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Wenn man meint, "schlimmer geht nimmer", dann ....
... liegt man bei OTI flasch.
Neue Kauforder Herbst 26.000 Oti bei 0,15
weg von deiner Prognose , Sir Charles.
Und schon ne Ahnung für den Winteranfang?
irgendwann müßte der Ausverkauf doch zu Ende gehn , nich wahr ?
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
OTIV 0.88 0.00
{"s" : "otiv","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""}
PARX France will manage the new EasyPark(TM) project. EasyPark(TM) is OTI's patented in-vehicle electronic parking meter. The EasyPark(TM) business model is one in which revenues are generated from product sales, transaction fees and customer support. Last year OTI acquired ID Parking, an electronic parking solution provider in approximately 40 municipalities in France. The acquisition enables OTI to leverage the platform to access the French electronic parking payment market and offer multiple solutions for parking payment.
"We are looking forward to the implementation of EasyPark(TM) in the first municipality in France. Our strategy of expanding EasyPark(TM) globally through local channels has been successful in Italy and Bermuda and we continue to work on additional locations," said Oded Bashan, OTI's Chairman and CEO. "The fact that EasyPark(TM) is an easy-to-use, cost effective solution that requires minimum infrastructure investment makes it an attractive parking payment tool for municipalities for on-street parking and parking lots worldwide."
Mr. Bashan continued: "The product's business model that enables OTI to generate revenues from transaction fees and maintenance and support on top of the product sale coincides with OTI's strategy to increase its ongoing recurring revenues."
Using Piaf 2 the driver pays only for the actual parked time. To activate Piaf 2 the driver turns on the contactless unit and places it in the car window. Upon returning, the driver turns the device off. This creates a uniquely convenient user experience by eliminating the need for cash, change, and saving the time looking for parking meters. Piaf 2 can be used for both on-street parking payments and for parking lots. Piaf 2 provides detailed reports to the municipality in order to better manage and monitor parking patterns across town. The parking system is able to support multiple rates, cities, tariffs in a modular, scalable and easy to implement way.
kam heute Morgen auch über die Nachrichten im Radio:
Frankfurter Flughafen
Polizei testet automatisierte Grenzkontrolle
Schneller über die Grenze: Mit dem Pilotprojekt "EasyPass" prüft die Bundespolizei eine Passkontrolle per Scanner und Kamera. Auf dem Frankfurter Flughafen können Einreisende mit ePass eine sogenannte Grenzkontrollspur durchlaufen.
Frankfurt/Main - In den kommenden Monaten können Reisende am Frankfurter Flughafen bei der Grenzkontrolle ein neues Verfahren testen und möglicherweise schneller durch die Überprüfung kommen. Innenstaatssekretär August Hanning gab am Freitag auf dem größten deutschen Airport den Startschuss für das Pilotprojekt "EasyPass".
Dabei wird die Kontrolle nach Angaben der Bundespolizei in Teilen automatisiert und auf Basis des elektronischen Reisepasses (ePass) und des darin digital gespeicherten Bildes vorgenommen.
Insgesamt vier Kontrollpunkte wurden im Ankunftsbereich des Terminals 1, Flugsteig C unmittelbar vor den Kontrollschaltern aufgebaut. Auf freiwilliger Basis können Reisende ihren elektronischen Reisepass künftig auf einen bereitstehenden Scanner legen, der die Echtheitsmerkmale des ePasses prüft und anhand der Daten wie Passnummer, Name, Geburtsdatum oder Länderkennzeichen die gesetzlich vorgesehenen Fahndungsabfragen einleitet.
Wird der ePass als gültig erkannt, öffnet sich laut Bundespolizei die sogenannte Grenzkontrollspur und eine Kamera erfasst das Gesicht des Reisenden zum Vergleich mit dem zuvor aus dem ePass ausgelesenen digital gespeicherten Lichtbild. Nach erfolgreicher Überprüfung öffne sich dann die Ausgangstür und alle zuvor erzeugten Daten würden gelöscht. Beamte im dahinter liegenden Grenzkontrollschalter beaufsichtigen den Prozess und entscheiden anhand der Überprüfungsergebnisse, ob weitere Maßnahmen erforderlich sind.
Voraussetzung für die Nutzung des Systems ist ein gültiger, elektronischer Reisepass der Europäischen Union, der Staaten des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraumes oder der Schweiz. Außerdem muss der Nutzer mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Eine vorherige Registrierung zur Nutzung ist demnach nicht erforderlich. Reisende können selbst entscheiden, ob sie an dem Praxistext teilnehmen wollen.
Das Pilotprojekt läuft zunächst sechs Monate lang in Frankfurt. Die Bundespolizei erwartet davon eine Entlastung der konventionellen Grenzübertrittskontrollen zugunsten kürzerer Wartezeiten für Reisende. Staatssekretär Hanning erklärte laut Mitteilung: "Das Verfahren scheint auch vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Verbreitung elektronischer Reisepässe als besonders zukunftsträchtig und nützlich für die Reisenden."
Ich finde die Meldung zu diesem Projekt aber gut, weshalb ich sie hier rein gestellt habe. Dass das die Zukunft der Abfertigung ist, steht für mich ohne Zweifel. Wäre halt schön, wenn OTI ab und zu dabei wäre.
Press Release
Source: On Track Innovations Ltd.
On 8:30 am EDT, Tuesday October 20, 2009
* Initial Order for 4,000 Saturn 6500 Readers Received
* Commitment to Procure Further Larger Order Quantities in
Subsequent Project Phases
ISELIN, N.J., Oct. 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd, (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News) a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced DigiCore's decision to integrate OTI's Saturn 6500 contactless readers with its Fare Validators. The JSE-listed DigiCore Holdings specializes in the research, design, development, manufacturing, sales and support of technologically advanced GPS fleet management, vehicle tracking and EMV based fare management solutions. Digicore's decision to standardize on OTI's Saturn 6500 is strategically important in the context of developments in the local payment industry in South Africa.
OTI has received the first order to supply 4,000 smart card readers, together with a commitment to procure further larger order quantities in subsequent project phases.
In South Africa public transport by minibus taxi accounts for 65% of the transport total, 20% by bus and 15% by rail.
DigiCore's new Fare system, built on its highly successful C-track system, uses OTI's contactless reader, allowing passengers to receive a better, more convenient service and reduces cash handling by the driver. Reloadable, EMV compliant pre-paid cards will be issued to commuters to enable contactless transactions in accordance with the requirements of the contactless payment schemes of the Card Associations and the South African National Department of Transport (NDOT).
Deon du Rand, the Managing Director Technology for DigiCore, commented: "After evaluating various options, we selected OTI's Saturn 6500 contactless readers for our Tap-i-Fare fare management product range. This reader and the support from OTI allowed us to do the integration and demonstrate an end to end solution in record time."
Oded Bashan, Chairman & CEO, OTI, stated, "We are happy to see growth and expansion in the contactless payments market. The world trend for convenience in payment transactions, which reflects in the transition to contactless solutions, is supported by the major financial institutions. The transit payment market that relies today almost exclusively on cash can now enjoy the convenience and speed contactless payments can offer."
About OTI
Established in 1990, OTI (Nasdaq:OTIV - News) designs, develops and markets secure contactless microprocessor-based smart card technology to address the needs of a wide variety of markets. Applications developed by OTI include product solutions for petroleum payment systems, homeland security solutions, electronic passports and IDs, payments, mass transit ticketing, parking and loyalty programs. OTI has a global network of regional offices to market and support its products. The company was awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2005 and 2006 Company of the Year Award in the field of smart cards. For more information on OTI, visit www.otiglobal.com.
About DigiCore
DigiCore Holdings Ltd (www.digicore.com), is a global company listed on the South African (Johannesburg) Stock Exchange, with more than 24 years' experience developing and implementing end-to-end vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions. Its advanced C-track technology is fitted to almost 430,000 vehicles operating in 36 countries across 5 continents. Apart from a range of generic products, DigiCore works in partnership with its customers to develop solutions that deliver measurable business and operational benefits by providing total visibility and control of mobile assets and mobile work forces. DigiCore utilises a range of vehicle location, fleet management, satellite navigation and security tools, to provide commercial vehicle, van and car fleet operators with scalable solutions that offer flexibility, reliability and functionality. For more information on DigiCore, visit www.digicore.com.
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Whenever we use words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions, we are making forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on OTI's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties and actual results, performance or achievements of OTI could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. For example, forward-looking statements include statements regarding our goals, beliefs, future growth strategies, objectives, plans or current expectations such a those regarding the procurement of additional order quantities in subsequent project phases or those related to the potential market of our contactless payment products. Forward-looking statements could be impacted by the failure of Digicore to place larger order quantities with OTI for our contactless reader, the failure of Digicore to use OTI contactless reader for its fare validators, our ability to execute production on orders, as well as the other risk factors discussed in OTI's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although OTI believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved. OTI disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.
Ansonsten bin ich nur noch entsetzt über den Kurs von OTI. Unser Kurs geht wohl linear mit den noch vorhandenen Barmitteln runter.
Initial Phase Includes 300 Units
* Press Release
* Source: On Track Innovations Ltd.
* On 9:55 am EDT, Wednesday October 28, 2009
Buzz up! 0
o Print
o On Track Innovations Ltd.
ISELIN, N.J., Oct. 28, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd, (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions, for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that its Chinese partner HuaDa-ZhiBao Electronic Systems Ltd received a notice of award for the supply of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) units for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) electronic passport program, geared towards China's MFA passport holders. The MFA issues passports to diplomats and entry visas to China. The new system will be installed in Chinese embassies around the world and border crossing points in China. The initial phase is to supply 300 units.
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change §
OTIV 0.82 -0.06§
Chart for On Track Innovations Ltd
{"s" : "otiv","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""}
China's MFA electronic passport is based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and ISO 14443 testing procedures. The award comes after successful rigorous testing for product performance including security, durability, communications, personalization and more.
HuaDa-ZhiBao is OTI's Chinese local partner for the MFA program and the parties have reached an overall profit sharing agreement. In this tender, OTI is responsible for supplying the contactless readers and in addition will receive part of the profits from the overall program deliverables.
Oded Bashan, Chairman & CEO of OTI, said: "We are honored to be a part of the Chinese MFA electronic passport program. The cooperation with Da-Zhi Bao has proven to be successful, professional and together positions us to provide best-in-class ID solutions to the Chinese government."
Mr. Bashan continued: "As we have indicated, in our view, the Chinese opportunity is comprised of a series of projects and initiatives which are governed by different governmental regulations and agencies. Each one of these initiatives is large, complex, sophisticated and involves the integration of multiple sub systems, and thus takes long time. In recent years OTI has been working with strong local partners in order to be able to establish local products which support the Chinese opportunity."
About OTI
Established in 1990, OTI (Nasdaq:OTIV - News) designs, develops and markets secure contactless microprocessor-based smart card technology to address the needs of a wide variety of markets. Applications developed by OTI include product solutions for petroleum payment systems, homeland security solutions, electronic passports and IDs, payments, mass transit ticketing, parking and loyalty programs. OTI has a global network of regional offices to market and support its products. The company was awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2005 and 2006 Company of the Year Award in the field of smart cards. For more information on OTI, visit www.otiglobal.com.
The On Track Innovations Ltd. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=5736
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Whenever we use words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions, we are making forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on OTI's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties and actual results, performance or achievements of OTI could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. For example, forward-looking statements include statements regarding our goals, beliefs, future growth strategies, objectives, plans or current expectations, such as those regarding additional orders in subsequent project phases, our ability to establish local products which support the Chinese opportunity or those related to the superiority of our electronic passport solutions or the potential market or revenues thereof. Forward-looking statements could be impacted by market acceptance of new and existing products and our ability to execute production on orders, as well as the other risk factors discussed in OTI's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although OTI believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved. OTI disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.
es gibt also wieder Hoffnung im Laden: Neben den vermehrten Meldungen zu neuen Projekten und Projektanläufen der letzten Zeit ist diese zu China für mich die Wichtigste in diesem Jahr. Folgende zwei Kernätze aus dieser News:
# In this tender, OTI is responsible for supplying the contactless readers and in addition will receive part of the profits from the overall program deliverables.
D.h. wir liefern nicht nur die Karten, sondern auch die umsatzträchtigen Lesegeräte.
# Each one of these initiatives is large, complex, sophisticated and involves the integration of multiple sub systems, and thus takes long time. In recent years OTI has been working with strong local partners in order to be able to establish local products which support the Chinese opportunity.
Will heißen: Habt geduld ("... and thus takes long time.")
Herzliche Grüße an alle, die dieses Martyrium aushalten.
ISELIN, N.J., Oct. 28, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd, (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions, for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that its Chinese partner HuaDa-ZhiBao Electronic Systems Ltd received a notice of award for the supply of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) units for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) electronic passport program, geared towards China's MFA passport holders. The MFA issues passports to diplomats and entry visas to China. The new system will be installed in Chinese embassies around the world and border crossing points in China. The initial phase is to supply 300 units.
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
OTIV 0.82 0.00
China's MFA electronic passport is based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and ISO 14443 testing procedures. The award comes after successful rigorous testing for product performance including security, durability, communications, personalization and more.
HuaDa-ZhiBao is OTI's Chinese local partner for the MFA program and the parties have reached an overall profit sharing agreement. In this tender, OTI is responsible for supplying the contactless readers and in addition will receive part of the profits from the overall program deliverables.
Oded Bashan, Chairman & CEO of OTI, said: "We are honored to be a part of the Chinese MFA electronic passport program. The cooperation with Da-Zhi Bao has proven to be successful, professional and together positions us to provide best-in-class ID solutions to the Chinese government."
Mr. Bashan continued: "As we have indicated, in our view, the Chinese opportunity is comprised of a series of projects and initiatives which are governed by different governmental regulations and agencies. Each one of these initiatives is large, complex, sophisticated and involves the integration of multiple sub systems, and thus takes long time. In recent years OTI has been working with strong local partners in order to be able to establish local products which support the Chinese opportunity."
HuaDa-ZhiBao and OTI have reached an overall profit sharing agreement in addition to product revenues.
d.H. für die eine Million Pässe gibts unbestimmte (geiteilte) fees
also für mich zumindest völlig undurchschaubar, wieviel OTI an dem Project jetzt verdient??
ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 2, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd, (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions, for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that its Chinese partner HuaDa-ZhiBao Electronic Systems Ltd is part of the winning bid to supply the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' (MFA) electronic passport booklet, and will be responsible for the supply of Integrated Circuit (IC) modules to be used in such. HuaDa-ZhiBao is OTI's Chinese local partner, providing a local Chinese product for the MFA program. HuaDa-ZhiBao and OTI have reached an overall profit sharing agreement in addition to product revenues.. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues passports to diplomats and entry visas to China. The MFA issues about one (1) million passports annually. This award is in addition to the inspection equipment award reported last week.
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
OTIV 0.9180 +0.0380
China's MFA electronic passport is based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and ISO 14443 standards. Earlier this year, HuaDa-ZhiBao and OTI delivered initial quantities for this program, which successfully passed rigorous testing for product performance including security, durability, communications, personalization and more. The MFA is planning to start issuing electronic passport in 2010.
Oded Bashan, Chairman & CEO of OTI, said: "We are honored to be a part of the Chinese MFA electronic passport program. The cooperation with HuaDa-ZhiBao has proven to be successful, professional and positions us to provide best-in-class ID solutions to the Chinese government."
Mr. Bashan continued: "As we have indicated, in our view, the Chinese opportunity is comprised of a series of projects and initiatives which are governed by different governmental regulations and agencies. Each one of these initiatives is large, complex, sophisticated and involves the integration of multiple sub systems, and thus takes long time. In recent years OTI has been working with strong local partners in order to be able to establish local products which support the Chinese opportunity."
ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 4, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that its subsidiary in Poland, ASEC S.A. ("ASEC"), will provide the Transport Department of the City of Warsaw with 700,000 public transportation and street parking contactless e-tickets. Warsaw residents use OTI's contactless cards for bus, tram, and metro rides, as well as for street parking. The contract award deliveries are expected to start this year. This is an additional award, bringing the total number of cards supplied for this program to 2.7 million.
As previously announced ASEC also serves as an e-ticketing operator for Warsaw City Card system and provides a sales network system, infrastructure, distribution service and maintenance for loading of transportation electronic cards around the city. Direct revenues are generated from transaction fees
SMARTRAC Acquires OTI's and MCT's Inlay Manufacturing Assets and Both Parties Signed a Long Term Supply Agreement
Press Release
Source: On Track Innovations Ltd.
On 12:05 am EST, Friday November 6, 2009
* SMARTRAC acquires the assets of OTI's subsidiary MCT and the
machinery and inlay production IP from OTI for EUR 8.5 Million
(approx. $12.5 Million) in an asset deal
* The Parties signed a supply agreement that will fully secure
delivery for OTI's products and projects
* SMARTRAC becomes OTI's exclusive supplier for wire-embedded and
Dual Interface Inlays
* The Parties agreed to settle all open patent disputes
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands and ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 6, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SMARTRAC N.V. (FSE XETRA:SM7), a leading manufacturer and supplier of RFID transponders, and On Track Innovations Ltd, (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that they have signed binding agreements by which SMARTRAC acquires the assets of OTI's subsidiary Millennium Card's Technology Ltd. (MCT) and the machinery and inlay production intellectual property from OTI for EUR 8.5 million (approx. $12.5 million) in an asset deal. The Parties signed a supply agreement that will fully secure OTI's delivery of products and projects and SMARTRAC becomes OTI's exclusive supplier for wire-embedded and Dual Interface Inlays.
In addition, both parties will mutually accept and respect each other's patents especially in the field of Wire-Embedding and Dual Interface technology. As part of the agreements, all patent litigations and in particular all patent infringement legal proceedings between SMARTRAC and OTI have been ceased.
These agreements will strengthen SMARTRAC's leadership position in the global RFID inlay market by offering an even wider range of products by adding OTI's production and machinery to its manufacturing capacity. For OTI, the agreements are another step in its strategy to focus on complete end-to-end solutions. The sale of assets will improve OTI's cash flow position and significantly reduce its operating expenses. With access to SMARTRAC's patented technology and high secure production network, OTI strengthens its ability to support its existing and future secured ID projects and enjoys the known high volume production capacity that SMARTRAC provides.
According to the asset agreements, SMARTRAC acquires certain machinery and production intellectual property (IP) from OTI and MCT. SMARTRAC will pay an aggregate amount of EUR 8.5 million to be paid in multiple installments, whereof EUR 5 million will be paid before yearend and the balance will be paid in eight (8) equal quarterly installments starting the first quarter of 2010. As a result, OTI will cease to produce inlays, and SMARTRAC will become OTI's exclusive supplier for wire embedded and Dual Interface inlays. According to the agreement, OTI will be able to continue to fulfill its existing obligations and existing orders at the MCT site.
The parties have also signed a supply agreement by which OTI will get defined lead times, production allocation and pricing of SMARTRAC products. The supply agreement ensures OTI's ability to continue and support their customers with SMARTRAC's unique manufacturing technology and increased capacity.
Dr. Christian Fischer, Chairman & CEO of SMARTRAC said: "With this agreement we will further strengthen our worldwide market position and extend our global production capacity. At the same time we eliminate uncertainty for our worldwide customer base in the market."
Oded Bashan, Chairman & CEO of OTI said: "This transaction is in line with our focus to offer end-to-end solutions which ultimately yield high margin and recurring revenues. The sale will significantly reduce OTI's operating expenses and improve our cash flow position."
Mr. Bashan added: "SMARTRAC's production capacity and the supply agreement we have reached will enable OTI to continue and support our existing and future projects and products. We will be able to shorten the delivery time required while maintaining best-in-class product quality. As we have agreed with SMARTRAC, we will be able to continue and produce at MCT site to support existing orders and obligations."
SMARTRAC intends to finance the transaction by the company's existing syndicated credit facility or a capital increase by issuing new shares within the authorized capital stock. OTI expects improved cash flow position and significant reduction in its operating expenses as a result of this transaction.
SMARTRAC is a leading manufacturer and supplier of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) components for a broad bandwidth of applications in all current frequency standards. The company produces ready-made as well as customized transponders for public transport, access control, animal identification, industry and logistics.
SMARTRAC is the global leader in high-quality RFID inlays for passports with integrated, contactless chips (ePassports), contactless credit cards (ePayment) as well as for RFID transponders for public transportation applications and car immobilizers. SMARTRAC was founded in 2000 and since going public in July 2006 has been trading as a stock corporation under Dutch law with its registered headquarters in Amsterdam. The company currently employs some 2,600 employees and maintains a global research and development, production and sales network.
About OTI
Established in 1990, OTI (Nasdaq:OTIV - News) designs, develops and markets secure contactless microprocessor-based smart card technology to address the needs of a wide variety of markets. Applications developed by OTI include product solutions for petroleum payment systems, homeland security solutions, electronic passports and IDs, payments, mass transit ticketing, parking and loyalty programs. OTI has a global network of regional offices to market and support its products. The company was awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2005 and 2006 Company of the Year Award in the field of smart cards. For more information on OTI, visit www.otiglobal.com.
The On Track Innovations Ltd. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=5736
About MCT
Established in 2006, Millennium Card's Technology Ltd. is a subsidiary of On Track Innovation Ltd. (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), superiorly develops, designs and manufactures smartcards and machinery for the production of smartcards and SIM cards, serving both the domestic and international markets. MCT brings a fresh and innovative approach to production and manufacturing services, acting as one-stop shop for clients varied needs.
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Whenever we use words such as "will," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions, we are making forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on OTI's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties and actual results, performance or achievements of OTI could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. For example, forward-looking statements include statements regarding our goals, beliefs, future strategies, objectives, plans or current expectations, such as those regarding the expected strategy, improvement in our cash flow position, reduction in operation expenses, increase in our ability to support projects and clients and our access to high volume production capacity. Forward-looking statements could be impacted by market acceptance of and demand for new and existing products and our ability to supply and deliver orders in cooperation with SMARTRAC, as well as the other risk factors discussed in OTI's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although OTI believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved. Except as otherwise required by law, OTI disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.
Forward-looking statements:
To the extent that this press release contains forward-looking statements, such statements are based on assumptions, planning, and forecasts at the time of publication of this press release. Forward-looking statements always involve uncertainties. Business and economic risks and developments, the conduct of competitors, political decisions, and other factors may cause the actual results to be materially different from the assumptions, planning, and forecasts at the time of publication of this press release. Therefore, SMARTRAC N.V. does not assume any responsibility relating to forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Furthermore, SMARTRAC N.V. does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.
SMARTRAC N.V.Tanja Moehler, Head of Corporate Communications +31 20 30 50 157 tanja.moehler@smartrac-group.comInvestor Relations:Andreas Schwarzwaelder, Head of Investor Relations +31 20 30 50 156 andreas.schwarzwaelder@smartrac-group.comOTIGalit Mendelson, Vice President of Corporate Relations201 944 5200 ext. 111galit@otiglobal.comMS-IR LLCOTI Investor Relations:Miri Segal917-607-8654msegal@ms-ir.com
Zweck: Unteranderem, Vertragsverlängerung 5 Jahre bis August 2014 für Ohad Bashan zu gleichen Bedingungen seines bestehendem Arbeitsvertrages, sowie Gewährung von Optionen zum Kauf von bis zu 500.000 Stammaktien die während des Beschäftigungs Zeitraumes übertragen werden zu einem Preis von 0,98 US$.
Tuesday November 24, 2009 10:00:38 EST
ISELIN, N.J., Nov 24, 2009 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) --
On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments and other applications, today announced that Yapi Kredi of Turkey has placed an additional order to expand its MasterCard PayPass contactless payment program, bringing the total number of readers to be delivered to Yapi Kredi this year to 2,500 of OTI's Saturn 6000 contactless readers. Yapi Kredi is Turkey's first privately-owned bank with a nationwide presence and the fourth largest private bank.
OTI's Saturn 6000 reader is stylishly designed, available in multiple colors with a large LCD display, allows for configurable images, and programmable lines of characters in multiple languages. Its plug-and-play design and small footprint allows for easy installation and multiple configurations -- the reader can be placed on a countertop, be wall-mounted or lie flat. The Saturn 6000 reader supports major financial contactless programs including ISO 14443 Payment Implementation (EMVCo), MasterCard PayPass Mag Stripe and M/Chip (EMV), Visa PayWave MSD and qVSDC (EMV), American Express ExpressPay, Discover Zip, MIFARE, NFC and other proprietary systems.
Oded Bashan, Chairman and CEO of OTI, commented: "OTI is the leading provider of contactless payment solutions in Turkey. We are proud to provide support to Turkey's innovative banking industry with OTI's contactless key fobs, cards, readers, smart stickers and additional innovative products."
Press Release:
Source: On Track Innovations Ltd.
On 9:25 am EST, Monday November 30, 2009
ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 30, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTI) (Nasdaq:OTIV - News), a global leader in contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions for homeland security, payments, petroleum payments, eID Systems and other applications, announced today that it has signed a contract for the supply, transfer, maintenance and operation of an electronic identification related product based on OTI's Magna(TM) platform. OTI has teamed up with a reputable system integrator that will be responsible for project management and local operation in the country. The contract provides for an initial three-year period and minimum guaranteed amount of $17 million, starting in 2010. The project is funded based on a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model.
As part of the contract, OTI will supply its end-to-end solution, based on its proprietary state-of-the-art ID Registry Magna(TM) platform. OTI's system, which will be deployed nationwide, provides advanced software for ID management, bundled with secure biometric contactless cards. OTI will also provide mobile enrollment stations, and will incorporate a biometric Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
OTI's solution supports both online and offline communication, thereby allowing every citizen, from cities to rural areas to register, regardless of the area's communication infrastructure. The solution is designed to provide maximum accuracy and security while being user friendly.
Oded Bashan, Chairman and CEO of OTI, stated, "This project is in line with OTI's strategy to focus on solutions and projects that yield recurring revenues. OTI's Magna(TM) system demonstrates our breadth of secured ID solutions. OTI's end-to-end Magna(TM) based solution, complemented by the company's knowledge and experience, allows countries to access a quick and cost effective path to implement secured identification and verification needs, regardless of the country's size and telecommunication infrastructure."
About OTI
Established in 1990, OTI (Nasdaq:OTIV - News) designs, develops and markets secure contactless microprocessor-based smart card technology to address the needs of a wide variety of markets. Applications developed by OTI include product solutions for petroleum payment systems, homeland security solutions, electronic passports and IDs, payments, mass transit ticketing, parking and loyalty programs. OTI has a global network of regional offices to market and support its products. The company was awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2005 and 2006 Company of the Year Award in the field of smart cards.
For more information on OTI, visit www.otiglobal.com, the content of which is not part of this press release.
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Whenever we use words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions, we are making forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on OTI's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties and actual results, performance or achievements of OTI could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. For example, forward-looking statements include statements regarding our goals, beliefs, future growth strategies, objectives, plans or current expectations, such as those regarding the expected income to be generated from the contract to provide solutions and systems for electronic identification related product, our strategy to focus on solutions and projects that yield recurring revenues or regarding the superiority of our technology and solutions. Forward-looking statements could be impacted by market acceptance of new and existing products and our ability to execute production on orders, as well as the other risk factors discussed in OTI's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although OTI believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved. Except as otherwise required by law, OTI disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.
On Track Innovations Ltd.Galit Mendelson, Vice President of Corporate Relations 201 944 5200 201 944 5200 ext. 111galit@otiglobal.comMS-IR LLCInvestor Relations:Miri Segal 917-607-8654 917-607-8654msegal@ms-ir.com