TRIANGLE PETROLEUM CORP läuft doch prächtig

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 13:12
Eröffnet am:03.08.06 14:50von: penskiAnzahl Beiträge:225
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 13:12von: MartinaglauaLeser gesamt:89.732
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398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskikaum zu Glauben

22.03.07 20:20
dieses Auf und Ab bei Triangle. Eigentlich eine so richtige Aktie für Blödmänner, mich natürlich eingerechnet. War bisher eigentlich immer zuversichtlich, nach diesem erneuten Fall auf unter 1.70 diese Woche reicht es mir aber langsam.
Solange der Ölpreis nicht wieder bei 70 USD liegt geht hier gar nichts mehr höchstens ein paar Cents rauf und runter.
Sobald ich wieder ausgeglichen bin, das ist bei 1.92 EUROS, weg mit diesem Abfallprodukt.  

87 Postings, 6568 Tage bm2305Hat lange gedauert..

22.03.07 21:35
..aber inzwischen glaube auch ich nicht mehr daran... :-(  

87 Postings, 6568 Tage bm2305Penski...

30.03.07 15:36
..wartest du immer noch auf 1,92...?
Triangle erinnert mich immer mehr an Visualmed, zumindest vom Verlauf her,
wahrscheinlich verschwindet sie auch bald bei I.A. aus dem Musterdepot.. :-(  

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penski@bm2305 nein, ich warte nicht wirklich auf 1.92

30.03.07 17:54
vor meinem geistigen Auge und auch innerhalb meines Depots habe ich das Papier eigentlich abgeschrieben. Allerdings läuft die Zeit und der Ölpreis z.Z. für uns. Habe ja schon vor einigen Wochen kundgetan, dass ein gut geführtes Depot auch einen Triangle erträgt und das auch mit einem fetten Minus. Bleibe investiert und werfe die Aktie nicht einfach den Geiern zum Frasse hin.
Ich warte also noch und leiste mir diesen Luxus ganz einfach.  

7974 Postings, 6819 Tage louisanerThe Trend is your Friend.

03.04.07 15:45



und der geht ja nur noch abwärts. Kein Wunder bei einem Unternehmen das keine Grundlegenden Einahmequellen hat, bzw. Quellen sind ja evtl. vorhanden, aber sie sprudeln leider nicht.

Wenn hier nicht langsam mal Cash eingefahren wird, dann Gute Nacht.

Rein technisch würde ich vorerst die Finger von dem Titel lassen bis sich ein Rebound ankündigt, also nur mit Bestätigung und dann zeitig wieder raus - ist doch klar. Eine Unterstützung scheint mir bestenfalls bei 1,50 Euro zu liegen.

 Fundamental scheint das sowieso nicht (viel) zu taugen, aber die Hoffnung stirbt ja bekanntlich zuletzt. Lasse ich nur aus Neugier auf der Watchlist, weil immer so ein Geschrei  um den Titel gemacht wird, das ich Ihn nicht aus den Augen verlieren möchte. Den Trend des Langfristcharts kann sich ja jeder selber anschauen, bei mir passt er nicht auf den Desktop, weil er nämlich im Fußboden verschwindet.Manchmal muss man auch einfach die Augen aufmachen um zu sehen was passiert.Und sich nicht immer auf sog. Empfehlungen verlassen, sondern mal selber suchen. Hier habe ich leider nichts gefunden. Bodenbildung unbedingt abwarten und dann nochmal warten,                                      bis der Kurs LANGFRISTIG wieder anzieht - meinTip,

oder RICHTIGE News und natürlich CASHFLOW.

Das hier mal schnell 10 oder 15 Prozent nach oben  oder unten   drin sind ist auch klar,

aber wer nicht jeden Tag auf sein Depot schauen will der sollte......... .




566 Postings, 6787 Tage buckstarFörderungsbeginn - Habt Ihr die Meldung verpaßt?

05.04.07 12:16
Sonst wurde hier doch jede Meldung als sensationelle News gefeiert auch wenn es nur heiße Luft war. Und jetzt kommen tatsächlich mal Neuigkeiten, die eine Diskussion wert wären und keiner merkts. Hätte mich schon interessiert, wie die hier Investierten die Nachricht einschätzen.  

87 Postings, 6568 Tage bm2305Ich hab es gelesen....

05.04.07 14:43
aber vielleicht sind investierte vor Schreck/Glück wie erstarrt..

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskiauch ich habe den Artikel gelesen

05.04.07 16:06
die Aktie ist ja auch einige "Mü", sprich Cents nach oben geklettert. Es kommt mir vor wie der etwas abgedroschene Spruch von Pazifisten "es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin", oder noch besser, "wer einmal lügt dem glaubt man nicht".

Wünsche allen, mit oder ohne Triangle, ein schönes Osterfest.

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskiganz ganz vorsichtig norwärts

10.04.07 23:14
heute +4,55% in USA. Dort hängt das sicherlich nicht mit dem ebenfalls heute erschienen Bericht von Investor Alert (Amsterdam) zusammen, der ein neues Kursziel um die 6!!!! EUROS nennt. Wo das herkommt ist mir allerdings schleierhaft und für mich nicht nachvollziehbar.
Wäre froh wenn das Teil mal wieder auf 2.50 EUROS steigen würde, damit ich es mit einem blauen Auge umgehend loswerden könnte.  

87 Postings, 6568 Tage bm2305Dieses Kursziel von 6,80€...

11.04.07 09:01
hatte I.A. schon von Beginn an. Also seit sie
diese Aktie empfohlen haben (stand ja schon mal bei 5€..)
irgendwie wärmen sie diese Geschichte immer mal wieder auf...  

52 Postings, 6378 Tage andiR6,80

23.05.07 08:57
tut sich hier mal was Richtung 6,80 €?  

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskikönnen froh sein, dass

31.05.07 11:40
die 1.50 EUROS gehalten haben. Aber es ist noch keine nachhaltige Steigerung in Sicht. Zudem fällt der Ölpreis, was für Triangle noch nie ein gutes Omen war.
Mal sehen was die Aktie heute macht, bei allgemein steigenden Tendenzen.  

693 Postings, 6468 Tage calvinkleinholt doch grad ganz gut schwung

25.06.07 19:25

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskinicht so schlecht heute, +28% in USA

10.04.08 19:29
da können europäische Aktien heute vor Neid erblassen.
Mal sehen wie lange das anhält.  

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskibisher heute schon wieder + 20%

11.04.08 19:48
schlaft bloss nicht ein wegen dem jammern über Schrottaktien. Habe mit TPLM seit Montag schon 65% gemacht.  

1 Posting, 5838 Tage DenkertIch Sehe schwarz !

23.10.08 16:27

Man wie tiefen wollen sie denn noch fallen ?

Hat irgentwer Erkenntnisse?????


398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskiab heute neuer Name

05.12.08 13:05
wenn schon der Kurs laufend südwärts geht, wenigstens hier eine Änderung:

Triangle Petroleum to Commence Trading on TSX Venture Exchange

ob es damit besser wird?  

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09penski, kannst das nochmal so schreiben

09.12.08 14:51
wie ich den Namen eingeben kann und eventuell das Kuerzel dazu...Danke vielmals  

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskider 3. Q-Bericht kam gerade heute herein

11.12.08 16:15
habe aber den ganzen Text noch nicht studiert, nach einem schnellen Überblick habe ich das Gefühl es seien schlechtere Zahlen als auch schon, zudem wird immer noch Geld "verbrannt", das nur über Aktien reinkommt. Wie sehen das die Profis?

Triangle Petroleum Announces Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2009

December 11, 2008: 08:00 AM ET

Triangle Petroleum Corporation (the "Company" or "Triangle") (TSX VENTURE: TPE) (OTCBB: TPLM) today reported financial and operational results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ended January 31, 2009. Unless otherwise noted, all references to "$" are to U.S. dollars. All references to "Cndn$" are to Canadian dollars (Cndn$1.00=US$0.80).

Financial Summary

The Company's cash and cash equivalents totaled $17.3 million at October 31, 2008 compared to $23.5 million at July 2008. During the third quarter of fiscal 2008, cash used for exploration was $2.2 million mainly relating to drilling the first three wells in the second phase of the Windsor Basin project that began late in the second quarter of fiscal 2009, cash used in operating activities was $0.7 million mainly relating to general and administrative expense, and unrealized foreign exchange changes in cash was $2.8 million. Also subsequent to the quarter end, the Company sold a portion of its non-core Fayetteville Shale acreage for $0.3 million.

For the first nine months of fiscal 2009, the Company incurred a net loss of $16.2 million ($0.28 net loss per diluted share) compared with a net loss of $15.3 million ($0.44 net loss per diluted share) for the same nine month period in fiscal 2008. The net loss for the first nine months of fiscal 2009 includes an $8.0 million oil and gas impairment charge related to the Fayetteville land base ($8.5 million in the first nine months of fiscal 2008), $3.1 million in general and administrative expense ($5.3 million in the first nine months of fiscal 2008) and $2.4 million in foreign exchange losses ($0.6 million in the first nine months of fiscal 2008). Revenue for the nine months ended October 31, 2008 totaled $0.3 million compared with $0.4 million in the same nine month period ending October 31, 2007. The Company sold its interest in two Barnett Shale wells in the second quarter of this fiscal year which resulted in lower production and revenue.

During the third quarter of fiscal 2008, the Company incurred an $8.0 million oil and gas impairment charge related to its Fayetteville land base, which the Company decided to sell in March 2008 as a result of Triangle's shift in focus from US to Canada. This impairment is due to reduced interest in land sales and reduced gas prices at October 31, 2008 attributable to the slowdown in the economy. Furthermore, the Company incurred a $2.4 million unrealized foreign exchange loss in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. This loss is due to the Company holding the majority of its cash in Cndn dollars, to fund its Cndn dollar based Maritimes shale projects, and the Cndn dollar weakened during the quarter against the US dollar from US$0.98/Cndn dollar to US$0.83/Cndn dollar.

For the third quarter of fiscal 2009, the Company incurred a net loss of $12.0 million ($0.18 net loss per diluted share) compared to a net loss of $6.0 million ($0.16 net loss per diluted share) for the third quarter of fiscal 2008. The increase in the loss in the third quarter of fiscal 2009 was primarily due to the $8.0 million oil and gas property impairment charge related to the Fayetteville land base compared with a $4.6 million oil and gas property impairment charge in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. Also, higher unrealized foreign exchange losses of $2.4 million contributed to the increase in the loss. Stock-based compensation expense, a component of general and administrative expenses, decreased $0.8 million compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2008. Revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 totaled $0.1 million compared with $0.2 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2008.

Triangle recently announced that its common shares commenced trading on the TSX Venture Exchange on December 5, 2008 under the symbol "TPE". Triangle's shares will continue to trade in the United States on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol "TPLM". In connection with its application for listing on the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company filed a non-offering prospectus, which is available on SEDAR under the Company's profile.

Mark G. Gustafson, Triangle's Chairman, President and CEO, commented, "We are focusing our financial and human resources on our Maritimes shale gas project in Nova Scotia, our core area of operations. With our current cash position of $17 million, we are determined to move forward with our exploration program. We will continue to search for ways to enhance our financial position through appropriate fundings and continued discussions with potential joint venture partners."

Operations Summary

In July 2008, Triangle started the second stage of the Windsor Block shale gas exploration program to test the gas content and productivity of the Horton Bluff shales in various locations across the Windsor Block, and also to evaluate potential overlying conventional oil and gas reservoirs.

The first vertical exploration well in this program, N-14-A, spud in mid July 2008 and cased in August 2008. N-14-A is located approximately eight kilometers (five miles) north of Triangle's two 2007 vertical test wells. N-14-A was drilled to a depth of 2,600 meters (8,500 feet). Log, core, and lab analysis indicates a potentially gas-bearing Horton Bluff shale and sand interval, approximately 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) thick.

The second vertical exploration well, O-61-C, spud in August 2008, and was cased in October 2008. This well is located approximately 22 kilometers (14 miles) west of from N-14-A, in a separate fault block. Total depth drilled was 2,960 meters (9,700 feet). Logs indicate the presence of over 300 meters (1,000 feet) of shale within the Horton Bluff section as well as several potential tight sand intervals.

Triangle's third vertical exploration well, E-38-A, spud in late October 2008, and was cased in November 2008. The well is located in the Kennetcook area near N-14-A, but in a separate fault block. Total depth drilled was 1,700 meters (5,600 feet), and casing was run to 1,500 meters (4,900 feet). A shale section of approximately 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) is being evaluated for completion.

Completion operations commenced on the N-14-A well at the end of October 2008, with a four-stage perforation and fracture treatment taking place in early December 2008. The completion consisted of a four-stage frac treatment across a 100 meter (330 foot) interval, each stage consisting of approximately 50 tonnes (110,000 pounds) per stage.

Completion operations on the other two wells drilled in this program are being evaluated by the technical teams at Triangle and its partners. Operations will move forward on the basis of that technical evaluation, equipment availability, government approvals, and partner concurrence.

Conference Call Information

Triangle has scheduled a conference call to review third quarter fiscal 2009 results today at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. To participate in the conference call, callers in the United States and Canada can dial (866) 845-8624 and international callers can dial (706) 634-0487. The Conference I.D. for all callers is 77280030.

The call will be available for replay beginning two hours after the call is completed through midnight of December 15, 2008. For callers in the United States and Canada, the toll-free number for the replay is (800) 642-1687. For international callers the number is (706) 645-9291. The Conference I.D. for all callers to access the replay is 77280030.

About Triangle Petroleum Corporation

Triangle is an exploration company focused on emerging Canadian shale gas projects covering 584,000 gross acres in the Maritimes Basin in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick through Elmworth Energy Corporation, its Calgary based operating subsidiary. Triangle's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol TPE and on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol TPLM.

The financial statements referred to in this press release have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, which differ in certain material respects from Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The Company has not prepared, nor is it required to prepare, a reconciliation of its financial statements to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

Safe Harbor Statement. This news release includes statements about expected future events and/or results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this release include, but are not limited to, the amount of funds the Company may receive, the Company's proposed acquisition and development of properties, including drilling projects. It is important to note that actual outcomes and the Company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include the possibility that additional investments will not be made or that appropriate opportunities for development will not be available or will not be properly developed. For additional risk factors about our Company, readers should refer to risk disclosure contained in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and on SEDAR.

Triangle Petroleum Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(Expressed in U.S. dollars)
                              Three        Three         Nine         Nine
                             Months       Months       Months       Months
                              Ended        Ended        Ended        Ended
                         October 31,  October 31,  October 31,  October 31,
                               2008         2007         2008         2007
                                  $            $            $            $
Revenue, net of
royalties                    54,500      191,632      314,450      384,859
Operating Expenses
Oil and gas production       29,718      146,396       93,099      220,199
Depletion, depreciation
 and accretion               52,735      151,327      146,302      391,884
Depreciation - property
 and equipment               10,368        9,178       30,115       30,792
General and
 administrative             847,022    1,717,907    3,190,427    5,252,439
Impairment of oil and
 gas properties           8,000,000    4,604,726    8,000,000    8,496,129
Gain on sale of assets            -            -      (10,705)           -
Foreign exchange loss     2,429,433      467,707    2,454,022      627,454
                         11,369,276    7,097,241   13,903,260   15,018,897
Loss from Operations     (11,314,776)  (6,905,609) (13,588,810) (14,634,038)
Other Income (Expenses)
Accretion of discounts
on convertible
debentures                 (602,277)  (1,704,802)  (2,608,681)  (6,313,336)
Amortization of debt
issue costs                       -     (109,584)    (182,637)    (340,937)
Loss on debt
extinguishment                    -            -     (160,662)           -
Interest expense            (189,041)    (317,671)    (654,371)  (1,006,419)
Interest income              127,681      147,416      209,911      543,082
Unrealized gain on fair
value of derivatives              -    2,926,091      793,589    6,481,505
Total Other Income
(Expenses)                 (663,637)     941,450   (2,602,851)    (636,105)
Net Loss for the Period  (11,978,413)  (5,964,159) (16,191,661) (15,270,143)
Net Loss Per Share -
Basic and Diluted             (0.18)       (0.16)       (0.28)       (0.44)
Weighted Average Number
of Shares Outstanding
- Basic and Diluted      67,426,000   37,345,000   58,592,000   34,699,000
Triangle Petroleum Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(Expressed in U.S. dollars)
                                                 October 31,    January 31,
                                                       2008           2008
                                                          $              $
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                        17,278,404      4,581,589
Prepaid expenses                                    408,080        797,307
Other receivables                                   822,843      1,689,391
Total Current Assets                              18,509,327      7,068,287
Debt Issue Costs, net                                      -        465,833
Property and Equipment                                45,796         66,121
Oil and Gas Properties                            16,974,672     24,978,949
Total Assets                                      35,529,795     32,579,190
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable                                  2,505,971      3,533,833
Accrued interest on convertible debentures        2,106,163      2,751,096
Accrued liabilities                                 707,608        420,384
Derivative liabilities                                    -      3,262,846
Convertible debentures less unamortized
 discount of $1,435,650
 and $1,321,869, respectively                     8,564,350      4,778,271
Total Current Liabilities                         13,884,092     14,746,430
Asset Retirement Obligations                         852,935      1,003,353
Convertible Debentures, less unamortized
discount of $nil and $3,229,279,
respectively                                              -      6,770,721
Total Liabilities                                 14,737,027     22,520,504
Stockholders' Equity
Common Stock
Authorized: 100,000,000 shares, par value
Issued: 67,426,043 shares (2008 - 46,794,530
 shares)                                                674            468
Additional Paid-In Capital                        80,540,714     57,852,277
Warrants                                           4,237,100              -
Deficit                                          (63,985,720)   (47,794,059)
Total Stockholders' Equity                        20,792,768     10,058,686
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity        35,529,795     32,579,190

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Triangle Petroleum Corporation
Jason Krueger, CFA
Corporate Communications
(403) 374-1234

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09der letzte Satz hoert sich so nach

16.12.08 14:12
Geld brauchen an...      ..,wenn man wieder Land verkaufen muss...
Die hatten doch mal einen Bericht gebracht, dass sie soviel Gas gefunden haben...anschliessend ging der Kurs
wiedermal auf 1.25Dollar....ja und was is jetzt....wenn das Gas im Boden bleibt kommt sicher kein Gewinn...
Der Laden aergert mich langsam...egal wie sie heissen.
Von Fusion oder Uebernahme war auch schon mal die Rede , weil die anscheinend zuwenig Knete zum Foerdern haben....????  

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09+ 76 % heut...nach xxxx % -

01.12.09 18:39

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09good morning bohrer

09.02.10 13:41

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09+ 25.5 %....bald wieder 1 Dollar

07.04.10 07:33

8210 Postings, 5871 Tage thai09xetra plus 80 Prozent

08.04.10 03:24

398 Postings, 6650 Tage penskibin immer noch dabei

15.04.10 21:49
heute + 17%. Wenn das so weitergeht sind wir ende Monat auf 1 USD. Bin "nur" noch 35% im Minus, trotzdem zuversichtlich.....  

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