Entweder 10000% oder Totalverlust
da ändert der zeiger an der uhr wohl nichts mehr heut.....
tja hab falsch gelegen, ich gebs zu aber es ist ganz schön viel los
im amiland, da kann keiner was dagegen sagen oder !!!
So long,
schaut mal in der seite www.stockmac.com, da ist die caly-aktie im focus,
dann weiß ich was morgen los ist, stockmac ist eine große börsenzeitschrift
in den USA, von wegen pleite, viel weniger geht sowieso nicht mehr calexa,
dann kauf dir mal schön weiter deine "sicheren" aktien, ha ha ha alle sind
auf die schnauze gefallen, und jetzt holen wir uns unser geld auf unsere weise
da kannst du miese stimmung machen wie du willst,
gruß steffen
Steffen hat bloß aus Versehen eine Komma am Ende eingefügt!
Der richtige Link lautet www.stockmac.com !
Gute Nacht!
die roulettekugel dreht & es gibt pair, impair oder eben zero!!!
1 Geld verdirbt den Carakter
2 weiß ich auch nicht was ich dann mit dem vielen geld machen soll.
gruß Grenke
es sind good news, gestern rausgekommen darüber läßt sich streiten, aber heute
hat ONCOR im Forum geschrieben das er heute welche kauft, warten wirs mal ab !!
Wie siehts aus wir machen dann eine Caly-Fete, und ich stell die Band, kleine
Schleichwerbung www.Livetime-music.de
Gruß Steffen
die amis starten heute mit 0,067 wer bittet mehr
windaxgo, du elender windhung, *ggg infineon interessiert hier keinen,
verstanden, sonst kauf ich noch ein paar und pushe die aktie auf 8,00 EUR
dann schaust du blöd aus der wäsche mit deinem put !!! nix für ungut
put put put
Da steht wollte hätte könnte möchte würde !!! Was sagt uns das ...genau ...einen Scheiß sagt uns das!!!Nur das die seber nicht ´wissen wieß weitergehen soll und wenns Krieg gibtgibts auch kein Geld vom Staat ,weil Bush dann nämlich keins mehr übrig hat und auch keine Puplizity braucht !!!
müll müll müll
mit müll läßt sich geld machen, kleiner, und schau mal
die neuesten news bei www.calypte.com sind doch nicht schlecht
schaut nach auftrag aus, und jetzt schaun wir mal ob die dicke sängerin
noch kommt bei dieser oper !!!
PathNet Laboratory to Offer Calypte Urine HIV Testing; Expands Urine Testing Access to Women's Health
ALAMEDA, Calif., Feb 19, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Calypte Biomedical Corporation (OTCBB:CALY), the developer and marketer of the only two FDA-approved HIV-1 antibody tests that can be used on urine samples, as well as an FDA-approved serum HIV-1 antibody Western Blot supplemental test, today announced that PathNet Esoteric Laboratory Institute has successfully completed the California licensing requirements to begin offering Calypte's non-invasive HIV-1 urine antibody test to clients.
PathNet specializes in pathology, cytopathology and amplified esoteric sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing for a number of providers of women's healthcare, such as family planning clinics, private practice ob/gyn's and gynecologic oncologists. PathNet will market Calypte's urine HIV-1 antibody test to PathNet's clients as an alternative test for HIV.
The latest CDC reports indicate that there are roughly 49,000 women living with HIV in the US at the end of 2001 and almost 77,000 living with AIDS. Women account for a growing proportion of new AIDS cases in the United States, rising from 7% in 1986 to 25% in 2000.
"PathNet has an excellent reputation for providing for women's health, and its marketing efforts will be a great asset as Calypte expands into the growing woman's HIV health arena," said Nancy Katz, president and CEO of Calypte. "Through sales and marketing programs, Calypte has generated interest in urine HIV testing among various community-based organizations and family planning clinics. With the addition of our HIV-1 urine test being offered by PathNet, many more organizations will be able to offer Calypte's urine HIV screening to their clients. In addition, Calypte and PathNet will work together to develop and implement outreach programs to notify PathNet's clients and other healthcare providers about the availability of Calypte's HIV-1 urine antibody testing through PathNet."
"PathNet is pleased to provide Calypte's urine HIV-1 test to our clients," said Alan Kaye, PathNet's president and CEO. "Urine is an excellent alternative for HIV testing that will further the ability to screen patients at risk for HIV. Calypte's FDA approved urine HIV-1 test has demonstrated in studies that more clients will voluntarily agree to be tested for HIV when urine is an option for testing."
About PathNet
PathNet Esoteric Laboratory Institute, a privately held Pathology and Esoteric specialty lab, is based in Van Nuys, Calif. PathNet provides pathology, cytopathology and sexually transmitted disease testing to women's clinics, family planning agencies, ob/gyn's and gynecologic oncologists nationwide.
About Calypte Biomedical
Calypte Biomedical Corporation, headquartered in Alameda, Calif., is a public healthcare company dedicated to the development and commercialization of urine-based diagnostic products and services for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), sexually transmitted diseases and other infectious diseases. Calypte's tests include the screening EIA and supplemental Western Blot tests, the only two FDA-approved HIV-1 antibody tests that can be used on urine samples, as well as an FDA-approved serum HIV-1 antibody Western Blot test. The company believes that accurate, non-invasive urine-based testing methods for HIV and other infectious diseases may make important contributions to public health by helping to foster an environment in which testing may be done safely, economically, and painlessly. Calypte markets its products in countries worldwide through international distributors and strategic partners. Current product labeling including specific product performance claims can be found at www.calypte.com.
Statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Such statements reflect management's current views, are based on certain assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results, events, or performance may differ materially from the above forward-looking statements due to a number of important factors, and will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, our ability to obtain additional financing and access funds from our existing financing arrangements that will allow us to continue our current and future operations and whether demand for our product and testing service in domestic and international markets will continue and expand. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with regard to these forward-looking statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events. Factors that may impact the Company's success are more fully disclosed in the Company's most recent public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including its annual report on Form 10-K/A (No.1) for the year ended December 31, 2001 and its subsequent filings with the SEC.
CONTACT: Calypte Biomedical Corporation
Pam South, 510/749-5100
Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates
Investor Relations:
Brendan Lahiff/Kirsten Chapman, 415/433-3777
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Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, Febuary 18, 2003 10:09 AM ET Printer-friendly version
CARSON CITY, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 18, 2003--StockMac.com focuses on Calypte Biomedical Corporation (OTCBB: CALY, news) in its newsletter. In last month's speech, President George W. Bush outlined a plan that was being submitted to Congress to devote $15 billion toward fighting AIDS via prevention, education, testing and treatment. In his State of the Union address, Bush asked Congress to provide the funding over a five year to provide AIDS drugs to 2 million people, help prevent 7 million new infections, and care for those infected with and the thousands of children orphaned by the deadly virus. An estimated 29 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV out of 42 million afflicted worldwide.
Calypte Biomedical, the developer and marketer of the only two FDA approved HIV-1 antibody tests that can used on urine samples, as well as an FDA approved serum HIV-1 antibody Western blot supplemental test, appears to be a safe alternative in testing for HIV without the need for invasive testing. The use of needles and its risks of accidental needle sticks and potential contamination alone is why a safe alternative makes common sense.
Calypte's Chairman Tony Cataldo was quoted in a February 3, 2003, press release stating, "Calypte is thrilled with the President's commitment to combat the global AIDS epidemic. We believe the President's agenda reinforces the need for a safe, inexpensive testing device, especially in global communities currently facing AIDS in epidemic proportions. Calypte is seeking to make inroads in several markets, including China and Africa. Recently, we announced our relationship with Safe Blood for Africa Foundation to market and distribute Calypte's urine-based HIV-1 antibody tests in sub-Saharan Africa as a blood donor pre-screening tool. By pre-screening blood donors with urine tests, the foundation can save money and resources, money which can be applied to expanding our coverage and services."
For further information and history of Calypte Biomedical Corporation, please visit our website at http://www.stockmac.com.
Disclaimer: StockMac.com is a property of Market Awareness Corporation ("MAC"). The information, opinions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable but no representation, expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is a paid advertisement and is for information purposes only and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. MAC has been compensated $2500 from a third-party shareholder for preparation and distribution of this report and other advertising and consulting services. This constitutes a conflict of interest as to MAC's ability to remain objective in its communication regarding the subject company. Write or call MAC for detailed disclosure as required by Rule 17b and Section 15d of the Securities Act of 1933/1934. MAC is not an investment advisor and this report is not investment advice. This information is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities but is a paid advertisement. Information contained herein contains forward-looking statements and is subject to significant risks and uncertainties, which will affect the results. The opinions contained herein reflect our current judgment and are subject to change without notice. MAC and/or its affiliates, associates and employees from time to time may have either a long or short position in securities mentioned. Information contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of Market Awareness Corporation.
So long,
PS: Im Moment habe ich nichts gekauft, denn ich glaube nicht so Recht an eine große Ralley. Mein Limit bei der Allianz liegt noch immer bei 57,92. Außer Zapf und Bijou ist nix in meinem Depot.
trau mich aber noch nicht so richtig, aber glaube nicht das du sie für 58€ bekommst.
Na es sei denn im Irak knallst doch, dann könnten die Intraday locker auf das Niveu fallen, denke das du darauf spekulierst oder ?
Bei Bijou wäre ich vorsichtig, wir hatten mal Geschäftlich mit dem damaligen Konkurenzunternehem zu tun ( Bijou Catrin) glaub ich war der Name, die hatten auch über 250 Filialen und da ist nacher einiges aufgeflogen jede menge Scheinfirmen und so.
Da haben einige Lieferanten Haus und Hof verloren.
gruß grenke