Research In Motion (RIM)
Dear BlackBerry Team Members,
I am writing to share some important news with you today regarding BlackBerry.
This morning, we announced that we have entered into an agreement to receive a strategic investment of U.S. $1 billion from Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited and other institutional investors, which is a vote of confidence in the future of BlackBerry.
Today’s announcement also marks the conclusion of the review of strategic alternatives process being conducted by the Special Committee. After conducting a thorough review of strategic alternatives, we are pleased to announce this agreement that supports a strong future for BlackBerry. As you will see in the press release we issued this morning, this agreement also comes with some changes to BlackBerry’s Board of Directors and management team, effective upon the closing of the transaction, which is expected to be completed in mid-November.
Today I bid farewell to this great company, but leave with the confidence of knowing that BlackBerry’s future is in your capable hands. Together, we have accomplished a great deal over the past six years, and I thank you for your loyalty and dedication along the way.
John Chen, a renowned expert in technology and global markets, will be appointed to the position of Executive Chair of BlackBerry’s Board of Directors and Interim CEO pending completion of a search for a new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Chen’s experience transforming Sybase from a mature technology company into a high-growth enterprise data management, data warehousing, mobility management and analytics innovator, as well as his deep roots in the technology industry will be invaluable to BlackBerry’s future. Additionally, Prem Watsa, a long time BlackBerry supporter and one of Canada’s preeminent investors will rejoin the Board as Lead Director.
I’m sure you all have lots of questions about what this means – and that’s why we are hosting a town hall meeting later this week where you will have the opportunity to hear directly from the new leadership.
As always, it is important for BlackBerry to speak with one voice. Should you receive any calls from investors please forward them to Paul Carpino. Media and other outside inquiries should be forwarded to Heidi Davidson.
In terms of next steps, your day-to-day responsibilities will remain the same through this transition. As a team, each and every one of you plays an important role in BlackBerry’s success, so I thank you for staying focused on delivering the high quality products and services that our customers have come to expect from BlackBerry throughout this transition.
You can continue to count me as BlackBerry’s biggest fan. Please know that I will be cheering from the sidelines.
Du kannst eine Karte nur spielen, wenn du sie auch hast. Oder glaubst du im Ernst, dass gerade bei BB die NSA nicht im Boot sitzt? Einem kanadischen Unternehmen?
Nie und nimmer!
Die Börse spinnt doch, oder??
Ich sage nur Wahnsinn
so jetzt wieder zu BB.
Mal wieder Traurig Heute.
Je schneller BB jetzt die 4 USD ansteuert, desto besser. Spätestens zu den Q-Zahlen dürfte das der Fall sein. Auf dem Level kann man dann mit der Aktie wieder schön zocken.
OTTAWA — A combination of Canadian, American and Qatari investors are helping to finance Fairfax Financial Holding’s planned $1 billion investment in the struggling smartphone maker BlackBerry.
Fairfax, BlackBerry’s largest shareholder, announced the investment on Monday after its conditional offer to take BlackBerry private in a $4.7 billion deal had collapsed. Instead of buying the company, Fairfax will invest $1 billion through debt securities that can be converted into common shares at $10 a share.
The largest contribution, $300 million, will come from Canso Investment Counsel, a privately held money manager based north of Toronto in Richmond Hill, Ontario, according to a securities filing made on Thursday. Other investors include Mackenzie Financial, owned by the Power Corporation of Montreal; Brookfield Asset Management of Toronto; the Markel Corporation, based in Glen Allen, Va.; and Qatar Holding, an investment house started by the Qatar Investment Authority.
While Fairfax had trouble finding investors for its initial buyout plan, Canadian bankruptcy laws give the bond holders relatively greater security if the company collapses.
The infusion of money is intended to help stabilize BlackBerry, which used about $500 million of its cash holdings during its last fiscal quarter. It still has $2.3 billion in cash and is expecting a tax refund of $500 million to $1 billion from the Canadian government.
But most analysts anticipate that the company will continue to consume cash at an increasing pace as it attempts to revitalize and reorganize its business.
Until now, BlackBerry has not held any long-term debt. Reflecting the company’s currently uncertain state, the bonds carry a high interest rate of 6 percent.
If BlackBerry does find a buyer for its operations, it will have to pay the bondholders $135 million to $250 million, depending on a variety of factors.
Also on Thursday, BlackBerry said it would pay John S. Chen, the former chief executive of Sybase who became its executive chairman on Monday, $1 million a year base salary plus a $2 million annual performance bonus and stock worth about $85 million that vests over five years. Mr. Chen was brought into the company on Monday after Thorsten Heins, who has been BlackBerry’s chief executive since January 2012, was removed from his post.
Mr. Chen will remain the acting chief executive until a replacement for Mr. Heins is found.
BBRY ist äußerst volatil...denke daran werden wir uns erstmal gewöhnen müssen!
Ob man langsam anfängt zu begreifen?
Quelle: BlackBerry facebook fanseite
Zeitpunkt: 10.11.13 23:40
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers
Ericsson - Nutzung von Smartphones wird sich verdreifachen
Stockholm, 11. Nov (Reuters) - Der weltweite Siegeszug der Smartphones hat nach Einschätzung des größten Mobilfunk-Ausrüsters Ericsson noch längst nicht seinen Höhepunkt erreicht. Die Zahl der Nutzer wird demnach sogar schneller steigen als bisher angenommen und sich bis 2019 nahezu verdreifachen. Die Anbieter stellt das vor große Herausforderungen. Sie müssen ihre Netze möglichst zügig ausbauen, damit diese dem hohen Datenvolumen Stand halten.
Die Zahl der Smartphone-Verträge werde sich bis Ende 2019 rund um den Globus auf 5,6 Milliarden erhöhen von 1,9 Milliarden in diesem Jahr, teilte Ericsson am Montag mit. Auch in den Schwellenländern griffen die Menschen zunehmend zu Smartphones. Das Datenvolumen werde sich im gleichen Zeitraum verzehnfachen, vor allem weil die Videonutzung steigen werde. In einem früheren Bericht war Ericsson von 4,5 Milliarden Smartphone-Nutzern bis Ende 2018 ausgegangen. Nun erhöhte das Unternehmen diese Zahl auf 5,1 Milliarden. "Wir haben nicht einfach ein Jahr addiert, sondern auch berücksichtigt, was wir am Markt und in den verschiedenen Regionen beobachten", sagte Ericsson-Strategiechef Douglas Gilstrap im Gespräch mit der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
55 Prozent aller verkauften Mobiltelefone im dritten Quartal seien Smartphones gewesen, so Ericsson. 2016 sollten die Alleskönner die Basis-Modelle überholen. Größter Anbieter ist Samsung, gefolgt von Apple .
(Reporter: Sven Nordenstam, geschrieben von Nikola Rotscheroth, redigiert von Kerstin Dörr)