Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.340.609
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:177
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 50 | 51 | 52 |
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63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie kriminellen Gängstersücken in Sachen Kurs-

05.01.07 10:33
bildung in Frankfurt halten unter Mithilfe des dortigen Skontrenführers und wohlwollender Duldung der Handesüberwachungsstelle des Bafin an. Der gestrige Schlusskurs an der Nasdaq war nach Umrechung zum momentanen Dollarkurs 7,89 Euro. Abgewickelt wurden bisher in Frankfurt zwei Käufe über sage und schreibe 12 Stücke zum Kurs von 7,70 Euro. Durch diese Manipulationen sollen potenzielle Käufer zu einer zu niedrigen Limitsetzung animiert werden und damit der Handel in Frankfurt zum Erliegen gebracht werden. Ein Lüge ist auch, dass der Skontrenführer auch zum Kurs von 7,80 verkaufen würde. Probiert das einmal mit einer Stückzahl von z.B. 300 Stück - da läuft nichts, außer skanlösen Kursfeststellungen.

Und das kriminelle Spielchen, das eine eindeutige Kursmanipulation om Sinne des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes ist lauft so schon seit Monaten.


7,70 EUR

05.01.07  09:40

Diff. Vortag
+0,00 %


Gehandelte Stück



05.01.07  09:40


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.

Schluss Vortag




52W Hoch

52W Tief

Split (10.05.04)

Split (13.12.99)


Umsatz --

Bruttorendite --

Eigenkapitalquote --

Bilanzprognose (2007e):

KGVe --

DIVe --
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300,79 Mio. EUR



39 Mio.



Handelsplätze LiveTrading Geld Brief Datum Zeit Gestellte Kurse
LT Lang & Schwarz 7,75 8,03 05.01.07 10:14 424
Börse Aktuell Datum Zeit Tages.-Vol. Anzahl Kurse
XETRA 8,10 23.11.06 13:49 477,90 1
Frankfurt 7,70 05.01.07 09:40 92,40 2
Stuttgart 7,62 05.01.07 09:00 -- 0
München 7,72 05.01.07 09:08 -- 0
Düsseldorf 7,62 05.01.07 09:08 -- 0
Berlin-Bremen 7,61 05.01.07 09:10 -- 0
NASDAQ 10,33 04.01.07 22:00 2,33 Mio. 1.151
BörsenkalenderKeine Angaben



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaSoeben abgesandt - damit die beim Bafin nicht

05.01.07 10:49
die Tot-Stell-Nummer abziehen können, sie hatten das nicht gewusst und konnten nicht alles feststellen:

Lurgiallee 12
60439 Frankfurt
Postfach 50 01 54
60391 Frankfurt
Fon: +49 (0)228 / 4108 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 4108 - 123

Über Kursmanipulationen bei diesem Wertpapier habe ich sie früher schon ab und
informiert, denn dieses Papier ist seit Jahren eines der am heftigsten
geshorteten Papiere in den USA. Inzwischen ist der große Shortseller in den USA
(es handelt sich meines Erachten im wesentlichen nur um einen) aber derartig in
Panik, dass der Kurs durchgehen könne, dass er schon in Frankfurt trickst,
obwohl dort vielleicht nur ein Prozent des weltweiten Handels stattfindet. Denn
die Zeit als in Frankfurt einmal bis zu 50.000 Stück (vor dem Split eine
Million) gehandelt wurden, sind längst Vergangenheit. Allerdings ist der Kurs in
Frankfurt für den vorbörslichen Handel in den USA doch so wichtig, dass versucht
wird, den Kurs in Frankfurt zu manipulieren

Die kriminellen Gängsterstückchen in Sachen Kursbildung in Frankfurt halten
unter Mithilfe des dortigen Skontrenführers und wohlwollender Duldung der
Handesüberwachungsstelle des Bafin an. Der gestrige Schlusskurs an der Nasdaq
war nach Umrechung zum momentanen Dollarkurs 7,89 Euro. Abgewickelt wurden
bisher in Frankfurt zwei Käufe über sage und schreibe 12 Stücke zum Kurs von
7,70 Euro. Durch diese Manipulationen sollen potenzielle Käufer zu einer zu
niedrigen Limitsetzung animiert werden und damit der Handel in Frankfurt zum
Erliegen gebracht werden. Ein Lüge ist vermutlich auch, dass der Skontrenführer
auch zum Kurs von 7,80 verkaufen würde. Probiert das einmal mit einer Stückzahl
von z.B. 300 Stück - da läuft nichts, außer skanlösen Kursfeststellungen.Und das
kriminelle Spielchen, das eine eindeutige Kursmanipulation om Sinne des
Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes ist lauft so schon seit
Monaten, wenn nicht Jahre.

BörseFrankfurtAktuell7,70 EURZeit05.01.07  09:40Diff. Vortag+0,00
%Tages-Vol.92,40Gehandelte Stück12Geld7,60Brief7,80Zeit05.01.07  
09:40Spread--Geld Stk.1.000Brief Stk.1.000Schluss
Vortag7,70Eröffnung7,70Hoch7,70Tief7,7052W Hoch8,4952W Tief6,20Split
(10.05.04)20:1Split (13.12.99)1:2TicklisteAnalyseJahresbilanz:Umsatz
--Bruttorendite --Eigenkapitalquote --Bilanzprognose (2007e):KGVe --DIVe
--ANALYSE [Für Kunden]Als comdirect Kunde erhalten Sie Einblick in exklusive
Analystenbewertungen, Chartanalysen und Bilanz-prognosen von Unternehmen.Einen
Überblick über diese Inhalte erhalten Sie in unserer Demoversion.Login für
KundenDemoversion für Nicht-KundenTipp: Analysen zu weiteren Aktien finden Sie
unter Research.Zugehörige WerteBeiträge im Forum 374Indizes mit diesem WertFonds
mit diesem WertNEU: Branchenfilter einblenden
kehrBranche--Geschäftsjahr--Marktkapital.300,79 Mio.
Mio.SymbolIER1.FSEISIN--WKNA0CA1HHandelsplätze LiveTrading Geld Brief Datum Zeit
Gestellte Kurse LT Lang & Schwarz 7,75 8,03 05.01.07 10:14 424 Börse Aktuell
Datum Zeit Tages.-Vol. Anzahl Kurse XETRA 8,10 23.11.06 13:49 477,90 1 Frankfurt
7,70 05.01.07 09:40 92,40 2 Stuttgart 7,62 05.01.07 09:00 -- 0 München 7,72
05.01.07 09:08 -- 0 Düsseldorf 7,62 05.01.07 09:08 -- 0 Berlin-Bremen 7,61
05.01.07 09:10 -- 0 NASDAQ 10,33 04.01.07 22:00 2,33 Mio. 1.151
BörsenkalenderKeine Angaben


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeues von Skontrenführer Münchhausen

05.01.07 13:25
aus Frankfurt. Wenn man comdirect glauben darf, stellt der momentan:



05.01.07  12:05


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.

Er ist also bereit Euch 526 Stück zum Kurs von 7,70 Euro zu verkaufen. Der Schlusskurs in den USA war gestern umgerechnet 7,89. Mein Vorschlag testet das: Wenn Ihr zu diesem Kurs nicht mit einem Zuge kommt, postet das hier. Man sollte dann beantragen dem Skontrenführer das Führen des Skontos zu entziehen und gegen die Wertpapierüberwachungsstelle des Bafin Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde erheben, weil sie ihren zugewiesenen Aufgaben nicht nachkommt.  


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDer Shortseller wirft

05.01.07 16:44
und die Institutionals greifen zu - allerdings gibt es die momentanen Sonderpreise immer nur für eine begrentze Zeit, wie Ihr gestern und vorgestern sehen konntet. Für alle, die nur in Deutschland kaufen können oder wollen eilt es eh.  


71239 Postings, 8256 Tage datschiDann kauf sie doch selbst Libuda,

05.01.07 16:59
bist doch eh so gierig auf das Zeug. Falls du sie doch nicht kriegen solltest kannst das gleich zu deiner Bafin-Meldung dazuhängen. Aber schnell zugreifen, weil siehe Nr. 1304.
Ach ja, was ist mit unserer Wette von 10,26 USD auf 27 USD?  

63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMach Deine Schulaufgaben fertig

05.01.07 23:05
falls Du nicht doch noch den Kindergarten besucht, die Weihnachtsferien sind sicher bald vorbei. Wenn Du dich mit Erwachsenen unterhalten willst, musst Du Dich um konkrete Fakten bemühen.  


398 Postings, 6790 Tage penskidas Spiel hat sich etwas verändert,

06.01.07 10:15
nun steht Frankfurt mit einem Schlusskurs von 7.70 EUROS gegenüber dem Schlusskurs in NY mit 10.15 USD gar nicht mehr so schlecht da. Allerdings konnte die Frankfurter-Börse zeitlich natürlich nicht bis zum Schluss in NY mithalten. Hat das Schreiben von Libuda nach Frankfurt doch etwas bewirkt? Wäre allen Beteiligten zu gönnen.
Bin gespannt wie Frankfurt und insbesondere ICGE am Montag eröffnet.
Wünsche ein schönes börsenfreies Wochenende


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaProportional revenues and rev-growth 2007

06.01.07 12:25
Proportional revenues and rev-growth 2007  (Not rated)       5-Jan-07 05:21 am     Revenue growth of the partern-companies of Internet Capital will be in 2007 between 30% and 35%. And the proportional revenues of Internet Capital will be about between 150 and 160 million.

Market-cap yesterdas was 405 million. If subract netcash/-securites of 185 million, the result is 220 million. That means: Revenues of 155 and 160 million was given a worth of 220 million - gigantic undervalue, because we have only a 1.4-times-revenues. Fair value are 5- or 6-times-revenues, for example a 5.5-times revenues. You see, we have a undervalue of 4.1-times-revenues. By proprotional revenues between 155 and 160 million, we have an undervalue of 640 million or more than $14 a share. That means, fair value of today is $25 a share by the fundamentals of today.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFirst step: Look at the 79% on ICGCommerce.

06.01.07 14:04

ICGCommere ist the market-leader on the following market. ICGCommerce won 26% of the new contracts, IBM Global Services 24%, Accenture 16% and Ariba 15%.

Procurement Outsourcing Market Grows to US$40 Billion in Managed Spend in 2006, Says Everest Research Institute

Everest Research Institute - December 2, 2006

Procurement Outsourcing (PO), a relatively nascent market in the BPO world, is poised for a landmark year in 2007, according to Everest Research Institute. PO expenditure has grown at over 35 percent in 2006 and represents an annual managed spend of nearly US$40 billion. Plus, PO buyers are realizing significant benefits. Phil Fersht, vice president of the BPO Research practice at Everest, offers Tekrati readers a preview of the indepth PO industry research his team will debut during a free webinar on December 13, 2006.

"We are very upbeat at Everest regarding the future potential of Procurement Outsourcing after some early challenges in this nascent market. Contract activity in PO this year has been much more dynamic," said Fersht. He noted that existing PO buyers have realized sourcing related savings of 5-20% on each category head, which translates into a significant bottom-line impact.

The Research Institute’s PO analyst team has been conducting major ongoing research of the service providers and buyers of PO offerings across multi-process procurement domains. The webinar will reveal preliminary findings from a forthcoming 2006-2007 PO report, including trends and dynamics from over 50 multi-process PO contracts. A small sampling of research highlights includes:

Verticals: Manufacturing, Consumer Products, and Financial Services have led the charge over the last 2 years
Geographies: Since 2005, Europe has witnessed substantial PO activity
Suppliers: Accenture, IBM, ICG Commerce, and Ariba are the leading suppliers in terms of PO market share
Spend categories: Based on actual PO deals tracked, nearly 65-80% of this indirect spend can be outsourced to an outsourcing supplier. This includes most indirect categories like offices supplies, MRO, advertising and promotion, IT, facilities, professional services, and HR services.

While labor arbitrage is the key lever that suppliers utilize in FAO, in PO the most important value creation lever is people expertise. "By asking an outsourcing provider to manage indirect spend, buyers gain access to category experts with sourcing expertise across indirect categories," Fersht explained. "While category expertise and market know-how for indirect categories is typically low for most buyers, we find that a top-notch PO provider would have nearly 16 category experts with six-plus-years experience on an average for each broad category head. (The average external spend managed for each category is around US$560 million). This kind of expertise is clearly something that an individual buyer cannot afford, and can only be gained through a Procurement Sourcing engagement with a supplier."

Webinar and registration information

The Everest Research Institute webinar, "Procurement Outsourcing 2007: A Market on the Rebound", reveals the latest research in PO, including trends and dynamics from over 50 multi-process PO contracts. It will include a 45-minute presentation from Phil Fersht, Vice President BPO Group, Everest Research Institute; Saurabh Gupta, Senior Research Analyst, Everest Research Institute; Mark Craddock, Engagement Director, Everest Group, as well as 15 minutes of Q&A for participants. Topics will include: The PO value proposition; PO market size and future direction; Buyer adoption trends; Current and evolving service provider landscape; PO pricing and contracting models.

Sentiment : Strong Buy


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaStrong Growth (I): Client Microsoft

06.01.07 18:02
Re: Proportional revenues and rev-growth 2007  (Not rated)       6-Jan-07 07:53 am     Strong Growth (I): Client Microsoft

Microsoft Rolls Out Buying Center to Support Rapidly Growing Business in India

ICG Commerce extends U.S.- proven outsourcing capabilities to support Indian operations

Philadelphia -- December 12, 2006 -- ICG Commerce, a leading procurement services provider, today announced that it has extended its Buying Center services for Microsoft entities in India. ICG Commerce’s Hyderabad Buying Center is an extension of the company’s North American buying center operations for Microsoft and supports the software leader’s growing research and development operations.

ICG Commerce has provided Buying Center services to support IT hardware purchases for Microsoft’s North American operations since 2004, helping the company recognize cost savings and gain greater control of their spend. The Hyderabad Buying Center broadens ICG Commerce’s relationship with Microsoft , assisting the company to streamline procurement processes for its Indian operations. India is a central location for Microsoft’s rapidly growing development services and IT hardware spend is an area of strategic focus in the company’s ongoing efforts to standardize the procurement process and optimize costs.

Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...

“As our operations in India continue to expand, it is imperative to put standard procurement processes in place across all of our development labs and business entities”, said Vikas Lashkari, Microsoft India’s Procurement Head. “After seeing firsthand how the buying center has helped Microsoft in North America increase visibility and control over their hardware spend, we know that ICG Commerce has the right level of experience and company and industry knowledge to help us successfully adopt the model in India.”

Buying Center services based out of ICG Commerce’s Hyderabad delivery center will provide Microsoft with leading transaction procurement processes to help end users quickly and effectively procure the goods and services they need to maintain and grow their businesses. Buying Center services include purchase-to-pay transactional support, competitive bidding, reporting and ongoing spend analysis.

“Microsoft understands the importance of providing services to their internal employees that let them do their jobs more efficiently and effectively,” said Carl Guarino, Chief Executive Officer, ICG Commerce. “We look forward to continuing to support them by providing a high level of customer service along with increased control and continued savings to help their procurement team maximize the value of their external spend.”

About ICG Commerce
ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is a leading Procurement Services Provider exclusively focused on helping companies achieve greater control and increased value from the spend they manage. The company offers sourcing and on-going operational buying, category and information management and market intelligence services that enable companies to expand the breadth of spend they manage, continue to build their sourcing effectiveness, ensure compliance and drive continual improvements over time. By working with thousands of top suppliers and dozens of leading procurement organizations, ICG Commerce brings its execution-based, continually growing compound experience to every customer contract negotiated and transaction processed.
ICG Commerce Inc., a privately held company founded in 1992, is a member of Internet Capital Group's (Nasdaq: ICGE) network of partner companies. ICG Commerce has been recognized by numerous industry awards including Global Outsourcing 100, FAO “Top 10 Procurement Providers”, Outsourcing Excellence Finalist, Forbes, and the company also has had multiple executives recognized in Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine's annual "Pros to Know" listing.

Sentiment : Strong Buy



71239 Postings, 8256 Tage datschiDanke für den Hinweis Oberlehrer Libuda.

07.01.07 18:16
Morgen geht die Schule wieder los und ich muß noch in mein Börsenschulheft folgenden Satz eintragen: Libuda glaubt seinen eigenen Aussagen IGCE Anstieg von 9 USD auf 27 USD vom 03.01.05 nicht!  

63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaStrong Growth (II): Client Global Crossing

07.01.07 19:20
Re: Proportional revenues and rev-growth 2007  (Not rated)       6-Jan-07 11:29 am     Strong Growth (II) Client Global Crossing: ICG Commerce Announces Procurement Services Program for Global Crossing

Initiative to Drive Savings Throughout North America, Latin America and Europe

PHILADELPHIA, PA-- October 16, 2006 -- ICG Commerce, a leading procurement services provider, today announced a strategic engagement to provide procurement services to leading global telecommunications solutions provider Global Crossing (Nasdaq: GLBC).

Global Crossing has continued to achieve key milestones in its business transformation through careful financial management, including a company-wide focus on achieving sustainable cost reductions and process improvements. The company recognized the opportunity to improve financial performance by expanding its procurement efforts and capabilities. In support of this effort, ICG Commerce was engaged to provide strategic sourcing and implementation services for key global product and service categories. Global Crossing will leverage ICG Commerce’s dedicated category and process specialists to help maximize procurement cost savings for operations in North America, Latin America and Europe.

Text zur Anzeige gekürzt. Gesamtes Posting anzeigen...

"By harnessing ICG Commerce’s resources and experience, Global Crossing will be positioned to address procurement in an accelerated timeframe,” said David Showerman, Vice President, Real Estate and Vendor Management for Global Crossing. “We are confident ICG Commerce’s experience and supply market knowledge will assist us in achieving our savings targets.”

The addition of ICG Commerce’s sourcing and implementation services to Global Crossing’s procurement organization will provide access to deep category specialists, supply market and pricing insights and proven supplier implementation methodologies for key categories including IT, telecommunications, marketing, air travel and hotels, personnel recruiting, training and others.

“We are very pleased to be part of Global Crossing’s ongoing business improvement strategy,” said Carl Guarino, CEO of ICG Commerce. “We look forward to partnering with their procurement team to help them to drive continued savings and maximize the value of their spend in support of the company’s growth and profitability goals.”

About ICG Commerce, Inc.
ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is a leading Procurement Services Provider exclusively focused on helping companies achieve greater control and increased value from the spend they manage. The company offers sourcing and ongoing operational buying, category and information management and market intelligence services that enable companies to expand the breadth of spend they manage, continue to build their sourcing effectiveness, ensure compliance and drive continual improvements over time. By working with thousands of top suppliers and dozens of leading procurement organizations, ICG Commerce brings its execution-based, compound experience to every customer contract negotiated and transaction processed.

ICG Commerce Inc., a privately held company founded in 1992, is a member of Internet Capital Group's (Nasdaq: ICGE) network of partner companies. The company has been recognized with numerous industry awards including IAOP and Fortune Magazine’s Global Outsourcing 100, Forbes “Best of” (for Outsourcing and Procurement) and has had multiple executives recognized in Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine's annual "Pros to Know" listing.


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWichtigster Neukunde in 2006 war GoodYear

07.01.07 23:25
bei ICGCommerce:


Internet Capital hält 79% an ICGCommerce.  


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaProporitonal reveneus of ICGCommerce = 41 million

08.01.07 08:29

Internet Capital owns 79% of ICGCommerce. The revenues in 2006 will be more than 40 million and growth to more than 50 million in 2007 (growth-rate = 30%), for example 52 million. In the first quarter we had the break-even with the first net income, and the net income grwoth in the second and third quarter of 2006. And it will growth in the future with growthing revenues, because the increase of the costs a lower than the increase of the revenues (a lot of costs don't growth with increasing revenues or only a little).

I believe a fair value are 4.5- or 5-times-revenues.

The proportional revenues in 2007 are 79% from 52 million = 41 million.

I believe, worth of ICGCommerce in near a quarter billion and the 79% of Internet Capital have a worth of 200 million.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaBig Points for ICGCommerce

08.01.07 18:06
Big Points for ICGCommerce  (Not rated)       8-Jan-07 10:39 am     Internet Capital owns 79% of ICGCommerce:

Kimberly-Clark Selects ICG Commerce to Provide Sourcing and Supply Management Services
Monday January 8, 10:30 am ET

DALLAS, TX and PHILADELPHIA, PA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 8, 2007 -- ICG Commerce, a leading procurement services provider, has signed a five-year contract to provide certain sourcing and supply management activities for Kimberly-Clark Corporation (NYSE:KMB - News). Outsourcing of these services to ICG Commerce is part of Kimberly-Clark's global competitive improvement initiatives, which were announced in July 2005. Other terms of the contract were not disclosed.

"This move will allow us to better direct our resources on innovation, brand-building and other capabilities that will drive long-term sustainable growth," said Ian Maginnis, Kimberly-Clark's Vice President of Business Support Delivery. "By selecting ICG Commerce, Kimberly-Clark's sourcing and supply management staff will focus their expertise on such critical business purchases as raw materials and packaging supplies, while leveraging ICG Commerce's market knowledge, sourcing strategies and procurement experience to reduce costs and improve efficiency."

Under the contract, ICG Commerce will manage sourcing and vendors and process purchase orders for Kimberly-Clark's North American and European operations in the areas of maintenance, repair, operating supplies and contract services.

"Kimberly-Clark is clearly dedicated to enhancing their world-class operations and further improving their purchasing function," said Carl Guarino, Chief Executive Officer, ICG Commerce. "As a procurement outsourcing specialist, we will work closely with Kimberly-Clark to implement a program that will provide both process improvements and cost savings for the company."

About Kimberly-Clark

Kimberly-Clark and its well-known global brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 150 countries. Every day, 1.3 billion people -- nearly a quarter of the world's population -- trust Kimberly-Clark brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being. With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex and Depend, Kimberly-Clark holds No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest Kimberly-Clark news and to learn more about the company's 134-year history of innovation, visit www.kimberly-clark.com.

About ICG Commerce, Inc.

ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com) is a leading Procurement Services Provider exclusively focused on helping companies achieve greater control and increased value from the spend they manage. The company offers sourcing and ongoing operational buying services that enable companies to manage more spend, ensure compliance and drive continual improvements. By working with dozens of leading procurement organizations, ICG Commerce brings its execution-based, continually compounding experience to every customer.

ICG Commerce is a privately held company founded in 1992, and a member of Internet Capital Group's (NASDAQ:ICGE - News) network of partner companies. The company has been recognized by Forbes, Fortune, The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and leading industry analysts for its leadership in procurement outsourcing.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaKursmanipulationen in Frankfurt

09.01.07 10:45
gehen wie viele Monate in Frankfurt weiter - und der zuständige Skontrenführer macht bei diesem Spiel mit und die Wertpapierüberwachungsstelle des Bafin an der Frankfurter Börse schläft.

Handelsplätze LiveTrading Geld Brief Datum Zeit Gestellte Kurse
LT Lang & Schwarz 7,65 7,93 09.01.07 10:31 506
Börse Aktuell Datum Zeit Tages.-Vol. Anzahl Kurse
XETRA 8,10 23.11.06 13:49 477,90 1
Frankfurt 7,60 09.01.07 10:08 68,40 2
Stuttgart 7,62 09.01.07 09:00 -- 0
München 7,80 09.01.07 09:09 -- 0
Düsseldorf 7,62 09.01.07 09:09 -- 0
Berlin-Bremen 7,61 09.01.07 09:10 -- 0
NASDAQ 10,15 08.01.07 22:00 3,01 Mio. 1.556
BörsenkalenderKeine Angaben

Wie ihr erkennen könnt, sind da heute in Frankfurt zwei Geschäfte über die sagenhaft hohe Summe von zusammen 68,40 Euro gelaufen, wie so oft in der letzten Zeit, und zwar zum völlig unrealistischen Kurs von 7.60. Der gestrige zum Schluss gedrückte Kurs an der Nasdaq lag bei umgerechnet 7,77 Euro. Mit diesem manipulierten Kurs von 7,60 werden zwei Ziele verfolgt: Potenzielle Käufer sollen irritiert werden und zu niedrige Limits setzen, die nicht zum Zuge kommen, um den Handel in Deutschland einzuschläfern - damit war man unter Mithilfe eines unfähigen Skontrenführers schon sehr erfolgreich. Zweitens sollen im Vorfeld einer US-Börseneröffnung gezielt falsche Informationen über das Kursniveau abgeliefert werden, denn auf vielen Tickern ist nicht erkenntlich, dass hier gerade einmal 9 Stück über den Tresen gingen.

Dass man hier das Wertpapierhandelsgesetz mit Füßen tritt und niemand kümmert sich um diesen Verstöße, ist aus meiner Sicht glatte Rechtsbeugung.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDieser Merger ist jetzt endgültig

09.01.07 20:29
und Internet Capital hält 27% an der neuen Starcite:

Starcite's President/CEO and its chairman speak to MeetingNews about the OnVantage merger and its effect on meetings technology

September 12, 2006

Why this merger of StarCite and OnVantage now, and what role did market conditions of the meetings business play?

MICHAEL BOULT, PRES/CEO: OnVantage closed a round of financing that was reported earlier in the year. That activity brought in a new series of investors, predominantly Texas Pacific Group Ventures and Norwest. VCs are always looking to maximize their return and always having conversations about how they can do that. This was an opportunity for them to chat about how this combination might indeed benefit themselves, the employees, and the marketplace.

So from that casual conversation became less casual conversation about, “Let's take a look at some numbers. Let's test the waters.” And as we went along, we saw that OnVantage would win one; then StarCite would win one. Both companies were growing because the demand had increased. There wasn't a sense of either company failing, or of either company needing to do it. It was actually the opposite. Both companies were doing very well.

But both companies were about to do some very important things: investments in small meetings, investments in international growth, investments in their platforms. Both companies were funded to do that and could have done that, but at the end of the day decided that it makes sense for us to do that together.

What is the strategy of the new StarCite going forward and how is it different if at all than that of the two companies separately? Is your strategy coming from the notion that you are the big dog in this niche now?

MB: It isn't very different. Our paths were almost identical. We're focused on executing across that common vision. It's a larger company with a tremendous foundation of customers and suppliers.
But we're only three percent of the combined market--if you agree with the estimate that it's a $300 billion market, then we're at three percent of that market. So there's a tremendous upside, a tremendous way to go. By no means is this a monopoly as some people have alluded to, by no stretch of the imagination it is that. It focuses on growth, on expansion, on innovation, and all the things that we've always done.

Expansion and innovation in what areas?

JOHN CHANG, CHAIRMAN: There's a number of different ways that we can expand. Now we can take our combined resources and continue to build out capabilities that will really benefit our customers. For example, if we look at the hotel side, they are receiving RFPs from StarCite and from OnVantage--two different systems. Ultimately, as we go through the integration process, they will be able to respond to all these incoming leads through one method. If look on the corporate side, the easier it is for them to contact hotels the better it will be for them to procure meeting space and hotel space.

We've also got the small meetings initiative that requires build out. That will continue. We also have expansion plans for international. We already have a footprint that goes across Europe and Asia, and we intend to put resources into that.

MB: We think we can be faster to market. We think we can accomplish more together than we did separately. All those concepts are driven towards usability, simplicity, characteristics that we want to bring to the market.

What is your target market?

MB: From a headline perspective, the “Global 5,000.” We're already managing many customers in that profile. But our products are also being used by very small companies, very small third parties. Our target market is the Global 5,000 but we have got a very broad customer reach. We have associations using our products, we have dozens and dozens of third parties.

What are you offering or plan to offer the vast majority planners: the occasional, or ad hoc, planner; and the independent planner? How does this merger benefit them if at all?

MB: We have those people today as customers. We have come a long way and we have invested millions of dollars in creating what we think is the best capability, the best platform in this space. But we know that there's more work to do in usability and simplicity. Our view is to continue to invest millions of dollars to improve our products. to make customers as productive as they can possibly be.

Have companies been slow to adopt meetings technology in regard to their comprehensive meetings management?

MB: You can speak to anyone trying to provide technology in any marketplace to solve customers' problems, to create efficiencies and savings, and they'll always tell you they are frustrated with the present lack of adoption. As optimistic entrepreneurs, we of course believe in what we do. We believe everyone should be using this today. You're never patient enough.

In the last four years there's been a tremendous amount of interest, and that interest gathers pace. So in four years both companies have come a tremendous way. If you look at GetThere, it's taken them 10 or 11 years to get to the position they're in. In travel, things take time, but generally, as in Moore's law, they tend to accelerate as well. We seeing that acceleration, absolutely. It takes time for the market to understand and accept. It has a time of its own, it's about change management, it's take time. It's very hard to do that. Companies have lots of people this impacts, and it hasn't been a core issue for companies. If you see the wave of procurement through corporate America, you're getting to this second or third layer of spend. It's not that they don't want to do it; they've been preoccupied with the strategic purchasing. Now they're into this huge indirect spend. They're addressing it now.

Where do you think meetings technology headed?

MB: It's an evolution. The usability issue, for sure, is top of mind, especially with occasional users. There's more to be done from a global perspective. From the more consumer-oriented technologies, we can learn a lot of lessons from how people interact. It's a complicated issue and business proposition that we're trying to solve. Simplicity and usability are things we know we need to invest in. Originally, when you went to a travel booking site, it probably took you 25 clicks to make a reservation. Today, it takes you three. That's the kind of path we're talking about.

JC: If you look at the corporate side, the biggest challenge is adoption. We've got to make the technology easier and more obvious so that people to adopt it and use it.

The StarCite technology will migrate to the OnVantage technology. Why is that?

MB: StarCite was in the process of finishing the GMS platform and releasing the modules. But when we were going through this merger. We would have to move a whole bunch of customers to a new technology only potentially to move them to another technology. When doing our due diligence, we found that the current OnVantage platform had the vast majority of features that we would release in the GMS platform, and had features we didn't plan to release in GMS. Rather than bring both sets of customers to a new technology, GMS, it makes sense for us to take only half the customers, being the StarCite customers, over to a platform that is already proven and is already in the market.

JC: It's not as big an upheaval where you have to rip it out from customers’ systems and start all over again. We are an on-demand company, so our customers access it via a web browser. That means it's possible to make platform transitions where a lot of users won't even notice the difference.

Now that the two leading meetings technology providers have merged, do you see any other providers of meetings technology as competitors? And if not, then might not both suppliers and buyers eventually pay more for your products and services?

MB: In terms of pricing, we represent three percent of the market. So pricing power is generally determined by the size of your market share. With three percent of market share, we don't have any illusions that we have pricing power in the market. In terms of competition, there are lots of companies out there, lots of large third-party organizations with their own technology, lots of smaller companies offering point solutions in the marketplace.

JC: There are plenty of (potential) customers who are not using us. Either they're using a homegrown system or they're still apathetic. So to get that other 97 percent we're going to have to continue innovating and helping them adopt the technology and be successful with it. The focus on pricing is premature.

How many corporate customers does each company have?

MB: The new combined company client roster is close to 500, and out of that 500 we service 135 multi-national corporations--global 5,000, third parties, associations, smaller corporations.

Why the name StarCite, why StarCite and not OnVantage or some new name?

MB: New names are expensive and confusing. OnVantage is very well known in the space but doesn't have the same heritage and longevity as the StarCite name. We think the StarCite brand is very well known, is appreciated; it's a good vehicle.

How many board members from each side, or each company?

MB: It's a seven-member board.

JC: Three from each side, plus Michael as the CEO.

How many employees are there in the new company? Are you planning to add or reduce employees?

MB: We have about 20 job openings. We are growing very quickly. There are some losses and some overlap as a result of bringing the two companies together but it's pretty small. The story is about expansion. To answer your question, with associates and consultants, about 425 today.

Is $5 billion in sales leads represent the two companies separately so far this year and combined with the new, merged company for the rest of the year?

MB: That's correct.

Up 50 percent from what the two companies did in 2005?

MB: Yes.

Same thing for the attendee registrations?

MB: That's correct.

The database is 93,000 hotel properties and meeting suppliers without overlap?

JC: Right

MB: That's right--exclusive, unique.

How many of those 93,000 are hotel properties?

JC: It's between 55,000 and 60,000.

So, nearly 60,000 hotels and the rest are other kinds of suppliers?

JC: Right.

When are you going to have a single database?

JC: It's less about one database and more about different audiences. StarCite and OnVantage each had complimentary and sometimes overlapping types of meeting planners. As we go forward, our plan is to stratify that a bit and allow the hotels to more easily reach the type of buyers that they want. We're going to focus more on the audience that hotels want to reach and them help them reach that kind of audience. The content and the database really should support that effort.

It's going to matter on which buyer doing the search. Even though we may have a technically true unified database, if the buyer searches and that buyer doesn't fit the criteria of the supplier, that buyer is not going to see those suppliers.

When do you expect to have this unified dataset?

JC: We're still going through the planning for that. We don't have a definitive timeframe.

MB: It's one of our priorities.


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie Presentation von heute war meist okay

09.01.07 23:38

Nur in einem Punkt hat der Buckley versucht, die exzellente Lage von Internet Capital zu verschleiern. Damit dürfte das Platzen einer Shortseller-Blase, wie sich sie relativ gesehen zur Marktkapitalisierung im meinem ganzen Börsenleben noch nie gesehen haben - das sind immerhin 40 Jahre.  


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie Aussagen Libudas über die beiden Mergers

10.01.07 12:16
musste jetzt auch CEO Buckley in der letzten Presentation bestätigen, denn etwas Angst vor der SEC wegen des Verschweigens guter Nachrichten hat er doch - auch wenn dadurch durch die steigenden Kurse der Aktie seine Optionen teurer werden.

Zunächst die Ausführungen zum Merger von Starcite, wo Internet zukünftig 27% halten wird:

Market Offering

• Provides technology and services to lower expenses related to corporate
meetings and events, allowing customers to gain visibility into this area of
spend and measure and monitor results.

• Only 3% penetrated in the corporate meeting and events industry, estimated
to be $300 billion.


• Akamai, Amgen, American Express, AT& T, Bristol Myers- Squibb, CIGNA, Cisco,
GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Hewlett Packard, Intel, Lehman Brothers,
Merrill Lynch, Motorola and Proctor and Gamble.

• Distribution partners American Express, HelmsBriscoe, Maritz and TQ3
Navigant are standardized on the StarCite platform.

• Reported strong revenue growth in 3Q’06

• EBITDA positive

Merger between StarCite and OnVantage – closed December 29, 2006


• Merger of Two Strong Players Creates Clear Leader

• Combined Company, Global Presence

Pro Forma 2006 Revenues Expected to Exceed $40 Million

Annual Growth Rate Expected to Exceed 40%

$5 Billion Projected Revenue Opportunities Brought to Suppliers in 2006

• Up 50% from 2005

3.5 Million Projected 2007 Attendee Registrations

• StarCite Is Paid Up to $10 per Registrant

– Strong Customer ROI - Savings Between 10- 15%

Und hier die Ausführungen in der Presentation zum Merger Creditex, wo Internet Capital 15% halten wird:

Business Description

- Leading position in the credit derivatives market with
- First to launch E-trading and have gained significant traction in Europe
- T-Zero is being launched to address the processing needs of the derivatives industry

- Top 2 Market share in most of the macro products

- Will trade over $2 trillion notional
- CDS market continuing to grow at 50%+ per annum
- Net Income Positive
- Annualized revenue growth over 50% annually since January 2004
- Revenues over $135 Million for 2006

ICG Interest In Creditex

•15% Ownership Interest

• Doug Alexander will hold a board seat


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaJede Beteiligung an den beiden Mergers mindestens

10.01.07 13:53
Million wert, was zusammen mit der Cash/Marktgängigen Wertpapieren schon in etwa die momentane Marktkapitalisiderung ist. Die restliche 15 Beteiligungen, die Private Helds sind, gibt es umsonst - auch die beiden Beteiligungen, die noch mehr wert sind als Starcite und Creditex: ICGCommerce und Freeborders.

Gegen diese Fakten kann sich eine Shortspekulationn nur weiter in die Scheisse reiten. Man sollte jetzt einsteigen - es ist höchste Zeit, denn die Post kann schon heute abgehen. Das Problem in Deutschland ist die Kursstellung durch den Skontrenführer in Frankfurt, der sich wie ein Hampelmann von den Shortern vorführen lässt und nicht marktgerechte Kurse stellt. Zu den Frankfurter Kursen gibt Euch niemand die Stücke her - limitieren sollte Ihr mindestens zum umgerechneten US-Kurs, sonst gibt es nichts  


63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 41% an Metastorm

10.01.07 17:35
Metastorm Named to Baltimore’s SmartCEO ‘Future 50’ List

Leading Business Process Management Provider Selected as One of the Region’s Fastest Growing Companies

BALTIMORE, MD – January 9, 2007 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for organizational agility, innovation, and governance, today announced it has been named to the Baltimore SmartCEO Future 50 listing.

As a Future 50 winner, Metastorm is being recognized as one of the 50 fastest growing companies in the Greater Baltimore area based on employee and revenue growth. This year’s Future 50 winners are credited with collectively employing over 5,000 people in the local Baltimore area and for the first time ever, have brought in more than $1 billion in revenues.

"We are honored to be acknowledged by SmartCEO magazine for our success and contribution to the local economy,” stated Robert Farrell, president & CEO of Metastorm. “We attribute our success to our ability to stay ahead of the curve, hire strong people, and always meet or exceed the expectations of our customers. We look forward to a banner year in 2007.”

A profile of Metastorm and other Future 50 winners will be featured in the January 2007 issue of SmartCEO magazine and online at www.smartceo.com.

About Metastorm
With a focus on improving processes for greater innovation, agility, and governance, Metastorm leads the market in business process management (BPM) software and best practice methodologies for human and system-based processes. Going beyond the basics of modeling and automation, the Metastorm BPM® Suite supports the complete process lifecycle and is designed specifically to address complex processes that are unique to organizations. Metastorm’s 1300+ global client base in manufacturing, retail, financial services, business services, healthcare and government are achieving rapid ROI and Enterprise Process Advantage® in customer service, supply chain operations, risk management, and internal operations. For more information visit www.metastorm.com.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaLeider hat uns der Buckley

11.01.07 11:51
das ist der CEO, gestern bei der Presentation das rasante Wachstum der zwei wichtigsten Beteiligungen (ICGCommerce und Freeborders) unterschlagen, aber immerhin hat er sich ja intensiv mit der Nr. 3 und Nr. 4 (Creditex und Starcite). Damit ihn die SEC aber nicht wegen unterlassener Informationen verklagt, hat er immerhin in einem Satz gesagt, dass die beiden wichtigsten Beteiligungen, nämlich ICGCommerce und Freeborders, starke dritte Quartal gehabt hätten. Wie rasant Freeborders wächst, könnt Ihr sicher der nachstehenden Adresse gut entnehmen.


Internet Capital hält 33% an Freeborders.  


398 Postings, 6790 Tage penskies tut sich was bei ICGE

11.01.07 19:14
schon wieder 1.5 % in NY. Habe noch etwas interessantes gefunden:

ICGE owns the largest Credit Deriv exchange...LBO target  (Not rated)      10-Jan-07 08:39 pm     HEADED TO $15 BY MARCH...WAIT UNTIL WALL ST FIGURES THIS OUT!!!


Sentiment : Strong Buy

oder habe ich das in den täglichen Mitteilungen von Lubida übersehen. Aber doppelt genäht hält besser.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd dieser Markt wächst weiter ohne Ende, Penski

11.01.07 23:49
And the growth of this market is very strong: 52% in six months, that's more than 100% on a yearly base:

Credit Derivatives at 26.0 TeraDollars
Boom times…

ISDA announced the results of its Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey of privately negotiated derivatives. According to the Survey, notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives grew by 52% in the first six months of the year to 26.0 TeraDollars. The annual growth rate for credit derivatives is 109%. For the purposes of the Survey, credit derivatives comprise credit default swaps referencing single names, indexes, baskets, and portfolios.
Notional amount outstanding of interest rate derivatives, which include interest rate swaps and options and cross-currency swaps, grew by 18 percent to 250.8 TeraDollars.
“The rapid pace of innovation in privately negotiated derivatives, coupled with ISDA’s ongoing work to standardize documentation, continues to fuel the growth of the business by enabling more and more firms to benefit from these risk management tools,” said Robert Pickel, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ISDA. “This growth comes during a time in which ISDA, our members and our industry have made substantial progress in increasing operational efficiency and reducing operational risk. We remain focused on further improvements.”
The survey collects and aggregates notional amounts outstanding as of the reporting date, adjusted for double counting of inter-dealer transactions. ISDA surveys its Primary Membership twice yearly on a confidential basis. In this survey, 101 firms provided data. All major dealers responded.



63731 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 5% an Emptoris

12.01.07 08:38

Emptoris proceeds toward likely IPO
Biz software maker to add to Mass. head count
Boston Business Journal - January 5, 2007by Todd WallackJournal Staff

BURLINGTON -- Emptoris Inc., often mentioned as a potential IPO candidate, has continued to expand as a privately held company.

The Burlington business software maker, which has more than 400 employees, plans to add 100 more this year in various departments, largely in Massachusetts. By contrast, Emptoris had just 80 employees four years ago.



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