Politik um Gazprom
Die Ukraine-Krise ist brandgefährlich, sagt Dirk Müller. Doch an den Märkten wird die Angst von Liquidität übertüncht. Ein Crash ist jederzeit möglich. Trotzdem ist Mr. Dax überzeugt, dass Aktien ins Depot gehören.
Ein Krieg aber doch auch, oder?
Wir sollten die Gefahr einer kriegerischen Entwicklung nicht unterschätzen. Sie ist definitiv da.
Auszug: "..."We are now facing a direct threat to the United States of America. It didn't have to happen. It's not like hurricanes or earthquakes. It was not an act of God. It was a failed, feckless foreign policy. We are watching Ukraine being dismembered by Vladimir Putin. We are seeing the aggressive China in the Far East. We are seeing the least United States influence than anytime in my lifetime and lots of bad people are taking advantage of it,"..."
Kommentar: spricht für sich - oder? Also noch einmal für die in der letzten Bank: McCain wird ab Anfang 2015 über den wichtigen US-MilitärAusschuß indirekt in die Außenpolitik Obamas eingreifen können.
Das läuft ab wie ein Uhrwerk.
Saudi Arabia’s oil minister dismissed talk of an OPEC "price war" as having “no basis in reality” in his first public comments since crude plunged into a bear market last month. "Saudi oil policy has remained constant for the past few decades and it has not changed today,” said Ali al-Naimi at a conference in Acapulco, Mexico, yesterday. Brent crude futures fell below $80 yesterday for the first time since September 2010 on concern OPEC is in no hurry to stop the four-month slide in prices.
It is necessary "to abandon sanctions and return to normal, calm, productive talks", said Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev after meeting President Obama on the sidelines of a meeting in Asia. The comments came as the EU and U.S. weigh further sanctions against Russia’s economy and Ukrainian separatists today. Yesterday, Ukraine redeployed troops in the east after NATO confirmed reports of Russian troops and tanks entering the country the past few days.
The arrival of relentless freezing weather, and the appearance of more Russian tanks and missiles, has raised tensions to new highs.
Winter is coming in Ukraine. For people living in basements and in half-ruined buildings in the east of the country, and for the soldiers on both sides, the slow-motion war of the spring and summer has given way to a constant freezing ordeal night and day. Donetsk, the city at the center of the conflict between pro-Russian rebels and the pro-European government in Kiev, is said to be on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.
But the fighting continues, and grows worse, despite a nominal ceasefire. And the onslaught of the elements has helped raise tensions to the point where a new explosion is expected any day. With the coming of winter, the Russians have come as well, as Moscow appears to be intent on shoring up the positions of its allies, while deterring any effort by Kiev to retake lost ground.
Observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as well as Ukrainian officials expressed concerns about heavy military equipment supplied by the Russian Federation to the rebels, including tanks and ground-to-air missile systems.
On Monday, Ukraine Defense Ministry Spokesman Andry Lysenko reported that rebels now had the Russian-produced Pantsir anti-aircraft missile system (called the Greyhound SA-22 by NATO) positioned just 500 meters from a rebel checkpoint outside of Novoazovsk. “We stress that such a system, even in theory, is not part of armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” said Lysenko.
The context is one that everyone in Kiev and Moscow understands: Last summer a Russian-made missile blasted a civilian airliner, Malaysia Airlines MH17, out of the sky over the Ukraine war zone. Everyone aboard was killed. Although most evidence points to the tragedy as an accident by a rebel missile unit, Moscow continues to try to pin the blame on Kiev.
Meanwhile, the local Chas Pik Internet news site posted video footage of what are believed to be Russian tanks arriving to support the rebels in Donetsk. Local reports said that dozens of military vehicles and mobile howitzer artillery arrived in Donetsk on Monday, and there seems to be little inclination to disguise the fact in Moscow.
“I admit that without Russian multi-layered support, Donbass [the eastern Ukraine region] would have never handled aggression by the Ukrainian army,” says Sergei Markov at a pro-Kremlin think tank close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Markov tells The Daily Beast he expects the situation in eastern Ukraine to explode in the coming two days. He blames Ukrainian officials for violating the ceasefire agreement and shelling the outskirts of Donetsk city.
“Novorossia soldiers would not initiate the battle,” says Markov, “but I believe their plan is to gradually take control over Piski, Avdiivka, and Schastye, a town with a central heating station.” Markov also added that rebels might make an attempt to take back control of their former strongholds in Sloviansk and Kramotorsk, “symbolically and strategically important towns for them.”
On Monday, Donetsk rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko declared there would be no exchange of military prisoners with Ukrainian side until next round of peace negotiations in Minsk, which rebels hoped to have with Ukrainian officials in late November.
Meanwhile, every day the ceasefire death toll mounts. On Monday, Ukrainian authorities reported attacks on their military forces by rebel mortar batteries in Debaltseve, in the Donetsk region and in Orlovske and Hranitne, in the Mariupol region. Two Ukrainian servicemen were reported killed and five wounded.
In eastern Ukraine, three more people were killed and seven wounded by rebel shelling in the residential area of Avdiivka, AFP reported Monday. In the last four months, more than 4,000 civilians fell victim to the violence. The Ukrainian security service, the SBU, reported 1,700 people went missing during that time.
On Nov. 5, shells killed two children and wounded several people on a school playng field in Donetsk. The OSCE could not tell who fired at the school, Ukrainian or rebel forces. Last week, a Russian doctor Yelizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Liza, helped to evacuate nine wounded children from Donbass to Moscow; 50 more children needed urgent medical help, the doctor told The Daily Beast. And the depths of winter are still to come.
Kommentar: Erinnert an die Warnungen an den Irak, Lybien und Syrien - nicht wahr?
Nun gut - schau'n wir mal, wann die Duma die Nato auffordert, ehemalige UDSSR Gebiete zu verlassen.
Und zum Gazprom Kurs: die Einschätzung bleibt: solange das Ringen anhält und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht für Rußen nicht gilt, bekommt man weitere Nachkaufmöglichkeiten dieses besonders niedrig bewerteten Substanzwertes.
Zuvor hatten Medien unter Berufung auf das niederländische Verteidigungsministerium mitgeteilt, dass zwei niederländische F-16-Jäger, die Patrouillenflüge im Luftraum über den baltischen Staaten im Nato-Rahmen absolvierten, am Mittwoch alarmiert zur Begleitung des russischen Transportflugzeuges Il-76 in die Luft stiegen.
Hauptsache die Falschmeldungen sind raus, das Dementi liest sowieso kaum jemand. - Ziel erreicht - die bösen Russen
Kommentar: Kann sich einer der hier Lesenden erinnern, daß ein Gastgeber VOR einem Staatsbesuch so über einen Besucher gesprochen hat?
Putin soll denen ruhig zeigen, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, wo der "Hammer hängt"! oder auf schwäbisch: Er soll denen zeigen, wo der Barthel den Most holt!
@Galearis: wer Gazprom nicht beim Fallen hat - hat Gazprom auch nicht beim Steigen.
Außerdem: die Umstände des USA - Rußland "Konflikts" sind für alle Anlagen wichtig.
Kommentar: Die USA-EU sind schon lustig. Sie glauben anscheinend tatsächlich, durch Kindergartenverhalten - "ich stell dich an den Bildrand", "du mußt alleine am Tisch sitzen" - Politik machen zu können. Und der andere Beschluß - "deutsche Truppen als "Speerspitze" gegen Rußland" - ist auch eher belustigend: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/...tze-anfuehren-a-1003101.html
Ich bin ja schon älter - muß aber zugeben, daß selbst mich die im Westen seit einigen Jahren sich selbst beschleunigende Entwicklung hin zur Selstzerstörung überrascht.
Nüchtern betrachtet - die USA-EU als Aktie gesehen - würde ich jetzt short gehen.
Schönen Sonntag
"...Otto Reutter - Kriegsgeschichte 1914..."
Der Bundeswehr soll vorübergehend eine Schlüsselrolle beim Schutz der ost-und mitteleuropäischen Nato-Partner zukommen, die sich von Russland bedroht fühlen.
Bis zum Atlantik sind wir ja dank EU schnell gekommen nun noch bis 5 km vor Moskau, dann stimmt wieder alles. Den Russen zwingen wir in die Knie, keine bange.
Was interessieren uns dabei die Interessen anderer Völker. Es sind sowieso alles nur Separatisten oder richtig gesagt Terroristen.
Die neue Herrenrasse USA+EU weis genau was für alle anderen das richtige ist.
Auszug sinngemäß: "unsere Vorfahren sagten schon vor Jahrtausenden: manchmal kommt Krieg".
Kommentar: China bezeichnet sich als "der Große im Raum", der sich nicht schubsen läßt.
Die USA spielt nahezu keine Rolle in der Rede, die Seidenstraße - EurAsien - aber schon. China wird seinen nationalen Weg des "chinesischen Sozialismus" weitergehen.