Cord Blood Amer Inc. (WKN: A0EAGC / CBAI) / OTCBB
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+0.0007 (14.29%)
Delayed: 3:35PM EDT Open: 0.00 Mkt Cap: 6.26M P/E: - Dividend: -
High: 0.01 52Wk High: 0.03 F P/E: - Yield: -
Low: 0.00 52Wk Low: 0.00 Beta: -3.19 Shares: 1.12B
Volume: 54.63M Avg Vol: - EPS: -0.03 Inst. Own: 0%
There is uniformity in the belief that stem cells will play a key role in fighting disease as we move forward through this century. Some scientists are confident that stem cells will launch a new era in medicine, perhaps even curing some of our most intractable diseases. The umbilical cord which, at birth, traditionally has been thrown away, contains a rich store of stem cells. Cord Blood America, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiaries, CorCell Companies Inc., and Cord Partners, Inc., markets a service to preserve the umbilical cord blood in a patented process for future use exclusively by the donating family. The collection takes less than five minutes, is painless, easy and non-invasive. Cryogenically preserved umbilical cord stem cells have already been used to treat 75 major diseases, including leukemia, severe anemia, metabolic blood disorders and immune deficiencies. This list is guaranteed to grow as medical research learns more about the incredible healing power of stem cells.
Quelle + Volltext:
21.05.2009 14:07
Cord Blood America, Inc. Announces 2009 First Quarter Results / Company Reports Improved Operating Results, Strengthened Balance Sheet
SANTA MONICA, Calif., May 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, (News) Inc. (BULLETIN BOARD: CBAI), the umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation company ( focused on bringing the life saving potential of stem cells to families nationwide and internationally, announced today financial highlights for its 2009 first quarter for the period ended March 31, 2009.
Some of the highlights include:
-- Improved operating results. The Company reduced its loss from operations from $0.4 million in its 2008 first quarter to $0.3 million in the 2009 first quarter.
-- Increased gross margin. The Company increased gross margin from 45.0% in the 2008 first quarter to 52.5% in the 2009 first quarter due to a more favorable mix of business, including a significantly higher percentage of revenue coming from the sale of umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation services.
-- Strengthened balance sheet. Indebtedness under the Company's convertible debentures declined from $6.8 million one year ago to $5.6 million at the end of the 2009 first quarter. Current liabilities fell from $13.6 million to $12.4 million.
-- Strong growth in billings for Company's core business. Cord's billings in the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 was $1.2 million, compared to $1.0 million in the year earlier period as reflected in the Company's deferred revenue. Deferred revenue consists of payments for enrollment in the program and processing of umbilical cord blood by customers whose samples have not yet been collected, as well as the pro-rata share of annual storage fees for customers whose samples were stored during the year.
...(weiter siehe LINK)
Zahlen des Unternehmen vom 21.05.09 zeigen eine klare Verbesserung. Weiterhin wird die neue US-Regierung wahrscheinlich das "Verbot" der Stammzellenforschung aufheben. Sie bereits angekündigt, dafür große Summen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das hat e n o r m e positive Auswirkung auf die Geschäfte des Unternehmens. Sollte dies zutreffen wird der Aktienkurs explodieren!!
Die werden wir wohl niemals bei 1,x sehen. Trotzdem: 100k gebunkert und die sehe ich mir 2012 wieder an.
Cord Blood America Says Debt Reduced $4.194 Million in 2009
SANTA MONICA, Calif., May 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: CBAI), the umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation company ( ) focused on bringing the life saving potential of stem cells to families nationwide and internationally, said today that it has reduced its secured debt by a total of $4.194 million in the first five months of 2009.
"On April 6th, 2009, Cord Blood America announced it had decreased its debt by $1.75 million this year," said Matthew Schissler, Cord Blood America Founder and CEO. "Since that time, we have further reduced our secured debt by $1.627 million and have eliminated liquidated damages totaling $817,000."
"We have been very forthright with our investors. We have said there are three strong pillars needed to take CBAI to the next level. One is debt reduction, and today's announcement shows our achievement in that sector. The second is organic growth, and our deferred revenues for the first quarter were up 20 percent. The third pillar is acquisitions, and we recently announced Cord Blood America is in the process of building or buying a stem cell laboratory for increased acquisition capacity and higher gross margin," Mr. Schissler said.
"Our strategy for 2009 is in place and we stand by our ability to perform and to make all three pillars strong and sturdy. We urge our shareholders to follow our progress in these important sectors," Cord Blood America's founder said.
0,0049 $ +2,08% 0,0048 $ 200.000 20.472.112 0,0047 - 0,0049 21:40:34
Meine persönliche Meinung.
... mit unter über den Erwarteten Effekt des eigene Labors für Aktionäre und die Zukunft der Firma...
Übrigens wenn sich einer die letzte Quartalsbericht Phonekonferenz angehört hat, da wurde zumindest angedacht das CBAI Expansion in Europa plant. (Primär durch Aufkauf europ. Konkurrenten)
Obama fördert Stammzellenforschung in den USA
Washington (AFP) — US-Präsident Barack Obama hat eine Kehrtwende in der Stammzellenforschung seines Landes vollzogen. Die Forschung an embryonalen Stammzellen werde in den USA ab sofort wieder mit staatlichen Mitteln unterstützt und vorangetrieben, sagte Obama am Montag in Washington. Der Präsident machte die Bestimmungen seines Vorgängers George W. Bush rückgängig, die den Einsatz von Staatsgeldern stark eingeschränkt hatten.
In der Stammzellenforschung sollten die USA wieder an die Weltspitze rücken, sagte Obama. "Wir eröffnen heute eine neue Front in der Wissenschaft", kündigte er an. Zwar könne er nicht garantieren, ob diese Forschungsrichtung die Hoffnungen auf Durchbrüche bei der Heilung schwerer Krankheiten erfülle. "Ich kann aber versprechen, dass wir es versuchen werden - aktiv, verantwortungsbewusst, und mit der nötigen Dringlichkeit, um verlorenen Boden gutzumachen."
Quelle + Volltext:
11.06.2009 11:01
Cord Blood America Continuing European Expansion
SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, Inc. (BULLETIN BOARD: CBAI) , one of the largest umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation companies ( focused on bringing the life saving potential of stem cells to families nationwide and internationally, said today it has begun due diligence for sales operation expansion into the European Union, specifically Belgium and Italy.
Cord Blood America's international partner, a.bourkas Co., United, has had operations in Greece since 2006 and has established a sales operation in Germany.
"This is potentially a very profitable new frontier in the stem cell industry and we are pleased to be one of the leaders in this expansion and growth," said founder and CEO Matthew Schissler. "We started small in Europe, and believe now, for a number of fiscal reasons, would be a good time to look at expansion. The value of storing umbilical cord blood stem cells at birth is becoming well known worldwide."
CBAI: To Continue European Expansion into Belgium and Italy
Cord Blood America, Inc. (CBAI) has begun due diligence for sales operation expansion into the European Union, specifically Belgium and Italy.
Cord Blood America's international partner, a.bourkas Co., United, has had operations in Greece since 2006 and has established a sales operation in Germany.
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