Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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So ähnlich könnte man das in Anlehnung an ein uns allen bekanntes Muster formulieren. Aber vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch und man kauft direkt in den USA.
Jedenfalls ist auf den deutschen Boards wieder enormes Leben eingekehrt, wie folgendes Beispiel zeigt:
10580 von blb 07.10.06 12:14:15 Beitrag Nr.: 24.463.738
Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben INTERNET CAP. GRP
Hab mir mal die letzte Präsentation angehört. Mal ein paar Fakten, die bei mir hängen geblieben sind (unter Vorbehalt, dass ich sie richtig verstanden habe):
1. Ziel von ICGE ist, den Faktorbfür den Trailing Revenue von den aktuell in der Slidepräsentation angegebenen 1,7 mittelfristig auf 3-4 zu steigern.
2. In der Branche liegt der Faktor laut Angaben von Buckley zwischen 3-4 im unteren Bereich und 8-10 im oberen Bereich. Linkshare hat man angeblich mit Faktor 8-9 verkauft. (Somit
war das nach diesen Angaben ein gutes Geschäft)
3. Folglich sehe ich das Ziel unter 1. eher als konservativ an
4. Man hat das Ziel pro Firma 10-20 Millionen Dollar zu investieren
5. In den nächsten 18 Monaten plant man, 3 neue Investments einzugehen
6. Das würde bedeuten, man würde zwischen 30 und 60 Millionen Dollar investieren
7. Auf der anderen Seite möchte man aber auch 2 Firmen verkaufen
Hoff, der ein oder andere konnte damit was anfangen. Ich steh zu der von mir mittlerweile schon seit Monaten und Jahren geäußerten Meinung, dass
1. ICGE überleben wird (gab ja diesbezüglich viele Kritiker)
2. ICGE besser als CMGI laufen wird, da besseres Beteiligungportfolio
3. Ein Zielbereich für den Kurs von 15-20$ absolute realistisch ist, sowohl fundamental, als auch charttechnisch.
Allen ein schönes Wochenende!
Dem ist eigentlich kaum noch etwas hinzuzufügen. Vielleicht hätte man den ersten Punkt auch weglassen können, denn mit 200 Millionen Cash und marktgängigen Wertpapieren und einer Schuld aus einer Wandelschuldverschreibung von 26 Millione ist das Überleben nicht unbedingt ein Thema.
SCOTTSDALE, AZ - October 10, 2006 - Vcommerce Corporation, the industry leader in Enterprise eCommerce Solutions for online and multi-channel retailers, has secured an agreement to provide GoGamer.com, a leading online specialty retailer of PC/Video games and accessories, with a complete end-to-end eCommerce solution. The solution lets GoGamer scale its online business cost effectively, and deliver a world-class, complete customer experience, from demand generation to shopping cart to fulfillment. GoGamer.com went live with approximately 65,000 products on September 12, 2006.
GoGamer.com will take advantage of Vcommerce’s robust solution for demand generation, storefont design and order management and fulfillment. Vcommerce will integrate its solution with existing GoGamer.com applications, consistent with an open platform approach. It will bring GoGamer.com’s multiple distribution points together seamlessly by integrating proprietary suppliers and their warehouse operations. GoGamer.com will benefit from Vcommerce’s patent-pending Sourcing Optimization capability, used to intelligently source products from all distribution points and Vcommerce’s flexible payment processing solution, including PayPal and more traditional payment options.
"We are most excited about the capabilities Vcommerce gives us to scale our business and deliver an exceptional customer experience every time, from a single platform," said Ammar Adra, president, GoGamer.com. "From an operational perspective, we are also very pleased with the system’s flexibility and ease of use. This gives us the ability to focus on merchandising and customer relationships, while Vcommerce runs powerfully in the background."
"Online retailers are calling for more complete eCommerce solutions as they endeavor to expand their merchandise assortment and yet simplify the customer experience," said Dan Kennedy, president and chief technology officer. "The imperative for eCommerce solution providers is to focus on the customer and work backwards, so that technology is not an impediment but an enabler to increasing customer loyalty. We are very pleased to be working with an innovative and customer-centered online retailer such as GoGamer.com and look forward to supporting their business growth."
About Gogamer.com
GoGamer.com, owned by Game-Xpert, Inc., is the fastest growing online specialty retailer of gaming software and accessories for PC, Mac and popular video game systems such as, Microsoft Xbox, Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Nintendo Gamecube and DS. GoGamer.com is the original creator of extreme discount specials with its 48 Hour Madness™ deals, which are limited-time specials where customers can buy the most popular games at extremely discounted prices. GoGamer.com also gives away amazing daily prizes as part of its Daily Winner Contest, which costs nothing to enter. GoGamer.com caters to all gamers and offers the largest selection of PC games available anywhere. In addition, GoGamer.com has the largest stock of rare and hard-to-find vintage games. GoGamer.com is also the creator of "Dirt Cheap Shipping" where customers can ship 1-2 games anywhere in the country for only $2.49. Game-Xpert, Inc. was founded in 1991 and GoGamer.com opened for business in 2001. For more information visit www.gogamer.com....
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Internet Capital = 230 million (400 million market cap, subtraction of 170 million net cash/securities) for 140 million proportional revenues in 2006 of the 18 private held companies = 1.7-times-revenues
And now compare 133-times revenues with 1.7-times revenues - idotic, when you look of the high growth of the revenues of Freeborders, Starcite, Creditex or other companies of Internet Capital.
"There's a market opportunity for a company (in China software outsourcing) to be a $1 billion company, and we think Freeborders can be that company," the article quotes co-CEO Ramsey Walker saying.
News from 10. February 2006
Gruss und ein schönes Wochenende penski
Feature Article
Success with Outsourced Product Development
Peter Harrison, CEO Induslogic
Fortune 1000 companies (F1000) have flocked in droves to outsource their software development as a way of increasing efficiencies and saving millions of dollars. More than 70% of the F1000 outsource some portion of their information technology today, making this activity completely mainstream. India alone attracts $18 billion of this spending at present and this number is growing at almost 40% year over year. Far less common has been the move by Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) and Application Service Providers (ASP’s) to outsource their own core software product development. For obvious reasons, ISV’s have been reluctant to outsource something as core as their product research and development, but an increasing number are doing so – more are viewing this as way to increase revenues and reduce time to market.
This market for Outsourced Product Development (OPD) is currently pegged at $1 billion but is expected to grow to almost $4 billion by 2008. According to analysts, global sourcing of product development will no longer be an optional business strategy by 2007-2008. It will become standard operating procedure. With offshore outsourcing increasingly accepted as a key competitive strategy in the global economy, the production cycle for technology-centered products will require global resources and global delivery.
ISV’s and ASP’s face multiple challenges today, including shrinking product lifecycles, broadening platform support and controlling costs while maintaining leadership in an increasingly competitive and evolving market.
Re: Well positioned in best growth (Not rated) 15-Oct-06 07:18 am Explosive Growth of 109% in the Market of Credit-Derivatives to notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives to $26.0 trillion = $26,000,000,000,000. After the merge of Creditrade and Creditex to the new Creditex, Creditex is the greatest interdealer-broker in this market. In this quarter we will hear about the exactly percentage of Internet Capital on this merger. What we know today: The percentage will be "less than 20%". I believe, that means more than 10% and more than 15% (= more than 10%), the percentage must be between 15% and 20%, in my estimates about the worth I took 17%, how you could read.
For Immediate Release, Tuesday, September 19, 2006
For More Information, Please Contact:
Scott Marra, ISDA New York, +1 212 901-6000, smarra@isda.org
ISDA Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey: Credit Derivatives at $26.0 Trillion
LONDON, Tuesday, September 19, 2006 – At its 2006 Regional Member Conference in London today, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) announced the results of its Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey of privately negotiated derivatives. According to the Survey, notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives grew by 52% in the first six months of the year to $26.0 trillion from $17.1 trillion. The annual growth rate for credit derivatives is 109% from $12.4 trillion at mid-year 2005. For the purposes of the Survey, credit derivatives comprise credit default swaps referencing single names, indexes, baskets, and portfolios.
Notional amount outstanding of interest rate derivatives, which include interest rate swaps and options and cross-currency swaps, grew by 18 percent to $250.8 trillion from $213.2 trillion. The annual growth rate for interest rate derivatives to mid-2006 is 25 percent from $201.4 trillion in mid-2005.
Notional amount outstanding of equity derivatives, which consist of equity swaps, options, and forwards, grew by 15 percent from $5.5 trillion to $6.4 trillion. This represents year-on-year growth of 32 percent from $4.8 trillion at mid-year 2005.
"The rapid pace of innovation in privately negotiated derivatives, coupled with ISDA’s ongoing work to standardize documentation, continues to fuel the growth of the business by enabling more and more firms to benefit from these risk management tools," said Robert Pickel, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ISDA. "This growth comes during a time in which ISDA, our members and our industry have made substantial progress in increasing operational efficiency and reducing operational risk. We remain focused on further improvements."
The survey collects and aggregates notional amounts outstanding as of the reporting date, adjusted for double counting of inter-dealer transactions. ISDA surveys its Primary Membership twice yearly on a confidential basis. In this survey, 101 firms provided data. All major dealers responded.
ISDA, which represents participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, is the largest global financial trade association by number of member firms. ISDA was chartered in 1985, and today has over 725 member institutions from 50 countries on six continents. These members include most of the world's major institutions that deal in privately negotiated derivatives, as well as many of the businesses, governmental entities and other end users that rely on over-the-counter derivatives to manage efficiently the financial market risks inherent in their core economic activities. Information about ISDA and its activities is available on the Association's website: www.isda.org...
® ISDA is a registered trademark of the International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc.
Die IT-Werkbank der Welt
15.10.2006 Ausgabe 42/06
Unternehmen WKN
Indische IT-Dienstleister boomen ungebrochen. Weil die Entwickler längst nicht mehr nur Erfüllungsgehilfen sind, sondern komplexe Jobs zum Schnäppchenpreis liefern, können sich Infosys und Co vor Aufträgen kaum retten
von Thomas Schmidtutz
IBM-Chef Sam Palmisano blickte beseelt ins Auditorium: „Sie haben eine riesige Kapazität
aufgebaut“, sagte der oberste Konzernmanager Anfang Juni vor 10000 Mitarbeitern im indischen
Bangalore dankbar. „Wir werden uns diese Chance in Indien nicht entgehen lassen.“
Um auf dem Subkontinent nur ja nichts zu verpassen, lässt es der größte IT-Konzern der Welt
richtig krachen. Sechs Milliarden Dollar will Big Blue in den nächsten drei Jahren in Indien
springen lassen - mehr als Cisco, Microsoft und Intel zusammmen. Dabei hat IBM auch schon in
den vergangenen Jahren nichts anbrennen lassen. Während Palmisano in Westeuropa zuletzt
Tausende von Jobs gestrichen hat, fahndet der Konzern in Indien unablässig nach Personal. Seit
2004 haben die Amerikaner die Mitarbeiterzahl in Indien vervierfacht. Über 42000 Beschäftigte
zählen sie dort inzwischen.
Aber die Schlacht um die Vorherrschaft in den Datenzentren der großen Konzerne wird vor allem
in Indien geschlagen. Das liegt am so genannten Offshoring-Trend. Damit meinen Experten die
Verlagerung von IT-Jobs in entfernte Länder wie Indien oder China. Dort lassen sich immer mehr
Unternehmen ihre Software schreiben oder ihre Computer-Netzwerke überwachen.
Die Offshoring-Nachfrage ist enorm: „Das ist eine Welle, nicht nur ein Trend“, sagt Jean-Christian
Jung, Analyst beim Beratungshaus Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC). Während die IT-Ausgaben
weltweit nach einer Übersicht des Marktforschers IDC bis 2010 um knapp sechs Prozent pro Jahr
auf 589 Milliarden Dollar zulegen dürften, soll das Offshoring-Geschäft um 30 Prozent wachsen.
„Der Bedarf vor allem bei Groß-Unternehmen ist riesig“, urteilt Jung.
Hauptprofiteur des Offshoring-Booms ist Indien. Der Subkontinent verfügt über nahezu ideale
Voraussetzungen. So gilt die Bevölkerung als eine der jüngsten der Welt. Alleine in den
technischen Studiengängen um Informatik und Elektronik kommen im laufenden Jahr rund
246000 Uni-Absolventen auf den Arbeitsmarkt. „Die haben Weltniveau“, räumt ein Mitarbeiter
eines US-Wettbewerbers ein.
Und günstig ist die Konkurrenz aus dem Subkontinent obendrein. Nach Schätzungen von
Branchen-Experten ist ein indischer IT-Spezialist pro Jahr „zwischen 50 bis 80 Prozent billiger“
als sein deutscher Kollege. Zwar geht ein Teil der Einsparungen für andere Kosten wie
Projektmanagement, Fehlerbeseitigung oder Reisespesen wieder drauf. Aber selbst, wenn man
das berücksichtigt, „kann noch ein Kostenvorteil von durchschnittlich 20 bis 30 Prozent bleiben“,
so PAC-Mann Jung.
Was Wunder, dass indische IT-Firmen zuletzt weltweit spürbar aufgeholt haben. Im zweiten
Quartal 2006 haben sich Infosys und Co 13 Prozent aller neuen Outsourcing-Deals gesichert. Vor
einem halben Jahr kamen die Unternehmen gerade mal auf rund drei Prozent. Aber die Inder sind
nicht nur günstig, sondern können auch immer mehr. Während die IT-Spezialisten des
Subkontinents früher etwa dabei geholfen haben, PC-Probleme ihrer Kunden in den USA oder
Europa per Telefon zu lösen, übernehmen sie immer häufiger auch komplexe Aufträge wie Lohn-
und Gehaltsbuchhaltung oder die komplette Bearbeitung von Kreditanträgen oder
Fieberhaft arbeiten die Platzhirsche nun an einer Gegenstrategie. Um den Kostenvorteil der
aufstrebenden indischen Systemhäuser abzubauen, heuern die IT-Riesen wie Microsoft, Oracle
oder SAP massiv Personal in Indien an, ein Großteil davon in Bangalore, dem Silicon Valley des
Umgekehrt drängen die Inder massiv auf den internationalen Markt: „Wir wollen unsere Position in
Europa deutlich verbessern“, sagt etwa Ramalinga Raju, Gründer des viertgrößten indischen
IT-Dienstleisters Satyam (siehe Interview).
Allerdings sind noch ein paar Hausaufgaben zu erledigen. Zwar sind die meisten Anbieter in
klassischen Themen wie der Systemintegration, also der Einführung und Verknüpfung neuer Soft-
und Hardware mit bestehenden IT-System, schon ziemlich gut, findet etwa Analyst Jung. Doch
beim Branchen-Know-how oder Zukunftsthemen wie Service-orientierter Software-Architektur
(SOA), einer Art Lego-Baukasten für Unternehmenssoftware, gibt es offenbar noch
Nachholbedarf. Zudem fehlt ihnen bislang ein globales Netzwerk, anders als IBM oder Accenture.
Sorgen um die Zukunft der indischen IT-Spezialisten muss sich dennoch niemand machen. Denn
ungeachtet aller Investitionen der etablierten Konkurrenz in Indien dürfte der Kostenvorteil auch
mittelfristig bei Satyam und Co liegen. Und mit fehlendem Zutrauen müssen sich die Inder auch
nicht mehr herumschlagen. Zweifel, dass sie auch große und anspruchsvolle Deals bewältigen,
gibt’s praktisch keine mehr.
Wenn nicht alles täuscht, dürften die Analysten der Citigroup wohl Recht behalten: „Wir
erwarten“, heißt es in einer aktuellen Studie, „dass die indischen IT-Dienstleister bis 2008 ein
Ergebniszuwachs von 26 bis 33 Prozent pro Jahr liefern.“ Wachstumsraten wie im Märchen.
Well positioned in best growth (Not rated) 15-Oct-06 07:18 am Explosive Growth of 109% in the Market of Credit-Derivatives to notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives to $26.0 trillion = $26,000,000,000,000. After the merge of Creditrade and Creditex to the new Creditex, Creditex is the greatest interdealer-broker in this market. In this quarter we will hear about the exactly percentage of Internet Capital on this merger. What we know today: The percentage will be "less than 20%". I believe, that means more than 10% and more than 15% (= more than 10%), the percentage must be between 15% and 20%, in my estimates about the worth I took 17%, how you could read.
For Immediate Release, Tuesday, September 19, 2006
For More Information, Please Contact:
Scott Marra, ISDA New York, +1 212 901-6000, smarra@isda.org
ISDA Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey: Credit Derivatives at $26.0 Trillion
LONDON, Tuesday, September 19, 2006 – At its 2006 Regional Member Conference in London today, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) announced the results of its Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey of privately negotiated derivatives. According to the Survey, notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives grew by 52% in the first six months of the year to $26.0 trillion from $17.1 trillion. The annual growth rate for credit derivatives is 109% from $12.4 trillion at mid-year 2005. For the purposes of the Survey, credit derivatives comprise credit default swaps referencing single names, indexes, baskets, and portfolios.
Notional amount outstanding of interest rate derivatives, which include interest rate swaps and options and cross-currency swaps, grew by 18 percent to $250.8 trillion from $213.2 trillion. The annual growth rate for interest rate derivatives to mid-2006 is 25 percent from $201.4 trillion in mid-2005.
Notional amount outstanding of equity derivatives, which consist of equity swaps, options, and forwards, grew by 15 percent from $5.5 trillion to $6.4 trillion. This represents year-on-year growth of 32 percent from $4.8 trillion at mid-year 2005.
"The rapid pace of innovation in privately negotiated derivatives, coupled with ISDA’s ongoing work to standardize documentation, continues to fuel the growth of the business by enabling more and more firms to benefit from these risk management tools," said Robert Pickel, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ISDA. "This growth comes during a time in which ISDA, our members and our industry have made substantial progress in increasing operational efficiency and reducing operational risk. We remain focused on further improvements."
The survey collects and aggregates notional amounts outstanding as of the reporting date, adjusted for double counting of inter-dealer transactions. ISDA surveys its Primary Membership twice yearly on a confidential basis. In this survey, 101 firms provided data. All major dealers responded.
ISDA, which represents participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, is the largest global financial trade association by number of member firms. ISDA was chartered in 1985, and today has over 725 member institutions from 50 countries on six continents. These members include most of the world's major institutions that deal in privately negotiated derivatives, as well as many of the businesses, governmental entities and other end users that rely on over-the-counter derivatives to manage efficiently the financial market risks inherent in their core economic activities. Information about ISDA and its activities is available on the Association's website: www.isda.org...
® ISDA is a registered trademark of the International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
ICG Commerce Announces Procurement Services Program for Global Crossing
Monday October 16, 10:00 am ET
Initiative to Drive Savings Throughout North America, Latin America and Europe
PHILADELPHIA, PA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 16, 2006 -- ICG Commerce, a leading procurement services provider, today announced a strategic engagement to provide procurement services to leading global telecommunications solutions provider Global Crossing (NASDAQ:GLBC - News).
Global Crossing has continued to achieve key milestones in its business transformation through careful financial management, including a company-wide focus on achieving sustainable cost reductions and process improvements. The company recognized the opportunity to improve financial performance by expanding its procurement efforts and capabilities. In support of this effort, ICG Commerce was engaged to provide strategic sourcing and implementation services for key global product and service categories. Global Crossing will leverage ICG Commerce's dedicated category and process specialists to help maximize procurement cost savings for operations in North America, Latin America and Europe.
"By harnessing ICG Commerce's resources and experience, Global Crossing will be positioned to address procurement in an accelerated timeframe," said David Showerman, Vice President, Real Estate and Vendor Management for Global Crossing. "We are confident ICG Commerce's experience and supply market knowledge will assist us in achieving our savings targets."
The addition of ICG Commerce's sourcing and implementation services to Global Crossing's procurement organization will provide access to deep category specialists, supply market and pricing insights and proven supplier implementation methodologies for key categories including IT, telecommunications, marketing, air travel and hotels, personnel recruiting, training and others.
"We are very pleased to be part of Global Crossing's ongoing business improvement strategy," said Carl Guarino, CEO of ICG Commerce. "We look forward to partnering with their procurement team to help them to drive continued savings and maximize the value of their spend in support of the company's growth and profitability goals."
About ICG Commerce
ICG Commerce (www.icgcommerce.com...) is a leading Procurement Services Provider exclusively focused on helping companies achieve greater control and increased value from the spend they manage. The company offers sourcing and ongoing operational buying, category and information management and market intelligence services that enable companies to expand the breadth of spend they manage, continue to build their sourcing effectiveness, ensure compliance and drive continual improvements over time. By working with thousands of top suppliers and dozens of leading procurement organizations, ICG Commerce brings its execution-based, compound experience to every customer contract negotiated and transaction processed.
ICG Commerce Inc., a privately held company founded in 1992, is a member of Internet Capital Group's (NASDAQ:ICGE - News) network of partner companies. The company has been recognized with numerous industry awards including IAOP and Fortune Magazine's Global Outsourcing 100, Forbes "Best of" (for Outsourcing and Procurement) and has had multiple executives recognized in Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine's annual "Pros to Know" listing.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
The Network Effect and the companies (Not rated) 16-Oct-06 02:40 pm of Internet Capital is very important, because the network effekt is very important for some companies of Internet Capital, for example ICGCommerce.
Winning a client like Global Crossing or last Good Year is very important, because for the business of ICGCommerce, we need size: the network effect is working. Last, ICGCommerce was the Nr. 1 with 26% of won new contracts, before IBM = 24%, Accenture = 16 and Ariba = 15%. The new client is important to stay at Nr. 1.
Something to the network effekt from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The network effect is a characteristic that causes a good or service to have a value to a potential customer dependent on the number of customers already owning that good or using that service.
One consequence of a network effect is that the purchase of a good by one individual indirectly benefits others who own the good - for example by purchasing a telephone a person makes other telephones more useful. This type of side-effect in a transaction is known as an externality in economics, and externalities arising from network effects are known as network externalities. The resulting bandwagon effect is an example of a positive feedback loop.
The Network Effect and the companies (Not rated) 16-Oct-06 02:48 pm The reason, why a company like Commerce One go bankruptcy or Ariba get not the big think is very simple: Someone had overlooked a simple effect: By indirect goods and services, which were not part of produced goods, pooling is necessary and therefore a provider, who pool the purchase, is necessary. The network effect is a characteristic that causes a good or service to have a value to a potential customer dependent on the number of customers already owning that good or using that service.
For Immediate Release, Tuesday, September 19, 2006
For More Information, Please Contact:
Scott Marra, ISDA New York, +1 212 901-6000, smarra@isda.org
ISDA Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey: Credit Derivatives at $26.0 Trillion
LONDON, Tuesday, September 19, 2006 – At its 2006 Regional Member Conference in London today, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) announced the results of its Mid-Year 2006 Market Survey of privately negotiated derivatives. According to the Survey, notional amount outstanding of credit derivatives grew by 52% in the first six months of the year to $26.0 trillion from $17.1 trillion. The annual growth rate for credit derivatives is 109% from $12.4 trillion at mid-year 2005. For the purposes of the Survey, credit derivatives comprise credit default swaps referencing single names, indexes, baskets, and portfolios.
Notional amount outstanding of interest rate derivatives, which include interest rate swaps and options and cross-currency swaps, grew by 18 percent to $250.8 trillion from $213.2 trillion. The annual growth rate for interest rate derivatives to mid-2006 is 25 percent from $201.4 trillion in mid-2005.
Notional amount outstanding of equity derivatives, which consist of equity swaps, options, and forwards, grew by 15 percent from $5.5 trillion to $6.4 trillion. This represents year-on-year growth of 32 percent from $4.8 trillion at mid-year 2005.
"The rapid pace of innovation in privately negotiated derivatives, coupled with ISDA’s ongoing work to standardize documentation, continues to fuel the growth of the business by enabling more and more firms to benefit from these risk management tools," said Robert Pickel, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ISDA. "This growth comes during a time in which ISDA, our members and our industry have made substantial progress in increasing operational efficiency and reducing operational risk. We remain focused on further improvements."
The survey collects and aggregates notional amounts outstanding as of the reporting date, adjusted for double counting of inter-dealer transactions. ISDA surveys its Primary Membership twice yearly on a confidential basis. In this survey, 101 firms provided data. All major dealers responded.
ISDA, which represents participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, is the largest global financial trade association by number of member firms. ISDA was chartered in 1985, and today has over 725 member institutions from 50 countries on six continents. These members include most of the world's major institutions that deal in privately negotiated derivatives, as well as many of the businesses, governmental entities and other end users that rely on over-the-counter derivatives to manage efficiently the financial market risks inherent in their core economic activities.
® ISDA is a registered trademark of the International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc.
Re: The Network Effect and the companies (Not rated) 16-Oct-06 05:58 pm I believe, the management of Internet Capital had done a good job to organize the merger.
And every procentage above 12 or 13% of the new merger is a very good job.
If we will hear for a example about a percentage of 17%, we will see a jump of Internet Capital.
It could happen tomorrow, in four week or at the end of december. All who wanted to participate on this jump, should buy now and thank the shortseller for their sells of today and the wonderful pricw.
The combined company will have increased scale andrepresent about US$ 2 trillion in notional credit derivativetraded, with considerable brokerage capabilities acrossEurope, Asia and the United States. There is little geographicor product overlap between the two companies.•The combined entity will have much greater functionality in terms of hybrid brokering (electronic trading for the indicesand plain vanilla CDS and voice brokering for the complicated products, tenors, and sizes). The combination of Creditex's e-brokering leadership coupled with CreditTrade's voicebrokering will give the combined firm the ability to handlemany types of trades.•The combined company will probably rank number one in credit derivative indices, structured credit derivative product brokerage, and electronic trading. The combined companywill offer significant liquidity in most single-name CDS sectors.•The combined entity should advance STP in the creditderivative market, especially since T-Zero, the affirmation platform which was spun out of Creditex in July 2005, willbecome the company's backbone for processing trades.•It remains to be seen whether the dealers will be content todeal with fewer IDBs, however, initial indications show thatdealers seem to be relatively agnostic to some consolidation in the market.•An overall increase of electronic trading of CDS should be expected. This merger should set the tone for increased electronic trading both at the new combined company and attheir competitors.•The combined fate of these two companies is highly tied tothe continued growth in the credit derivative market, while this seems likely, given the continued new offerings of credit derivatives. A difficult credit environment, could lead to a significant reduction in the growth of this market.From an investment point of view, a merged Creditex and CreditTrade, if it wereever to go public, would provide investors with a pure play in credit derivatives. Forexample, GFI Group's stock has performed very well, more than doubling since it went public in 2004, although GFI Group has brokerage operations in manyproducts, much of the appeal of the stock has been as a means of giving investors
Of course, the downside is that anyhiccup in the growth of the credit derivatives market, will leave the combinedcompany particularly vulnerable given its current sole focus on credit derivatives.ICAP and GFI Group, to a lesser degree, can smooth their earnings due to their brokerage operations outside of credit derivatives.It has become clear that there is a steady state that will be achieved in the brokerage of credit derivatives. A balance that is driving this merger: Creditex, on the one hand, sees the potential of electronic adoption, like that in Europe, in theUS and Asia. But, they also have accepted that voice brokering will play a key role in this market and they need to combine forces with a firm that provides wellestablished relations in more traditional voice brokerage.
- Creditex/Credittrade
- Starcite/Onvantage
- Metastorm/Commercequest
was very good steps to increase the shareholder-value. Firs posiitve result are now to see.
Starcite/Onvantage und
aber auch besonders bei ICGCommerce, wo Internet Capital immerhin 79% hält.
Google gross revenue jumps 70 percent
Thursday October 19, 4:28 pm ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG - News) on Thursday posted a 92 percent jump in quarterly profit and revenue near the top end of expectations as the company tightened its grip on the Web search market, sending its shares up 6.7 percent.
Net income for the third quarter rose to $733.4 million, or $2.36 per diluted share, from the year-earlier quarter's $381.2 million, or $1.32 per share.
Gross revenue rose 70 percent to $2.69 billion. Excluding traffic acquisition costs of $825 million, the financial cut which affiliated Web sites receive for featuring Google advertising, revenue rose to $1.87 billion.
Analysts had been looking for a net profit, on average, of $2.13 per share, according to Reuters Estimates. Excluding stock-based compensation and amortization, the consensus forecast was for a profit of $760.1 million, or $2.41 a share.
Wall Street analysts on average had projected revenue, excluding what Google pays to Web site affiliates, to rise 66 percent from a year ago to $2.62 billion, according to Reuters Estimates. Forecasts ranged between $2.48 billion and $2.76 billion.
"It was a clean beat quarter," said Tim Boyd, an analyst with Caris & Co. "These guys just continue to kill it. The stock should be going up from here. The number one question is what can (they) do with YouTube and how quickly it can have an impact."
Shares of Google rose to $454.75, a gain of 6.7 percent, in composite Nasdaq trade.
Re: The new deal of ICGCommerce in the Press (Not rated) 52 minutes ago Job posting show us strong growth of ICGCommerce, too (Internet Capital owns 79% of ICGCommerce):
Jobs 1 to 22 of 22 Show Jobs Posted:
Date Job Title Location
Oct 11 Category Management Analyst
Oct 11 Category Management Analyst
Oct 11 Market Information Analyst / Associate
US-PA-King of Prussia
US-PA-King of Prussia
Oct 6 MRO/Plant Services Procurement Consultant
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Aug 26 Customer Service Specialist
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Aug 26 Buyer
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Aug 25 HR Assistant
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Aug 25 Consulting Analyst/Associate – IT Hardware knowledge required
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Sentiment : Strong Buy
Freue mich schon auf Montag, 15:30 MEZ
Workforce in China by 1000 (Not rated) 21-Oct-06 02:25 pm as prodicted for September 2006 at the beginning of this year from MSNBC.com?
Freeborders Inc. leads tech work to China
The success of the outsourcing industry in India has led to a rise in costs in that country, and outsourcing companies are now moving more towards China as an alternative. Freeborders Inc., a San Francisco IT outsourcing company that has recorded high revenue since its foundation in the year 2000, is also attracting customers who are looking towards China. Among the clients of Freeborders is FTVVentures, also based in San Francisco.
FTVVentures is confident that Freeborders will be able to channel their work assignments to China. Freeborders is looking to utilize the cash inflow to further expand its technology center in Shenzen, China. In the near future, Freeborders is aiming to expand its workforce in China to 1,000 by September 2006. The expansion in China is mainly guided by the cost-effectiveness of the region.
MSNBC.com reports
I wonder, that the SEC tolerate such information policy.
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