faria commented that the EasyPark Mobile service is also now available for use by customers for parking at the L.F. Wade International Airport. There is no need to discontinue the use of your EasyPark Meter; however, for the purpose of long-term parking at the L.F. Wade International Airport, customers should consider registering to the EasyPark Mobile service in order to take advantage of one key benefit, the ability to extend parking time remotely while travelling.
Aaron Adderley, General Manager of the Bermuda L.F. Wade International Airport, stated, “the new Easy Park Mobile service will provide our travellers with an added level of convenience that we very much welcome.”
Mr. Faria also noted that after customers become familiar with this new service EasyPark would look to set a timeline for the discontinued use of the EasyPark Meters, for long-term parking only, at the L.F. Wade International Airport. Further announcements on this discontinuance will be made in due course.
For more information on how to set up and use EasyPark Mobile, please see Customer Support on EasyPark’s website.
ich finde leider nichts.
Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ist noch immer sehr verbesserungswürdig.
Der Kurs ist seit dem 10Sep auch nach Süden unterwegs
Alles wieder mal komisch.Es bleibt de Hoffnung
IP Plays With Operating Businesses And Recent Insider Buying
Sep 16 2013, 10:28 | about: DSS, OTIV
There are numerous reasons for insiders to sell stock ranging from raising capital to pay taxes, paying a child's tuition, diversifying a portfolio, and anything in between. However, the reason for buying stock is because you have a belief that the stock is undervalued and that it will be higher in the future. Insiders should have the most up to date information on their companies and should have great knowledge of the company. Insider buying is certainly not a sure fire way to estimate the direction of stock, but it is certainly something that should be taken into consideration.
OTIV provides SmartID Solutions, Payment Solutions, and Petroleum Services. Most of OTIV's products are based on what they call the OTI Platform which consists of their patented technologies encompassing their smart cards, smart cards readers, and software to support their customizable systems. OTIV has a pending court case in the United States District Court in the Southern District of New York against T-Mobile USA (TMUS) involving patents relating to near field communications. OTIV had a successful Markman Hearing and you can find out more about OTIV's Markman Hearing victory here.
While I like the upside that the patent infringement suit may bring, I really like the growing operating business. With new CEO Ofer Tziperman, new management, and a more focused direction, the company has delivered positive 2nd quarter results. Revenues grew 19% year over year to $9.2 million for the quarter, while expenses declined 8% year over year. The company is putting more of a focus on their payment products and the increase in revenue was highly attributable to a 94% year over year increase in payment product revenues from NFC readers sold to the U.S. Market. OTIV announced a cash balance of $9.7 million, but that did not include the $10 million sale of their SmartID Division which will come at the close of this transaction (also not included is the additional payments that may be received if certain milestones are reached).
With the all of the positives stated above, my positive outlook on the company is furthered by the directors of the company buying stock. The directors of OTIV have recently purchased 735,000 shares on the open market. With the upside potential of what the lawsuit against T-Mobile may bring, the positive operating results, and the insider purchases, I believe OTIV is undervalued and a buy.
DSS provides counterfeit and fraud protection along with authentication technology. With their merger with Lexington Technology Group, DSS now provides products and services as listed above along with an IP monetization and licensing strategy. DSS currently has three settlement agreements with Novell (NOVL), BroadVision (BVSN), and Jive Software (JIVE), and there are two Defendants remaining in Facebook (FB) and LinkedIn (LNKD). You can read more about the filed suits here.
The share price in DSS has fallen from a recent high of $3.64 to current levels of $1.28, even reaching a 52 week low of $1.08. There have not really been any significant events to explain this rapid decrease in share price. I believe DSS is oversold from these conditions and presents a great buying opportunity. Management explained that they believe the drop in share price was due to investors who the company partnered with before the merger even took place. Management believed there were incentives in place to keep investors with a long term focus. DSS Management stated in their Earnings Call the following:
Incentives included nearly 5 million warrants with an exercise price of $4.80 and 7.1 million escrow shares to be delivered to the LTF shareholders only if certain conditions were met, including a sustained share price above $5. [This was] put in place to focus shareholders on longer term prospects of DSS and we felt all parties to the merger shared. We believe trading since the close of the merger has been originating in large part from investors who we partnered with originally, but who are now capitalizing on their own short term opportunities in the market, while ignoring what we believe, and continue to believe they saw together with us a significant longer term benefits of the merged company.
I believe that this heavy selling pressure is pretty much done and the price will recover to higher levels. My belief and management's statements are backed up by actions by insiders. Just recently on September 12, 2013, the President of DSS Robert Bzdick purchased 50,000 shares while the Chairman of the Board Robert Fagenson purchased a total of 5,000 shares over the same two day period. The actions of these two insiders reinforce my belief and their own statements that the share price has fallen even though the long term prospects still look bright.
Besides the selling by the early investment partners, another reason for the drop in share price may be caused by the delay in the suit with Facebook and LinkedIn. The Markman Hearing was originally scheduled to take place on October 2, 2013, but it has since been pushed back to February 26, 2014. While the delay is unfortunate, it is important to remember that the time delay will not impact the chances for success at all. Now that the Markman Hearing has a new date, more certainty exists and the run-up until the Markman Hearing causes another catalyst to lift the share price.
Two IP plays that I like as part of the speculative portion of my portfolio are OTIV and DSS. Both companies have growing operating businesses and lawsuits that provide tremendous potential upside. I believe the true value of OTIV with new management has yet to be realized and that DSS is oversold. At the very least, new investors should look further into OTIV and DSS to see what these insiders are buying.
Additional disclosure: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Before buying or selling any stock you should do your own research and reach your own conclusion or consult a financial advisor. Investing includes risks, including loss of principal.