Kursrakete Northern Graphite Corp
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Eröffnet am: | 02.03.12 18:11 | von: Balu4u | Anzahl Beiträge: | 492 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 13:26 | von: Manuelanayja | Leser gesamt: | 81.960 |
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Um 13:22 Uhr: http://de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=qkquote&symbol=TX^NGC
Könntest evtl. sogar den Konso-Tiefpunkt getroffen haben, Balu :D!
Sieht vorbörslich ja gut aus in Kanada =)
aber mir geht es nicht darum, dass ich evtl. 20 Cent zu teuer gekauft habe, sondern, dass das Teil vor einer Woche schon 30 Prozent Mehrwert hatte und mir das persönlich zu teuer war. Aber NGC hat schon gezeigt in welche Richtung es gehen könnte. Das ist ja bei neuen Explorern, denen noch kein Kurs zugrunde liegt immer sehr schwer zu sagen! Vor allem: Ab heute ist auch der Threaderöffner im Spiel! Kommt lasst uns spielen!
Mit großen Schritten geht es vorwärts, klasse!
April 10, 2012 08:45 ET
Northern Graphite Announces Strategic Partnership With Panacis Inc.
Companies to cooperate in developing and promoting Li ion battery related products
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 10, 2012) - Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NGC)(OTCQX:NGPHF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Panacis Inc. whereby the parties will assist in developing and promoting each other's Canadian products and services with respect to Lithium ion batteries.
Panacis is an Ottawa, Ontario based company that is a global leader in intelligent, high performance Lithium Polymer battery based energy storage systems. It is a trusted supplier to the military, telecommunications, medical and renewable energy markets for mission critical applications where "off the shelf" commoditized solutions cannot compete. Panacis is familiar with most Li ion battery manufacturers, selects the best rechargeable battery technology for its applications and tunes its performance to meet demanding requirements. Panacis has comprehensive engineering capabilities that include battery systems engineering and integration expertise, power electronics, electromechanical design, rapid prototyping, and manufacturing and has over 20 patents/patents pending.
"Value added processing including the manufacturing of spherical graphite for the Li ion battery market is a big part of our strategy moving forward" said Gregory Bowes, Chief Executive Officer of Northern Graphite. "We have already successfully made and tested spherical graphite from the Bissett Creek deposit and want to establish ourselves as a secure, reliable supplier of a high quality, Canadian made spherical graphite that has been produced in an environmentally friendly manner. Panacis has a great deal of knowledge and expertise with respect to the manufacture and testing of Li ion batteries and has established relationships with most manufacturers. This provides us with a very important window into the Li ion battery world."
Steve Carkner, Chief Technology Officer of Panacis commented that: "It is very important that we offer customers with sensitive and critical applications a secure, reliable Canadian made solution and it is to our advantage to encourage and promote the use of Canadian made spherical graphite in the Li ion batteries that we buy. We look forward to working with Northern Graphite to achieve this objective."
Quelle: http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/...sx-venture-ngc-1641820.htm
Sag mal, hast du nen Live-ticker zu den news wie bei der Bundesliga :D?
Ist ja unglaublich, wie schnell du die Infos hast! Gerade mal 8min nach Erscheinen drüben sind die schon hier von dir! Absoluter Wahnsinn! Find ich klasse, dass du dich um "the big 3" gleichermaßen engagierst! Daumen hoch!
Klasse News! Und die Woche ist noch lang, Jungs!
Coole Seite, muss mich schämen wenn ich sage, dass ich diese noch nicht kenne! Danke für den Super Tipp! Kommt auf meine Lesezeichensammlung!
So, gleich gehts schon wieder los! Mal gucken, nun mal wieder Richtung Norden geht... wäre ja mal was :D
..war zwischenzeitlich auch bei 2,35
die Kursrücksetzer betrafen so ca 80-90 % aller Explorer und selbst größere in Abbau befindliche Minen, die je nach Status und Resourcen unterschiedlich abgegeben haben.
Außerdem haben die Märkte insgesamt nach unten korrigiert. Nasdaq, Amex & co und die internat. Märkte auch.
für Toronto als Rohstoffbörse kann man das z.B. hier sehen.
hoffen wir auf bessere Zeiten.
dass ich heute gut gekauft habe: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=NGC.V
Hab ich doch gesagt, balu :D!
Interessante Theorien hier! Mhhh, mal gucken, was hier heut noch so passiert!
Anstieg gerade erklären können? Kann nichts finden! Aber ich finds gut, meinetwegen wieder hoch auf 3,00CAD ;)
Arriba hat auf deine Frage schon treffend geantwortet. Nach dem Anstieg von 0,80 CAD auf über 3,40 CAD binnen weniger Monate, sind solche drastische Korrekturen nichts besonderes. Je aggressiver und schneller eine Rally verläuft, desto härter werden gewöhnlich auf die Korrekturen. Demnach nicht auf den Tageshandel und die kurzfristigen "Trends" fokussieren, sondern Explorer immer im mittel- bis langfristigen Bild betrachten.
Nach dem Sell-Off sehen wir bei Northern Graphite heute eine schöne Kerze, bei gutem Volumen und unterstützt mit äußerst positiven Unternehmensnews. Das kann sich sehen lassen!
Nettes Summary über NGC!
The Graphite Investment Boom Is Just Starting
April 10, 2012 | 2 comments | includes: NGPHF.PK, ZENYF.PK
Graphite is quietly emerging as a strategic industrial material in short supply, similar to the rare earth commodities. Years of underinvestment in new supplies, and growing demand sources, have caused prices to rise sharply in the past few years. China, as the world's dominant supplier, has significantly curtailed exports in an attempt to exert greater control in the market. As a result, it's not entirely surprising that the EU named graphite as one of 14 critical materials along with the rare earth elements.
EU Names Graphite a "Critical Material"
A new global rush to find quality graphite supplies has just begun. However, not all graphite is created equally, and there is significant quality variation that determines its price and value, which can range up to a few thousand dollars per ton. When investing in graphite companies, it's essential to find the emerging producers with the right quality graphite to supply the fast growing end markets, assets with proximity to infrastructure, and a management team with skin in the game that can advance the mining project..
Northern Graphite (NGPHF.PK)
Northern Graphite is by far the blue chip graphite investment in Canada. The company has a large, well-known deposit called the Bissett Creek project. Below I summarize the key highlights of the company and its asset.
Key Highlights
- Right Quality Graphite: The graphite at Bissett Creek has proven to be large-flake graphite capable of producing graphene and spherical graphite. This is the rarest and highest priced product that is necessary to meet stringent manufacturing requirements in the fast growing segments of the market.
- Strong Partnerships: Leading developers have been signing up to secure partnerships with NGC. This includes a recently announced deal with Panacis, a global leader in high performance Lithium Polymer battery-based energy storage systems and supplier to the military, telecom, medical and renewable energy markets. NGC has also formed a partnership with Grafen Chemicals for graphene research and will retain a 50% interest in the North American patent rights to any products or processes developed by Grafen
- Low Project Risk: The project is low risk because it is in Canada, the graphite is close to a major highway, above ground, conventional mining, and has all the necessary infrastructure available.
- Advanced Timetable: NGC is the most advanced junior mining company in the graphite market having started the project well ahead of others. They are already at the stage of receiving a Bankable Feasibility Study. Once received, they will be in a strong position to attract an off-take agreement with a strategic partner and receive bank debt financing.
- Attractive Economics: The capital costs necessary to bring the mine into production are low by mining standards at around $85m. With a 40 year mine life, 20,000 tons per year of production and current graphite prices, it's entirely possible for NGC to generate $30m per year of cash flow.
- Tight Capital Structure: The company has only 52m fully diluted shares outstanding and has a judiciously raised capital to advance its project. The company recently raised $10.5m at $1.70/share with billionaire Eric Sprott participating. Instead of the stock price going down on announcement, the stock has risen sharply. Depending on the exact outcome of the BFS, there are scenarios where the company may never have to issue another single share.
- Proven Management Team: The company is run by experienced operators in the mining business and has executives with actual experience in the graphite market, and mine development.
It's easy to see why NGC has garnered so much attention from the business and investment community recently. Given the mine current economics, it's entirely possible the NGC's shares can easily double from here to over $6/share. To arrive at this figure, I conduct an NPV analysis with $30m/yr of cash flow, 40 year mine life, and a 10% discount rate. Analysts estimates have been rising recently as the company has delivered successively positive news results that confirm the quality of its graphite. For example, Mackie Research recently upped their price target to $4.40 per share. As the project gets further de-risked with the release of the BFS, and announcement of an off-take agreement, the price targets will continue to rise toward my full valuation.
There are other useful things potential shareholders might want to review as part of their due diligence. For example, the video entitled "The Miracle Material: Graphene" highlights NGC as the one company sitting on billions of dollars of graphite capable of supplying the high growth market for graphene. At the end of the video, there is a partial interview with NGC's CEO.
BNN, the premier business new network in Canada, also recently hosted NGC's CEO last month in an interview. This was a pleasant surprise to see a company with under a $100m market cap to appear on their national TV.
Quelle: http://seekingalpha.com/article/...e-investment-boom-is-just-starting
Hatte gestern noch Kontakt zum CEO von Northern Graphite: Es läuft wirklich alles nach Plan!
Sie planen u.a. bereits innerhalb der nächsten 3 Monate mit der Konstruktions-finanzierung. Das nenne ich mal eine richtige Ansage, sie benötigen final schließlich zwischen 70-80 Millionen USD (nach aktuellen Info). Evtl. führen sie diese Finanzierung in 2 Tranchen durch, lassen wir uns überraschen..
Das kommt auf den anvisierten Kurs des kommenden Bought-Deals an. Da sie bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt sehr gutes Kapitalmanagement bewiesen haben und stets die Verwässerung schonen konten, werden sie meines Erachtens auch diesmal dasselbe wieder anstreben. Das heißt, sie werden vermutlich versuchen, eine Finanziering zwischen 3-4 CAD auszuhandeln..
Was für alle klasse wäre, wäre eine Privatplatzierung! Ich meine, die Aussichten von NGC sind doch so gut, dass man private Investoren ins Boot holen könnte. Eine Verwässerung könnte man somit umgehen.