Citigroup - Mylan "buy"

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:35
Eröffnet am:01.04.08 08:51von: buranAnzahl Beiträge:463
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 01:35von: Monikacwpm.Leser gesamt:79.147
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246516 Postings, 6897 Tage burankling klang klong

17.07.12 19:30
es rappelt im Karton bongggggggg ::::: 3.041.388 shares Nasdaq rt

Gruss B.  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage burandanke

18.07.12 07:25
Gute Arbeit geleistet aber mit Bravour mal wieder auf's Parkett eine Shanearbeit habt Ihr hingelegt.Buran ist stolz auf Euch.Und Mylan wird weiter gepusht so wie eh und jeh.Sehr schön mit an zu sein und dabei zu sein.Danke.

und noch einen Dankeslink  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranMylan is a global pharmaceutical company

18.07.12 12:26
committed to setting new standards in health care. Working together around the world to provide 7 billion people access to high quality medicine, we innovate to satisfy unmet needs; make reliability and service a habit, do what's right, not what's easy and impact the future through passionate global leadership. We offer a growing portfolio of more than 1,100 generic pharmaceuticals and several brand medications. In addition, we offer a wide range of antiretroviral therapies, upon which approximately one-third of HIV/AIDS patients in developing countries depend. We also operate one of the largest active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers and currently market products in approximately 150 countries and territories. Our workforce of more than 18,000 people is dedicated to improving the customer experience and increasing pharmaceutical access to consumers around the world. But don't take our word for it. See for yourself. See inside. mylan.com  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranhier noch mal fix die Konditionen

20.07.12 13:23
Tradegate 500 18,36 €

          §18,60 € 500 1,31% 13:20:57

Stuttgart 1.090 18,36 €

          §18,58 € 1.000 1,20% 13:01:52

Berlin 500 18,37 €

          §18,61 € 500 1,31% 13:00:37

Frankfurt 1.091 18,346 €

          §18,614 € 1.075 1,46% 13:06:43

Düsseldorf 0 18,345 €

          §18,615 € 0 1,47% 13:02:42

München 200 18,345 €

          §18,615 € 200 1,47% 13:02:39

Nasdaq 600 22,43 $

          §24,00 $ 400 7,00% 10:02:01  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranachso...#104

20.07.12 18:57
kleiner Anhang der natürlich nicht fehlen sollte: Aktienanzahl 426,7 Mio.,Gruss Buran  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranBarclays

25.07.12 13:04
Mylan-Aktie: "overweight"

09:26 25.07.12

London ( - Douglas D. Tsao und Ann Trimble, Analysten von Barclays Capital, stufen die Aktie von Mylan (Mylan Aktie) weiterhin mit dem Rating "overweight" ein. Das Kursziel werde unverändert bei 26 USD gesehen. (Analyse vom 24.07.2012) (25.07.2012/ac/a/a)

Offenlegung von möglichen Interessenskonflikten: Mögliche Interessenskonflikte können Sie auf der Site des Erstellers/ der Quelle der Analyse einsehen.
Quelle: Aktiencheck  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranFrankfurt

30.07.12 12:42
bietet derzeit +2,27% RT an,und die Reise geht weiter lustig und gar heiter :-)  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranhuhuhuhahaha meine Mylan ;-)))

31.07.12 17:25
immer wieder nur schön und schön hübsch anzusehen  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranhier nochmal schön zu sehen

01.08.12 16:21
der enorme Druck welcher jetzt bei Mylan herrscht
folgend die letzten 4 Handelstage,sehr gut zuerkennen
wie ein Vulkan der bläht und kurz vor dem Ausbruch steht

  31.07.12     23,34     23,43§23,00 23,03 $ 4.943.739 113 M
  30.07.12     23,20     23,42§23,15 23,34 $ 4.707.511 109 M
  27.07.12     22,97     23,40§22,93 23,265 $ 9.562.612 222 M
  26.07.12     22,45     23,00§22,16 22,75 $ 10.765.108 232 M  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage burannormalerweise

03.08.12 06:20
könnte man sich das Texten bei Mylan sparen, also das Pushen - geht ganz von Zauberhand allein  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranKurs

03.08.12 06:22
über die Dreiundzwanziger Marke gedonnert #111 normalerweise was ist denn schon normal - das Begehren ist doch wichtig - nicht einfach links liegen lassen denn dann bekäme man eventuell Komplexe,Geld verdienen ohne etwas dafür zu tun ziert sich doch nicht ;-) news  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranGeld ist schön

03.08.12 16:20
realtime: +1,93% bin gespannt auf's kommende update *freu*....Taxe 3-4%  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranwer möchte

06.08.12 12:46

246516 Postings, 6897 Tage burandas gibt fett Tinte aufen Füller::::::

14.08.12 18:27

246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranhier mal eben die Steuereinheit für heute

21.08.12 14:11
Düsseldorf 19,20  € +0,89%
          §19,03 € 0 0 19,20 -  19,20 08:06:24

München 19,19  € +0,49%
          §19,095 € 0 0 19,19 -  19,19 08:04:25

Stuttgart 19,20  € G +0,86%
          §19,035 € 0 0 19,20 -  19,20 08:01:45

Berlin 19,20  € +0,89%
          §19,03 € 0 0 19,20 -  19,20 08:08:37

Frankfurt und Tradegate leider nichts anzubieten,aber die Nasdaq wird offen werden/Gruss buran  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranmeine Mylan,da muss man nix mehr zu sagen

22.08.12 16:28
besser "brauch" man nix mehr drüber zu sagen.....bedient Euch,Gruss buran  


6447 Postings, 4519 Tage TrinkfixDanke Buran, hat lange gedauert, aber jetzt bin

03.09.12 09:26
ich auch optimistisch ..!

Mylan - Das große Bild ist bullisch
von André Rain
Freitag 31.08.2012, 21:33 Uhr Download -
+ Mylan Inc. - Kürzel: MYL - ISIN: US6285301072

Börse: Nasdaq in USD / Kursstand: 23,60 $,a2911753,b2.html  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage burannews

05.09.12 13:23
Mylan Selected as a Leading ARV Supplier to India's National AIDS Control Organization

13:35 04.09.12

PR Newswire

HYDERABAD, India and PITTSBURGH, Sept. 4, 2012

HYDERABAD, India and PITTSBURGH, Sept. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq: MYL) today announced that its India-based subsidiary Mylan Laboratories Limited has been selected as a leading supplier of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to India's National AIDS Control Organization (NACO). NACO is a division of India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and is responsible for overseeing HIV/AIDS control programs in India. NACO's objective is to halt and reverse the HIV/AIDS epidemic in India over the next five years through integrated programs for prevention, care and support and treatment. NACO manages 35 HIV Prevention and Control Societies, which implement NACO's programs at the State level and manage more than 350 ARV treatment centers.

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch commented, "Mylan's mission is to provide the world's 7 billion people access to high quality medicines, and helping to ensure access to high quality, affordable ARVs is a core part of this mission. Only through access to these vital medicines can we stem the tide of HIV/AIDS in India and around the world. We are honored that Mylan has been selected as a significant supplier to NACO and look forward to helping this critical organization achieve its mission."

Approximately one-third of HIV/AIDS patients in developing countries depend on a Mylan ARV product, and Mylan has recently entered the Indian commercial market, starting with a portfolio of ARV drugs. Mylan's wide range of ARV products includes active pharmaceutical ingredients and 43 first- and second-line finished doses, nine of which are pediatric products.

Mylan is a global pharmaceutical company committed to setting new standards in health care. Working together around the world to provide 7 billion people access to high quality medicine, we innovate to satisfy unmet needs; make reliability and service a habit, do what's right, not what's easy and impact the future through passionate global leadership. We offer a growing portfolio of more than 1,100 generic pharmaceuticals and several brand medications. We also operate one of the largest active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers and currently market products in approximately 150 countries and territories. Our workforce of more than 18,000 people is dedicated to improving the customer experience and increasing pharmaceutical access to consumers around the world. But don't take our word for it. See for yourself. See inside.

SOURCE Mylan Inc.
Quelle: PR Newswire  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buran630 Stücke über Frankfurt

06.09.12 14:48
und gerade news rein,Vorsicht heiss und fettig ;-)  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranwenn Du denkst dann denst Du doch nur

11.09.12 16:12
eine MYLAN kann das nicht,sieh in meine AUGEN und dann sieh in mein BERICHT:::

Canaccord Genuity - Mylan-Aktie: "hold"

11:12 11.09.12

Vancouver ( - Randall Stanicky und Dana Flanders, Analysten von Canaccord Genuity, bewerten die Mylan-Aktie (Mylan Aktie) mit dem Votum "hold". Das Kursziel werde bei 25,00 USD gesehen. (Analyse vom 10.09.2012) (11.09.2012/ac/a/a)

Offenlegung von möglichen Interessenskonflikten: Das Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen oder ein mit ihm verbundenes Unternehmen betreuen die analysierte Gesellschaft am Markt. Weitere mögliche Interessenskonflikte können Sie auf der Site des Erstellers/ der Quelle der Analyse einsehen.
Quelle: Aktienchec  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranich singe beim Ordern

11.09.12 16:20
das ist für mich Balsam für Seele und Depot,jeder hat so seine Macken hier ;-)

.        ..rt+0,31%  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranhier eben noch einmal das Wichtigste

13.09.12 16:34
Aktie & Unternehmen
  Herkunft USA          §
Indizes/Listen§NASDAQ 100, S&P 500
Aktienanzahl§426,7 Mio. (Stand: 31.12.11)
 Marktkap.§10.245 Mio. $
Gruss buran  


246516 Postings, 6897 Tage buranMylan

21.09.12 21:57
Mylan Launches Generic Version of Antivert® Tablets, 12.5 mg, 25 mg and 50 mg

13:35 21.09.12

PR Newswire

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 21, 2012

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 21, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq: MYL) today announced that its subsidiary Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. has received final approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for Meclizine Hydrochloride Tablets USP, 12.5 mg, 25 mg and 50 mg. This product is the generic version of Pfizer's Antivert®, which is indicated for the management of nausea and vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness.

Antivert® Tablets, 12.5 mg, 25 mg and 50 mg, had U.S. sales of approximately $53.5 million for the 12 months ending June 30, 2012, according to IMS Health. Mylan is shipping this product immediately.

Currently, Mylan has 169 ANDAs pending FDA approval representing $79.4 billion in annual sales, according to IMS Health. Thirty-four of these pending ANDAs are potential first-to-file opportunities, representing $22.4 billion in annual brand sales, for the 12 months ending June 30, 2012, according to IMS Health.

Mylan is a global pharmaceutical company committed to setting new standards in health care. Working together around the world to provide 7 billion people access to high quality medicine, we innovate to satisfy unmet needs; make reliability and service a habit, do what's right, not what's easy and impact the future through passionate global leadership. We offer a growing portfolio of more than 1,100 generic pharmaceuticals and several brand medications. In addition, we offer a wide range of antiretroviral therapies, upon which approximately one-third of HIV/AIDS patients in developing countries depend. We also operate one of the largest active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers and currently market products in approximately 150 countries and territories. Our workforce of more than 18,000 people is dedicated to improving the customer experience and increasing pharmaceutical access to consumers around the world. But don't take our word for it. See for yourself. See inside.

SOURCE Mylan Inc.
Quelle: PR Newswire  


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