Strike Oil vor dem möglichen Durchbruch

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20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentOperational Update

28.05.08 07:20

ASX Announcement

Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

ASX Code: STX 28 May 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

via electronic lodgement


Strike Oil is pleased to announce an update of activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas.





      Gilbert Freeman 2 well reached total depth on 25 May 2008



      Mudlog gas shows in primary objective confirmed by wireline logs



      Well will be cased for production testing



      Rig to move to Gilbert Freeman 3 location, targeting additional field reserves



      Rayburn production and field activities on course

      (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

      Gilbert Freeman 2 Drilling Update

      The Gilbert Freeman 2 well reached total depth of 12,200 feet (3,719 metres) on the 25 May (Texas Time) two days ahead of schedule. Wireline logging operations are currently being completed. The well encountered a number of encouraging mud log shows and wireline logs have indicated the well has intersected a similar high quality pay section to that encountered in the nearby wells. Gilbert Freeman 2 will now be cased for testing.

      The well is located 2,330 feet (710 metres) from the Gilbert Freeman 1 well and targeted the same Middle Wilcox sands that are now on production from the Duncan 1, 2 and Gilbert Freeman 1 wells.

      Gilbert Freeman 3

      The Operator has indicated that once the production casing has been set in Gilbert Freeman 2 the rig will be moved to Gilbert Freeman 3, the next location in the drilling program, which is targeted to test for additional field reserves. Gilbert Freeman 3 will be the seventh well drilled in the Rayburn project area.

      Rayburn Production

      The Duncan 1 and 2 wells and the Gilbert Freeman 1 well continue to perform to expectation producing at a rate of approximately 24 million cubic feet of gas and 600 barrels of condensate per day.

      Other Rayburn Field Activities

      Other field activities are progressing as planned.


    6. -

      Hlavinka Duncan 1

      Production testing of the well is continuing.


    8. -

      Duncan 3

      The well is being prepared for testing which is scheduled to commence in approximately three weeks.

      "The initial results from Gilbert Freeman 2 look extremely encouraging and are in line with our expectations. The Operator’s decision to immediately move the rig to a new location, to test for additional field reserves, indicates there is still considerable upside to the Rayburn Project."

      Yours faithfully


      Technical Director

      Further information:

      Strike Oil Limited

      Jim Durrant - Technical Director

      T: 08 6464 0400


      Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

          Strike Oil's Technical Director, Jim Durrant, commenting on the latest drilling result stated that:-



        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentWarten auf Flowrates von HD1 und D3

        28.05.08 09:02

        Hlavinka Duncan 1 Production testing of the well is continuing.

        Für HD1 sind für heute bereits Flowrates erwartet (erhofft) worden. Dieses erklärt die Enttäuschung am Markt. Nun müssen wir uns eine weitere Woche gedulden.

        Gilbert Freeman 2 Drilling Update wurde zwei Tage vor Plan fertiggestellt, sehr gut. Nun beginnen die Bohrarbeiten am nächsten Well GF3.

        Duncan 3 The well is being prepared for testing which is scheduled to commence in approximately three weeks. "The initial results from Gilbert Freeman 2 look extremely encouraging and are in line with our expectations. The Operator’s decision to immediately move the rig to a new location, to test for additional field reserves, indicates there is still considerable upside to the Rayburn Project."


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDie Nat Gas Futures liegen an den US Börsen

        02.06.08 17:42
        wieder gut über 12$.

        Das sind für Strike Oil fantastische Preise. So wird der Umsatz von steigendem Output kombiniert mit steigenden Erlösen/Einheit schnell nach oben geschoben.
        Der Aktienkurs hat sich nach den Sprüngen der vergangenen Wochen sehr schön stabilisiert. Mit den nächsten guten Nachrichten kann somit Kurs auf neue Regionen genommen werden.


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentAuf den ersten Blick scheint der folgende

        03.06.08 18:46

        Bericht nicht in den Zusammenhang mit Strike Oil zu passen.  Ich habe die entsprechenden Passagen welche den Wert dieser Nachricht hier in Blickfeld rücken hervorgehoben.



        HANDELSBLATT, Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 17:08 Uhr


        Total will Atomkraftwerke betreibenVon Holger Alich

        Frankreichs Ölriese schaltet auf nukleare und alternative Energieformen um. Ein neuer Atommeiler in Abu Dhabi ist in Planung, auf anderen Gebieten sucht Total nach neuen Kooperationen. Doch im Vergleich zu den großen Konkurrenten BP und Shell hängen die Franzosen zurück.

        Eine Raffinerie des französischen Total-Konzerns.
        Bild vergrößernEine Raffinerie des französischen Total-Konzerns.

        PARIS. Der französische Ölkonzern Total will alternative Energie-Formen entwickeln. Die Investitionsschwerpunkte sind Umwandlung von Kohle/Gas in Benzin (in diesem Zusammenhang empfehle ich die Tochter HypridEnergy nochmals genauer anzuschauen. Das Unternehmen beschäftig sich als 100% Strike Oil Tochter mit dem Thema Cole to Liquid), Solar-Energie und Kernenergie, erklärte Philippe Boisseau, Vorstand für die Sparte Gas und Neue Energien auf einem Presseseminar von Europas viertgrößtem Ölkonzern. "Wir brauchen alle Energieformen", sagte Total-Chef Christophe de Margerie.

        Der Konzern will indes vorsichtig in neue Energieformen investieren. Im Bereich Kernenergie bereitet Total eine gemeinsame Offerte für einen neuen Atommeiler mit Suez und Areva für das Scheichtum Abu Dhabi vor. "Die ersten Investitionen werden hier nicht vor dem Jahr 2010 fällig", so de Margerie. Total strebe langfristig an, Betreiber von Atomkraftwerken zu werden.

        Im Bereich Solar-Strom ist Total mit Partner Suez bereits Eigentümer des Solarzellen-Herstellers Photovoltech. Das Unternehmen kann pro Jahr Solarzellen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 80 Megawatt produzieren. "Die Kapazität soll auf 650 Megawatt aufgestockt werden, dazu investieren wir pro Jahr bis zu 150 Mill. Dollar", so Boisseau.

        Die Franzosen springen indes recht spät auf den Öko-Zug auf. Die Wettbewerber BP und Shell investieren bereits seit vielen Jahren massiv in Windkraft, Solarenergie und Biokraftstoffe. Shell hat von 2001 bis 2006 rund eine Mrd. Dollar in alternative Energien investiert. Seither weist das Unternehmen keine Zahlen mehr für diesen Bereich aus. BP hat von Ende 2005 bis einschließlich 2007 rund 1,5 Mrd. Dollar für alternative Energien ausgegeben und will 2008 noch einmal den gleichen Betrag hineinstecken. Das Ziel des britischen Konzern ist es, eines der drei führenden Solarenergiefirmen zu werden.

        Jüngst zeichnet sich jedoch ab, dass BP und Shell ihre Investitionen in alternative Energien in Zukunft stärker unter kommerziellen Gesichtspunkten betrachten werden. BP hat erst vor kurzem detaillierte Schätzungen für den Wert seiner Wind- und Sonnenenergiesparten präsentiert.

        Lesen Sie weiter auf Seite 2: So schnell wie möglich in den Irak


        Total will bei seinen Engagements in neue Energien stets mit Partnern arbeiten, um das Risiko zu minimieren. So plant der Ölmulti, auch in die Silicium-Produktion einzusteigen dem Grundstoff zur Herstellung von Solar-Zellen. Dafür suchen die Franzosen noch Partner.


        Ähnlich wie BP und Shell will auch Total einen Modellversuch zu Lagerung des Klimagases Co2 starten. Dieser soll 2009 im französischen Lacq beginnen. Laut Total sei die Technologie vielversprechend. Sie erlaube, bis zum Jahr 2050 den weltweiten Co2 um 20 bis 40 Prozent zu verringern.

        Zum ersten Mal legte Total gestern eigene Prognosen für die weltweite Energie-Nachfrage und das-Angebot vor. "Wir rechnen damit, dass sich die Ölförderung noch vor dem Jahr 2020 bei einem Niveau von 95 Millionen Barrel pro Tag stabilisieren wird", so Strategie-Chef Jean Mosconi. -Jacques Derzeit werden täglich 87 Mill. Fass Öl gefördert. Die Nachfrage würde indes 2020 bei 100 Mill. Fass Öl erreichen. Eine Produktion von 100 Mill. Barrel pro Tag sei laut Total möglich, wenn die Erschließung von Schwerölen und Techniken wie Kohleverflüssigung eingerechnet würden.

        Total zeigt sich mit seinen Schätzungen vorsichtiger als die Experten der Internationalen Energie-Agentur (IEA). Jene gehen in ihrem Referenz-Szenario von einer Förderung von 116 Mill. Barrel in 2030 aus. Total erklärte seine Vorsicht damit, dass geopolitische Krisen, Umweltprobleme und technologische Schwierigkeiten den Anstieg der Produktion bremsen könnten. Laut Total gäbe es gesicherte Reserven von 1 000 Mrd. Barrel - genug für die nächsten 35 Jahre. Doch 60 Prozent dieser Ölvorkommen lägen im Nahen Osten. So "schnell wie möglich" wolle Total daher im Irak investieren. Es sei aber noch nicht absehbar, wann die Sicherheitslage dies ermögliche.

        Mitarbeit: Dirk Heilmann, London


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentRayburn Project - OPERATIONAL UPDATE

        04.06.08 06:36



        ASX Announcement

        Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

        ASX Code: STX 4 June 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

        via electronic lodgement


        Strike Oil is pleased to announce an update of activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas.










        5. Gilbert Freeman 3 expected to spud by end of week


          Gilbert Freeman 2 cased for production testing


          Hlavinka Duncan 1R shallow gas flow test results


          Duncan 3 testing on schedule

          (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

          Gilbert Freeman 3 Expected to Spud by end of week

          Gilbert Freeman 3, the seventh well in the Rayburn drilling program, is expected to spud on the 7th of June. It is estimated that the well will take approximately 30 days to reach a total depth of 12,200 feet (3,719 metres). The Gilbert Freeman 3 is targeting additional field reserves in multiple objectives in the Middle Wilcox Formation.

          Gilbert Freeman 3 is located approximately 2,099 ft (640 metres) west southwest of Gilbert Freeman 1 and 2,500 ft (762 metres) west northwest of the Duncan 1 well, the initial discovery well in the area.

          Gilbert Freeman 2 Cased for production testing

          The Gilbert Freeman 2 well has now been cased for production testing. The drilling rig was released at 18:00 hours 1st June 2008 (Texas time) and is now being moved to the Gilbert Freeman 3 location.

          Testing of this well is scheduled to commence following the testing of Duncan 3 with the exact timing subject to the installation of pipelines and production facilities so that the well can be tested to sales.

          Hlavinka Duncan 1R Shallow gas flow test results

          As previously reported, the Middle Wilcox sand in the Hlavinka Duncan 1R well was found to be of good quality but wireline logs run at total depth indicated the sand to be water wet.

          However, wireline logs and sidewall cores indicated intervals within the shallower formations above the Wilcox formation appeared to contain hydrocarbons. The partners agreed to set production casing to test these secondary intervals.

          The following flow rate was reported to the local regulator, the Texas Rail Road Commission (TRRC), on the 31 May 2008 (Texas Time). One of the shallow intervals is recorded as flowing at a stabilised rate of 44 thousand cubic feet per day of gas per day through a 17/64 inch choke with a flowing tubing pressure of 701 psia (pounds per square inch absolute). No condensate was recovered.

          Duncan 3 testing on schedule

          Duncan 3 will be the next well in the program to be tested. Preparations to test the well are on schedule and is expected to commence in approximately three weeks.

          Rayburn Production

          The Duncan 1 and 2 wells and the Gilbert Freeman 1 well continue to perform to expectation during the past week producing at a combined rate of approximately 22 million cubic feet of gas and 620 barrels of condensate per day.

          "The results of the Gilbert Freeman 2 well to date have been very pleasing as they support our most recent interpretation of the field structure. Gilbert Freeman 3 is targeting additional field reserves and the results will add considerably to our knowledge.

          While the results from the test of one of the shallow gas zones in Hlavinka Duncan 1R were disappointing they have no bearing on the excellent results we are achieving from the Wilcox Formation."

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Executive Director

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400



          Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

          Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

          Strike Oil's Managing Director, Simon Ashton, commenting on the latest drilling and testing results stated that:


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentGas Supplies Rise, but Are Slightly Below Average

        05.06.08 19:00

        at Gas Supplies Rise, but Are Slightly Below Average

        NATURAL GAS, ENERGY, CRUDE OIL, GASOLINE, EIABy Krystina GustafsonCNBC staff and wire reports| 05 Jun 2008 | 11:54 AM ET

        Natural gas in storage in the U.S. rose roughly in line with expectations last week but is 0.1 percent below the five-year average for this time of year, a government report said Thursday.

        The Energy Department's Energy Information Administration said in its weekly report that natural-gas inventories held in underground storage in the lower 48 states rose by 105 billion cubic feet to nearly 1.81 trillion cubic feet for the week ending May 30.

        Inventories were expected to climb 103 billion cubic feet, according to a poll from Reuters.

        The inventory level was slightly below the five-year average, and well below last year's storage level of more than 2.13 trillion cubic feet, according to the government data.

        In morning trading, natural gas for July delivery rose more than 5 cents to over $12.43 per 1,000 cubic feet on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

        Energy traders were closely watching the report, as futures in the commodity continue spiking and energy concerns remain widespread in the United States.

        In recent days, CNBC has gone to the experts about natural gas, as investing in the fuel gains greater interest.


        Natural Gas vs. Crude Oil

        "The supply-demand situation for natural gas has changed quite a bit, but actually it does look like that supply and demand are in relatively balance with a good amount of supply... Gas can go higher and will go higher."

        - Arthur Gelber, Gelber & Associates


        Energizing Your Portfolio

        "In terms of value, there's basically a few themes that are investable. Obviously, in a high oil price climate the pure oil producers benefit a lot... But also there's a lot of moving parts in the gas side of business, where gas prices are now trying to keep up with oil prices and catch up because they've lagged. From that perspective the Asians are [consuming] a lot of gas, pushing prices up. So a company that would benefit there would be Apache , for instance, recontracting a lot of its far-Eastern gas at higher prices."

        - Dirk Hoozemans, Robeco Asset Management


        Curbing Oil Demand

        "We have only one fuel in the United States that can compete with oil, can reduce the import. It's natural gas. No others can do it. You talk about ethanol, it's a joke. Ethanol will never amount to more than at the most 5 percent of all the oil used, or fuel used, in the United States. But the only fuel that can back out the imports is natural gas."

        - Addison Armstrong, Tradition Energy

        - Wire services contributed to this report.

        © 2008 CNBC


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentPlanned for April to June 2008

        07.06.08 15:32


        Nachrichten zu den Ölaktivitäten von Comet Ridge sind überfällig. Die in den letzen Wochen gestiegenen Ölpreise machen die Projekte noch wesentlich attraktiver. Auffällig ist in diesem Zusammenhang die Kursperformance von Comet Ridge (Strike Oil ist größter Aktionär).



        Planned for April to June 2008:• Commence drilling at the Florence project, Colorado, based on the recently acquired 3D seismic data.

        Why Strike Oil is exploring in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA.

        • proven onshore oil and gas province, lowers exploration risk;
        • low cost appraisal opportunities, means lower risk and more wells;
        • opportunity to apply new technology, provides large upside;
        • small discoveries (<0.5 Million barrels) can be economic, increases revenue;
        • short period between discovery and production (<60 days), accelerates cash flow;
        • long relationship with Operator’s personnel, provides confidence in ability;
        • opportunity to learn and transfer new technology, increases success elsewhere.

        Bear River Area – Routt County, Colorado



        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentFokussierung

        10.06.08 07:48

        The Company Announcement Officer

        Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

        via electronic lodgement


        Strike Oil is pleased to announce a focussing of resources and expansion of

        its interest in the Gulf Coast Texas.

        Gulf Coast, increased interest in exploration drilling

        Rocky Mountains sale of interests

        Redirection of funds to Gulf Coast activities


        Strike Oil has successfully negotiated an increase of its overall interest from

        25% to 30% in the Eaglewood Area Participation Agreement (“the

        Agreement”) in onshore Gulf Coast, Texas.

        The Agreement controls the relationship that Strike Oil has with Cypress E&P

        Corporation in the currently successful exploration program in the Gulf Coast.

        In addition to the increase in its overall interest under the Agreement, Strike

        Oil has increased its interest from 25% to 35% in the Flint Prospect, a 50

        billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas potential prospect, which is a specific exploration

        prospect within the Eaglewood Agreement.

        The additional interests acquired will cost Strike Oil approximately US$0.9

        million in prior expenditure primarily associated with data purchases and

        leasing on numerous prospects.

        Strike Oil’s existing 26.25% and 22.8% interests respectively in the Mesquite

        and Rayburn Projects will not change as a result of the increase in its

        interests under the Agreement

        The increase in its overall interest under the Agreement provides Strike Oil

        with the opportunity to participate in up to 30% of a large portfolio of existing

        prospects and future prospects generated in the Gulf Coast in which there

        are up to five priority prospects that are planned for drilling in the next 18

        months, primarily Wilcox Formation Prospects, with a combined potential to

        the order of 400 bcf of gas.

        Strike Oil Limited

        ABN 59 078 012 745


        The proposed drilling programme for the future prospects is in addition to the

        ongoing appraisal and development drilling at the Rayburn Project, which has

        the potential for multiple hundreds of bcf of gas.

        The success rate in the Wilcox Formation in the current program is two

        commercial successes out of three exploration wells drilled, which has

        resulted in the Mesquite and Rayburn Project discoveries which are currently

        producing at a combined gross rate of 27 million cubic feet of gas and 700

        barrels of condensate per day. Strike Oil’s revenue to its Working Interest

        from these projects is around $3 million per month.

        The current production rate and revenues are expected to increase

        significantly over the next few months as more wells are brought into

        production at Rayburn.


        Strike Oil has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with a privately

        held US company, Pine Ridge Oil & Gas, LLC to sell its Rocky Mountains

        interests that it held in Joint Venture with Comet Ridge Limited. (Refer to the

        attached ASX release by Comet Ridge Limited for further information).

        Strike Oil will upon settlement (at the end of June 2008) receive a purchase

        price in the sum of US$2 million cash plus approximately US$0.5 million in

        cost reimbursement for the sale of its interests.

        In addition to the purchase price and cost reimbursement of approximately

        US$2.5million, Strike Oil will achieve internal cost savings to the order of

        US$2 million over the next 3 to 6 months from its budget for the Rocky

        Mountains drilling program.

        The cash payments and cost savings, the order of US$4.5 million, will enable

        Strike Oil to redirect additional funds to its expanded Gulf Coast program.

        Strike Oil’s Managing Director, Simon Ashton, commenting on the above

        transactions stated that:-

        “The combination of the increased interest in the Gulf Coast activities and

        sale of the Rocky Mountains interests enhances Strike Oil’s focus on its

        activities in the successful Gulf Coast exploration and development program

        and therefore allows the company to grow at an even greater rate than

        previously expected.

        Strike Oil Limited

        ABN 59 078 012 745


        Strike Oil through its 8.34% shareholding in Comet Ridge still retains

        exposure to Comet Ridge’s coal seam gas and conventional assets in both

        the US and Australia as well as Comet’s recently announced expanded


        Yours faithfully


        Managing Director

        Further information:

        Strike Oil Limited

        Simon Ashton - Managing Director

        T: 08 6464 0400




        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDas Management agiert sehr konsequent

        10.06.08 08:58


        Die Konzentration auf die Projekte an der Gulf Coast sind sinnvoll, ebenso wie der Verkauf der Rechte in den Roky Montains. Hier bleibt man ohnehin über die Beteiligung an Comet Ridge im Geschäft.

        Die Liquiditätsposition wird überdies erhöht.

        Die Umsätze liegen auf Monatsbasis bereits bei 3 Mio., Tendenz steigend:

        Strike Oil’s revenue to its Working Interest

        ........from these projects is around $3 million per month.

        The current production rate and revenues are expected to increase


        significantly over the next few months as more wells are brought into


        production at Rayburn.

        Alles in Allem läuft es sehr gut. Das Management macht einen excellenten Job.

        Ich wünsche einen sonnigen Tag.




        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperational update

        11.06.08 06:33



        Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

        ASX Announcement ASX Code: STX 11 June 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

        via electronic lodgement


        Strike Oil is pleased to announce an update of activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas.







        4. Gilbert Freeman 3 spudded


          Duncan 3 and Gilbert Freeman 2 testing on schedule


          Production levels maintained and revenue forecasts achieved

          (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

          Rayburn Drilling

          Gilbert Freeman 3

          Gilbert Freeman 3, the seventh well in the Rayburn drilling program, spudded on the 6th of June (Texas time). At report time the well had reached a depth of 2,635 feet (803 metres) where 13 3/8 inch casing had been set as planned.

          Preparations are now underway to drill the 12 ¼ inch section of the hole. Proposed total depth is12,200 feet (3,719 metres).

          The well is targeting additional field reserves in multiple objectives in the Middle Wilcox Formation.

          Gilbert Freeman 3 is located approximately 2,099 feet (640 metres) west southwest of Gilbert Freeman 1 and 2,500 feet (762 metres) west northwest of the Duncan 1 well, the initial discovery well in the area.

          Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745


          Rayburn Testing

          Plans for testing of the Duncan 3 and Gilbert Freeman 2 wells remain on schedule with the testing of Duncan 3 due to commence in approximately two weeks.

          Production and Revenue

          Production from the Duncan 1 and 2 wells and the Gilbert Freeman 1 well returned to a combined rate of approximately 24 million cubic feet of gas and 650 barrels of condensate per day from the Wilcox Formation after the completion of minor maintenance at the production facilities.

          Revenue from Strike Oil’s Working Interests in the Mesquite and Rayburn Projects is according to forecast at $3 million per month and is expected to increase when the Duncan 3 and Gilbert Freeman 2 wells are brought into production.

          Yours faithfully

          SIMON ASHTON

          Managing Director

          Further information:

          Strike Oil Limited

          Simon Ashton - Managing Director

          T: 08 6464 0400




        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentCompany Update

        12.06.08 06:35

        Sehr zu empfehlen, auch wenn es ein gewisser Aufwand -aufgrund der Länge ist. Diese Präsentation streicht sehr schön die Möglichkeiten und Werte von Strike Oil heraus. Die Eklantante Unterbewertung wird deutlich.

        Ich wünsche viel Vergnügen bei der Lektüre.



        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentzum Operator Cypress E&P

        12.06.08 08:18

        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentein netter Anstieg wenn man das Umfeld ansieht

        12.06.08 08:20

        Code Last$ +/-BidOfferOpenHighLowVolumeOptionsWarrantsChartStatusAnnouncements
        STX *0.3600.0250.3600.3700.3400.3850.3352,385,305


        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDer Schmierstoff für Strike Oil steigt weiter

        17.06.08 09:42

        20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentOperational Update

        18.06.08 07:52


        Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

        ASX Announcement ASX Code: STX 18 June 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

        via electronic lodgement


        Strike Oil is pleased to announce an update of activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas.



            Gilbert Freeman 3 intermediate casing set



            Duncan 3 scheduled to test next week



            Rayburn production maintained

            (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

            Rayburn Drilling

            Gilbert Freeman 3

            Gilbert Freeman 3, the seventh well in the Rayburn drilling program, has been drilled to a depth of 7,820 feet (2,384 metres) where 9 5/8 inch casing has been set as planned after wireline logs were run. Current operation (Tuesday, Texas time) is preparing to drill the next portion of the hole.

            The Gilbert Freeman 3 well is targeting additional field reserves in multiple objectives in the Middle Wilcox Formation. Proposed total depth is12,200 feet (3,719 metres) which is expected to be reached in two to three weeks.

            The well is located approximately 2,099 feet (640 metres) west southwest of Gilbert Freeman 1 and 2,500 feet (762 metres) west northwest of the Duncan 1 well, the initial discovery well in the area.

            Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745


            Rayburn Testing

            Plans for testing of the Duncan 3 and Gilbert Freeman 2 wells remain on schedule with the testing of Duncan 3 due to commence next week.

            Rayburn Production

            Average daily production for the past week from the Duncan 1 and 2 wells and the Gilbert Freeman 1 well was maintained at a combined rate of approximately 24 million cubic feet of gas and 660 barrels of condensate per day.

            Yours faithfully

            SIMON ASHTON

            Managing Director

            Further information:

            Strike Oil Limited

            Simon Ashton - Managing Director

            T: 08 6464 0400




          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentBericht zu HybridEnergy

          25.06.08 07:13

          20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperational update, es läuft alles nach Plan

          26.06.08 11:25

          ASX Announcement

          Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

          ASX Code: STX 26 June 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

          via electronic lodgement


          Strike Oil is pleased to announce that its activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas are progressing as planned.



              Gilbert Freeman 3 liner set



              Duncan 3 scheduled to test this week



              Rayburn production maintained

              (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

              Drilling Update

              Gilbert Freeman 3

              Gilbert Freeman 3, the seventh well in the Rayburn drilling program, is currently (Wednesday, Texas time) drilling ahead in 6 1/2inch hole at a depth of 9,795 feet (2,986 metres).

              Proposed total depth is 12,200 feet (3,719 metres) which is expected to be reached during the next week.

              During the past week, an 8 ½ inch hole section was drilled between 7,820-9,000 (2,384-2,743 metres) and wireline logs were run over the interval as planned. A 7 5/8 inch liner was then set over the interval 7,492-9,000 feet (2,283-2,743 metres) as planned.

              The Gilbert Freeman 3 well is targeting additional field reserves in multiple objectives in the Middle Wilcox Formation.

              Well Testing

              Plans for testing of the Duncan 3 and Gilbert Freeman 2 wells remain on schedule with the testing of Duncan 3 due to commence this week and to be completed over a period of several weeks.


              Average daily production for the past week from the Duncan 1 and 2 wells and the Gilbert Freeman 1 well was maintained at a combined rate of approximately 24 million cubic feet of gas and 640 barrels of condensate per day.

              Yours faithfully

              SIMON ASHTON

              Managing Director

              Further information:

              Strike Oil Limited

              Simon Ashton - Managing Director

              T: 08 6464 0400



              Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745

              The well is located approximately 2,099 feet (640 metres) west southwest of Gilbert Freeman 1 and 2,500 feet (762 metres) west northwest of the Duncan 1 well, the initial discovery well in the area.


            8451 Postings, 7366 Tage KnappschaftskassenAlles geht seinen guten Gang

            01.07.08 14:37

            Update seitens Hartleys zur Bewertung von STX - neue Valuation: 0,78 AUD/Share  

            20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperational update

            02.07.08 08:18

            ASX Announcement

            Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

            ASX Code: STX 2 July 2008 Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745 Our Strengths Producer/Explorer with strong cash flow Track record of discoveries Geographically diverse portfolio Highly experienced team Strong experienced partners Innovative approach to E&P Strike Oil Limited Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6464 0400 The Company Announcement Officer

            via electronic lodgement


            Strike Oil is pleased to announce significant progress in its drilling and exploration activities at the Rayburn Project in the Gulf Coast, Texas.



                Gilbert Freeman 3 to be cased for production testing of Upper and Middle Wilcox



                Eighth well, Hlavinka Gas Unit 1-1, to commence after rig release from Gilbert Freeman 3



                Duncan 3 production testing commenced; initial test results comparable with other producing wells

                (Strike Oil 22.8% Working Interest; Operator Cypress E&P Corporation)

                DRILLING UPDATE

                Gilbert Freeman 3

                Gilbert Freeman 3, the seventh well in the Rayburn drilling program, reached final depth of 12,100 feet (3,688 metres) on 29 June 2008.

                Elevated gas readings were recorded over several intervals within the Upper and Middle Wilcox formation. Wireline logs confirm the presence of gas. The partners have agreed to set casing and to test the producibility of the zones.

                The well is located approximately 2,099 feet (640 metres) west southwest of Gilbert Freeman 1 and 2,500 feet (762 metres) west northwest of the Duncan 1 well, the initial discovery well in the area.

                Drilling Programme

                The partners in the Rayburn project have agreed to immediately drill another well on the structure. The Hlavinka Gas Unit 1-1 will be drilled immediately after the rig is released from Gilbert Freeman 3.

                The well will be the eighth well on the structure. Details of the well will be released at the time of spud which is expected within the next two weeks.

                Well Testing

                The testing of Duncan 3 has commenced with all test gas and condensate being produced to sales. Testing will take several weeks to complete. Results to date have been comparable to other successful wells currently producing in the Rayburn project.

                A date for the commencement of testing of the Gilbert Freeman 2 well has yet to be scheduled.

                Strike Oil's Managing Director, Simon Ashton, commenting on the latest drilling and testing results stated that::

                "Duncan 3 is expected to match the production of other successful Rayburn wells and to substantially increase the total Rayburn field sales.

                The combination of the very encouraging early test results at Duncan 3, the shows and completion approval of the Gilbert Freeman 3 well and the commitment to immediately drill another well on the Rayburn Project, all demonstrate the ongoing success of the Rayburn Project and provide confidence to proceed with continuous drilling."

                Yours faithfully

                SIMON ASHTON

                Managing Director

                Further information:

                Strike Oil Limited

                Simon Ashton - Managing Director

                T: 08 6464 0400



                Strike Oil Limited ABN 59 078 012 745


              20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentBei Strike Oil läuft alles nach Plan.

              02.07.08 08:27
              Die Einnahmen aus dem Rayburn Field werden im Verlauf dieses Jahres noch Signifikant steigen.
              Der Hartleys Report -Link wurde von Knappschaftskassen- eingestellt zeigt eimal mehr auf welches Potential in Strike Oil steckt. Hier wird die Tochter Hybrid Energy mit dem Future Gas Project in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung gestellt.

              Ich verabschiede mich in den Sommerurlaub nach Kalifornien. Ich werde mich eventuell einmal melden ansonsten wünsche ich euch einige schöne Wochen.


              8451 Postings, 7366 Tage KnappschaftskassenHallo permanent ,

              02.07.08 11:57
              wünsche Dir einen schönen Urlaub!  

              20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentHallo Knappschaftskassen

              16.07.08 20:06
              Der Urlaub ist schoen, die Kursentwicklung von Strike Oil leider nicht. Operativ laeuft alles weiter gut.
              Warten auf Flow Rates.



              20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoutstanding test results duncan 3

              23.07.08 04:27

              104 Postings, 5842 Tage Caramelos#148 DUNCAN #3 mit 10,1 mmcfd und 234 bblcd

              23.07.08 10:18
              Das ist erneut ein unglaublich gutes Ergebnis (unsere ersten Erwartungen für D3 lagen ja eher bei 6-7 mmcfd) - grandios!

              Auch bei HGU1-1 ist bereits das intermediate casing erfolgreiche gesetzt - Wir wissen was für eine step out well das ist und welche Bedeutung diese Well für die Feldgröße haben wird, sollten wir hier erneut erfolgreich sein ...

              Als nächstes sollte der Quarterly kommen, dann haben wir erneut Rekord-Revenues für das Quartal (um die 7-7,5 Mio. A$)- Eventuell gibt es ja auch wieder ein Update von Hartleys und hoffentlich etwas Pressearbeit/PR ...


              20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentErdgas: Netto-Short Position nahe Rekordniveau

              28.07.08 17:50
              Commitment of Traders: Netto-Position der Non-Commercials




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